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Debian 5.

0 Lenny Resmi Diluncurkan

Sabtu, 14 Pebruari 2009 01:12

Sebagai hadiah hari Valentine dari pengembang terhadap pecinta Debian, akhirnya 'Lenny'
yang telah lama dinantikan, secara resmi sebagai Debian 5.0 diluncurkan untuk publik. Ia
dihadirkan mengemas serangkaian fitur baru, hampir dua tahun setelah generasi 4 'etch'

Jawal penerbitan yang berulang kali direvisi dengan berbagai alasan sejak lebih dari satu tahun
menuai pro dan kontra, baik diantara komunitas pengembang maupun pengguna. Mereka yang
tidak sabar, tanpa diskusi telah lama menggunakan Lenny yang diturunkan dari materi 'testing'.

Sebagai Linux sejati, Debian memiliki aturan kerja yang ketat termasuk soal penentuan kondisi
'stabil' yang dikenal sangat konservatif dan hal ini juga menjadikan ia produk berkwalitas dan
telah menjadi bibit unggulan untuk diturunkan ke ratusan distro termasuk Ubuntu, MEPIS,
Knoppix, dan lainnya. Beberapa hari sebelumnya, Debian generasi 4.0 'etch' sempat merilis
update ketujuh dengan versi Debian 4.0r7.

Setelah 22 bulan dikembangkan secara konsisten, pada tanggal 14 Pebruari 2009 memenuhi
janji secara resmi Debian Project telah meluncurkan Debian GNU/Linux versi 5.0 (codenamed
"Lenny"). Debian GNU/Linux adalah sistem operasi bebas yang mendukung satu lusin
arsitektur (jenis prosesor), menyertakan aneka lingkungan desktop termasuk KDE, GNOME,
Xfce dan LXDE. Ia juga memastikan kompatibilitas dengan standarisasi FHS v2.3 dan telah
dekembangkan memenuhi persyaratan versi 3.2 dari Linux Standard Base (LSB).

Debian GNU/Linux digunakan dan dapat dijalankan di sistem komputer mulai dari palmtops dan
handheld sampai dengan supercomputers, termasuk nyaris di semua tingkatan diantaranya.
Duabelas arsitektur yang didukungnya termasuk: Sun SPARC (sparc), HP Alpha (alpha),
Motorola/IBM PowerPC (powerpc), Intel IA-32 (i386), IA-64 (ia64), HP PA-RISC (hppa), MIPS
(mips, mipsel), ARM (arm, armel), IBM S/390 (s390), dan AMD64 atau Intel EM64T (amd64).

Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 "Lenny" menambahkan dukungannya yang mencakup platform Marvell's
Orion yang banyak digunakan pada perangkat penyimpanan data (storage devices). Ia juga

Debian 5.0 Lenny Resmi Diluncurkan
Sabtu, 14 Pebruari 2009 01:12

mendukung banyak storage devices termasuk seri QNAP Turbo Station, HP Media Vault
mv2120, dan Buffalo Kurobox Pro. Lebih dari itu, "Lenny" kini mendukung sejumlah perangkat
Netbooks, khususnya Eee PC buatan Asus. "Lenny" juga mengemas alat membangun (build
tools) untuk Emdebian yang memungkinkan pemanfaatan dari kode sumber paket Debian dan
cross-built kemudian diciutkan agar pas untuk sistem embedded ARM.

Rilis perdana Lenny kali ini memerbaiki dan meningkatkan banyak paket software, termasuk: K
Desktop Environment 3.5.10 (KDE), GNOME desktop environment 2.22.2, the Xfce 4.4.2
desktop environment, LXDE, the GNUstep desktop 7.3, X.Org 7.3,
2.4.1, GIMP 2.4.7, Iceweasel 3.0.6 (nama lain untuk Mozilla Firefox), Icedove (nama
lain untuk Mozilla Thunderbird), PostgreSQL 8.3.6, MySQL 5.0.51a, GNU Compiler Collection
4.3.2, Linux kernel version 2.6.26, Apache 2.2.9, Samba 3.2.5, Python 2.5.2 and 2.4.6, Perl
5.10.0, PHP 5.2.6, Asterisk, Emacs 22, Inkscape 0.46, Nagios 3.06, Xen Hypervisor
3.2.1 (dom0 as well as domU support), OpenJDK 6b11, dan menyertakan lebih dari 23,000
paket software lain siap pakai (dibangun menggunakan lebih dari 12,000 source packages).

Keterangan lebih labih lanjut dapat disimak di Release Announcement dan Release Note
untuk Debian Lenny..

Yang Baru di Debian 5.0 'Lenny':

Kernel dan utiliti sistem:

- Linux 2.6.26 (see KernelFAQ#new-features-in-lenny);

- lspci (pciutils 3.0.0) has a -Q option to query the central database.
- mount : read-only binds ; –make-shared, –make-slave, –make-private, –make-unbindable
- KVM (kernel + qemu-kvm…)
- ntfs-3g (i.e R-W support)
- gnome expects ntfs-3g to mount volumes, which isn’t installed by default so it fails. Is there a regre
- List of Discontinued/Renamed modules.
- Most legacy CD (pre IDE!): aztcd, gscd isp16, mcdx optcd sjcd sonycd535 (Old CD-ROM drivers n


- No support for Linux 2.4

Debian 5.0 Lenny Resmi Diluncurkan
Sabtu, 14 Pebruari 2009 01:12


- GNOME 2.22 ( 2.22 release notes

- many applications now use the new gio library instead of gnome-vfs, leading to important performa
- A handful of packages (namely nautilus, gnome-panel and libgnome) will be shipped in their 2.20 v
- Experimental webkit support (epiphany-webkit)
- gnome-keyring is generalized (including SSH keys support and pam_gnome_keyring)
- system-config-printer replaces gnome-cups-manager
- mlocate replace locate, content is now indexed.
- Automatic configuration of hotplugged printers (hal-cups-utils)
- Improved CD/DVD ISO support (Archive Manager can open an ISO ; nautilus-cd-burner can burn i
- new apps : cheese, vinagre, sabayon
- Improved application evolution, evince, totem (automatic download codecs), gedit (syntax-highlight
- Improved Internationalization.
- Many improvements in accessibility support (new applications, at-spi integration in gecko applicatio
- pidgin replace gaim
- gnome-app-install , aka “Add/Remove Applications”
- Native Flash support, both in the desktop (swfdec-gnome) and in the browser (swfdec-mozilla)
- Artwork
- Debian MoreBlue Orbit is the new desktop artwork.
- 7.3
- Xserver autoconfiguration (most of older xorg.conf becomes unnecessary)
- RandR 1.2 support on Intel, ATI, and some G80 boards (autodetection of available modes, dynami
- ATI R5xx and R6xx modesetting and 2D acceleration support
- 2.4, (with .docx from
- Emacs 22
- Inkscape 0.46
- Gimp,
- Gecko 1.9
- Rendering uses native widgets
- Iceweasel/Firefox 3
- drag and drop tabs across windows
- new places bookmarks system
- gParted 0.36 (can move partitions)
- Qemu(Kvm)
- New frontends (qtemu and qemulator)
- qemu can now use hardware-based virtualization (KVM)
- qemu can netboot, using etherboot ROM (or the newer gPXE which is ITP 474034)
- Fonts contains enough fonts in main to give a full set of glyphs for each of the scripts in Unicode 5.
- Multimedia keys (keyboards) are handled by default (on my thinkpad + external keyboard).


- cpu frequency scaling enabled by default.

Debian 5.0 Lenny Resmi Diluncurkan
Sabtu, 14 Pebruari 2009 01:12


- Support for Marvell’s Orion platform. Specifically, lenny supports the following devices based on th


- List of New, Removed and Upgraded packages, see


- Default system log daemon changed from sysklogd/klogd to rsyslog

- Nagios3 (removal of nagios2)
- MySQL 5.1 (partitioning, Events, Row based replication… read this)
- PostgreSQL 8.3
- FreeRADIUS 2.0
- Horde 3.2 and webmail IMP 4.2
- Virtualization:
- Hypervisor independent virtual machine management via libvirt
+ supports kvm, xen, qemu, kqemu
+ language bindings for python and ocaml
+ Graphical UI: [virt-manager]
+ other tools: virtinst, virt-top
- xen updated to 3.2.1




- Besides the regular Debian security support for the full archive, Lenny introduces pro-active securit
- Debian Installer now applies any security updates before the first boot.
- Several security-critical packages have been built with GCC Hardening features. TODO: list.
- The standard system contains fewer setuid root binaries and fewer open ports.
- Various applications have added hardening improvements specific to their application.
- For example, PHP is now built with the Suhosin hardening patch.


- Python 2.5 as the default Python interpreter

- Tcl/Tk 8.5
- Perl 5.10
- GCC 4.3

Debian 5.0 Lenny Resmi Diluncurkan
Sabtu, 14 Pebruari 2009 01:12

- gcc/g++ 4.2/4.3 as default C/C++ compiler depending on architecture

- gfortran 4.3 as default FORTRAN compiler (g77 has been removed)
- ROOT data analysis package/toolkit, version 5.18, see DebianScience/ROOT

Debian system

- Support of symbols files (dpkg-gensymbols, dpkg-shlibdeps)

- Support of new source package formats (so that they can be used in lenny+1)
- debhelper 7
- dpkg triggers
- Manual page database updated automatically when installing packages
- apt-get autoremove
- ‘aptitude safe-upgrade’ replaces ‘aptitude upgrade’
- ‘aptitude full-upgrade’ replaces ‘aptitude dist-upgrade’
- Usable cross-building support of Debian packages with Debian tools.
- DebianVolatile is official.
- Kernel/Oops / (pic)
- Grub2 uses root=${UUID}, to on new installed systems.
- Other boot changes: kexec+readahead+insserv+dash can give faster boot

Debian Installer

- Only major changes are listed. For details the various release announcements can be checked.
- Support for multiple CDs/DVDs during the installation
- Update of system clock using NTP
- Experimental support for SATA RAID (dmraid)
- relatime mount option (see mount(1)).
- isolinux boot menu (i386/amd64)
- Option to install Debian from MS Windows (i386/amd64)
- Various changes affecting automated installs (preseeding)
- New hardware support: …
- New translations: …
- Dropped translations:
- Prompts for a media with required non-free firmware, if required.
- BluRay installation images for i386 and amd64.
- multipath support (multipath-modules)
- possibility to add to sources.list (by pre-seeding)

{denvideo 560}

Lenny dengan efek Compiz

Debian 5.0 Lenny Resmi Diluncurkan
Sabtu, 14 Pebruari 2009 01:12

{denvideo 560}

Lenny ala Mac OS X


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