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(Pre-Experimental Study at the Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 1
Sungguminasa, Gowa)


Submit to the Faculty of Teacher Training of Education Muhammadiyah

University of Makassasr in partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the
Degree of Education English Department



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Saya yang bertanda di bawah ini:

Nama : Satriani Sappe

Nim : 10535 6046 14

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : The Use of Animation Video to Improve Students Speaking Skill

(Pre-Experimental Study at The Seventh Grade Students of SMP

Negeri 1 Sungguminasa Gowa)

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Makassar, 2020
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Satriani Sappe

Jl. Sultan Alauddin No.259. Telp.(0411)-860 132 Makassar 90221

Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:
Nama : Satriani Sappe

Nim : 10535 6046 14

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : The Use of Animation Video to Improve Students Speaking Skill

(Pre-Experimental Study at The Seventh Grade Students of SMP

Negeri 1 Sungguminasa Gowa)

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Makassar, 2020
Yang membuat pernyataan

Satriani Sappe


“Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they
change it themselves (with their own souls).”

(QS Ar-Ra’d:11)

“Whoever is taking seriously, he will be successful”

I dedicated this thesis to:

 My beloved father & mother (Sappe &

 My brothers & sister (Sapri, Resna,
Jain, Syabir and Andhy),
 My beloved husband (Muhammad
 And all of my friends.


Satriani Sappe. 2020. The Use of Animation Video to Improve the Students
Speaking Ability (A Pre-Experimental Research at the Seventh grade Students of
SMPN 1 Sungguminasa, Gowa). A thesis guided by Syamsiarna Nappu and Amar

The objective of this research is whether or not the use of animation video
improve the students speaking skill in term of pronunciation and vocabulary at the
seventh grade of SMP Negeri 1 Sungguminasa Gowa.”

This research used pre-experimental method with pre-test and post-test

design. The population of the research was the seventh grade students of SMP
Negeri 1 Sungguminasa. Which were purposively choosen. The number of the
sample was 20 students. The research variables were teaching Speaking skill
through Animation Video as independent variable and students‟ Speaking Skill in
term of pronunciation and vocabulary as dependent variable.

The result of the data analysis shows that the mean score of the students in
pronunciation is proved by post-test 77.2 was higher than the mean score of the
students in pre-test 59.9. Mean score of the students vocabulary is proved by pre
test 61.25 and post test 77.95, and the hypothesis t-test value was 4.09. It meant
that H1 was accepted. and t-table 2.09. Based on the findings that there was
significate difference between the result of pre-test and post-test. In other words,
using Animation Video was very good in enhancing the students' Speaking Skill
especially in pronunciation and vocabulary.

Keywords: Animation video, Speaking skill, Pronunciation, Vocabulary.


Satriani Sappe. 2020. Penggunaan Video Animasi untuk Meningkatkan

Keterempilan Berbicara Siswa (Penelitian Pra-Eksperimental di Kelas Tujuh
SMP Negeri 1 Sungguminasa Gowa). Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar
(dipandu oleh Syamsiarna Nappu andAmar Ma‟ruf).

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan keterampilan

berbicara siswa setelah diajarkan melalui video animasi di kelas tujuh SMP
Negeri 1 Sungguminasa Gowa. Peneliti menerapkan metode pra-eksperimen
dengan satu kelompok pretest posttest design, dan data dikumpulkan dengan
memberikan pretest, treatment dan posttest. Sampel penelitian adalah Kelas VII
SMP Negeri 1 Sungguminasa Gowa yang terdiri dari 20 siswa.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Populasi

penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Sungguminasa Gowa pada
tahun akademik 2018/2019. Peneliti menggunakan teknik purposive sampling
untuk memilih sampel penelitian. Teknik yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data
adalah pertama, mengumpulkan data dari pre-test, kedua dari post-test, dan
terakhir menarik kesimpulan berdasarkan data yang didapatkan.

Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa skor rata-rata siswa dalam

pengucapan adalah 59.9 untuk pre-test dan 77.2 untuk post-test. Skor rata-rata
untuk kosa kata adalah 61.25 untuk pre-test dan 77.95 untuk post-test. Dan skor
tes signifikan 4.09 ini berarti bahwa setelah perawatan dengan menggunakan
animasi video menunjukkan hasil positif yang signifikan dalam pengajaran

Kata kunci: animasi video, keterampilan berbicara, pengucapan, kosa kata


The thanks for Allah SWT. the beneficent and the merciful. Praise to the

Allah, the Lord of the universe. By the whole modest heart, the researcher would

like to express the thankfulness to Allah SWT who has given the healthy and

safety, so that the Thesis which is entitled: “The Use of Animation Video to

Improve the Students Speaking Skill (A Pre-Experimental Study at the Seventh

Grade Students of SMPN 1 Sungguminasa, Gowa)” has been finished. Peace be

upon the Prophet Muhammad saw, the glorious teacher of teachers who came in

the time of despair to save human kind from the Jahiliyah era to the Islamic era.

This thesis was written as a partial to fulfillment of the requirement for the

undergraduate program degree for Faculty of Training Teacher and Education in

English Department of Makassar Muhammadiyah University.

In completing this thesis the researcher has encountered some difficulties,

especially in collecting and analyzing data. The researcher also realizing that

without much help from numerous people, this thesis would have not been

completed as it is. In this opportunity, the researcher would like to express the

sincere gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Rahman Rahim, SE. MM. as the Rector of Makassar

Muhammadiyah University (UNISMUH).

2. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D. as the Dean of Faculty of Training Teacher and

Education Makassar Muhammadiyah University

3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the Head of English Education

Department of Makassar Muhammadiyah University

4. Dr. Syamsiarna Nappu, M.Pd. as the first consultant and the second

consultant Amar Ma‟ruf, S.Pd., M.Hum., Ph.D. Who gave the researcher

guidance, correction and overall support since the preliminary stage of

manuscript until the complection of this thesis.

5. Baharu, S.Pd. as the headmaster of SMP Negeri 1 Sungguminasa.

6. Hj. Nasrah Ridwan, S.Pd. as the tutor and English Teacher in SMP Negeri

1 Makassar.

7. The researcher parents, Sappe (father) and Ica (mother) and who always

ready to give sacrifice, moral and financial and pray for the researcher

success. Who always give attention to their children and their strong

motivation both material and spiritual until the completing of this thesis.

8. The researcher husband, Muhammad Arsyad S.Pd who always give

support, understanding, love and pray for never give up to finish this


9. The researcher brother and sister for their patient, motivation and support

during the researcher.

10. The researcher friends, Sri Hastiani, Umi Masroh, Siskayani who have

given much contribution and mental support during the writing of this

thesis and thanks for the laughter, tears, stories, understanding, and for all

the moments.

11. The Atmosphere of Gorgeous Class without exception, thanks for all our

togetherness during this time, and all of the students in seventh grade of

SMP Negeri 1 Sungguminasa.

The researcher realizes that this thesis is still the simplest ones remaining

errors are the research‟s own; therefore, constructive criticism and suggestion will

be highly appreciated.

Finally, willingly the researcher prays may all our efforts be blessed Allah

SWT. Amin.

Makassar, February 2020

The Researcher,



LEGALIZATION SHEET ............................................................................. ii
APPROVAL SHEET ...................................................................................... iii
COUNSELING SHEET ................................................................................. iv
LETTER OF ENGAGEMENT ..................................................................... vi
LETTER OF AUTHENTICITY ................................................................... vii
MOTTO AND DEDICATION ...................................................................... viii
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... xi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ x
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................. xiii
LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................... xv
LIST IF FIGURE ........................................................................................... xvi
LIST OF APPENDICES .............................................................................. xvii
LIST OF LETTERS ..................................................................................... xviii
Chapter I Introduction
A. Background ...............................................................................1
B. Problem Statement .....................................................................4
C. Objective of the Research .........................................................5
D. Significant of the Research ........................................................5
E. Scope of the Research ................................................................6
Chapter II Literature of Related Review
A. Previous of Related Findings ............................................... 7
B. Some Pertinent Ideas ............................................................ 8
1. Speaking ......................................................................... 8
a. Definition of Speaking .............................................. 8
b. The Elements of Speaking ....................................... 10
c. Teaching Speaking ................................................... 13
2. Animation Video ............................................................ 14
a. Definition of Animation Video ................................ 14
b. The advantages of using Animation Video .............. 14
c. The Disadvantages of Using Animation Video ........ 14
d. Techniques of Using Video ....................................... 15
C. Conceptual Framework ........................................................... 17
D. Hypothesis ............................................................................ 18
Chapter III Research Method
A. Research Design ................................................................... 19
B. Variables .............................................................................. 20

1. Variable ......................................................................... 20
2. Indicators ........................................................................ 20
C. Population and Sample ......................................................... 21
1. Population ....................................................................... 21
2. Sample ............................................................................ 21
D. Instrument of the Research ................................................... 21
E. Research Procedure ............................................................. 22
1. Pre-Test .......................................................................... 22
2. Treatment ....................................................................... 22
3. Post-Test ......................................................................... 23
F. Technique of Collecting Data ............................................. 24
Chapter IV Findings And Discussion
A. Findings .............................................................................. 26
1. The Students‟ Speaking Accuracy by Using Animation
Video ............................................................................ 26
2. The Improvement Students‟ Pronunciation and Vocabulary
in Speaking Skill .......................................................... 27
3. Hypothesis Testing ....................................................... 29
B. Discussion .......................................................................... 30
Chapter V Conclusion and Suggestion
A. Conclusion .......................................................................... 34
B. Suggestion ........................................................................... 35

BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................... 36
APPENDICES ................................................................................................. 39
CURRICULUM VITAE .........................................................................................


Table 3.1. The Research Design .............................................................................. 18

Table 3.2. Table of Speaking ................................................................................... 23

Table 4.1. The Improvement of Students Vocabulary in Speaking Skill ........... 27

Table 4.4. The T-test of the Students Improvement............................................ 28


Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework ..................................................................... 29


APPENDIX I The Students‟ Total Score in Pre-test ............................................ 40

APPENDIX II The Students‟ Total Score in Post-test .......................................... 40

APPENDIX III The Students‟ Rating Score in Pre-test and Post-test .................... 43

APPENDIX IV Data Analysis of The Students‟ Score ....................................... 45

APPENDIX V The Distribution of T-Table............................................................... 46

APPENDIX VI Attendance List of VII A SMP Negeri 1 Sungguminasa Gowa .. 47

APPENDIX VII Lesson Plan .................................................................................... 49

APPENDIX VIII Documentation .............................................................................. 98


Surat Pernyataan .......................................................................................................... v

Surat perjanjian ............................................................................................................ vi

Surat Pengajuan Judul ......................................................................................................

Surat Persetujuan Pembimbing .......................................................................................

Surat Pengantar LP3M .....................................................................................................

Surat Permohonan Meneliti .............................................................................................

Surat Izin Meneliti ............................................................................................................

Surat Persetujuan Meneliti ..............................................................................................

Kartu Kontrol Meneliti ....................................................................................................

Surat Keterangan Selesai Meneliti .................................................................................

Berita Acara Ujian Proposal ............................................................................................

Kontrol Perbaikan Proposal ............................................................................................



A. Background

Language is an important thing which used as a tool of communication to

communicate each other. Language takes an important role in our daily activities.

It can be said that language and human beings cannot be separated because

whoever, whenever and wherever they are, language always accompanies them. In

society, languages have many functions to the society include the followings

expression of thoughts, politic, education, administration, religions, and so on.

There are many languages in the world. English is one of the languages

most people used. English is used to make explanation, analyzing situation or

discussing something. The fact shows us the importance of English. Therefore,

English as a language in international communication is clearly needed by many

students to deliver their thought and interact in a variety of situation. In English

lesson, there are four skills should be mastered, they are listening, speaking,

reading and writing.

Speaking is one of the important skills that should be mastered by the

students besides three other skills, listening, reading, and writing, in learning a

language. Speaking is quite different from other language skills, because speaking

requires the ability to perform in public. Through speaking people could express

and deliver feeling and ideas directly. If the right speaking activities are taught in


the classroom, speaking can raise general learners' motivation and make the

English language classroom a fun and dynamic place to be (Nunan,1992).

Speaking is like the first assessment for each learner who is studying

English and each learner has to speak. This statement means an obligation, duty,

task, fact, implementation, process, and it can be learning, although the researcher

still find some students are speaking little or even passive in the classroom, and it

can be caused of many things include the students, the class situation,

Environment, teaching method, technique, approach or even from the teachers

who cannot deliver their material successfully.

Teaching students to master in English speaking ability especially in

vocabulary and pronunciation needs a lot of things including the teachers„

learning strategies in the class, learning methodologies, and so on. But, there are

many teachers often faced problems when guiding the students in mastering

English especially speaking.

There are several language components that should be mastered to

improve speaking skill, one of them is pronunciation. When the students speak,

they should focus on pronunciation. Because pronunciations is one of the

important aspects on speaking. Second is vocabulary, students can speak English

well when students have many vocabularies.

Furthermore, the teachers got difficulties to solve those problems. For

instance, the teachers of English Subject at SMP Negeri 1 Sungguminasa have

many problems in teaching English especially in speaking. Based on the


preliminary research observation, the researcher occasionally found 3 problem

areas as follows:

First, the students are not confident to speak in front of the class and

difficult to deliver their ideas. The cause is the students still poor of vocabulary.

So, the students feel confused to express the ideas on their mind even not active

enough on their speaking class. Second, the students„ pronunciation uncorrect.

There are some students still difficult to read the text well. Third, the students feel

bored to study English in the classroom. This method only emphasized the

students to keep silent in the class and giving the students task on module without

explanation, as a result it was hard for the students to begin speak. Finally, the

students cannot improve their ideas and imagination.

Grounded from the facts above, the researcher learned that it is important

for the teachers to improve their students speaking ability by applies some good

strategies. One of the good strategies is by used cartoon movie as a media.

Cartoon movie is one of the media that can be used in teaching speaking.

According to Canning and Wilson (2000), cartoon movie can stimulate and

motivate students‟ interest. They could attract students‟ attention since they

provide two styles of learning which are audio and visual. This media could help

the students interpret the message spoken by watching visual performance of the

speakers, and listening to the speaker‟s voices.

Therefore, the students can adjust the spoken language to the pictures that

are animated. It will make them easy to catch and remember the spoken language.


In line with this, Lonergan (1985) explains that using cartoon movie in language

teaching have some advantages in the classroom, in which the students can

increase their vocabulary and pronunciation. The other advantage of using the

cartoon movie is that visual images stimulate students‟ perceptions directly, while

written words can do this indirectly. Cartoon movie provides more sensory

experience than reading besides verbal language, there is also color, movement,

and sound.

There are two researchers investigate about animation video as a strategy

in teaching English (Kurniati, 2016 and Yulianti, 2017). However, they only

focus on the implementation and the effectiveness of animation video to improve

students vocabulary mastery. Therefore, the researcher conducts this study to find

out the improvement of the animation video in teaching speaking ability

especially vocabulary and pronunciation.

Based on the short explanation above, the researcher is interested to

formulate the research title “The Use of Animation Video to Improve Students
Speaking ability‟‟.

B. Problem of the Research

Based on the background, the researcher formulates the problem statements of

the research as follows:

“Does the use of animation video improve the students speaking skill in term

of pronunciation and vocabulary at the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 1

Sungguminasa Gowa?”


C. Objective of the Research

Based on the problem statements above, the aims of the research is to find out

Whether or not:

“The use of animation video improve the students speaking skill in term of
pronunciation and vocabulary at the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 1
Sungguminasa Gowa.”

D. Significance of the Research

The researcher hoped this study can give some positive contributions in

teaching speaking skill. The output of this research was highly expected to

carry out some significance of teaching and learning English such as

theoretical significance and practical significance. In the theoretical

significance, this research was enrich the study on teaching speaking especially

use animation video. The result of the research can be a useful input in

teaching speaking skill in terms of pronunciation and vocabulary.

On the other hand, there were many practical significances of the research

It helps the teacher increase the students speaking comprehension and help the

students in increasing their speaking skill. The teacher can adopt the technique

to be implemented in their speaking class. The students can expect to have

more attentions and interest to learning speaking because the students have an

interesting way in learning and the students have a chance to practice their

English skill.


E. Scope of the Research

In this study, it is important to make the scope to obtain relevant data. This

study is restricted to use of animation video in improve students speaking skill in

terms of pronunciation and vocabulary.



A. Previous Related Research Findings

There are some previous researches that related to this research. The

researcher takes some previous research to be compared with this research. The

first study conducted by Farizawati (2017). In her research aimed to find that if

the application of animation video will give better result on students‟ speaking

skill. And the result showed that animation video as media helpful teaching and

learning process and made the students motivated and actively involved in

speaking activity.

The second study conducted by Sari (2014) showed that using videos in

the teaching and learning of speaking was proved to improve the students‟

speaking skills in five aspects: vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, fluency, and

comprehension. The students were more enthusiastic in learning speaking. They

could actively involve in the speaking learning process. Moreover, the students

were more confident and fluent in speaking practices.

The last study conducted by Amalia (2012) in her research aimed to know

providing required information about the advantages of animation videos and how

to use them in the teaching and learning English activity. Animation videos can

help the students more understand because they present visual context aids that

assist the students comprehend and improve their learning skills.

Based on the reviews of previous research above, the researcher concludes

that the use of animation video useful in fact on learning speaking ability.


Animation video was proved to improve the students‟ speaking skills in students

vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. As we know that from the some

findings above there are a significant improve to the students speaking ability.

Moreover, by using animation video this strategy can make the students more

enthusiastic and enjoy the learning process.

Based on the definition above, the similarities of the research with

previous findings is this research equally aim to whether the use of English

animation video can improve the students speaking ability. While the difference is

in the research that the researcher investigated more focus on the vocabulary and

pronunciation of students by using media animation video that are different from

previous related research. And the material will be presented is expresing feelings.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Speaking

a) Definition of Speaking

Speaking is one of language skill which is very important to be

mastered by students in order to be a good communicator. Speaking is

the verbal use of language to communicate with others Fulcher (2003).

Speech is about making choices. Students must choose how to interact in

expressing themselves and forming social relationship through speech.

Speaking is defined as a way to express or communicate opinions,

feelings, ideas, etc., by or as talking and it involves the activities in the

part of the speaker as psychological, physiological (articulator) and


physical (acoustic) stage Hornby (1998). It a tool of communication that

involves activities such as the speaker expresses his/her opinions,

feelings, or ideas.

In addition, Chaney and Burk (1998) explain that speaking is the

process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and

nonverbal symbols, in a variety of contexts. Speaking is further defined

as an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves

producing, receiving and processing information. Its form and meaning

are dependent on the context in which it occurs, the participants, and the

purposes of speaking Burns and Joyce (1997).

Speaking is defined operationally in this study as the secondary

stage of students' ability to express orally, coherently, fluently and

appropriately in a given meaningful context to serve both transactional

and interactional purposed using correct pronunciation, grammar and

vocabulary and adopting the pragmatic and discourse rules of the spoken


b) The Elements of Speaking

Harmer (2003) states that the ability to speak English presupposes

the elements necessary for spoken production as follows:

1) Language features; The elements necessary for spoken production, are

the following:


a. Connected speech: in connected speech sounds are modified

(assimilation), omitted (elision), added (linking r), or weakened (through

contractions and stress patterning). It is for this reason that we should

involve students in activities designed specifically to improve their

connected speech

b. Expressive devices: native speakers of English change the pitch and

stress of particular parts of utterances, vary volume and speed, and show

by other physical and non-verbal (paralinguistic) means how they are

feeling (especially in face to face interaction). The use of these devices

contributes to the ability to convey meanings.

c. Lexis and grammar: teachers should therefore supply a variety of

phrases for different functions such as agreeing or disagreeing,

expressing surprise, shock, or approval.

d. Negotiation language: effective speaking benefits from the negotiators

language we use to seek clarification and show the structure of what we

are saying. We often need to ask for clarification when we are listening

to someone else talks and it is very crucial for students.

2) Mental / social processing

Success of speaker‟s productivity is also dependent upon the rapid

processing skills that talking necessitates such as:


a. Language processing: Language processing involves the retrieval of

words and their assembly into syntactically and propositionally

appropriate sequence.

b. Interacting with others: effective speaking also involves a good deal of

listening, an understanding of how the other participants are feeling, and

knowledge of how linguistically to take turns or allow others to do so.

c. (On the spot) information processing: quite apart from our response to

other‟s feelings, we also need to be able to process the information they

tell us the moment we get it. The term speaking will be used to refer to a

skill related tolanguage teaching and learning by Liao (2009) there are

some elements of speaking skill.

a. Accuracy

Recognizably, accuracy is one of the most important criteria to

measure one‟s linguistic ability and to shelter language users from

communication break downs. According to Richards in Ayu (2007),

accuracy concerns “the ability to produce grammatically correct

sentence.” In other words, accuracy in language means grammatical

accuracy only. Nevertheless, in Thornbury in Ayu (2000), the

termsaccuracy seems to cover more than that. Specifically, speaking

English accurately means doing without or with few errors on not only

grammar but vocabulary and pronunciation, as well. He also set the clear

scale for assessment of accuracy.


b. Grammar

Students use correct words order, tenses, tense agreement, etc.

Students do not leave out articles, prepositions, or difficult tenses.

c. Vocabulary

Students have a range of vocabulary that corresponds to the

syllabus year list and uses words you have taught.

d. Pronunciation

Students speak and most people understand. Even broader than

that, Liao (2009) defined accuracy as “the ability to use correct forms in

which utterances do not contain errors affecting phonological, syntactic,

semantic and discourse features of the language.”

e. Fluency

Fluency is also used as a criterion to measure one‟s speaking

competence. Speaking fluently means being able to communicate one‟s

ideas without having to stop and think too much about what one is saying.

c) Teaching Speaking
Teaching speaking is started at teaching the students how to speak

in English as their foreign language, for then ask the students to be able

to pronunce the new language accurately. It is continued then to guide

students to a point where they can begin to judge whether their sound

productions are correct or not. At this point, teacher is no longer

primarily to correct, but he or she is suposed to encourage students to

practice speaking the target language. Meanwhile, teacher should be able


to encourage students speaking some sounds, repeating, and imitating the

students. Finally, the students are required to bee used to practice and do

oral language.

According Nunan (2013) teaching speaking sometimes considered

a simple process. Although speaking is totally natural, speaking in

language in other than our own is anything but simple, It means even

though speaking is natural, the teacher are suggested to simplify the way

they teach speaking, because it is not our native language.

Taught speaking by having students repeat sentences and recite

memorized textbooks dialoguesit was done by people for many years. And

also teaching speaking involved providing students with components of

language, hoping that they would eventually put them all together and

speak. So the students might spend several times repeating after the

teacher, studying grammar rules, reciting dialogues, and learning


2. Animation Videos

a) Definition of Animation Video

There are several definitions concerning animation videos.

Animations are a form of dynamic representation that display processes that

change over time by Ainsworth (2008). According to Heinich, Molenda, &

Russell (1982) animation is a technique in which the film maker gives

motion to otherwise inanimate objects. Video is becoming a more and more


popular tool in teaching English. Movies, videos, and cartoons can be used

in listening activities in the EFL classroom.

b) The Advantages of Using Animation Videos

The main advantage of using animation videos is that animations

can help learners come to understand complex ideas more easily Ainsworth

(2008). Moreover, Oddone (2011) states that the advantages of using videos

in the language classroom are: 1). they provide instances of authentic

language and can be fully exploited with the teacher‟s control. (2). Videos

give access to things, places, people‟s behavior and events. (3). Authentic

material usually proves to be particularly motivating as people find it

interesting to understand “real things”.

c) The Disadvantages of Using Animation Videos

On the contrary to the advantages mentioned above, Arsyad (2011)

also stated some disadvantages of using video:

1. Particularly, using film and video need much time and money.

2. When the film is being shown, the pictures are moving continuously that

make some students cannot get the information from the film.

3. Film and video sometimes do not meet the need of the learning goal,

unless the film and video are designed and produced specifically for certain


From the explanation above, it can be concluded that using

animation video in the language classroom has some advantages and


disadvantages too. It depends on how the teacher uses it as the media in

teaching. When the video is used appropriately, by choosing the suitable

ones and use them at the right time and the right place, the video can give

some contributions or advantages to the language learning.

d) Techniques in Using Video

According to Cakir (2006) there are some practical techniques for video

implication in the classroom:

a. Active viewing

In active viewing activity, the teacher shows the video and let the

students watch it from the beginning to the end. This activity helps the

teacher know how far the students‟ understanding of the video shown.

b. Freeze framing and prediction

Freeze framing and prediction activity, while the video is being played,

the teacher stops the video which showing the pictures of characters‟

body language, facial expression, emotions, reactions, and responses.

This activity helps the students understand about what expression should

be shown when we say something in English especially.

c. Silent viewing

Silent viewing, the video is played with the sound off and let the students

guess what are the characters are talking about. This activity needs the

students to remember the dialogues in the video.


d. Sound on and vision off activity

The sound on and vision off activity, the students only can hear the

dialogue but unable to see the action. This activity helps the students to

improve their listening skill.

e. Repetition and role play

Repetition and role play activity, a scene on video is replayed with

certain pauses. When the students have understood the presentation, they

are asked to act out the scene as much as they remember.

f. Reproduction activity

Reproduction activity, the students are showed a section in the video and

are asked to retell what is happening. This activity can improve the

students‟ speaking skill.

g. Dubbing activity

In dubbing activity, the students are asked to fill in the missing dialogues

orally when the video is being played with the sound off

h. Follow-up activity

Follow-up activity, the teacher make a discussion with the students about

the content of the video in order the students understand what is the video

about. By applying those techniques, will help the teachers enable to

teach English by using animation videos easily.


C. Conceptual Framework

The framework of this research can be illustrated as follows:

Speaking Skill

Using Animation Video

Students‟ Achievement

Pronunciation and Vocabulary

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework above describes the research which conducted

by the researcher. This research is quantitative research which describe about the

use of animation video to Improve Students Speaking Skill. There are some

techniques to teaching English as a foreign Language, one of them is animation

video as a technique. Animation video is media which uses projector so that

motion pictures can be shown on screen where it combines two part of body such

as eyes and ears.

In this study the researcher was be using pre-test, treatment, and post-test

to test students' speaking that animation video can enhance their pronunciation

and vocabulary. In the pre-test the researcher ask the students use expressing

feelings and ask the students to answer the question of spring from their


performances to find out the students‟ basic speaking skill. And post-test

distributes to find out the students progress. In this post-test the students make a

dialogue/conversations with their partners by using expressions of feelings that

students feel when something happens in their daily lives for 2 minutes/person.

D. Hyphothesis

a) Null hypothesis (H0) the use of animation video does not improve the

students speaking skill.

b) Alternative hypothesis (H1) the use of animation improves the students

speaking skill.



A. Research Design

In this research the researcher applied pre experimental design to improve

the students speaking ability through animation video as technique in the

classroom the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Sungguminasa Gowa.

The procedure of the treatment between the pre-test (01) and the post test

(02). The pre-test given to find out the students‟ speaking ability before the

treatment, and the post-test given to find out the students speaking skill after

treatment. The design below involved one group pre-test and post-test, the

research design is described as follows:

Table 3.1 : The Research Design

Pre-test Treatment Post-test

01 X 02
01 : Pretest.

X : Experimental technique.

02 : Posttests. (Gay, 2006)

The pre-test used to find out finding about the prior knowledge to

stimulate the students speaking skill at the seventh grade SMP Negeri 1

Sungguminasa. The pre-test has given to know students‟ knowledge. In the

treatment, where the animation video applied as technique in the class after

implementing the treatment, the researcher applied the post-test in same from as

in the pre-test.


B. Variables

The kinds of variable related to the research, consisted of independent and

dependent variable. According to Arikunto in Misagi (2017), independent variable

is the variable that is influenced by another variable to achieve what was expected

by researcher; whereas, the dependent variable is the result that is expected

through the implementation of the independent variable. There are two variables

in this research:

1. Independent

1. Independent Variable

The Independent variable (X) in this research is animation video

2. Dependent Variable

The dependent variable (Y) in this research is speaking skill

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this research was the seventh grade students of SMP

Negeri 1 Sungguminasa. The number of population was 110 students ( SMP

Negeri 1 Sungguminasa Gowa)

2. Sample

According to Hajar (1996) sample is a part of population. In carrying out a

research, it is impossible for the researcher to research all the population

because it is large number. Therefore, the researcher was use only one class

which consist of 20 students by using purposive sampling technique.


D. Instrument of the Research

1. Test, the researcher used a test that consisted of pre-test (mention the things

and animals in front of class one by one), and post-test (complete the table

about animals and things, then the students pronounce the words in the table).

After give the pre-test to know the basic speaking ability of students, the

researcher applied the animation video to the students in treatment.

2. Recorder to record the students‟ pronunciation

Recorder is equipment for making record. It also takes important thing in

recording visual and non visual activity. The type of recorder that will be used

by the researcher is voice recorder. Using voice recorder enables the researcher

to observe the students‟ oral test and learning process.

E. Research Procedure

The procedure of collecting data in this research covered the following steps as


1. Pre-test

The researcher asked the students to mention the things and animals in

front of class one by one.

2. Treatment

After gave the pre-test to know the basic speaking ability of students, the

researcher applied the animation video to the students; the treatment is was

conduct in 6 times (meeting1-6) in a month.

Meeting 1-6 : The researcher explained about things and animals. Then the

researcher asked the students to watch an animation video about


“things around the class”. The researcher gave a task, the

students must fill in a table that contains pronunciation and

vocabulary of “things around the class”. After that the students

make sentences and dialogues from existing words.

3. Post-test

The researcher asked the students to complete the table about animals and

things, then the students pronounce the words in the table.

F. Technique of Collecting Data

The data from the pre-test and post-test were analyzed by using these formula

as follow:

1. The Assessment of Speaking Skill

a. The Assessment of Pronunciation and Vocabulary

Table 3.2 Scoring of Pronunciation and Vocabulary

Classification Score Criteria

Excellent 91-100 Pronunciation and intonation are almost always
very clear/accurate. Uses a variety of vocabulary
and expressions
Good 75-90 Pronunciation and intonation are almost always
very clear/accurate. Uses a variety of vocabulary
and expression but makes some errors in word
Fair 61-74 Pronunciation and intonation errors sometimes
make it difficult to understand the students.
Less 51-60 Frequent problems with pronunciation and
intonation. Uses limited vocabulary and
Poor X<51 The students speak very hasty, and more
sentences are not appropriate in pronunciation
and little or no communication. Uses only basic
vocabulary and expressions
(Heaton in Alwidin. 2005:35)


1. Calculating mean score and of the students test by using the formula :


Where : X = Mean score

∑X = The sum of all scores

N = The total number of sample

(Gay, 2006 :320)

2. Finding out the significant Difference between the pretest and posttest by

calculating the value of the test.


Where : D = Deviation

∑ D = Standard Deviation

N = The number of subject

 D
 D  N

N n  1

Where : T = Test of significant

D = Different between the matcher pairs

 D 2 = The square of ∑D

∑D2 = The sum of D squares

N = The number of samples

(Gay, 2006 : 331)



This chapter particularly consist the findings and discussion. The findings

of the research consisted of the result from the data collection through a speaking

test deals vocabulary pre-test and post-test. Then, the discussion was described

further signification and improvement of the relation of the findings with the

previous research.

A. Findings

1. The Improvement of the Students’ Pronunciation and Vocabulary in

Speaking Skill by Using Animation Video

The finding of the research deals with the scoring classification of the

students‟ pretest and posttest, hypotheses testing of paired sample containing

mean score, and t-test of significance these findings described as follows:

a. Pronunciation

Table 4.1 The Improvement of the Students Pronunciation in

Speaking Skill

No. Test of pronunciation Mean score Improvement

1. Pre-Test 59.9 17.3%

2. Post-Test 77.2

The implementation of video animation is effective to improve students‟

speaking skill. It is proved by the mean score of pre-test 59.9 to 77.2 in post-test

with the improvement at 17.3%


b. Vocabulary

The use of animation video in form of teaching strategy improved

speaking skill in term of vocabulary. It is proved by the mean score of pre-

test<post-test in the following table:

Table 4.2 The Improvement of Students’ Vocabulary in

Speaking Skill

No. Test of pronunciation Mean score Improvement

1. Pre-Test 61.25 16.7%

2. Post-Test 77.95

The implementation of video animation is effective to improve students‟

speaking skill. It is proved by the mean score of pre-test 61.25 to 77.95 in post-

test with the improvement at 16.7%

2. The Improvement of Students’ Pronunciation and Vocabulary in

Speaking Skill

The improvement of students‟ pronunciation and vocabulary through

animation video in seventh grade of SMP Negeri 1 Sungguminasa Gowa can be

seen clearly based on the following table:

Table 4.3 Statistics Percentage of Pronunciation and Vocabulary in

Speaking Skill

No. Indicator Mean Score

Pre-test Post-test
1. Pronunciation 59.9 77.2
2. Vocabulary 61.25 77.95

Data descriptive statistics percentage of pronunciation and vocabulary, in

speaking showed in pronunciation improve from the post-test score was 77.2 and


pre-test was 59.9. The data in speaking of vocabulary improve from the post-test

was 77.95 and pre-test was 61.25. Based on the data it can conclude that learning

by using of animation video in teaching speaking in term of pronunciation and

vocabulary is significantly improve.

Graphic 4.1: The Improvement of Vocabulary in Speaking skill

Mean Score


Pronunciation pre test Vocabulary Pre test

Pronunciation post test Vocabulary Post test

The graphic above shows that the students of speaking skill in terms of

pronunciation and vocabulary from mean score pronunciation of pre-test 59.9 to

77.2 in post-test. Mean score vocabulary in pre-test was 61.25 to 77.95 in post -

test. It can be conclude that animation video in teaching speaking skill especially

teaching pronunciation and vocabulary is effective to improve students speaking


3. Hypothesis Testing

To know the level of significance value of the pre-test and post-test, the

researcher used t-test analysis on the level of significance (p) = 0.05 with the

degree of freedom (df) = N-1,where N= Number of subject (20 students) then the


value of t-table is 2.09. The t-test statistical, analysis for independent sample was

applied. The following table shows the result of t-test calculation:

Table 4.4: The Improvement of Students’ in Speaking Skill

T-test Value T-table Value

4.09 2.09

The hypothesis was need to find out whether hypothesis was accepted or

rejected. If the result of t-test was lower than t-table value, the null hypothesis

(H0) will be rejected of t-test was higher than the t-table value, the alternative

hypothesis (H1) will be accepted.

Table 4.5: The t-test and t-table of the Students’

Result of Comparison H0 H1
t-test˃t-table 2.09 4.09

From the result of the calculating, the total t-test value of the research is

4.09 with the degree of freedom (df) is 19 and level significant 0,05, so the value

of t-table is 2.09, it showed that t-test value is higher than t-table (4.09˃ 2.09).

The criterion of the best is used to refuse H0, if the t-test is higher or same

with the t-table (t-test˃ or = t-table), it means H1 is accepted and if t-test value is

lower than t-table (t-test˂ or = t-table) H0, is rejected. The calculating shows that

the t-test value higher than t-table. It means that the students achievement in

speaking was better after taught by used animation video communicative so, H1 is



B. Discussion

The discussion section deals with the interpretation of the findings derived

from the result of statistically analysis through speaking skill.

1. The Improvement of the Students Pronunciation in Speaking Skill

The goal of using videos as the main media to provide English speaking

model was successfully achieved. The students could easily identify some

expression in the video and understand the content of the video. They also could

use the expression in the real context. Moreover, they became more active in

doing any activities. Some of them were very confident in presenting their

answers and dialogues. They often raised their hand to perform their works. The

students seemed enjoy the lesson since they were always enthusiastic and excited

in watching and listening to the video as the speaking model.

2. The Improvement of the Students Vocabulary in Speaking Skill

Animation videos have advantages of achieving the important goals of

motivating students‟ interest, providing realistic listening practice, stimulating

language use, and increasing students‟ awareness of particular language points or

other aspects of communication. In line with this, Harmer (2001) mentions that

there are many advantages in using videos in the teaching and learning process

such as seeing language-in-use. It means that the students do not just hear the

language but they can also see it. The students can understand the general

meaning of language used that are conveyed through expressions, gesture, and

other visual clues. The second advantage is motivation. The students will be


interested when they have a chance to see language in use as hear it and it will be

better if this is combined with communicative tasks.

According to Ainsworth (2008) one of the reasons animations are now found so

widely is that many people believe that animations can help learners come to

understand complex ideas more easily.

The result of the data analysis through the speaking pronunciation showed

that the students‟‟ skill was increased 17.3%. It is indicated by the means score of

the students‟ result is significant from pre-test 59.9 < 77.2 in post-test. It can be

concluded that animations video can be used in teaching speaking.

The result of the data analysis through the speaking vocabulary show that

the students‟‟ skill was increased 16.7%. It is indicated by the means score of the

students‟ result is significant from pre-test 61.25 < 77.95 in post-test. It can be

concluded that animations video can be used in teaching speaking.

Based on the result of the t-test, the researcher found that there was a

significant difference between the result of pre-test before post-test. It means that

there was significant difference result of the pre-test before and after teaching and

learning processed by used animation video in the classroom. It was because the

students learned and practiced their English through animation video that could

enlarge their new experience and knowledge. Based on the data, it can be

concluded that the students speaking skill of the seventh grade students of SMP

Sungguminasa Gowa was improved.


Table 4.6 Students’ Pronunciation Error

Words Students’ Pronunciation Correct Pronunciation

/Wall/ /wal/ /wɔ:l/
/Picture/ //piktur /‟pɪktʃǝ
/Scissors/ /sissors/ /‟sɪzǝz/
/Elephant/ /elefan/ /‟ɛlɪfǝnt/
/Cattle/ /katel/ /‟kǣtl/
/Lion/ /lion/ /‟laɪǝn/

So the result can be concluded that the students‟ in pre-test was poor

categorized. It was because most of students did not know how to speak English

especially in (pronunciation and vocabulary). After giving some treatments, the

students speaking in term of (pronunciation and vocabulary) was improved. In

other words, its goal is to make use of real-life situations that necessitate

communication. The researcher applied animation video in English teaching and

learning to stimulated students to speak English.



A. Conclusion

Based on the research findings and discussion in the previous chapter the

researcher concluded that the use of animation video improve the students‟

speaking skill in term of pronunciation and vocabulary. Pronunciation is increased

from 59.9 the mean score of pre-test to 77.2 in post-test and vocabulary is

increased from 61.25 to 77.95 in post-test, so the students‟ pronunciation and

vocabulary of the use of animation video is improved.

B. Suggestion

There were a lot of learning strategies or methods to be used in teaching

learning progress. But, using Animation video was an alternative way of teaching

speaking, especially, vocabulary. There are some suggestions to as follows:

1. Animation video was suggested to use for teacher as an alternative strategy or

method in teaching English especially speaking skill.

2. The teacher should provide the students with more chance to speak so that the

students get more speaking practice in class. The teacher should facilitate the

students if they are getting difficulties in learning English.

3. The further researchers are suggested to find out much reference about

animation video.

4. Animation video is not only used for the beginning but also for advance itself.


5. Using information gap technique depends on the weather. This strategy is good

to use in entire seasons, except in rainy season.

6. Finally, the researcher expected that this thesis would bring new views for all

the readers and the English teachers. Hopefully, there would be other

advantages of using Animation video in teaching and learning process not only

in writing, but also in the other skills.


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N Name Pre-test Post-test

Pronunciation Vocabulary Pronunciation Vocabulary
1. S-1 60 60 75 78
2. S-2 60 60 76 78
3. S-3 60 60 75 70
4. S-4 60 60 80 75
5. S-5 51 60 75 78
6. S-6 60 60 82 75
7. S-7 60 60 75 78
8. S-8 60 60 75 75
9. S-9 60 60 80 78
10. S-10 60 65 80 80
11. S-11 60 62 80 78
12. S-12 60 63 78 79
13. S-13 60 60 75 76
14. S-14 60 60 75 80
15. S-15 60 64 75 78
16. S-16 60 60 80 80
17. S-17 65 60 75 75
18. S-18 60 60 76 78
19. S-19 62 60 78 75
20. S-20 60 65 79 80
Total 1198 1219 1544 1559
Mean 59.9 61.25 77.2 77.95



N Name Pre-test
Pronunciation Vocabulary Score
1. S-1 60 60 60
2. S-2 60 60 60
3. S-3 60 60 60
4. S-4 60 60 60
5. S-5 51 60 55.5
6. S-6 60 60 60
7. S-7 60 60 60
8. S-8 60 60 60
9. S-9 60 60 60
10. S-10 60 65 62.5
11. S-11 60 62 61
12. S-12 60 63 61.5
13. S-13 60 60 60
14. S-14 60 60 60
15. S-15 60 64 62
16. S-16 60 60 60
17. S-17 65 60 62.5
18. S-18 60 60 60
19. S-19 62 60 61
20. S-20 60 65 62.5
Total 1198 1219 1208.5



N Name Post-test
Pronunciation Vocabulary Score
1. S-1 75 78 76.5
2. S-2 76 80 78
3. S-3 75 80 77.5
4. S-4 80 75 77.5
5. S-5 75 78 76.5
6. S-6 82 78 80
7. S-7 75 78 76.5
8. S-8 75 75 75
9. S-9 80 78 79
10. S-10 80 80 80
11. S-11 80 78 79
12. S-12 78 79 78.5
13. S-13 75 76 75.5
14. S-14 75 80 77.5
15. S-15 75 78 76.5
16. S-16 80 80 80
17. S-17 75 75 75
18. S-18 76 78 77
19. S-19 78 75 76.5
20. S-20 79 80 79.5
Total 1544 1559 1551.5



N Name
Pre-test Post-test D D2
1. S-1 60 76.5 16 256
2. S-2 60 78 18 324
3. S-3 60 77.5 17.5 306.25
4. S-4 60 77.5 17.5 306.25
5. S-5 55.5 76.5 21 441
6. S-6 60 80 20 400
7. S-7 60 76.5 16.5 272.25
8. S-8 60 75 15 225
9. S-9 60 79 19 361
10. S-10 62.5 80 17.5 306.25
11. S-11 61 79 18 324
12. S-12 61.5 78.5 17 289
13. S-13 60 75.5 15.5 306.25
14. S-14 60 77.5 17.5 306.25
15. S-15 62 76.5 14.5 210.25
16. S-16 60 80 20 400
17. S-17 62.5 75 12.5 156.25
18. S-18 60 77 17 289
19. S-19 61 76.5 15.5 240.25
20. S-20 62.5 79.5 17 289
Total 1208.5 1551.5 325.5 6008.25
Mean 60.42 77.57 16.27 300.41



1. Students‟ vocabulary 2.Students‟


∑ ∑
̅ ̅

̅ ̅


1. Students‟ vocabulary 2.Students‟


∑ ∑
̅ ̅

̅ ̅




= 16,27

 D
 D  N

N n  1


( )



T = 4,09
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Satuan Pendidikan : SMP/MTs
Kelas/Semester : 7/II

Kompetensi Inti :
1. Menanggapi dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya
2. Menghargai perilaku (jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli, santun, rasa
ingin tahu, percaya diri, toleran, motivasi internal, pola hidup sehat, dan ramah
lingkungan) dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan
alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok

1. Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat

mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai
bahasa pengantar komunikasi
2.1 Menghargai perilaku santun dan
peduli dalam melaksanakan
komunikasi antar pribadi dengan
guru dan teman.
2.2 Menghargai perilaku jujur, disiplin,
percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab
dalam melaksanakan komunikasi
transaksional dengan guru dan
2.3 Menghargai perilaku tanggung
jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta
damai, dalam melaksanakan
komunikasi fungsional.

3.1 Memahami teks lisan berupa Fungsi sosial

sapaan dan pamitan, serta Menjaga hubungan interpersonal
responnya. dengan guru dan teman
Struktur teks
4.1 Menyusun teks lisan untuk (ungkapan hafalan, tidak perlu
mengucapkan dan merespon dijelaskan tata bahasanya)
sapaan dan pamitan dengan unsur a. Good morning. How are you?, Fine,
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai thank you. And you? dan semacamnya
konteks b. Goodbye. Bye. See you later. See you.
Take care., dan semacamnya
3.2 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur Unsur kebahasaan
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan,
teks lisan dan tulis untuk tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan dan cetak
Pembelajaran Penilaian Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar
perkenalan diri, dengan sangat yang jelas dan rapi.
pendek dan sederhana. Fungsi sosial
Memperkenalkan diri untuk menjalin
4.2 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk hubungan interpersonal dengan guru
mengucapkan dan merespon dan teman
perkenalan diri, dengan sangat Struktur teks
pendek dan sederhana, dengan (ungkapan hafalan, tidak perlu
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, dijelaskan tata bahasanya)
struktur teks, dan unsur My name is ..., I’m ..., I live in ... dan
kebahasaan, secara benar dan semacamnya.
sesuai dengan konteks. Unsur kebahasaan
Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan,
tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan dan cetak
yang jelas dan rapi.
Diri sendiri, nama dan tempat tinggal.

3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) dalam ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan
keagamaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait fenomena dan
kejadian yang tampak mata.
4. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji berbagai hal dalam ranah konkret
(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah
abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)
sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan dari berbagai sumber lain yang
sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.
Mengamati Kriteria Penilaian: - 16 minggu (16 x Sesuaikan dengan
Tingkat ketercapaian 4 x 40 menit kemampuan siswa,
 Siswa fungsi sosial penggunaan tatap muka) guru, sekolah, serta
membaca/ teks - tujuan pembelajaran.
menonton/ Tingkat kelengkapan dan • Keteladanan ucapan
mendengarkan keruntutan struktur teks dan tindakan guru
contoh-contoh - Tingkat ketepatan unsur menggunakan setiap
teks yang kebahasaan: tata bahasa, tindakan komunikasi
sedang kosa kata, ucapan, transaksional dan
dipelajari dari tekanan kata, intonasi, fungsional dengan
berbagai ejaan, dan tulisan tangan benar, tepat, dan
sumber, - Tingkat kesesuaian dengan sikap yang
langsung format penulisan/ sesuai.
dan/atau penyampaian • Contoh peragaan
rekaman, Cara Penilaian: Unjuk dalam bentuk rekaman
dengan kerja - Sasaran: CD/ VCD/ DVD/kaset
memperhatika keterampilan • Contoh interaksi
n fungsi sosial, menggunakan bahasa tertulis
struktur teks, Inggris secara produktif: • Contoh teks tertulis
unsur memajang tulisan, • Teks atau latihan
kebahasaan, presentasi, membacakan, dari buku teks Bahasa
maupun dsb., secara bermkna dan Inggris
format oetnetik atau mendekati • Teks dari buku non-
penyampaian/ otentik. teks
penulisanya - Siswa memperagakan
 Siswa proses berpikir tingkat
menirukan/ tinggi, dan mandiri.
menyalin/ - Penilaian bukan hanya
meneladani pada produk tetapi juga
contoh-contoh pada proses.
secara - Kedalaman lebih
terbimbing. penting daripada
Mempertanyaka keluasan. -
n (questioning) Dapat diintegrasikan
 Dengan dengan penilaian
pertanyaan observasi, evaluasi diri
pengarah dari dan evaluasi sejawat
guru, siswa
an tentang
fungsi sosial,
ungkapan dan
struktur teks,
serta format
penulisan yang
dalam teks
yang sedang

 Siswa
tentang fungsi
ungkapan dan
struktur teks,
serta format
dari berbagai
termasuk dari
 Membaca/
lain dari teks
yang dipelajari
dari berbagai
termasuk buku
teks, buku
n fungsi sosial,
ungkapan dan
struktur teks,
serta format
penulisan dari
jenis teks yang
 Dalam kerja
teks untuk
fungsi sosial,
ungkapan dan
struktur teks,
serta format
penulisan dari
jenis teks yang
 Siswa
(feedback) dari
guru dan
teman tentang
setiap yang dia
dalam kerja
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok

3.3 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur Fungsi sosial

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari Menyadari pentingnya nama hari,
teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyebut bulan, nama waktu dalam hari, waktu
nama hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, dan tahun
dalam hari, waktu dalam bentuk untuk mengelola kehidupan manusia.
angka, tanggal, dan tahun.
Struktur teks
4.3 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk (ungkapan hafalan, tidak perlu
menyebutkan nama hari, bulan, dijelaskan tata bahasanya)
nama waktu dalam hari, waktu a. What day is it today? It’s Monday
dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, dan today. It is Tuesday tomorrow. When
tahun, dengan unsur kebahasaan do we have English?, dan
yang benar dan sesuai konteks. semacamnya.
b. What month is it? What month is
before July?, After March is April. I
was born in January, dan
semacamnya dan semacamnya
c. in the morning, at noon, in the
afternoon, in the evening, at night, at
d. What time is it? What time do we
have English on Tuesday? one, two
thirty, half past eight, a quarter to
five, dan seterusnya
e. What date is it? What date is the
Kartini Day? When were you born?
the first, the second, the third, the
fourth, the fifth, the twenty first dan
f. What year is it? When were you
born? Nineteen ninety eight. Two
thousand and three. dan

Unsur kebahasaan:
(1) Kata terkait hari, bulan, waktu
dalam hari, waktu dalam bentuk angka,
tanggal, dan tahun
(2) Kata kerja dalam simple present
tense: be, have.
(3) Kata tanya What?
(4) Kata ganti it.
(5) Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi,
ejaan, tulisan tangan yang rapi
Hari, tanggal, jam, bulan, tahun, dsb.,
yang penting dan relevan dengan
kehidupan siswa, dengan memberikan
keteladanan tentang perilaku disiplin,
percaya diri, tanggung jawab, dan jujur.

Pembelajaran Penilaian Sumber Belajar
 Sasaran: menilai
ketekunan, minat,
kemajuan, dan
dalam belajar
banyak kegiatan
dengan bahasa
 Kumpulan
pekerjaan siswa
yang mendukung
proses belajar,
a.l. laporan
kemajuan, jadwal
kerja, outline
proyek, jurnal,
buku harian, dsb.
 Kumpulan karya
siswa yang
hasil atau capaian
belajar, a.l. teks
yang disalin,
diringkas, dibuat
sendiri, yang
telah dibaca,
foto, video,
clipping, dsb.
 Kumpulan hasil
tes, ujian, nilai,
latihan. • Catatan
 Catatan atau
rekaman evaluasi
diri dan evaluasi
sejawat, berupa

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok

3.5 Memahami fungsi sosial, Fungsi sosial

struktur teks, dan unsur Mengenalkan, mengidentifikasi.
kebahasaan dari teks Struktur teks
lisan dan tulis untuk (ungkapan hafalan, tidak perlu dijelaskan tata
menyebut nama dan bahasanya)
jumlah binatang, benda, It’s my cricket. They are my cats. There are many
bangunan publik, fireflies in the farm., What is it? Are they your
tumbuhan dan orang toys? Which one is your book? How many cows do
yang dekat dengan you have? The hospital is near the post office. The
kehidupan siswa sehari- police station is in the corner. dan semacamnya.
hari. Unsur kebahasaan
4.5 Menyusun teks lisan dan (1) Nama benda dan binatang di sekitar rumah dan
tulis untuk sekolah siswa: hen, chicks, house lizard, dragon
menyebutkan nama fly, cockcroaches, mosquitoes.
binatang, benda, (2) Nama bangunan umum: the post office, the
bangunan publik bank, the hospital.
tumbuhan dan orang (3) Kata tanya What?Which one? How many?
yang dekat dengan (4) Penyebutan kata benda singular dengan a dan
kehidupan siswa sehari- the, dan plural (-s).
hari, dengan unsur (5) Kata ganti it, they, this, that, those, these.
kebahasaan yang benar (6) Ungkapan There is/are..., Are there ...?
dan sesuai konteks. (7) Kata kerja yang menunjuk tindakan yang
sangat lazim dan terkait dalam simple present
tense: be, have, go, play,get, take, dan sebagainya.
(8) Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, dan
tulisan tangan.
Benda, binatang, bangunan umum yang terdapat di
lingkungan siswa, dengan memberikan
keteladanan tentang perilaku ramah lingkungan,
percaya diri, dan tanggung jawab.
3.12 Memahami pesan Fungsi sosial
dalam lagu. Menghibur, mengungkapkan perasaan, menghayati
4.11 Menangkap pesan pesan moral
dalam lagu. Unsur kebahasaan
(9) Kata, ungkapan, dan tata bahasa dalam karya
seni berbentuk lagu.
(10) Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas
dan rapi.
(11) Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika
mempresentasikan secara lisan
Hal-hal yang memberikan keteladanan tentang
perilaku yang menginspirasi.

Mengetahui; Sungguminasa, 22 Juli 2015

Kepala Sekolah , Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris,

( Baharu, S.Pd ) ( NASRAH RIDWAN, S.Pd )

NIP : ; 195903121979031007 NIP : 196305191985122002





Kelas/Semester : VII/1
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Skill : Speaking (Vocabulary and Pronunciation)
Topik : This Is My Worlds (Things, Animals, Public Buildings)
Alokasi Waktu : 18 JP x 40 menit (8x Pertemuan)

KI 1:
Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya
KI 2 :
Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,
peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi
secara efektif dengan lingkungan social dan alam dalam jangkauan
pergaulan dan keberadaannya.
KI 3:
Memahami pengetahuan (factual, konseptual, dan procedural berdasarkan
rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya
terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.
KI 4:
Mencoba,mengolah dan menyaji secara konkret (dengan menggunakan,
mengurai, merangkai, dan membuat) ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menggambar dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah
dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.
Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi
sosial dari ungkapan suatu benda, hewan, dan tempat-tempat umum di sekitar,
serta cara mengaplikasikannya sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
 Menyebutkan kosa kata dalam bahasa inggris dan artinya.
 Meletakkan sesuatu sesuai dengan tempatnya.
 Menyebutkan ciri dari benda, tempat, dan hewan.
 Menyebutkan fungsi umum dari benda, tempat, dan hewan yang ada di
 Membedakan antara singular dan plural.
 Menyebutkan struktur dari kata singular dan plural.
 Membuat kalimat sederhana dari kosa kata yang diperkenalkan.
 Membuat dialog sederhana.
 Membuat teks deskripsi suatu benda atau tempat.
 Membuat projek akhir materi, berbentuk gambar denah suatu tempat yang
2.1 Menghargai perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi
antar pribadi degan guru dan teman.
2.2 Menunjukkan sikap perilaku santun dan peduli.
1. Diberikan kosa kata dari benda, hewan dan benda, peserta didik dapat
menyebutkan secara lisan fungsi social.
2. Diberikan kosa kata dari benda, hewan dan benda, peserta didik dapat
menyebutkan secara lisan unsur kebahasaan.
3. Diberikan kosa kata dari benda, hewan dan benda, peserta didik dapat
menyebutkan secara lisan struktur teks.
4. Diberikan kosa kata dari benda, hewan dan benda, peserta didik dapat
mengundang dan merespon undangan dengan santun dan peduli.
We will learn: to state things, animals, and public places around us.
Materi 1: Things
1st Meeting
Vocabulary Sentence Describe Dialogue
A door There is one door The door is one
in my classroom. of the buildings
part. …….
A window
A wall
A table
A desk
A chair
A globe
A cupboard
A book
A picture
A clock

2nd Meeting
Vocabulary Sentence Describe Dialogue
Some books There are some Book is ………. A: Hi!
book in my bag. B: Hello.
A: Do you have
some books?
B: Yes, I have.
A: How many
books do you
B: I have 20
A pencil
A pen
A glue
A ruler
A rubber

3rd Meeting
Living Dining Bedroom Kitchen Bathroom Garage Terrace
Room Room

4th Meeting
Vocabulary Sentence Dialogue

Materi 2: Animals
5th Meeting
Tame Animals Wild Animals
 camel = unta  ape = kera
 canary = burung kenari  bear = beruang
 cat = kucing  bison = bison
 cattle = sapi perah  cheetah = cheetah
 chicken = ayam  crocodile = buaya
 cow = sapi  deer = rusa
 dog = anjing  elephant = gajah
 donkey = keledai  flamingo = burung flamingo
 dove = burung merpati  fox = rubah
 duck = bebek  girrafe = jerapah
6th Meeting
Contoh Kalimat Menggunakan there Contoh Kalimat Menggunakan
are/is Have/Has
 There are many animals in the zoo,  I have a cat, he is so cute and fluffy.
such as, elephant, tiger, lion, and (+)
many more. (aku punya kucing, dia sangat lucu
(ada banyak binatang di kebun dan berbulu lembut)
binatang. seperti gajah, macan,  I don‟t have a cat. (-)
singa, dan masih banyak lagi)  Don‟t you have a cat? (?)

Materi 3: Place
Vocabulary Meaning Make some Questions
 Airport • Bandara Example:
 Apartment • Gedung  What is the name this buildings?
building apartemen  Do you know what is the building
 Bank • Bank after your school?
 Barber shop • Salon  Etc.
 Book store • Toko buku

8th Meeting
The function of a building, for example:
 Mosque:
The function of Mosque as a prayer room for Moslem.
1. Shape and color of public buildings, for example:
 Mosque:
2. The shape of mosque is beautiful and unique with the combination of gold
and black color.
3. There are many people come here to pray.
4. All of the people which came are Moslem.
There are many old people, young people, and also children.
Vocabulary Meaning Describe
 account Akun Example:
 bills tagihan Bank is one of the public building
 borrow meminjam that you can save your money. In the
 alarm Alarm bank there are two form people, the
 cash tunai first is costumers, and the second is
 cashier kasir consumers. And………….Etc.

 Mengucapkan salam dan berdoa.
 Prepare the class: menyiapkan dan memeriksa kehadiran siswa.
 Memberikan motivasi dan apersepsi dengan menertibkan kelas sebelum
memulai pelajaran.
 Menginformasi tujuan pembelajaran.
 Menyampaikan skenario pembelajaran.
 Memberikan Ice Breaking Dance untuk membengkitkan semangat belajar.

Kegiatan inti
1. Mengamati
Siswa menyimak tayangan dari video tentang ungkapan yang diberikan oleh

 Siswa menemukan kosakata tentang preposition of things, animals, and

publick building.
 Siswa menirukan ungkapan preposition of things, animals, and publick
 Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa mempelajari kosakata tentang
preposition of things, animals, and publick building.
2. Menanya
 Guru membuat pertanyaan berkaitan dengan contoh ungkapan kosakata
tentang preposition of things, animals, and publick building yang disimak.
 Guru menyampaikan pertanyaan penuntun (leading question) untuk
membangkitkan rasa ingin tahu siswa tentang kosakata tentang preposition
of things, animals, and publick building secara kontekstual.
3. Mengeksplor
 Siswa mengungkapkan kosakata tentang preposition of things, animals,
and publick building sesuai dengan video yang diterima.
 Siswa berusaha mengungkapkan kosakata tentang preposition of things,
animals, and publick building dalam bahasa Inggris pada proses
pembelajaran dengan menggunakan/membuat contoh patagrap descriptive.
 Siswa membuat contoh paragrap dengan menggunakan preposition of
things, animals, and publick building untuk menjelaskan letak suatu
4. Mengasosiasi
 Siswa membandingkan/mengartikan ungkapan kosakata tentang
preposition of things, animals, and publick building dalam bahasa ibu atau
bahasa Indonesia.
5. Mengkomunikasikan
 Siswa menggunakan ungkapan kosakata tentang preposition of things,
animals, publick building and place yang sudah dipelajari secara wajar
setiap bertemu dengan guru dan teman dalam kegiatan sehari-hari di dalam
maupun di luar kelas.
 Melakukan evaluasi diri dengan menulis kendala-kendala dan hal-hal yang
telah dikuasai dalam reflektif journal.

 Guru / siswa menyimpulkan materi yang telah di ajarkan.
 Melakukan penilaian dan atau refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah
dilaksanakan secara konsisten dan terprogram.
 Memberi umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran.
 Memberikan tugas, baik tugas individual maupun kelompok sesuai dengan
hasil peserta didik.
 Menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya.

Alat : Laptop
Media : video, flash card/picture, power point.

Buku Bahasa Inggris : When English rings the bell.
Internet : Materi, picture, dan video.


1. Tehnik Penilaian Sikap : Non test berupa pengamatan langsung
2. Pengetahuan : Cloze test
3. Keterampilan : Unjuk kerja (performance)

Penilaian dari Aspek Keterampilan (Skills)

Kemampuan Berbicara (Speaking Skill)
No Aspek yang Dinilai Kriteria Score
1 Kosakata (Vocabulary) Excellent 5
Very Good 4

Good 3
Fair 2
Poor 1

Classification Score Criteria

Excellent 5 Pronunciation and intonation are almost

always very clear/accurate

Good 4 Pronunciation and intonation are almost

always very clear/accurate
Fair 3 Pronunciation and intonation errors
sometimes make it difficult to understand the
Less 2 Frequent problems with pronunciation and
Poor 1 The students speak very hasty, and more
sentensces are not appropriate in
pronunciation and litte or no communication

Gowa, Maret 2019

Mahasiswa peniliti,

Satriani Sappe
NIM: 10535604614
Post-test : Animals and things

Tanggal : Friday, 29th maret 2019


T : Assalamualaikum class.

Ss : Waalaikumsalam Mam.

T : Class, may I have your attention,please?

Ss : Sure Mam.

T : Who is absent today?

Ss : Nobody mam.

T : Well, is there any homework?

Ss : No Mam.

T : Are you sure?

Ss : Yes mam.

T : Well, what is the previous material we have studied?

Ss : Animals and things mam

T : Good. What is the meaning animals?

Ss : Hewan.

T : Excellent students. Well, shall we start the lesson?

Ss : Yes.

T : Ok, before we get start, I would like to ask your opinion about learning

English subject. Rani, what do you think about it? Do you enjoy learning

English subject?

S : Yes Miss, I enjoy learning English subject.

T : Very good. Are you guys enjoy?

S : Hmm...I enjoy learning English subject, but English subject is difficult, but I

like it.

T : Very good class. Resky,Do you have pet? (8)

S : Yes mam. I have a cat.

T : wow, so cute. Well class, we will learn something relate to those example.

Anyone can guess the title of the lesson? Sesuai dengan yang telah kita

diskusikan baru saja.

S : Hewan mam.

T : Yes. It is right.


T : Well class, today material is animals and things.

Ss : Yes mam.

T : What is a tame animal?

S : silent.

T : So, tame animal are animals that are harmless and not scary. For ecample,

cat and chicken. Jadi, binatang jinak adalah binatang yang tidak berbahaya

dan tidak mnakutkan.yang biasa di pelihara oleh manusia. selain kucing dan

ayam, binatang yang jinak yang kalian tahu?

Ss : Rabbit, kura-kura, cow, bebek mam.

T : Good. Benar sekali. Jadi kura-kura itu turtle dan bebek itu duck bahasa

inggrisnya. Now wild animals. What is wild animal?

Ss : Silent.
T : As usual class, if you do not know the meaning of any vocabulary, what

should you do class?

Ss : Open dictionary.

T : Good. Open your dictionary. Do you bring your dictionary, right?

Ss : Yes Mam.

T : Kasma, where is your dictionary?

S : Forget Mam. I am sorry.

T : Next time do not forget it. Karena ini kali pertama kamu tidak membawa

kamus, Mam maafkan.

S : Thank you Mam.

T : So class what iswild animals?

Ss : hewan liar mam.

T : Excellent. (Then the teacher wrote several animals, things and also

explained it to the students).

10 minutes later

T : OK class, we will read it together and you follow after me.

Ss : Okay Mam.

T : Ok class, if you have any questions, please raise your hand.

S : Me Mam. (raising hand)

T : Yes,Ana. Any questions?

S : No, mam

T : Okay class, Well now, complete the table about animals and things, then the

students pronounce the words in the table. Any questions?

Ss : Ok mam.

T : Good.

10 minutes later

T : Class attention, please. Finish?

Ss : Yes Mam.

T : Well, please one by one present in front of the class. (students present one

by one in front of the class)


T : OK class, before the class is over. We will review the lesson. Shall we?

Ss : Yes.

T : What have we learned today? (54)

Ss : Animals and things mam.

T : Good. What is the meaning?

S : Hewan dan benda mam.

T : Very good. Anyone would like to give example of wild animals?

Ss : Me Miss. (2 students are raising their hand).

T : Ok, ana first.

S : snack, mam.

T : Good. Then, what about you Nurul?

S : crocodile mam.

T : Very good ana and Nurul. Then, if I ask you “what is your opinion about our

English subject?

Ss : Interesting, I like it, enjoy.

T : Good students. So class, what do you think about our topic today? Do you it?

Ss : Yes Miss. (some students said “ interesting, good, I like it”).

T : Well class, the class is almost over. Any questions?

Ss : No mam,.

T :Well, thank you for today, nice to meet you and lastly I say


Ss : Waalaikumsalam wr.wb
Pre-test : This Is My Worlds (Things)

Date : Wednesday, 06th maret 2019


T : „‟ Assalamualaikum wr.wb‟.

Ss : “ Wa‟ alaikum salam wr.wb‟.

T : „‟ Good morning class‟.

Ss : “ Good Morning Mam”.

T : „‟ How are you today ?‟

Ss : “ I‟m fine thank you, and you ?‟

T : „‟Im so great , thank you. Before starting our class today I want to introduce

my self ,My name is Satriani. You can call me Mrs. Satri, I have been

studying in English Department of University of Muhammadiyah Makassar.

I‟m Standing here to participate in your class for the time, So I hope we can

study together. Do you understand?‟

Ss : „‟ OK. Mrs.

T : OK, let me check your attendence list before we start the lesson, anyone is
absent today?

Ss : Yes, Yes, Arini mam.

T : OK, do you know why Arini is absent today?

S : Sick Miss.

T : Is there any news?

S : No Miss.
T : Okay Class. We will start our lesson soon. Well, are you ready to study class?

Ss : Yes Miss.

T : Very good. What color is this maker?

Ss : Black and white mam.

T : Good. Well class, we will learn something relate to those example. Anyone

can guess the title of the lesson? Sesuai dengan yang telah kita diskusikan

baru saja.

Ss : Benda atau warna mam?

T : Yes. It is right. So we will learn about things.


T : Well class, today material is Things around the classroom. Ada yang tau apa

saja yang ada disekitar kalian? (Then the teacher wrote several things around

the class and also explained it to the students).

Ss : kursi, meja, tas, spidol (setiap siswa meneriakkan jawaban mereka tanpa

angkat tangan)

T : Good class. Because you all understand about the material so now, mention

the things around the classroom and explain the funtion! Example, pen. The

function of pen is a kind of writing letter and etc. Any question?

Ss : No mam.
T : So, do you understand?

Ss : Yes mam.

T : Okay. Please do it.

10 minutes later

T : Okay class, now it is time to perform in front of the class. Any volunteer?

Ss : Silent.

T : No one?Class, no one?

Ss` : Silent.

T : There is extra point class for the first volunteer. So, anyone?

S : Me Miss.

T : Very good. Please come to the front.

20 minutes later


T : OK class, today we have learned about things around the class.

Ss : Yes Miss.

T : So what is it?

Ss : Silent.

T : Well, no one answer it. I will ask you randomly. ayu, what you can learn

from the material?

S : Mmmm....uhhhh...mengetahui nama benda dalam bahasa inggris mam.

T :Good job. But the most important things is that you know the pronunciation

and vocabulary of the things in English along with the translation and the

function of the things, right?

S : Yes mam.

T :. Kasma, can you please mention one example of things around the house?

S : Silent.

T : Any expressions dear. Yang kamu tahu. Do not afraid if the answer is wrong.

Try it.

S : Uhhhhh.... lemari mam? Benar Miss?

T : Cupboard, yeah. Exelent! Ok class, because the class is almost over. So do

not forget to review the lesson. Ok class, time is over and lastly I say


Ss : Waalaikumsalam Miss.

Satriani Sappe was born on November 09th, 1994 in

Salimbongan. She is child of marriage between Sappe and

Ica. She has four brother and one sister (Sapri, Jahiruddin,

Syabir Driansyah, Syawwir Afandih and Resnawati). She

began her study at SD Inpres Salimbongan in 2000 until

2006. She continued her study at SMP Negeri 1 Sesayap Hilir and graduated in

2011 then she continued her study again at SMA Negeri 1 Lembang and

graduated in 2014. In 2014, she registered in Muhammadiyah University of

Makassar as a student in English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher and

Training Education.

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