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NAMA : ______________________________________________________

1. Semua sarung bermotif kotak-kotak 𝑥 2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐 = 0 memiliki akar-akar 2𝑥1 dan

Sebagian kebaya adalah sarung. 2𝑥2 , maka 2𝑎2 + 𝑐 + 𝑎𝑏 = …
A. Semua sarung adalah kebaya. A. –6
B. Semua kebaya bermotif kotak-kotak. B. –2
C. Sebagian kebaya bermotif kotak-kotak. C. 0
D. Semua yang bermotif kotak-kotak adalah D. 2
kebaya. E. 6
E. Sebagian yang bermotif kotak-kotak
adalah sarung. 6
7. Jika 𝐹 ( ) = 𝑥 + 3, dengan 𝑥 ≥ 0, maka

nilai dari 𝐹(2) = …

2. 4, 4, 11, 9, 18, 16, 25, . . .
A. 52
A. 25
B. 49
B. 28
C. 36
C. 32
D. 25
D. 36
E. 16
E. 40

0 −1 57 −15
3. Jika p = 2q – 1, q = r + 2 dan r = 3, maka yang 8. Jika matriks 𝐴 = ( ), dan 𝐵 = ( ),
1 −4 15 −3
benar adalah … serta 𝐴 menyatakan invers matriks 𝐴, maka
A. p < q < r (𝐴−1 )3 + 𝐵 = …
B. p<r<q 1 0
A. ( )
0 1
C. q<r<p −1 0
B. ( )
D. r < p < q 0 −1
61 0
E. r<q<p C. ( )
0 −59
61 −30
D. ( )
4. 0 −59
1 2
E. ( )
2 1

9. Diketahui sistem persamaan : 𝑦 + = 4, 5𝑦 +
18 8 6
= 18, − = 3. Nilai dari 𝑦 +
Gambar selanjutnya adalah … 2𝑥+𝑦+𝑧 𝑥+𝑧 2𝑥+𝑦+𝑧

√𝑥 2 − 2𝑥𝑧 + 𝑧2 adalah …
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 9
E. 10

5. Buah, Tomat, Apel

10. Suatu pin kartu ATM terdiri dari tiga angka
berbeda, tetapi angka pertama tidak boleh nol.
Peluang bahwa kartu ATM tersebut
mempunyai nomor cantik 123, 234, 345, 567,
678, atau 789 adalah …
A. 3/500
B. 3/448
6. Misalkan 𝑎 ≠ 0 serta 𝑥1 dan 𝑥2 adalah akar- C. 3/360
akar 𝑥2 − (𝑎 + ) 𝑥 + 1 = 0. Jika persamaan D. 3/324
E. 3/343

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NAMA : ______________________________________________________

(1) Generasi hari ini berbeda dengan generasi A. Apa keuntungan teknologi digital bagi
sebelumnya karena generasi hari ini lahir di tengah generasi sekarang?
kecanggihan teknologi digital sehingga mereka B. Mengapa generasi sekarang berbeda
dimanjakan game online dan media sosial. (2)
dengan generasi sebelumnya?
Sejatinya, smartphone mendukung proses belajar-
C. Di manakah generasi sekarang biasa
mengajar sehingga proses transfer of knowledge dan
pembinaan karakter dan keterampilan berjalan menggunakan teknologi digital?
lancar. (3) Namun, kita juga sering menjumpai D. Bagaimana pendapat pakar mengenai
remaja yang berada dalam sebuah forum tanpa model pembelajaran yang ideal?
berkomunikasi satu dengan yang lain, karena asyik E. Apa tujuan jangka panjang pembelajaran
dengan dunianya sendiri. (4) Meminjam bahasa bagi siswa?
Don Tapscott (2013), generasi ini adalah generasi
acuh tak acuh. (5) Minat mereka hanya mengenai
14. Kata ganti mereka pada kalimat (5) merujuk
budaya populer, para pesohor, dan teman-teman
mereka. (6) Hal itu menujnukkan bahwa teknologi kepada ...
digital membawa sejumlah dampak positif dan A. Generasi acuh tak acuh
negatif. B. Generasi ini
(7) Menurut Felder dan Solomon (1993), “ C. Generasi
Pembelajar di zaman informasi ini mempunyai D. Remaja
kecenderungan gaya belajar aktif, sequential,
E. Siswa
sensing, dan visual.” (8) Fokus pembelajaran adalah
pembelajaran seumur hidup, bukan demi ujian
semata. (9) Guru tidak perlu khawatir jika siswa 15. Kelemahan paragraf kedua teks tersebut
lupa tanggal peristiwa penting dalam sejarah, adalah ...
karena mereka dapat mencarinya melalui buku dan A. Data tidak dipaparkan dengan jelas dan
web. (10) Guru perlu mengajari mereka cara belajar menyeluruh
yang baik dan mendorong mereka untuk gemar
B. Hal yang harus dilakukan guru dalam
membaca dan menulis. (11) Jadi, yang terpenting
mengajar tidak dikemukakan
bukan hanya tentang apa yang diketahui ketika
mereka lulus, melainkan juga untuk mencintai C. Pentingnya pembelajaran seumur hidup
pembelajaran seumur hidup. tidak dijelaskan
D. Gaya belajar sequential, sensing, dan
11. Kalimat topik paragraf pertama adalah kalimat visual tidak dijabarkan
... E. Manfaat web dalam pembelajaran tidak
A. (1) dijelaskan
B. (2)
C. (3) At the point when purchasing a house, you must
D. (4) make sure to have it checked for termites. A termite
E. (5) is much like an burrowing little creature in its
mutual propensities, albeit physically the two
12. Kesalahan penggunaan tanda baca koma creepy crawlies are unmistakable. Like those ants,
terdapat pada kalimat ... termite states comprise of diverse classes, each with
A. (3) its own specific occupation. The most impeccably
B. (5) shaped termites, both male and female, make up
C. (7) the gainful class. They have eyes, hard body
D. (8) dividers and completely created wings. A couple of
E. (11) conceptive termites establishes the province. At the
point when new conceptive termites create, they
13. Pertanyaan manakah yang jawabannya tidak leave to shape another province.
ditemukan dalam teks tersebut? They utilize their wings just this on time and after
that sever them. The specialist termites are little,

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NAMA : ______________________________________________________

dazzle and wingless, with delicate bodies. They plate tectonics. The theory of plate tectonics
make up the dominant part of the province and do suggests that the lithosphere, or top layer of the
all the work. Troopers are eyeless and wingless Earth, is made up of a series of huge plates. These
however are bigger than the specialists what’s plates make up the continents and seafloor. They
more, have hard heads and solid jaws and legs. rest on an underlying viscous layer called the
They shield the state and are tended to by the asthenosphere.
specialists. Think of pie cut into eight slices. The pie crust
The male and female of the conceptive class stay would be the lithosphere and the hot, sticky pie
inside a shut in cell when the female lays a great filling, underneath would be the asthenosphere. On
many eggs. The laborers put the eggs in cell and the earth, this plates are constantly in motion,
look after them. Regardless of the possibility that moving along each other at a speed of 1 to 2 inches
one province is dealt with with toxic substance, if a (2,5-5 cm) per year. The movement occurs most
male and female of the regenerative class escape, dramatically along fault lines (where the pies is
they can shape another province. Bug control cut). These motions are capable of producing
organizations can examine a house for infestation of earthquakes and volcanism, which, when they
termites. Regularly, of layman can not spot the occur at the bottom of the ocean, are two possible
confirmation, so it is discriminating to have the sources of tsunamis.
supposition of a proffesional. Medicines change When two plates come into contact at a region
contingent on the sort of termite. known as a plate boundary, a heavier plate can slip
under a lighter one. This is called subduction.
16. How are termites like ants? Underwater subduction often leaves enormous
A. They live in groups, and every class has a “handprints” in the form of deep ocean trenches
particular obligation along the seafloor. In some cases of subduction, part
B. Their bodies are the same shape of the seafloor connected to the lighter plate may
C. The lord and ruler are detained “snap up” suddenly due to pressure from the
D. They make up every part of the province sinking plate. This results in an earthquake. The
E. The females regenerative limits are the focus of the earthquake is the point within the Earth
same where the rupture first occurs, rock break and the
first seismic waves are generated. The epicenter is
17. In line 6, “classes” is nearest in intending to … the point on the seafloor directly above the focus.
A. Colleagues When this piece of the plate snaps up and sends
B. Genders tons of rock shooting upward with tremendous
C. Settlements force, the energy of that force is transferred to the
D. Courses water. The energy pushes the water upward above
E. Classes normal sea level. This is birth of a tsunami. The
eartquakes that generated the December 26, 2004
18. Which of the accompanying is not genuine? tsunami in the Indian Ocean was a 9.0 on the
A. All termites have eyes Richter scale – one of the biggest in the recorded
B. A few termites can’t fly history.
C. Termites make up their dominant part of
the province 19. The main idea of this text is that …
D. Laborers are littler than fighters A. A deep ocean trench is a result of an
E. Termites don’t fly frequently earthquake
B. The energy of subduction can lead to
The most common causes of tsunamis are earthquakes
underwater earthquakes. To understand C. Plate tectonics lead to an earthquake
underwater earthquakes, you must first understand and volcanism

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NAMA : ______________________________________________________

D. Tsunamis in Indian Ocean are biggest

in the history
E. Strong movements of undersea fault
lines cause tsunami

20. Which of the following natural disasters

happening in Indonesia is related to the fault
movement of plate tectonics?
A. Volcanic eruptions
B. Soil erosion
C. Forest fires
D. Landslides
E. Floods

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NAMA : ______________________________________________________


1. C
2. A
3. E
4. B
5. A
6. D
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. D
11. A
12. A
13. D
14. B
15. D
16. A
17. E
18. B
19. E
20. D

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