Anda di halaman 1dari 15

Soalan 1.

Penggunaan telefon pintar yang semakin berleluasa dewasa ini merenggangkan

hubungan kekeluargaan. Bincangkan.

Teknologi telefon bimbit bergerak laju di dunia ini. Begitu juga di Malaysia,
perkembangannya bermula dari sebuah telefon bimbit yang bersaiz besar dengan
fungsi untuk menelefon saja sehingga kini ia telah menjadi sebuah telefon pintar
yang mempunyai pelbagai fungsi dan aplikasi.

Memang tidak dinafikan bahawa perkembangan teknologi ini adalah baik, namun
begitu, sekiranya jika tidak dikawal ia boleh membawa keburukan kepada hal-hal lain
seperti kepincangan di dalam hubungan kekeluargaan dan sahabat handai.
Kepincangan ini dapat dilihat dari peringkat kanak-kanak, suami isteri dan bersama

1. Anak-anak

Leka bermain permainan di telefon pintar. Masa berharga untuk bermain-main

dengan rakan-rakan di luar rumah / padang sudah tiada. Tiada peluh keluar untuk
menyihatkan tubuh badan.

Bukan hanya permainan di telefon bimbit, anak-anak juga leka menonton video
di You Tube untuk menonton cerita-cerita kartun dan animasi sehingga mereka lebih
suka duduk sendirian sambil memegang telefon pintar. Apabila disuruh untuk
belajar, sambil belajarpun masih memegang telefon pintar.

2. Suami Isteri

Facebook, WhatApps, Tweeter dan pelbagai aplikasi telefon pintar juga telah
melekakan pasangan suami isteri. 'Benda-benda' ini sebenarnya tidak menjadi salah
namun yang menjadi salahnya adalah ia melekakan sehingga pelbagai kerja-kerja di
rumah tertangguh. Memasaknya ke mana, membasuh bajunya ke mana, melipat
bajunya ke mana, begitu juga kerja-kerja rumah yang lain.

Anak-anakpun akan kurang diambil perhatian dan kasih sayang, apabila masing-
masing dengan hal masing-masing, sibuk mentelaah dan bermain di telefon pintar.
Apabila sudah leka dengan telefon pintar, permintaan, arahan dan suruhan suami /
isteri sukar dilayan. Rasa malas nak angkat bontot untuk bangun melakukan arahan.
3. Rakan-rakan

Kadang kala kita berkumpul bersama rakan-rakan. Mungkin rakan-rakan lama yang
jarang berjumpa. Biasanya tempat yang paling sesuai untuk berjumpa adalah di kedai
makan mahupun restoran. Namun apabila sudah berkumpul, menjadi trend pula
apabila masing-masing sibuk dengan telefon pintar. Ada yang bermain game,
ber'facebook' dan sebagainya.

Bila masa nak berborak sekiranya banyak masa dihabiskan untuk telefon pintar? Apa
guna keluar bersama sekiranya kita lebih kepada sibuk dengan telefon pintar
berbanding berborak dan berkongsi-kongsi cerita dengan rakan-rakan.
Kini, telefon pintar mengatasi segalanya. Di tangan mesti ada telefon. Kalau tiada,
rasa janggal.

Sekiranya pergi kerja tetapi telefon tertinggal, sanggup berpatah semula untuk
mendapatkanya. Kadang-kadang, biar diri sendiri yang terjatuh, janji telefon dapat
diselamatkan. Begitulah penangan telefon pintar.
Apa-apapun kita kena lebih pintar dari telefon pintar. Janganlah kita menjadi bodoh
dek kerana telefon pintar.

Soalan 2
Aktiviti riadah dapat memupukkan hubungan kasih sayang yang lebih erat.Jelaskan.

Riadah merupakan salah satu amalan gaya hidup sihat. Pada pandangan saya, riadah
bermaksud menyihatkan badan dan menenangkan fikiran. Aktiviti riadah ini boleh
dijadikan amalan mingguan keluarga.

Aktiviti riadah membolehkan kita mengisi masa lapang yang berfaedah dan tidak
berfaedah. Contohnya kurang faedah adalah menonton televisyen,bermain
permainan video,pergi ke kompleks membeli-belah,berbual-bual dan sebagainya.
Masa cuti yang tidak diisi dengan aktiviti yang berfaedah akan merugikan kita.
Dengan beriadah bersama keluarga kita pada masa lapang, banyak perkara
berfaedah yang dapat kita lakukan contohnya berbasikal bersama-sama, berjoging
di kawasan taman dan berkelah.
Aktiviti riadah bersama keluarga juga dapat merapatkan hubungan kekeluargaan.
Semasa aktiviti ini dilakukan,ibu bapa boleh menggunakan masa ini untuk
menasihatkan anak-anak tentang nilai murni yang baik dalam kehidupan seharian.
Hubugan keluarga yang rapat boleh menjadikan sebuah keluarga yang dapat
memupuk semangat perpaduan dan mengeratkan kasih sayang sesama ahli keluarga.

Aktiviti riadah juga boleh menjadikan badan kita sihat. Kalau badan kita sihat, kita
boleh melakukan aktiviti harian dengan pantas. Jika badan kita sakit,kita perlu pergi
ke hospital untuk mendapatkan rawatan.Hal ini menyebabkan pembaziran wang
kerana kita terpaksa mengeluarkan wang untuk rawatan.

Soalan kumpulan
Soalan 1

Malaysia merupakan negara berbilang kaum dan masyarakat iaitu terdiri daripada
masyarakat melayu,india,cina, iban dan sumazau. Pelbagai adat dan budaya yang dapat
dipelajari daripada masyarakat pelbagai kaum ini, terutama dapat dilihat daripada
tariannya. Tarian dapat didefinisikan sebagai satu seni tari pergerakkan badan,kaki dan
tangan mengikut rentak muzik yang dimainkan.

Tarian yang dipersembahkan dari setiap kaum mempunyai asal usul dan tujuan
tersendiri.Sebagai contoh tarian mak yong,zapin,gamelan,asyik,kathak,bhrata
natyam,singa,kipas,ngajat dan sumazau.Terdapat pelbagai cara atau usaha yang boleh
dilakukan oleh semua pihak untuk terus mengekalkan sesuatu budaya yang diamalkan
antaranya ialah dari pihak diri seseorang itu sendiri.

Seseorang individu itu meminkan peranan yang amat penting dalam mengekalkan sesuatu
kebudayaaan kerana tanpa tindakan daripada individu, pelbagai usaha yang dijalankan tidak
akan berhasil. Seseorang individu dalam setiap kaum itu haruslah mempunyai keinginan yang
tinggi untuk meneruskan budaya yang terdapat dalam bangsa mereka itu sendiri supaya
kebudayaan itu dapat terus dikekalkan, sebagai contohnya anak-anak muda dalam kaum
Melayu seharusnya membuka mata mereka untuk belajar tentang tarian Melayu seperti
Tarian Zapin, Tarian Ulik Mayang, Tarian Joget, Dikir Barat, dan sebaginyaJusteru, warisan
kesenian ini juga menjadi aset dan tarikan para pelancong.

Sebagai contoh, jenis-jenis muzik Melayu tradisional antaranya ialah muzik makyung, Mek
Mulung, Ghazal, wayang kulit dan sebagainya.Di Sabah saja mempunyai kira-kira 32 jenis
tarian daripada pelbagai jenis etnik. Tarian Mongigol Sumundai, Sumayau dan Semazau
Penampang merupakan beberapa jenis tarian untuk pemujaan semangat. Di Pahang ada
Tarian Labi-Labi dan Tarian Pelanduk yang unik dan perlu diketengahkan selain masih
banyak lagu-lagu rakyat yang perlu dikomersialkan. Begitu juga bagi negeri-negeri lain
seperti Terengganu dan Kelantan.

Soalan 2
Usaha untuk mengatasi masalah ponteng.
Masalah ini bukan masalah baru - tabiat buruk ini mengundang banyak gejala negatif
- tidak boleh dipandang enteng - perlu ambil inisiatif untuk mengatasinya


Sentiasa mengingatkan dan beri kesedaran kepada para pelajar agar tidak ponteng -
sarankan setiap pelajar mainkan peranan yang baik sebagai pelajar - elak penggantungan
Unit kaunseling di sekolah/ Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya - kumpul pelajar-pelajar yang
ada rekod ponteng - beri motivasi atau kaunseling - ubah sikap
Tindakan disiplin atau hukuman yang keras (contoh: gantung sekolah, buang sekolah)
- memberi pengajaran kepada pelajar yang ponteng - peringatan kepada pelajar lain
Minta kerjasama PIBG - ibu bapa dan guru sama-sama gembleng tenaga - ambil
peranan mengawasi anak-anak
Minta pihak berkuasa tempatan membuat rondaan di kawasan yang menjadi tempat
melepak seperti pusat beli belah dan kafe siber - beri amaran/tangkap mereka


Kerjasama semua pihak amat penting bagi menangani masalah ini - 'bagai aur dengan
tebing' - jangan bersikap tuding jari sebaliknya semua pihak harus berusaha membanteras
masalah ini hingga ke akar umbi
Soalan 3
Kewujudan pasar tani dapat memberi peluang kepada masyarakat menceburi bidang
perniagaan. Menerusi pasar tani, satu kawasan yang berpotensi untuk dikunjungi orang
ramai telah dipilih, biasanya di kawasan perumahan. Iklan akan ditawarkan untuk memberi
peluang masyarakat menyertai bidang perniagaan. Barang-barang yang boleh dijual biasanya
sayur-sayuran, buah-buahan, ikan, daging dan kuih-muih. Setiap peniaga dihadkan jenis
barang yang dijual untuk mengelakkan sesuatu barang itu dijual oleh peniaga yang sama.
Mereka yang baru berjinak-jinak dalambidang pertanian atau perniagaan berpeluang
memulakan langkah untuk memasarkan hasil titik peluh mereka. Jelaslah bahawa pasar tani
mampu menyediakan peluang kepada orang ramai untuk menceburi bidang perniagaan kerana
menurut mantan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, pertanian itu adalah perniagaan.

Selain itu, pengguna dapat membeli barangan berkualiti yang dijual dengan harga
yang berpatutan. Kebiasaannya, pasar tani diadakan pada waktu pagi ataupun waktu petang
dan berlanjutan hingga malam. Barangan yang dijual di pasar tani lebih berkualiti, segar dan
bermutu tinggi kerana dibawa terus dari ladang. Harga barangan lebih murah berbanding di
kedai runcit biasa. Hal ini berlaku kerana kakitangan FAMA akan memantau mutu barangan
dan harga yang dijual oleh peniaga. Tuntasnya, dengan membeli-belah di pasar tani,
pengguna dapat menyahut seruan kerajaan untuk menjayakan kempen berjimat-cermat
ketika kegawatan ekonomi dan kenaikan harga barangan.

Pasar tani juga dapat menjadi medan untuk masyarakat Malaysia menjalinkan
perpaduan kaum. Lazimnya, peniaga pasar tani terdiri daripada pelbagai kaum. Selain dapat
membantu meningkatkan ekonomi rakyat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum, pertemuan dan
kerjasama yang wujud ketika berniaga di pasar tani dapat menjalinkan kemesraan dan
kerjasama erat antara kaum. Perpaduan kaum sangat penting kerana bersatu teguh
bercerai roboh. Pengunjung atau pengguna yang berbilang kaum dapat bertemu dan beramah
mesra ketika urus niaga kerana pada waktu lain masing-masing sibuk dengan urusan
sendiri. Terbuktilah bahawa kewujudan pasar tani di kawasan perumahan berupaya
menjalinkan perpaduan antara kaum.

Kesimpulannya, kewujudan pasar tani oleh FAMA dapat membuka peluang perniagaan,
mewujudkan perpaduan dan pengguna mendapat barangan yang berkualiti. Usaha tangga
kejayaan, inisiatif berterusan pihak kerajaan untuk memajukan pasar tani pasti akan
meningkatkan perekonomian negara. Oleh itu, pihak kerajaan perlulah memperbanyak tapak
perniagaan pasar tani di seantero negara. Diharapkan pasar tani akan terus menjadi
pemangkin kemajuan bidang perniagaan dan berupaya memajukan sektor pertanian negara.
Sesungguhnya, pertanian adalah satu perniagaan.
Soalan individu
Soalan 1
Recreational activities can foster greater love. Explain.

Spending time together as a family helps foster the parent/child relationship. It also
helps children feel like they are part of a support system. They feel more safe and
accepted which helps them develop into strong, confident and independent individuals.
In addition, allowing for ongoing open communication with your children creates a
greater level of trust and understanding. As your children get older (especially the
teenage years), it is so important for them to feel like they can talk to their parents
about ANYTHING! This often helps children think before they act as well as make
better choices.

Spending time together as a family also has many positive developmental impacts.
These include:

Increased language development

Greater sense of self

Feelings of love and acceptance

Enhanced thinking and reasoning skills

An understanding of family values

Increased respect for others

Soalan 3
Prevention is better than cure. Food poisoning can be prevented. Elaborate.

If you've ever had food poisoning, you'll know how unpleasant it can be, even for a fit and
healthy person. Food poisoning can sometimes cause serious illness and even death.
Most people assume that food poisoning comes from restaurants, cafes and fast food
outlets, but according to the FSA, you're just as likely to get ill from food prepared at
Follow these tips to reduce the risk of food poisoning at home.

Wash your hands

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water, and dry them before handling food,
after handling raw foods including meat, fish, eggs and vegetables and after touching
the bin, going to the toilet, blowing your nose, or touching animals, including pets.

Wash worktops
Wash worktops before and after preparing food, particularly after they've been touched
by raw meat, including poultry, raw eggs, fish and vegetables. You don't need to
use antibacterial sprays: hot, soapy water is fine.

Wash dishcloths
Wash dishcloths and tea towels regularly and let them dry before you use them again.
Dirty, damp cloths are the perfect place for germs to breed.

Use separate chopping boards

Use separate chopping boards for raw food and ready-to-eat food. Raw foods can contain
harmful bacteria that spreads very easily to anything they touch, including other foods,
worktops, chopping boards and knives.
Keep raw meat separate
It's especially important to keep raw meat away from ready-to-eat foods, such as salad,
fruit and bread. This is because these foods won't be cooked before you eat them, so any
bacteria that gets on to the foods won't be killed.

Store raw meat on the bottom shelf

Always cover raw meat and store it on the bottom shelf of the fridge, where it can't
touch other foods or drip onto them.

Cook food thoroughly

Cook food thoroughly and check that it's steaming hot all the way through. Make sure
poultry, pork, burgers, sausages and kebabs are cooked until steaming hot, with no pink
meat inside. Dont wash raw meat including chicken and turkey before cooking, as this risks
spreading bacteria around your kitchen.
Freezing raw chicken reduces levels of Campylobacter but does not eliminate it completely.
The safest way to kill all traces of Campylobacter is by cooking chicken thoroughly.

Keep your fridge below 5C

Keep your fridge temperature below 5C. By keeping food cold, you stop food poisoning bugs

Cool leftovers quickly

If you have cooked food that you're not going to eat straight away, cool it as quickly as
possible (within 90 minutes) and store it in the fridge or freezer. Use any leftovers from
the fridge within two days.

Respect 'use by' dates

Don't eat food that's past its 'use by' date even if it looks and smells okay. 'Use by'
dates are based on scientific tests that show how quickly harmful bugs can develop in the
packaged food.
Soalan no 2
How to strengthen unity among the multiracial society in Malaysia?

Nowadays, Malaysia is considered a leading tourist destination because we are famous for
our multiracial society living together in peace and harmony. In my opinion, I strongly agree
that national unity can be enhanced to strengthen solidarity among all the various races in
this country. In this essay, I will discuss three solid strategies for enhancing national unity
which include every individual's role in being more patriotic, be respectful of each
different culture and mould a racially tolerant future generation.

First and foremost, every individual can play a part in enhancing national by being more
patriotic. This is because when we are patriotic we will appreciate being a Malaysian citizen
who has the right to live a peaceful and war-free life. Moreover, having high patriotism will
ensure that we really love our country and we will not do anything to harm the peach and
harmony. For example, every one of us can respect the 'Negaraku' song and 'Rukunegara',
fly our national flag during Independence Day and so on. Therefore, if everyone plays their
part and becomes more patriotic, this will easily enhance the spirit of national unity.

Secondly, as a loyal Malaysian, we should always be respectful of each and every culture
found in this country. This means that respecting the main races like Malays, Chinese and
Indians as well as the indigenous races will ensure that we will continue to live side by side
in harmony. Furthermore, every race tat makes up the Malaysian society is unique and
should be cherished for its special traditions. For instance, we should visit one another
during the 'Open House' or wedding celebrations, religious festivals and many more. Thus
by respecting the uniqueness of every culture, this helps us promote racial solidarity and
enhance national unity.

Last but not least, it is every individual's responsibility to mould the future generation to
be more patriotic. This is due to the fact that by educating our own children to be good
and tolerant citizens, this will help us maintain our peaceful situation long into the future.
In addition, children who are taught to be respectful of other cultures will learn to be
more grateful for the peace and harmony our country enjoys compared to places
like Gaza where they are now suffering the effects of war. Take for example, we can send
our children to 'Sekolah Wawasan' or 'Vision Schools' where they can mix with all races,
join multiracial community activities and others. Hence, by educating the young on
patriotism, we are ensuring that national unity will continue to exist in the future.
In a nutshell, the three strategies I have suggested are to be more patriotic and
respectful of each unique culture as well as to teach our children about patriotism. In my
opinion, I still strongly agree that national unity can be enhanced if we all play an active
role. I hope that our government can highlight this issue in the media by organising more
patriotic campaigns so that we can produce a united society that can contribute
productively to the achievement of Vision 2020.
Soalan kumpulan
Soalan 1
Technology is a negative influence on teens. Give your opinion.

Technology is a negative influence on us because it separates individuals from reality. The

iPod is one example; by putting in your earbuds and immersing yourself in music while in
public, you are disconnecting yourself from the real world.

The ability for people to surround themselves with the familiar by using their iPod is
appealing because it rarely provides the listener with something unexpected or unknown.
However, it can be argued that this is a bad thing. By constantly being cut off from
personal interactions and new experiences because of a technological device, a generation
with substandard social abilities is being groomed. If we do not have to face reality by
experiencing new things, making personal relationships, and problem solving, then we will
never be able to function as adults.

Technology hinders personal communication, which negatively impacts our age-group.

Although our culture heralds the Internet as a technological wonder, there are
suggestions that Internet use has a negative influence on individuals and their social skills.

The Internet actually detracts from the communication abilities of society, especially the
young. When our communication skills are gradually lessened, we begin spending less time
talking to families, experiencing more daily stress, and feeling more lonely and depressed .

Technology negatively affects us by perpetuating the mindset of immediate satisfaction.

The creation of various portable technological devices has slowly ingrained the idea of
instant gratification. With gadgets like the PS3 or Nintendo DS, which allow users to play
games anywhere, or cell phones that let us keep in touch virtually everywhere and at any
time, we grow up learning that whenever we want pleasure or enjoyment, it will
automatically be granted to us.

I believe the advancement of technology has negatively impacted our social interactions
because it detaches us from what is happening around us, obstructs communication, and
spreads the concept of instant gratification. Society must be able to utilize technology
while not allowing it to impede social interactions, particularly for those who are easily
influenced during our formative years. Our world must learn to embrace technology
without allowing it to negatively impact the creation of functional adults in society.

Soalan 2
Nowadays pupils hang around in the cybercafe ang spend most of their time there
during school hours. Discuss.

Here am I to talk about the disadvantages of the cyber caf, that what actually will
happen if people like us spends too much time in these kind of places, especially teenagers.
It will affect us emotionally, mentally & also physically. How is it ? Now, these are the
disadvantages of cyber caf if you spend too much time in it.

The disadvantages are, some cyber caf has security risk. Personal information or website
could invade by other people. Not many compassionate people will help you to close or
either log out your account if you happen to forget. A system called the keylogger is also
installed in some cyber cafs so that it can automatically remember your passwords when
you log in into something. Teenagers also will absorb the bad environment and also easily to
be influence by

the bad side of the cyber caf, such as smoking and also online betting. Many people like to
do online betting in any cyber cafs. This has lead many teenagers has that attempt to do
it as well. Smokers are most likely to hang around that kind of places which is not good to
any easily amuse teens.

Teenagers have also become one of the problems when it comes to cyber caf. When they
started to like the facilities, they will start going there as often as possible. This will
cause them addict to the games and do not want to go home early, waste of money, and
make their parents worry and also lack of their studies. Some of these teenagers started
smoking habits in this kind of place as well, same goes as drugs. The games will cause them
never want to study and if this keeps repeating often, they wouldve skip school as well,
just to play the games that theyve addicted with it.

Pornography is also another problem. A cyber caf is a public network social. Anybody that
pays for it, they can go into the internet and is not that expensive as well. Dirty minded
people will search for porno in such public places. This will affect those teenagers as well.
This are the reason why cyber caf has many disadvantages for people. Try to avoid if can.
Soalan 3.
Do you think sports can overcome obesity among students?

First and foremost,developing an unhealthy diet is the main cause of obesity.As all people
living in hectic lifestyles,they do not have sufficient time to prepare proper meals.Many
mothers chose to eat-out instead of cooking at home.Many families are now been able to
afford the high expense of having meals at outside.Some of the children are given a
generous amount of money from their parents to eat.When they are given such freedom to
choose food,they would naturally prefer to eat and fast foods like burgers,pizzas,french-
fries,nuggets and fried chickens.This situation would lead to obesity as the little
importance is placed on serving a balanced diet.

Secondly,the lack of participation in sports and outdoor games are closely linked to the
rising level of obesity nowadays.As we could noticed that children are not interested in
sport and outdoor activities.For example,jogging,yoga,riding bicycle,swimming,gym,aerobics
and so forth.They would rather playing computer games and watching television when they
have spare times.Apart from children,many of the adults who lead busy lives did not
exercise more than twice in a month because they think that exercising is a waste of
time.The sedentary nature of exercising in both adults and children us the major cause of

Furthermore,exercise regularly is the most effective way to keep obesity at bay.This is

because physical exercises or body work-outs could help us to release the toxins or
harmful chemicals in our bodies by sweating.In order to keep our body fit and slim,we have
to exercise at least twice in a week,each time for 30 minutes.In spite of that,media mass
and government should play their roles to draw communities' attentions and encouraged
them to participate in sports or outdoor activities.For an instance,awareness campaigns
should be carried out in every districts to inculcate the knowledge of maintaining healthy
lifestyle among the people.Meanwhile,parents have the responsibility to ensure their
children leads a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly.

To prevent the problem of obesity from escalating,having balanced diets should be

practised to keep our bodies in shapes.As an saying goes:'Tell me what you eat, and I will
tell you what you are.'It is obvious that our eating habits does affect our state of health
directly.As a smart consumer,we should always refer to the food pyramid so that we would
not make any insensible choose of foods.As we all knew that eating greasy foods such as
burger,pizzas,nuggets,fried chickens and crisps are as if taking risks on our health.So,we
should eat a lot of vegetables and fruits as well as the source of protein - fishes,as they
are high in fiber and good for our health.

In a nutshell,obesity is one of the diseases which is caused by the carelessness of human

being.However,it could be cured if we look into it wisely so that we could take some
thoughtful actions on rectifying it.As the proverb says:'Prevention is better than cure'.In
short,all parties should be concerned about the spread of this problemfor this problem can
be solved to create the future of harmony and healthy.

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