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Dien Nursal*, Ridha Restila **, Vitria*
Filariasis adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh cacing Filaria yang
ditularkan oleh nyamuk, merupakan penyakit menahun yang bila tidak diobati mengakibatkan
cacat menetap berupa pembesaran anggota tubuh. Kota Padang berada di urutan ke empat
kasus filariasis tertinggi di Sumatera Barat. Wilayah kerja Puskesmas Andalas memiliki
jumlah kasus filariasis tertinggi di Padang dan dinyatakan endemis oleh Dinas Kesehatan
Kota Padang. Sedangkan Padang Pasir memiliki kasus filariasis rendah dan dinyatakan
wilayah non endemis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan faktor risiko
kejadian filariasis diantara kedua wilayah tersebut.
Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional komparatif pada dua populasi. Dengan
populasi adalah seluruh rumah tangga di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Andalas dan Padang Pasir.
Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengamati keberadaan parit dan tanaman air rumah
responden. Kemudian wawancara langsung untuk variabel keberadaan hospes reservoar,
penghasilan, pekerjaan, tingkat pengetahuan, sikap, dan tindakan PSN. Selanjutnya dilakukan
analisis univariat dan bivariat lalu di sajikan dalam bentuk diagram, tabel, dan narasi.
Dari hasil penelitian, Puskesmas Andalas memiliki persentase keberadaan parit,
tanaman air, hospes reservoar, penghasilan, jenis pekerjaan, tingkat pengetahuan, sikap dan
tindakan PSN sebesar 68,4%, 31,4%, 50%, 89,5%, 60,5%, 94,5%, dan 50%. Sementara untuk
wilayah kerja Puskesmas Padang Pasir adalah sebesar 63,2%, 10,5%, 42,1%, 92,1%, 65,8%,
84,2%, dan 65,8%. Dari hasil bivariat, hanya dua variabel yang memiliki perbedaan bermakna
yaitu keberadaan tanaman air (pvalue = 0,025 dan sikap (pvalue = 0,047)
Hasil analisis univariat, Puskesmas Padang Pasir memiliki persentase penghasilan,
tingkat pengetahuan, dan tindakan PSN lebih tinggi, sedangkan pekerjaan sama. Selebihnya,
parit, tanaman air, dan hospes reservoar lebih rendah. Dari hasil uji bivariat, keberadaan
tanaman air dan sikap yang memiliki perbedaan bermakna Pengetahuan masyarakat juga
perlu ditingkatkan karena suatu tindakan yang didasari oleh pengetahuan akan lebih bertahan
lama. Selain itu, perlu meningkatkan upaya pencegahan seperti memberantas sarang nyamuk
dan surveilans mengingat kedua daerah ini memiliki cukup banyak persamaan sehingga
peluang untuk tertular filariasis hampir sama besar.


* Dosen PSIKM FKUA Padang
**Mahasiswa PSIKM FKUA


Nursal Dien*, Restila R**, Vitria*
Filariasis is an infectious disease caused by filarial worms transmitted by various
species of mosquitoes. This disease is chronic and if not treated can cause permanent
disability such as enlargement part of body. Padang is at number four cases filariasis highest
in West Sumatra. Andalas Public Health Centre has the highest number of cases of filariasis
and one of endemic area declared by City Health Office in Padang. Padang Pasir Public
Health Centre area has a low filariasis cases and declared as non endemic area. The purpose
of this study is to compare filarisis risk factor between the two regions.
The study design was cross-sectional study in two populations. The population in this
study were all households in working area of Andalas Public Health Centre and Padang
Pasir. The data was collected by observing the respondent's house for presence of ditches and
aquatic plants. Then direct interviews with respondents to the presence of reservoir hosts,
income, occupation, level of knowledge, attitudes, and eradication of mosquito breeding.
Furthermore, performed univariate and bivariate analysis and then presented in the form of
diagrams, tables, and narratives.
From the results of the study, Andalas Public Health Centre had a percentage of the
presence of ditches, water plants, reservoir hosts, income, occupation, level of knowledge,
attitudes and eradication of mosquito breeding for 68.4%, 31.4%, 50%, 89.5%, 60.5%, 94.5%,
and 50%. As for the Padang Pasir Public Health Centre is at 63.2%, 10.5%, 42.1%, 92.1%,
65.8%, 84.2% and 65.8%. From the bivariate results, only two variables that have significant
differences in the presence of aquatic plants (pvalue = 0.025 and attitudes (pvalue = 0.047)
From the results of univariate analysis, Padang Pasir Public Health Centre had a
higher percentage for income, level of knowledge, and eradication of mosquito breeding,
same percentage for occupation variable. The rest, ditches and aquatic plants and presence of
reservoir hosts had lower. The results of the bivariate test, the presence of aquatic plants and
attitude have significant differences.There is need for increased prevention efforts such as
eradicating mosquito breeding. The knowledge society also need to be increased because of
an act that is based on knowledge will be more durable. Health workers need to increase
prevention efforts and surveillance since these two regions have quite a lot in common so that
the chances of contracting the filariasis is almost as large.
Keywords : Filariasis, Risk Factor, endemic and non endemic area.

* Dosen PSIKM FKUA Padang

**Mahasiswa PSIKM FKUA

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