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Profesi Teknologi Informasi

Pokok Bahasan ke-9
Selamat Datang
di Era Informasi
Setiap bulannya ada 2,7
miliar search di Google
Lebih dari 3000 buku baru
dipublikasi setiap harinya
diperkirakan 40 exabytes (4.0 x 1010)

diproduksi worldwide tahun lalu

Era Informasi
Jutaan komputer


+ +
Komputer =
universal tool
Komputer mengerjakan hampir apa saja

Komputer tidak perlu tidur

Komputer tidak lelah
Komputer tidak pulang rumah karena sakit, atau
Ambil cuti untuk refreshing / rekreasi

Seringkali lebih efisien daripada manusia

Komputer vs Manusia

Karenanya, dengan alasan ekonomis, kecenderungan

untuk mengganti manusia dengan komputer sangat tinggi

Teller bank, operator telepon, jasa pengetikan, graphic

artist, satpam, buruh perakitan
Komputer vs Manusia

Bahkan profesional seperti dokter, pengacara, guru,

akuntan, psikolog menemukan bahwa komputer dapat
melakukan beberapa tugas mereka lebih efektif.
Komputer “membantu”
Pilot “dilengkapi dengan” auto-pilot

Warung “dilengkapi dengan” mesin pembuat minuman

Mereka menjadi sekedar pengamat pasif & penekan tombol

Server Administrator
Sales Komputer
Programmer Software Engineer
CIO Operator Entri Data

Profesi TIK System Analyst

Guru TI
GUI Desainer Database Administrator
Instruktur TI
Software Engineer Web Content Manager

Hardware Engineer
Multimedia Desainer
Profesi & Etika
As ethics for the profession:
teacher (Educator)
Sales ….
Increase Intellectual
With the help of information & communication
technology, human intelligence and capacity increase
4 Isu Etika Era Informasi
(4 Information Age Ethical Issues)
Privacy (kerahasiaan)
Accuracy (kebenaran)
Property (kepemilikan)
Accessibility (hak akses)
Which person's or person's information
Can it be opened to other people?
Under what conditions/conditions?
What can a person hide from others?
Two Privacy
IT Development
improve communication,
computing and monitoring.
Growth in the value of information for
Is it necessary to see?
Your job: database administrator in the data backup center. You
can check all data.
Data: knowledge/information about private companies
Konservatif: Liberal:
Privacy matters to your clients. Part of an administrator's job is
They entrust their sensitive data, to verify data integrity. It's okay
and hope you don't snoop on to view the data. Unless you leak
them. it

As an administrator for data backup and replication, reviewing
the data entrusted to you is carried out as necessary when it is
related to work.
Security vs Privacy
Your job: database administrator at the ISP. You are in charge
of observing user traffic.
Data: access web log

Problem: Are you justified in reviewing data access so you

know what users are doing?
Konservatif: Liberal:
You are entrusted with Your job is to maintain
safeguarding the sensitive security. If users access
information of ISP users. illegal sites, your company
Don't hurt that trust. will be at risk.

Tips! Check the agreement with the customer, are you legal
to do it. For the balance between security and privacy.
Your Partner Salary
Your job: database administrator. You maintain data integrity &
Data: employee data along with their salaries

Problem: You find different salary variations, but you don't

think they match the job and achievements. Your friend is the
one who may be harmed. Can you tell your friends?
Konservatif: Liberal:
The decision regarding salary is Friends are friends. They have a
not your responsibility. You are a right to know that they were
trusted DBA, don't hurt your wronged. But tell your friends,
boss's trust. that don't swallow the pill, so
you can tell them for future

DBAs have detailed access to credit cards, salaries, etc. In
some cases there are no special rules from the company, it
all depends on your professional ethics.
Who is responsible to:
Authentication, accuracy and accuracy of information?

Who should be responsible if there is an error in the information

and how does the error affect the system as a whole?
Mis-information can be fatal to a person's life.

This is especially the case when the party who has the
inaccurate information benefits from the presence of power
and authority.
Data Without Integrity =
Contaminated Data
Repairing data with cleanup is not difficult.
But expensive.
Need specialists.
Modify data for
marketing purposes
Problem: You are tasked with entering data and drawing graphs
for financial reports. Your boss asked to remove the low view,
because it will cause the report to be bad overall.
Konservatif: Liberal:
Changing the data will cause That is the prerogative of your
other ongoing problems. Turn boss. Just make sure that it
down your boss's request and doesn't make the data inaccurate,
make it clear that you don't want by only limiting the reports.
to get into legal trouble. Don't get caught up in changing
or deleting data.

Unfortunately this happens often. Not reporting a particular
data session is better than changing the data. Always keep
your laws and professional ethics in mind. Because what
you do will be the basis of a decision.
Who owns the information? How's the price? Who is the
channel or how does the information flow? Who can
Intellectual Property

An information may require a high price to produce it.

Once digitally produced, it is easy to reproduce and distribute,

without destroying the original product.
(hak akses)
What information can a person or organization obtain?
Under what conditions?
Standar Etika Profesi IT
“Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct”
Computer Ethics Institute
“The Ten Commandements of Ethic's”
Data Processing Management Association
“Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct”
Sepuluh Perintah untuk Etika Komputer
Dari Institut Etika Komputer
1. Do not use the computer to harm others.
2. Don't interfere with other people's computer work.
3. Don't peek at other people's files.
4. Don't use the computer to steal.
5. Don't use the computer to testify.
6. Do not use or copy software for which you have not paid.
7. Do not use other people's computer resources without authorization.
8. Don't take other people's intellectual produce for yourself.
9. Think about the social consequences of the program you write.
10. Use the computer in a way that shows consideration and appreciation.

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