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TAHUN AJARAN 2021/2022







Materi 1
Asking & Giving Suggestion (Meminta dan memberi saran)
   Adalah salah satu ungkapan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari yang perlu diketahui
oleh semua kalangan. Tidak shanya oleh para siswa tingkat elementary dan
intermediate saja, tingkat advance pun harusnya sudah bisa menguasai materi
percakapan ini.

    Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, seringkali kita mendapatkan berbagai masalah

yang mungkin tidak bisa kita selesaikan sendiri. Terkadang kita membutuhkan
saran orang lain agar masalah yang sedang kita hadapi bisa menemukan solusi
yang tepat. Lalu bagaimanakah meminta saran dalam bahasa Inggris? Serta
bagaimana memberikan saran tersebut? Oke kita langsung menuju dialog di
bawah ini agar lebih mudah : 

Anton : I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my driver license.
Shally : Don't be so sad my friend, let us search it around the park.
Anton : I have looked for it for hours but I do not find it, do you have some
Shally : You had better tell the securities to announce it to other students.
Anton : Yeah, that sounds good. I do hope it helps.
1.1 TABEL 1.

Asking Suggestion Giving Suggestion

Do you have any ideas for me? You should + V1
(Apa kau punya ide untukku?) (Kau seharusnya + Kata kerja
Do you have any suggestions for You had better + V1
me? (Kau lebih baik + Kata kerja)
(Apa kau punya saran untukku?) You ought to + V1
Do you have any advice for me? (Kau seharusnya + Kata Kerja)
(Apa kau punya nasihat untukku?) I advise you to + V1
Would you mind giving me your (saya sarankan kau untuk +
suggestion? kata kerja)
(Apakah kau mau memberikan I suggest you to + V1
saran?) (saya sarankan kau untuk +
Can you tell me what I should do? kata kerja)
(Bisakah kau katakana apa yang I recommend you to + V1
harus aku lakukan) (saya anjurkan kau untuk +
What should I do? kata kerja)
(Aku seharusnya melakukan apa?)

1.2 TABEL 2.


Responses Expressions
Positive responses : ·         How about watching
·         That good idea Harry Potter?
·         We welcome your suggestion ·         I recommed that...
·         That sound sood to me ·         You should...
·         I advise you to...
Negative responses : ·         I suggest that...
·         I don’t think so ·         Why don’t you...
·         I can’t ·         You had better...
·         I don’t think I can ·         If I were you, I would..
Aplikasi dalam dialog dapat dilihat pada contoh berikut:

Example :
(A) I think you should buy the blue one.
(B) That’s a good idea.
(A) I don’t think you should sell your car.
(B) Thanks for the advice, but I really need the money.
(A) Let’s go bowling tonight.
(B) Sorry, I can’t. I’m meeting a friend for dinner.
(A) Why don’t we go skiing on Saturday?
(B) Sounds like a good idea. Where do you want to go?
(A) Why don’t you come with me to China?
(B) Thanks, but I’ve already been there



    Ungkapan-ungkapan untuk meyakinkan dan membujuk oranglain

(Convincing and Persuading) agar menerima pendapat atau usulan yang
Learn some expressions to show persuasions.
-          If I were you, I would just stay at home.
-          I think you ought to...
-          You’d better...
-          It might be a bad idea if...
-          You should...
-          My advice would be to...
-          I would... if I were in your position.
Learn some expressions to convince others.
-          I assure you, I can do the job well.
-          I convince you, i’m the right person to do job.
-          I believe I am the only person who can finish this job on time.
-          I assure you, we can make it real.
-          I convince you to do what I say.
-          I believe you should decide your own decision.
-          I ensure you to believe me.

Expressing of Persuading
     Persuading is expressions to make someone agree to do something, make
someone do or believe something by giving them a good reason to do it or by
talking to them and making them believe it. the act of influencing the mind by
arguments  or reasons offered, with anything that moves the mind.

Expressions of Persuading :
 Come on.
* Give it a try.
* Try them on.
* Believe me, you’ll have fun times.
* Don’t be a spoilsport.
* It will be fun, I’m sure.
* You’ll enjoy it. Go.
* You won’t regret it.
* This is once in your lifetime, don’t waste it.
* It’s your only chance, try it.
* You wouldn’t find them twice, come on!
* You’ll never feel sorry about it.
• Would it be possible for you to …?
• Won’t you …, please?
• Why don’t you …?
• Please!
• Not even for me/for my sake?
• Just this once!

• You’re not going to let me down, are you?

• How I can persuade you to …?
• Could you/Couldn’t you be persuaded …? 

Dialogue of Persuading

Mark               : Anthony. What are you doing this evening? How about a
Anthony          : Which one?
Mark                : There’s a good Indonesian movie at 21st theatre.
Anthony          : you know I don’t like Indonesian movies.
Mark                : Oh, Come on. I’ll sure you’ll enjoy this one.
Anthony          : I don’t enjoy Indonesian movies. I can’t follow the
conversation fully.
Mark                : So what? We’re not Indonesian. Most of us are not able to
follow the
               conversation fully. But there are so many other things you can
Anthony          : That’s true.
Mark                : Then why don’t you come?
Anthony          : All right. I’ll be at the theatre at 7. Is that OK?
Mark                : Fine. See you at 7.
Anthony          : See you.


  OBLIGATION (kewajiban)
             Kewajiban adalah tindakan seseorang diperlukan untuk mengambil,
baik legal maupun moral. Ada juga kewajiban dalam konteks normatif lainnya,
seperti kewajiban etiket, kewajiban sosial, dan mungkin dari segi politik, di
mana kewajiban persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi. Ini umumnya kewajiban
hukum, yang dapat dikenakan hukuman untuk non-pemenuhan, meskipun
orang-orang tertentu diwajibkan untuk melaksanakan tindakan tertentu untuk
alasan lain juga, apakah sebagai tradisi atau untuk alasan sosial.
        Jadi Obligation adalah sebuah Ekspresi dalam Bahasa Inggris yang
digunakan untuk mengungkapkan sebuah Kewajiban.

Examples of  Obligation:

1. She believes that all people have a moral obligation to defend human rights.
2. He argues that people in a community have certain obligations to each other.
3. She failed to fulfill her obligations as a parent. 

1. Used to  Adjectives: Obligatory, Compulsory, Needless, Unnecessary

It is obligatory for the people to participate in education.
(Artinya: Suatu keharusan bagi orang-orang untuk berpartisipasi dalam
Entering elementary school is compulsory in Indonesia.
(Artinya: Masuk Sekolah Dasar merupakan keharusan di Negara Indonesia)
That’s a needless thing to speak with him.
(Artinya: Taka da gunanya berbicara dengan dia)
It’s unnecessary to sit under the tree for hours.
(Artinya: Tidak perlu duduk di bawah pohon selama berjam-jam

Materi 4
Necessity is something that you must have or do : something that is necessary
the quality of being necessary.

Examples of  Necessity: 

1. Sunscreen is an absolute necessity for the beach.
2. food, clothes, and other basic necessities
3. Getting plenty of rest is a necessity.
4. Without a car, living close to work is a necessity.
5. All we took with us on our hiking trip were the bare necessities.

I'm looking for Nicole. I have to talk to her about our launch date tomorrow. I
can't meet her for launch because I have to go to a business meeting at 2:00.

Dalam pernyataan kebutuhan sehari hari, Have to lebih sering/ umum

digunakan daripada must. Must biasanya memiliki makna yang lebih kuat
daripada have to dan dapat mengindikasikan suatu keadaan yang darurat atau
kepentingan yang sangat mendesak.

Have got to
b. Have to  

Have to/ Have got to/ Must

Example: I have to/ have got to/ must study tonight.
Had to digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kebutuhan di masa lampau (past).
 Example: I had to study last night.

Kata "must" memiliki arti yang sangat kuat (strong). Penggunaan
kata "must" ini memiliki makna lebih cenderung pada suatu keharusan yang
sudah menjadi kewajiban untuk dilakukan.

Materi 5

             Notice adalah pemberitahuan/peringatan yang berupa

tulisan/gambar/tanda untuk memberi informasi, instruksi atau peringatan
kepada publik.

       Warning, cution dan notice merupakan sebuah bentuk peringatan dalam

bahasa inggris, namun ketiganya sebenarnya memiliki bentuk yang berbeda.
Sebagai seorang pembelajar bahasa inggris, sahabat KBI harus tau dan paham
mengenai warning, caution dan juga notice. 
        Notice juga berbentuk sebuah rambu-rambu namun biasanya ditulis dengan
kalimat dan bahasa yang lebih sederhana lagi. Ukuran huruf pun juga di
perhatikan dalam penulisan sebuah notice. 

Contoh Notice

 No smoking. Jangan merokok.

 Keep this area clean. Jaga wilayah ini untuk tetap bersih.
 Hot surface, Do not touch!. Permukaan Panas, Jangan disentuh!
 Keep this door closed. Biarkan pintu ini tertutup
 Do not throw trash in toilet!. Jangan buang sampah di toilet.
Notice/caution menurut maknanya pada dasarnya dibagi menjadi dua
Notice yang berupa arahan atau petunjuk.
           Notice ini bisa berupa kalimat perintah, ajakan, nasehat, arahan atau
petunjuk. Bisa juga berupa gambar/sign/tanda tertentu.

Seperti: Be silent
Contoh notice arahan yang berupa gambar
1.Notice yang berupa larangan.
            Notice ini berupa kalimat larangan, (No, Don’t, Never), atau berupa
gambar/tanda/sign yang diberi tanda garis miring atau tanda silang (crossing).
Misalnya     : Don’t be noisy, No parking, never speak up.
Contoh notice larangan yang berupa gambar.

Meaning of the notice:

a. Jika notice tersebut berupa arahan, maka maknanya akan identik dengan
kalimat-kalimat yang mengandung makna:
( hafalkan kosa kata berikut)
– can/may                                                         : boleh
– must/have to                                                  : harus
– should                                                            : hendaknya, seyogyanya
– allowed/permitted/let                          : diperbolehkan
– suggested/recommended                                : dianjurkan

– asked/hoped                                                   : diminta/diharapkan

b. Jika notice tersebut berupa larangan, maka maknanya akan identik dengan
kalimat-kalimat yang mengandung makna:
( hafalkan kosa-kata berikut)
– can’t/may not/must not                                    : tidak boleh
– forbidden/banned/prohibited                 : dilarang
– not allowed/not permitted                                : tidak diperbolehkan
– not suggested/not recommended                      : tidak dianjurkan
1.Notice tersebut biasanya terdapat dimana.
–  Where can we usually find such a notice?
–  We usually find the notice in……


Choose the best answer a,b,c,d or e

1.  A : I don’t think I can pass the examination.

     I didn’t learn intensively last night
B : Come on! Don’t be pessimistic.  Mind over body

The underlined sentence is kind of ….

A.  Expressing of persuading
B.  Expressing of encouraging
C.  Expressing hope
D.  Prohibiting
E.  Criticizing

2.   Riska            : Mum, …..if I go to the cinema with my friend

Mum              : Well, you can go, but go home right after the movie
A.   Would you mind
B.   Why don’t you
C.   Do you like me
D.   Will you forget me
E.       I should have gone

3.  Mum              : Don’t talk too much while you are eating.
Susan           : Sorry, mum
From the dialogue above, the underlined sentence shows that Mum is ….
A   Suggesting
B   Discussing
C.  Requesting
D.  Accusing
E.  Complaining

4   A : ….? You tore my favorite book.

B : Oh, I’m so sorry. I did it unintended
The correct expression to fill in the blank is …
A.  What are you doing
B.  Come on
C.  Don’t be like that
D.  You can do it
E.  What have you done

5  Siska             : I will never forgive Ruben

Rita               : Oh, come on it’s on that bad so you should treat him that way
From the dialogue above, we know that ….
A. Siska is advising Rita to forgive Ruben
B  Siska is angry to Rita
C  Rita is advising Siska to forgive Ruben
D  Rita is encouraging Siska to hate Ruben
E  Rita is hoping that Siska will forgive Ruben


Read the following text to answer questions 1 to 2!


1.  Do not litter.

2.  Do not pick the flowers in the park.

3.  Do not swim in the lake.

4.  Do not fish in the lake on any other day except Sunday.

5.  Picnics are allowed only on Saturdays and Sundays.

6.  The management will not be responsible for any loss or damage to personal

7.  All visitors must leave the park at scheduled time.

   Management of Happy Lake Garden

1. Who make the rules?

a. Visitors                        
b. Guests              
c.  Management                
d.  Swimmers             

2. What can we do in Happy Lake Garden?

a. swimming
b littering
c. picking the flowers
 d. picnic on Saturday

3. Hanif    : You are sick, you .... have a rest.

Thoriq   : Thanks, I'll go home now.

a. Should                        

b. Shouldn't                

c. Will                                    
d. Won’t

4. From the text, we can conclude that we .... feed the animals
a.  must                
b. should                      
c. must not                   
d. may

5. Where we can probably find the sign?

a.  At school          
b. At the zoo               
 c. At an office             
d. In a cinema

6.  Hanif    : You are sick, you.... have a rest.

Thoriq   : Thanks, I'll go home now.

a. Should                       
b. Shouldn't                   
c. Will                           
d. Won’t
7. You find this notice near a school.
Do not speed before, in and after the school zone
School children are crossing the street or doing some activities
around area

The warning means ....

a. It will be nice if people ignore the school safe zone.
b  It is a good idea if people speed up along the school safe zone.
c.  If people race around the school safe zone, their car will be in trouble.
d.  School children will be in danger if people drive fast along the school safe

For question 8, read the following notice. Its put in the library



8.What does the notice means?

a.  You cannot return the borrowed books it the library is closed

b.  The library return service is available after hours only
c.  You should put the books here if you return them after the closing time
d.  You can borrow books from this counter even if the library is closed

9. "Please check in you baggage one hour before boarding time"

Where do you find the caution above?

a. At the railway station      
b .At the airport                        
c. At the bus station     
d. At the bus station

10. Siti       : “Let’s wrap the gift for Lina. Can we do it on your table?”

Beni      : “Please do, but don’t make a mess.”

The expression “but don’t make a mess”.  Is a kind of.......?
a.  Prohibition                
b.  Respond                   
c.  Invitation
d. Instruction      


I. Match the sentence beginnings (number 1 – 6) to the endings (point a

–g), and state if the phrases in italics express obligation (o), necessity
(n) or freedom from obligation or necessity (f).


We must do the exercise to improve our bad scores d) >  O

1.  We don’t have to go out _a__ > _o__

2.  I have to go through that little road _f__ > _e__

3.  You have to be discipline and work hard _a__ > _g__

4.  They need not wait for an invitation because _e__ > _c__

5.  My sister needs to go to the doctor, _g__ > _a__

6.  He needs to be there by 8.00 _b__ > _a__

a)   every time I go to our other office.

b) but she hates going so she keeps putting it off.

c)  if you’d rather stay in.

d)  before the simpulan exam begins .

e)  to be successful in this job.

f)  or else he will be in trouble.

g)  they are welcome to come any time.


Translate the sentenses into good Indonesia Language

1. Keep silent = Diam

2. Be Carefull = hati-hati
3. Please keep the window opened = Tolong buka jendelanya
4. Staff only = Dilarang Masuk Selain Petugas
5. Teacher room = Ruang guru
6. Use the hand dryer = Gunakan pengering tangan
7. Please shut down the computer if you finished = Tolong
matikan komputer jika sudah selesai
8. Keep the room clean = Jaga kebersihan kamar
9. Don’t be Noise = Jangan berisik

10.No Camera = Tidak ada Kamera

11.Don’t Park in front of door = Jangan parkir di depan pintu

12.Keep Door Closed = Menjaga Pintu Tertutup

13.This Area is under CCTV surveillance =  Area ini berada di


pengawasan CCTV

14.Hot Surface, Don’t touch! = Permukaan panas, Jangan sentuh!

15.Cellular phone use prohibited in school buildings =

Penggunaan telepon seluler dilarang di gedung sekolah

16.Beware of pickpockets! = Waspadalah terhadap pencopet!

17. Drug and weapon free school zone =

18.Reserved parking school buses = Zona sekolah bebas

narkoba dan senjata

19.Visitors must report to reception on arrival = Pengunjung harus

melapor ke resepsionis pada saat kedatangan



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