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Merupakan bentuk kerja dalam bahasa Inggris untuk menunjukkan waktu

(sekarang, masa depan, atau masa lalu) dari terjadinya suatu peristiwa.

Dari segi waktu, dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok:

1. Present Tense
2. Past Tense
3. Future Tense

1. Present Tense
Present adalah kata kerja yang menunjukkan keadaan maupun
kejadian yang terjadi saat ini.

Present Tense memiliki 3 fungsi utama :

- Happen in the present (terjadi di masa sekarang)
- Habitual Action (Kebiasaan)
- General Truth (Fakta)

Positif (+) :S + V1(s/es) +O/C

Negatif (—) :S +Do/Does + V1 + O/C
Introgative (? ):Do/Does+S+V1+0/C+?

Contoh Present Tense

(+) She opens the door
(—) She does not open the door
(? ) Does she open the door?

2. Past Tense
Past Tense adalah kata kerja yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan
suatu pekerjaan atau tindakan yang telah berlalu atau terjadi di
masa lampau. Oleh karena itu kalimat Past harus diikuti dengan
keterangan kata lampau. Bisa yang telah terjadi kemarin, setahun
yang lalu, sebulan yang lalu.

Rumus Past Tense

Positif (+) :S +V2+0/C
Negatif (—) :S +Did + Not+V1+0/C
Introgative (? ):Did +$+V2+0/C+?

Contoh Past Tense Artinya

(+) He swam in the river yesterday
(—) He did not swim in the river yesteday
(?) Did he swim in the iver yesterday

3. Future Tense
Future Tense adalah kata kerja yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan
suatu kejadian atau tindakan yang akan dilakukan atau dikerjakan
dimasa depan.

Rumus Future Tense

Positif (+) :S +Will+V1+0/C
Negatif (—) :S + Will+ Not+V1+0/C
Introgative (? ): Will +$+V1+0O/C+?

Contoh Future Tense

(+) We will go to Museum tomorrow
(—) We will not go Museum tomorrow
(? ) Will we go to Museum tomorrow
Soal Simple Present Tense dan Past Tense

1. Ara ___ with her dolls in her room.

A. Plays
B. Play
C. Playing
D. Is played

2. Sienna ___ to the school.

A. Run
B. Runs
C. Running
D. Is run

3. Fitri ___ meatball yesterday.

A. Eat
B. Was eat
C. Ate
D. Eated

4. Dio ___ World Cup yesterday.

A. Watches
B. Watch
C. Is watch
D. Watched

5. Tara ___ Nina's name.

A. Call
B. Calling
C. Is call
D. Calls

6. I ___ my sister flower.

A. Buys
B. Buy
C. Is bought
D. Am buy

7. Lina ___ her mother yesterday.

A. Surprised
B. Surprises
C. Surprise
D. Is surprise

8. Isna and Nita ___ homework together.

A. Does
B. Do
C. Is doing
D. Are do

9. Nina ___ to school two days ago.

A. Walks
B. Walked
C. Walking
D. Is walk

10. We ___ to a podcast.

A. Are listen
B. Are listened
C. Listen
D. Is listened

11. My phone ___ broken.

A. Is
B. Are
C. Am
D. Had

12. My dog ___ sick a week ago. - Berikut ini adalah contoh soal grammar Bahasa Inggris

mengenai simple present tense dan simple past tense yang bisa
dikerjakan untuk persiapan ujian PAS Bahasa Inggris.

Simple present dan simple past tense adalah tenses Bahasa

Inggris dasar yang wajib dipahami sejak tingkat dasar hingga

Rumus umum simple present tense adalah: Subjek + verb 1 +

keterangan atau Subjek + to be (is/ am/ are) + keterangan.
Sedangkan rumus umum simple past tense adalah: Subjek + verb 2
+ keterangan atau Subjek + to be (was/ were) + keterangan.

Untuk meningkatkan pemahaman teman-teman, kita kerjakan soal

di bawah ini, yuk!

Oia, jangan lupa untuk berdiskusi dengan guru dan kawan yang
lain, ya!

Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense dan Past Tense

1. Ara ___ with her dolls in her room.

A. Plays
B. Play
C. Playing
D. Is played

2. Sienna ___ to the school.

A. Run
B. Runs
C. Running
D. Is run

Baca Juga: 30 Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Simple Future Tense

dalam Bahasa Inggris

3. Fitri ___ meatball yesterday.

A. Eat
B. Was eat
C. Ate
D. Eated

4. Dio ___ World Cup yesterday.

A. Watches
B. Watch
C. Is watch
D. Watched

5. Tara ___ Nina's name.

A. Call
B. Calling
C. Is call
D. Calls

6. I ___ my sister flower.

A. Buys
B. Buy
C. Is bought
D. Am buy

7. Lina ___ her mother yesterday.

A. Surprised
B. Surprises
C. Surprise
D. Is surprise

8. Isna and Nita ___ homework together.

Baca Juga: 30 Contoh Kalimat Past Future Continuous Tense:
Positif, Negatif, Tanya

A. Does
B. Do
C. Is doing
D. Are do

9. Nina ___ to school two days ago.

A. Walks
B. Walked
C. Walking
D. Is walk

10. We ___ to a podcast.

A. Are listen
B. Are listened
C. Listen
D. Is listened

11. My phone ___ broken.

A. Is
B. Are
C. Am
D. Had

12. My dog ___ sick a week ago.

A. Were
B. Was
C. Is
D. Are

13. Mother ___ spagetti for dinner last night

A. Cooks
B. Cook
C. Cooked
D. Is cooking
14. Anna ___ very sad last night.

A. Was
B. Were
C. Is
D. Had

15. Lucas and me ___ to the cinema on the last weekend.

A. Go
B. Goes
C. Went
D. Gone

16. I __ sleeping last night.

A. Were
B. Was
C. Am
D. Is
17. Where ___ we? Let's continue the presentation!

A. Were
B. Was
C. Am
D. Is

18. ___ he call you last night?

A. Do
B. Does
C. Did
D. Has

19. ___ we going to the beach right now?

A. Were
B. Are
C. Is
D. Had

20. ___ I do that? Sorry, my bad.

A. Do
B. Am
C. Did
D. Is

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