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Machine Learning Learning Path

Di Bangkit Academy 2023 by Google, GoTo, Traveloka

PT Dicoding Akademi Indonesia

Diajukan untuk memenuhi persyaratan kelulusan



Thomas Stefen Mardianto - 18220106

S1 Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi Institut Teknologi Bandung

Lembar Pengesahan S1 Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi ITB

Machine Learning Learning Path

Di Bangkit Academy 2022 by Google, GoTo, Traveloka

PT Dicoding Akademi Indonesia


Thomas Stefen Mardianto / 18220106

Disetujui dan disahkan sebagai

Laporan Magang atau Studi Independen Bersertifikat Kampus Merdeka

Bandung, 1 Juli 2023

Pembimbing Studi Independen S1 Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi ITB
Digitally signed by
Fitra Arifiansyah
Date: 2023.07.14
06:16:05 +07'00'

Fitra Arifiansyah, S.Kom., M.T.

NIP: 117110059

Lembar Pengesahan

Machine Learning Learning Path

Di Bangkit Academy 2022 by Google, GoTo, Traveloka

PT Dicoding Akademi Indonesia

oleh :

Thomas Stefen Mardianto/ 18220106

disetujui dan disahkan sebagai

Laporan Magang atau Studi Independen Bersertifikat Kampus Merdeka

Jambi, 5 Juli 2023

Mentor Bangkit Academy 2023

Doni Darmawan
NIP. 00402053


Perkembangan teknologi menuntut akselerasi berbagai level keahlian

di berbagai bidang industri, salah satunya teknologi informasi. Hadirnya
wajah baru teknologi informasi mengharuskan adanya upskilling secara
massive menyeluruh dengan arah dan tujuan yang jelas pada setiap
spesialisasi kemampuan. Melalui program Studi Independen yang merupakan
bagian dari upaya transformasi digital dalam Rencana Aksi Digital
2021-2024 oleh Kemendikbud Ristek, ribuan mahasiswa calon pemegang
kunci digital bangsa mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mengikuti pelatihan
yang diadakan selama kurang lebih 6 bulan dengan 3 disiplin ilmu yaitu
Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, dan Mobile Development. Program ini
menawarkan pembelajaran secara khusus dan terfokus dengan metode
synchronous dan asynchronous secara terstruktur sesuai dengan kurikulum
yang berlaku. Karena dapat dilakukan menggunakan platform tele-conference
yang umum digunakan sekarang ini, berbagai mahasiswa yang berasal dari
daerah-daerah di Indonesia secara antusias mengikuti kegiatan baik
menyelesaikan kewajiban belajar mandiri melalui platform online course
yang disediakan, kelas tatap muka dengan topik teknologi, soft skill,
kemampuan berbahasa inggris, serta banyak sesi lainnya yang interaktif.
Program ini meraih klimaks pada penerapan hasil pembelajaran selama
beberapa bulan untuk menghasilkan sebuah produk baik bekerja sama dengan
perusahaan mitra maupun melalui tuangan ide dari setiap tim atau kelompok
yang terbentuk dari gabungan 3 pathway. Produk yang dihasilkan akan
berkesempatan untuk memperoleh ruang inkubasi dan pengembangan lebih
lanjut. Berbagai aktivitas yang disediakan oleh program Bangkit ini tentunya
menjadi jembatan bagi para mahasiswa untuk meningkatkan kemampuan
individual yang sangat berguna baik dalam pekerjaan maupun kehidupan

Kata kunci: Studi Independen, upskilling, transformasi digital, Bangkit

Kata Pengantar

Dengan rasa syukur dan puji-pujian kepada Allah SWT, penulis ingin
menyampaikan terima kasih atas rahmat, petunjuk, dan hidayah-Nya yang
telah mengantarkan penulis menyelesaikan Program Studi Independen
Bangkit Akademi Tahun 2023 yang diselenggarakan oleh Kampus Merdeka
dengan baik dan tepat waktu. Laporan ini merupakan salah satu syarat
kelulusan Program Studi dan Magang Mandiri Bersertifikat (MSIB) yang
bertujuan untuk melaporkan seluruh kegiatan yang telah dilakukan selama
mengikuti Bangkit Academy 2023.

Penulis menyadari bahwa tanpa bimbingan, dorongan, dukungan, dan

bantuan dari berbagai pihak, laporan akhir ini tidak akan dapat terselesaikan
dengan baik. Oleh karena itu, penulis ingin menyampaikan rasa hormat dan
terima kasih yang tulus kepada:

1. Diri sendiri yang telah kuat dan gigih dalam menjalani segala
rangkaian kegiatan dalam program MSIB Bangkit Akademi 2023.
2. Orang tua dan keluarga besar yang selalu memberikan dukungan,
support, dan doa dari jauh.
3. Bapak Fitra Arifiansyah, S.Kom., M.T. selaku Pembimbing Studi
Independen S1 Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi ITB.
4. Bapak Adrianus Yoza Aprilio, Ibu Mutiara Arumsari, dan Ibu Deti
Anggraini Ekawati, selaku Pembimbing Eksternal di Program Bangkit
Academy 2023.
5. Kak Doni Darmawan selaku fasilitator kelas ML-53 dan mentor
penulis di Bangkit Academy 2023, yang memberikan dukungan yang
luar biasa baik dalam sesi mentoring maupun melalui pesan pribadi.
6. Teman sekelompok ML-53 yang aktif dan menjalani proses mentoring
dengan penuh semangat dan kerjasama.
7. Teman-teman Capstone Project C23-PR555 yang belajar, bekerja
sama, dan bekerja keras dalam menyelesaikan proyek capstone.

8. Teman-teman sejawat di Bangkit 2023 dan semua pihak yang terlibat
namun tidak dapat disebutkan satu per satu atas bantuan dan

Penulis menyadari bahwa laporan akhir ini masih jauh dari

kesempurnaan dan memerlukan perubahan serta perbaikan lebih lanjut.
Namun, penulis berharap agar laporan akhir ini dapat bermanfaat. Sebagai
penutup, penulis ingin mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya.

Bandung, 1 Juli 2023

Thomas Stefen Mardianto

Daftar Isi

Lembar Pengesahan S1 Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi ITB 1

Lembar Pengesahan 2

Abstraksi 3

Kata Pengantar 4

Daftar Isi 6

BAB I: Pendahuluan 8

I.1 Latar Belakang 8

I.2 Lingkup 9

I.3 Tujuan 10

BAB II: Organisasi atau Lingkungan Organisasi Mitra MSIB 11

II.2 Lingkup Pekerjaan 11

II.3 Deskripsi Pekerjaan 12

II.4 Jadwal Kerja 14

BAB III: Machine Learning Learning Path 15

III.1 Deskripsi persoalan Machine Learning Learning Path 15

III.2 Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Machine Learning Learning Path 16

III.3 Pencapaian Bangkit Academy 2023 17

III.4 Mata Kuliah Konversi Bangkit Academy 2023 18

BAB IV: Penutup 19

IV.1 Kesimpulan 19

IV.2 Saran 19

BAB V: Referensi 21

BAB VI: Lampiran A. TOR 22

BAB VI: Lampiran B. Log Activity 23

BAB VI: Lampiran C. Dokumen Teknik 44

BAB I: Pendahuluan

I.1 Latar Belakang

Sektor teknologi mengalami perkembangan yang pesat dalam beberapa

tahun terakhir. Di berbagai negara, termasuk Indonesia, terjadi lonjakan jumlah
startup baru. Oleh karena itu, sertifikasi spesialisasi memiliki peran penting bagi
para siswa yang ingin mengejar karir di industri ini. Status sertifikasi siswa
menjadi faktor krusial bagi perusahaan yang berminat mengembangkan
teknologi cloud, seperti Google, saat merekrut talenta potensial.

Sejalan dengan Roadmap Indonesia Digital 2021–2024, Kementerian

Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Kemdikbud Ristek) telah
memperkenalkan Program Studi Mandiri (SIB) Bersertifikat. Ada lebih dari
3000 mahasiswa terpilih dari berbagai universitas di Indonesia yang
berpartisipasi dalam program Akademi Bangkit ini, yang dibiayai oleh Google,
GoTo, dan Traveloka.

Program ini menawarkan tiga jalur pembelajaran yang didasarkan pada

keterampilan siswa: mobile development, cloud computing, dan machine
learning. Tujuan Akademi Bangkit adalah memberikan keterampilan yang
dibutuhkan peserta untuk sukses di dunia profesional dan mengikuti
perkembangan teknologi saat ini. Selain mendapatkan sertifikasi, peserta
program ini juga akan dilengkapi dengan keterampilan non-teknis yang

Siswa dapat mengkonversi waktu yang dihabiskan dalam program ini

menjadi nilai rata-rata (IP) yang setara dengan 16 hingga 20 satuan kredit
semester (SKS) sebagai bagian dari inisiatif Kampus Merdeka. Penyelesaian
program, termasuk sertifikasi dan proyek akhir yang memungkinkan peserta
untuk menerapkan pengetahuan yang mereka peroleh untuk memecahkan
masalah dunia nyata, merupakan persyaratan kelulusan.

Program Bangkit bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan digital di era
industri 4.0, mengingat Indonesia membutuhkan sekitar sembilan juta talenta
digital pada tahun 2035, atau sekitar 600.000 talenta digital setiap tahunnya.
Kurikulum Bangkit menawarkan 3 jalur studi interdisipliner, yaitu Machine
Learning, Mobile Development, dan Cloud Computing. Setelah menyelesaikan
program ini, peserta akan memperoleh keterampilan dan pengetahuan teknologi,
soft skill, dan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang diperlukan untuk beralih dari
dunia akademik ke dunia kerja dan berhasil di perusahaan-perusahaan

I.2 Lingkup

Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Kemdikbud

Ristek) membuat program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM), yang di
dalamnya termasuk Program Magang Studi Independen Bersertifikat (MSIB).
Tujuan dari program ini adalah untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa
untuk berkembang secara pribadi melalui pengajaran di kelas yang dibuat
berdasarkan tantangan aktual yang dihadapi oleh industri, sehingga mereka dapat
memperoleh pengalaman profesional.

Tiga jalur pembelajaran Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, dan

Mobile Development ditawarkan dalam program MSIB Bangkit. Setiap jalur
pembelajaran dapat diubah menjadi 16–20 SKS Satuan Kredit Semester (SKS).
Program Studi Independen pada ¬Machine Learning mengikuti beberapa
pembelajaran seperti online, offline, dan mandiri, pada berbagai topik yang
dilalui selama 6 bulan dari Februari sampai dengan Juli 2023, yaitu:

• Memulai IT Automation with Python

• Belajar Data Analytics

• Belajar Mathematics for Machine Learning

• Belajar Machine Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng

• Belajar TensorFlow Developer Professional Certificate

• Belajar Structuring ML Projects.

• Belajar Tensorflow Data and Deployment.

• Belajar Preparing for Tensorflow Developer Certification.

Pada akhir setiap modul, akan ada online assessment yang akan
digunakan untuk menguji pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap materi yang telah
dipelajari. Mahasiswa diharuskan mengikuti semua online assessment yang
diselenggarakan. Jadwal pembelajaran disesuaikan oleh Bangkit, dan mereka
menyediakan ruang kelas virtual melalui Google Classroom sebagai platform
untuk melaksanakan Program Studi Independen. Selain itu, Bangkit juga
menyediakan platform pembelajaran lain seperti Dicoding, Coursera, dan
Google Cloud Skill Boost.

I.3 Tujuan

Berikut adalah tujuan dari Bangkit Academy 2023, yaitu:

1. Menghasilkan talenta berstandar tinggi yang sesuai dengan standar industri

2. Mempersiapkan peserta untuk mengikuti ujian sertifikasi global dari Google

BAB II: Organisasi atau Lingkungan Organisasi Mitra MSIB

II.1 Struktur Organisasi

Gambar 1 Struktur Organisasi

1. Program Manager

Program Manager memiliki peran untuk bertanggung jawab dalam

berkoordinasi dengan para pemangku kepentingan dan memastikan proses
pembelajaran peserta dalam suatu program berjalan dengan baik.

2. Learning Support Manager

Learning Support Manager bertanggung jawab atas perencanaan

program dan mendukung penganggaran serta mengelola capstone, proses
penjurian/penilaian, dan pencairan penghargaan.

3. Cohort Manager

Cohort Manager bertanggung jawab untuk mengelola dan menangani

semua siswa dan memastikan tingkat kelulusan minimum sama dengan
tahun lalu.

4. Curriculum Manager

Curriculum Manager bertanggung jawab untuk memelihara dan
memantau kurikulum untuk semua jalur pembelajaran teknologi dan soft
skill, menyediakan jadwal belajar siswa dan memantau kemajuan belajar

II.2 Lingkup Pekerjaan

Bangkit Academy bertujuan untuk menghasilkan talenta berstandar tinggi yang

sesuai dengan standar Industri. Proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan adalah
kombinasi antara:

1. Online self-paced learning, dimana peserta harus mengimplementasikan

materi yang diperolehnya secara langsung melalui project dan tugas-tugas
yang harus diselesaikan untuk menyelesaikan setiap materinya,

2. Online synchronous sessions, dimana peserta harus melakukan sesi tatap

muka berupa Instructor-Led Training, Sesi Soft Skill, Pembelajaran
Bahasa Inggris, Study Group, Guest Speaker Session, dll.

3. Reflection & Consultation, dimana peserta dapat merefleksikan

pembelajarannya bersama dosen pembimbing akademik, Bangkit Alumni
sebagai fasilitator, atau secara individu.

4. Capstone Project, dimana peserta mengerjakan proyek tim berskala

nasional untuk memecahkan masalah yang ada di sekitar mereka.

II.3 Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Pekerjaan yang berupa materi diberikan secara asynchronous (online melalui modul
belajar di mitra Bangkit Academy) dan akan di-review setiap interval waktu tertentu
oleh pembimbing/fasilitator dan instruktur. Selain project dan tugas, pemberian
materi juga akan dilengkapi dengan kuis dan atau ujian pilihan ganda untuk
memastikan pemahaman peserta. Maupun berbentuk submission.

Selain hard skill di bidang pengembangan teknis, soft skill juga menjadi target
kompetensi peserta studi independen yaitu untuk penyiapan karir sebagai developer,
termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada:

Materi yang diberikan dalam program ini disampaikan secara asynchronous, artinya
peserta dapat mengaksesnya secara online melalui modul yang tersedia dari platform
mitra Bangkit Academy seperti Coursera. Materi tersebut akan direview oleh
pembimbing/fasilitator dan instruktur pada sesi instructor-led. Selain tugas dan
proyek, peserta juga akan diberikan kuis pilihan ganda sebagai bentuk evaluasi untuk
memastikan pemahaman mereka. Peserta juga dapat diminta untuk mengumpulkan
hasil pekerjaan dalam bentuk submission pada lab dari setiap bab.

Selain mengembangkan kemampuan teknis, program ini juga bertujuan untuk

meningkatkan soft skill peserta sebagai bagian dari kompetensi yang dibutuhkan
dalam karir di dunia profesional. Soft skill ini mencakup berbagai aspek seperti
kemampuan berkomunikasi, manajemen waktu, berpikir kritis, dan adaptabilitas.
Melalui pengembangan kedua aspek ini, diharapkan peserta dapat mempersiapkan
diri dengan baik untuk meniti karir yang sukses sebagai seorang developer.

Bangkit Academy menempatkan kepentingan penggunaan Bahasa Inggris sebagai

bahasa komunikasi utama, mengingat pentingnya kemampuan berkomunikasi secara
global dalam menjangkau talenta kelas dunia. Secara khusus, Bangkit Academy
menyelenggarakan kelas Bahasa Inggris yang diajarkan oleh penutur asli untuk
membantu peserta dalam mengembangkan kemampuan dalam aspek spoken
correspondence dan expressing opinion.

Proses pembelajaran dalam program ini akan ditutup dengan proyek akhir, di mana
peserta akan bekerja dalam kelompok untuk mengembangkan solusi berdasarkan
masalah-masalah sehari-hari yang dihadapi. Seluruh learning path dalam Bangkit
Academy 2023 telah memasukkan aspek teknis maupun non-teknis, seperti soft skill
dan persiapan karir. Selama pembelajaran, peserta akan mendapatkan dukungan dari

tim Pembimbing/Mentor, Instruktur, serta Advisor dari industri dan mitra Perguruan

II.4 Jadwal Kerja

Gambar 2 Jadwal Kerja

Gambar 3 Jadwal Kerja

Gambar 4 Jadwal Kerja

BAB III: Pembelajaran Machine Learning

III.1 Deskripsi Alur Pembelajaran Machine Learning

Jalur Machine Learning merupakan salah satu pilihan pembelajaran yang

tersedia dalam program Bangkit Academy 2023. Jalur ini memberikan kesempatan
kepada peserta untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam
mengelola dan memanfaatkan sistem cerdas. Peserta akan mempelajari konsep dasar
Machine Learning, seperti deep learning, supervised dan unsupervised learning, serta
kemampuan menguji dan melatih data dengan efektif melalui penggunaan
paket-paket yang disediakan oleh sistem cerdas.

Dalam Jalur Machine Learning, peserta akan diperkenalkan dengan berbagai

konsep penting seperti data, model, pelatihan (training), validasi, dan klasifikasi.
Mereka juga akan mempelajari penggunaan teknologi dan alat yang relevan seperti
Google Colab dan Jupyter. Konsep-konsep ini bertujuan agar peserta mampu
menguasai keterampilan dalam mengidentifikasi, merancang, mengimplementasikan,
dan mengelola solusi teknologi sistem cerdas yang efisien dan efektif.

III.2 Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Machine Learning Learning Path

Selama menjalankan proyek MSIB dalam Jalur Machine Learning, peserta

akan melewati beberapa tahapan yang melibatkan pemahaman konsep dasar,
implementasi, perancangan, dan pengelolaan solusi. Tahap awal ini melibatkan
pembelajaran konsep dasar Machine Learning, seperti deep learning, supervised dan
unsupervised learning, yang kemudian diaplikasikan dalam proses implementasi

Berdasarkan pembelajaran dasar dalam bidang Machine Learning, tahap

selanjutnya adalah implementasi. Peserta menggunakan hasil belajar untuk mengetes
kemampuan dan keterampilan yang telah dipelajari dengan merancang model dan
solusi teknologi lain untuk sebuah permasalahan. Proses ini terdiri dari pemilihan
metode atau algoritma, pengumpulan data, pelatihan data, pengujian model, dan

Selama pengembangan program hasil implementasi melalui lab yang

disediakan oleh platform online-course, peserta mungkin mengalami kesulitan dan
stuck pada langkah tertentu. Peserta dapat memanfaatkan laman diskusi khusus yang
disediakan oleh platform seperti Coursera dan juga memanfaatkan forum-forum
diskusi online seperti Stack Overflow.

Setelah hampir menyelesaikan seluruh pembelajaran, peserta akan mengikuti

kompetisi internal yang diikuti oleh seluruh peserta Bangkit dari 3 jalur
pembelajaran. Kompetisi ini dibagi menjadi 2 cabang, yaitu Company-based dan
Product-based Capstone Project, dimana mereka akan menggabungkan semua
pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang sudah dipelajari untuk menciptakan produk atau
aplikasi yang siap untuk diluncurkan pada industri nyata. Secara berkelompok,
peserta diberi waktu kurang lebih sebulan untuk meramu ide dan menghasilkan
sebuah MVP (minimum viable product) dari kontribusi masing-masing bidang dan
mempresentasikan dihadapan mentor dan rekan kelompok lainnya untuk
mendapatkan penilaian.

III.3 Pencapaian Bangkit Academy 2023

Melalui program Bangkit Academy batch 4 tahun 2023, para peserta yang
telah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan baik wajib maupun tidak telah mencapai hasil
yang cukup mengesankan ditandai dengan data persentase ketercapaian peserta baik
dari pembelajaran mandiri, tatap muka, sesi sosialisasi, dan juga proyek akhir.

Pada hasil Capstone Project, para peserta dapat menerapkan solusi teknologi
yang relevan dengan kebutuhan industri. Dengan memanfaatkan pengetahuan dan
keterampilan yang mereka peroleh selama program, mereka berhasil merancang dan
mengembangkan produk atau aplikasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan harapan
mitra organisasi. Keberhasilan ini menunjukkan komitmen MSIB dalam memberikan
pengalaman nyata yang memungkinkan mahasiswa menghadapi tantangan industri
dan berkontribusi secara profesional.

Selain itu, peserta juga berhasil mengatasi berbagai hambatan yang muncul
selama proses pelaksanaan proyek. Mereka mampu menghadapi kesulitan teknis,
kendala jaringan, dan perubahan kebutuhan mitra organisasi dengan menggunakan
pendekatan pemecahan masalah yang sistematis. Selain itu, dukungan tim juga
menjadi faktor penting dalam membantu mereka menemukan solusi yang efektif.

Secara keseluruhan, pencapaian yang dicapai peserta selama proyek MSIB di

Bangkit Academy 2023 sejalan dengan tujuan MSIB untuk memberikan pengalaman
nyata, mengembangkan keterampilan teknologi, dan memberikan kontribusi
profesional. Rincian lebih lanjut mengenai hasil-hasil ini terdokumentasi dalam
dokumen teknis yang terlampir. Pencapaian ini menunjukkan keberhasilan peserta
dalam menghadapi tantangan industri dan menghasilkan solusi yang sesuai dengan
kebutuhan mitra organisasi. Dengan demikian, program MSIB di Bangkit Academy
2023 memberikan manfaat yang signifikan bagi peserta dalam mempersiapkan
mereka untuk sukses di dunia kerja dan industri teknologi.

III.4 Mata Kuliah Konversi Bangkit Academy 2023

No Kode Mata Kuliah Nama Mata Kuliah SKS

1 II4042 Kecerdasan Buatan untuk Bisnis 2

2 II4073 Pengembangan Profesi dan 3

Komunitas bidang STI B

3 II4075 Pengembangan Soft Skill terkait 2

bidang STI

4 II4071 Keprofesian STI 2

5 KU3024 Studi / Proyek Independen A 1

6 KU3027 Studi / Proyek Independen D 4

KU3029 Studi / Proyek Independen F 6

Table 1 Mata Kuliah Konversi Bangkit Academy 2023

BAB IV: Penutup

IV.1 Kesimpulan

Bangkit 2023 memberikan materi yang kaya dengan dua metode

pembelajaran, yaitu secara asynchronous melalui platform Coursera dan secara
synchronous melalui instructure-led training menggunakan platform Google
Meet. Materi-materi teknis yang akan Anda pelajari dalam konteks Machine
Learning sangat beragam dan relevan.

Secara keseluruhan, MSIB di Bangkit Academy 2023 berhasil

memberikan pengalaman intensif dan mendalam kepada peserta. Program ini
menggabungkan teori dan praktik dalam pembelajaran yang didesain dengan
baik. Dukungan mentor dan instruktur juga menjadi faktor kunci dalam
kesuksesan MSIB.

IV.2 Saran

Saran yang dapat diberikan untuk MSIB Bangkit Academy 2023 adalah
sebagai berikut:

• Mengalokasikan lebih banyak waktu untuk melakukan review materi

yang telah dipelajari guna memperdalam pemahaman

• Menyempurnakan fokus materi yang disampaikan agar lebih relevan

dengan proyek capstone yang akan dilakukan. Penting untuk
memusatkan perhatian pada materi yang akan secara langsung
berkontribusi pada kesuksesan proyek capstone.

• Membuat panduan yang jelas dan terstruktur untuk pengerjaan proyek

capstone, sehingga tim memiliki petunjuk yang jelas dalam melakukan
integrasi antar learning path.

• Mengembangkan standar materi yang dapat diakses dengan mudah dan
dari beragam latar belakang, termasuk mereka yang tidak memiliki
latar belakang di bidang teknik informatika atau ilmu komputer. Ini
akan membantu memastikan bahwa materi yang disampaikan dapat
diikuti oleh peserta dari berbagai disiplin ilmu.

Bab V : Referensi

1. Dicoding. (2023). Welcome to Bangkit 2023 Application Process. Diakses pada

28 Juni 2023 dari

2. Dicoding. (2023). Apa itu Machine Learning? Beserta Pengertian dan Cara
Kerjanya. Diakses pada 18 Juni 2023 dari

3. BrainStation. (2023). How to Become a Machine Learning Engineer. Diakses

pada 18 Juni 2023 dari

BAB VI : Lampiran

A. TOR (Term of Reference)

B. Log Activity

Week 0

Date Description Result

16 Feb Finally, my journey officially starts today! Able to

The MSIB programs by Kampus Merdeka are opened by this MSIB
carry out all the
OnBoarding, there were a lot of stakeholders who ignited to support
activities in the
this amazing education program. By this year, over 90 k applicants of
Magang Merdeka and Studi Independent Bersertifikat which is
distributed in Indonesia.

17 Feb This morning's session was welcoming the Bangkit’s participants by

the Representatives, ended by the Technical Briefing which included
rules and timeline. Continue after the break, the session is filled by
Guest Speaker Mrs. Mika Roekmi Wulan. She brought the Life Path
for Bangkit Students materials, so that we can prepare to learn better.

This week is just the introduction to the Bangkit Program and its
environment. I’m very excited because the enthusiasm of the students
exceeded my expectations, there were many of them from different
places in a discord channel, sharing and playing together. Besides the
mandatory program held in the first week, Bangkit also send the

Weekly Dicoding Courses token for matriculations, such as Memulai Dasar

Report Pemrograman untuk Menjadi Pengembang Software, Pengenalan ke

Logika Pemrograman (Programming Logic 101), and Belajar Dasar
Git dengan GitHub. They said it is optional to finish the course,
maybe it's just for assuring the student is ready enough for the path.
But, I encourage myself to finish it in several weeks before the
deadline. Now, I’m on the first course, making almost 75% progress.
Well, the real Machine Learning materials have not come yet. So,

cannot wait to start learning it!

Week 1

Date Description Notes

20 Feb Woaaa, again, Bangkit representatives are welcoming us as the fourth Able to
batch of the Bangkit Program, which has three paths such as Cloud successfully
Computing, Machine Learning, and Mobile Development. My fire carry out all the
has been increasing since this session. I checked my Classroom and activities in the
everyone was starting to introduce themself. Yeah, there will be program.
mentoring and group discussion, so, a group which consists of
around 25 students will collaborate and do the task by using many
platforms, one of them is Google Classroom.

21 Feb Today is TuesFreeDay, hehe. But still a lot of work to do. First, I
need to finish my matriculation courses that I planned before.
Second, I should face tasks that appear in succession. Yeah I hope I
still can handle my breath.

22 Feb Today Session was a weekly consultation. I met Kak Doni for the
first time as my mentor in the ML-53 group. We introduce ourselves
by telling our name, where we come from, and also our majors. Not
only got in touch with students, we also asked some questions related
to our journey, like technical things, certifications, and schedule.

23 Feb This morning I had a double meet in my class. I have classes from 7
to 10 every thursday. So I attended the Bangkit ILT-SS session a bit
late and turned off my camera at first, because the situation was not
conducive. From the session, I learned that a growth mindset is the

right way to be set because it has many more benefits than a fixed
mindset. As college students, growth mindset is important to us while
preparing to apply for a job.

24 Feb Today is Feeyay, so I managed to explore ML things in discord and

wait for the Coursera Course shared by committee.

This week is super fun! For the first time I joined the ILT-Soft Skills
and it was very insightful. Usually, people do not care about soft
skills bcs they prioritize hard skills to be improved. Many engineers
around the world are doing good at their job, but sometimes they
don’t have enough soft skills, like communication skill and
persuasion skill, so they can not encourage people to use their
Weekly product or innovations. The interesting SS to be learned this week is
Report the growth mindset, which is good to be implemented. And one more
thing we should prepare to have the agile character is the willingness
to give and accept feedback. Feedback is super powerful, at any kind
of it. Sometimes people avoid facing others' feedback and isolating
themself, that is the fixed mindset character. Overall, this week is
giving me a chance to change my basic mindset, to be the growth

Week 2

Date Description Notes

27 Feb This monday I continue the Python Automation Course at Coursera Able to
and finish the first introduction to Python. I used to learn a new successfully
language, so it was not so hard. carry out all the
activities in the

28 Feb After the first course, now I need to use Python to Interact with the program.
Operating System. Wow, those are the things that I have never done
before. I just knew that Python is a very useful language.

1 Mar This evening, I have the 2nd weekly consultation with Ka Doni. We
discussed our progress while learning the Python Course at Coursera
and other concerns. And what made this weekly consultation
different from before is…, yea new game brought by Ka Doni. A bit
‘why’ but no problem, we have some fun!

2 Mar Today is the first tech-ILT session… and the topics are first, second,
and the third course of Python at Coursera. However, I felt so
disappointed because we couldn’t have an effective learning session.
Maybe a bit rude, but I thought the instructor wasn't well prepared
for presenting the course in english. Sometimes, she stopped for a
moment and translated some words by asking the audience, and
those things are repeated. At the end, the presentation was not
finished and the demo failed. Hmmm, many evaluations I concluded
from that session. But it is okay, because we still can learn the
materials from the Coursera.

3 Mar Another free day, I planned to continue my progress on my Python

second course. Hopefully today I could finish it and start the third.

Week 3

Date Description Notes

6 Mar Today, I must continue to the second Machine Learning Course module Able to
1. I have to finish the modul by the end of the day. successfully

7 Mar Today, I must continue to the second Machine Learning Course module carry out all the
2. I have to finish the modul by the end of the day. activities in the
8 Mar Today, I must continue to the second Machine Learning Course module
3. I have to finish the modul by the end of the day.

9 Mar Today, I must continue to the second Machine Learning Course module
4. I have to finish the modul by the end of the day.

10 Mar Today, I start to the third Machine Learning Course module 1. I have to
finish the modul by the end of the day.

Weekly Before exam week, I set several target courses to finish. Then I will

Report prepare for the exam calmly and focused. Good luck for the others!

Week 4

Date Description Notes

13 Mar I attended the mandatory Bangkit 2023 H1-Student Team Meeting Able to
1, where we discussed Milestone updates and reminders, Student successfully
Dashboard Access, Grading Standards, Bangkit Reward System, carry out all the
and had a Q&A session. activities in the
14 Mar Today I had no Weekly Consultation or ILT session, but I continued
working on the "Analyze Data to Answer Questions" course on

15 Mar there was a Weekly Consultation with the mentor. We discussed the
progress of completing Milestones on Coursera, followed by a fun

quiz gameshow with an animal theme. Additionally, I completed
the "Share Data Through the Art of Visualization" course on

16 Mar I attended the ILT Tech Session on Data Analytics with Vina
Yosephine. I also started working on the "Mathematics for Machine
Learning" course, specifically covering Linear Algebra on

17 Mar I attended the Guest Speaker Session Bangkit 2023 #3 with Mr.
Wisu Suntoyo (Head of Customer Engineering - Google).
Additionally, I continued my coursework on Coursera, focusing on
"Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra."

During this week, I actively participated in the Bangkit 2023

H1-Student Team Meeting 1, where we covered various topics
including Milestone updates and reminders. I continued my
coursework on Coursera, focusing on "Analyze Data to Answer
Questions" and "Share Data Through the Art of Visualization." I
also had a Weekly Consultation with my mentor and engaged in a
fun quiz gameshow.

Week 5

Date Description Notes

20 Mar I had no Weekly Consultation or ILT session, but I continued Able to

working on the "Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear successfully
Algebra" course on Coursera. carry out all the
activities in the

21 Mar there was a Weekly Consultation with the mentor. We discussed the program.
progress of completing Milestones in the "Mathematics for Machine
Learning" course on Coursera. The mentor proposed forming study
groups for those facing difficulties in understanding the material
and provided input on the Capstone project we had to work on.

22 Mar Today i’m continue to do check my lated course on data on seek the
new courses whichis math for machine learning.

23 Mar First day of Ramadhan!!! Today we’re attending ILT soft skill
session which the topic is “Critical Thinking”. Hm, i found out that
fasting sometimes affect our brain, like kinda slow to digest
material from the session WKWKWK.

24 Mar Wow, nearly miss non-mandatory session by Bangkit. Today topics

is “Breaking Down KMM: Exploring Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile
for Beginners” by ms. Veronica. Such a good discussion and

During this period, I continued working on the "Mathematics for

Machine Learning" courses on Coursera, specifically focusing on
Linear Algebra and Multivariate Calculus. I had a Weekly
Consultation with my mentor, attended an ILT Tech Session, and
joined a Guest Speaker Session.

Week 6

Date Description Notes

27 Mar I'm happy to start the day, well I have tried to solve some machine Able to
learning problem using math , that was very challenging bcs I just successfully
desperate after some different models that didn't meet the criteria. carry out all the
activities in the
28 Mar I arrived on the Math for ML due day, but I still try not to skip-skip and program.
do the exercise (hands on) compeletely. A bit difficult and need time to
learn math in english.

29 Mar Today I was continuing my courses that have not been finished yet, I
hope I can understand til the last week of the third course

30 Mar I attended the ILT Tech Session on Introduction to Machine

Learning with Steven Joseph Ryhadi as the instructor. Additionally,
I completed the Assignment on Critical Thinking and Problem
Solving in Google Classroom.

31 Mar I didn't have a Weekly Consultation or ILT session, but I attended

the Guest Speaker Session Bangkit 2023 #5 with Mrs. Angie
Sasmita (Senior Android Engineer).

During this period, I completed all the Mathematics for Machine

Learning courses on Coursera and had a Weekly Consultation with
my mentor. We formed study groups and had a fun game session. I
attended an ILT Tech Session on Introduction to Machine Learning
and a Guest Speaker Session with Mrs. Angie Sasmita.

Week 7

Date Description Notes

3 Apr I didn't have any Weekly Consultation or ILT sessions, but I Able to
completed the tasks for the Supervised Machine Learning: successfully
Regression and Classification course on Coursera. carry out all the
activities in the
4 Apr there was a Weekly Consultation with the mentor. We discussed the program.
progress of completing Milestones in the Machine Learning course
on Coursera. The mentor suggested creating study groups for those
facing difficulties with the material and discussed the Capstone

5 Apr I attended the ILT Soft Skill Session on Adaptability and Resilience
with Lalu Triawanri Novianung as the instructor. Additionally, I
started working on the Advanced Learning Algorithms course on
the Coursera platform.

6 Apr I didn't have any Weekly Consultation, ILT, or Guest Speaker

sessions for Bangkit 2023. Therefore, I focused on completing the
Advanced Learning Algorithms course on Coursera.

7 Apr Today, I must continue to the second Machine Learning Course

module 3. I have to finish the modul by the end of the day.

During this period, I completed the tasks for the Supervised

Machine Learning: Regression and Classification course. I had a
Weekly Weekly Consultation with my mentor and discussed study groups
Report and the Capstone project. I attended an ILT Soft Skill Session on
Adaptability and Resilience and started working on the Advanced
Learning Algorithms course.

Week 8

Date Description Notes

10 Apr I attended the Bangkit 2023 H1 - Student Team Meeting 2, which Able to
discussed the Milestone Recap for April and introduced the successfully
Capstone project. carry out all the
activities in the
11 Apr I didn't have any Weekly Consultation or ILT sessions, but I program.
enrolled in and completed the tasks for the Unsupervised Learning,
Recommendation, Reinforcement Learning course on Coursera.

12 Apr there was a Weekly Consultation with the mentor. We discussed

the teams for the Capstone project, and the mentor helped find a
team for a friend who didn't have one. We also played some games
during the session.

13 Apr I attended the ILT Tech Session on Introduction to Unsupervised

Learning & ANN with Hansel Susanto as the instructor. I also
completed the Assignment on Adaptability and Resilience.

14 Apr I didn't have any Weekly Consultation or ILT sessions, but I

attended the Guest Speaker Session Bangkit 2023 #6 with Mr. Adi
Wijaya (Strategic Cloud Data Engineer at Google).

During this period, I attended the Student Team Meeting and

Weekly discussed Milestones and the Capstone project. I completed tasks
Report in the Unsupervised Learning, Recommendation, Reinforcement
Learning course.

Week 9

Date Description Notes

17 Apr Today, our team had an idea for the topic of the company-based Able to
capstone project, but we were still missing one team member. It successfully
made me a little panicked, but I believed we would find the right carry out all the
person soon. activities in the
18 Apr We finally found someone to join our team for the company-based
capstone project. I was relieved and excited to have a complete

19 Apr Today, we submitted our proposal for the company-based capstone

project. We put a lot of effort into it, and I hope it gets accepted.

20 Apr We took a break from working on the project since the Hari Raya
holiday is coming up. It was a good opportunity to rest and

21 Apr We took a break from working on the project since the Hari Raya
holiday is coming up. It was a good opportunity to rest and

During this week, our team in the Bangkit program made

Weekly significant progress in our company-based capstone project. We

Report brainstormed and came up with an idea for the project, and we
were able to find a new team member to join us. We spent a lot of
time working on the project proposal and finally submitted it. We

also took a break to celebrate the Hari Raya holiday and enjoyed
traditional dishes with our families. Overall, it was a productive
and successful week for our team, and we are looking forward to
continuing our work in the program.

Week 10

Date Description Notes

24 Apr Today, I found out that our team's idea was not selected for the Able to
company capstone project, and we were given the opportunity to successfully
work on a product-based capstone project with a different team. carry out all the
Although it was disappointing, I am still motivated to work on activities in the
this project and create something impactful. program.

25 Apr I am still unsure about what topic to choose for the capstone
project. I need to brainstorm ideas and discuss with my team
members to come up with a good idea.

26 Apr Today, I spent time preparing for the end of the holiday period, as
I have to return to campus tomorrow. I want to make sure that I
am well-prepared for the upcoming week.

27 Apr My team and I started discussing potential topics for our

product-based capstone project. We are still gathering information
and brainstorming ideas, and each team member will present their
ideas to the rest of the team.

28 Apr While discussing ideas for the capstone project, I looked at the
selected teams' projects from last year. I found that many of them
started with small ideas and were able to solve big problems. This
inspired me to start thinking about small ideas that could lead to
impactful projects.

This week was filled with preparation and brainstorming for the
upcoming product-based capstone project in the Bangkit program.
On Monday, our team found out that we were not selected for the
company capstone project, but we were given the opportunity to
work on a product-based project with a different team. On
Weekly Tuesday, I was still unsure about what topic to choose for the
Report project, and on Wednesday, I spent time preparing for the end of
the holiday period. On Thursday, my team and I started discussing
potential topics, and on Friday, I was inspired by the success of
last year's teams who started with small ideas and were able to
solve big problems. I am excited to see where our team's ideas
will take us and how we can create something impactful.

Week 11

Date Description Notes

1 Mei Today was an exciting day to continue my Deep Learning course. Able to
The topic that I've been waiting for has finally arrived, and it's successfully
time for me to dive into it. I hope I can finish it quickly and carry out all the
understand the concepts thoroughly activities in the
2 Mei I had a productive day learning about Deep Learning. Today, I
learned about convolutional neural networks, and it was
fascinating to see how they can be used for image recognition

tasks. I'm looking forward to applying this knowledge in product

3 Mei Finally I can focused on storming the Capstone Ideation. It was

challenging to choose the most relevance topics related to our
team capability

4 Mei For today, my team has planned to fulfil the rest of the project
plan requirements, we are specificly raising the Idea of bad
management trash reduction by maximizing people creativity!

5 Mei Last touch and finish the project plan, what we want to do next is
written on the timeline, so goodluck for me and other CoHort!
Don't forget to fill your logbook guys :), as I did KWKWWKWK

Overall, this week was filled with excitement and learning

opportunities. I am excited to continue my learning journey in
Deep Learning and apply my knowledge to my Capstone project.
Weekly While brainstorming our Idea with my best team, we had a lot of
Report discussions, opinions, and topics that passing by. We've finally
agreed in my reasoning to the Re-Create (trash reduction-reuse
app) and assembled the plan. We wish we can change people
feelings and care of the waste into the lovely one1

Week 12

Date Description Notes

8 Mei I didn't have any Weekly Consultation or ILT sessions, but I Able to
enrolled and started working on the Natural Language Processing successfully

in TensorFlow course. I also worked on the Sequence, Time Series, carry out all the
and Prediction course on the Coursera platform. activities in the
9 Mei I didn't have any Weekly Consultation or ILT sessions, but I
enrolled and started working on the Natural Language Processing
in TensorFlow course. I also worked on the Sequence, Time Series,
and Prediction course on the Coursera platform.

10 Mei there was a Weekly Consultation with the mentor. During the
consultation, we played some games with the mentor, involving a
survival story at sea. It was a lot of fun. Additionally, I completed
all the courses in the DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer

11 Mei I attended the ILT Hard Skill Session on Advanced Techniques in

Deep Learning with TensorFlow, with Irfan Subakti as the

12 Mei I attended the Guest Speaker Session Bangkit 2023 #8 with Cindy
Himawan (SAP Consultant and Instructor - Institut Teknologi
Harapan Bangsa).

During this period, I started working on courses related to Natural

Language Processing and Time Series Prediction. I had a Weekly
Weekly Consultation and played games with the mentor. I completed the
Report DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer specialization and
attended ILT sessions on advanced techniques in Deep Learning. I
also attended a Guest Speaker Session with Cindy Himawan.

Week 13

Date Description Notes

15 Mei I attended Bangkit 2023 H1 - Student Team Meeting 3, which Able to

discussed the recap of milestones in May, project progress, and successfully
capstone updates. carry out all the
activities in the
16 Mei there were no Weekly Consultation or ILT sessions, but my team program.
and I had an online meeting to discuss the project-based product
for the first week's timeline.

17 Mei there was a Weekly Consultation with the mentor. During the
session, we discussed the team's progress in the capstone project.
We also had a sharing session to address any difficulties
encountered during the capstone project, followed by playing some
games until the session ended.

18 Mei I did not participate in the Weekly Consultation or ILT sessions

due to the observance of the Ascension of Jesus Christ.

19 Mei I attended the ILT Soft Skill Session on Professional

Communications and Networking, with Ronald Jayadi as the
instructor. Later, I joined the Guest Speaker Session Bangkit 2023
#9 with Mr. Alamsyah (Partner Solution Consultant Google

During this period, I participated in a team meeting to discuss the

project-based product, attended the Weekly Consultation and
played games with the mentor. I also attended ILT sessions on
professional communications and networking, as well as a Guest
Speaker Session with Mr. Alamsyah from Google Cloud.

Week 14

Date Description Notes

22 Mei there were no Weekly Consultation or ILT sessions, but I enrolled Able to
in and completed the Model Deployment with TensorFlow.js in the successfully
browser course on the Coursera platform. carry out all the
activities in the
23 Mei there were no Weekly Consultation or ILT sessions. Instead, I program.
finished the Model Deployment on Devices with TensorFlow Lite
course on the Coursera platform.

24 Mei there was a Weekly Consultation with the mentor. During the
session, we had a sharing session discussing the challenges we
encountered in the capstone project. Additionally, I completed the
Data Pipelines with TensorFlow Data Services course on Coursera.

25 Mei I attended the ILT Hard Skill Session on Model Deployment with
TensorFlow, with Muhammad Assagaf as the instructor.

26 Mei I attended Bangkit 2023 Guest Speaker Session #10 with Sandhika
Galih, a lecturer and founder of Web Programming UNPAS. Later,
I submitted the Assignment on Professional Communications and
Networking in the class.

During this period, I completed courses on model deployment with

Weekly TensorFlow.js in the browser and on devices using TensorFlow

Report Lite. I also had a Weekly Consultation session where we discussed

the challenges in the capstone project. Additionally, I attended ILT
sessions on model deployment and a guest speaker session with

Sandhika Galih.

Week 15

Date Description Notes

29 May I didn't have any Weekly Consultation or ILT sessions, but I Able to
continued working on my capstone project. I processed and successfully
prepared 500 data points from my dataset to be used in my carry out all the
application. activities in the
30 May I attended an ILT English Class session on Expressing Opinions
with Daniel Jones as the English instructor.

31 May there was a Weekly Consultation with my mentor. During this

session, we discussed the progress of my capstone project and
addressed any issues or challenges encountered. Afterward, we
had a fun team-building activity where we were divided into
groups of five, and each group had to find one item that, when
combined with the items from other group members, would have a
total value of Rp.300,000. Unfortunately, my team didn't win the

1 Jun I didn't have any Weekly Consultation or ILT sessions as it was a

public holiday in observance of Pancasila Day. However, I
continued working on my capstone project.

2 Jun I had a busy schedule. Firstly, I attended an ILT Soft Skill Session
on Personal Branding and Interview Communication with Cindy
Sri Arianti as the instructor. Then, I participated in Bangkit 2023

Guest Speaker Session #11 featuring Mega Balqizs, who is an
Agency Relationship Manager at Google. Lastly, I had a
Mentoring Project Capstone Session with Josua Margandatua
Hutapea as my mentor.

In summary, this period was characterized by focused work on the

capstone project, attending language classes, fruitful discussions
with mentors, engaging in team-building activities, and
participating in insightful ILT sessions and guest speaker sessions.
These experiences contributed to my personal and professional
development as I continued to make strides in my learning

Week 16

Date Description Notes

5 Jun I didn't have any Weekly Consultation or ILT sessions, but I Able to
continued working on my capstone project. I conducted further successfully
data analysis and made changes to the model I was developing. carry out all the
activities in the
6 Jun I attended an ILT English Class session on Effective Presentation program.
skills with Daniel Jones as the English instructor.

7 Jun there was a Weekly Consultation with my mentor. During this

session, we discussed the progress of my capstone project and
provided feedback to each other. We also had a discussion session
on topics related to our field of study.

8 Jun I didn't have any Weekly Consultation or ILT sessions. However, I

continued working on my capstone project. I conducted further
experiments with the model I was developing and analyzed the

9 Jun I participated in an ILT Soft Skill Session on Personal Branding

and Interview Communication with Cindy Sri Arianti as the
instructor. Additionally, I attended Bangkit 2023 Guest Speaker
Session #11 with Mega Balqizs (Agency Relationship Manager -
Google). Finally, I had a Mentoring Project Capstone Session
with Josua Margandatua Hutapea as my mentor.

During this period, I focused on my capstone project, refining the

model and conducting data analysis. I also attended an ILT
English Class session on Effective Presentation skills with Daniel
Jones as the instructor. In addition, I had a Weekly Consultation
Weekly with my mentor, discussing project progress and exchanging
Report feedback. Lastly, I engaged in various sessions, including an ILT
Soft Skill Session on Personal Branding and Interview
Communication, Bangkit 2023 Guest Speaker Session #11 with
Mega Balqizs from Google, and a Mentoring Project Capstone
Session with Josua Margandatua Hutapea as my mentor.

Week 17

Date Description Notes

12 Jun I attended Bangkit 2023 H1 - Student Team Meeting 4, which Able to

discussed the Milestone Recap in June, the progress, and the successfully
Capstone update. carry out all the
activities in the

13 Jun I had no Weekly Consultation or ILT Session, but I finally had program.
access to cloud services and started creating presentation slides
for the Capstone project presentation.

14 Jun There was a Weekly Consultation with the mentor. We had a

sharing session on the progress of our Capstone project as the
deadline was approaching. Afterward, we played some games
until the session ended.

15 Jun I attended Bangkit 2023 Guest Speaker Session #13 with Mrs.
Olavina Harahap (Senior Product Marketing Manager - Google).
The session discussed "Building a Brand That Stands Out."

16 Jun my Capstone team and I recorded our Capstone project

presentation. Our project is called ReCreate, and its main feature
is mix and match outfit recommendations.

I actively participated in Bangkit 2023 H1 - Student Team

Meeting 4, where we discussed the Milestone Recap and updated
our Capstone project. I utilized cloud services to create
Weekly presentation slides for the project and had a Weekly Consultation
Report session with the mentor to assess our progress. Additionally, I
attended a guest speaker session on building a standout brand and
recorded a presentation for our Capstone project, Re-Create,
which focuses on mix and match outfit recommendations.

C. Dokumen Teknik

C.1 Pembelajaran Dicoding

1. Belajar Dasar Visual Data:

2. Memulai Pemrograman Dengan Python:

3. Belajar Dasar Git dengan GitHub:

4. Pengenalan ke Logika Pemrograman (Programming Logic 101):

5. Memulai Dasar Pemrograman untuk Menjadi Pengembang Software

C.2 Pembelajaran Coursera

1. Mathematics for Machine Learning:

2. Machine Learning:

3. DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer:

4. Structuring Machine Learning Projects:

5. TensorFlow: Data and Deployment:

6. Advanced Deployment Scenarios with TensorFlow

7. Browser-based Models with TensorFlow.js

8. Convolutional Neural Networks in TensorFlow

9. Data Pipelines with TensorFlow Data Services

10. Device-based Models with TensorFlow Lite

11. Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and

Deep Learning

12. Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow

13. Sequences, Time Series and Prediction

14. Advanced Learning Algorithms

15. Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification

16. Unsupervised Learning, Recommenders, Reinforcement Learning

17. Analyze Data to Answer Questions

18. Ask Questions to Make Data-Driven Decisions

19. Crash Course on Python

20. Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere

21. Introduction to Git and GitHub

22. Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra

23. Mathematics for Machine Learning: Multivariate Calculus

24. Mathematics for Machine Learning: PCA

25. Prepare Data for Exploration

26. Process Data from Dirty to Clean

27. Share Data Through the Art of Visualization

28. Troubleshooting and Debugging Techniques

29. Using Python to Interact with the Operating System

C.3 Hasil Product-based Capstone


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