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125 Peneguhan Positif Untuk Kanak-kanak

Membantu Mereka Membesar dan Bahagia
Peneguhan positif memupuk keyakinan dan keyakinan.

Sebenarnya, penyelidikan membuktikan bahawa berlatih penegasan secara berkala mempunyai

banyak manfaat mental dan fizikal, termasuk penurunan tekanan dan ruminasi, meningkatkan
perasaan optimis, dan memperkuat daya tahan.

Mereka bahkan dapat membantu meningkatkan prestasi dalam sukan, akademik, dan usaha


Apakah penegasan positif?

Peneguhan adalah pernyataan positif atau mantera yang anda ulangi kepada diri sendiri, sama
ada secara senyap atau lantang.

Ini bertujuan untuk membantu anda mencapai tujuan , mengubah pola pikir, meningkatkan harga
diri , meningkatkan keyakinan anda, atau meningkatkan kesihatan anda.

Apabila mereka diulang secara konsisten, penegasan positif dapat menolong "menyusun semula"
otak anda untuk menyokong perubahan yang anda harapkan dengan menggunakannya.

Sebenarnya, anda boleh menggunakan penegasan dalam apa jua keadaan dalam hidup anda di
mana anda ingin memperbaiki atau membuat perubahan positif.

Peneguhan Positif untuk Kanak-kanak

Tetapi penegasan bukan hanya untuk orang dewasa - kanak-kanak boleh mendapat manfaat
daripada menggunakan penegasan positif juga untuk memupuk pemikiran optimis dan berjaya.

Peneguhan anak-anak menanamkan pemikiran kreatif, memperkuat harga diri anak- anak

kecil dan membolehkan mereka menjadi dewasa dengan pemikiran pertumbuhan dan tabiat
Tetapi bagaimana anda dapat menggabungkan penegasan dengan lancar ke dalam kehidupan
seharian mereka?

 Sebagai ibu bapa atau guru, mengajar anak-anak untuk berfikir positif dan menggunakan
mantera positif adalah hadiah yang akan melayani mereka sepanjang hidup mereka.

Dengan mempraktikkan penegasan, kanak-kanak akan belajar menggunakan sumber mental

batin mereka apabila mereka menghadapi cabaran dan kesukaran.

Sebagai orang dewasa, anda dapat mendorong anak-anak untuk mengingat kepercayaan dan
tujuan positif setiap hari dengan membuat papan penegasan atau kad penegasan yang dapat
mereka gunakan setiap kali mereka memerlukan dorongan.

Peneguhan untuk kanak-kanak harus sama menarik dan berterus terang seperti untuk orang

Sekiranya anda tidak tahu di mana untuk memulakan dengan penegasan untuk anak-anak, atau
anda hanya mencari inspirasi, kami membuat anda dilindungi.

Kami telah membuat senarai 125 penegasan positif untuk anak-anak untuk membantu mereka
merasa hebat tentang diri mereka sendiri dan mencapai matlamat mereka.

1. Saya pintar, hebat, dan hebat.

2. Saya tidak perlu risau. Saya boleh mencuba lagi.
3. Saya boleh melakukan lebih banyak daripada yang saya percayai.
4. Impian saya akan menjadi kenyataan.
5. Saya hebat hari ini, dan esok saya akan lebih hebat.
6. Hati saya penuh dengan kebaikan dan keberanian.
7. Setiap hari hidup saya lebih baik dan lebih baik.
8. Saya layak.
9. Saya sayang diri saya.
10. Saya mencipta hidup saya seperti yang saya mahukan.
11. Saya kreatif dan cerah.
12. Saya gembira.
13. Keluarga dan rakan saya sentiasa ada untuk saya.
14. Semua orang melakukan kesilapan, dan saya belajar dari saya.
15. Saya mengatasi cabaran dengan mudah.
16. Pembelajaran memang menyeronokkan!
17. Saya unik.
18. Saya suka dunia di sekeliling saya.
19. Semua yang saya lakukan penting.
20. Saya luar biasa.
21. Saya berhak mendapat kebahagiaan dan cinta.
22. Saya akan berjaya.
23. Matahari akan bersinar lagi esok.
24. Saya membawa kegembiraan kepada semua orang di sekeliling saya.
25. Saya melakukan yang terbaik setiap hari.
26. Saya bertanggungjawab.
27. Ingatan saya sungguh hebat.
28. Saya seorang pelajar yang cepat.
29. Saya selalu memberikan senyuman lebar kepada orang lain.
30. Kegagalan adalah guru saya, dan saya belajar daripadanya.
31. Tidak ada yang tahu segalanya, tetapi saya belajar sebanyak yang saya dapat setiap hari.
32. Kata-kata boleh menyakitkan hati orang lain jadi saya hanya berfikir dan mengatakan perkara
yang baik.
33. Saya bebas memilih siapa yang saya mahukan.
34. Itu semua akan berlalu. Kebahagiaan ada di sudut sekitar.
35. Saya selalu menemui bahagian terang dari apa sahaja.
36. Saya mempercayai diri saya.
37. Apa pun itu, saya boleh melakukannya.
38. Hari ini adalah hari yang indah.
39. Terdapat keindahan dalam semua perkara di sekeliling saya.
40. Saya menemui perkara baru ke mana sahaja saya pergi.
41. Saya lemah lembut dengan semua orang, termasuk saya.
42. Saya suka mencuba perkara baru.
43. Orang yang saya hari ini membuat saya bangga.
44. Keputusan dan pemikiran saya positif.
45. Tidak mengapa meminta pertolongan orang lain.
46. Setiap saat adalah istimewa.
47. Saya sabar dan tenang.
48. Saya bebas untuk menyatakan idea saya.
49. Setiap pelosok dunia penuh dengan perkara-perkara indah.
50. Setiap orang berbeza dan itu luar biasa!
51. Saya gembira dapat menolong orang lain.
52. Alam adalah kawan saya.
53. Saya dapat menyelesaikan sebarang masalah.
54. Saya mempunyai kawan yang hebat.
55. Saya bersyukur untuk semua yang saya ada dan ada.
56. Saya optimis setiap hari.
57. Saya kuat dan berani.
58. Saya yakin pada saya.
59. Saya berbakat.
60. Banyak perkara hebat yang akan datang.
61. Saya menghormati orang lain dan mereka menghormati saya.
62. Saya selalu boleh bermula lagi.
63. Saya percaya.
64. Tidak mengapa menangis.
65. Semua akan berjaya.
66. Semua yang saya lakukan mewujudkan kehidupan yang lebih bahagia dan sihat.
67. Saya suka perbezaan saya, dan saya suka perbezaan orang lain.
68. Saya mempunyai keberanian yang saya perlukan untuk menghadapi ketakutan saya.
69. Saya memaafkan diri saya sendiri, dan saya tahu saya sentiasa dapat memperbaiki diri.
70. Saya selalu memilih belas kasihan daripada marah.
71. Saya membiarkan hati saya membimbing saya.
72. Hidup ini penuh dengan keajaiban dan keajaiban.
73. Walaupun orang bersikap kasar kepada saya, saya memilih untuk bersikap baik dan sopan.
74. Keluarga saya berbangga dengan saya.
75. Saya sangat menyayangi keluarga dan rakan saya dan mereka juga sangat menyayangi saya.
76. Saya jujur dan terbuka hati.
77. Saya berdedikasi dan gigih.
78. Dunia ini penuh dengan kemungkinan yang tidak terhingga.
79. Saya ceria dan bertenaga.
80. Saya menantikan apa yang akan datang.
81. Saya mengubah hari menjadi hari yang hebat.
82. Saya bersabar dengan diri saya sendiri.
83. Saya seorang wira.
84. Tubuh, hati, dan fikiran saya indah!
85. Saya seorang pendengar yang hebat .
86. Imajinasi dan pengetahuan saya sentiasa berkembang.
87. Saya memaafkan orang lain kerana setiap orang mempunyai kesukaran mereka sendiri.
88. Saya bersyukur kerana menerima, dan saya dengan senang hati memberi.
89. Cabaran membantu saya berkembang.
90. Saya bebas berkongsi fikiran dan emosi dengan keluarga saya.
91. Saya seronok menjadi diri sendiri.
92. Siapa saya lebih daripada cukup.
93. Saya boleh mengubah apa sahaja.
94. Saya seronok dan ramah.
95. Sikap saya membawa positif kepada semua orang di sekeliling saya.
96. Saya pandai dalam apa sahaja yang saya fikirkan.
97. Saya penuh dengan impian dan idea yang bernas.
98. Setiap hari adalah peluang baru.
99. Saya belajar sesuatu yang baru setiap hari.
100. Sekiranya saya terus mencuba, saya akan berjaya lain kali.
101. Saya tumbuh kuat dan tinggi seperti pokok oak besar!
102. Amalan dan usaha menjadikan apa sahaja yang mungkin.
103. Saya memilih untuk berfikir dan merasakan hanya perkara positif dan positif.
104. Saya membuat perbezaan di dunia ini.
105. Semua yang saya katakan itu bermakna.
106. Saya layak didengar dan dihormati.
107. Sekiranya saya belum dapat melakukannya, saya akan mempelajarinya dan melakukannya
108. Saya merangkul diri saya seperti saya.
109. Hidup ini indah.
110. Sikap positif saya mencipta dunia yang lebih baik.
111. Pilihan saya sendiri menentukan ke mana saya akan pergi seterusnya.
112. Saya lebih besar dan kuat daripada ketakutan dan kesilapan saya.
113. Langkah demi langkah, saya semakin dekat dengan impian dan matlamat saya.
114. Saya menjadi orang yang lebih baik setiap hari.
115. Saya seorang pelajar yang prihatin.
116. Saya seronok pergi ke sekolah dan belajar perkara baru dengan guru saya.
117. Saya suka menolong guru dan rakan sekelas saya mewujudkan sekolah yang lebih baik untuk
kita semua.
118. Sekiranya saya kelihatan bersungguh-sungguh, saya selalu dapat mencari jalan keluar untuk
sebarang masalah.
119. Saya mengatasi kesukaran dan terus maju.
120. Saya mengatasi hari-hari buruk dengan harapan dan keyakinan.
121. Saya teruja untuk meneroka perkara yang tidak diketahui.
122. Saya mengambil masa untuk belajar dan memperbaiki diri.
123. Saya percaya kehidupan selalu membawa saya perkara-perkara indah.
124. Saya suka dan memeluk orang seperti mereka.
125. Saya mempunyai kepercayaan pada diri sendiri.

Cara Menggunakan Peneguhan Positif Ini untuk Kanak-kanak

Terdapat banyak cara kreatif untuk kanak-kanak menggunakan penegasan positif.

Bahagian terpenting dalam menggunakan penegasan ialah ketekalan.

Minta anak atau pelajar anda memilih satu penegasan setiap minggu untuk ditumpukan.

Kemudian anda boleh menggunakan pelbagai aktiviti untuk mengukuhkan pernyataan positif
sehingga anak tidak akan bosan dengan hanya mengulang perkataan setiap hari.

Berikut adalah beberapa idea:

 Minta anak melihat cermin sambil menyatakan penegasannya dengan kuat.

 Buat kad pengesahan dengan meminta anak menulis pernyataan positif pada kad indeks.
 Cetak halaman mewarna atau cetakan dengan penegasan positif untuk mewarnai kanak-
 Cuba aktiviti melukis batu di mana anak-anak melukis penegasan kegemaran mereka di
batu sungai yang halus.
 Mintalah anak anda menulis penegasan pada catatan melekit dan meletakkannya di sekitar
rumah (atau bilik darjah).
 Buat balang penegasan yang diisi dengan kepingan kertas kecil dengan penegasan berbeza
yang berkaitan dengan mantera utama.
 Mintalah anak-anak menyanyikan penegasan mereka, menjadikan aktiviti ini
menyeronokkan dan tidak dapat dilupakan.
 Reka log penegasan mingguan dan senarai semak untuk membantu mengingatkan anak-
anak untuk mengulang penegasan.

Oleh kerana kanak-kanak mempunyai jangkauan perhatian yang pendek, cubalah memastikan
aktiviti penegasan menjadi pendek dan menyeronokkan.

Anda mungkin memilih waktu tertentu untuk mempraktikkan penegasan sehingga anda dapat
menerapkan kebiasaan biasa dengan anak atau pelajar yang mempraktikkannya setiap hari.

Apakah penegasan positif kegemaran anda untuk kanak-

Awak boleh lakukannya.

Begitu juga anak-anak anda.

Terokai dan buat senarai penegasan positif anda sendiri bersama anak-anak anda, dan tunjukkan
kepada mereka bagaimana anda mempraktikkan perbincangan diri anda sendiri.

Ingatlah untuk menjalin dan sentiasa menjaga komunikasi yang terbuka untuk mengetahui
bagaimana penegasan mereka mempengaruhi mereka.

Peneguhan kanak-kanak adalah alat yang anak-anak anda perlukan untuk menikmati kehidupan
yang lebih positif dan berkembang menjadi orang dewasa yang lebih baik, lebih berani, lebih
kreatif, dan cerdas secara emosi.

Bukankah dunia akan menjadi tempat yang lebih baik jika semua anak dapat tumbuh seperti ini,
percaya pada potensi mereka dan mengetahui bahawa mereka penting? Jadi mengapa tidak
menyebarkan berita?

Hubungi ibu bapa dan guru lain dengan berkongsi artikel ini di Facebook atau Twitter,
menyematkannya ke Pinterest anda atau menambahkannya ke Pocket anda.

Semoga keyakinan dan keyakinan anda mempengaruhi semua yang anda - dan anak anda -
lakukan hari ini.
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125 Positive Affirmations For
Kids To Help Them Grow Up
Happy and Confident
June 6, 2021 by Barrie Davenport
Positive affirmations foster optimism and confidence.

In fact, research has proven that regularly practicing affirmations has many

mental and physical benefits, including decreasing stress and rumination,
boosting feelings of optimism, and strengthening resilience.

They can even help improve performance in sports, academics, and

career endeavors.

What are positive affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements or mantras that you repeat to yourself,
either silently or out loud.

They are intended to help you reach a goal, change a mindset, improve self-
esteem, boost your confidence, or improve your health.

When they are repeated consistently, positive affirmations can help “rewire”
your brain to support the changes you are hoping to achieve by using them.

In fact, you can use affirmations in any situation in your life where you want
to improve or make a positive change.

Positive Affirmations for Kids

But affirmations aren’t just for adults — children can benefit from
using positive affirmations too to foster a mindset of optimism and success.

Kids affirmations instill creative thinking, strengthen the little ones’ self-

esteem and allow them to become adults with a growth mindset and positive

But how can you seamlessly integrate affirmations into their everyday life?

 As a parent or a teacher, teaching children to think positively and use

positive mantras is a gift that will serve them throughout their lives.

By practicing affirmations, children will learn to use their inner mental

resources when they are met with challenges and difficulties.
As an adult, you can encourage children to remember positive beliefs and
goals every day by creating an affirmation board or affirmation cards they
can use whenever they need a boost.

Affirmations for children should be as compelling and straightforward as

they are for adults.

If you don’t know where to start with affirmations for kids, or you’re just
looking for some inspiration, we’ve got you covered.

We have curated a list of 125 empowering positive affirmations for kids to

help them feel great about themselves and reach their goals.

I am smart, amazing, and powerful.

I don’t need to worry. I can try again.

I can do more than I believe.

My dreams will come true.

I am great today, and I will be even greater tomorrow.

My heart is full of kindness and courage.

Every day my life is better and better.

I am worthy.
I love myself.

I create my life just the way I want it.

I am creative and bright.

I am happy.

My family and friends are always there for me.

Everyone makes mistakes, and I learn from mine.

I overcome challenges easily.

Learning is fun!

I am unique.

I love the world around me.

Everything I do matters.

I am extraordinary.

I am deserving of happiness and love.

I will succeed.

The sun will shine again tomorrow.

I bring joy to everyone around me.

I do my best every day.

I am responsible.

My memory is fantastic.

I am a fast learner.

I always offer others a big smile.

Failure is my teacher, and I learn from it.

No one knows everything, but I learn as much as I can every day.

Words can hurt others so I only think and say good things.

I am free to choose who I want to be.

It will all pass. Happiness is around the corner.

I always find the bright side of anything.

I trust myself.

Whatever it is, I can do it.

Today is a beautiful day.

There is beauty in everything around me.

I discover new things everywhere I go.

I am gentle with everyone, including myself.

I love to try new things.

The person I am today makes me proud.

My decisions and thoughts are positive.

It’s okay to ask others for help.

Every moment is special.

I am patient and calm.

I am free to express my ideas.

Every corner of the world is full of wonderful things.

Everyone is different and that’s amazing!

I am happy to help others.

Nature is my friend.

I can solve any problem.

I have wonderful friends.

I am thankful for everything I am and have.

I am optimistic every day.

I am powerful and courageous.

I have confidence in me.

I am talented.

A lot of great things are still to come.

I respect others and they respect me.

I can always start again.

I believe.
More Related Articles:

119 Of The Most Positive, Uplifting Affirmations For Women

50 Of The Best Growth Mindset Quotes For Kids And Teachers

65 Short Positive Quotes To Brighten Your Day

It’s okay to cry.

Everything will work out.

Everything I do creates a happier and healthier life.

I like my differences, and I like the differences in others.

I have the courage I need to face my fears.

I forgive myself, and I know I can always improve.

I always choose compassion over anger.

I let my heart guide me.

Life is full of miracles and wonders.

Even if people are rude to me, I choose to be nice and polite.

My family is proud of me.

I love my family and friends very much and they love me too.

I am honest and open-hearted.

I am dedicated and persistent.

The world is full of infinite possibilities.

I am cheerful and energetic.

I look forward to what is to come.

I transform any day into a fantastic day.

I am patient with myself.

I am a hero.

My body, heart, and mind are beautiful!

I am a great listener.

My imagination and knowledge are always growing.

I forgive others because everyone has their own difficulties.

I’m thankful for receiving, and I am glad to give.

Challenges help me grow.

I freely share my thoughts and emotions with my family.

I enjoy being myself.

Who I am is more than enough.

I can change anything.

I am fun and friendly.

My attitude brings positivity to everyone around me.

I am good at anything I set my mind on.

I am full of dreams and ingenious ideas.

Every day is a new opportunity.

I learn something new every day.

If I keep on trying, I will make it next time.

I am growing strong and tall like a big oak tree!

Practice and effort make anything possible.

I choose to think and feel only good, positive things.

I make a difference in this world.

Everything I say is meaningful.

I deserve to be heard and respected.

If I can’t do this yet, I will learn it and do it tomorrow.

I embrace myself just the way I am.

Life is beautiful.

My positive attitude creates a better world.

My own choices determine where I’m going next.

I am bigger and stronger than my fears and mistakes.

Step by step, I get closer to my dreams and goals.

I am becoming a better person every day.

I am an attentive student.

I enjoy going to school and learning new things with my teachers.

I love helping my teachers and classmates create a better school for all of

If I look hard, I can always find a solution to any problem.

I conquer difficulties and keep moving forward.

I overcome bad days with hope and optimism.

I am excited to explore the unknown.

I take my time learning and improving myself.

I believe life always brings me wonderful things.

I love and embrace people just the way they are.

I have faith in myself.

How to Use These Positive Affirmations for Kids

There are so many creative ways for children to use positive affirmations.

Click on the image below to download the full list of positive affirmations for
kids (PDF).
The most important part of using affirmations is consistency.

Ask your child or students to choose one affirmation each week to focus on.

Then you can use a variety of activities to reinforce the positive statement
so the child won’t get bored by simply repeating the words every day.

Here are some ideas:

 Have the child look in the mirror while saying the affirmation out loud.
 Create affirmation cards by asking the child to write positive statements
on index cards.
 Print coloring pages or printables with positive affirmations for children
to color.
 Try a rock painting activity where kids paint their favorite affirmations on
smooth river rocks.
 Have your child write the affirmation on sticky notes and put them
around the house (or classroom).
 Create an affirmation jar filled with small slips of paper with different
affirmations related to the main mantra.
 Ask children to sing their affirmations, making the activity fun and
 Design a weekly affirmation log and checklist to help remind kids to
repeat affirmations.
Since kids have short attention spans, try to keep the affirmation activities
short and fun.

You might choose a specific time of day to practice affirmations so that you
cement a regular habit with your child or students of practicing them daily.

What are your favorite positive affirmations for

You can do it.

And so can your children.

Explore and create your own list of positive affirmations alongside your kids,
and show them how you put your own self-talk into practice.

Remember to establish and constantly maintain a line of open

communication to find out how their affirmations influence them.

Kids affirmations are the tools your children need to enjoy a more positive
life and grow into kinder, braver, more creative, and emotionally intelligent

Wouldn’t the world be a much better place if all children could grow up like
this, believing in their potential and knowing that they matter? So why not
spread the word?

Reach out to other parents and teachers by sharing this article on Facebook
or Twitter, pinning it to your Pinterest or adding it to your Pocket.

May your optimism and confidence influence everything you — and your
children — do today.
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50 of the Best Growth Mindset Quotes For

The Classroom
Select 1 of these 50 growth mindset quotes to share this week:

1. “I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my ship.” – Little


2. “The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the

problem.” – Jack Sparrow

3. “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry
4. “Always do what you are afraid of doing.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

5. “If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.” –
Frank A. Clark

6. “All things are difficult before they are easy.” Thomas Fuller

7. “Just because you haven’t found your talent yet doesn’t mean you don’t
have one.” – Kermit the Frog

8. “Improve by 1% a day, and in just 70 days, you’re twice as good.” – Alan


9. “You have not failed unless you have quit trying.” – Gordon B. Hinckley

10. “May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” – Nelson Mandela
11. “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” – Winston Churchill

12. “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” –
Charles Swindoll

13. “Be so busy improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others.”

– Chetan Bhagat

14. “Believe you can and you are half way there.” – Theodore Roosevelt
15. “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to
think!” – Albert Einstein

16. “I am always doing what I cannot do yet. In order to learn how to do it.” –
Vincent Van Gogh

17. “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity!” – Albert Einstein

18. “Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It’s quite simple,
really. Double your rate of failure.” – Thomas Watson

19. “Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what
makes life meaningful.” – Joshua J. Marine

20. “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone
who keeps learning stays young.” – Henry Ford
21. “Don’t be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an
experiment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

22. “The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing

you will make a mistake.” – Elbert Hubbard

23. “You can achieve anything you want in life if you have the courage to
dream it, the intelligence to make a realistic plan, and the will to see that
plan through to the end.” – Sidney A. Friedman

24. “If you shoot for the stars and hit the moon, it’s OK. But you’ve got to
shoot for something. A lot of people don’t even shoot.” – Confucius

25. “Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of
enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill

26. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you
did not do than by the ones you did.” – Mark Twain
27. “The problem human beings face is not that we aim too high and fail, but
that we aim too low and succeed.” – Michelangelo

28. “It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.” –

29. “We find comfort among those who agree with us, and growth among
those who don’t.” – Frank A. Clark

30. “Vision is not enough. It must be combined with venture. It is not enough
to stare up the steps; we must also step up the stairs.” – Vaclac Havel

31. “The very best thing you can do for the whole world is to make the most
of yourself.” – Wallace Wattles

32. “Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can
and should be and he will become as he can and should be.” – J. W.
33. “Things don’t go wrong and break your heart so you can become bitter
and give up. They happen to break you down and build you up so you can
be all that you were intended to be.” – Samuel Johnson

34. “History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually
encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won
because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats.” – B.C.

35. “Don’t worry about failure. Worry about the chances you miss when you
don’t even try.” – Sherman Finesilver

36. “Unless you’re willing to have a go, fail miserably, and have another go,
success won’t happen.” – Phillip Adams

37. “The worst bankrupt in the world is the man who has lost his
enthusiasm. Let a man lose everything else in the world but his enthusiasm
and he will come through again to success.” – H.W. Arnold
38. “What you get by reaching your destination is not nearly as important as
what you will become by reaching your destination.” – Unknown

39. “The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your
problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the
ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny.” –
Albert Ellis
40. “The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to
deal with, but whether it’s the same problem you had last year.”
– John Foster Dulles
41. “Knowing what is and knowing what can be are not the same thing.” –
Ellen Langer

42. “There is always a step small enough from where we are to get us to
where we want to be. If we take that small step, there’s always another we
can take, and eventually a goal thought to be too far to reach becomes
achievable.” – Ellen Langer

43. “I don’t divide the world into the weak and the strong, or the successes
and the failures. . .I divide the world into the learners and the non-learners.”
– Benjamin Barber
44. “Test scores and measures of achievement tell you where a student is,
but they don’t tell you where a student could end up.” – Carol Dweck

45. “You have to apply yourself each day to becoming a little better.
By becoming a little better each and every day, over a period of time, you
will become a lot better.” – John Wooden

46. “If you don’t give anything, don’t expect anything. Success is not coming
to you, you must come to it.” – Marva Collins

47. “At God’s footstool to confess,

A poor soul knelt and bowed his head.
‘I failed,’ he cried. The Master said,
‘Thou didst thy best, that is success.'” – quoted by John Wooden

48. “There are three musts that hold us back: I must do well. You must treat
me well. And the world must be easy.” – Albert Ellis
49. “Certainty is a cruel mindset. It hardens our minds against possibility.” –
Ellen Langer

50. “If parents want to give their children a gift, the best thing they can do is
to teach their children to love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy
effort, and keep on learning.” – Carol Dweck

Daily Affirmations for Women

1. I am at peace with my body and accept it as it is. It was created to do
amazing things.

2. I love living in my unique female body. It has features that are distinctive
and make me who I am.

3. I am attractive just as I am. I don’t need to change anything. I’m not

perfect, but I am still beautiful.

4. I love my body and I take care of it through healthy eating and exercise. I
respect my body and am thankful for all it can do.

5. I am responsible for what happens to my body, so I treat it with love,

respect, and care.

6. I exercise my body daily with ease and am amazed at the ways it can
bend, move, stretch, and pose.
7. I am a strong, confident woman and will only continue to become

8. I am patient with my body when it needs rest, healing, and recovery.

9. I respect my body’s needs and treat it with the kindness that it deserves.

10. I choose to release love, happiness, and gratitude into the world today.
Life is precious and beautiful and I choose to focus on the positive.

11. I am grateful for this wonderful day and the endless possibilities it has to
offer. I know something great is in store for me.

12. No matter what goes on today, I know the truth that I am a radiant,
powerful, and free woman.

13. I embrace my best self today. I live in a way that brings tranquility, joy,
and pleasure to myself and others.
14. I know I am alive for a reason. Today, I honor my purpose and inspire
people around me to do the same.

15. I don’t need anyone else or anything to complete me because I am

already complete just as I am.
16. I am beautiful and I am worthy of every beautiful thing in this world.
17. Instead of judging other people, I only judge myself on whether or not I
am being the best person I can be. This is a better use of my time.

18. I push fear aside to take action in spite of perceived limitation because I
know all of my needs are being met by the universe.

19. I embrace this day as a chance to be better than I was yesterday. I

make only the best decisions for my life today.

20. I maintain a positive attitude today despite any hurdles that come my
way. I have what it takes to succeed.

21. I am exactly where I need to be. I welcome the challenges and

opportunities that I am facing today and I choose to learn and grow.

22. I only plant positive seeds in the world today. I do not waste one
precious moment in anger, hatred, or envy.

23. I am on earth for a reason, and I am committed to living a positive life

and being a positive influence on others.
24. I take responsibility for my own happiness today. I don’t allow anyone
else to have the power over my mood because I am in control.

25. I look and feel radiant knowing I have so much to offer the world.

26. I love myself and like myself. I choose to focus on my positive qualities
and how I can use them to improve myself and the world.

Personal Affirmations For Women’s Growth

27. I am overflowing with renewed confidence every day. I continue to grow
and become a stronger woman for myself and for the people around me.

28. I reach any goal I set my mind to. If I dream it, I can do it. No goal is out
of reach.

29. I never stop learning and see opportunities for growth everywhere. I
improve every day for the rest of my life.
30. I am better than I was at this point last year, and I am becoming better
and better with each passing day.

31. I am patient with myself and accept that positive change takes time. My
best self is emerging every day.

32. I release my attachment to anything that does not serve me. I don’t let
anything or anybody hold me back. I am finished with negativity in my life.

33. I ask for what I want because I deserve it. I honor my desires today and

34. Regardless of any situation that confronts me, I am blessed. I am

blessed with every lesson I learn from hardships I face. I continue to grow in
light of all of the positive and negative things that come my way.

35. I reach my goals even if I make mistakes because I know there is

nothing to stop me from getting what I want.

36. Rather than being discouraged by how far I have left to go, I am grateful
for how far I have already come.
37. I do not allow other people to hold me back from achieving my goals. I
give myself permission to walk my own path and allow other people to do
the same.

38. I forgive myself and other people to release myself from any past pain.
When I forgive, I am free. I am leaving the past in the past, and I am only
living for the present and the future.

39. I know what I want and I know I deserve it. I take responsibility for
everything I have brought into my life.

40. There is nothing stopping me from growing. I seize opportunities and

make things happen.

41. I accept that I cannot change the past. I focus on my future and move
forward in my life. My past does not define who I am today.
42. I do one thing every day to make consistent progress toward my
dreams. I surpass other people’s expectations because I am exceptional.

43. I choose to learn from the positive and negative events of the past so
that I continue to make progress towards my bright future.

44. I do not need to control everything around me. I focus on allowing the
best things to happen. I know that whatever is supposed to be will be.

45. I am living my own version of happiness that has nothing to do with

anyone else. I am happy for anyone else who is happy and other people are
happy for me.

46. Even if I do something wrong, I go back and find another way. I create a
new course of action. I do not stop.
47.  I am ready to commit to my ideal life, and the world works along with
me. I take the first step and the rest comes naturally.
48. Rather than complaining about not having enough time today, I use the
time I have in a way that is in line with my values and goals. I make a
conscious effort to make the best of every moment I am given today.

49. I trust my own wisdom and intuition. I am the only person who knows
what is best for me.

50. I am open to any new opportunity that comes my way. I do not believe
that my options are limited.

51. I am ready to create more success in my life and am ready to release

any excuses. I am productive and focused on attaining results.

52. I am free to create my ideal reality for the future. I have a choice in every
situation that I face. There is nothing that can get between me and my best

Positive Affirmations for Self-Esteem

53. I love my face and all my features and see my imperfections as signs of
a life well-lived.

54. I am a source of knowledge that people seek out when they need

55. I am constantly amazed by my body and its abilities.

56. I exude confidence when I go out in the world and others see it in me.
57. I hold my head up high and put a smile on my face every day.

58. I let go of my need to impress other people. There is nothing that I need
to prove. I accept myself just as I am.

59. I am excited to show the world who I am and everything I have to offer.
No one can stop me from meeting my goals.

60. I am brave and willing to embrace my full power. I have complete control
over my actions and my life.

61. I am the president of my life and no one else can take that role. I trust
myself to make the best decisions for my life.

62. I have infinite possibilities today. I love life and I am ready to take
inspired and motivated action on my goals.

63. I don’t have to wait until I feel ready to act on my goals. The timing will
never be right. I’m ready now.

64. I will take action despite any fear of failure. No matter what, I am proud
of myself for trying.

65. I am not afraid of the unknown because I know I can overcome all the
challenges that come my way.

66. I embrace my full potential, even if it makes other people uncomfortable.

I do not play small. I am supposed to do big things.

67. I radiate respect and love and I get it in return.

68. I am cultured and smart, yet able to stay humble.

69. Because of my high self-esteem, I easily accept compliments and give

them in return.

70. I deserve everything that is good. I do not have any need for misery and
71. I accept my past mistakes and let them go. They don’t define me. I
move forward with confidence in my essential goodness and good
72. My mind is full of caring, healthy, positive, and loving thoughts which
transform into my life experiences.

73. I act with confidence and have a plan, and I accept that plans are open
to change.
74. I love challenges because they bring out the best in me.

75. I am a powerful creator, and I create the life that I want starting today.

76. I am kind, loving, and compassionate. I truly care for other people.

77. It comes naturally to be confident in myself. I don’t need to question my


78. I don’t need to be perfect. I am already good enough and I am worthy of

a great life already.

79. I do not have a need to compare myself to other people. I only judge
myself by my own standards of success. I am enough just the way I am.

80. I channel love, positivity, and energy to all the people around me.

Positive Affirmations for Women While at Work

81. I practice self-care and recognize when I need to take a break. I feel
good about taking care of myself.

82. I am successful and confident in my abilities to do my job.

83. I am a competent member of the team. I have the knowledge and skills
that I need right now.

84. I move at the perfect pace. I do not need to speed up or slow down.

85. I embrace success. The words “I can’t” are not something I say. I refuse
to believe even my own excuses. I am unstoppable.

86. I take my goals seriously. I am aware that my time on earth is finite. I

respect my life by doing the things I love.

87. I refuse to overcommit myself. I am able to say “no” when I need to. I
protect my time because I deserve it and it is invaluable.

88. My work is a self-transformative process that brings me inner peace,

proper health, and prosperity.

89. I’m almost at the finish line. I know I have what it takes to meet my

90. My hard work, humility, and persistence will pay off. None of my work is
going to waste.
91. The passion I have for my work allows me to create true value. I am
lucky to have a job that provides me with the finances I need to live a good

92. I work extremely hard and always do my personal best. I believe in

myself and I know I can do anything. I deserve all of the positive things that
come my way in life.

93. The work that I do benefits the society in which I live, and I am a
valuable part of my community.

94. I do not give up when things get difficult. I keep working until I finish
what I started.

95. My work is fulfilling, inspiring, and enriching. I am not only helping

myself, but I am also helping others.
96. I see myself reaching the pinnacle of success as I envision it and work
hard every day until I am where I want to be in my career.

97. I bring something unique to the table that no one else can and that
makes me uniquely valuable to my company.

98. I am a capable leader. Others are attracted to my charisma at work and

look up to me during times of crisis.

99. I stay true to my values and my authentic self. I do not compromise for
anyone else. My success will come without compromise.
100. I do not need to prove my worth. My work is enough for people to see
its value. People recognize my worth without having to be told.
101. Other people’s successes empower me to keep growing. I am happy
for anyone who accomplishes their goals and I will strive to continue to
accomplish mine.

102. I accept constructive criticism and welcome self-improvement. I offer

constructive criticism to help others around me.

103. My voice matters and I am confident to speak up when I want to.

People listen to me because my words are valuable.

104. Success is possible for me because I have the right opportunities, and
I take advantage of them when I see them. I know the path I need to take in
order to succeed.

105. I have more than enough value to offer in my job. I continue to flourish
and gain experience and succeed to levels that I never expected.

106. My mind is focused and I have clarity in all that I do at work. I do not
succumb to distractions.

107. Others recognize my work for its excellence and I am proud to call it
my own.

108. I am on my way to greatness. I go the extra mile to meet people whom

I admire and respect. I take one step farther than anyone else around me.

109. I am committed to my success and will not back down. I enjoy taking
action when I have a goal so I can acquire the lifestyle that I dream of.

110. I am calm when I am faced with conflict. I can brush off negativity
easily, and I can agree to disagree. I enjoy being the bigger person and
taking the high road.
Biblical Affirmations for Women
111. Every morning I am renewed and energized by the Lord’s abiding love.

Lamentations 3:22-23

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to
an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

112. I am strong and courageous because I know God is with me in every


Deuteronomy 31:6

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, or

the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

113. I am so filled with God’s love that there is no room for fear or anxiety.

John 4:18

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to
do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

114. I am strong and confident and filled with energy because God’s love
renews me.

Isaiah 40:31

But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount
up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk
and not faint.

115. Achieving my goals is easy because I know God is directing me and

supporting my every effort.

Mark 10:27

Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man it is impossible, but not with God.
For all things are possible with God.’

116. With God’s help, I always know the best actions to take and the right
decisions to make.

Proverbs 3:3-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own
understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight
your paths.

117. My faith in the Lord sustains me and gives me the strength to do what I
need to do today and every day.

Matthews 17:20

Our faith can move mountains.

118. I know that good things are in store for me because God’s plan is
perfect in every way.

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper
you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

119. I am uplifted and blessed beyond measure because the kingdom of

heaven is promised to me.

Matthew 5:3–5

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed
are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for
they will inherit the earth.”

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