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Contoh Pembukaan Pidato Dalam Bahasa

Inggris 2

The first of all, let us convey our gratitude and praise to God, because he has gave us health,
opportunity, and happiness so that we feel very happy and healthy today. Without mercy, it is quite
impossible for us to enjoy our life and come to this forum today. Then, let us greet and pray to our
beloved prophet Muhammad S.AW who brings us to the path of light and leave the darkness in this

Now, please allow me to stand in this forum to give a speech as representative of my friends to say
a few words in this forum….

(Connect to the point of the topic/theme….)

Arti Contoh Pembukaan Pidato Dalam Bahasa

Inggris 2

Pertama-tama, marilah kita panjatkan puja dan piji syukur kita kepada Allah SWT, karena telah
memberi kesehatan, kesempatan, dan kebahagiaan kepada kita sehingga kita merasa sangat
bahagia dan sehat pada hari ini. Tanpa izin-Nya, sangat mustahil bagi kita untuk menikmati hidup
kita dan datang ke forum pada hari ini. Lalu, marilah kita sanjungkan sholawat dan salam kita
kepada Nabi kita tercinta Muhammad S.AW yang membawa kita ke jalan yang terang menderang
dan meninggalkan kegelapan dalam hidup ini.

Sekarang, izinkan saya berdiri di forum ini untuk memberikan sebuah pidato sebagai perwakilan dari
teman-teman saya untuk menyampaikan sepatah dua patah kata di forum ini…

(Hubungkan ke poin dari topik/tema….)

Contoh Pembukaan Pidato Dalam Bahasa

Inggris 2

The first of all, let us convey our gratitude and praise to God, because he has gave us health,
opportunity, and happiness so that we feel very happy and healthy today. Without mercy, it is quite
impossible for us to enjoy our life and come to this forum today. Then, let us greet and pray to our
beloved prophet Muhammad S.AW who brings us to the path of light and leave the darkness in this
Now, please allow me to stand in this forum to give a speech as representative of my friends to say
a few words in this forum….

(Connect to the point of the topic/theme….)

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