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Modul Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris
“An Easy way to communicate in English’’

Pembelajaran Komunikatif
Bahasa Inggris
Bagi siswa-siswi SMP


Desainer Grafis dan Ilustrator:

Tim Desain Grafis

Peran guru dalam proses pembelajaran sangat penting sebagai kunci keberhasilan belajar
siswa. Hal tersebut menjadikan guru sebagai komponen yang menjadi fokus peralihan
pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah daerah dalam peningkatan mutu Pendidikan terutama
menyangkut siswa. Salah satu upaya untuk melengkapi sumber belajar  yang relevan dan
bermakna guna meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama  (SMP).

Modul ini merupakan modul khusus yang dilengkapi dengan ringkasan materi, trik mudah
dan kumpulan latihan soal yang dikemas sedemikian rupa sehingga siswa dapat memahami
materi dengan mudah dan mengarah.

Para  siswa diharapkan dapat menguasai semua Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar
secara lebih mendalam, luas serta bermakna, kemudian dapat mengaplikasikannya dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari dan juga memperolah peningkatan yang signifikan dalam
pemerolehan nilai Pekerjaan rumah , Tugas, Ulangan harian, Ujian Semester dan Ujian

Saran perbaikan untuk penyempurnaan modul ini sangat diharapkan. Terimakasih setulus-
tulusnya disampaikan kepada para rekan yang telah berkontribusi dalam penyusunan modul
ini, baik pada saat awal pengembangan bahan ajar, uji coba terbatas, maupun
penyempurnaan sehingga dapat  tersusunnya  modul ini. Terimakasih  dan  penghargaan
juga  disampaikan  kepada  semua  pihak yang telah membantu terwujudnya penyetakan
modul ini.

Puji syukur penulis haturkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, atas segala rahmat dan
karunia yang dilimpahkan kepada penulis sehingga Pembuatan Modul Pembelajaran ini
dapat diselesaikan sebagaimana mestinya.
Pembuatan Modul ini, penulis dapat menyelesaikan dengan baik karena adanya
berbagai pihak yang mendukung dan selalu memberikan bimbingan dan support. Oleh
karena itu penulis menyampaikan banyak terimakasih dan rasa hormat kepada:
1. Bpk. Tjipto Wardojo,S.Pd selaku Kepala SMP Negeri 29 Surabaya yang telah
memberikan tugas dan kepercayaan kepada penulis untuk mengikuti berbagai
kegiatan MGMP Pembuatan Modul Pembelajaran yang telah penulis laksanakan.
2. Teman-teman seprofesi yang telah memberikan bantuan semangat dan motivasi
untuk bisa diselesaikannya pembuatan modul ini.
Tak lupa penulis berharap kegiatan pembuatan modul pembelajaran semacan ini
dapat terus terslaksana untuk memudahkan para guru untuk melaksanakan tugas dan
tanggung jawab guru sehari-hari. Demikian, semoga modul ini dapat memotivasi para
guru untuk mengikuti kegiatan serupa.

Surabaya, 16 April 2021

Team pembuat modul



Kata Sambutan

Kata Pengantar

Daftar Isi

Bab I Pendahuluan

A. Latar Belakang Masalah ………………………………………………………… 1

B. Tujuan pembelajaran ……………………………………………………………. 1


A. Judul Tema……………………………………………….……….………………… 3

B. Tujuan pembelajaran……………………………….……….…………………..…….. 3

C.Peta kompetensi dan indkator……………………………………………….…… 4

D. Aktifitas – aktifitas pembelajaran…………….…………….…………………..……… 5

E, Sumber belajar ( media / alat belajar )…………………..………...……………..…….. 14

F. Penilaian …… …. …………………………….……….…………………..………. 15

BAB III Penutup

A. Kesimpulan ……………………………….……….…………………..…….. 16
B. Saran. . ………………………………………………,,…..………………… 17

A. Latar Belakang Masalah

Secara umum modul pembelajaran adalah atau sarana yang dapat membantu proses
belajar mengajar,atau segala sesuatu yang dapat di pergunakan untuk mengarahkan
pikiran perasaan perhatian dan kemampuan atau ketrampilan pelajar sehingga dapat
mendorong terjadinya proses belajar pada peserta didik . Modul yang sering di gunakan
oleh guru adalah buku pelajaran , namun sesungguhnya banyak sekali hal hal yang bisa
membantu dalam mempermudah siswa memahami materi pelajaran yang dia ajarkan.

Modul pembelajaran merupakan bagian tak terpisahkan dari kegiatan

pembelajaran di sekolah. Pemanfaatan modul pembelajaran juga merupakan upaya
kreatif dan sistematis untuk menciptakan pengalaman yang dapat membantu proses
belajar siswa. Hal ini dikarenakan modul berperan sebagai alat perangsang belajar dan
dapat menumbuhkan motivasi belajar sehingga murid tidak mudah bosan dalam
mengikuti proses belajar-mengajar.
Dengan perkembangan teknologi yang begitu pesat menuntut guru mampu
menggunakanya dengan mencipta atau memodifikasi Modul Pembelajaran yang sesuai
dengan perkembangan jaman. Salah satunya adalah penggunaan modul pembelajaran.

B. Tujuan
Modul pembelajaran bisa juga diartikan sebagai alat atau sarana atau perantara yang
digunakan dalam proses interaksi yang berlangsung antara guru dan siswa untuk
mendorong terjadinya proses belajar mengajar dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh
pengetahuan, keterampilan serta memantapkan apa yang dipelajari dan membantu untuk
mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang berkualitas,

Pemanfaatan modul pembelajaran juga merupakan upaya kreatif dan sistematis untuk
menciptakan pengalaman yang dapat membantu proses belajar siswa. Hal ini
dikarenakan modul berperan sebagai alat perangsang belajar dan dapat menumbuhkan
motivasi belajar sehingga murid tidak mudah bosan dalam mengikuti proses belajar-
Beberapa hal yang menjadi tujuan seorang guru perlu mengadakan modul dalam
pembelajarannya, antara Iain:
 Dengan modul pembelajaran, seorang guru tidak monoton dalam penyampaian ilmunya,
guru bukan selfcentered dan bukan satu-satunya sumber belajar.
 Pembelajaran lebih mudah dipahami. Ada beberapa materi yang tidak bisa dijelaskan
dengan kata-kata sehingga seorang guru perlu menggunakan modul sehingga penjelasannya
tidak bersifat abstrak.
 Memberikan motivasi siswa untuk belajar.

3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal
lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan meminta perhatian, mengecek pemahaman,
menghargai kinerja, meminta dan mengungkapkan pendapat, serta menanggapinya, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya
4.1.Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang
melibatkan tindakan meminta perhatian, mengecek pemahaman, menghargai kinerja, serta
meminta dan mengungkapkan pendapat, dan menanggapinya dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

A. Judul Tema / Topik

Modul pembelajaran ini diberi nama " LET’S TALK THE MODERN TECHNOLOGY”

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
 Mengidentifikasi ungkapan yang digunakan untuk ungkapan meminta perhatian, mengecek
pemahaman, dalam bahasa Inggris tentang percakapan teknologi modern yang berstruktur
questions tag.

Mengidentifikasi ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menghargai kinerja tentang teknologi

modern yang berstruktur questions tag.

 Mengidentifikasi ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meminta dan mengungkapkan pendapat

dalam bahasa Inggris tentang teknologi modern yang berstruktur questions tag.

Mengidentifikasi ungkapan
Menggunakan yang digunakan untuk
ungkapan meminta ungkapan meminta
perhatian perhatian, dalam bahasa

Mengidentifikasi ungkapan
yang digunakan untuk
Membandingkan 4 ungkapan meminta
ungkapan meminta perhatian,
macam perhatian
dalam bahasa Inggris

Menggunakan  Mengidentifikasi
ungkapan meminta ungkapan yang digunakan
perhatian untuk menghargai kinerja

Meminta dan Mengidentifikasi ungkapan

menggungkapkan yang digunakan untuk
pendapat serta meminta dan
meresponnya mengungkapkan pendapat
dalam bahasa Inggris
Sebelum aktivitas belajar dimulai, marilah kita berdoa semoga kegiatan ini menjadi
sesuatu yang bernilai manfaat. Senang sekali mengetahui kalian tetap semangat untuk
belajar. Selalu bersyukur kepada Tuhan atas segala nikmat yang diberikan. Jagalah
kesehatan dan tetap semangat untuk belajar dan berkreasi di tengah pandemi ini.
Selanjutnya simaklah petunjuk aktivitas belajar berikut ini.



Can , must, will

Am , is are
Was , were , have , has , had

Do , does , did

TAG S +V1, AUX + S



Question tag
Adalah suatu ungkapan digunakan untuk meminta orang lain menyetujui pendapat nya.
Dalam Bahasa Indonesia mirip dengan kan “ bukan “ / kan “
- Jakarta Ibukota Indonesia , kan?
- Bahasa Inggris itu penting, kan ?

- Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia , isn’t It?

- English is Important , isn’t It ?
- We aren’t lazy , are We ?


+/- -/+
Kalimat pernyataan , Aux S?

A . Tobe B. Modal C. Kata bantu

- Am, is, are - can , could - do
- Was, were - shall, should - does
- H3 / have has, had+V/been _ etc - did

1.1 We are studying English , aren’t we ?

1.2 He should come earlier, shouldn’t he ?
1.3 We study English , don’t we?
1.4 He studied English , didn’t he ?
1.5 She studies English , doesn ‘t she?


2,1 Don’t be lazy , will you ?
2.2 Be diligent, will you?
2.3 Call me son, will you?
3.1 Let’s be serious . shall we ?
3.2 Let’s go somewhere , shall we ?
3.3 Let’s study together , shall we ?

1. The girl is singing , ………………..?
2. The teacher explains, …………… ..?
3. We shouldn’ be lazy ,…………… …?
4. Shanti join SSC, ………………………?
5. She Has visited her sick fried,..............?


Jessica : Hello Shereen, how are you this morning ?
Shereen : Oh …. Hi Jessi, Iam fine thanks, and you ?
Jessica : Fine. By the way, I saw you at World Trade Center yesterday. What
did you do there ?
Shereen : Oh … Are you there ?
Jessica : I just saw the new gadgets expected to be popular in this year
Shereen : Yeah, I know that. There are gadgets like tablet with android Lollipop
System, cell phone with sophisticated technology.
Jessica : Tomorrow there will be launch Samsung S21 at Marina Plaza. Do you want
to go there ? It is sophisticated cell phone, isn’t it ?
Jessica : Yeah, I want to go there but I can’t go because I don’t have motor cycle
Shereen : Listen to me, I will pick you up. We can go there together
Jessica : Thank you so much. You are very kind


Dicky : There will be an exhibition two days later, isn’t there ?

John : What ?
(John is still playing the game online on his cell phone )

Dicky : Stop playing and give me attention, there will be Gadgets with sophisticated
technology exhibition two days later

John : That is a good news, we will visit there, won’t we ?

Dicky : Do you want to go there with me ?

I want to buy tablet with android Lollipop system

John : Wow that’s amazing. That is very expensive tablet, isn’t it ?

Dicky : I already have saved my money at the money box for two years

John : I want to have it too, but Iam not be able to buy because I always spend my money
for food

Dicky : Listen to me, You have to save your money at the money box from now
Situation: Dolph has a problem with his computer. He asks his friend to solve this
out. What is his problem? Let’s check it out!

Carlos: Hi, man. Why did you call me?

Dolph: Hi, bro. I have a problem with my computer.
Carlos: What’s the matter? That’s new, isn’t it?
Dolph: Yeah. That is Core i7. That is a brand new and It’s supposed to be good. But I
don’t know. I can’t operate any program on it.
Carlos: Oh, that’s too bad, man. Did you change the hardware? RAM, Hard disc or
something like that?
Dolph: No! I didn’t change anything. Help me, please.
Carlos: Let’s check it out, man. I’ll try to diagnose the problem.
Dolph: Alright. …………………… later
Dolph: Here we go. In my opinion, this ain’t a broken hardware, is it? Let me turn the
power on. Carlos: Oh, man. This is not running properly. You need more than a minute
for booting.
Dolph: So what you gonna do?
Carlos: Eeemmm… Let me think… later
Carlos: Do you have an anti-virus on your computer?
Dolph: I guess, I don’t have anything for that.
Carlos: That’s too bad. That’s a problem, man. Okay, let me check it first. I’ll open
some programs on your computer. This is an example. I’ll open Office Word. Okay….
let’s wait.
Dolph: See… It takes too long for loading.
Carlos: Okay, I see that. Now, we are trying one more program. Windows Media Player.
Do you have any song?
Dolph: Yeah, on the drive D. Check it out.
Carlos: Alright. I’ll click this file. It’s supposed to open automatically in Media Player,
Dolph: Yes, it’s supposed to be.
Carlos: But it doesn’t work.
Dolph: So, what’s the problem, bro?
Carlos: It’s a virus, man. Hmmm… This system is corrupted. So, you can’t run the
program. The virus attacks the system and software on your drive C and I can’t stop it. It
likes cancer, man. You will know it when you’re already dead in the sun. In my
suggestion, you have to bring it on to the man who can service the computer. Don’t
forget, you have to back up your documents before you bring it to the service station.
Dolph: Oh no! Do you have another option for my computer?
Carlos: That’s the only way, man or you can’t use it anymore. The choice on your hand,
Dolph: Oh my God. I need it to do my homework, right now.
Carlos: You can use my computer, man.
Dolph: But the files are on that computer, bro.
Carlos: That’s quite easy, man. Use your flash disc and copy it. Got that?
Dolph: My flash disc will bring the virus to your computer. Is that alright?
Carlos: That’s okay, man. My computer is safe. I have an anti–virus on it. Next, you
must install an anti-virus on your computer.
Dolph: I’ll do it. So do you want to take me to the computer service?
Carlos: Anything for you, ma man.
Dolph: Let’s go! Carlos: Come on!


Vita : Hello how are you Vi ?

Vivi : I’m feeling great today , thanks

Vita : Oh Vi, can I ask you something ?

Vivi : Oh, sure . please

Vita : Have you finished your final project for school. I create a new robot

Vivi : Yes! look at this . What do you think ?

Vita : Terrific. I like it , let me see it is perfect, this robot is very excellent. you realy
do a great job!
Vivi : Thanks a lot Vita , you've inspired me to do this


David : Have you heard about our school’s plan to ban smartphones in the school?
Michael : Yeah
David : What do you think about it?
Michael : Well, I think that’s fair enough.
David : why do you think so?
Michael : you see… Smartphones have caused so much trouble in our class.
Remember yesterday’s history class? Our teacher got very angry because was interrupt by
smartphone ringing many times. This may happen again and again.
David : Eh… Yea…

Adapted by

Dalam Bahasa Inggris, pasti kamu pernah melihat adanya pertanyaan pendek yang
ditambahkan di akhir kalimat kan? Mungkin jika diartikan dalam Bahasa Indonesia,
kalimat tersebut bisa berbunyi seperti ini, “Deadline hari ini sudah selesai. Sudah kan?”
atau “Ini semua sudah benar? Iya kan?”.

Nah, sama halnya dengan Bahasa Indonesia, pertanyaan itu juga ada dalam kalimat
Bahasa Inggris dan disebut sebagai question tag. Apakah setiap pertanyaa harus
memilikinya? Tentu saja tidak. Lalu, apa kegunaan dari question tag? Bagaimana cara
membuatnya dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris?

Definisi Question Tag
Merupakan sebuah pertanyaan pendek yang ditambahkan di akhir pernyataan untuk
menanyakan informasi atau meminta persetujuan. Seperti idiom, question tag merupakan
bagian yang sering digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari seorang native speaker.

Secara sederhana pertanyaan pendek ini mengubah sebuah pernyataam menjadi sebuah
pertanyaan. Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah dengan menambahkan koma di akhir
pernyataan dan tambahkan pertanyaan pendek ini. Pertanyaan pendek biasanya gabungan
antara sebuah auxuliary verbs dan juga pronoun. 
Perlu diingat, bahwa format question tag akan selalu matching atau mengikuti “to
be” atau “to have” yang ada di kalimat pernyataan sebelumnya.

Rumus Question Tag
Ada rumus dan aturan yang perlu kamu ingat dalam membuat question tag. Di antaranya

 Ketika kalimat pernyataan menggunakan linking verb “be” (is, am, are, was, were),
maka pertanyaan pun menggunakan be.
 Jika kalimat pernyataan menggunakan primary auxiliary verb (be, do,
have) atau modal auxiliary verb (will, would, may, might, can, could, shall,
should) maka pertanyaan menggunakan auxiliary verb yang pertama (jika ada lebih
dari satu).
 Jika kalimat pertanyaan menggunakan main verb selain linking verb “be” dan tanpa
didamping auxilary verb, maka “do/does/did” akan digunakan dalam
membuat question tag.
 Jika kalimat berupa larangan atau perintah, maka pertanyaan diawali dengan “will
 Jika kalimat pertanyaan menggunakan subjek tak spesifik seperti nobody, everybody,
no one, dan everyone, maka kamu harus menyematkan “they” dalam question tag.
 Dilansir dari, jika kalimat awal negatif, question tag harus positif.
Sebaliknya, jika kalimat awal positif, question tag harus berbentuk positif. Contoh:
o The weather is  nice outside today, isn’t it?
o The clouds aren’t coming back, are they?
Intonasi Question Tag
Tujuan dari penggunaan question tag adalah untuk menanyakan informasi atau meminta
persetujuan kepada lawan bicara. Ketika kamu menggunakannya untuk menanyakan
informasi, posisi pembicara tidak tahu apakah informasi tersebut benar atau salah.

Pada kondisi tersebut, pertanyaan diberi penekanan dengan intonasi naik  atau disebut juga
sebagai rising intonation. Sebaliknya, ketika pertanyaan digunakan untuk meminta
persetujuan, pembicara yakin bahwa informasi yang diketahui benar, namun mengharapkan
jawaban yang memvalidasi keinginannya.

Pada situasi itu question tag dilafalkan tanpa penekanan dengan intonasi turun atau disebut
sebagai falling intonation.

Permasalahan intonasi ini berlaku jika kamu berbicara secara langsung dengan orang lain.
Dalam penulisan, semua question tag memiliki bentuk yang sama.

Jadi, selain berhati-hati dalam menulis kamu juga perlu berhati-hati dalam pengucapan. Jika
intonasi yang kamu gunakan keliru, bisa-bisa lawan bicara malah bingung dan bisa salah
Contoh Penggunaan Question Tag
Agar lebih mudah dalam memahami materi ini, mari lihat beberapa contoh di bawah ini.

Kalimat positif
 He’s a doctor, isn’t he?
 You work in a bank, don’t you?

Kalimat negatif
 You didn’t break her leg, did you?
 She isn’t coming, is she?
Kalimat perintah atau larangan
 Don’t make me upset, will you?
 Just finish your homework, will you?
Kalimat dengan auxiliary verbs (be & have)
 They’ve done their task before they go, haven’t they?
 They weren’t here, were they?
 He had met him before, hadn’t he?
 This isn’t working, is it?
 She wasn’t in the parade, was she?
 He hasn’t gone to the store yet,  has he?
 The zoo isn’t closed, is it?
Kalimat tanpa auxiliary verbs
 I said that, didn’t I?
 You don’t remember me, do you?
 She eats the apple, doesn’t she?

Kalimat dengan modal verbs (will, could, can, have)

 She will come back soon, won’t she?
 Jack can’t drive a car, can he?
 They couldn’t hear me, could they?
 You won’t tell anyone, will you?
 They have to make a film now, don’t they?
Kalimat dengan subjek tidak spesifik
 Everybody looks happy in this picture, don’t they?
 Somebody brought the guitar to my studio last week, didn’t they?

Kalimat ajakan
 Let’s watch a movie, shall we?
 Let’s go to the mall nearby, shall we?

Task 1.1
Watch these videos carefully!

(Script dialog from video about Asking for attention)

Dialogue 1
Situation : The boy and the girl are sitting in the classroom.
Boy : Listen, I have got some news!
Girl : What is it?
Boy : We are going to have a Math test today.
Girl : Really?
Boy : Yes. Andre told me just now.
Girl : That’s bad news. I didn’t study last night.

Dialogue 2
Situation : The students and the teacher are in the classroom
Teacher : Attention, please.
Students : Yes, Sir.
Teacher : I’m going to give you the itinerary of our journey.
Students : Hurray! (noise)
Teacher : May I have your attention, please!
Student A : Be quiet, please!
Teacher : Thank you. Here is the itinerary. One for each of you.
Student A : Thank you, Sir.

Task 1.2
Read dialogue 1 to answer the questions no. 1-3!
1. How did the boy get the news ?
2. Why does the girl say that is bad news?
3. What are they probably going to do?

Read dialogue 2 to answer the questions no. 4-6!

4. Why does the teacher talk in front of the students?
5. What does the teacher say to get the student listen to him?
6. How do the students probably feel after they get the itinerary?

Task 1.3
Watch these videos carefully!

(Script dialog from video about Checking Understanding)

Dialog 3
Mother : Dear, can you help me to cook fish?
Tiara : Yes, Mom.
Mother : Will you buy me some fish in the market?
Tiara : Okay, Mom. I will go there by a motorcycle.
Mother : All right. And please don’t forget to buy ginger at Mak Sumi’s shop.
Do you know what I mean, dear?
Tiara : I don’t quite follow you, Mom.
Mother : Please don’t forget to buy ginger at Mak Sumi’s shop, okay. Be careful, dear.
Tiara : Thank you, Mom. I’ll go now.

Task 1.4
Read dialogue 3 to answer the questions no. 1-6!
1. How many persons are there in the dialog?
2. What does mother want Tiara to do?
3. Where will Tiara buy fish?
4. How will Tiara go to the market?
5. What does her mother say to check whether Tiara understands or not?
6. What is Tiara’s response?
(Tuliskan tugas ini di WAG)

Task 2.1
Write the expressions that you have learned in the table below.
Asking for attention Response

a. …………………………………............ a. …………………………...……………

b. ……………………………….………… b. ………………………………...………

c. …………………………………….…… c. ………………………………...………

d. …………………………………….…… d. …………………………………...……

e. …………………………………….…… e. …………………………………...……

Checking Understanding Responses of showing understanding

a. …………………………………….…… a. ……………………………..…………

b. …………………………………….…… b. ………………………………..………

c. …………………………………….…… c. ………………………………..………

d. …………………………………..……
d. ……………………………………….…
e. …………………………………..……
e. …………………………………….……
Responses of lacking of

a. ……………………………..…………

b. …………………………………..……

c. ……………………………………..…

d. ……………………………………..…

e. …………………………………..……
Materi PenilaianTugas dikerjakan melalui google form

Task 3.1
Choose the best answer for the dialogues below.
1. Sita : …. What about if I wear this green dress?
Ani : Well. It doesn’t really suit you. Choose another. Pink may be.
Sita : How about this one?
Ani : It looks good on you.
A. Look here.
B. Listen to me, please.
C. Excuse me
D. Look at you

2. Teacher : All right, students. Let's start the quiz.

Students : ...., Sir. Can we open our books?
Teacher : No! Close your books! Are you ready?
Students : Yes, Sir.
A. Attention, please!
B. Excuse me.
C. What’s up?
D. Come on.

3. Boy : ...... There’s a hole in front of you.

Glen : Ouch! Thanks for reminding me.
Boy : Don't mention it.
A. Excuse me
B. Look at you.
C. Listen up.
D. Watch out!

4. Indra : ..., Mom. Do you have any English dictionaries?

Mrs. Aryani : Yes, I have some.
Indra : May I borrow one, please?
Mrs. Aryani : Sure. It’s on that shelf over there.
Indra : Thank you very much.
Mrs. Aryani : You're welcome.
A. Attention
B. Excuse me
C. What is going on
D. What’s up

5. Della : Hi, Jim. What’s wrong?

Jimmy : ….. I forgot to bring my English book. Ms.Indah will not let me join her
class. May I borrow yours?
Della : Sure, here you are!Give it back to me as soon as possible.,
A. Is it true?
B. Look at you!
C. You know what?
D. Pay attention to me!

Questions no. 6 to 7 based on the dialog below.

Lina : You know Lina, Mr. Indra will hold a gathering. I should be at his home at five
Sam : Really? I wish I could .What’s the time again?
Lina : Five twenty. Will you go with me, please?
Sam : I am sorry, I can’t. I have to accompany my Mom.

6. Why does Lina call Sam?

A. Lina wants Sam to accompany her Mom.
B. Lina wants Sam to accompany her.
C. Sam will go to Mr. Indra’s home with Lina.
D. Lina will go to Mr. Indra’s home tomorrow.

7. Which the expression shows asking for someone’s attention on the dialog?
A. You know.. !
B. Will you go with me
C. I wish I could
D. I am sorry, I can’t

8. Dara : Attention, please. I have important information for us from Mrs. Vina, our
English teacher.
Edo : …., Dara. Tell us now, please.
A. How’s that
B. That’s a good idea
C. Let me tell you.
D. What is that
9. Mrs. Anna : Ok Class so far, do you all undestand our today’s lesson?
Sinta : .... How do we improve our reading skills, Ma’am?
Mrs. Anna : Any suggestions to help Sinta ?
Juan : I think we should read a lot of books anytime.
Mrs. Anna : That’s great. Thank you, Juan.
A. Do you know what I mean?
B. I‘m still confused.
C. That’s enough for me.
D. It’s very interesting
10. Mrs. Hani : Dea......
Dea : Sorry, Ma’am. I don’t quite follow you. What should I do ?
Mrs. Hani : Well. Please listen! Write your holiday experience in 150 words and
then present in front of the class.
Dea : Oh, I see. Thank you, Ma’am.
A. This is your work.
B. Do you need help?
C. I think you understand.
D. Do you know what I mean?

Read the dialog and answer questions 11- 12!

Mr. John : That’s all for my explanation. Are you following?
Sella : I don’t understand how to enrich my vocabularies, Sir?
Mr. John : Daniel, help Sella, please!
Daniel : I think we should read books or novels and check difficult words in a
dictionary, Sir.
Mr. John : Thanks Daniel. It’s a good idea.

11. Mr. John says “Are you following?” It means that he is ….

A. asking for students’ attention.
B. extending students’ opinion
C. checking students’ understanding
D. expressing his feeling

12. “I don’t understand how to enrich my vocabularies, Sir?”

The underlined word has similar meaning with ….
A. enlarge
B. increase
C. extend
D. reduce
13. Nita : Please tell me how to open this tin.
Yuni : That’s easy. Turn the cap slightly to the left, then to the right.....
Nita : Yes, I think I’ve got the point.
Yuni : Good. Now open it for me, too.
Nita : OK.
A. Do you agree?
B. Where is the turn?
C. Do you get the point?
D. Are you ok?

14. John : Do you know what we should over come?

Bram : ... how to teach our students ditectly during the Covid 19 pandemic, Sir?
John : Who can help Bram?
Smith : In my opinion we can use several apps from the Internet such us, Google
Meet, Zoom, Sway or Video Call.
John : Awesome it will be a great help for teachers. Let’s set our time to learn
about those apps.
A. I don’t understand
B. It is so clear for me
C. I know what you mean
D. I don’t agree

15. Lukman : Listen! A terrible thing happened to me yesterday. My mom was very angry
to me.
Ikhsan : Really your Mom seesms kind and nice. What happened?
Lukman : I lost my motorcycle when I parked it in front of the bookstore.
Ikhsan : Oh, No! Have you reported it to the police officer?

Based on the dialog, we know that Lukman probably will ...

A. buy a new motorcycle.
B. go to police station.
C. report the unsecure bookstore.
D. borrow Ikhsan’s motorcycle.

16. Mr. George : Alright everybody, do you understand what I have explained today?
Fahria : …. May I have a question, please?
Mr. George : Yes, please Fahria. What is your question?
A. Pardon me.
B. Excuse me, Sir.
C. Really sorry, Sir.
D. Attention, please.

17. Pino : Can you tell me what COVID 19 is?

Banu : COVID-19 is a new disease and scientist are still examining it .
Pino : So, how do we protect ourselves from the disease?
Banu : It spreads through direct or indirect contact, by droplet of the carrier. Got
Pino : . . . .I’m confused.
Banu : Oh no. Let’s watch a video from WHO about it.
A. I can see
B. I got it
C. I do understand.
D. I don’t get it

Read the dialog and answer questions 18 and 19.

Keanu : There are some steps to avoid COVID 19.
Talita : Can you tell me?
Keanu : Regularly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or with soap.
Talita : Why do we do that?
Keanu : It will kill viruses that may be on your hands.
Talita : I see. What else than?
Keanu : Maintain at least 1 meter distance between yourself and others. Are you
Talita : I understand.
Keanu : Avoid going to crowded places. Just stay at home.
Talita : OK. I’m with you.

18. What are they talking about?

A. How to avoid COVID 19.
B. The danger of COVID 19.
C. How to kill virus of COVID 19
D. Stay at home with COVID 19

19. Keanu says “Are you following?” What does Keanu express?
A. Asking for attention
B. Showing attention
C. Showing understanding
D. Checking understanding.

20. Mr. Ibrahim : OK, class. That’s all my explanation. Do you understand what to do?
Tomy : Sorry, Sir. …. Can you repeat again, please?
Mr. Ibrahim : Which steps that you don’t understand, Tomy?
Tomy : The last step, Sir.
Mr. Ibrahim : Ok, I will repeat again, but please listen carefully.
Tomy : Thank you, Sir.
A. I am with you.
B. I know very well.
C. I don’t get it.
D. I dislike it.
Task 4.1
Watch these videos carefully!

(Script dialog dari video about appreciation)

Rani : Hi Tina! What are you doing?
Tina : Hi Ran. I’m writing a story for the competition.
Rani : Oh really? What competition?
Tina : It’s a writing competition for Junior High School students. I passed the first
round, and now I’m writing the final entry.
Rani : Wow! That is so cool! What is the story about?
Tina : It is about a man who can see someone else’s memory by touching them. With
this he is trying to uncover murder mystery.
Rani : That sounds really interesting, Tin. You’re such a creative one! I wish you
good luck with your story, and don’t forget to let me read it if you’re done!
Tina : Thank you, Rani. Of course I will.

Task 4.2
Read the dialog carefully and then answer the questions.
1. What are the girls talking about?
2. What are their occupations?
3. What is the relationship between Tina and Rani?
4. What story is Tina writing about?
5. What does Rani say to express her appreciation to Tina?
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Task 5.1
Write the expressions that you have learned in the table below.

Showing Appreciation Response

a. …………………………………............ a. …………………………...……………

b. ……………………………….………… b. ………………………………...………

c. …………………………………….…… c. ………………………………...………

d. …………………………………….…… d. …………………………………...……

e. …………………………………….…… e. …………………………………...……

f. …………………………………….…… f. …………………………………….…..
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Task 6.1
Choose the best answer!
Read the dialog and answer questions 2 and 3.

1. Jade : Rose, look at my new dress! My Mom bought it for me yesterday.

Rose : ….
Jade : Thank you.
A. Just so so.
B. It’s beautiful.
C. I don’t like it
D. You are the best

2. Ronald : Look at that painting! What do you think of it?

Amila : What a beautiful painting! The objects on this painting are really alive.
Ronald : It is my best painting for this year.
Amila : Wow, …...
Ronald : Thanks. I’m glad you like it.
A. How lucky you are
B. How talented you are.
C. What an expensive painting.
D. What a strange object.

3. Hana : Hi, listen! Somebody is singing in the school hall.

Gita : Wow, … She is singing nicely that I feel her emotion.
Hana : I believe that she has a good talent to be a great singer someday.
A. How interesting it is!
B. How beautiful she is!
C. What a beautiful voice she has!
D. What touched emotion I have!

4. Teacher : Can you mention some big cities in Italy?

Sarah : Yes, Sir! Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome, Bologna and so on.
Teacher : Good. What’s the capital city of Italy?
Sarah : It is Rome, Sir.
Teacher : … girl you are, Sarah!
A. What a nice
B. What a clever
C. What a pretty
D. What a beautiful

Read the dialog and answer questions 5 and 6.

Intan : Wow! What a great place it is! Where is it?
Aldo : It is Gunung Mas Tea Plantation. We will have a tea walk this weekend.
Would you join us to prepare this program?
Intan : Pardon me?
Aldo : Well, would you join us to prepare this program?
Intan : Yes, of course.
Aldo : Good. We gather after school, okay.

5. What will they do after school?

A. Have a tea walk together.
B. Do alot of homework.
C. Go to Gunung Mas.
D. Prepare for the program.

6. Intan said, “What a great place it is!”

What does the sentence mean?
A. Intan appreciates something.
B. Intan gives her certainty
C. Intan asks a question.
D. Intan expresses her happiness

Read the dialog and answer questions 7-8

Mr. Aldy : What chores do you usually do to help your father at home?
Bobby : I clean his motor cycle.
Mr. Aldy : Good boy! What else?
Bobby : I do gardening, lots of flower plants in front of my house.
Mr. Aldy : That’s cool. What other chores do you do?
Bobby : I water them in the afternoon every day.
Mr. Aldy : That’s good. I’m very proud of you.
Bobby : Thank you, Sir.

7. Why does Bobby clean motor cycle and water the flowers every day?
A. It’s a man’s job.
B. He lives with his parents.
C. He wants to help his father.
D. His father needs him every day.

8. Why does Mr. Aldy give appreciation to Bobby?

A. Bobby has a good attitude
B. Bobby is very proud of his father.
C. Mr. Aldy is very proud of Bobby
D. Mr. Aldy is a good father

9. Bobby : I’ve passed my medical examination. Now I can play football again!
Hasan : ......!
Bobby : Yes, right.
A. That makes me shocked
B. It’s very annoying
C. That’s good news
D. What disappointed news it is

10. Anti : Here we are in Bali. That’s the hotel we are going to stay in.
Vita : Wow! What a beautiful building it is!
Anti : Yes. Hope the service of this hotel is as good as its building.

From the dialog, we can conclude that …

A. Theydon’t stay in a hotel.
B. The hotel has good service.
C. The hotel’s facilities are good .
D. They just arrived in Bali.

Read the dialog and then answer questions 11 to 13.

Mrs. Rianti : Wow! The house is very neat and clean. The floor is also clean and glossy.
Who cleaned it?
Erlin : Edwin and I, mom. It’s a holiday and we had nothing to do. That’s why
we cleaned the house when you and dad were out.
Mrs. Rianti : Good children! I am very proud of you.
Erlin : Thanks.
Mrs. Rianti : Well, as a reward, what about having lunch at your favorite restaurant?
Erlin : I agree, mom. Thanks.
Mrs. Rianti : Please tell Edwin about that.
Erlin : Sure.

11. Why is Mrs. Ranti proud of her children?

A. The children do housework every day.
B. Mrs. Ranti loves her children and the house.
C. Her children are very smart.
D. Her children are very diligent.

12. Mrs. Rianti appreciates her children because they have ....
A. spent their holiday at home
B. cleaned their bedroom
C. made their bedrooms tidy
D. cleaned the house and floor

13. “…what about having lunch at your favorite restaurant?”

The underlined word has similar meaning with ….
A. favor
B. benefit
C. fondness
D. well known

Complete the dialog with appropriate words for no. 14!

Aria : What are you making, Gugun?
Gugun : A wooden bicycle.
Aria : Wow! Unique! You are really …. (14)
Gugun : Thanks.

14. ….
A. Talented
B. Homely
C. Cool
D. humble

Complete the dialog with appropriate words for no. 15!

Aria : Are you sure that you can ride the bicycle?
Gugun : Yes, I will have a try after finishing it.
Aria : …. (15).You can modify the bicycle then.
Gugun : It can be. Now, I am only thinking about how to make it comfortable to ride

15. ….
A. It’s terrible!
B. It’s awesome!
C. That’s not good!
D. That’s too bad!
Complete the dialog with appropriate words for no. 16!
Fadli : Now, the ....(16) is done. What do you think?
Farah : Wow it’s wonderful.
Fadli : Thanks, Farah. I only did my best and hope you like it.
Farah : You have made this room very beautiful. My party will be more cheerful.

16. ....
A. package
B. food
C. decoration
D. present

Complete the dialog with appropriate words for no. 17!

Ferdy : Now, the invitation is finished. What do you think?
Firda : Wow it’s great.
Ferdy : Thanks, Farah. I hope you like it.
Firda : You have made it interesting. My party will be more memorable.
Ferdy : Will you ….(17) all your friends?
Firda : I think so.

17. ....
A. invite
B. announce
C. send
D. call up

Complete the dialog with appropriate words for no. 18!

Fauzan : It is a great party!
Firza : Thanks, Farah. I hope you like it.
Fauzan : You have made a festive party. It will be more memorable.
Firza : Yeah! I want to share my .....(18) with them.

A. happiness
B. health
C. sadness
D. comfort

19. Yoko : Would you try this food, please?

Alin : I don’t really like vegetables.
Yoko : But it’s different. It’s salad. Try it.
Alin : Ok, I will. Wow… I don’t think it’s so delicious. I like it.
A. Beautiful!
B. Fantastic!
C. Horrible!
D. Magificent!

20. Mr. John : Have you finished your Math exercise?

Laura : I have, Sir. Can you check it out?
Mr. John : OK. Let me see. Wow….. Laura. No mistake at all.
Laura : Thank you, Sir.
A. It’s embarrassing
B. It’s confusing
C. Not so good
D. Good job

Task 7.1
Watch these videos carefully!

(Script dialog dari video about ask for and give opinion)
Dialogue 1
Blaja : Hello Rara, how are you today?
Rara : I am fine, thank you.
Blaja : Rara, what do you think about this food?
Rara : I think it’s not good for our health,because it’s junk food.
Blaja : Oh I see. Thank you, Rara.
Rara : It’s okay Blaja.

Dialogue 2 :
Ms. Susi : Fandy, what do you think about your new class?
Fandy : I think it is clean and tidy. And I like it.
Ms. Susi : Good. Please, sit down Fandy.
Fandy : Thank you, mom.

Dialog 3 :
Mr. Smith : Hi, Mrs. Asih.
Mrs. Asih : Hello, Mr. Smith. I have a new smart phone. Look at my smartphone.
Mr. Smith : Wow!
Ms. Asih : What is your opinion about my new smartphone?
Mr. Smith : In my opinion, it is a cool smartphone.
Mrs. Asih : Thank you.
Mr. Smith : You are welcome.

Task 7.2
Answer the questions based the dialog on the video above!
1. What expression does Rara use to ask for Blaja’s opinion?
2. What kind of food are Rara and Blaja eating?
3. What will Fandi probably do after talking with Ms. Susi?
4. What is the relationship between Ms. Susi and Fandi?
5. What is Mr. Smith’s opinion about Mrs. Asih’s smartphone?
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Task 8.1
Write the expressions that you have learned in the table below.

Asking Opinion Response/Giving opinion

a. …………………………………............ a. …………………………...……………

b. ……………………………….………… b. ………………………………...………

c. …………………………………….…… c. ………………………………...………

d. …………………………………….…… d. …………………………………...……

e. …………………………………….…… e. …………………………………...……

f. …………………………………….…… f. …………………………………….…..

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Task 9.1
Choose the best answers!
Read the dialog to answer questions 1 – 4.
Cindy : Hi Edo! I’d like to tell you something.
Edo : What’s that?
Cindy : Have you heard that Ms. Diana, our Math teacher will move to another
Edo : Oh no! We will miss a good teacher. We should give her a gift then.
Cindy : That’s what I want to discuss. Do you have any idea for the gift?
Edo : What about a book?
Cindy : A book?
Edo : Yes. I just read Helen Keller’s book entitled The Story of My Life.
Cindy : What is special about the book?
Edo : In her autobiography, Helen Keller wrote how a gifted and patient teacher
Anne Sullivan enlightened her life. What do you think?
Cindy : It sounds good. O.K, I agree.

1. What is the dialog mostly about?

A. A gift for a teacher
B. A good and wise teacher.
C. A special book
D. A talented writer

2. What does Edo think about Ms. Diana?

A. Ms. Diana is a Math teacher.
B. Ms. Diana is a good teacher.
C. Ms. Diana is an inspiring teacher.
D. Ms. Diana is a patience teacher.

3. Why does Edo have an idea to give Mrs. Diana a book entitled The Story of My Life?
A. The writer is Helen Keller.
B. Anne Sullivan wrote the book.
C. The book is about the teacher.
D. Ms. Diana likes reading .

4. The sentence “What do you think?” in the dialog above is the expression of….
A. Asking for opinion
B. Giving opinion
C. Showing attention
D. Showing appreciation
5. Beni : Della’s birthday is next Monday, isn’t it?
Udin : Yes, you are right.
Beni : What do you think we should give her?
Udin : She loves to make hand lettering art. What about giving her fountain pen?
Beni : …. What if we buy it tomorrow?
Udin : Sure.
A. It’s too expensive.
B. I love her writing.
C. I think she’ll love it.
D. We can’t give her that.

6. Dayu : I think it’s safe enough for us to go around the city. Covid 19 is getting
Ellisa : I don’t think so. … our city is not safe yet. We must stay at home during
pandemic .
A. In my opinion
B. In your opinion
C. I don’t think
D. I don’t know

7. Savero : Can you tell me what you think of my short story I made?
Yassin : It’s a good story, though it will be more interesting if you change the title.
Savero : …. Thanks, Yassin.
Yassin : Anytime, Savero!
A. I don’t think so
B. I think so.
C. I believe it
D. I disagree

8. Salman : Herry told me that he can’t join our project of making English video this
afternoon. He has a toothache. What do you think?
Selma : I think … We work as and good friends as well.
Salman : Ok.You are right, that’s true
A. We will continue the plan
B. we can’t arrange another schedule
C. We can make it without him
D. we will wait for his recovery

9. Mike : I think our English class is so fun and interesting.

Jasmine : …. The English teacher conveys the lesson nicely and makes the
classroom atmosphere lively.
A. I think so.
B. I don’t know
C. I guess not.
D. That’s fine.
10. Jane : Ron, what do you think of the cake I bake?
Ron : It's really delicious! I love it!
Jane : Thank you.
From the dialogue above, Jane is...
A. asking for help
B. giving opinion
C. asking for an opinion
D. asking for attention

11. Mr. Bonar : To celebrate our school anniversary, I have an idea to hold a charity
bazar. ....
Mr. Aqsa : Brilliant. Let’s share the idea to others.
A. What do you think?
B. What is your idea?
C. How is the thing?
D. Do you think so?

12. Yenny : Farah will move to Denpasar next week. I have an idea to arrange a small
farewell party. What do you think?
Asma : .... We have been friends for years, since our childhood.
A. It’s a pity for her.
B. I don’t understand.
C. That’s an excellent idea.
D. I think it’s not a good idea.

Complete the dialog with appropriate words for no. 13!

Randy : I just received this … (13).What do you think?
Donna : Let me see.
Randy : It is informed that I received a motorcycle prize from Mandiri Bank. Then, I
am expected to come to Branch Office Mandiri Bank at Mampaang Prapaatan
Donna : Are you a Mandiri Bank customer?
Randy : Yes.
Donna : Congratulation! You must prepare the administrative immediately.
Randy : Good idea.
13. ….
A. call
B. letter
C. parcel
D. voice note

Complete the dialog with appropriate words for no. 14!

Romy : I just received a message. What do you think?
Diana : Let me see.
Romy : It is stated that I received a sum of money in the celebration of a bank …(14)
I am expected to call a certain phone number.
Diana : Don’t do that. It is not true.
Romy : Do you think so?
Diana : Yes, because I have it too.

14. ….
A. promotion
B. anniversary
C. exhibition
D. service

Complete the dialog with appropriate words for no. 15!

Raka : I just get a gift coupon from detergent product .What do you think?
Deska : Let me see.
Raka : It says to get a prize of 10 million in promotion of the product on the coupon.
Then, I am expected to call a certain phone number.
Deska : I think it’s only …… (15). Don’t believe it!
Raka : Do you think so?
Deska : Yes, of course.

15. ….
A. truth
B. joke
C. fraud
D. fun
Complete the dialog with appropriate words for no. 16!
Rudy : My ATM card entered the ATM machine and didn't come out again. What
should I do?
Dinda : I have the phone number of this bank’s … (16). Let me dial the number and
ask about this matter.
Rudy : Good idea.

16. ….
A. teller
B. security
C. clerk
D. customer service

Dialog for questions 17 to 19

Aldo : What do you think of my haircut?
Dita : That’s neat and stylish. Where did you have your hair cut?
Aldo : My father did it.
Dita : Your father is a sailor, isn’t he?
Aldo : Yes, but he is gifted in everything included cutting hair.
Dita : Wow, that’s cool! By the way, is he at home now?
Aldo : Yes. He is off for several weeks.

17. What happens to Aldo?

A. He has a holiday
B. He has new haircut.
C. He cut his father’s hair.
D. He becomes a sailor

18. What profession probably suits Aldo’s father after retirement?

A. A tailor
B. A barber
C. A sailor
D. A teacher

19. Siti : To celebrate our school anniversary, I have an idea to visit an orphanage. …….
Edo : It’s a good idea.
A. What do you think?
B. Are you with me?
C. Is there any questions?
D. What is your idea?
Read the dialog to answer questions no.20!
Greg : Do you think the government will open schools after the pandemic?
Bian : I don’t think so. Because there are still many people infected by Covid 19.
Greg : But I get bored doing the same thing at home. I miss school and friends.
Bian : So do I . But we have to follow government’s instruction to keep us safe .
Greg : I agree with that.

20. What is the dialogue about?

A. The opening of the school
B. The plan of the government
C. The way to keep safe life
D. The infected people

Choose one of the following situations and make a dialogue with your friend. Use
the expressions that you have learned, asking for attention and checking
understanding, showing appreciation, asking and giving opinion. Act out in front
of your camera and record it.

1. You and your friend are talking about the up coming concert of a famous singer in
your town. It’s the hottest issue among teenagers.
2. You and your friend are talking about the great achievement that your friend got as
the finalist in the world student olympic.
3. You and your friend are discussing about your opinion on students’s learning style
during Covid 19 pandemic.

Lampiran 1
Task 1.2
Dialog 1
1. Andre told him
2. Because she didn’t study last night.
3. (accept any possible answers)

Dialog 2
1. He is going to give the students the itinerary of their journey.
2. He said “Attention, please”.
3. (accept any possible answers)

Task 1.4
Dialog 3
1. There are two persons.
2. Mother wants Tiara to buy fish and ginger.
3. Tiara will buy fish in the market.
4. Tiara will go to the market by a motorcycle.
5. Mother says “Do you know what I mean, dear?”
6. Tiara says “I don’t quite follow you, Mom.”

Lampiran 2
Task 2.1
Accept any possible responses

Lampiran 3
Task 3.1
1. A 6. B 11. C 16. B
2. B 7. A 12. B 17. D
3. D 8. D 13. C 18. A
4. B 9. B 14. A 19. D
5. C 10. D 15. B 20. C

Lampiran 4
Task 4.2
1. Writing story for the competition.
2. They are students.
3. They are schoolmates.
4. A man who can see someone else’s memory by touching them.
5. “You are such a creative one”

Lampiran 5
Task 5.1
Accept any possible responses

Lampiran 6
Task 6.1
1. B 6. D 11. A 16. C
2. B 7. A 12. B 17. A
3. C 8. D 13. D 18. A
4. B 9. C 14. D 19. B
5. C 10. A 15. C 20. D

Lampiran 7
Task 7.1
1. ”What do you think about this food?”
2. Junk food
3. (accept any possible answer)
4. Teacher and student
5. It’s a cool smartphone

Lampiran 8
Task 8.1
Accept any possible responses

Lampiran 9
Task 9.1
1. A 6. A 11. A 16. D
2. B 7. B 12. C 17. B
3. C 8. D 13. A 18. B
4. A 9. A 14. B 19. A
5. C 10. C 15. C 20. A
Lampiran 10
Accept any possible responses.


FLUENC 1 1 2 2 6 maks
Y Speaking Speaking Speaking Speaking 1
with many too slowly generally at fluency minim
pauses normal speed al

PRONU 1 1 1 2 5 maks
NCIATI Speaking Speaking Speaking Speaking 1
ON words with with several with correct minim
incomprehe incorrect incorrect pronunciati al
nsibly pronunciati pronunciatio on
on but still n
ACCUR 1 1 1 2 5 maks
ACY The serious The error The speech The errors 1
errors present in still present in minim
present in speech understood speech are al
speech would although it so minor so
makes the frequently consist of that the
message create many errors message
difficult to confusion would be
understand easily
CLARIT 1 1 1 2 5 maks
Y Often Speaks Speaks Speaks 1
mumbles or clearly and clearly and clearly and minim
cannot be distinctly distinctly distinctly al
understood most of the nearly all the all the time,
more than time, no time, no no more
one more than more than mispronoun
mispronoun one one ced words
ced words mispronoun mispronounc
ced word ed word
PERFOR 0 1 1 2 4 maks
MANCE Speaking in Mumbling, Speaking in Speaking 0
volume flat facial soft voice, clearly and minim
which is expression but can be loudly, al
almost and less understood, good facial
inaudible, communicat good facial expression
no facial ive expression and
expression and communica
and not communicati tive
communica ve enough
Total 25
score maks

Maximum Score = 25
Minimum Score =0
Students Score = Skor Perolehan
Skor Maksi X 100
SUMBER BELAJAR ( Media atau alat )





A. Kesimpulan

Penggunaan modul pembelajaran bagi seorang guru dalam melakukan pembelajaran

karena banyaknya manfaat yang diperoleh baik siswa dan juga bagi guru. Oleh karena
itu guru harus menyediakan waktu dan rajin mencari ide untuk memilih dan membuat
atau menyusun modul pembelajaran yang sesuai.

B. Saran

Diantara kesibukan dengan tugas utamanya mengajar, guru harus menyediakan waktu dan
rajin mencari ide untuk memilih dan membuat atau menyusun modul pembelajaran yang

Anda mungkin juga menyukai