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Ketentuan Pengerjaan Tugas Libur Hari Raya Siswa Infinity:

1. Tugas merupakan syarat untuk dapat mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran setelah libur
hari raya.
2. Tugas dikerjakan dalam buku tulis baru khusus untuk tugas libur hari raya.
3. Waktu pengumpulan tugas yaitu dari 13-20 Juni 2019.
4. Bagi siswa yang tidak mengumpulkan atau terlambat mengumpulkan tugas dengan
alasan apapun maka tidak dapat mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran setelah Libur Hari
Raya antara lain Infinity Club dan Simulasi Ujian.
5. Pengumpulan dianggap selesai/sah jika sudah ditanda-tangani dari Tutor dan Tim
Kurikulum. Kegiatan pembelajaran dapat diikuti jika tugas sudah selesai dan ditanda-
tangani dari Tim Kurikulum.
6. Kakak-kakak dari Tim Kurikulum yaitu: Kak Fina, Kak Pamela, Kak Reny, Kak Andi, Kak
1. Temukan 100 kata serapan/asing dari artikel koran/media cetak lainnya dan tuliskan
persamaan (sinonim) katanya serta kalimat yang menggunakan kata tersebut!

2. Tuliskan dan hapalkan bentuk pecahan, desimal, dan persentase untuk setiap pecahan dari
sampai !

3. Kerjakan ulang paket try out TPA dan TIU #6 dan #11 beserta pembahasannya!

4. Persamaan kuadrat yang akar-akarnya 2 lebihnya dari akar-akar persamaan

adalah …

5. Jika dengan , berapa persen dari ?

6. Jika dan ( ) maka nilai ...

7. Bentuk persentase dari hasil operasi bilangan 0,1125 : 0,45 + 0,2275 : 0,65 = …

8. Jika , dan , maka ...

9. Bilangan terbesar sehingga membagi adalah . . .

10. Jika maka nilai adalah . . .

11. ...

12. Jika dan adalah akar-akar persamaan maka nilai dari

adalah . . .

13. Diketahui jumlah soal ujian TPA adalah 45 soal dengan sistem penilaiannya adalah setiap
jawaban benar mendapat nilai 4 dan dikurangi 1 untuk setiap jawaban yang salah. Jika Fina
menjawab semua soal ujian TPA dan mendapatkan nilai akhir 120, jumlah Fina menjawab
salah adalah . . .

14. Pada sebuah perusahaan percetakan, setiap mesin dari 10 mesin cetak dapat menghasilkan
3 buku setiap 20 menit. Jika mesin bekerja tanpa henti, jumlah buku yang dihasilkan selama
10 jam berturut-turut adalah …

15. Jika adalah bilangan bulat dengan , , , dan , maka nilai

maksimum adalah . . .

16. Umur sang ayah saat ini 24 tahun lebih tua daripada anaknya. Dua tahun yang lalu, umur
sang ayah 4 kali lebih tua daripada umur anaknya. Berapa umur sang anak sekarang?

17. Dua karung terigu masing-masing beratnya 15 kg dan 25 kg. Pada masing-masing karung
terjadi penyusutan yang besarnya berturut-turut 5% dan 2,4%. Jika isi kedua karung
tersebut digabung, persentase penyusutan isinya menjadi . . .

18. Seorang petugas penjualan memperoleh gaji minimum mingguan Rp220.000,00 ditambah
komisi sebesar 10% dari jumlah penjualan diatas Rp3.000.000,00 yang dicapai selama
seminggu. Jika petugas tersebut mengharapkan untuk memperoleh penghasilan
Rp400.000,00 untuk suatu minggu, berapakah jumlah minimum yang harus dicapainya
selama seminggu?

19. Dani akan mudik dari Jakarta ke Yogyakarta menggunakan mobil dengan kecepatan rata-
rata 40 km/jam. Jika jarak kota Jakarta dan kota Yogyakarta pada peta adalah 18 cm dengan
skala 1 : 4.200.000, dan Dani berangkat pada pukul 21.15, Dani akan sampai di kota
Yogyakarta pada pukul . . .

20. Mesin A memproduksi roti 40 buah dalam 20 menit. Mesin B memproduksi roti 10 buah
dalam 15 menit. Jika mesin A dan B digunakan bersama-sama, berapa waktu yang
dibutuhkan untuk memproduksi 300 roti?



Salah: Catatan
1. Carilah artikel Bahasa Inggris mengenai motivasi minimal 50 kata kemudian tuliskan
terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia!

2. Terjemahkan dua artikel bahasa Inggris berikut ke dalam bahasa Indonesia!

Fuel Subsidies under the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono administration (2004-2014)

It is also interesting to take a quick look at the subsidized fuel price reforms that were made
during the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) administration (2004-2014) as it shows that a too
late response by authorities can cause steep inflation, while there are also great examples of
how fuel prices become politicized.
In late-2005, after having been in office for around one year, the SBY administration decided
to reduce massive fuel subsidies by more than doubling prices of subsidized fuels. This decision
was made due to the rapidly rising international oil prices between 2002 and 2006. However,
because of the big difference between real market prices and Indonesia's subsidized fuel prices
it soon led to double-digit inflation rates of between 14 and 19 percent (year-on-year) until
October 2006. Furthermore, the country's core inflation - which excludes items that are
vulnerable to temporary price volatility: food and administered prices - has been volatile as well
because of second round effects of energy price adjustments that pass through to the broader
economy (through rising transportation costs). A late response by authorities to raise
subsidized fuel prices can thus lead to much higher-than-necessary inflation and push many
people into full poverty (if not accompanied by the government's social assistance programs).
As international oil prices kept rising - touching a record high in June 2008 - and therefore
the SBY administration needed huge funds to keep subsidized fuel prices at just half the market
rate, another fuel subsidy cut was necessary. Problematically, cheap fuel had helped to boost car
sales to record highs and therefore fuel demand was ever-increasing. The decision of SBY to
raise subsidized fuel prices in 2008 was met by another round of demonstrations. However, one
year later (in 2009), SBY changed course as international oil prices declined during the global
financial crisis. SBY cut prices of subsidized fuel in Indonesia, a move likened by the people.
Besides the significantly falling international oil prices, it is assumed that SBY was also happy to
lower domestic fuel prices ahead of the 2009 elections. The decision would surely boost his
chances of being reelected.
Obama hopes Clinton can fix what he could not
Eight years ago, Barack Obama cast himself as the rare candidate who could transcend the
polarizing "politics of the past" and bridge divides that had left Washington barely functioning
for years. Ultimately, the gulf was too wide — if anything, the political climate in the United
States worsened.
So, standing before the last, biggest audience he has left, Obama on Wednesday found a
successor to carry forward the hopes and aspirations that once rallied millions to his side.
"It can be frustrating, this business of democracy. Trust me, I know," Obama told an adoring
audience as he extolled Hillary Clinton for president. "Hillary knows, too."
While Obama gushed over his former rival and possible successor, his own credentials to
make that argument seemed weakened by the long list of goals he tried unsuccessfully to fulfill.
The mere fact that the country is considering electing Donald Trump — Obama's opposite in so
many ways — is a stark reminder that many Americans reject his approach.
Though Obama pulled the US out of recession doldrums, many Americans struggling
financially feel left behind. While he secured a sweeping health overhaul and economic reforms
that reshaped the American economy, the same gridlock he promised to break through stopped
him from delivering new laws and policies to fix immigration, tighten gun restrictions and
reduce the role of money in politics.
Those are the same priorities that Clinton is putting at the core of her own campaign. The
question for voters is whether she can do what Obama could not.
In front of thousands of die-hard, cheering Democrats, Obama could do no wrong. But
heading into the fall, it's unclear how his depiction of the country will be received by the
broader voting public.
"By so many measures, our country is stronger and more prosperous than it was when we
started," Obama said. "And through every victory and every setback, I've insisted that change is
never easy, and never quick — that we wouldn't meet all of our challenges in one term, or one
presidency or even in one lifetime."
Just 19 percent of Americans said the country is heading in the right direction in an AP-GfK
poll this month, a significant drop from the 39 percent who felt that way a year and a half
earlier. Almost 4 in 5 voters feel the country is moving in the wrong direction this month,
compared to 3 in 5 in early 2015.
Yet like it or not, Obama's legacy is now Clinton's. His former secretary of state, Clinton has
embraced Obama's record and most of his policies as her own.
And her legacy is his. Should Clinton lose and Trump follow through on his promises, much
of what Obama built as president could be unraveled.
With only a few months left in office, Obama is now taking stock of what the Democratic
Party looks like after his two terms.
Obama's party is better positioned than ever before to appeal to minority and women voters
who increasingly drive the outcome of US elections, an advantage Democrats put on display this
week by highlighting black, Hispanic, female and LGBT Democrats at the convention.
On the other hand, his party's argument to white men who still make up 1 in 3 voters in
presidential elections appears to have gotten muddled along the way, a trend that polls show
has deepened on his watch. Vice President Joe Biden said this week that Democrats have done
the right thing for them, but added, "The Democratic Party overall hasn't spoken enough to
those voters."
For years, Democratic leaders have griped privately that Obama neglected the sometimes
tedious work of building up his party and keeping it viable for the next election. This week, after
the breach of Democratic National Committee emails led to the party chairwoman's ouster, the
White House rushed to distance itself from the party's political organization, where many of
Obama's staffers once worked.
What may be Obama's most significant contribution to his party is the enduring power of his
political brand. As he took the stage in Philadelphia, there were throwbacks to his own
campaign eight years earlier, from the chants of "Yes we can" to the "Obama" signs that bobbed
up and down in the crowd in an undulating sea of blue.
Democrats hope that Obama nostalgia will animate voters over the next three months as
Obama clears much of his schedule to campaign for Clinton and other Democrats across the US
"Tonight, I ask you to do for Hillary Clinton what you did for me," he said.
Choose the one word or phrase which would not be appropriate in standard written
English, explain the reason, and change to the right one!
3. Pop Art was a movement (A) of the 1950’s and 1960’s whom (B) imagery was based on (C)
readily recognized American products and people (D).

4. The Egyptians first (A) discovered that drying (B) fruit preserved it, made it sweeter (C),
and improvement (D) its flavor.

5. Algebra is the branch (A) of mathematics concerned with operations on sets (B) of numbers
or other elements (C) that are often represented at (D) symbols.

6. A conductor uses (A) signals and gesture to let the musicians (B) to know (C) when to play
(D) various parts of a composition.

7. Many of the recording (A) instruments used in vary (B) branches (C) of science are (D)

8. Martin Luther King Jr.’s magnificent speaking (A) ability enabling (B) him to effectively (C)
express the demands for (D) social justice for Black Americans.

9. The purpose of (A) traveler’s checks is (B) to protect travelers from theft (C) and accidental
lost (D) of money.

10. The American anarchist Emma Goldman infused her spirited lectures, publishes (A), and
demonstrations with a (B) passionate belief (C) in the freedom of the (D) individual.

11. The surface conditions (A) on the planet Mars are the more (B) like the Earth’s than (C) are
those of any other planet (D) in the solar system.

12. Rice adapt (A) better than other grain (B) crops to areas with unfavorable (C) saline,
alkaline, or (D) acid sulfate soils.

13. Today’s farmers have increased (A) milk production greatly (B) through improved (C)
methods of breeding, feeding, and manage (D) dairy cattle.

14. Hypoglycemia is a condition (A) in which a rapidly (B) drop in blood sugar most often
results (C) from an (D) over-secretion of insulin from pancreas.

15. Newborn infants show (A) a distinct preference for human voices over other (B) sounds and
also prefer her (C) own mothers’ voices to the voices (D) of strangers.

16. Each major styles (A) of architecture emerged (B) because new problems in building or
challenges in design appeared for architects (C) to resolve (D).

17. The black (A) leopard is very (B) dark that its spots are (C) difficult to see (D).

18. Proteins are made up of (A) long, folded irregularly (B) chains, the links (C) of which are (D)
amino acids.

19. Educator (A) Helen Magill White was the first (B) American woman to have earn (C) the
Ph.D. degree (D).

20. Much (A) theories have been (B) developed concerning how (C) people learn about cultures
from the myths and legends passed down from one generation to another (D).

21. Several comet (A) are discovered each year, but very few of them (B) are bright enough (C)
to be seen (D) without the aid of magnification.

22. Northern Canada contains (A) vast areas treeless (B) of low (C) vegetation known (D) as

23. I returned back (A) your (B) belongings before (C) you moved (D) to your new house.

24. Iniesta preferred (A) reading a novel in his room than (B) watching (C) a movie at (D) the

25. Joko had various fantasy novels (A), and he bought it (B) while he and his best friends were
going (C) to Gramedia last week (D).

Hot boning is an energy-saving technique for the meat processing industry. It has received
significant attention in recent years when increased pressure for energy conservation has
accentuated the need for more efficient methods of processing the bovine carcass. Cooling an
entire carcass requires a considerable amount of refrigerated space, since bone and trimmable
fat are cooled along with muscle. It is also necessary to space the carcasses adequately in the
refrigerated room for better air movement and prevention of microbial contamination, thus
adding to the volume requirements for carcass chillers.
Conventional handling of meat involves holding the beef sides in the cooler for 24 to 36
hours before boning. Chilling in the traditional fashion is also associated with a loss of carcass
weight ranging from 2 percent to 4 percent due to evaporation of moisture the meat tissue.
Early excision, or hot boning, of muscle pre-rigor followed be vacuum packaging has
several potential advantages. By removing only the edible muscle and fat pre-rigor,
refrigeration space and cost are minimized, boning labor is decreased, and storage yields
increased. Because hot boning often result in the toughening of meat, a more recent approach,
hot boning following electrical stimulation, has been used to reduce the necessary time of rigor
mortis. Some researchers have found this method beneficial in maintaining tender meat, while
others have found that the meat also becomes tough after electrical stimulation.

26. All of the following are mentioned as drawbacks of the conventional method of boning,
except …
A. Storage space requirements
B. Energy waste
C. Loss of carcass weight
D. Toughness of meat

27. In the line 2, the word "pressure" is closest in meaning to …

A. Urgency
B. Weight
C. Flavor
D. Cooking texture

28. Hot boning is becoming very popular because …

A. it causes meat to be very tender
B. it helps conserve energy and is less expensive than conventional methods
C. meat tastes better when the bone is adequately seared along with the meat
D. it reduces the weight of the carcass
29. In the line 10, "early excision" is closest in meaning to …
A. Vacuum packaging
B. Hot boning
C. Carcass chilling
D. Electrical stimulation

30. One reason it is recommended to remove bones before refrigerating is that …

A. it makes the meat more tender
B. the bones are able to be used for other purposes
C. it increases chilling time
D. it saves cooling space by not refrigerating parts that will be discarded



Salah: Catatan
1. Kelebihan dan kekurangan penggunaan asas desentralisasi adalah …
2. Sebutkan lembaga negara berdasarkan struktur ketatanegaraan Indonesia!
3. Perbedaan kebijakan Kasimo Plan dan Kebijakan Banteng adalah …
4. Apa beda referendum, addendum, dan maklumat …
5. Ruang lingkup HAM yang berkembang dalam kehidupan sehari-hari adalah …
6. Jelaskan muculnya sejarah Demokrasi di Indonesia!
7. Sebutkan partai yang terdapat pada masa orba serta gabungan dari partai apa saja!
8. Pada masa Jepang menduduki Indonesia, terdapat beberapa kebijakan yang dibuat oleh
pemerintahnya terutama pada bidang ekonomi dan pemerintahan. Isi dari kebijakan
tersebut adalah …
9. Setelah amandemen, terdapat produk perubahan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik
Indonesia yang berperan penting dalam menjadikan kehidupan yang dinamis dalam
ketatanegaraan Indonesia. Produk tersebut adalah …
10. Alasan negara-negara wilayah Afrika belum masuk ke dalam anggota PBB adalah …
11. Sebutkan 3 tugas pokok atase perdagangan!
12. Pada masa pemerintahan Jepang, terdapat 3 cakupan organisasi besar (social masyarakat,
semi militer, militer) yang membawahi organisasi lainnya. Di antaranya …
13. Akibat kependudukan Jepang di Indonesia, dampak kependudukan tersebut pada bidang
politik, social budaya dan ekonomi, dan pada bidang pendidikan adalah …
14. Latar belakang terbentuknya ORI (Oeang Republik Indonesia) pada tahun 1945 sampai
1949 adalah …
15. Alasan Fahri Hamzah dikeluarkan dari kader PKS adalah …
16. Jelaskan 4 prinsip pemaparan dari ajaran Mahatma Gandhi!
17. Apa beda Kasimo Plan, Gerakan Benteng, dan Gunting Syafrudi?
18. Yang bukan termasuk pengawas koperasi adalah …
19. Sebutkan 10 kebudayaan Indonesia yang diakui UNESCO!
20. Jelaskan perkembangan perekonomian pada masa Soekarno menjadi presiden Indonesia!
21. Jelaskan latar belakang penyebab terjadinya petisi 50!
22. Alasan pemerintah Republik Indonesia membekukan hubungan diplomatic dengan Cina
pada tahun 1967 adalah …
23. Alasan pemerintah Republik Indonesia kembali menjalin kerjasama pada tahun 1990
setelah melakukan pembekuan diplomatik adalah …
24. Alasan masyarakat Tionghoa yang menjadi sasaran kerusuhan 1998 …
25. Kementerian apa saja yang pernah mengalami perubahan sebelum menjadi Kementerian
yang disahkan sekarang dan apa saja nama perubahan Kementerian tersebut?
26. Jelaskan delapan teori terbentuknya negara berdasarkan pendekatan factual (primer)!
27. Jelaskan makna kesatuan dalam system penyelenggaraan negara!
28. Jelaskan secara ringkas tatanan negara berdasarkan perubahan konstitusi dari era pasca
kemerdekaan hingga era reformasi!
29. Sebutkan dan jelaskan makna penghormatan lambang-lambang negara!
30. Jelaskan masing-masing penyebab runtuh kerajaan Hindu-Budha di Indonesia!
31. Tuliskan tujuh tuntutan reformasi pada masa akhir pemerintahan Soeharto!
32. Tanggal berapa saja pengesahan amandemen UUD 1945 (1-4 kali amandemen)?
33. Tugas DPD menurut pasal UUD 1945 adalah …
34. Sebutkan isi lengkap sumpah pemuda!
35. Urutkan isi UU No.12 tahun 2011 tentang pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan!
36. Tujuan hukum menurut Prof. Subekti, SH adalah …
37. Sebutkan isi dari KMB!
38. Sebutkan isi dari trikora!
39. Buatlah dua contoh majas metonimia!
40. Pendiri Gerakan Non Blok adalah …
41. Tujuan dibentuknya otonomi daerah adalah …
42. Bukti nyata bahwa islam telah masuk ke Indonesia adalah …
43. Sebutkan tujuan nasional Indonesia!
44. Buatlah 2 contoh pelanggaran sila ke 2!
45. Apa saja tugas BPK menurut pasal?
46. Alasan terjadinya pemberontakan DI/TII di Sulawesi adalah …
47. Tuliskan satu kasus hak rehabilitasi yang digunakan oleh Presiden!
48. Penyebab lengsernya Habibie menjadi Presiden Indonesia adalah …
49. Tugas MPR menurut pasal 3 adalah …
50. Pokok pikiran UUD 1945 No.XX/MPRS/1966 dari alinea 1-4 tergambar dalam sila apa saja?



Salah: Catatan

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