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Kami ucapkan puji syukur kapada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena berkat rahmat,
taufik dan hidayah-Nya kami dapat menyelesaikan MODUL PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA
INGGRIS KELAS 7 SEMESTER 2 Kompetensi Dasar 3.6–4.6, Modul ini diharapkan dapat
menjadi panduan belajar bagi siswa-siswi SMP pada umumnya atau bagi siswa SMP
Negeri 6 Surabaya pada khususnya.
Modul ini merupakan salah satu produk guru SMP Negeri 6 Surabaya, sebagai
wujud kepedulian untuk ikut mencerdaskan anak bangsa. Modul ini menyajikan
ringkasan materi pelajaran beserta soal-soal latihannya. Setiap materi pelajaran
diringkas berdasarkan poin-poin penting pada SKL yang harus dikuasai siswa, dan soal-
soal yang disajikan diambil dari soal-soal yang sering muncul dalam berbagai ujian
sekolah maupun Nasional.
Harapan kami dengan kehadiran modul ini dapat membantu siswa agar lebih
mudah menguasai materi pelajaran yang nantinya dapat membuat prestasi siswa
meningkat dengan pesat.
Akhir kata apabila ada kesalahan dan kekurangan dalam pembuatan modul ini,
kami mohon kritik dan saran yang membangun demi kesempurnaan dalam penerbitan
berikutnya. Selamat belajar dan semoga sukses.



1. Judul per Bab adalah materi pokok utama yang akan dipelajari siswa
2. Setiap bab terdiri dari beberapa sub materi
3. Setiap materi diikuti oleh Lembar Kerja Siswa yang berupa soal latihan Pilihan
Ganda berdasarkan materi yang diberikan
4. Di dalam modul ini juga diberi Evaluasi yang berupa latihan soal Penilaian Akhir
5. Kunci Jawaban disediakan untuk soal Latihan Penilaian Akhir Semester.


HALAMAN JUDUL ....................................................................................................................... i

KATA PENGANTAR ................................................................................................................... ii
PETUNJUK SISWA ..................................................................................................................... iii
DAFTAR ISI MODUL ................................................................................................................. iv


UNIT I ........................................................................................................................................................... 1

UNIT 2 ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Latihan Soal

UNIT 3 ......................................................................................................................................................... 5

UNIT 4 ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Kunci Jawaban


Perhatikan gambar diatas!

Kegiatan yang dilakukan secara berulang-ulang atau kebenaran umum biasanya disebut
dengan Simple Present Tense. Simple present tense merupakan tenses yang paling
sering digunakan sehari-hari.

Untuk mengenali bahwa sebuah kalimat merupakan simple present tense, ada beberapa
cara yang bisa dilakukan, salah satunya adalah kalimat tersebut menggunakan kata kerja
bentuk dasar (Verb 1). Simple present tense terbagi menjadi dua pola kalimat, yaitu
verbal simple present dan nominal simple present tense.

Simple present tense terbagi menjadi verbal simple present dan nominal simple present.
Verbal simple present tense menggunakan kata kerja yang menunjukkan sebuah
aksi atau tindakan, sedangkan nominal simple present menggunakan kata
kerja ‘be’ atau biasa disebut to be.

Verbal Simple Present

(+) Subject+V1(+s/es)+Object

(-) Subject+ Do/Does+Not+V1+Object

(?) Do/Does+Subject+V1+?
Akhiran s/es pada kata kerja, hanya digunakan pada subject He, She, dan It. Dalam
menambahkan akhiran s/es terdapat aturannya, cara mengetahui kata apa saja yang
menggunakan akhiran s dan es adalah:

Selain rumus di atas, kalimat simple present lainnya adalah nominal simple present yang
menggunakan to be. Kalimat yang menggunakan to be umumnya adalah kata kerjanya
tidak menunjukkan suatu aksi, rumusnya adalah:

Nominal Simple Present

(+) Subject+to be (am/is/are)+Object

(-) Subject+ to be (am/is/are)+V1+Object

(?) to be (am/is/are)+Subject+V1+?

To be am digunakan untuk subject I

To be is digunakan untuk subject He, She, It

To be are digunakan untuk subject I, You, They We

Contoh :
My mother is a teacher.
They are not from the same.
Are you Mr. Hadi?
Is she a student?

Adverb Of Frequency

Dalam mengenali kalimat simple present tense, dapat dilihat dari keterangan waktunya.
Karena simple present tense adalah kalimat yang menunjukkan kejadian berulang dan
kebenaran umum, maka keterangan waktu yang biasa digunakan pada simple present
tense adalah sebagai berikut:

Always : Selalu

Usually : Biasanya

Sometimes : Kadang-kadang

Often : Sering

Seldom : Jarang

Never : Tidak pernah

3 times a day : 3 kali sehari

3 days a week : 3 hari per minggu

Once a month : Sebulan sekali

Everyday : Setiap hari

Every month : Setiap bulan


A. Add -s or -es to the verbs!

1. see ……………. 11. take ……………

2. take …………… 12. cry ……………
3. brush …………… 13. catch ……………
4. kiss …………… 14. wake ……………
5. call …………… 15. fly ……………
6. give …………… 16. choose ……………
7. play …………… 17. match ……………
8. study …………… 18. buy ……………
9. watch …………… 19. water ……………
10. help …………… 20. fight ……………

B. Underline the correct variant!

1. Tedy ________ his room every Saturday.

a. tidy b. tidies
2. They ________ to the music every day.
a. listen b. listens
3. Dewi usually ________ TV in the evening.
a. watch b. watches
4. The girls often ________ with the dolls.
a. play b. plays
5. I _____ in the pool on Sundays.
a. swim b. swims

C. Rewrite the sentences with the new subject!

1. Siti likes to eat an ice cream. (I)

2. They go to the zoo every Sunday (Toni)
3. The boys play football well. (They)
4. The girls like to play dolls. (My sister)
5. My aunt speaks English well. (Mr. Doni)

D. Fill in don’t or doesn’t!

1. Bernard ________ play basketball every Sunday.

2. They ___________ go to the mall.
3. Donna ___________ like to eat fried chicken.
4. My brothers ___________ like to drink milk.
5. Lina ___________ wear shorts at all.
6. My nephew ____________ know Italian well.
7. She ___________ wear long dresses.
8. Tom __________ go to the gym.
9. You ___________ often go to the movies.
10. I ____________ like to get up early.

E. Write do or does!

1. _________ she listen to rock music?

2. _________ they go to the zoo on Sunday?
3. _________ you often call her friend?
4. _________ your dog chase the cats?
F.5. _________ they learn to dance at the school?
6. _________ he know all the computer games?
7. _________ Doni want to find his friends?
8. _________ you like to draw the animals?
9. _________ we learn to dance at school?
10. _________ the boys like to plant the flowers?


A. Choose the correct answer!

1. Our English teacher always . . . . our homework every week.
a. Check c. Checking
b. Checked d. Checks
2. One of my friends always . . . . . to bali every year.
a. Go c. To go
b. Goes d. Going
3. . . . . your Uncle come here every year?
a. Do c. Did
b. Does d. Will
4. The train always . . . . . on time.
a. Arrive c. Arrives
b. To arrive d. Arrived
5. I don’t . . . . . . . time to swim on monday.
a. Having c. Has
b. Had d. Have
6. . . . . . you have enough time to attend the party?
a. Does c. Didn’t
b. Did d. Do
7. Marzuki . . .a very thick book about Indonesian History.
a. Has c. Had
b. Have d. Hid
8. Does the coach of Soccer club . . . the team regularly?
a. Train c. Trained
b. Trains d. Training
9. Mr. And Mrs. Bambang often . . . . late.
a. Comes c. Came
b. Coming d. Come
10. Our Math teacher . . . check the attendance list every day.
a. Do not c. Did not
b. Does not d. Not doing
11. . . . . . the meeting take place in your office?
a. Do c. Dod
b. Does d. Don’t
12. My father always . . . . . . . Karate every week.
a. Practices c. Practice
b. Practicing d. Is practicing
13. Do your father and mother . . . . . in a hotel?
a. Stays c. Stay
b. To stay d. Staying
14. Every day the security officer at my school . . . . . . . around the building once every hour.
a. Walks c. To be walking
b. Is walking d. Walking

15. Does your friend . . . . . about this problem?
a. Understands c. Understand
b. To understand d. Understood
16. My Biology teacher . . . . . . . always kind to every student.
a. Are c. Am
b. Is d. Was
17. The earth . . . . . . . once within 24 hours every day.
a. Rotating c. Rotate
b. Rotates d. Rotated
18. Handoko And Mrs Sunarni . . . . . always happy every time.
a. Am c. Are
b. Is d. Were
19. My father doesn’t . . . . . coffee every morning.
a. To drink c. Drinks
b. Drink d. Drinking
20. Eko, Yoga and Nanda . . . . . . . my best friend.
a. Is c. Was
b. Am d. Are

B. How do you tell people what you do every day?

Look at the following pictures. Look at the example: I wake up.
Make your own sentences. Add Subject “I” at the beginning.

C. Assessment

1. Make a paragraph about your daily activities in a creative and colorful paper!
2. Make a short video about your daily activities text at least 1-2 minutes and send
to your teacher!



A. Add -s or -es to the verbs!

1. see sees 11. run runs

2. take takes 12. cry cries
3. brush brushes 13. catch catches
4. kiss kisses 14. wake wakes
5. call calls 15. fly flies
6. give gives 16. swim swims
7. play plays 17. match matches
8. study studies 18. buy buys
9. watch watches 19. water waters
10. help helps 20. fight fights

B. Underline the correct variant!

1. Tedy ________ his room every Saturday.

a. tidy b. tidies
2. They ________ to the music every day.
a. listen b. listens
3. Dewi usually ________ TV in the evening.
a. watch b. watches
4. The girls often ________ with the dolls.
a. play b. plays
5. I _____ in the pool on Sundays.
a. swim b. swims

C. Rewrite the sentences with the new subject!

1. Siti likes to eat an ice cream. (I)

I like to eat an ice cream.
2. They go to the zoo every Sunday (Toni)
Toni goes to the zoo every Sunday.
3. The boys play football well. (Toni)
Toni plays football well.
4. The girls like to play dolls. (My sister)
My sister likes to play dolls
5. You speak English well. (Mr. Doni)
Mr. Doni speaks English well.
D. Fill in don’t or doesn’t!

11. Bernard doesn’t play basketball every Sunday.

12. They don’t go to the mall.
13. Donna doesn’t like to eat fried chicken.
14. My brothers don’t like to drink milk.
15. Lina doesn’t wear shorts at all.
16. My nephew doesn’t know Italian well.
17. She doesn’t wear long dresses.
18. Tom doesn’t go to the gym.
19. You don’t often go to the movies.
20. I don’t like to get up early.

E. Write do or does!

1. Does she listen to rock music?

2. Do they go to the zoo on Sunday?
3. Do you often call her friend?
4. Does your dog chase the cats?
F. 5. Do they learn to dance at the school?
6. Does he know all the computer games?
7. Does Doni want to find his friends?
8. Do you like to draw the animals?
9. Do we learn to dance at school?
10. Do the boys like to plant the flowers?

1. D. Checks 11. B. Does
2. B. Goes 12. A. Practices
3. B. Does 13. C. Stay
4. C. Arrives 14. A. Walks
5. D. Have 15. C. Understand
6. D. Do 16. B. Is
7. A. Has 17. B. Rotates
8. A. Train 18. C. Are
9. D. Come 19. B. Drink
10. B. Does not 20. D. Are


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