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Lesson 01: “My Big Family!

Pelajaran 01: “Keluarga besarku”

Pelajaran 01: Teman – teman pasti sudah taukan Bahasa Inggrisnya nama-nama dari anggota keluarga?
Dari mulai nama; Ayah, Ibu, Kaka, Adik, Kakek dan Nenek. Nah, dalam pelajaran kali ini kita akan
mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang anggota-anggota keluarga besar kita dalam Bahasa Inggris dan kamu
akan menceritakan tentang anggota keluargamu. Selamat Belajar!

Family Tree







Let’s talk!

Who is she?
She is my mother.

What is your mother’s

name? My mother’s name is

How old is your mother?

She is 27 years old now.

What is your mother occu-

pation? She is a Housewife.

Susan. Please tell me

about your father

My father’s name is Bagas

Septian. He is 41 years old.
He is a Doctor.

Grammar Box;
She = Dia (perempuan)

He = Dia (laki-laki)

It = itu (benda/binatang)

Step 1 (Tahap 1)
NOTE  Untuk menanyakan anggota keluarga seseorang, katakan;

“Who is he/she?” (siapa dia?)

 Untuk meresponnya kamu dapat mengatakan

“He/She is my…”. (dia adalah…)

Listen and Repeat!

Step 2 (Tahap 2)
NOTE  Untuk menanyakan nama anggota keluarga seseorang, katakan;

“What is your….. name?” (siapa nama………mu?)

 Untuk meresponnya kamu dapat mengatakan

“My……’s name is…..”. (Nama…...ku adalah….)

Listen and Repeat!

Step 3 (Tahap 3)
NOTE  Untuk menanyakan umur anggota keluarga seseorang, katakan;

“How old is your ……?” (berapa umur…

 Untuk meresponnya kamu dapat mengatakan

“He/She is……years old”. (dia berumur….tahun)

Listen and Repeat!

Step 4 (Tahap 4)
NOTE  Untuk menanyakan pekerjaan anggota keluarga seseorang, katakan;

“What is your…… occupation?” (apa pekerjaan…

 Untuk meresponnya kamu dapat mengatakan

“He/She is a…….”. (dia adalah seorang….)

Listen and Repeat!

Practice 1(latihan 1)
(Pointing to mouth!)

Let’s talk!
Lengkapilah percakapan dibawah sesuai dengan informasi keluargamu!

Lalu peraktekanlah dengan temanmu!

Who is she?
She is my mother.

What is your mother’s

name? My mother’s name

How old is your mother?

She is__________years old.

What is your mother occu-

pation? She is a ____________

___________. Please tell me about

your father

My father’s name is_______________.

He is________ years old.

He is a__________________.

Say the chant!

Student of Arafah (balonku) by Bunda Eko

We are students of Arafah

Beautiful and handsome children
We are smart, cute and clever
We are students arafah

Smart students?
We are, we are, we are, yes!

Practice 2(latihan 2)

Lets Practice!
Pelajarilah kalimat menjelaskan/menggambarkan anggota keluarga dibawah ini.

Praktekan dengan temanmu atau di depan kelasmu.


Good morning everyone.

My name is Chaca.

I am 9 years old.

I am student at Arafah Elementary School.

I am going to introduce my family.

He is my grandfather.

My grandfather’s name Is Abdul Halim.

He is 55 years old.

He is a retirement.

She is my grandmother.

My grandmother’s name is Siti Aisyah.

She is 54 years old.

She is a house wife

He is my father.

My father’s name Is Rasyid Halim.

He is 34 years old.

He is a civil servant.

She is my mother.

My mother’s name is Annisa Sukma.

She is 32 years old.

She is a housewife

He is my brother

My brother’s name is Luki Arrasyid.

He is 10 years old.

He is a student.

She is my sister.

My sister’s name is Aisyah Altafunnisa.

She is 2 years old.

She is a toddler.

He is my uncle.

My uncle’s name is Rudy Ramadhan.

He is 29 years old.

He is an entrepreneur.

She is my aunt.

My aunt’s name is Sofia Mutiara.

She is 24 years old.

She is a fashion designer.

She is my cousin.

My cousin’s name is Silvia Khansa.

She is 5 years old.

She is a student.

She is my sister.

My sister’s name is Hanna Azzahra.

She is 3 years old.

She is a toddler.

Practice 3(latihan 3)

Perkenalkan keluargamu di depan kelas. Kamu bisa menempelkan foto keluargamu pada kotak
dibawah ini dan memperkenalkannya.

Good morning everyone.
My name is____
I am _____years old
I am student at Arafah Elementary School.

I am going to introduce my family.

He is my grandfather.
My grandfather’s name Is ______________
He is _______ years old.
He is __________

She is my grandmother.
My grandmother’s name is______________
She is_______years old
She is________

He is my father.
My father’s name is_________________
He is_______years old.
He is______________

She is my mother.
My mother’s name is____________________
She is_______years old.
She is_________

He is my brother
My brother’s name is____________________
He is_______years old.
He is ___________

She is my sister.
My sister’s name is____________________
She is_______years old
She is___________

He is my uncle.
My uncle’s name is__________________
He is______years old.
He is an_____________

She is my aunt.
My aunt’s name is_____________________
PHOTO She is_______years old.
She is________________

She is my cousin.
My cousin’s name is___________________
She is_____years old.
She is____________

She is my cousin.
My sister’s name is____________________

PHOTO She is_____years old.

She is____________

Jika kamu memiliki hewan peliharaan (pets). Kamu bisa menempelkan fotonya pada kotak
dibawah ini, dan perkenalkan kepada temanmu.

It is my pet______________(cat,fish,turtle,etc)
My_______ name is____________________
It is_____years old.

It is my pet______________(cat,fish,turtle,etc)
My_______ name is____________________
It is_____years old.

Lesson 02: “My Appearance”

Pelajaran 02: “Penampilanku”

Pelajaran 02: Dipelajaran ini kamu akan mempelajari bagaimana menggambarkan/menjelaskan penam-
pilan seseorang, dari mulai; bentuk matanya, hidung, rambut, badan, kulit dari teman atau orang-orang
terdekatmu. Selamat Belajar!

Let’s Talk!

What does your mother look like?

She is very beautiful.

She has medium nose.

She has straight hair.

She has round eyes.

Grammar Box;

He : Dia laki-laki

She : Dia perempuan

Step 1 (Tahap 1)

Asking question (Bertanya)

Ketika kamu hendak bertanya tentang anggota keluarga dari temanmu, katakan;
What does your__________ (anggota keluarga) look like?
((anggota keluarga) kamu terlihat seperti apa?)

Ketika kamu hendak bertanya tentang teman-temanmu, katakana;

What does ___________ (nama) look like?

(si dia) terlihat seperti apa?

Example (Contoh);

Listen and Repeat!

1. What does your father look like?
(Seperti apa ayahmu?)

2. What does your mother look like?

(Seperti apa ibumu?)

3. What does your older sister look like?

(seperti apa kaka perempuannmu?

4. What does your younger brother look like?

(seperti apa adik laki-lakimu?)

5. What does Sekar look like?

(seperti apa sekar itu?)

Step 2 (Tahap 2)

Answering (Menjawab)
 Ketika kamu hendak menggambarkan penampilan/rupa seseorang, katakan;
She is Beautiful
(Dia (perempuan) pinter)

He is Handsome.
(Dia (laki-laki) rajin)
 Ketika kamu hendak menggambarkan bentuk badan seseorang, katakan;

She is slim
(Dia (perempuan) langsing)

He is fat.
(Dia (laki-laki) gemuk/gendut)
 Ketika kamu hendak menggambarkan bentuk dan warna mata seseorang;

She has slanted eyes.

(Dia (perempuan) memiliki mata yang sipit)

He has brown eyes.

(Dia (laki-laki) memiliki mata yang bundar)

 Ketika kamu hendak menggambarkan bentuk hidung seseorang, katakan;

She has pointed nose.

(Dia (perempuan) memiliki mata yang sipit)

He has flat nose.

(Dia (laki-laki) memiliki mata yang bundar)

 Ketika kamu hendak menggambarkan bentuk & warna rambut seseorang;

She has staraight hair.

(Dia (perempuan) memiliki rambut yang panjang)

He has black hair.

(Dia (laki-laki) memiliki rambut berwarna hitam)

General Appearance (Penampilan umum)

Listen and Repeat!

1. Young : Muda
2. Adulthood : Dewasa
3. Middle age : Paruh baya
4. Old : Tua
5. Handsome : Tampan
6. Beautiful : Cantik
7. Cute : Imut
8. Ugly : Jelek
9. Attractive : Menarik
Example (Contoh);

1. He is handsome 2. She is beautiful 3. He is old

Body (Badan)

Listen and Repeat!

1. Well – built : Bertubuh tegak

2. Fat : Gemuk/gendut
3. Plump : Berisi
4. Slim : Langsing
5. Thin : Kurus
6. Tall : Tinggi
7. Short : Pendek

Example (Contoh);

1. He is well-bulit 2. He is thin 3. He is plump

Eyes (Mata)

Listen and Repeat!

1. Regular eyes : Mata biasa/reguler

2. Slant eyes : Mata sipit
3. Round eyes : Mata bundar
4. Curve eyes : Mata lentik
5. Black eyes : Bermata hitam
6. Blue eyes : Bermata biru
7. Brown eyes : Bermata coklat


1. She has regular eyes 2. She has slant eyes 3. She has round eyes

Nose (Hidung)

Listen and Repeat!

1. Regular nose : Hidung biasa/rata-rata

2. Flat nose : Hidung pesek
3. Sharp nose : Hidung mancung
4. Big nose : Hidung besar
5. Small nose : Hidung kecil

Example (Contoh);

1. He has sharp nose 2. She has flat nose 1. He has big nose

Hair (Rambut)

Listen and Repeat!

1. Short : Pendek
2. Long : Panjang
3. Medium : Sedang
4. Black : Hitam
5. Brown : Coklat
6. Blonde : Pirang
7. Straight : Lurus
8. Wavy : Bergelombang/Ikal
9. Curly : Keriting

Example (Contoh);

3. He has short brown 2. She has medium 3. She has long blond
wavy hair. black curly hair. straight hair.

Skin (Kulit)

Listen and Repeat!

1. Light/fair : Putih/terang
2. Tanned : Kecoklatan (seperti habis berjemur)
3. Dark : Gelap
4. Pale : Pucat
5. Green : Hijau (Seperti hulk) Just kidding. 

Example (Contoh);

1. She has fair skin. 2. She has tanned skin. 3. She has dark skin.

Say the Chant!

Focus Claps!
(By Bunda Chaca)

Look at me…
(Claps 3 times)

Listen to me…
(Claps 3 times)

Be quite….

Let’s play a game!
GAME: Simon Says!

Jika kamu mendengar perintah yang diawali kata “Simon says”, kamu HARUS melakukan perintah terse-

Jika kamu mendengar perintah yang tidak diawali kata “Simon says”, kamu TIDAK BOLEH melakukan
perintah tersebut.

Example (Contoh);

Teacher : Simon says “Stand up” Teacher : Sit down

Student : Student :

Be quiet Listen to me Stand up Sit down

Take out your book Open your book Close your book Put your book
inside your bag

Hands up Hands down Point to the Point to the

window door

Practice 1 (latihan 1)

Let’s Talk!

Dialog 1
Peraktekanlah dengan temanmu!

Who is she?

She is my mother.
What is your mother name?

Her name is Lucinda.

How old is your mother?

She is 35 years old.
What is her occupation?

She is 35 years old.

What does your mother look like?

She is very beautiful.

She is tall

She has medium nose.

She has curly hair.

She has sharp eyes and

tanned skin.

Dialog 2
Peraktekanlah dengan temanmu!

Jim : Who is she?

Donna : She is Aunt Anna.
Jim : How old is she?
Donna : She is 29 years old.
Jim : What does she look like?
Donna : She is beautiful and kind. She has brown wavy hair. She
has sharp eyes and pointed nose. She has tanned skin and
slim body.

Practice 2 (latihan 2)

Let’s Practice
Pelajarilah kalimat menjelaskan/menggambarkan penampilan seseorang dibawah ini.

Praktekan dengan temanmu atau di depan kelasmu.

Hello everyone. My name is Faqih.

I am a student.

I am 9 years old.

I am tall and handsome.

I have round eyes and regular nose.

I have black short straight hair.

Genta is my classmate at school.

He is plump and funny.

He is 9 years old.

He has round eyes and regular nose.

He has brown short curly hair.

Reza is a lso my classmate at school.

He is thin and attractive.

He is 9 years old same like us.

He has round eyes and pointed nose.

He brown short staright hair.

Let’s Practice
Pelajarilah kalimat menjelaskan/menggambarkan penampilan seseorang dibawah ini.

Praktekan dengan temanmu atau di depan kelasmu.

Hello everyone. My name is Aiko.

I am a student.

I am 9 years old.

I am tall and beautiful.

I have slanted eyes eyes and regular nose.

I have black long straight hair.

Dita is my classmate at school.

She is plump and pretty.

She is 9 years old.

She has round eyes and regular nose.

She has brown short curly hair.

Rachel is also my classmate at school.

She is slim and attractive.

She is 9 years old same like us.

She has curve eyes and pointed nose.

She has blonde long staright hair.

Practice 3(latihan 3)

Speaking Practice
It is your turn to describe your friend appearances in the classroom.
You can put your friend real photos in the box and then describe them.
Jelaskan atau gambarkan secara lisan penampilan temanmu di depan kelas. Kamu bisa
menempelkan foto temanmu pada kotak dibawah ini dan memperkenalkannya.

Hello everyone. My name is_______________

I am a student.
I am_____years old.
PHOTO I am _______and_________.
I have_________ eyes
I have____________________________hair.

_________is my classmate at school.

She is___________ and______________.
She is______years old.
She has_________eyes and___________nose.
She has____________________________hair.

_________is also my classmate at school.

She is___________ and______________.

PHOTO She is______years old.

She has_________eyes and___________nose.
She has____________________________hair.

Lesson 03: “My Personality”

Pelajaran 03: “Kepribadian Saya”

Pelajaran 03: Dipelajaran ini kamu akan mempelajari bagaimana memberikan pendapat mengenai
kepribadian dari teman atau orang-orang terdekatmu. Selamat Belajar!

Let’s Talk!

What do you think about

Jessica’s personality?

I think, She is
friendly and helpful
person. She is smart.
She is cheerful and
helpful to anyone.

What is your opinion about the

personality of the witch on the

In opinion. The witch is

Yeah that is true. In my opin- really evil and unfriendly.
ion. She is bad and rude.

Step 1 (Tahap 1)

Asking Opinion (Bertanya)

Ketika kamu hendak bertanya pendapat akan karakter seseorang, katakan;

Can you describe _______(nama) personality?

(Bisakah kamu menjelaskan kepribadian________(nama)?)

Would you describe _______(nama) personality?

(Akankah kamu menjelaskan kepribadian________(nama)?)

Bisa juga gunakan kalimat ini untuk bertanya pendapat akan karakter seseorang;

What do you think about____________(name) personality?

(Apa pendapatmu tentang kepribadian_________(nama)?)

Atau gunakan kalimat ini untuk bertanya pendapat akan karakter seseorang;

What is your opinion about___________(name personality)

(Apa pendapatmu tentang kepribadian_________(nama)?)

Example (Contoh);

Listen and Repeat!

1. Can you describe Sinta’s personality?
(Bisakah kamu menjelaskan kepribadian Sinta?)

2. Would you describe Sinta’s personality?

(Akankah kamu menjelaskan kepribadian Sinta?)

3. What do you think about your sister personality?

(Apa pendapatmu tentang kepribadian adikmu?)

4. What is your opinion about Mr Jacob?

(Apa pendapatmu tentang pak Jacob?)

Step 2 (Tahap 2)

Talking about someone’s personality

(Berbicara tentang kepribadiaan seseorang)
NOTE  Ketika kamu hendak menjelaskan kepribadiaan seseorang bisa menggunakan
kalimat dibawah ini;

How to talk about personality in English

I can say that he/she is … I can say that Tommy is cheerful per-
(Aku bisa bilang kalua dia itu….) son.

I would say that he/she is … I would say Sinta is kind girl.

(Aku akn bilang kalua dia itu….)

I think, he/she is … I think, little brother is quiet polite.

(Pendapatku, dia itu….)

In my opinion, he/she is … In my opinion, she is a little bit care-

(Pendapatku, dia itu….)

I/he/she has/have … Leo has moody and lazy personality.

(Saya memiliki…)

I describe myself/her- I describe Susan as an optimistic per-

self/himself as an/a … son.
(Saya menggambarkan diri saya sebagai
seseorang yang….)

I guess, he/she is … I guess he is arrogant

(Aku rasa, dia itu….)

Grammar Box; (Kamu bisa menggunakan kata-kata dibawah sebagai pembilang ketika
membicarakan kepribadian seseorang)
Very = Sangat Very kind = Sangat baik

Really = Sangat Really helpful = Sangat suka menolong

So = Sangat So polite = Sangat sopan

A little = Sedikit A little arrogant = Sedikit sombong

Quiet = Cukup Quiet careless = Cukup ceroboh

Positive Adjectives to Describe Personality
(Kata sifat Positif (baik) untuk menjelaskan kepribadian seseorang)

Listen and Repeat!


1 Kind Baik

2 Friendly Ramah

3 Polite Sopan

4 Patient Sabar

5 Funny Lucu

6 Attractive Menarik

7 Honest Jujur

8 Easy-going Mudah bergaul

9 Cheerful Ceria

10 Likeable Mudah disukai

11 Diligent Rajin

12 Confident Percaya diri

13 Smart Pintar

14 Brave Berani

15 Hilarious Kocak


Listen and Practice!

Can you describe

Sinta’s personality?

I can say that, she

is cheerful, kind,
and little bit funny.

Would you like to describe

Alif’s persnolality?

I think, he is dili-
gent and smart.

Negative Adjectives to Describe Personality
(Kata sifat negatif (tidak baik) untuk menjelaskan kepribadian seseorang)

Listen and Repeat!

Arrogant Sombong

Lazy Malas

Careless Ceroboh

Impatient Tidak sabar

Rude Kasar

Impolite Tidak sopan

Dishonest Tidak jujur

Annoying Ngeselin

Coward Penakut

Selfish Egois

Unfriendly Tidak ramah

Silly Konyol

Shy Pemalu

Greedy Serakah

Fussy Cerewet


Listen and Practice!

What do you think about Jessica’s


I think, she is fussy

and annoying person,
but sometimes she is
kind to me.

What is your opinion about Genta’s


In my opinion, he is
little bit impolite to the

Practice 1 (latihan 1)

Let’s Talk!

Dialog 1
Peraktekanlah dengan temanmu!

Hello, Albert

Hello Jake
What do you think about
Fathan‘s personality?

I think he is a little
bit rude to me, but
sometimes he is
Yeah I agree with that.

Dialog 2
Peraktekanlah dengan temanmu!

Leo : Good morning, Daniel.

Daniel : Morning Leo.
Leo : What do you think about my personality?
Daniel : I can say that you are such a friendly person.
Can you describe my personalty?
Leo : I guess, you are a hilarious person.

Practice 2(latihan 2)

Lets Practice!
Pelajarilah kalimat menjelaskan/menggambarkan kepribadian seseorang dibawah ini.

Praktekan dengan temanmu atau di depan kelasmu.

Peter Parker is The Spiderman.

He is friendly and helpful.

He likes to help people around the city.

He sometimes little bit careless.


Tony Stark is The Ironman.

He is so brave and smart.

He can make realy cool equipments to

help others.

He sometimes arrogant to his friends.


Bruce wayne is The Hulk.

He is so strong and brave.

He can beat the enemies with one smash.

He sometimes being silly.


Lets Practice!
Pelajarilah kalimat menjelaskan/menggambarkan kepribadian seseorang dibawah ini.

Praktekan dengan temanmu atau di depan kelasmu.

Elsa is the Queen of Arendelle.

She is beautiful and patient.

She is such an honorable queen.

She also little bit ambitious.

Queen Elsa

Anna is the Princess of Arendelle.

She is so pretty and likeable.

Everyone in the palace like her personal-


She sometimes being clumsy.

Princess Anna

Olaf is a snowman.

He is very funny and Hilarious.

He always makes people around enter-


He sometimes being silly.


Practice 3(latihan 3)

Speaking Practice
It is your turn to describe your family’s personality.
You can put your family real photos in the box and then describe them.

TEACHER/FRIENDS = What do you think about your Father’s personality?

I think, he is_________ and ___________

PHOTO Because, ___________

TEACHER / FRIENDS = What i as your opinion bout your Moher’s personality?

In my opinion, She is_________ and ___________

PHOTO Because, ___________

TEACHER / FRIENDS = How can you describe your brother’s personality?

I can say that, He is_________ and ___________

PHOTO Because, ___________

TEACHER / FRIENDS = How can you describe your sister’s personality?

I guess, She is_________ and ___________

PHOTO Because, ___________

Practice 4(latihan 4)

Speaking Practice
Make a conversation with your friends using these questions.
Ask your friends to describe you and everyone in your school.

1. Can you describe…..personality?

(Bisakah kamu menjelaskan kepribadian…?)

2. Would you describe…. personality?

(Akankah kamu menjelaskan kepribadian…?)

3. What do you think about…..personality?

(Apa pendapatmu tentang kepribadian…?)

4. What is your opinion about…..?

(Apa pendapatmu tentang…?)

Peraktekanlah dengan temanmu!

1. Question : What do you think about Bunda Yanti’s Personality?

Answer : ________________________________

2. Question : What do you think about Bunda _______’s Personality?

Answer : ________________________________

3. Question : What do you think about Bunda _______’s Personality?

Answer : ________________________________

4. Question : What do you think about Bunda _______’s Personality?

Answer : ________________________________

5. Question : What do you think about Pak _______’s Personality?

Answer : ________________________________

6. Question : Can you describe about_________’s Personality?
Answer : ________________________________

7. Question : Can you describe about_________’s Personality?

Answer : ________________________________

8. Question : Can you describe about_________’s Personality?

Answer : ________________________________

9. Question : Can you describe about_________’s Personality?

Answer : ________________________________

10.Question : Can you describe about_________’s Personality?

Answer : ________________________________



1 Kind Baik 1 Arrogant Sombong

2 Friendly Ramah 2 Lazy Malas

3 Polite Sopan 3 Careless Ceroboh

4 Patient Sabar 4 Impatient Tidak sabar

5 Funny Lucu 5 Rude Kasar

6 Attractive Menarik 6 Impolite Tidak sopan

7 Honest Jujur 7 Dishonest Tidak jujur

8 Easy-going Mudah bergaul 8 Annoying Ngeselin

9 Cheerful Ceria 9 Coward Penakut

10 Likeable Mudah disukai 10 Selfish Egois

11 Diligent Rajin 11 Unfriendly Tidak ramah

12 Confident Percaya diri 12 Silly Konyol

13 Smart Pintar 13 Shy Pemalu

14 Brave Berani 14 Greedy Serakah

15 Hilarious Kocak 15 Fussy Cerewet

Lesson 04: “My Feelings”

Pelajaran 04: “Perasaanku”

Pelajaran 04: Dipelajaran ini kamu akan mempelajari bagaimana mengekspresikan perasaanmu kepada
teman atau orang-orang terdekatmu.Baik perasaan senang, sedih, kecewa, marah dan lain sebagainya.
Selamat Belajar!

Let’s Talk!

How are you feeling today?

I am so happy today
because, I pass the
exam with a good

You look sad. Are you okay?

I feel little bit sad, because

my dearest cat is missing.

Step 1 (Tahap 1)

Asking About Feelings (Menanyakan perasaan)

Ketika kamu hendak menanyakan perasaan seseorang, katakan;

How are you feeling today?

(Bagaimana perasaanmu hari ini?)

How do you feel today?

(Bagaimana perasaanmu hari ini?)

Bisa juga gunakan kalimat ini untuk bertanya pendapat akan karakter seseorang;

Are you happy/angry/sad/upset?

(Apa kamu senang/marah/sedih/kesal/dll?)

Are you OK/alright?

(Kamu tidak apa/baik-baik saja?)

Is everything OK/alright?
(Kamu tidak apa/baik-baik saja?)

You look sad/upset. Are you OK?

(Kamu terlihat sedih/kesal. Kamu tidak apa?)

What’s wrong?
(Ada masalah apa?)

What’s the matter?

(ada masalah apa?)

Example (Contoh);

Listen and Repeat!

 Hi Leo. How are you feeling today?
(Hei Leo. Bagaimana perasaanmu hari ini)

 Are you happy to study English?

(Apakah kamu senang belajar Bahasa Inggris?)

 You look so upset, Fajar. Is everything OK?

(Kamu terlihat kesal, Fajar. Apakah semuanya baik-baik

Step 2 (Tahap 2)

Expressing Feelings (Mengungkapkan perasaan)

 Ketika kamu hendak menjelaskan perasaanmu kepada seseorang, katakan;
I am feeling happy/sad/angry/upset/etc… today
(Saya merasa senang/sedih/marah/kesa/dll…)

I feel happy/sad/angry/upset/etc… today

(Saya merasa senang/sedih/marah/kesa/dll…)

 Bisa juga gunakan kalimat ini untuk menjelaskan sebab dari perasaanmu saat ini…

I am feeling little bit happy/sad/upset/angry/etc, because…

(Apa merasa senang/sedih/kesal/marah/dll, karena…)

I feel little bit sad/upset/angry/etc, because…

(Apa merasa senang/sedih/kesal/marah/dll, karena…)

 Bisa juga gunakan dalam bentuk kalimat negatif, untuk menyatakan yang sebaliknya…

I am not feeling happy/sad/angry/upset/etc…. today

(Apa sedang tidak merasa senang/sedih/kesal/marah/dll, karena…)

I do not feel happ/sad/upset/angry/etc, because…

(Apa tidak merasa senang/sedih/kesal/marah/dll, karena…)

Example (Contoh);

Listen and Repeat!

 I am feeling happy today.
(Aku merasa senang hari ini.)

 I am feeling little bit upset, because my little brother

annoyed me.
(Aku rada kesal karena, adik laki-lakiku menjengkelkan)

Grammar Box; (Kamu bisa menggunakan kata-kata dibawah sebagai pembilang ketika
membicarakan perasaanmu)
Very = Sangat Very kind = Sangat baik

Really = Sangat Really helpful = Sangat suka menolong

So = Sangat So polite = Sangat sopan

A little = Sedikit A little arrogant = Sedikit sombong

Quiet = Cukup Quiet careless = Cukup ceroboh

Feelings (Perasaan)

Listen and Repeat!

Takut Bingung Terkejut Sedih

Bersemangat Jijik Bangga Marah

Sakit Senang Sangat Senang Lapar

Hampa Malu Ngantuk Malu

Tidak senang Sangat sedih Lelah Khawatir


Listen and Practice!

I am feeling happy. I am very happy. I feel exicited.

I am not feeling happy. I am not very happy. I do not feel exicted.
Am I feeling happy? Am I very happy? Do I feel excited?.

You are feeling sad. You are very sad. You feel tired.
You are not feeling sad. I am not very sad. You do not feel tired.
Are you feeling sad? Are you very sad? Do you feel very sad?

She is feeling angry. He is confused. He feels supprised.

She is not feeling angry. He is not confused. He does not feel supprised.
Is she feeling angry? Is he confused? Does he feel supprised?

Step 3 (Tahap 3)

Giving Reason (Memberikan Alasan)

Akan lebih mudah membicarakan tentang perasaan kalau kamu tau perasaan kamu dan kenapa kamu
merasakan itu. Coba ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini.

Listen and Practice!

1. Pikirkan kata perasaan tentang apa yang kamu rasakan saat ini.
Contoh: “I feel happy”

2. Pikirkan alasan kenapa kamu merasa seperti itu. Gunakan kata “Be-
Contoh: “I feel happy, because I win Futsal competition.”

3. Jika kamu tidak tau alasan kenapa kamu merasakan hal itu. Ka-
Contoh: “I feel happy, but I do not know why.”

4. Jika kamu ingin menanyakan alasan kenapa seseorang merasakan

hal itu. Gunakan pertanyaan yang di awali “Why…”
1. “Why do you feel happy?”
2. “Why are you feeling happy?”
3. “What makes you feel happy?”

I feel very sad because, my
kitten died yesterday.

I feel very angry because,

my brother is annoying.

I feel excited because, to-

day is English Area time.

Step 4 (Tahap 4)

Giving Respond (Memberikan Tanggapan)

Ada baiknya ketika temanmu sedang Bahagia atau Sedih kamu beri tanggapan yang sesuai sebagai ben-
tuk kepedulian kamu terhadapan seseorang.


1. Ketika temanmu sedang merasa bahagia, beri tanggapan:

 I am happy to hear that. (aku turut senang mendengarnya)
 I am glad to hear that. (aku turut senang mendengarnya)
 Congratulations. (selamat)
 That is so fantastic. (itu sangat mengagumkan)
2. Ketika temanmu sedang mearasa sedih atau terkena musibah, beri
 I am sorry to hear that. (aku turut sedih mendengarnya)
 That is awful. (itu sangat buruk)
 How poor you are. (sungguh malangnya kamu)
 I gave my deepest condolence for you. (aku turut berduka
cita padamu)


You look sad. Are you okay?

I feel little bit sad, because
my dearest cat is missing.

I am sorry to hear that.

Hope your cat is fine.

Thank you.

Practice 1 (latihan 1)

Let’s Talk!

Dialog 1
Peraktekanlah dengan temanmu!

Hello Peter.
Hello, Lucy.

How are you feeling

I feel so happy today.

Why are you feeling

so happy?

I feel so happy, because my

That is fantastic! mother just bought me a bicycle

Dialog 2
Peraktekanlah dengan temanmu!

Karen : Hi, Fadhil. Assalamualaikum.

Fadhil : Waalaikumsalam Karen.
Karen : You look sad. Is everything alright?
Fadhil : I am not sad. I just sleepy because I stayed up last night.
Karen : Ooh I see. I am happy to hear that. See you in classroom
Fadhil : See you there.

Practice 2 (latihan 2)

Let’s Talk!
Make Conversations about talking feelings and practice with your friends!

Buatlah percakapan tentang membicarakan perasaan dan peraktekanlah dengan temanmu!

Dialog 1
Peraktekanlah dengan temanmu!

You : Hi, _______. Assalamualaikum.

Friend : Waalaikumsalam ________.

You : How are you feeling? / How do you feel today?

Friend : I am feeling so happy right now.

You : Why are you feeling so happy?

Friend : Because________

You : __________________

Friend : Thank you.

You : See you later.

Friend : See you.

Dialog 2
Peraktekanlah dengan temanmu!

Friend : Hi, _______. Assalamualaikum.

You : Waalaikumsalam ________.

Friend : How are you feeling? / How do you feel today?

You : I am feeling____________________.

Friend : Why are you feeling_____________?

You : Because________

Friend : __________________

You : __________________

Friend : Nice to meet you.

You : Nice to meet you too.

Lesson 05: “I Want To Be a Millionaire”

Pelajaran 05: “Aku ingin menjadi jutawan”

Pelajaran 05: Dipelajaran ini kamu akan mempelajari bagaimana mengungkapkan cita-cita dan keinginan
kamu dimasa depan. Selamat Belajar!

Let’s Talk!

Hi Amanda. Assalamualaikum.

Hi Luna. Waalaikumsalam
What do you want to be when
you grow up?

I want to be a doctor.


Because I want to cure

people and save lives.
I want to be an astronaut be-
cause I want to touch the What about you?
moon and the stars.

When you can finally touch

them, don’t forget to bring
one star for me.
Sure. I will

Step 1 (Tahap 1)

Asking Someone’s Dream (Bertanya Tentang Impian Seseorang)

Ketika kamu hendak menanyakan impian seseorang, katakan;

What do you want to be when you grow up/in the future?

(Kamu mau menjadi apa jika kamu dewasa/di masa depan nanti?)

What is your biggest dream?

(Apa impian terbesarmu?)

Bisa juga gunakan kalimat ini untuk bertanya impian seseorang;

What are your ambitions in your life?

(Apa saja ambisi/cita-cita dalam hidupmu?)

What are your life goals?

(apa saja cita-cita/tujuanmu?)

Example (Contoh);

Listen and Repeat!

 What do you want to be when you grow up/in the future?
(Kamu mau menjadi apa jika kamu dewasa/di masa depan nanti?)

 What is your biggest dream?

(Apa impian terbesarmu?)

 What are your ambitions in your life?

(Apa saja ambisi/cita-cita dalam hidupmu?)

 What are your life goals?

(apa saja cita-cita/tujuanmu?)

Step 2 (Tahap 2)

Telling About Your Dreams (Memberitahukan Impianmu)

 Ketika kamu hendak memberitahukan impianmu kepada seseorang, katakan;
I want to be...
(Saya ingin menjadi…)

My biggest dream is…

(Impian terbesarku adalah…)

My ambition is…
(Ambisi/cita-citaku adalah…)

My life goal is….

(Tujuan hidupku adalah…)

Example (Contoh);

Listen and Repeat!

 I want to be a Soldier.
(Aku mau menjadi tentara.)

 My biggest dream is to have restaurant

(Impian terbesarku adalah punya restaurant)

 My ambition is to become the best singer in the world.

(Cita-citaku adalah menjadi penyanyi terbaik di dunia.)

 My life goal is to have sport car and luxurious house.

(Tujuan hidupku adalah memiliki mobil sport dan rumah mewah)

 My life goal is to make my parents proud.

(Tujuan hidupku adalah membuat orangtuaku bangga)

Dreams about Profession (Impian Tentang Pekerjaan)

Listen and Repeat!

Teacher Doctor Nurse

Entrepreneur Police

Sailor Astronaut Pilot Soldier

Listen and Repeat!

Hobby to Profession (Dari hobi menjadi pekerjaan)

Chef Athlete

Dancer Singer Artist

Actres / Actor Model

Dreams to have something (Impian memiliki sesuatu)

Have Luxurious House

Have Luxurious Car / Vehicle

Have Restaurant

Have a lot of money

Have Company

Other Dreams (Impian lain)

Go to Mecca

Travel Arround the World

Make parents proud

Be a Superhero

Step 3 (Tahap 3)

Giving Reason (Memberikan Alasan)

Akan lebih seru membicarakan tentang cita-cita dan impian kalau kamu tau alasan kenapa kamu mem-
iliki impian tersebut. Coba ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini.

Listen and Practice!

1. Pikirkan salah satu cita-cita/impian yang mau kamu capai.

Contoh: “I want to be a doctor”

2. Jika kamu ingin menanyakan alasan kenapa seseorang mencita-

citakan hal itu. Gunakan pertanyaan yang di awali “Why…”

3. Pikirkan alasan kenapa kamu menginginkan impian itu. Gunakan

kata “Because”
“I want to be a doctor because I want to save lives.”
“I want to be a singer because I like to sing”
“I want to be a model because I love posing for cameras.”

Kamu bisa memberikan alasan dari impian kamu sesuai dengan apa
yang kamu pikirkan.


Listen and Practice!

Peraktikanlah ungkapan menyatakan impian dengan macam-
macam perofesi dibawah ini.

 What do you want to be when you grow up/in the future?

(Kamu mau menjadi apa jika kamu dewasa/di masa depan nanti?)

I want to be a Teacher, because

I want to share my knowledge
to students.

I want to be a Doctor, because I
want to cure people and save

I want to be a Nurse, because I
want to look after the patient
and help Doctor.

I want to be an Entrepeneur,
because I want to be Success-
ful and have my own Company.


I want to be a Policeman, be-

cause I want to serve and help


 What is your biggest dream?
(Apa impian terbesarmu?)

My biggest dream is to be a Scientist,

because I want to do research and
discover lot of things.

My biggest dream is to be a
Sailor, because I want to
see the beauty of the ocean.

My biggest dream is to be an
Astronaut, because I want to
go to space to find aliens.


My biggest dream is to be a
Pilot, because it would be cool
to fly around the world.


My biggest dream is to be a
Soldier, because I want to
serve my country and protect


Listen and Practice!

Hobby to Profession (Dari hobi menjadi pekerjaan)

 What are your ambitions in your life?

(Apa saja ambisi/cita-cita dalam hidupmu?)

My ambition is to be a chef because

I love to cook delicious food to make
people smile.


My ambition is to be an athlete be-

cause I want to keep my body
healthy and win lot of trophy.


My ambition is to be a dancer be-

cause it is my passion, it is part of
me, and it makes me happy.


My ambition is to be a singer because

I love to sing and entertain people
with my beautiful voice.


 What are your life goals?
(apa saja cita-cita/tujuanmu?)

My life goal is to be an artist because

I love drawing something to express
my thought.

My life goal is to be an actress/actor

because I want to be famous like

My life goal is to be a model because

I like fashion and I like posing on

Listen and Practice!

Dreams to have Something (Impian memiliki sesuatu)

My biggest dream is to have a

luxurious house.

Have Luxurious House

My biggest dream is to have a

luxurious car.
Have Luxurious Car / Vehicle

My ambition is to have my
own restaurant.

Have Restaurant

My ambition is to have lot of


Have lot of money

My life goal is to have my own


Have Company
Listen and Practice!

Other Dreams (Impian lain)

My biggest dream is to go to
Mecca with my parents.

Go to Mecca

My ambition is to travel to Arround

the world with my parents.

Travel Arround the World

My life goal is to make my

parents proud of me.

Make parents proud

I want to be a superhero to
make the world a better place.

Be a Superhero

Practice 1 (latihan 1)

Let’s Talk!

Dialog 1

Good morning Siska.

Morning Laura.
What is your biggest dream in
the future?

My biggest dream is to
be a chef.

Because I like to cook de-

licious food to make peo-
I want to be scientist because ple smile. Whats about
I want to discover vaccine for your biggest dream Laura?

I cannot wait to see you

make this world cured.
Hopefuly I can.

Dialog 2
Peraktekanlah dengan temanmu!

Nanda : Hi, Farel. Assalamualaikum.

Farel : Waalaikumsalam Nanda.
Nanda : How is life?
Farel : Great, thanks
Nanda : By the way, what is your life goal?
Farel : My life goal is to be a chef, because I love to cook, and I
wish someday I would have my own restaurant.
Nanda : That is amazing. I would visit your restaurant if you have it.

Practice 2 (latihan 2)

Let’s Talk!
Make Conversations about telling ambitions/dreams and practice with your friends!

Buatlah percakapan tentang membicarakan impian dan peraktekanlah dengan temanmu!

Dialog 1
Peraktekanlah dengan temanmu!

You : Hi, _______. Assalamualaikum.

Friend : Waalaikumsalam ________.

You : How is life?

Friend : Great, thanks.

You : By the way, what are your life goals?

Friend : Well, I have so many things I hope I can achieve. One of my biggest goal

You : Why?

Friend : Because_______________________________________________________.

You : That’s great.

Dialog 2
Peraktekanlah dengan temanmu!

Friend : Hi, _______. Assalamualaikum.

You : Waalaikumsalam ________.

Friend : What is up?

You : Not bad. Thanks.

Friend : What do you want to be when you grow up?

You : When I grow up. I want to be______________because______________________.

What about you?

Friend : That sounds amazing. Me? Well, I want to be_________because__________

You : I hope you can achieve it soon.

Friend : Thanks my friend.

Practice 3 (latihan 3)

Speaking Practice
Latihan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris!

Gunakan ungkapan dibawah ini untuk menanyakan cita-cita/impian dari 5 temanmu dikelas.
Catat dan ceritakan ulang impian dari ke-5 temanmu di depan kelasmu. Selamat mencoba!

You : Hi, Adam. Assalamualaikum.

Adam : Waalaikumsalam Nanda.
You : By the way. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Adam : I want to be an astronaut.
You : Why?
Adam : I want to be an astronaut because I want to bring star to
my parents.
You : That’s amazing.



EXAM- He wants to be an astronaut be-

PLE ADAM Adam wants to be an astronaut. cause he wants to bring star to
his parents

Practice 4 (latihan 4)

Speaking Practice
Latihan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris!

Sekarang waktunya untukmu menceritakan tentang impianmu didepan kelas. Selamat

My Dreams

Hello everyone. Assalamualaikum. My name is _________

Today, I would like to tell you about my dreams when I grow up.

When I grow up I want to be a/an_____________________

I want to be a/an_____________because______________________________________




That is all from me. Thank you for your attention. The last I say is; Wassal-
amualaikum Wr Wb.

Lesson 06: “Daily Activity Verb 1!”

Bab 06: “Aktivitas Sehari-hari Kata kerja 1!”

Pelajaran 06: Dipelajaran ini kamu akan mempelajari bagaimana mengungkapkan cita-cita dan
keinginan kamu dimasa depan. Selamat Belajar!

Let’s Talk!

Hi Dilan. Assalamualaikum.

Hi Mila. Waalaikumsalam
What time do you wake up
every morning?

I wake up at 5 o’clock
in the morning.
What do you do after
you wake up?

After I wake up, I wash my face

and take ritual ablution and then I
take dawn prayer. After that, I take
a bath, get dressed, have break-
fast and go to school with my dad.

Step 1 (Tahap 1)

Asking About Daily Activities (Bertanya Tentang Aktifitas Sehari-hari)

 Ketika kamu ingin menanyakan kapan seseorang melakukan sesuatu, katakan;

What time do you…?

(Jam berapa kamu…..?)

 Ketika kamu ingin menanyakan kegiatan seseorang diwaktu tertentu, katakan;

What do you do in the morning/afternoon/evening/at night?

(Apa yang kamu lakukan pada pagi hari/siang hari/sore hair/malam hari?)

 Ketika kamu ingin menanyakan kegiatan seseorang dihari tertentu, katakan;

What do you do on Monday/Tuesday/Weekend/Holiday?

(Apa yang kamu lakukan di hari senin/selasa/akhir pecan/hari libur?)

 Ketika kamu ingin menanyakan kegiatan sesudah atau sebelum kegiatan lain, katakan;

What do you do after/before…?

(Apa yang kamu lakukan sesudah/sebelum…?)

Example (Contoh);

Listen and Repeat!

 What time do you wake up?
(Jam berapa kamu bangun tidur?)

 What do you do in the morning?

(Apa yang kamu lakukan dipagi hari)

 What do you do on Sunday?

(Apa yang kamu lakukan dihari Minggu? )

 What do you do after come home from school?

(Apa yang kamu lakukan setelah pulang sekolah?)

Step 2 (Tahap 2)

Telling About Your Daily Activity (Memberitahukan Aktifitas Sehar-hari)

 Ketika kamu ingin memberitahukan jam berapa melakukan aktifitas, katakan;
I _________ at ____ o’clock.

 Ketika kamu ingin memberitahukan kegiatan kamu diwaktu tertentu, katakan;

I__________________ in the morning/afternoon/evening/at night.

(AKu_________________, di pagi hari.)

 Ketika kamu ingin memberitahukan kegiatan kamu dihari tertentu, katakan;

I__________________ on Monday/Sunday/Weekend/Holiday.
(AKu_________________, di pagi hari.)

 Ketika kamu ingin memberitahukan kegiatan sesudah atau sebelum kegiatan

lain, katakan;

After I__________, I________________

(Setelah aku________, aku___________)

Example (Contoh);

Listen and Repeat!

 I go to school at 07.00 o’clock.
(Aku berangkat ke sekolah pukul 07.00.)

 I play with my friends in the afternoon.

(Aku bermain bersama teman-temanku di siang hari.)

 I visit my grandma’s house on Sunday.

(Aku mengunjungi rumah nenekku dihari minggu.)

 After I take a bath, I get dressed and have lunch.

(Setelah aku mandi, Aku berpakian dan sarapan)

My Daily Activity (Aktifitas Sehari-hari)

Listen and repeat!

I wake up I wash my face I brush my teeth

I take ablution I take dawn prayer I take a bath/shower

I get dressed I comb my hair I have breakfast

I go to school I study at school I take dhuha prayer

I take an afternoon prayer I have lunch I come home
from school

I do my homework I play with my I take a nap


I take an evening I have dinner with I help my mom to

prayer my family wash dishes

I Pray Maghrib I read Al-Quran I Pray Isya

I Watch TV I read books I go to bed/sleep

Times (Waktu)

Listen and repeat!

It is one o’clock It is two o’clock It is three o’clock

Katakan: “AM” untuk menerangkan waktu sebelum tengah hari (00.00 sampai dengan 12.00)
Katakan: “PM” untuk menerangkan waktu setelah tengah hari (12.01 sampai dengan 24.00)

It is four o’clock It is five o’clock It is six o’clock

It is seven o’clock It is eight o’clock It is nine o’clock

It is ten o’clock It is eleven o’clock It is tweleve o’clock

Times of Day (Waktu dalam Sehari)

Listen and repeat!

in the morning in the afternoon

in the evening at night

Days of the Week (Hari dalam seminggu)

Listen and repeat

Step 3 (Tahap 3)

NOTE Silahkan kamu baca berulang – ulang dan hafalkan daftar kosa kata di
bawah ini beserta artinya. Mengenai cara bacanya, sekadarnya saja.
Sebenarnya ada simbol – simbol khusus untuk tanda baca Bahasa Inggris,
tapi untuk pemula dan menengah tidak perlu risau dengan itu.

Listen and repeat!

Verb 1 (Kata kerja 1)
Daily activity (Aktifitas sehari – hari)
Bahasa Dibaca Bahasa Indone-
Inggrisnya sianya

Wake up/get up (weik up/gedap) Bangun (tidur)

Take a ritual ablution (teik e ritual eblusyen) Berwudhu

Take a night prayer (teik e nait preyer) Shalat tahajud

Take a bath (teik e beth) Mandi

Pray (prey) Sembahyang, berdoa,


Take a dawn prayer (teik e down preyer) Shalat subuh

Recite Al – Quran (risait Al – Quran) Membaca Al – Quran

Tidy up (taidi up) Merapihkan

Take a sport (teik a sport) Berolahraga

Sweep (swiip) Menyapu

Eat (iit) Makan

Drink (dringk) Minum

Take breakfast (teik breikfest) Makan pagi/sarapan

Go to school (gou tu skul) Berangkat sekolah

Go to work (gou tu we:rk) Berangkat kerja

Go to office (gou tu offis) Berangkat ke kantor

Go home (gou hom) Berangkat

Return (riter:n) Kembali/mengembalikan

Return home (rite:rn hom) Pulang

Come home from (gou bek from skul) Pulang dari sekolah

Come (kam) Datang

Take a rest (teik e rest) Beristirahat

Take lunch (teik lanc) Makan siang

Take a nap (teik e nep) Tidur siang

Take an afternoon (teik en afternun preyer) Shalat asar


Read a book (riid e buk) Membaca buku

Take a west prayer (teik e west preyer) Shalat maghrib

Learn Islamics (ler:n Islamiks) Belajar (pelajaran)

agama islam

Take an evening (teik en ivening preyer) Shalat isya


Sleep (sliip) Tidur

Conjuntion (Kata Sambung)

Bahasa Dibaca Bahasa Indone-

Inggrisnya sianya

And (end) Dan

Then (dzen) Lalu, kemudian

But (bat) Tetapi

Because (Bikoz) Karena, sebab

So (sou) Jadi, maka

Therefore (dze:rfo:r) Oleh karena itu

Adverb (Kata Keterangan)

Bahasa Dibaca Bahasa Indone-

Inggrisnya sianya

Usually (yusueli) Biasanya

Always (olweyz) Selalu

Often (ofen) Sering

Seldom (seldem) Jarang

Sometimes (samtaims) Kadang – kadang

Today (tudey) Hari ini

Everyday (evridey) Setiap hari

Afterwards (efterwe:rds) Sesudah itu

Soon (su:n) Dengan segera

Practice 1 (latihan 1)

Let’s Talk!

Dialog 1

Good morning __________.

Morning __________.
By the way, what time do you
usually go to school?

I usually go to school
What do you do after at 07.00 o’clock.
you come home
from school?
I sometimes play football
with my friend at the field
I also go to school at 7.00 in or do my homework if I
the morning. After come have it. How about you?
home from school I usually
take a nap or read my fa-
vourite novel
That’s good activity to do.
By the way. I gotta go.
Okay then. Bye. Goodbye.

Dialog 2
Peraktekanlah dengan temanmu!

Nanda : Hi, _________. What do you do on Saturday?

Farel : Hi,__________. I have a plan to do with my mom. We are
going to have shopping. Why?
Nanda : How about Sunday. What do you do on Sunday?
Farel : I have nothing to do on Sunday.
Nanda : I want to invite you to watch Sopngebob the movie to-
gether. Do you want?
Farel : Sure. I want it.
Nanda : That’s great. See you on Sunday.

Practice 2 (latihan 2)

Listen and Answer!

Answers the questions below and Practice with your friend!

Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan dibawah ini dan peragakan dengan temanmu!

1. Friend : What time do you wake up?

You :…

2. Friend : What time do you go to school?

You :…

3. Friend : What time do you go to bed/sleep?

You :…

4. Friend : What do you do in the morning?

You :

5. Friend : What do you do in the afternoon?

You :…

6. Friend : What do you do in the evening?

You :…

7. Friend : What do you do on Weekend?

You :…

8. Friend : What do you do on Holiday?

You :…

9. Friend : What do you do after school?

You :…

10. Friend : What do you do before you go to sleep?

You :…

Practice 3 (latihan 3)

NOTE Setelah terbiasa dan akrab dengan kata – kata tersebut, silahkan baca ka-
limat dibawah ini berupa kegiatan sehari – hari. Baca dengan lantang dan
percaya diri. Salah tidak apa – apa, namanya juga belajar.

Read aloud!
My Daily Routine
1. I usually wake up at 4 (four) a.m every day.
Saya biasanya bangun pukul (empat) pagi setiap hari.

2. Afterwards I take ritual ablution, pray tahajud (take a night

prayer), and recite Al – Qur’an while waiting for subuh time
Sesudah itu, aku berwudhu, shalat tahajud, dan membaca Al – Qur’an sambil
menunggu waktu subuh tiba.

3. When the subuh time comes, I soon go to the mosque to pray

together with others.
Ketika waktu subuh tiba, aku segera berangkat ke masjid untuk shalat berja-
maah dengan yang lain.

4. After praying subuh, I recite Al – Qur’an again and read a book.

Setelah shalat subuh, aku mengaji Al – Quran lagi dan membaca buku.

5. After that, I take a sport, sweep the yard, have breakfast, and
prepare to go to school.
Setelah itu, saya berolahraga, menyapu halaman, sarapan, dan bersiap – siap
untuk berangkat sekolah.

6. I go to school at 07.00 o’clock with my father.

I aku berangkat ke sekolah pukul 07.00 bersama ayahku.

7. After I arrived at school. I study, pray Dhuha, have lunch and

play with my friends.
Sesampainya disekolah, I belajar, solat dhuha, makan siang dan bermain ber-
sama teman-teman.

8. My father pick me up to come home at 02.00 o’clok in the after-

Ayahku menjemputku untuk pulang kerumah pukul 02.00 siang hari.
9. In the afternoon, I usually take a nap or sometimes I play video
Ayahku menjemputku untuk pulang kerumah pukul 02.00 siang hari.

10. After that, I pray Ashar, take a bath and do my homework.
Setelah itu, aku solat Ashar, mandi dan mengerjakan tugas sekolahku.

11. When the Maghrib time comes, I soon go to the mosque to

pray together with others.
Ketika waktu Maghrib tiba, aku segera berangkat ke masjid untuk shalat berja-
maah dengan yang lain.

12. Atfter I pray Maghrib, I have dinner with my family. After that,
I read a book and wait for praying Isya.
Setelah solat Maghrib, aku makan malam bersama keluargaku. Setelah itu aku
membaca buku dan menunggu waktu Isya tiba.

13. Atfter I pray Isya, I watch TV, prepare my books for tomorrow
class and then go to bed/sleep.
Setelah solat Isya, aku nonton TV, mempersiapkan buku-buku untuk sekolah
besok lalu aku pergi tidur.

Practice 4 (latihan 4)

Speaking Practice
Latihan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris!

Sekarang giliran kamu untuk merangkai ungkapan kegiatan sampai membentuk sebuah kalimat
berupa kegiatan sehari – hari. Tulis, kemudian baca dengan lantang dan percaya diri!

My Daily Routine
Tulislah aktifitas kamu sehari-hari dan ceritakan secara langsung di depan kelas!

1. Hello everyone. My name is……………………….

2. Today I will tell you about my Daily routine.

3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

5. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

6. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

7. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

8. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

9. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

10. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

11. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

12. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

13. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

14. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

15. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Lesson 07: “Talking About Free Time & Hobby!”

Bab 07: “Membicarakan Waktu Luang & Kegemaran!”

Pelajaran 07: Dipelajaran ini kamu akan mempelajari bagaimana mencertitakan tentang
kegiatanmu diwaktu luang dan menceritakan kegemaranmu dalam Bahasa Inggris. Selamat Belajar!

Let’s Talk!

Hi Brian. Assalamualaikum.

Hi Loly. Waalaikumsalam

What do you do in your

spare time?

I like playing scooter

in my spare time. It’s
my hobby.
How often do you do
your hobby? I play scooter every
afternoon after
school. I go to the
field near my house
Why do you like your
hobby? and practice it there.

Playing scooter is
challenging. There is
so much fun.

Step 1 (Tahap 1)

Asking about Activity/Hobby in Spare time (Bertanya tentang

kegiatan/hobby di waktu luang)
 Ketika kamu ingin menanyakan tentang kegiatan seseorang diwaktu luang katakan;

What do you do in your free time?

(Apa yang kamu lakukan diwaktu luangmu?

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

(Apa yang kamu suka lakukan diwaktu luangmu?)

 Ketika kamu ingin menanyakan kegemaran seseorang, katakan;

Do you have any interesting hobby?

(Apakah kamu punya hobby yang menarik?)

What is your hobby?

(Apa kegemaran mu?)

Example (Contoh);

Listen and Repeat!

 What do you do in your free time?
(Apa yang kamu lakukan diwaktu luangmu?)

 What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

(Apa yang kamu suka lakukan diwaktu luangmu?)

 Do you have any interesting hobby?

(Apakah kamu punya hobby yang menarik?)

 What is your hobby?

(Apa kegemaran mu?)

Step 2 (Tahap 2)

Telling About your Hobby (Memberitahukan tentang kegemaranmu)

 Ketika kamu ingin memberitahukan hobbymu, katakan;
I _____________(hobby) in my spare time.
(Aku________diwaktu luangku.)

I like/love __________(hobby) in my spare time.

(Aku suka________diwaktu luangku.)

I do a bit of__________(hobby) in my spare time.

(Saya terkadang______diwaktu luangku.)

Example (Contoh);

Listen and Repeat!

 I play football with my friends in my free time.
(Aku bermain bola bersama teman-temanku diwaktu luangku.)

 I like/love cooking in my free time.

(Aku suka memasak diwaktu luangku.)

 I do a bit of dancing practice in my free time.

(Saya terkadang latihan menari diwaktu luangku.)

Step 3(Tahap 3)

How often? (Seberapa sering?)

 Ketika kamu ingin menanyakan seberapa sering temanmu melakukan hobinya,
NOTE katakan;

How often do you do you hobby?

(Seberapa sering kamu melakukan kegemaranmu?)

 Untuk menjawabnya, katakan;

I_____________(hobby) every day/week/morning/two times/etc.

(Aku _______________setiap hari/minggu/pagi/dua kali/dan lainnya.

Example (Contoh);

Listen and Repeat!


 How often do you play football? (hobby)

(Seberapa sering kamu main bola/melakukan hobimu?)


 I play football every afternoon.

(Saya bermain bola setiap siang hari.)

Step 4(Tahap 4)

Place (Tempat)
 Ketika kamu ingin memberitahu tempat kamu melakukan kegemaranmu, ka-
NOTE takan;

I ______________(hobby) near my house.

(Seberapa sering kamu melakukan kegemaranmu?)

I ______________(hobby) in the park.

(Seberapa sering kamu melakukan kegemaranmu?)

I ______________(hobby) in my house.
(Seberapa sering kamu melakukan kegemaranmu?)

I ______________(hobby) in the field.

(Seberapa sering kamu melakukan kegemaranmu?)

In Other places!
(Ditempat lainnya.)

Example (Contoh);

Listen and Repeat!

 I enjoy reading a book in the city park.

(Aku senang membaca buku di taman kota.)

 I go to swmming pool near my house.

(Aku pergi ke kolam renang dekat murahku.)

 I play football in the field.

(Aku bermain sepak bola di lapangan.)

Step 5 (Tahap 5)

Giving Reason (Memberikan Alasan)

Akan lebih seru membicarakan tentang cita-cita dan impian kalau kamu tau alasan kenapa kamu mem-
iliki impian tersebut. Coba ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini.

Listen and Practice!

1. Pikirkan salah hobi/kegemaranmu yang kamu sukai.

Contoh: “I like to play badminton”

2. Jika kamu ingin menanyakan alasan kenapa seseorang mencita-

citakan hal itu. Gunakan pertanyaan yang di awali “Why…”

3. Pikirkan alasan kenapa kamu menginginkan impian itu. Gunakan

kata “Because”
“I like to play badminton because it makes me healthier.”
“I like to play badminton because there is so much fun.”
“Because playing badminton is my passion.”

Kamu bisa memberikan alasan dari impian kamu sesuai dengan apa
yang kamu pikirkan.

Hobbies (Kegemaran)

Listen and Repeat!

Reading Painting

Cooking Playing football Swimming

Playing Playing Riding Jogging

basketball badminton bicycle

Singing Listening Dancing
to music

Playing video game Watching movies

Taekwondo Karate Pencak Silat

Places (Tempat)

Listen and Repeat!

In the park/city park In the soccer field

In the swimming pool In the school

In the gymnasium In my room/house


Listen and Practice!

Peraktikanlah ungkapan menyatakan kegemaran dengan be-
ragam jenis kegiatan dibawah ini!

My hobby is reading a book. I like reading

books in my free time. I usually read book
in my room. I like it because when I read I
learn new things
Reading books

My hobby is drawing. I spend my

free time in drawing different kind of
pictures. Drawing is a way for me to
show my creativity Drawing

My hobby is painting. I enjoy painting

in my free time. I almost paint every
day after school. I love it because I can
express my self in my paintings.

My hobby is cooking. I spend my free

time in cooking some delicious meals.
I love cooking because it keeps me
happy. When I grow up, I am going to
be famous chef.

My hobby is playing football. Every

evening I play football in the field
near my house with my friends. I love
football a lot because it keeps me
healthy and happy.

My hobby is swimming. There is a swimming
pool near my house, so I go there every Sun-
days. It is fun because you can play in the
water and keep fit in the sam time.

My hobby is playing basketball. I love this

game because it helps me to be taller. I
play it with friends at the school gym every
evening after school.
Playing basketball

My hobby is playing badminton. I enjoy

playing badminton in my free time. I usu-
ally play badminton two times a week. I
like it because it makes me happy.
Playing badminton

My hobby is jogging. I love jogging in

my free time. I like doing it because it
helps me to keep my healthy.


My hobby is riding bicycle. I usually ride

bicycle in my free time. I ride bicycle at
the park near my house every evening. I
love riding bicycle because it is fun.
Riding bicycle

My hobby is singing. I like to sing in my free
time. I usually sing songs in my room. I love
singing because it is my passion and Iwant to
be a famaous singer.

My hobby is listening to music. I

like listening to music in my free.
My favourite kind of music is pop.

Listening to music

My hobby is dancing. I love danc-

ing because there is so much fun
when doing it. I am going to be a
good dancer.

My hobby is playing video games. I

like playing video games in my free
time. I usually play game on weekend
after I finish my homework.
Playing video games

My hobby is watching movie. I like

watching movie in my free time. My
favourite kind of mive genre is horror.
Watching movies

My hobby is Taekwondo. I like
Taekwondo because it is really chal-


My hobby is Karate. I like Karate be-

cause I can learn about how to
deffense my self and my family.


My hobby is Pencak silat. I like Pencak

silat because it is traditional martial art
of Indonesia. I realy proud of it.

Pencak Silat

Practice 1 (latihan 1)

Let’s Talk!

Dialog 1

Hi Andika. Assalamualaikum.

Hi Farel. Waalaikumsalam

What do you do in your

free time?

I like playing basket-

ball in free time time.
It’s my hobby.
How often do you do
your hobby?
I play basketball
every Sundays. I go
to the field near my
house and practice it
Why do you like your

I like playing basketball because

it helps me to keep me fit and
there is so much fun.

Dialog 2
Peraktekanlah dengan temanmu!

Emma : Hi, Susan. Assalamualaikum.

Susan : Waalaikumsalam Emma.
Emma : By the way. What do you like to do in your free time?
Susan : I like to do dancing in my free time. It is my hobby.
Emma : Why do you like your hobby?
Susan : I like dancing because dancing makes me happy. I can ex-
press my feeling when dancing.
Emma : That is amazing. Keep doing it my friend.

Practice 2 (latihan 2)

Let’s Talk!
Make Conversations about telling hobby and activity in free time and practice with your

Buatlah percakapan tentang menceritakan kegemaran dan aktifitas di waktu luang, pe-
raktekanlah dengan temanmu!

Dialog 1
Peraktekanlah dengan temanmu!

You : Hi, _______. Assalamualaikum.

Friend : Waalaikumsalam ________.

You : How is life?

Friend : Great, thanks.

You : By the way, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Friend : Well, I have so many things I like but I am addict with________, it is my


You : Why? Do you like your hobby?

Friend : Because_______________________________________________________.

You : That’s great. Where do you do your hobby?

Friend : In__________________. How about yours? What do you do in free time?

You : I love_______________because____________________________________________

Friend : How do you often doing your hobby?

You : I usually_________________ every_____________________

Friend : Keep improving your hobby.

You : you too.

Practice 3 (latihan 3)

Speaking Practice
Latihan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris!

Gunakan ungkapan dibawah ini untuk menanyakan cita-cita/impian dari 5 temanmu dikelas.
Catat dan ceritakan ulang impian dari ke-5 temanmu di depan kelasmu. Selamat mencoba!

You : Hi, Anna. Assalamualaikum.

Anna : Waalaikumsalam.
You : By the way. What do you do in your free time?
Anna : I like reading books in my free time. It is my hobby.
You : Why?
Anna : I like reading because I can get lot of knowledge when I
You : That’s amazing.



PLE Anna Anna like reading books Anna gets lot of knowledge
when she reads.

Practice 4 (latihan 4)

Speaking Practice
Latihan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris!

Sekarang waktunya untukmu menceritakan tentang impianmu didepan kelas. Selamat

My Dreams

Hello everyone. Assalamualaikum. My name is _________

Today, I would like to tell you about my hobby and activitiy I like to enjoy in
my free time.

My hobby is_____________. I love_________in my free time.

I like_______ in the________________(tempat). Every______ I go


I love____________________because______________________________________




That is all from me. Thank you for your attention. The last I say is; Wassal-
amualaikum Wr Wb.

The authors acknowledge the following sources of copyright ma-
terial and are grateful for the permission granted. While every
effort has been made, it has not always possible to identify the
sources of all material used. If any omissions are brought to our
notice, we will be happy to include the appropriate acknowledge-
ment on reprinting.

Dr. Mukarto, M.Sc. (2016). Grow with English 1 – 3. Jakarta: PT


M. Haris Shofy A. (2018). Easy Speaking. Keidiri: Azhar Risalah.

Nidhom Koeron. (2018). Smart & Easy Daily Conversation. Yogya-

karta: Checklist.

Suryana Hasan. (2018). Cara Praktis & Singkat Kuasai Bahasa

Inggris. Yogyakarta: Checklist.
Niswatin Nurul Hidayati. (2014). Top Vocabulary in Action. Yogya-
karta: Cemerlang Publishing.

Graham, C. (2006). Creating chants and songs. Oxford: Oxford

University Press.


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