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Jl. Burangrang I Blok C no.31 Perumnas II Bekasi

Kel. Kayuringin Jaya Kec. Bekasi Selatan

Kota Bekasi, 10702.

Latar Belakang

Sehubungan dengan rencana kerjasama sistem pelayanan Aplikasi kesehatan perusahaan

yang bapak/ibu pimpin, dengan kami selaku penyedia perangkat kesehatan Apotek Desy.
Kami ingin mengajukan penawaran pilihan kerjasa sama pada bidang obatan sesuai
dengan perusahaan yang bapak/ ibu kelola.

Services offered

Our products/services have been carefully designed by our workforce, with the customers
comfort in mind. The most demanded product/service of our business is [Name of
product/service]. As this product/service used on a regular basis, therefore it is our duty to
ensure that our customers remain satisfied.

Similarly, we have a [Name of product/service] that has been designed to allow the
customer to carry it around with them. This gives them easy access to the product/service
everywhere, at any time of the day. Furthermore, we have a variety of other
products/services that have been designed to help our customers in their time of need.

Visi Dan Misi

1. Visi
Menjadi apotek yang menerapkan pelayanan kefarmasian yang bermutu, berkualitas
dan terpercaya serta menguntungkan bagi konsumen dan karyawan.
2. Misi
Misi dari apotek Desy antara lain:
 Menjamin ketersediaan obat, alat keehatan dan perbekalan kefarmasian lainnya
yang bermutu dan berkualitas.
 Menyediakan pemeriksaan penunjang untuk penyakit-penyakit tertentu (seperti cek
tekanan darah,asam urat, kolesterol, dan gula darah).
 Melaksanakan pelayanan kefarmasian yang tepat, cepat, ramat, informative, dengan
menerapkan konsep Pharmaceutical Care secara professional.
 Meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan taraf hidup seluruh karyawan dan pemilik modal.


Komitmen apotek desy dalam pelayanan adalah:

1. Menjamin ketersediaan obat, dan apabila kosong apotek akan mencarikan obat sejenis
tanpa mengenakan biaya tambahan kepada customer.
2. Memberikan obat-obatan kepada customer berdasarkan resep obat yang diterima
dengan tetap berpedoman kepada Formularium Nasional.
3. Membuat dan menyampaikan kepada perusahaan laporan bulanan atas pesenan yang
4. Mengikuti proses evaluasi dan penilaian yang dilakukan secara berkala oleh
5. Memberitahukan secara tertulis kepada perusahaan dalam hal terjadi perubahan tempat
Pratik dan berhenti praktik.

Distinguishable Qualities

The products/services provided by us, have been thoroughly planned according to the
market audience. Through this planning, we are able to make ourselves more accessible to
a wider range of customers. Compared to other similar organizations, we are manufacturing
our products/providing services on a larger scale. This is because we would like to offer our
products/services to all kinds of groups present in the market. In addition, our
products/services are created for all genders to use.


We guarantee our partner with the following benefits:

 Half of the market share

 50% of the business profits acquired
 Experience of the joint venture

Our organization is drawn by the operations system of Company B, therefore Company A

would like to work with them.

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