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What Do

You Think ?
Introduction :
In daily conversations, we often ask for other people’s opinions
or thoughts on a particular subject. In this lesson, we will focus
on the question “What do you think?” and learn how to answer
it in English.
Think :To have a particular opinion, belief, or
idea about something
Berpikir :Untuk memiliki pendapat tertentu,
keyakinan, atau ide tentang sesuatu

Opinion :A view or judgment formed about

something, not necessarily based on fact or
Opini :Pandangan atau penilaian yang terbentuk
tentang sesuatu , tidak harus berdasarkan
fakta atau pengetahuan
Belief : An acceptance that something is true or
real, often without proof or evidence
Keyakinan : Penerimaan bahwa sesuatu itu benar
atau nyata, seringkali tanpa bukti atau bukti

Idea :A thought or suggestion as to a possible

course of action
Ide :Suatu pemikiran atau saran tentang
kemungkinan Tindakan

Subject :A topic or theme that is being discssed or

Subyek :Sebuah topik atau tema yang sedang di
bahas atau di pelajari
Example Conversations

A : What do you think about my new shoes ?

A : Apa pendapat anda tentang sepatu baru saya ?

B : I think your new shoes is stylish

B : Saya pikir sepatu baru anda bergaya

X : What do you think about his old car

X : Apa pendapat anda tentang mobil tuanya

Y : I think he need a new car because his car is rusty

Y : Saya pikir dia butuh mobil baru karena mobilnya berkarat

Grammar :
To answer the question “What do you
think ?” , you can use the following
sentence structures :
I think [opinion]
Saya pikir [pendapat]
In my opinion [idea]
Menurut saya [ide]
From my point of view [belief]
Dari sudut pandang saya [kepercayaan]
Personally, I believe [subject] isi [adjective]
Secara pribadi, saya percaya [subjek] adalah [kata sifat]
Examples :
● I think the new restaurant in town
is overrated.
In my opinion, the government

should invest more in renewable
● From my point of view, honesty is
the most important trait in a
● Personally, I believe traveling
broadens our horizons.
Practice :

Now, it’s your turn to practice. Think

about a subject that you have an
opinion, belief, or idea about, and
answer the question “What do you
think?” using one of the sentence
structures menrioned above.
Conclusion :
In this lesson, we learned how to ask and answer the
question “What do you think?” in English. We also
learned some vocabulary related to opinions, beliefs,
and ideas, and practiced using sentence structures to
express them. Sharing our thoughts and perspectives
can lead to interesting and insightful conversations.

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