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Disusun untuk memenuhi tugas

Mata kuliah: Al islam dan kemuhammadiyaan

Dosen pengampu: Sayid Habiburrahman,S.Pd.,M.Pd

Farhany Aura Ifafah



Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat dan hidayah-Nya sehingga kami
dapat menyelesaikan tugas makalah yang berjudul JOB APPLICATION LETTER ini tepat pada

Adapun tujuan dari penulisan dari makalah ini adalah untuk memenuhi tugas dari miss sherly
maliasari S.pd.,M.pd pada mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, makalah ini juga bertujuan
untuk menambah wawasan tentang JOB APPLICATION LETTER bagi para pembaca dan juga bagi

Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada miss sherly maliasari S.pd.,M.pd, selaku dosen mata
kuliah Bahasa Inggris yang telah memberikan tugas ini sehingga dapat menambah pengetahuan
dan wawasan sesuai dengan mata kuliah yang kami tekuni.

Kami juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membagi sebagian
pengetahuannya sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini.

Saya menyadari, makalah yang saya tulis ini masih jauh dari kata sempurna. Oleh karena itu,
kritik dan saran yang membangun akan saya nantikan demi kesempurnaan makalah ini.

Lubuklinggau,22 September 2020

What is an application letter?

Also known as a cover letter, an application letter is a summary of your strongest and most relevant skills and abilities
that will be expanded in your resume or selection criteria. It introduces you to potential employers and highlights your
suitability for the position you are applying for.
All written applications should include an application letter. In many cases, your application letter is just as
important as your resume. It is unlikely that your resume will be read if your application letter doesn't make a
good first impression.

The Dos and Don'ts

An application letter should: An application letter should NOT:

 Be professional in appearance  Be generic

 Be tailored to the job under application
 Apologise for qualities,
 Be one A4 page in length 
qualifications or experience you don't
 Be addressed to a specific person (only
have - emphasise what you do
use  Dear Sir/Madam if you're unable to find
out the appropriate person's name)  Repeat exactly what is in the
 Include your reason for writing resume
 Demonstrate your interest in and knowledge
of the organisation  Be copied from resume
 Highlight relevant skills and experience you publications - employers do recognise
have to offer them! 
 Include evidence that you have the skills  Focus on what you expect to gain
sought after by the employer from the organisation - include what
 Refer to any documents you have enclosed the organisation will gain from you
in the application (e.g. resume)
 Express willingness for an interview  Include unsupported claims about
 Be written using enthusiastic and positive your skills
language  Have spelling mistakes and typos
 Include jargon / acronyms not clear
to the reader
 Be sent without proofreading it first

What to include
At the top  :

 Name and address of company / organisation you are applying to
 The date, eg. 26 September 2016
 A formal greeting using the appropriate title and name of the addressee, e.g. Dear Ms Smith,
NOT Dear Sarah. It is always best to address your letter to a specific person. If the name is not provided in
the job ad, phone the organisation and ask receptions for the name and title of the addressee. Use Mr/Ms if
you are unsure of the title, not Mrs/Miss. Use ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ only if you are unable to find out.
 A heading with reference to the job under application, e.g. Re: Application for [name of position],
reference number (if applicable)
At the bottom  :

 An appropriate 'sign-off', e.g. Yours faithfully,
 Your name and contact details (address, phone number(s), email address)
An application letter can be structured into 3 parts:
The beginning of your application letter should include:
 The position you are applying for
 Where you saw the job advertisement
 A sentence or 2 about why you think you are a great fit for the role and the organisation
The body of the application letter is where you 'sell yourself. It should address the key requirements stated in the job
ad, describing how you have the required qualifications, knowledge, skills and experience.
Identify keywords, phrases and skills mentioned in the ad and focus on emphasising your strengths in these areas. It
isn't necessary to include everything mentioned in the job ad. Instead, focus on three to five of the most important
Points to remember:

 Keep to one theme per paragraph and support your claims with examples.
 Write persuasively
 Explain why you are interested in the position or working for the company / organisation
 State the value you will bring to the position
 Identify how your achievements and skills qualify you for the role

At the end of the letter:
 Refer to any attached documentation, including your resume
Express interest in further discussing your application and the available position in an interview
 Indicate your availability for an interview and your contact details
Sign off with with 'Yours sincerely' (or 'Yours faithfully' if you addressed the application to Dear Sir/Madam)

Sample Cover Letter

Your name
Mailing address
Telephone number(s)
Email address
Today's date
Your addressee's name
Professional title
Organisation name
Mailing address
Dear Mr/Ms [last name],
RE: Application for [job role], reference number [number]
Start your application letter with a statement that establishes a connection with your reader. Briefly say what job you
are applying for and where you saw the job advertisement.
The mid-section of your application letter should include short paragraphs that make relevant points about how your
qualifications and skills make you a good fit for the position. You should not summarise your resume. You may
include bullet points here. Choose some qualifications, skills and experience that really target the position you are
applying for. Do not go overboard and save information for the interview.
Your concluding paragraph should instigate the reader to contact you for an interview. Refer to any attachments
added to your application. Show appreciation for consideration and say thank you.
Yours sincerely, 
Your name
(Include your contact details here if you do not add them at the top of the letter)

Further Support
Below are some useful links providing further support with:
 How to structure an application letter
 What content to include
They also include example cover letters. Please note, it is important to use examples as a guide only. DO
NOT copy the examples and use them as your own.

 What is a Cover Letter?

Useful advice and tips from

 Cover Letters - The Good and The Bad

A few simple tips from to help you get your cover letter noticed.

 Cover Letters - Monash University

More advice about format and content of a cover letter, as well as industry specific examples. .

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