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Basic: means necessary/essential for life or some process

Basis: means physical base or foundation regular frequency

When we use direct object after “WAIT” we have to use “FOR”

Wait for me.

 S+Prefer+ to Infinitive
 S+Prefer+ N + to + N
 S+ Prefer + Ving + to + Ving
May / Might untuk possibility

However : use it in the beginning of a constrasting the statement followed by comma

Neverthless / Otherwise : saying something that contrast with what has just been said.

Linking verb adalah

 jenis kata kerja penghubung yang menghubungkan S dengan complement yang
 Digunakan untuk menggantikan to be dan punya keterikatan dengan sesuatu yang
berhubungan dengan panca indra ( feels, smell, sound, taste) atau keadaan (appear, seem,
become, keep, stay)
 To be (is, am, are) disebut juga dengan linking verb
 Tetapi to be juga tidak selalu berperan sebagai linking verb, contoh
Joana was feeling bad.

1. I feel happy
2. The soup smells so good.
3. He become old man
4. You are the only one.

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