Anda di halaman 1dari 38






A. Latar Belakang
Kemampuan dan penguasaan bahasa asing, dalam hal ini Bahasa Inggris,
merupakan salah satu kebutuhan sekaligus menjadi penunjang dalam menghadapi
tingkat persaingan sumber daya manusia (SDM) di pasar kerja nasional dan
internasional. Untuk mencapai peningkatan kemampuan dan penguasaan tersebut
diperlukan suatu pembinaan kompetensi mahasiswa yang dilakukan secara
berkelanjutan. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kempetensi
mahasiswa tersebut dapat dilakukan melaui suatu ajang kompetisi. Dari ajang
kompetisi ini diharapakan dapat meningkatkan motivasi, knowledge, hard skill, serta
soft skill yang diharapakan. Seiring dengan “Kebiasaan Baru” pada masa pasca
pandemi Covid 19, kegiatan kompetisi sudah selayaknya dilaksanakan dengan tetap
melaksanakan protokol kesehatan.
Oleh karena itu, Politeknik Kesehatan se-Indonesia yang berada dibawah naungan
Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia berupaya untuk senantiasa meningkatkan
kemampuan tersebut melaui ajang kompetisi Bahasa Inggris tahun 2022. Kegiatan
tahunan tersebut adalah National Health Polytechnic English Olympics (NHPEO)
2022. Kegiatan NHPEO 2022 ini akan diselenggarakan di Poltekkes Kemenkes
Padang pada 22 – 25 Maret 2022
Guna memberikan arahan lomba dan aturan maka disusunlah buku Panduan
NHPEO 2022 ini. Buku Panduan ini berisikan tentang aturan lomba Debat dengan
sistem British Parliamentary (BP), aturan lomba Non Debat, yakni, Storytelling,Public
Speaking, Writing, Vlog, dan Poster, dan mekanisme pelaksanaan kompetisi secara
hybrid. Aturan dan sistem lomba di dalam panduan ini diharapkan dapat
mencerminkan ciri khas dari kompetisi yang dilaksanakan oleh Politeknik Kesehatan,
yaitu aturan dan sistem lomba yang dibuat merupakan hasil pemikiran dan diskusi
bersama, sesuai dengan kompetensi mahasiswa yang ingin dikembangkan.

B. Target Peserta
a. Umum
Peserta NHPEO 2022 adalah semua mahasiswa Diploma III dan atau Diploma IV
(Sarjana Terapan) Politeknik Kesehatan se-Indonesia yang berstatus aktif pada
Pangkalan Data Perguruan Tinggi Kemenristekdikti (PDDIKTI).
b. Khusus
1. Peserta yang mendaftar NHPEO 2022 belum pernah mendapat predikat juara
I, II atau III (Master dan Novice Category) pada NHPEO 2021 untuk kategori
lomba yang sejenis.
2. Mahasiswa yang pernah meraih predikat I, II, III (Master dan Novice
Category) pada lomba debat NHPEO 2021 dapat mengikuti NHPEO 2022
khusus untuk kategori non debat, demikian pula sebaliknya.

c. Peserta setiap Poltekkes
Jumlah perwakilan peserta setiap Poltekkes, adalah
Debate (offline) : 2 (dua) orang
Public Speaking (offline) : 1 (satu) orang
Storytelling (offline) : 1 (satu) orang
Writing (offline) : 1 (satu) orang
Poster (online) : 1 (satu) team maksimal 3 (tiga) orang
Vlog (online) : 1 (satu) team maksimal 3 (tiga) orang
Adjudicator /Juri (offline) : 1 (satu) orang

C. Waktu dan Tempat Kegiatan

1. Waktu Kegiatan
Kegiatan diadakan pada tanggal 22 – 25 Maret 2022
2. Tempat Kegiatan
Kampus Pusat Poltekkes Kemenkes Padang
Jalan Raya Siteba - Padang


Jenis lomba yang dipertandingkan di NHPEO 2022 adalah sebagai berikut:
A. Lomba debat bahasa Inggris
B. Lomba Non Debat yang terdiri atas:
1. Public Speaking
2. Storytelling
3. Poster
4. Essay Writing
5. Vlog


A. Mekanisme Perlombaan
1. Babak Penyisihan
Semua babak lomba debat dan no debat dilaksanakan secara offline, terkecuali
poster dan vlog yang mana peserta mengirimkan karya sebelum tanggal 15 Maret
2022 dan 10 besar akan presentasi secara online. Semua peserta terdaftar
diwajibkan mengikuti kegiatan dummy rounds sebelum babak penyisihan

2. Lomba Debat
1. Pengertian
a. Debater adalah 2 (dua) orang peserta yang mengikuti perlombaan.
b. Tournament Director adalah orang yang mengaturnya jalannya perlombaan.
c. Chief Adjudicator adalah ketua juri yang mengatur mekanisme penjurian.
d. Deputy Chief Adjudicator adalah wakil ketua juri yang ikut membantu tugas
ketua juri dalam penjurian.

e. N1 Adjudicator adalah calon juri yang dikirim oleh tim, untuk diikutkan
dalam akreditasi.
f. Invited Adjudicator adalah juri yang diundang oleh panitia penyelenggara
g. Tabulator adalah orang yang bertanggungjawab terhadap tabulasi penilaian
dalam perlombaan.
2. Sistem Lomba
Sistem lomba debat yang digunakan dalam NHPEO 2022
adalah system British Parliamentary (BP). Sistem ini adalah sistem yang
digunakan dalam National Universities Debating Championship
(NUDC) dan World University Debating Championship (WUDC).
Dalam NHPEO 2022, terdapat dua kategori lomba, yaitu Master Category dan
Novice Category. Babak-babak dalam NHPEO adalah sebagai berikut:
a. Preliminary Rounds. Ini merupakan babak penyisihan. Terdapat
3 (tiga) kali babak penyisihan, artinya semua tim akan melalui tiga kali
debat. 16 tim terbaik hasil dari penyisihan ini akan masuk dalam
kategori Master Category dan akan mengikuti babak eliminasi.
b. Tim urutan 17–24 setelah tiga babak penyisihan akan masuk
dalam Novice Category dan akan mengikuti babak Semifinal kategori
c. Quarterfinal Rounds Master category. Babak ini mempertemukan 16 tim
terbaik hasil dari babak-babak penyisihan.
d. Semifinal Rounds kategori Master Category. Babak ini mempertemukan 8
tim terbaik hasil dari Quaterfinal Rounds.
e. GrandFinal Round. Terdapat dua babak Grand final yaitu Grand
Final Master Category dan Grand Final Novice Category.
3. Topik (motions) debat
a. Dewan juri membuat motion
b. Motion dalam NHPEO mencerminkan permasalahan dalam skala nasional
dan internasional
c. Motion akan disampaikan ke semua peserta setidaknya 2 minggu sebelum
pelaksanaan NHPEO
4. Peserta
a. Debaters
i. Debaters adalah mahasiswa DIII dan atau DIVdi Politeknik Kesehatan
Kemenkes di Indonesia.
ii. Setiap Poltekkes hanya mengirim satu tim.
iii. Satu tim terdiri atas dua debaters.
iv. Tidak ada anggota cadangan dalam sistem ini.
b. Adjudicator
i. Setiap Politeknik Kesehatan wajib mengirimkan minimal 1 (satu) orang

ii. Adjudicator pada poin (i) adalah staf pengajar dan atau pegawai di
lingkungan Politeknik. Untuk adjudicator debat diutamakan yang
pernah menjadi juri lomba debat bahasa Inggris dalam tingkat regional
atau nasional.
iii. Setiap adjudicator wajib mengikuti seminar on debating, dan

B. Sistem Lomba Non Debat

Sistem yang digunakan berdasarkan prinsip preliminary dan eliminasi. Sistem ini
memungkinkan peserta mengikuti penyisihan dan babak final. Berikut adalah babak-babak
dalam lomba Non Debat:

Lomba Preliminary 1 Preliminary 2 Final

Public Speaking Demonstrative Oratory Speech Public Address
Speaking (offline) (offline) (offline)
Storytelling Folktale (offline) Story of Success Survival story
(offline) (offline)
Writing Procedural Writing Expository writing Persuasive writing
(offline) (offline) (offline)
Poster Poster (online) - Poster Presentation
Vlog Vlog (online) - Vlog presentation

1. Babak-babak dalam lomba non debat:

a. Masing-masing peserta mengoleksi skor dengan cara mengikuti dua babak
preliminary. Public Speaking mempunyai Demonstrative Speaking dan Oratory
Speech. Storytelling mempunyai Folktale dan Story of Success, dan Writing
mempunyai Procedural writing dan expository writing
b. Babak penyisihan untuk lomba poster dan Vlog dilakukan dengan penilaian terhadap
karya yang dikumpulkan ke panitia.
c. Babak Final akan mempertemukan 10 peserta terbaik di Public Speaking,
Storytelling, dan writing. Para finalis di Public Speaking harus menyampaikan
Public Address. Para Finalis Storytelling harus menyampaikan story dengan tema
From survival story. Para finalis di Writing harus membuat tulisan persuasive
d. Babak final poster dan vlog mempertemukan 10 peserta terbak dimasing-masing
kategori. Babak final ini berupa presentasi secara online tentang poster dan vlog
yang telah dibuat.

2. Peserta
a. Lomba public speaking, storytelling, dan writing bersifat individu
b. Lomba poster dan vlog dapat bersifat individu maupun kelompok.
c. Setiap Poltekkes mengirimkan 1 (satu) peserta pada Public Speaking, Storytelling,
dan Writing.
d. Setiap Poltekkes mengirimkan satu team (maksimal 3 orang) pada poster dan vlog
e. Untuk lomba writing, setiap peserta wajib membawa laptop.

3. Deskripsi topik
a. Dewan juri membuat deskripsi untuk topik lomba Public speaking
b. Dewan juri membuat story feeder untuk lomba Storytelling
c. Dewan juri membuat deskripsi topic (writing prompts) untuk lomba writing.
d. Dewan juri menentukan topik/tema poster dan vlog.
e. Topik diberikan ke peserta satu minggu menjelang pelaksanaan lomba.

4. Ketentuan Karya Poster dan Vlog

A. Poster
1) Peserta mendaftarkan diri sebagai peserta perorangan atau tim beranggotakan
maksimal 3 orang.
2) Poster dibuat dengan tema “Covid-19 and The Future of Care”
3) Poster merupakan hasil karya orisinal yang belum pernah dipublikasikan dan belum
pernah diikutkan kompetisi pada kompetisi serupa.
4) Poster diserahkan dalam bentuk format JPG, JPEG, dengan ukuran A4, ukuran file
maksimum 5MB, cantumkan identitas penulis dan dikirim melalui tautan yang akan
disampaikan pada saat Technical Meeting, dengan penamaan file: NHPEO22
Poster_Nama_Judul Poster. Contoh: NHPEO22 Poster_Jacinda_Tangguh Negeriku.
5) Poster menggunakan Bahasa Inggris
6) Batas akhir pengiriman karya tanggal 15 Maret 2022
7) Penilaian dilakukan oleh dewan juri yang ditentukan oleh panitia
8) Penilaian meliputi: a) Orisinalitas karya, b) Kesesuaian tema dan unsur teknis, c)
Kedalaman eksplorasi tema serta komunikasi dalam menyampaikan pesan, e)
Inovasi dan sisi artistik penyajian visual, f) penggunaan Bahasa Inggris
9) 10 peserta terbaik akan mengikuti babak final (poster presentation).

B. Vlog
1) Peserta mendaftarkan diri sebagai peserta perorangan atau tim beranggotakan
maksimal 3 orang. Peserta hanya boleh mengirimkan satu karya.
2) Vlog dibuat dengan tema “Maintaining Quality Healthcare in New Normal Era”.
3) Durasi vlog minimal 3 menit dan maksimal 5 menit.

4) Video harus orisinil, tidak melanggar hak cipta orang lain, tidak mengandung
SARA, belum pernah dipublikasikan sebelumnya dan belum pernah diikutkan
dalam lomba sejenis.
5) Peserta menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dalam Vlog yang dibuat
6) Peserta wajib mengunggah vlog di akun YouTube dan Instagram masing – masing
dengan menyertakan beberapa poin di bawah dalam deskripsi YouTube dan
Kalimat: NHPEO2022 Vlog Competition
Hash Tag: #nhpeo2022, #poltekkespadang, #kemenkes
Tag : @nhpeo2022, @bemkmpoltekkespdg
7) Batas akhir mengupload adalah 15 Maret 2022
8) Penilaian Vlog meliputi:
a) Dampak – apa yang dirasakan saat pertama kali melihat Entri Vlog. Apakah
video membangkitkan emosi dari pemirsa? Apakah video melibatkan pemirsa
sejak awal atau kehilangan momentum?
b) Kreativitas– bagaimana peserta mampu menyampaikan ide, pesan, atau
pemikiran mereka dengan cara yang orisinal dan imajinatif.
c) Gaya – bagaimana peserta dapat menampilkan orisinalitas dan teknik pribadi
mereka untuk memengaruhi cara video disajikan dan diinterpretasikan.
d) Materi Pokok– apakah materi dalam video mewakili tema dengan tepat?
e) Penggunaan Bahasa. Bagaimana Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan berterima dan
sesuai kaidah kebahasaan.


No Kegiatan Waktu
1 Sosialisasi Januari – Februari
2 Pendaftaran 20 Februari – 15 Maret 2022
3 Workshop on Adjudicator (Online) Maret
4 Technical Meeting & Dummy Rounds Maret
5 Batas Pengiriman Karya Vlog & 15 Maret 2022
6 Pengumuman Finalis Vlog & Poster 22 Maret 2022
7 Kompetisi Debate, Public Speaking, 22 – 25 Maret 2022
Storytelling & Writing (offline) dan
Presentasi Poster dan Vlog (Online)

Masing-masing pemenang dalam masing-masing kategori lomba akan mendapatkan:
A. Sertifikat diberikan kepada semua peserta
B. Sertifikat dan medali diberikan kepada 6 Best speakers Open Category dan 3 Best
Speakers Novice Category di lomba debat.
C. Medali dan sertifikat diberikan kepada Juara 1,2,3 dan 4 Open Category, Juara 1,2,3 dan
4 Novice category, Juara 1,2, dan 3 Public Speaking, Storytelling, Writing, Poster, dan
D. Sertifikat diberikan kepada Juara harapan 1,2,dan 3 di Public Speaking, Storytelling,
Writing, Poster, dan Vlog.


Penentuan juara umum didasarkan pada konversi skor yang diambil dari masing-
masing jenis lomba. Berikut adalah daftar konversi:

Jenis lomba Prestasi Skor Bobot Total

Debat Bahasa Juara 1 7 15
Juara 2 6 10
Juara 3 5 8
Juara 4 4 7
Juara 1 Novice 4 6
Juara 2 Novice 3 5
Juara 3 Novice 2 4
Juara 4 Novice 1 3
Best Speaker 1 5 10
Best Speaker 2 4 9
Best Speaker 3 3 8
Best Speaker 4 2 7
Best Speaker 5 1 6
Best Speaker 6 1 5
Public Juara 1 5 10
Juara 2 4 9
Juara 3 3 8
Harapan 1 1 7
Harapan 2 1 6
Harapan 3 1 5
Storytelling Juara 1 5 10
Juara 2 4 9

Juara 3 3 8
Harapan 1 1 7
Harapan 2 1 6
Harapan 3 1 5
Writing Juara 1 5 10
Juara 2 4 9
Juara 3 3 8
Harapan 1 1 7
Harapan 2 1 6
Harapan 3 1 5
Poster Juara 1 5 10
Juara 2 4 9
Juara 3 3 8
Harapan 1 1 7
Harapan 2 1 6
Harapan 3 1 5
Vlog Juara 1 5 10
Juara 2 4 9
Juara 3 3 8
Harapan 1 1 7
Harapan 2 1 6
Harapan 3 1 5

Pedoman pelaksanaan NHPEO 2022 ini diharapkan dapat membantu pelaksanaan
lomba antar Poltekkes Kemenkes se-Indonesia. Dengan pelaksanaan NHPEO 2022 yang
menggunakan sistem tertata, diharapkan kualitas setiap team Poltekkes Kemenkes Se-
Indonesia akan semakin berkualitas dan mampu bersaing di tingkat Internasional.



A. Format
1. The debate will consist of four teams of two persons (persons will be known as
"members"), a chairperson (known as the "Speaker of the House" or "Mister/Madam
Speaker" and an adjudicator or panel of adjudicators.
2. Teams will consist of the following members:
3. Members will deliver substantive speeches in the following order:
Prime Minister;
Opposition Leader;
Deputy Prime Minister;
Deputy Opposition Leader;
Member for the Government;
Member for the Opposition;
Government Whip;
Opposition Whip.

Opening Government:
"Prime Minister" or "First Government member" and
"Deputy Prime Minister" or "Second Government member";

Opening Opposition:
"Leader of the Opposition" or "First Opposition member" and
"Deputy Leader of the Opposition" or "Second Opposition member";
Closing Government:
"Member for the Government" or "Third Government member" and
"Government Whip" or "Fourth Opposition member";

Closing Opposition:
"Member for the Opposition" or "Third Opposition member" and
"Opposition Whip" or "Fourth Opposition member".
4. Members will deliver a substantive speech of seven minutes duration and should offer
points of information while members of the opposing teams are speaking.

B. The motion
1. The motion should be unambiguously worded.
2. The motion should reflect that the National Health Polytechnic Debating
Championship is a national level tournament.
3. The members should debate the motion in the spirit of the motion and the tournament.

C. Preparation
1. The debate should commence 30 minutes after the motion is announced.
2. Teams should arrive at their debate within five minutes of the scheduled starting time
for that debate.
3. Members are permitted to use printed or written material during preparation and
during the debate. Printed material includes books, journals, newspapers and other
similar materials. The use of electronic equipment is prohibited during preparation and
in the debate.

D. Points of Information
1. Points of Information (questions directed to the member speaking) may be asked
between first minute mark and the six-minute mark of the members’ speeches
(speeches are of seven minutes duration).
2. To ask a Point of Information, a member should stand, place one hand on his or her
head and extend the other towards the member speaking. The member may announce
that they would like to ask a "Point of Information" or use other words to this effect.
3. The member who is speaking may accept or decline to answer the Point of
4. Points of Information should not exceed 15 seconds in length.
5. The member who is speaking may ask the person offering the Point of Information to
sit down where the offeror has had a reasonable opportunity to be heard and
6. Members should attempt to answer at least two Points of Information during their
speech. Members should also offer Points of Information.
7. Points of Order and Points of Personal Privilege are not permitted.

E. Timing of the Speeches

1. Speeches should be seven minutes in duration (this should be signaled by two strikes
of the gavel). Speeches over seven minutes and 20 seconds may be penalized.
2. Points of Information may only be offered between the first-minute mark and the
six-minute mark of the speech (this period should be signaled by one strike of the
gavel at the first minute and one strike at the sixth minute).
3. It is the duty of the Speaker of the House to time speeches.
4. In the absence of the Speaker of the House, it is the duty of the Chair of the
Adjudication panel to ensure that speeches are timed.

F. The Adjudication
1. The debate should be adjudicated by a panel of at least three adjudicators, where this is
2. At the conclusion of the debate, the adjudicators should confer and rank the teams,
from first place to last place.

3. There will be verbal adjudication of the debate after the first six preliminary rounds
of the tournament.

G. The definition
1. The definition should state the issue (or issues) for debate arising out of the motion
and state the meaning of any terms in the motion which require interpretation.
2. The Prime Minister should provide the definition at the beginning of his or her speech.
3. The definition must:
a. have a clear and logical link to the motion - this means that an average reasonable
person would accept the link made by the member between the motion and the
definition (where there is no such link the definition is sometimes referred to as a
b. not be self-proving - a definition is self-proving when the case is that something
should or should not be done and there is no reasonable rebuttal. A definition is
may also be self-proving when the case is that a certain state of affairs exists or
does not exist and there is no reasonable rebuttal (these definitions are sometimes
referred to as "truisms").
c. not be time set - this means that the debate must take place in the present and that
the definition cannot set the debate in the past or the future; and
d. not be place set unfairly - this means that the definition cannot restrict the debate
so narrowly to a particular geographical or political location that a participant of
the tournament could not reasonably be expected to have knowledge of the place.

H. Challenging the definition

1. The Leader of the Opposition may challenge the definition if it violates clause of
these rules.
2. The Leader of the Opposition should clearly state that he or she is challenging the
3. The Leader of the Opposition should substitute an alternative definition after
challenging the definition of the Prime Minister.

I. Assessing the definitional challenge

1. The adjudicator should determine the definition to be ‘unreasonable’.
2. The onus to establish that the definition is unreasonable is on the members asserting
that the definition is unreasonable.
3. Where the definition is unreasonable, the opposition should substitute an alternative
definition that should be accepted by the adjudicator provided it is not unreasonable.
4. Where the definition of the Opening Government is unreasonable and an alternative
definition is substituted by the Opening Opposition, the Closing Government may
introduce matter which is inconsistent with the matter presented by the Opening
Government and consistent with the definition of the Opening Opposition.

5. If the Opening Opposition has substituted a definition that is also unreasonable, the
Closing Government may challenge the definition of the Opening Opposition and
substitute an alternative definition.
6. If the Closing Government has substituted a definition that is also unreasonable (in
addition to the unreasonable definitions of the Opening Government and Opening
Opposition, the Closing Opposition may challenge the definition of the Closing
Government and substitute an alternative definition.

J. The definition of matter
1. Matter is the content of the speech. It is the arguments a debater uses to further his
or her case and persuade the audience.
2. Matter includes arguments and reasoning, examples, case studies, facts and any
other material that attempts to further the case.
3. Matter includes positive (or substantive) material and rebuttal (arguments
specifically aimed to refute the arguments of the opposing team(s)). Matter
includes Points of Information.

K. The elements of matter

1. Matter should be relevant, logical and consistent.
2. Matter should be relevant. It should relate to the issues of the debate: positive
material should support the case being presented and rebuttal should refute the
material being presented by the opposing team(s). The Member should
appropriately prioritize and apportion time to the dynamic issues of the debate.
3. Matter should be logical. Arguments should be developed logically in order to be
clear and well-reasoned and therefore plausible. The conclusion of all arguments
should support the member’s case.
4. Matter should be consistent. Members should ensure that the matter they present is
consistent within their speech, their team and the remainder of the members on
their side of the debate.
5. All Members should present positive matter (except the final two members in the
debate) and all members should present rebuttal (except the first member in the
debate). The Government Whip may choose to present positive matter.
6. All Members should attempt to answer at least two points of information during
their own speech and offer points of information during opposing speeches.

L. Assessing matter
1. The matter presented should be persuasive. ‘The elements of matter’ should assist
an adjudicator to assess the persuasiveness and credibility of the matter presented.
2. Matter should be assessed from the viewpoint of the average reasonable person.
Adjudicators should analyze the matter presented and assess its persuasiveness,
while disregarding any specialist knowledge they may have on the issue of the
debate. Members should not be discriminated against on the basis of religion, sex,
race, color, nationality, sexual preference, age, social status or disability.
3. Points of information should be assessed according to the effect they have on the
persuasiveness of the cases of both the member answering the point of information
and the member offering the point of information.

M. The definition of manner
1. Manner is the presentation of the speech. It is the style and structure a member
uses to further his or her case and persuade the audience.
2. Manner is comprised of many separate elements. Some, but not all, of these
elements are listed below.

N. The elements of style

1. The elements of style include eye contact, voice modulation, hand gestures,
language, the use of notes and any other element which may affect the
effectiveness of the presentation of the member.
2. Eye contact will generally assist a member to persuade an audience as it allows
the member to appear more sincere.
3. Voice modulation will generally assist a member to persuade an audience as the
debater may emphasize important arguments and keep the attention of the
audience. This includes the pitch, tone, and volume of the member’s voice and the
use of pauses.
4. Hand gestures will generally assist a member to emphasize important arguments.
Excessive hand movements may however be distracting and reduce the
attentiveness of the audience to the arguments.
5. Language should be clear and simple. Members who use language which is too
verbose or confusing may detract from the argument if they lose the attention of
the audience.
6. The use of notes is permitted, but members should be careful that they do not rely
on their notes too much and detract from the other elements of manner.

O. The elements of structure

1. The elements of structure include the structure of the speech of the member and the
structure of the speech of the team.
2. The matter of the speech of each member must be structured. The member should
organize his or her matter to improve the effectiveness of their presentation. The
substantive speech of each member should:
3. The matter of the team must be structured. The team should organize their matter
to improve the effectiveness of their presentation. The team should:
a. contain a consistent approach to the issues being debated; and
b. allocate positive matter to each member where both members of the team are
introducing positive matter; and
c. include: an introduction, conclusion and a series of arguments; and
d. be well-timed in accordance with the time limitations and the need to prioritize
and apportion time to matter.

P. Assessing manner
1. Adjudicators should assess the elements of manner together in order to determine
the overall effectiveness of the member’s presentation. Adjudicators should assess
whether the member’s presentation is assisted or diminished by their manner.

2. Adjudicators should not allow bias to influence their assessment. Members should
not be discriminated against on the basis of religion, sex, race, color, nationality,
language, sexual preference, age, social status or disability.

Q. The role of the adjudicator

1. The adjudicator must:
a. Confer upon and discuss the debate with the other adjudicators;
b. Determine the rankings of the teams;
c. Determine the team grades;
d. Determine the speaker marks;
e. Provide a verbal adjudication to the members; and
f. Complete any documentation required by the tournament.
2. The adjudication panel should attempt to agree on the adjudication of the debate.
Adjudicators should therefore confer in a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect
3. Adjudicators should acknowledge that adjudicators on a panel may form different
or opposite views of the debate. Adjudicators should therefore attempt to base their
conclusions on these rules in order to limit subjectivity and to provide a consistent
approach to the assessment of debates.

R. Ranking teams
1. Teams should be ranked from first place to last place. First placed teams should be
awarded three points, second placed teams should be awarded two points, third
placed teams should be awarded one point and fourth placed teams should be
awarded zero points.
2. Teams may receive zero points where they fail to arrive at the debate more than
five minutes after the scheduled time for debate.
3. Teams may receive zero points where the adjudicators unanimously agree that the
Member has (or Members have) harassed another debater on the basis of religion,
sex, race, color, nationality, sexual preference or disability.
4. Adjudicators should confer upon team rankings. Where a unanimous decision
cannot be reached after conferral, the decision of the majority will determine the
rankings. Where a majority decision cannot be reached, the Chair of the panel of
adjudicators will determine the rankings.

S. Grading and marking the teams

1. The panel of adjudicators should agree upon the grade that each team is to be
awarded. Each adjudicator may then mark the teams at their discretion but within
the agreed grade. Where there is a member of the panel who has dissented in the
ranking of the teams, that adjudicator will not need to agree upon the team grades
and may complete their score sheet at their own discretion.
2. Team grades and marks should be given the following interpretation:

Grade Marks Meaning

Excellent to flawless. The standard you would expect to see from a team
A 180-200 at the Semi Final/Grand Final level of the tournament. The team has
much strength and few, if any, weaknesses.

Above average to very good. The standard you would expect to see
B 160-179 from a team at the finals level or in contention to make to the finals.
The team has clear strengths and some minor weaknesses.

Average. The team has strengths and weaknesses in roughly equal

C 140-159

Poor to below average. The team has clear problems and some minor
D 120-139

Very poor. The team has fundamental weaknesses and few, if any,
E 100-119

3. Individual members’ marks should be given the following interpretation:

Grade Marks Meaning

Excellent to flawless. The standard of speech you would expect to see

A 90-100 from a speaker at the Semi Final/Grand Final level of the tournament.
This speaker has much strength and few, if any, weaknesses.

Above average to very good. The standard you would expect to see
B 80-89 from a speaker at the finals level or in contention to make to the finals.
This speaker has clear strengths and some minor weaknesses.

Average. The speaker has strengths and weaknesses and roughly equal
C 70-79

Poor to below average. The team has clear problems and some minor
D 60-69

Very poor. This speaker has fundamental weaknesses and few, if any,
E 50-59

T. Verbal adjudications
1. At the conclusion of the conferral, the adjudication panel should provide a verbal
adjudication of the debate.
2. The verbal adjudication should be delivered by the Chair of the adjudication panel,
or where the Chair dissents, by a member of the adjudication panel nominated by
the Chair of the panel.

3. The verbal adjudication should not exceed 10 minutes.
4. The members must not harass the adjudicators following the verbal adjudication.
5. The members may approach an adjudicator for further clarification following the
verbal adjudication; these inquiries must at all times be polite and non-
a. identify the order in which the teams were ranked
b. explain the reasons for the rankings of team, ensuring that each team is referred
to in this explanation; and
c. provide constructive comments to individual members where the adjudication
panel believes this is necessary.

Standing Rules for the Operation of the Debate Contest

Rule I: General Regulations.

A. Dates for the Tournament. The tournament shall be held in March 2022.
B. Registration Regulations. Process of registration must be announced at least two weeks
prior to the tournament.
C. Format
The format of the debate shall be as follows:
1. Overview of the Format
a. There shall be preliminary rounds of debate, involving all teams eligible to
debate in the Competitions.
b. Seminars on debating and adjudicating are mandatory.
c. Following the preliminary rounds, there shall be an elimination round
consisting of the top 16 teams from the preliminary round.
2. The Preliminary Rounds
a. All teams eligible to debate at the Competitions compete in the preliminary
b. Composite or "swing" teams must be added by the Tournament Director to
under the following circumstances:
1) If the number of teams eligible to debate in the preliminary rounds is equal
to a number divisible by two, no composite teams are allowed; or
2) If this is not the case, then composite teams may be added until the number
of teams in the preliminary round is equal to a number divisible by two.
3) If a team withdraws from competition before or during the preliminary
rounds then they shall be removed from the draw and replaced with a
composite team.
3. Selection of teams for the elimination rounds
a. At the conclusion of the preliminary rounds, teams are ranked in consecutive
order (from highest to lowest) as follows:
1) Total aggregate Victory Points accumulated by the team; and
2) Total team score acculumated from speakers’ points

b. The highest 16 ranking teams will participate in the Main Competition
elimination rounds, and shall be ranked from 1st to 16th.
c. Teams shall compete in the elimination rounds subject to the qualification
requirements of this Constitution.
4. The Main Competition elimination rounds
a. At the conclusion of each of the Semi Finals, the adjudication panel shall
select two winning team from each debate. Theteams shall progress to the next
elimination round.
b. In the Final, the adjudication panel shall select the one winning team and the

Rule II: Participant Qualification.

Health Polytechnic may qualify a team of three to four student-debaters for participating in
the tournament.
A. Any student in compliance with the eligibility definitions of Health Polytechnic is eligible
to represent his or her Health polytechnic.
B. A team is composed of two eligible debaters from a single subscribing institution.
C. To be an eligible debater, a student must provide official documents from appropriate
polytechnic officials verifying that he/she is registered as a Health polytechnic student
and delegate of the NHPEO.

Rule III: NHPEO Adjudicator.

ii. Adjudicator Composition
1. A round in a competition shall be judged by odd number of adjudicator or a single
adjudicator (excluding trainee adjudicator).
2. In a single adjudication, the adjudicator acts as the chair.
3. In a panel adjudication, a chair adjudicator leads the adjudication accompanied by two
or four panel adjudicators.
4. Trainee adjudicator shall be allocated in preliminary rounds based on his or her
accreditation scores and conflict of interest.
iii. Qualification for adjudicator to attain eligibility for judging at the NHPEO:
1. An adjudicator must comprehend the system of adjudication in British Parliamentary
debating system
2. An adjudicator is mandatory to attend all processes of adjudicator accreditation
3. The adjudicators consist of representative adjudicators of the participating institutions
and invited adjudicators
4. Invited adjudicators are appointed by the host in coordination with the NHPEO
5. To be an eligible adjudicator, the adjudicator must secure a minimum C grade during
the accreditation test.
6. Adjudicator that has not secured a minimum C grade is still allowed to adjudicate as a
trainee adjudicator. A trainee adjudicator is subject to report to an accredited
adjudicator and his/her decision is not binding to the result of the match.

7. All adjudicators are subject to written evaluation form from the debaters.
8. All adjudicators may and will experience the changes of the accreditation.
9. The adjudicators have the right to know the results of their accreditation.
10. The decision of adjudicator in each room is final, binding, and not subject to change
in any kind of condition.

C. Adjudicator Obligations of Participating Polytechnics.

The NHPEO Committee strongly encourages participating health polytechnics to do all
that they can insure that their judging obligations are covered. In the event that a team's
judging obligation is uncovered, the Council of the NHPEO will invoke that the team is
disqualified if the team does not have a designated adjudicator.

D. Invited Adjudicator.
1. The nomination of persons to serve as invited adjudicators at the NHPEO shall be a
primary responsibility of the host committees.
2. Invited adjudicators are well-experienced adjudicators satisfying qualification
requirements that will be established by the host commmittee.
3. The host commitee shall appoint, if necessary, additional invited adjudicators of his or
her own choosing.
4. Each invited adjudicator shall be paid a stipend plus an allotment for food as
determined by the committee.

Rule IV: General Tournament Procedures.

A. Speech format.
The following speaking format shall be employed in all debates:
1. Speaking time for substantive speeches is 7 minutes,
2. The method of signaling timing for speakers is at the discretion of the host.
3. In addition to time signals, team members or the team coach may give time signals to
a speaker provided that the signals are discreet and unobtrusive.
4. Points of informations are allowed between 2nd minute to 6th minute of the
substantive speech
B. Announcement of Round Pairings.
The Tournament Director shall orally announce the pairings before each round. The
display of the pairings shall be provided as soon as possible.

C. Beginning Rounds.
At the announcement of pairings, the Tournament Director shall announce a designated
starting time for the round.

D. Case Building
1. Case building time is 15 minutes.
2. Only two debaters are allowed to do case building.
3. Debaters are allowed to bring any printed materials but no internet connection during
the case building.

Rule V: Tournament Scheduling.
A. Pairing Rounds.
1. Round one of the Tournament shall be randomly matched.
2. After the first round the tournament should be completely power matched reflecting
the following criteria: (1) victory points, and (2) total speaker points.
B. Assignment of Adjudicators
1. Preliminary Procedures or before the start of the Tournament:
a. At registration, all adjudicators shall complete a form declaring their conflicts of
interest with any polytechnic or debaters in the Tournament.
b. A form of mutual preference shall be used.
2. Following the pairing of each round, adjudicators are assigned according to the
discretion of the Tournament Director. The following constraints operate to disqualify
the adjudicators from assignment (in decreasing order of importance):
a. The adjudicator cannot judge a team from his or her polytechnic.
b. The adjudicator shall not judge a team he or she has previously judged on the
same side.
c. The adjudicator shall not judge a team on his or her conflict of interest list.

Rule VI: Motions

A. Adjudication core are responsible for composing the motions.
B. Motions should reflect national or international issues.
C. Host committee shall release list of motions two weeks prior to the tournament.

Rule VII: Sanctions

Sanctions to participating team are in the discretion of the Council Board.

Rule VIII: Awards

A. A special permanent award shall be given to each participant and each polytechnic.
B. Awards denoting their level of accomplishment shall be presented to all teams in the
elimination rounds.
C. Awards shall be presented to the top ten speakers in the tournament.

Rule IX: Evaluation.

A. Forms soliciting suggestions for improving the NHPEO shall be provided to each debater,
representative and invited adjudicator at the tournament.

Rule X: Amendment.
A. These Standing Rules may be amended by the NHPEO Council Meeting.

Standing Rules for the Operation of the NON DEBATE CONTEST

General Introduction
The CONTEST is not debating, elocution or acting. The competition is concerned with the
competitor’s effective use of language to convey a message or a point of view to an interested
audience. Choice of words,intonation, articulation, pace and pausing are all important in
conveying the message in a speech. Anything which hinders the transmission of meaning or
diverts attention from the speaker’s presentation should be avoided. This includes
unnecessary and inappropriate gestures, affected pronunciation, over use of dramatics,
unnecessary movement, irrelevant humour and mannerisms


A. Purpose of the Category:
To develop skills in expository speaking with emphasis on skill in exhibiting a
process using objects orphysical activity.
B. Definition of the Category:
A demonstration speech explains how to do something or how something works.
Objects or physical activity by the demonstrator must be exhibited. Visual aids (charts,
graphs, diagrams, maps, pictures, etc.) are optional and may be used to enhance the
demonstration but are not to take the place of objects or activity. The speech must be
instructive and present valuable and significant information.
C. Rules:
1. The speech must be original with the participant.
2. Objects or physical activity by the demonstrator must be exhibited.
3. Presentations will take place in normal-sized classrooms with normal-sized doors. A
table or desk will be supplied. All visual aids, properties and equipment are to be
supplied by the speaker.
4. This category prohibits the use of properties or equipment endangering the health or
safety of the participant, audience or judge. This includes, but is not limited to,
firearms, sharp knives, dangerous chemicals and animals.
5. One other person, and only one, may be used to assist the demonstrator by serving as
the object of demonstration or by helping to set up, strike, or handle equipment. It is
permissible for the aide to be both an object of demonstration and to help with the
equipment. The aide shall not be considered a contestant; shall not be eligible for an
award. The assistant may be a contestant in another category, but the committees are
not responsible for special scheduling arrangements that this may require.
6. Maximum time limit: 7 minutes, including set up and strike down. A 15 second grace
period is allowed, after which one point will be deducted from that evaluation item
dealing with rate.
7. The use of both sides of one 4x6 note card is optional.
D. Criteria for Evaluation:
1. The extent to which the topic content reflected value or significance to the speaker.

2. The extent to which the use of objects and/or physical activity was visible and
effectively in corporated into the demonstration process.
3. The extent to which the presentation: (a) achieved effective organization, and (b)
employed effective language skills, including such items as use of transitions and
clear, vivid and appropriate word choices.
4. The extent to which the vocal presentation was clear and appropriate to the subject,
including such items as articulation, pronunciation, volume, rate, pitch and voice
5. The extent to which the physical presence contributed to the clarity and effectiveness of
the presentation, including such items as facial expression, eye contact, gestures and
bodily movement.


A. Purpose of the Category:
To develop skill in composing and presenting a formal speech on a significant topic.
B. Definition of the Category:
In Oratory, the oration is expected to be a thoroughly prepared, well composed, well
expressed speech of exhortation on a significant topic. As such, the oration must be
unequivocally persuasive in its purpose. It may fulfill its persuasive challenge in one of
three ways: 1) by alerting the audience to the existence of a problem; 2) by affirming
the existence of a problem and offering a solution; 3) by urging the adoption of a
policy. While the topic of the oration should be of significance to general society, it
should be adapted to an audience composed of the speaker's peers. The good oration is
characterized by clear, vivid, and forceful language and appropriate stylistic devices
such as metaphor, comparison/contrast, irony, etc. Finally, thoughtfulness as reflected
in the choice of an approach to the topic and the quality of supporting materials is a
necessary part of the good oration.
C. Rules:
1. The speech is to be original with the participant.
2. Properties or visual aids are not permitted.
3. Maximum time limit: 7 minutes. A 15 second grace period is allowed, after
which one point will be deducted from that evaluation item dealing with rate.
4. The use of both sides of one 4x6 note card is optional.
D. Criteria for Evaluation:
1. The extent to which the content (a) reflected a worthwhile topic, and (b) provided
quality modes of support materials, including analysis, reasoning and factual
information. Researched material must be verbally attributed to a source (s).
2. The extent to which organizational structure (introduction, body, conclusion) was
both clear and effective.
3. The extent to which clear and compelling language as well as effective stylistic
devices were used appropriately.
4. The extent to which the vocal presentation was clear and appropriate to the
subject including such items as articulation, pronunciation, volume, rate, pitch

and voice quality.
5. The extent to which the physical presence contributed to the clarity and
effectiveness of the presentation, including such items as facial expression, eye
contact, gestures and bodily movement.


A. Purpose of the Category:
To develop the skill of providing a directly responsive statement to an issue of current
public discussion.
B. Definition of the Category:
The challenge to the speaker is to contribute to the public dialog on a contemporary
issue by presenting a well-informed statement which is directly responsive to a question
about that issue. The speaker is to be knowledgeable and is to use quality supporting
material to substantiate his/her position. As in all speaking categories, the Public Address
speech is to be well organized, clear, and effectively presented.
The possible topic areas and specific questions are:
1. Terrorism: To what extent, if any, has recent military involvement made the
world a safer place?
2. Nuclear Power: In light of the nuclear disaster in Japan, what, if any, should be
the future of nuclear power in the United States?
3. Fine Arts Programming: Given the current state budget crisis, to what extent, ifany,
should Wisconsin public schools continue to fund fine arts classes?
4. Technology: To what extent the harm and benefit of the advanced technology?
C. Rules:
1. The speech must be original with the participant.
2. Auxiliary audio/visual materials are not permitted.
3. Maximum time limit: 7 minutes. A 15 second grace period is allowed, after
which one point will be deducted from that evaluation item dealing with rate.
4. The use of both sides of one 4x6 note card is optional.
D. Criteria for Evaluations:
1. The extent to which a direct and well defined response to the question was provided.
2. The extent to which the speaker analyzed and organized the ideas to provide the
3. The extent to which the content (a) supported the main idea with worthwhile evidence,
and (b) employed effective language skills including such items as use of transitions
and clear, vivid and appropriate word choices. Researched material must be verbally
attributed to a source(s).
4. The extent to which the vocal presentation was clear and appropriate to the subject,
including such items as articulation, pronunciation, volume, rate, pitch and voice
5. The extent to which the physical presence contributed to the clarity and effectiveness
of the presentation, including such items as facial expression, eye contact, gestures and
bodily movement.

A. Purpose of the Category:
To develop skill in presenting imaginative material of the narrative form.
B. Definition of the Category:
To tell a story is to chronicle events. The burden of the storyteller is to chronicle those
events in a coherent, unified, clear, and interesting manner. The storyteller may use
vocal variation and physical movement to suggest different characters and character
relationships in order to make the story clearer and more interesting. The storyteller must
sit in a chair; other costumes or props are not permitted. It should be remembered
throughout that the emphasis of the storyteller's art is on the teller as intermediary or
narrator. The student is expected to "demonstrate a sense of audience", that is, tell the
chosen story in such a manner that it would be suitable for the intended audience, be it
young children, teenagers, adults or chronologically advanced. Material for storytelling
will be chosen by the student based on the topic areas announced by the committee. A
student will choose and rehearse one or more different stories for each topic area.
Original material is acceptable.
C. Rules:
1. A brief introduction identifying author, title and intended audience is required.
2. No other costumes, props, or visual material may be used. Vocal music, if used, must
be incidental and consist of no more than thirty(30) seconds total, after which there
will be a one point deduction.
3. Notes are not permitted.
4. Maximum time limit: 7 minutes. A 15 second grace period is allowed, after which one
point will be deducted from that evaluation item dealing with rate.
D. Criteria for Evaluation:
1. The extent to which the story as told constituted a coherent, spontaneous and unified
narrative appropriate to the topic area.
2. The extent to which the teller's choice of language and introduction was appropriate to
the chosen story and audience.
3. The extent to which nonverbal expressions, including such items as gestures, facial
expression and bodily movement contributed to clarity.
4. The extent to which vocal aspects of the performance were appropriate and enhancing
to the meaning of the story, including such items as articulation, pronunciation, vocal
clarity, volume, rate and pitch.
5. The extent to which the suggestion of character and character relationship was
appropriate to the material.

1. Procedural Writing
a. Purpose of the category
To develop skills in procedural writing with emphasis on written
communication for clarifying a process.
b. Definition
Procedures are action oriented. They outline steps to take, and the order in
which they need to be taken. They are often instructional, and they may be
used in training and orientation. Well-written procedures are typically solid,
precise, factual, short, and to the point.
c. Rules
1) The writing must be original
2) Participant will start writing after the release of writing prompts
3) The writing must be 500 words or fewer
4) All pieces should be typed and submitted as a Word document or rtf file
5) Each piece should be titled and page numbered
6) Participants submits their writing through the link provided by the
d. Criteria for evaluation
1). The extent of which the opening statement is very catchy; the subject is
clearly stated.
2). The extent of which a complete list of required materials/ingredients is
3). The extent of which the all steps are in order and clearly explained;
transition words are used throughout.
4). The extent of which the ending clearly makes the instructions complete

2. Expository Writing
a. Purpose of the category
To develop skills of writing that explain a topic in a logical and straight
forward manner.
b. Definition
Expository writing is used to provide readers with explanations, and the steps
in a process. It is defined by its logical sequencing and transitions. It is written
with the assumption that the reader does not have any prior knowledge about the
topic that is being discussed. Expository writing can be used as a tool to show
the reader why something is or how it works
c. Rules
1) The writing must be original
2) Participant will start writing after the release of writing prompts
3) The writing must be 500 to 800 words
4) All pieces should be typed and submitted as a Word document or rtf file.
5) Each piece should be titled and page numbered

6) Participants submits their writing through the link provided by the
d. Criteria for evaluation
1) Consistent Structure: It will follow the traditional essay structure with an
introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
2) a Clear Thesis: The thesis is the basis for the piece, and it will be the process
participants will be explaining or the position of the argument.
3) Clearly Presented Steps or Reasons: The body of the paragraph will need to
consist of clear steps or reasons, that are easy to follow, understand, and
follow a logical order.
4) Concluding Paragraph: The conclusion of the essay should touch on
e. Prompts example
1) Think about a new invention you would like to create. Describe this
invention and tell what it can do
2) Think of some things you learned outside of school. For example, you learn
from pet care, television, or grandparents. Explain what you learned

3. Persuasive Writing
a. Purpose of the category
To develop skills of persuasion in written form
b. Definition
A piece of writing that tries to convince or influence a reader to believe what
you believe about a certain topic. It takes a position for or against something.
c. Rules
1) The writing must be original
2) Participant will start writing after the release of writing prompts
3) The writing must be 500 to 800 words
4) All pieces should be typed and submitted as a Word document or rtf file.
5) Each piece should be titled and page numbered
6) Participants submits their writing through the link provided by the
d. Criteria for evaluation
1) Text structure: The organization of the structural components of a
persuasive text (introduction, body and conclusion) into an appropriate and
effective text structure
2) Ideas: The selection, relevance and elaboration of ideas for a persuasive
3) Persuasive devices: The use of a range of persuasive devices to enhance
the writer’s position and persuade the reader
4) Vocabulary: The range and precision of contextually appropriate language
5) Paragraphing: The segmenting of text into paragraphs that assists the
reader to follow the line of argument

6) Sentence structure: The production of grammatically correct, structurally
sound and meaningful sentences
e. Prompts examples
1) People Be Allowed to Obscure Their Identities Online.
2) Social media result in more harm than good for children


A. Purpose of the category
To engage the students’ interest in an issue, reveal community issues, and
raise awareness of an issue in a way that is visual, inclusive and fun.

B. Definition
Poster competitions raise awareness of issues and participation programs.
Posters provide visual, colourful, simple ways to communicate community issues
and events, and are suitable for display in community spaces. Poster competitions
can generate publicity and provide information

C. Rules
1. Each participant is allowed to send only one poster a
2. Posters that are sent are in accordance with the theme of the competition
3. Posters submitted are original creation, have never been published or have
not been included in any poster competitions.
4. Posters are made in digital form (using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator,
Corel Draw, etc.) with A3 paper sizes.
5. Posters are sent in the format of jpg, jpeg, or png.
6. Posters do not contain elements of SARA, pornography, provocation,
discrimination, gambling, violence, and follow the legal norm of the
Republic of Indonesia.

D. Criteria for Evaluation

Criteria for judging posters:
1. The layout, design and color combinations of the poster are adequate and text
and graphs are balanced
2. The title, figures and graphs are relevant to the content
3. The synthesis of the poster must include the following sections: (i)
background and public health significance, (ii) objectives, (iii) process
(including challenges), (iv) output or results, (v) implications/take home
message (including implications at the national level)
4. The poster is self-explanatory.
5. The poster displays coherent information.
6. Organization: The poster display should be well organized and clearly show
the flow of presentation either by using appropriate headings or by the use of
arrows or connecting line

A. Purpose of the category
To engage the students’ interest in an issue, reveal community issues, and
raise awareness of an issue in attractive audio-visual display.

B. Definition
Video blogs can be more personalized than text-based ones. This is because
emotions can be depicted with a human face, and presentation skills can be
fairly demonstrated. Video blogs are also good at providing quick information
compared to other blog categories.

C. Rules
1. Videos should be in English.
2. The video entry should be uploaded to a YouTube account and set to
“public”. The video description on Youtube should include:
– team member names
– a very brief explanation of what the video is trying to show and the
relation to the theme “Maintaining Quality Healthcare in new normal era”
– a statement along these lines: This is our entry to the #NHPEO2022Vlog
-an email address where we can contact you
- A hash tag: #nhpeo2022, #poltekkespadang, #kemenkes
- Tag : @nhpeo2022, @bemkmpoltekkespdg
3. The Video should last 3 to 5 minutes.
4. Videos submitted are original creation, have never been published or have
not been included in any Vlog competitions.
5. Videos do not contain elements of SARA, pornography, provocation,
discrimination, gambling, violence, and follow the legal norm of the
Republic of Indonesia.

D. Criteria for Evaluation

1. Impact – what you feel when you first view the Entry. Does the video
evoke an emotion from the viewer? Does the video engage you from the
onset or does it lose momentum?
2. Creativity – how the participant is able to convey their idea, message or
thought in an original and imaginative way through their lens, narrative,
performance, etc.
3. Style – how the participant is able to showcase their personal originality
and technique to influence how the video is presented and interpreted.
4. Subject Matter – is the subject matter addressed in the narrative,
performance and music (if applicable) in the video appropriately represent
the theme?
5. Story Telling – how the participant is able to let their Video Entry evoke
the viewer’s imagination, which may differ by each viewer.


Any student in compliance with the eligibility definitions of Health Polytechnic under
The Ministry of Health is eligible to represent his or her polytechnic.

A. Judges are selected on the basis of their communication skills, public speaking
experience and their ability torelate to varsities competitors.
B. Judges give equal consideration to both speeches in the allocation of marks.Judging is a
subjective process but will always be related to the nominated criteria and guidelines.
The judging and evaluation criteria is attached to this document.

Evaluation Sheet
Name :____________
Institution: ______________

Demonstration Speaking – 7 Minutes

Topic: ................................................................................................................................

Criteria Allocation of Points Points Remarks

Opening impact on Introduction
Content Relevance of subject matter
Use of Language Appropriate use of language
Uses plain English
Delivery Pace, intonation, volume,
pitch, humor,
body language, eye contact
Conclusion Effective closing summary
Audience absorbed in
Sub Total

Evaluation Sheet
Name :____________
Institution: ______________

Oratory Speech - 7 Minutes

Topic: ...............................................................................................................................

Criteria Allocation of Points Points Remarks

Opening impact on Introduction
Content Relevance of subject matter
Use of Language Appropriate use of language
Uses plain English
Delivery Pace, intonation, volume, pitch,
humor,body language, eye contact
Conclusion Effective closing summary
Audience absorbed in presentation

Sub Total

Evaluation Sheet
Name :____________
Institution: ______________

Public Address: 7 Minutes

Topic: ...............................................................................................................................

Criteria Allocation of Points Points Remarks

Opening impact on Introduction
Content Relevance of subject matter
Use of Language Appropriate use of language
Uses plain English
Delivery Pace, intonation, volume, pitch,
humor,body language, eye contact
Conclusion Effective closing summary
Audience absorbed in presentation

Sub Total

Evaluation Sheet
Name :____________
Institution: ______________

Storytelling - 7 Minutes
Topic: ...............................................................................................................................

Criteria Allocation of Points Points Remarks

Opening impact on Introduction
Content Relevance of subject matter
Use of Language Appropriate use of language
Uses plain English
Delivery Pace, intonation, volume,
pitch, humor,body language,
eye contact
Conclusion Effective closing summary
Audience absorbed in

Voice Clarity and effective of

Sub Total

Evaluation Sheets for Procedural Writing

Criteria Allocation of Points Points Remarks

Opening - Introduction 15
Content A complete list of required 30
materials/ingredients is provided

Use of Language - Appropriate use of language 20

Order and steps - Steps are in order 20
- Steps are clearly explained;
transition words are used

Neatness & Structure Paper is presented appropriately 15

and according to contest rules
(including word minimums, font,
font size and spacing)

Sub Total 100

Evaluation sheet for expository writing

Criteria Allocation of Points Points Remarks
Opening - Introduction 15
Content - Adherence to theme 30
- Originality
- Structure
Use of Language - Appropriate use of language 20
Arguments Claims and supporting evidences 20
Logical flows of reasoning

Neatness & Structure Paper is presented appropriately 15

and according to contest rules
(including word minimums, font,
font size and spacing)

Sub Total 100

Evaluation sheet for persuasive writing
Criteria Allocation of Points Points Remarks
Opening - Introduction 15
Content - Adherence to theme 30
- Originality
- Structure
Use of Language - Appropriate use of language 20
Arguments Claims and supporting evidences 20
Logical flows of reasoning

Neatness & Structure Paper is presented appropriately 15

and according to contest rules
(including word minimums, font,
font size and spacing)

Sub Total 100

Evaluation sheet for Poster

Criteria Allocation of points Points Remarks

Display attributes Leterring size and quality 30
Color combination
Lay out and design
Text, photographs and graphs

Content Adherence to the theme 30

Use of language Correct spelling and 25
Neatness and The poster is self-explanatory 15
structure The poster gives coherent
Sub Total 100

Evaluation sheet for Vlog

Criteria Allocation of points Points Remarks

Impact Opening video 20
Engegement to viewers
Emotion building
Style Originality 30
Subject Matter Adherence to the theme 20

Creativity Original idea 30

Narrative performance
Sub total 100


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