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Feminism Issue in Cinderella’s Short Story

Teori John Stuart Mill, mempublikasikan “Perempuan sebagai Subyek” ( The

Subjection of Women) pada tahun 1869. Yaitu tentang usaha perempuan untuk
memperoleh kesetaraan dengan jalan memperoleh hak suara dan juga pembagian hak
perempuan dan laki-laki dalam perkawinan. Feminisme merupakan gerakan yang
bertujuan membebaskan perempuan dari berenggu patriarki. Patriarki adalah dominasi
laki-laki terhadap perempuan. Artinya, perempuan tidak dapat melakukan pekerjaan-
pekerjaan yang dapat laki-laki lakukan seperti memiliki pendidikan tinggi dan
bekerja. Perempuan hanya dapat mengurus dapur dan menjadi seorang istri dari laki-
laki saat menikah nanti dan melakukan kegiatan pasif. Tidak banyak yang dapat
dilakukan perempuan selain bekerja di dapur dan mengurusi pekerjaan rumah tangga.
Patriarki membatasi ruang gerak perempuan.

Latar belakang
Cinderella adalah dongeng tradisional dengan versi yang dijumpai di banyak negara,
dengan variasi yang berbeda-beda.
Versi paling awal dari cerita ini berawal dari Cina pada tahun 860. Versi tersebut
tercatat di The Miscellaneous Record of Yu Yang oleh Tuan Ch'ing-Shih, sebuah
buku yang sudah ada sejak Dinasti Tang. Versi paling terkenal ditulis oleh penulis
Prancis Charles Perrault pada tahun 1697 berdasarkan cerita rakyat yang ditulis
oleh Giambattista Basile sebagai La Gatta Cennerentola pada tahun 1634, tetapi film
animasi dari Walt Disney Production yang telah menjadi standar versi kontemporer.
Cinderella was released in 1950 and is based on the fairy tale of the same name by
Charles Perrault. Cinderella is set in France, and based on the style of the clothes,
many have concluded that it takes place in the mid-to-late 1800s, as the characters
don't offer any clear clues as to when the story is set.

Plot cerita
Versi yang paling populer menceritakan tentang seorang gadis yang tinggal bersama
ibu tiri dan kakak tirinya yang jahat. Pada zaman dahulu kala, ada seorang gadis yang
baik hati bernama Cinderella. Dia sangat baik hati dan cantik, tetapi sayang, ayahnya
telah meninggal dunia dan sepeninggal ayahnya ia tinggal bersama ibu dan saudara
tirinya. Setiap hari ia disiksa, dengan cara disuruh mencuci piring, mengepel lantai
dan melayani mereka. Walaupun begitu Cinderella tetap percaya bahwa suatu hari ia
akan hidup bahagia. Suatu hari, seorang pangeran ingin mencari permaisuri maka
diadakanlah sebuah pesta dansa besar di istana, tetapi Cinderella tidak diijinkan untuk
ikut. Namun, Ibu Peri datang dan menolongnya. Cinderella pun disulap menjadi
seorang putri cantik. Di istana, sang pangeran jatuh cinta pada Cinderella, lalu
mengajaknya berdansa. Cinderella jadi lupa, bahwa ia tak boleh pulang lebih dari jam
12, karena pada jam itu semua sihir Ibu Peri berakhir. Denting lonceng pukul 12
terdengar, dan Cinderella berlari. Tak terasa, sebelah sepatu kacanya terlepas dan
tercecer di tangga istana. Sang pangeran memungutnya, dan mengumumkan
barangsiapa kakinya pas dengan sepatu itu, siapapun dia, akan dia jadikan isteri.
Namun, sepatu itu tidak pas di kaki siapapun yang mencobanya, termasuk 2 kakak tiri
Cinderella. Cinderella lalu ikut mencoba, dan kakinya pas. Cinderella akhirnya
menikah dengan Pangeran dan hidup bahagia selamanya.

1. Cinderella: Cinderella adalah anak yatim piatu dengan rambut pirang sedang, mata
biru dan kulit putih.
2. Jaq (nama asli Jacques ) dan Gus (nama asli Octavius ) adalah dua tikus yang
berperan sebagai sahabat karib Cinderella. Gus memiliki kegemaran akan keju.

Jaq dan Gus adalah dua dari empat tikus yang diubah oleh Ibu Peri menjadi kuda
jantan sehingga Cinderella dapat menghadiri pesta dansa, tetapi pada tengah malam,
mereka berubah kembali menjadi tikus. Kemudian, Jaq dan Gus bertanggung jawab
untuk mencuri kunci kamar Cinderella dari ibu tiri yang jahat, Lady Tremaine , dan
membebaskan Cinderella untuk mencoba sepatu kaca, yang tentu saja cocok.

3. Lady Tremaine (juga dikenal sebagai Ibu Tiri yang Jahat atau ibu

tiri Cinderella ) adalah antagonis utama dari dongeng. Dia didasarkan pada karakter
asli dari dongeng Cinderella yang dibuat oleh Charles Perrault .

Lady Tremaine tidak menginginkan apa pun selain putrinya untuk berhasil. Tidak
seperti kebanyakan penjahat Disney, yang memiliki kepribadian yang berapi-api dan
menginginkan kekuasaan dan sorotan, dia memiliki kepribadian yang lebih licik,
halus, pasif-agresif dengan kecerdasan yang cerdik dan kemampuan untuk
memanipulasi, terutama terhadap putrinya. Dia jarang berteriak, berbicara dengan
suara tenang dan tenang, bahkan saat marah. Dia berharap putrinya berhasil sehingga
dia dapat menuai manfaat ketika itu paling cocok untuknya.

Dia menikahi ayah Cinderella untuk uangnya dan setelah dia meninggal, dia
mengungkapkan motif sebenarnya dari memperlakukan Cinderella seperti pelayan
dapur sambil mencurahkan seluruh waktu dan cintanya untuk dua putrinya sendiri,
Anastasia dan Drizella.

4. Anastasia Tremaine

Anastasia Tremaine adalah anak perempuan berambut merah dari Lady Tremaine.

Di Cinderella, Anastasia menuntut dan cengeng, tapi tidak seburuk Drizella.
Anastasia juga memiliki kaki yang sangat besar. Anastasia berjuang untuk
menemukan cinta sejati dan mengikuti hati nuraninya meskipun pengaruh negatif ibu
dan saudara perempuannya dan licik.

5. Drizella Tremaine adalah putri tertua Lady Tremaine berambut coklat.

Dia digambarkan sebagai sosok yang angkuh, kasar, dan kejam secara sadis. Dia
memberikan begitu banyak contoh buruk kedengkian terhadap Cinderella untuk
diikuti adik perempuannya, bahwa di antara mereka Anastasia lebih baik dari

6. Pangeran Tampan adalah bunga cinta Cinderella. Dia adalah seorang pemuda

berambut hitam, tinggi, dan tampan. Di film pertama, dia tidak diberi nama. Pangeran
Cinderella tidak pernah benar-benar diidentifikasi dalam film sebagai "Pangeran

7. Korek adalah kucing peliharaan Tremaines dan antagonis ketiga dari cerita. Secara
keseluruhan, keberadaannya dapat dibenarkan untuk memberikan lawan yang jahat
dan licik terhadap anjing peliharaan Cinderella yang setia dan baik hati, Bruno, serta
burung dan tikus yang mendukung dan mencintai teman dan sekutu Cinderella. Dia
memiliki bulu hitam dan digambarkan sebagai konsumen tikus yang licik, jahat, dan
8. The Fairy Godmother pertama kali muncul dalam film setelah saudara tiri
Cinderella merobek gaunnya sampai hancur sebelum pesta Pangeran Tampan. Dia
muncul di taman, dan sangat mengubah penampilannya untuk bola. Dia mengubah
tikus menjadi kuda jantan, Bruno si anjing menjadi bujang, Mayor kuda menjadi
kusir, labu menjadi pelatih putih, dan mengubah gaun robeknya menjadi gaun biru
keperakan yang indah dengan sandal kaca yang nyaman. Cinderella berangkat ke
pesta dansa setelah Ibu Peri memperingatkannya bahwa mantranya akan berakhir
pada tengah malam. Dengan pekerjaannya selesai, dia menghilang ke udara.

Setting time: The story take place long time ago in a land ruled by a king and queen
Setting place:
Cinderella’s house: kitchen
In the kitchen where cinderella was sitting all by herself
The prince palace: Ballroom
When cinderella entered the ballroom at the palace, and dancing with the prince

Temanya adalah Percintaan, kebaikan dan juga keajaiban.

            Dalam dongeng Cinderella, isu feminisme ini terlihat seperti misalnya
Cinderella yang hanya bekerja di dapur serta melakukan pekerjaan rumah tangga dan
tak melakukan kegiatan lainnya, serta antusiasme para gadis muda yang ingin terpilih
menjadi istri pangeran untuk mendapatkan tahta yang pada akhirnya hanyalah
menjadi seorang istri yang tidak melakukan pekerjaan yang berarti. Dua contoh ini
merupakan bukti mengapa para aktivis feminisme begitu gerah dan menuai kritik
pada dongeng “Cinderella” ini.

Feminisme merupakan gerakan yang bertujuan membebaskan perempuan dari
berenggu patriarki. Patriarki adalah dominasi laki-laki terhadap perempuan.
Cinderella was released in 1950 and is based on the fairy tale of the same name by
Charles Perrault. Cinderella is set in France, and based on the style of the clothes,
many have concluded that it takes place in the mid-to-late 1800s, as the characters
don't offer any clear clues as to when the story is set. Cinderella merupakan gadis
yatim piatu. Yang tinggal dengan ibu tiri dan saudaranya yang jahat. Cinderella di
siksa oleh mereka, namun Cinderella tetap bersikap baik. Cinderella memiliki satu
pasang sepatu yang lain yang pas dengan kakinya akhirnya dia menjadi seorang puteri
dan menikah dengan pangeran. Pesan yang dapat diambil adalah kesabaran akan
membuahkan hasil yang manis setelah hal-hal buruk yang telah terjadi.


Feminism Issue in Cinderella's Short Story

The theory of John Stuart Mill, published "Women as Subjects" (The Subjection of
Women) in 1869. That is about women's efforts to obtain equality by obtaining voting
rights and also the distribution of women's and men's rights in marriage. Feminism is
a movement that aims to liberate women from the bonds of patriarchy. Patriarchy is
the domination of men over women. This means that women cannot do the jobs that
men can do, such as having higher education and working. Women can only take care
of the kitchen and become a wife of men when they get married later and do passive
activities. There is not much for women to do other than work in the kitchen and take
care of household chores. Patriarchy limits women's movement.

Cinderella is a traditional fairy tale with versions found in many countries, with
different variations.
The earliest version of this story dates back to 860 in China. This version is recorded
in The Miscellaneous Record of Yu Yang by Tuan Ch'ing-Shih, a book that dates
back to the Tang Dynasty. The best-known version was written by French writer
Charles Perrault in 1697 based on a folk tale written by Giambattista Basile as La
Gatta Cenerentola in 1634, but it is an animated film from Walt Disney Production
that has become the standard for contemporary versions. Cinderella was released in
1950 and is based on the fairy tale of the same name by Charles Perrault. Cinderella is
set in France and based on the style of the clothes, many have concluded that it takes
place in the mid-to-late 1800s, as the characters don't offer any clear clues as to when
the story is set.

Story plot
The most popular version tells of a girl who lives with her evil stepmother and
stepbrother. Once upon a time, there was a kind girl named Cinderella. She was very
kind and beautiful, but unfortunately, her father had passed away, and after his
father's death, she lived with her mother and stepsisters. Every day she was tortured,
by being told to wash dishes, mop floors, and serve them. Even so, Cinderella still
believes that one day she will live happily. One day, a prince wanted to find an
empress so a big ball was held at the palace, but Cinderella was not allowed to come.
However, the Fairy Godmother came and helped her. Cinderella was transformed into
a beautiful princess. At the palace, the prince fell in love with Cinderella, then asked
her to dance. Cinderella forgot that she could not come home later than midnight,
because at that hour all the Fairy Godmother's magic ended. The midnight bell rang,
and Cinderella ran. Unknowingly, one glass slipper fell off and scattered on the steps
of the palace. The prince picked it up and announced whoever his foot fit the shoe,
whoever it was, he would make his wife. However, the shoes did not fit on the feet of
anyone who tried them on, including Cinderella's 2 stepsisters. Cinderella then tried,
and her legs fit. Cinderella finally married the Prince and lived happily ever after.

1.Cinderella: Cinderella is an orphan with medium blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair
2.Jaq (real name Jacques) and Gus (real name Octavius) are two mice who act like
Cinderella's best friends. Gus has a penchant for cheese.
Jaq and Gus are two of the four mice that the Fairy Godmother turns into stallions so
Cinderella can attend the dance, but at midnight, they turn back into mice. Later, Jaq
and Gus are responsible for stealing Cinderella's room key from her evil stepmother,
Lady Tremaine, and freeing Cinderella to try on the glass slipper, which of course fits.
3.Lady Tremaine (also known as the Evil Stepmother or Cinderella's stepmother) is
the main antagonist of the fairy tale. She is based on the original character from the
fairy tale Cinderella created by Charles Perrault.
Lady Tremaine wanted nothing but her daughter to succeed. Unlike most Disney
villains, who have a fiery personality and desire power and the spotlight, he has a
more devious, subtle, passive-aggressive personality with a shrewd wit and ability to
manipulate, especially towards his daughter. He rarely shouts, speaks in a calm and
calm voice, even when angry. He wished his daughter success so that she could reap
the benefits when it suited her best.
He married Cinderella's father for his money and after he died, he revealed his true
motive for treating Cinderella like a kitchen servant while devoting all his time and
love to his own two daughters, Anastasia and Drizella.
4.Anastasia Tremaine
Anastasia Tremaine is the red-haired girl-child of Lady Tremaine. In Cinderella,
Anastasia is demanding and whiny, but not as bad as Drizella. Anastasia also has very
large feet. Anastasia struggles to find true love and follow her conscience despite her
mother and sister's negative influence and scheming.
5.Drizella Tremaine is the eldest daughter of Lady Tremaine with brown hair.
He is described as arrogant, rude, and sadistically cruel. He gave so many bad
examples of malevolence towards Cinderella for his younger sisters to follow, that of
them Anastasia was the better of the two.
6. Prince Charming is Cinderella's love interest. He was a black-haired, tall, and
handsome young man. In the first film, he is not given a name. Prince Cinderella is
never really identified in the film as "Prince Charming",
7. Korek is Tremaines' pet cat and the third antagonist of the story. All in all, his
existence is justified in providing an evil and cunning opponent to Cinderella's loyal
and kind pet dog, Bruno, and the birds and mice who support and love Cinderella's
friends and allies. He has black fur and is described as a cunning, evil, and
manipulative mouse consumer.
8. The Fairy Godmother first appeared in the film after Cinderella's half-sister tore her
dress to shreds before Prince Charming's party. He appears in the park and greatly
changes his appearance for the ball. She turned a mouse into a stallion, Bruno the dog
into a footman, Major the horse into a coachman, a pumpkin into a white trainer, and
turned her torn dress into a beautiful silvery-blue dress with comfortable glass
sandals. Cinderella leaves for the ball after the Fairy Godmother warns her that her
spell will end at midnight. With his work done, he disappeared into thin air.

Setting time: The story takes place a long time ago in a land ruled by a king and queen
Place settings:
Cinderella's house: kitchen
In the kitchen where Cinderella was sitting all by herself
The prince palace: Ballroom
When Cinderella entered the ballroom at the palace and dancing with the prince

The theme is love, kindness, and also magic.

In Cinderella's fairy tale, the issue of feminism is seen as Cinderella who only works
in the kitchen and does housework and does not do other activities, as well as the
enthusiasm of young girls who want to be chosen as the wife of a prince to get the
throne who in the end is only a wife who does not do meaningful work. These two
examples are evidence of why feminist activists are so hot and criticized for this
"Cinderella" fairy tale.

Feminism is a movement that aims to liberate women from the bonds of patriarchy.
Patriarchy is the domination of men over women. Cinderella was released in 1950 and
is based on the fairy tale of the same name by Charles Perrault. Cinderella is set in
France, and based on the style of the clothes, many have concluded that it takes place
in the mid-to-late 1800s, as the characters don't offer any clear clues as to when the
story is set. Cinderella is an orphan girl. Who lives with his evil stepmother and sister.
Cinderella was tortured by them, but Cinderella remained kind. Cinderella had
another pair of shoes that fit her feet and she eventually became a princess and
married a prince. The message that can be taken is that patience will pay off sweetly
after the bad things that have happened.

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