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Disusun oleh:
Fathur Rohim
Sahadadi Mulyana
Aris Supriyanto
Gunawan Widiyanto


Agustus 2017

Agustus 2017
Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan
limpahan karunia sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan penyusunan suplemen
bahan ajar Program PKB Guru berdasarkan hasil analisis UN, USBN, US/M.
Suplemen ini memuat deskripsi singkat materi dan penugasan berupa lembar
kerja yang tidak termuat dalam Modul PKB Guru.

Kami berusaha merangkum beberapa materi berdasarkan hasil analisis UN,

USBN, US/M yang tidak termuat dalam Modul PKB Guru.

Kami berharap suplemen bahan ajar Program PKB Guru berdasarkan hasil
analisis UN, USBN, US/M Muatan Pelajaran Bahasa ini mampu menjembatani
pemahamanan dan kreatifitas para guru agar lebih baik sehingga dapat
meningkatkan kompetensi guru berdasarkan kesesuaian pemetaan yang telah
ditetapkan dan dapat meningkatkan kompetensi siswa sesuai dengan hasil
analisis yang telah dilakukan.

Pengembangan keprofesionalan guru melalui Program PKB merupakan upaya

peningkatan kompetensi untuk semua guru. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, maka
diperlukan sebuah sarana untuk memberikan tambahan pengetahuan dan
keterampilan berupa kemampuan meningkatkan kompetensi guru melalui
pembelajaran dengan suplemen bahan ajar.

Kami berharap suplemen bahan ajar ini memberi manfaat yang besar bagi
kemajuan pendidikan Indonesia, khususnya pembelajaran bahasa baik di
jenjang pendidikan dasar maupun menengah. Kritik dan saran dari berbagai
pihak untuk penyempurnaan suplemen bahan ajar ini sangat diharapkan.

Tim Penyusun

Daftar Isi

PENGANTAR ................................................................................................................................... i
Daftar Isi ....................................................................................................................................... iii
Pendahuluan ................................................................................................................................. 1
A. Latar belakang .................................................................................................................. 1
B. Tujuan ............................................................................................................................... 4
C. Ruang Lingkup................................................................................................................... 5
KegiatanPembelajaran 1 ............................................................................................................... 6
A. Deskripsi Singkat.................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
B. Penugasan ...........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
C. Bahan Bacaan .....................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
D. Lembar Kegiatan .................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
E. Refleksi ................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
KegiatanPembelajaran 2 ............................................................................................................... 6
A. Deskripsi Singkat.................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
B. Penugasan ...........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
C. Bahan Bacaan .....................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
D. Lembar Kegiatan .................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
E. Refleksi ................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
KegiatanPembelajaran 3 ............................................................................................................... 6
A. Deskripsi Singkat.................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
B. Penugasan ...........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
C. Bahan Bacaan .....................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
D. Lembar Kegiatan .................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
E. Refleksi ................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
KegiatanPembelajaran 3 ............................................................................................................... 6
A. Deskripsi Singkat.................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
B. Penugasan ...........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
C. Bahan Bacaan .....................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
D. Lembar Kegiatan .................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
E. Refleksi ................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
KegiatanPembelajaran 4 ............................................................................................................... 6
A. Deskripsi Singkat.................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
B. Penugasan ...........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
C. Bahan Bacaan .....................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
D. Lembar Kegiatan .................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
E. Refleksi ................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
KegiatanPembelajaran 5 ............................................................................................................... 6
A. Deskripsi Singkat.................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
B. Penugasan ...........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
C. Bahan Bacaan .....................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
D. Lembar Kegiatan .................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
E. Refleksi ................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Penutup ....................................................................................................................................... 76

A. Latar belakang
Kesesuaian dan keselarasan kompetensi guru dan kompetensi siswa untuk
dipadukan dalam sebuah kebutuhan pelatihan sangat penting, khususnya
dalam proses Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan (PKB). Dari proses PKB
yang baik akan berimbas pada meningkatnya kompetensi siswa yang dapat
dilihat dari peningkatan hasil Ujian Nasional (UN), Ujian Sekolah Berstandar
Nasional (USBN), Ujian Sekolah/Madrasah (US/M). UN, USBN, US/M
merupakan salah satu upaya pemerintah dalam rangka memacu peningkatan
mutu pendidikan. UN, USBN, US/M selain berfungsi untuk mengukur dan
menilai pencapaian kompetensi lulusan dalam mata pelajaran dan jenjang
tertentu, pemetaan mutu pendidikan pada tingkat dasar dan menengah, juga
berfungsi untuk memotivasi pihak-pihak terkait agar bekerja lebih baik guna
menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas. Hasil ujian nasional dapat memberikan
informasi tentang kelemahan dan kekuatan kompetensi siswa. Informasi hasil
UN, USBN, US/M dapat digunakan sebagai umpan balik oleh pendidik untuk
perbaikan pembelajaran di kelas. Hubungan antara Standar Kompetensi Guru
(SKG), Kompetensi Dasar (KD) dan Kisi-kisi UN, USBN, US/M dalam peranan
peningkatan kompetensi siswa perlu kesesuaian dimana akan ditemukan
sebuah kebutuhan kompetensi yang selaras untuk ditingkatkan, hubungan SKG
dengan Kisi-kisi UN, USBN, US/M dapat digambarkan seperti bagan dibawah.

Gambar 1. Hubungan SKG dengan Kisi-kisi UN, USBN

Setiap tahun pelaksanaan evaluasi hasil belajar siswa diselenggarakan pada
akhir tahun pelajaran. Pada tahun pelajaran 2016/2017, selain dilaksanakannya
UN, juga terdapat USBN. Pemerintah melalui Kemendikbud telah mengambil
kebijakan dalam rangkaevaluasi akhir pembelajaran siswa dengan tetap
dilaksanakannya UN. Namun demikian, untuk meningkatkan mutu hasil
evaluasi akhir siswa, ujian sekolah ditingkatkan mutunya menjadi USBN, khusus
pada beberapa mata pelajaran. Selain itu, pemerintah juga telah berupaya unt
uk memperluas pelaksanaan ujian berbasis komputer baik untuk UN maupun
USBN. Permendikbud telah disiapkan untuk mengawal pendidikan di indonesia
dan menjaga standar yang telah ditetapkan, Kemendikbud melalaui Ditjen. GTK
berupaya menselaraskan antara SKG dengan standar siswa yang tertuang
dalam Permendikbud 19 s.d. 24 Tahun 2016, serta bagaimana peran UN/USBN
menjaga standar untuk meningkatkan komptensi guru sekaligus siswanya.
Hasil analsis UN dapat digunakan sebagai bahan dasar perencanaan
pembelajaran dan peningkatan kompetensi guru, Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan
(PUSPENDIK) Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan (BALITBANG) kemendikbud
telah mengeluarkan aplikasi yang dapat menganasis hasil UN tersebut.

Gambar 2. Hubungan SKG dengan Analisis Hasil UN, USBN

PUSPENDIK mengeluarkan aplikasi guna menyiapkan informasi hasil UN dalam
bentuk aplikasi laporan hasil ujian nasional secara nasional. Aplikasi ini dapat
dimanfaatkan oleh pendidik untuk mengetahui kelemahan kompetensi peserta
didiknya yang digambarkan dalam daya serap materi tiap indikator butir soal.
Informasi dari laporan hasil ujian nasional dapat digunakan sebagai umpan
balik bagi guru dalam rangka memperbaiki kinerjanya masing‐masing. Selain
itu, informasi daya serap juga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh lembaga yang
akan melaksanakan pelatihan‐pelatihan yang bertujuan untuk
meningkatkan kompetensi guru.
Pentingnya peran guru dalam pendidikan diamanatkan dalam Undang–Undang
Republik Indonesia Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen yang
mengamanatkan adanya pembinaan dan pengembangan profesi guru sebagai
aktualisasi dari profesi pendidik. Program Pengembangan Keprofesian
Berkelanjutan (PKB) merupakan proses penyelenggaraan kegiatan belajar
mengajar dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan dan kompetensi guru
melaksanakan tugas profesinya. Peningkatan kompetensi tersebut
mencakup kegiatan‐kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk perbaikan dan
pertumbuhan kemampuan (abilities), sikap (attitude), dan keterampilan (skill).
Ada empat kondisi pemetaan kompetensi yang perlu diselaraskan berkenan
dengan kesesuaian antara standar kompetensi guru dan kompetensi dasar
siswa. Matrik dibawah dapat menggambarkan empat kondisi yang
kemungkinan terjadi pada pendidikan di Indonesia.

Gambar 3. Kondisi Pemetaan Kompetensi

Kesesuaian kompetensi guru dan siswa dapat dilihat dari hasil UKG yang
merupakan gambaran kompetensi Guru dan hasil UN / USBN yang merupakan
gambaran kmpetensi siswa. Keduanya Perlu dipetakan sehingga dapat
ditentukan Kondisi yang ideal, sasaran PKB dan sasaran Utama PKB, strategi
pemetaan kompetensi guru dan siswa dapat dilihat pada gambar dibawah.

Gambar 4. Pemetaan Kompetensi Guru (IPK) dengan Kompetensi Dasar Siswa

(KD) dalam Kisi-kisi/Analisis Hasil UN, USBN

B. Tujuan
Suplemen/bahan ajar Program PKB Guru berdasarkan hasil analisis UN, USBN,
US/M dilaksanakan dengan tujuan sebagai berikut.
1. Melalui diskusi dan mengerjakan latihan, peserta dapat menggunakan
ungkapan berbahasa secara berterima
2. Melalui diskusi dan mengerjakan latihan, peserta dapat mengembangkan
teks fungsional pendek – greeting card, short message, dan invitation.
3. Melalui diskusi dan mengerjakan latihan, peserta dapat mengembangkan
teks recount.
4. Melalui diskusi dan mengerjakan latihan, peserta dapat mengembangkan
teks biography.
5. Melalui diskusi dan mengerjakan latihan, peserta dapat mengembangkan
teks explanation.

C. Ruang Lingkup
Ruang lingkup materi pada suplemen/bahan ajar Program PKB Guru
berdasarkan hasil analisis UN, USBN, US/M adalah sebagai berikut.
1. Language expression
2. Teks fungsional pendek – greeting card, short message, dan invitation
3. Teks recount
4. Teks biography
5. Teks explanation

KegiatanPembelajaran 1
Language Expressions

A. Deskripsi Singkat
Kegiatan pembelajaran berupa materi supplement ini dimaksudkan untuk
menjebatani perbaikan kegiatan program Pengembangan Keprofesian
Berkelanjutan (PKB) berdasarkan tingkat ketercapaian terendah siswa dengan
profil guru berdasarkan UKG. Kegiatan pembelajaran ini melengkapi kekuarangan
materi yang belum terbahas di modul-modul PKB sebelumnya sebelumnya. Materi
tersebut mencakup penggunaan language expressions mencakup offering help;
best wishes; extended asking for attention; extended congratulatory expressions;
giving encouragement; extending facts dan opinions dalam aspek kebahasaan
baik linguistik; wacana, sosiolinguistik maupun strategis). Diharapkan peserta
setelah menempuh pembelajaran berikut mampu
1. Menggunakan language expressions (offering help; best wishes; extended
asking for attention; extended congratulatory expressions; giving
encouragement; extending facts dan opinions) dalam berbagai kompetensi
kebahasaan (linguistik, wacana, sosiolinguistik, dan strategis).
2. Menentukan language expressions (offering help; best wishes; extended asking
for attention; extended congratulatory expressions; giving encouragement;
extending facts dan opinions) yang tepat sesuai konteks.

B. Penugasan
Ruang lingkup kegiatan pembelajaran materi supplement Language Expressions meliputi
memberikan contoh contoh kalimat atau ekspresi lain yang setara dan penggunaannya dalam
percakapan serta bagaimana mengajarkannya pada para siswa. Adapun kegiatan rincinya sebagai

LK 1 Contoh penggunaan ekspresi offering help; best wishes; extended asking for attention;
extended congratulatory expressions; giving encouragement; extending facts dan
opinions)dalam percakapan.

LK 1.1 Memberikan contoh-contoh ekspresi yang berterima paling sedikit tiga untuk
masing-masing ekspresi yang dimaksud di atas.

LK 1.2 Membuat contoh penerapan masing-masing ekspresi yang dimaksud di atas

dalam sebuah dialog singkat.

LK 2.1 Membuat skenario pembelajaran untuk masing-masing ekspresi yang dimaksud di atas.

C. Bahan Bacaan:
1. Offering to Help and Responding

Would you like some help?

Can I give you a hand?

Do you need any help?

May I offer any assistance?

Need any help?


Could you give me any helps?

Would you mind helping me out?

Could you help me please?

I need some assistance please

Here are the examples how to use the expression in dialogues:
 A: May/Can I help you?
B: (positive) Yes, please. I'd like to buy some jewelry.
B: (negative) No, thank you. I'm just looking/browsing.
 A: Would you like/Do you need some help?
B: (positive) Yes. That would be great. Thank you.
B: (negative) Thank you for offering, but I think I can manage it.
 A: It looks/You look as if you could do with some help!
B: (positive) I sure could! I'm glad you came along.
B: (negative) Thanks. I think I've got it.

2. Congratulatory Expressions
Joyful times go hand in hand with congratulations. When addressing graduates,
newlyweds, or anyone with good news, a hearty “Congratulations!” is in order.
Congratulants, people who congratulate, have been using this pluralized expression,
which stems from the Latin gratus meaning “pleasing,” since the 17th century. The
singular noun meaning “the act of congratulating” has been around since the late 16th
century. What to Write to Say Congrats!

Don't get stuck trying to figure out how to say congratulations. There are many
ways to say congratulations, and you can decide which is best. These will give you
some ideas to get you started for a variety of occasions. These are some of the
examples with the occasions:
1). New Baby
1. We're happy to be able to share this exciting time with you as your family
2. Babies are miracles. Congratulations on your little miracle.
3. New experiences are coming! We look forward to you sharing some of the
details with us!

4. We are super excited to hear that you are going to be adding to your family
soon. We hope and pray that the pregnancy and delivery all go smoothly. We'll
be praying for you and looking forward to meeting the newest member of the
family soon!
5. You have received a great gift. With great gifts comes great responsibility. Let
us know how and when we can help.
New babies are a fun time to write a fun message to new parents. You can take
advantage of the card message opportunity to give some advice or make some jokes
about what it's like to be a parent. Get creative with the way you congratulate the
burdensome blessing that is a baby.
2). Graduation
1. Graduation marks the beginning of new opportunities. Continue to grow
and learn, as I know you will.
2. You may be done with school for now, but you still get to continue to
3. All good things must come to an end, and now you have to face reality.
4. Hey, you finally did it! Congratulations on your graduation, and we know
that you deserve everything that is coming to you... and the good things that
will come from your new degree.
5. A diploma is symbolic of the hard work you put in. Now take that
recognition and do something great!
Graduation is a time to poke fun at education, inspire, or just give the graduate a hard
time. Make a great graduation message with these ideas.
3). New House
1. I hope your new home provides you with many future moments of
2. Any great king and queen need a great castle. Congratulations for getting
3. What a fun thing it is to move into a new place. Have fun!

4. Congratulations on your big move! I hope that you enjoy your new
environment whether you are hanging out or working out in the yard. It's
good to see someone like you blessed with a great home.
5. Home ownership is a fun thing. I am wishing you enjoyment and years of
blessings from your new home.
Moving is an exciting, strenuous, and busy time for people who get a new house.
Congratulate them with a message in a card that is inspiring, thoughtful, or funny.
4). New Job
1. May your new position be fulfilling and serve as a doorway to blessings
for you!
2. Congratulations on getting a job. I hope that you will enjoy all the new
benefits that come with it. I know you will do great in your new
3. It's my job to congratulate you and wish you a great start to your new
4. It's great to hear that your talents and skills are being recognized by a
smart employer!
New job messages can both congratulate someone who has recently started a new job
or encourage someone who is looking for a job. These new job messages will help give
you ideas of how to communicate to someone who is looking for or just got a new job.
5). Retirement
1. I have to admit that I'm a little jealous of you for getting to retire.
2. You have forever to relax now. Congratulations on your retirement!
3. Congratulations on being able to finally call it quits and do all the things that
you want to do. I have to admit that I am a little jealous of you now. May you
look back at your work and see that you did a good job.
4. I wish you the best as you move on from work to even more important
Retirement is another great time to poke fun at the transitions that are coming with
the lifestyle changes. You may feel jealous, relieved, or indifferent, but your

retirement message should be fun or meaningful. Use these examples to help you
know what to write to the retiree.
6). Wedding
1. We wish you the best in all of your new titles and adventures. Husband and
wife are just the beginning.
2. Congratulations on becoming Mr. and Mrs. I love to see really cool people like
you get hitched. You guys are blessed to have each other and I am glad to
know you guys. Have fun!
3. The best part of being married is getting to hang out with your best friend the
rest of your life. Congrats!
4. You, two beautiful people, are even more beautiful as a couple.
Weddings are usually a time to give advice, wish the couple a good life, and possibly
make fun of how marriage changes people. Weddings card messages can be religious,
funny, or inspirational. Use the following examples of wedding messages and choose
the style that fits your couple the best.

3. Best Wishes
We use past tense forms to talk about wishes:
1). We use past tense modals would and could to talk about wishes for the future:
 I don’t like my work. I wish I could get a better job.
 That’s a dreadful noise. I wish it would stop.
 I always have to get home early. I wish my parents would let me stay out
2). We use past tense forms to talk about wishes for the present:
 I don’t like this place. I wish I lived in somewhere more interesting.
 These seats are very uncomfortable. I wish we were travelling first class.
 Everyone wishes they had more free time.
 John wishes he wasn’t so busy.
 I wish it wasn’t so cold.

3). We use the past perfect to talk about wishes for the past:
 I wish I had worked harder when I was at school.
 Mary wishes she had listened to what her mother told her.
 I wish I hadn’t spent so much money last month.

Some of other examples are:

 Marriage
Congratulations. Wishing the both of you all the happiness in the world.
Congratulations. Wishing the both of you all the happiness in the world.
Used when congratulating a recently-married couple
Congratulations and warm wishes to both of you on your wedding day.
Congratulations and warm wishes to both of you on your wedding day.
 Engagement
Congratulations on your engagement!
Congratulations on your engagement!
Standard phrase used to congratulate someone on their engagement
Wishing both of you all the best on your engagement and everything lies ahead.
Wishing both of you all the best on your engagement and everything lies
Used when congratulating a recently engaged-couple
 Birthdays and Anniversaries
Birthday greetings!
Birthday greetings!
General birthday wish, commonly found on birthday cards
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
General birthday wish, commonly found on birthday cards
Many happy returns!
Many happy returns!

4. Getting Someone's Attention
It's often necessary to get someone's attention--for example, when you need to
ask directions or ask for help. Here are several different ways to do this:
Very Polite: Polite:
I beg your pardon, sir. Excuse me, Sir.
I beg your pardon, ma'am. Excuse me, Ma’am.

Friendly Casual
Excuse me. (Name?)

Asking for attention (formal):

 Excuse me, I wonder if I could trouble you ……
 May I have you attention, please?
 Excuse me, ….
 Sorry to trouble you.
 Sorry to bother you.
Asking for attention (informal):
 Look at me!
 Look what I’ve got here.
 Look here.
 Look!
 Hey!
 Attention, please!
 Excuse me!
Showing attention:
 I see.
 Oh, yes.
 Mmm …
 Aha …

 How interesting!
 Tell me more about it.
 Really?
 What’s next?
 Is that all?
 Oh, no!

In all the situations above, the person you are speaking to will probably say "Yes?" or
something similar. After that, tell the person what you need:
A: I beg your pardon, ma'am (sir).
B: Yes?
A: I wonder if you could tell me how to get to
the corner of Elm and 44th Streets.
A: Excuse me, sir (ma'am).
B: Yes?
A: Could you tell me how to get to the corner
of Elm and 44th Streets?
A: Excuse me.
B: Yes?
A: Can you tell me how to get to the corner of
Elm and 44th Streets?
A: Bob?
B: Yes?
A: Do you know how to get to the corner of
Elm and 44th Streets?
Note that the name is said with question
(rising) intonation.

Special Note:
Note that sir is used for men and ma'am is used for women
when you do not know a man's or woman's name. You can
also use a title + a name in polite situations:
I beg your pardon, Mrs. Smith. /
I beg your pardon, Professor Jones.
Excuse me, Mr. Johnson. /
Excuse me, Ms. Thompson.
Do not, however, use mister or lady instead of sir or
ma'am. Both of these terms are considered impolite.
A Special Meaning and Situation: Hey!
The expression Hey! is also used to get someone's attention,
but only when you are upset. For this reason, Hey! is said
with strong feeling and it is not appropriate in situations
which are polite or friendly.
Hey! is something like a warning, but it is only used to get
someone's attention about something that is wrong. To warn
someone in a helpful way, use other expressions--such as
Look out!
Be careful!
Watch out!

Complete the following conversation, use the expressions of asking/showing attention
whenever necessary.
Dani : __________ Are you familiar with this picture?
Nano : Uhmmm, sorry ________________________
Dani : This is a Greek god called Atlas. He is always described holding up the earth and
the sky.
Nano : _______________________.
Dani : Do you know that he held the earth and the sky as a punishment from the Greek
chief god, Zeus?
Nano : No, I don’t know about that.
Danu : Well, Atlas was the son of Titan, a Greek god and the sea nymph, Clymene.
Nano : _______________________________.

Danu : Then one day Atlas and the other Titan gods rebelled against Zeus and the
other Olympian Gods and goddesses.
Nano : _______________________________?
Danu : No, the war was unsuccessful.
Nano : Wow! The war must have been _______________?
Danu : Then, Zeus punished Atlas by forcing him to stand and support the sky and the
earth on his shoulder forever.
Nano : ______________________________.
Danu : And according to the myth, Atlas stood in the northwest region of what is now
called Africa.
Nano : ______________________________.
Answer Key!
 Hey
 I see
 Tell me more about it
 Mmm…
 Was the war successful?
 great
 Oh!
 That’s a good stor

5. Words of Encouragement
Encouraging others is an important part of being part of a family, a group of
people and a community. Everyone is doing their best in this world and sometimes, a
kindly word of encouragement can help others realize that they're not alone.
Moreover, encouragement is a way of recognizing the good others do, and seeking
more of it. Applauding success acknowledges that people matter and that their efforts
mean much to you, whether the person is known to you, or even a stranger. Take

some time out today to encourage someone who crosses your path. Some common
expressions like common you could make it, Don’t be a spoil sport; look on the bright
side can be used to motivate someone to do something or not to do something. We
could also learn from the inspiring dialogues of the movie such as:
 You cannot live your life to please others. The choice must be yours. – White
Queen, from Alice in Wonderland
 After a while, you learn to ignore the names people call you and just trust who
you are. – from Shrek
 To find something, anything, a great truth or a lost pair of glasses, you must
first believe there will be some advantage in finding it. – All the King’s Men

6. Distinguishing Facts From Opinions

A fact is a statement that is true and can be verified objectively, or proven. In
other words, a fact is true and correct no matter what. An opinion, however, is a
statement that holds an element of belief; it tells how someone feels. An opinion is
not always true and cannot be proven.The easiest way to distinguish facts from
opinions is to think of facts as statements that can be proven and of opinions as
statements that cannot be proven and can be argued. It may also be helpful to tell
students that facts can be used to support opinions.

Activity 1
The first activity is a simple worksheet. Write several facts and opinions and ask
students to identify which ones are facts and which ones are opinions. Ask them to
explain their answers (i.e., whether or not the given statement can be proven, or
whether or not it can be argued).
Many people order pepperoni on their pizzas.
Saturday is the best day of the week.
Teachers should allow English learners to use dictionaries during tests.
When eggs are dropped on the floor, they break.

Fried eggs are the most delicious breakfast.
Cats make the best pets.
July comes after June on the calendar.

Activity 2
The second activity may help students realize that people may have various opinions
pertaining to the same fact.
Write a factual statement on the board. For example, “Running is a form of exercise.”
Ask students to write one opinion that can be related to this fact. For example, they
can write something like “Running is boring/fun” or “It feels good to run on a warm
and breezy day” or “All people should consider running as the easiest way to stay in

Then ask students to read their opinions. Draw students’ attention to the diversity of
their opinions and emphasize the fact that people may form various ideas and beliefs
about the same piece of information.

Activity 3
Finally, ask students to write five statements that are facts and add five statements
related to them that are opinions. For example, “Monday is the first day of the working
week” (fact) and “It’s exciting to go to work on Monday” (opinion); “Meat contains a
lot of protein” (fact) and “Roast beef is the most delicious type of meat” (opinion).
Put students in small groups. Each student will read his or her pairs of sentences, and
the other students in the group will identify which ones are facts and which one are

D. Lembar Kegiatan
LK. 1.1 Pemberian Paling Sedikit Tiga Contoh Ekspresi

a. Tujuan
Peserta mampu mengembangkan contoh-contoh ekspresi lain selain yang tertulis di modul
b. Pengantar
Language expressions yang mencakup offering help; best wishes; extended asking for
attention; extended congratulatory expressions; giving encouragement; extending facts
dan opinions memiliki banyak contoh contoh lain yang sering ditemukan dalam berbagai
dialog baik formal maupun informal yang digunakan oleh penutur asli Bahasa Inggris yang
bisa kita saksikan melalui film maupun media-media cetak.

Melalui LK 1.1 s.d 1.3 Saudara bisa mencari contoh-contoh ekspresi lain yang berterima
untuk masing-masing tujuan language expression yang dimaksud.
c. Petunjuk Kegiatan
Sebagai langkah awal Saudara harus membaca bahan bacaan dan memahami masing-
masing fungsi social dan struktur kebahasaan masing-masing language expressions yang
dimaksud. Kemudian mencari tiga contoh lainnya yang berterima.
d. Langkah Kegiatan
Kerjakanlah secara berpasangan kemudian diskusikan apakah contoh contoh yang Saudara
berikan sudah berterima dan dipahami oleh penutur asli Bahasa Inggris.
e. Rubrik Penilaian
Penilaian dengan menggunakan pengamatan dua pertanyaan apakah contoh yang
diberikan tidak kurang untuk masing-masing language expressions. Dan apakah contoh
tersebuat bisa berterima.

LK. 1.2 Penerapan ekspresi dalam dialog

a. Tujuan
Peserta melalui kegiatan ini mampu menerapkan masing-masing language expressioan
yang dimaksud ke dalam sebuah dialog singkat yang berterima.
b. Pengantar
Language expressions yang dipelajari memiliki enam maksud yang berbeda melipti offering
help; best wishes; extended asking for attention; extended congratulatory expressions;
giving encouragement; extending facts dan opinions. Masing-masing memiliki fungsi sosial
yang berbeda sehingga bisa diterapkan ke dalam berbagai konteks percakapan.
c. Petunjuk Kegiatan
Percakapan yang dibuat cukup singkat saja sepanjang konteks, koteks dan fungsi sosial dari
setiap language expression yang dimaksud.

d. Langkah Kegiatan
Kerjakanlah secara berpasangan kemudian tentukan tugas masing-masing sesuai dengan
pembagian beban kerja yang berterima.
e. Rubrik Penilaian
Penelian menggunakan lembar observasi pertanyaan apakah percakapan yang dibuat
berterima atau tidak baik secara gramatikal maupun makna

LK. 1.3 Skenario Pembelajaran Languange Expressions

a. Tujuan
Peserta mampu membuat skenario pembelajaran cara mengajarkan masing-masing
language expression di atas.
b. Pengantar
Language expressions yang dipelajari memiliki enam maksud yang berbeda melipti offering
help; best wishes; extended asking for attention; extended congratulatory expressions;
giving encouragement; extending facts dan opinions. Masing-masing memiliki fungsi sosial
yang berbeda sehingga bisa diterapkan ke dalam berbagai konteks percakapan.
c. Petunjuk Kegiatan
Tentukanlah salah satu language expression yang akan Saudara ajarkan, kemudian buatlah
scenario pembelajarannya guna dipraktikan
d. Langkah Kegiatan
Baca dan pelajari bahan bacaan terlebih dahulu kemudian tentukan language expression
yang akan Saudara buatkan scenario pembelajarannya
e. Rubrik Penilaian
Penilaian menggunakan lembar obervasi.
No Komponen yang diamati Kelengkapan

Ya Tidak

Skenario Pembelajaran

1. Berorientasi pada kegiatan siswa

2. Memberikan arahan kegiatan yang dimengerti siswa

3. Memberikan unpan balik pada pengucapan

4. Memberikan unpan balik pada struktur bahasa

5. Membekali keterampilan siswa dalam berbicara ataupun

6. Memberikan penilaian proses

7. Memberikan penilaian produk siswa


Refleksi Kegiatan Pembelajaran (KP) ini bersifat refelksi diri yang hendaknya
dilakukan oleh setiap peserta. Refleksi tersebut mencakup dua aspek
keterampilan dan aspek sikap. Dalam melakukan refleksi diri tersebut Saudara
dapat menggunakan instrumen refleksi berikut ini.
1. Instrumen Refleksi dalam Aspek Keterampilan pada KP 1
Pada Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1, Saudara telah mempelajari berbagai
ekspresi yang mencakup offering help; best wishes; extended asking for attention;
extended congratulatory expressions; giving encouragement; extending facts dan
opinions. Setelah mengerjakan LK 1.1 s.d LK 1.3, Saudara dapat melakukan
penilaian diri untuk mengetahui kemampuan Saudara berada dalam posisi
sangat terampil, terampil, cukup terampil, atau kurang terampil. Penilaian
diri tersebut sebagai refeleksi Saudara dalam mengikuti Kegiatan
Pembelajaran 1.
Lakukanlah refleksi dengan jujur dan bertanggung jawab atas kondisi
kemampuan Saudara setelah mengikuti Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1. Berikut
adalah rubrik refleksi yang dapat Saudara gunakan ketika melakukan

Refleksi Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1

Kriteria Tindak Lanjut

Sangat Terampil Apabila Saudara terampil dalam mengerjakan LK

1.1 s.d LK 1.3 dengan baik, maka Saudara dapat
membimbing peserta lain.

Terampil Apabila Saudara terampil dalam mengerjakan LK

1.1 s.d LK 1.3, tetapi masih perlu berlatih kembali
secara mandiri.

Cukup Terampil Apabila Saudara belum terampil dalam
mengerjakan LK 1.1 s.d LK 1.3, maka Saudara
perlu berlatih kembali dengan bantuan
fasilitator/IN yang telah terampil.

Kurang Terampil Apabila Saudara tidak terampil dalam

mengerjakan LK 1.1 s.d LK 1.3, maka Saudara
perlu bantuan fasilitator/IN yang telah terampil
untuk berlatih kembali dan secara mandiri.

2. Instrumen Refleksi dalam Aspek Sikap pada KP 1

Setelah Saudara melakukan refleksi diri pada aspek keterampilan,
selanjutnya lakukanlah penilaian diri untuk aspek sikap dengan
mengisi instrumen refleksi berikut ini dengan jujur dan bertanggung
jawab atas kondisi Saudara setelah mengikuti Kegiatan
Pembelajaran 1. Sikap yang perlu Saudara refleksi meliputi sikap
religius, nasionalisme, integritas, mandiri dan gotong royong.

Berilah tanda centang (V) pada kolom “Ya” atau “Tidak.”

No Pernyataan Ya Tidak

1 Saya memulai dan mengakhiri kegiatan pembelajaran dengan berdoa

2 Saya selalu membaca perintah/instruksi sebelum mengikuti


3 Saya mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan dengan sebaik-baiknya

4 Saya selalu mengerjakan tugas dengan tuntas

5 Saya selalu berusaha mengembangkan ilmu yang telah saya terima

6 Saya mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan tanpa harus diawasi dan

sesuai dengan petunjuk

7 Saya siap bekerjasama dengan rekan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan


8 Saya melakukan refleksi diri terhadap apa yang sudah saya pelajari

Pedoman Penskoran Hasil Refleksi Aspek Sikap
Bila Saudara menjawab “Ya”, maka skor = 1
Bila Saudara menjawab “Tidak”, maka skor = 0
Skor Kriteria

7- 8 Sangat baik

5-6 Baik

3-4 Cukup baik

<3 Kurang baik

KegiatanPembelajaran 2


Tujuan Pembelajaran:

By the end of the session, you will have been able to write a simple short functional text
– greeting card, short message, dan invitation.

Indikator pencapaian kompetensi

a. Explain the meaning of short functional text – greeting card, short message, dan
b. Explain the social function of short functional text – greeting card, short message,
dan invitation.
c. Identify the kinds of short functional text – greeting card, short message, dan
d. Compose a short functional text – greeting card, short message, dan invitation.

Functional Text adalah teks khusus yang berisi perintah, pengarahan, sesuatu yang
harus dilakukan atau tidak boleh dilakukan yang dapat berupa larangan (prohibition),
undangan (invitation), pesan singkat (short message), daftar belanja (shopping list),
peringatan (notice), pengumuman (announcement), dan lain-lain yang mengandung
makna dan digunakan dalam komunikasi sehari-hari.

Dalam program Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan, Modul untuk Kelompok

Kompetensi C, D, dan E telah membahas notice, announcement, advertisement dan
letter. Dalam modul suplemen ini, Anda akan focus pada pembahasan tiga jenis short
functional text yang lain, yaitu greeting card, short message, dan invitation.

Greeting Card adalah jenis teks yang berupa sepucuk surat biasanya berhias gambar
yang berfungsi untuk memberi ucapan, baik berupa ucapan selamat, doa dan lain-lain.

Short Message adalah jenis teks yang berupa informasi tertulis atau lisan yang
biasanya dikirim seseorang atau ditinggalkan pada saat yang bersangkutan
berhalangan atau tidak bisa bertemu dengan orang yang di maksud.

Invitation adalah jenis teks yang berupa undangan yang diberikan kepada seseorang
untuk menghadiri suatu acara.

1. Greeting card
Greeting card/wishing card merupakan salah satu text fungsional yang muncul
dalam soal UN. Greeting Card adalah text yang berupa kartu ucapan yang
diberikan kepada seseorang pada saat tertentu/mengalami peristiwa tertentu, Baik
peristiwa yang menggembirakan maupun peristiwa yang menyedihkan.

A greeting card is an illustrated, folded card featuring an expression of friendship or
other sentiment also to convey thanks or express other feeling.

Social Function

To congratulate or express other feeling to someone.

Kinds of Short Functional Text – Greeting Card.

 Birthday Card
 Congratulation Card
 New Year Card
 Thanks Card
 Sympathy Card


Soal yang biasanya ditanyakan dalam greeting card:

a. Function/purpose of the card: fungsi/tujuan ditulisnya kartu tersebut.

– What is the function of writing the card?

– The card is written to…….

Menurut tujuan/fungsinya, greeting card dibedakan menjadi beberapa


1) To congratulate: untuk menyelamati

Greeting card tersebut diberikan untuk moment /peristiwa yang

menggunakan kata “Congratulation on…/ I congratulate you on….,

Happy New Year, Marry Christmas)

Peristiwa yang menggembirakan tsb seperti: (hafalkan kosa-kata


– New baby born: Kelahiran bayi

– Birthday/ return of the day: ulang tahun

– Graduation/finishing study/getting new degree: lulus/mendapat


– Inauguration: Wisuda/pelantikan.

– Getting New Job: mendapat pekerjaan baru

– Winning the contest: Menang lomba

– Engagement: tunangan

– Getting marriage/wedding: pernikahan

– Anniversary: Hari jadi

– New Years Eve: Malam tahun Baru

– Lebaran Day: Hari Lebaran

– Circumcision: Khitanan

2) To wish/to pray : Untuk mendoakan

Greeting card yang menggunakan kata “wish, I pray, I hope” bisa
digunakan untuk mendoakan

orang yang mengalami musibah, atau mendoakan seseorang di

saat peristiwa special tertentu, misalnya Lebaran day, Fasting
Month, Crhistmas Day. Contoh ungkapan:

– I pray for your heal/ I wish you to be better/ I hope you will get
better condition soon”

– I pray fou your better spirit in this special Day / I wish God always
bless you

3) To show sympathy: untuk menunjukkan simpatik/belasungkawa.

Greeting Card tersebut diberikan untuk moment/peristiwa yang
menyedihkan, seperti:

– Sick /ill/ hospitalized people: Orang sakit

– Disaster/accident/bad news: Bencana/kecelakaan/berita buruk.

– Passing/dead/departed people: Orang meninggal dunia

Contoh ungkapan:

– I say my condolence on the passing of…./ My deep condolence of

Mr. manto’s passing

– I was very sorry I heard you were hospitalized. May you will get
better soon..

b. Addresser/writer and addressee/receiver: pengirim dan penerima kartu.
– Who wrote the card?

– Who is the addresser of the card?

– Who is the receiver of the card?

– The card is sent for…..

Untuk menjawab soal tersebut, pahami siapa yang mengirm dan siapa yang

c. Reference : menanyakan kata ganti ( pronoun)

– The word “I” in the text refers to………

– What does the word “you” in the text refer to?

Untuk menjawab soal tersebut, pahami bahwa kata “I/me/my” dalam text
kembali ke “writer/penulis” sedangkan kata “you/your” kembali ke

Pelajari kembali table pronoun berikut ini:

No Subject Object Possessive Possessive

pronoun pronoun adjective pronoun

1 I Me My book mine

2 You You Your book yours

3 We Us Our book ours

4 They Them Their Theirs

5 He Him Her book Hers

6 She Her Her book Hers

7 It It Its Its


– To congratulate: to give congratulation: Untuk menyelamati.

– To celebrate: to commemorate: Untuk merayakan;

– Party: reception: feast: pesta

– Bereavement: berduka cita karena kehilangan seseorang.

– Condolence: duka cita/ belasungkawa

– Sorrow at/for/over: berduka cita

– Proud: bangga

2. Short Message

Short message adalah pesan singkat yang digunakan untuk
menyampaikan sesuatu kepada orang lain agar orang tersebut
melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu karena kita tidak bisa bertemu
secara langsung kepada orang yang akan kita beri pesan tersebut.

Pesan pendek harus memberikan informasi mengenai

1. Receiver (Penerima)
2. Content (Isi)
3. Sender (Pengirim)

Jenis short message

1. Written message (Pesan tertulis)

2. Electric message (Pesan Elektrik atau SMS)


Dear Ratna,

Hi, where are you? I came to your class to return your pen just now, but you were
not in. So I put your pencil on your table.

Thanks for it.


Dear Anisa
I have an essay assignment about reusing thing. Could you please
accompany me to go to the library to look up resources? The assignment
should be submitted by the end of this week. Can we go there after
school? Reply soon, please.

Hi, Ayu!
By the way, we have a project in biology class. It’s about cassava
fermentation. We are in the same team, right? How about do it next two
days in my home?

Dear Fika,
Remember, we’d had an appointment to go swimming after school. I’ll be
waiting for you at home. Don’t forget to bring money. See you!

To Evalia,
Endah and I are planning to go to Insan’s house tonight. Do you want to
join us? We will do our task and also watching the newest movie there.
I’m waiting your reply. Reply as soon as possible.

Hanif, don’t forget to submit your assignment to Mr. Ray at two o’clock
this afternoon. Put them into white envelopes. Mr. Ray will wait us in
Room 333. Please be on time. Send me your reply soon.

3. Invitation

Menurut Oxford Learner’s Dictionary mengartikan “invitation” sebagai
a spoken or written request to somebody to do something or to go
Jadi “invitation” adalah permintaan baik berupa ucapan atau tertulis
kepada seseorang untuk melakukan Sesutu atau pergi ke suatu tempat.
Menurut, invitation adalah: An invitation is a request, a
solicitation, or an attempt to get another person to join you at a specific
Kalau kita artikan dalam bahasa Indonesia, invitation adalah permintaan,
ajakan, atau upaya terhadap orang lain agar bersedia bergabung dengan
kita pada suatu acara tertentu.

Communicative Purpose
Sebenarnya dari beberapa pengertian yang sudah disampaikan diatas,
communicative purpose (tujuan) dari invitation text itu sudah sangat
jelas, yaitu mengajak atau mengundang seseorang untuk hadir dalam
suatu acara tertentu. Pada umumnya setiap undangan akan ditandai
tujuannya dengan enyertakan frase-frase sebagai berikut:

Would you like to come

Would you like to join us
I would like to invite you
Request the present of…

Biasanya ditandai dengan berbagai macam frase dan kalimat yang

mempunyai arti MENGUNDANG denga kosa kata dasar “invite”, “join”,
‘come”, “request”, dan lainnya

Generic Structure
Susunan kalimat, frase, atau paragraph sebuah invitation biasanya
disebut generic structure atau schematic structure. Pada umumnya
setiap undangan mempunyai keunikan sendiri-sendiri namun secara
keseluruhan bisa digaribawahi bahwa undangan (invitation text) akan
ditulis dengan struktur sebagai berikut:
 Invitee: Siapa yang diundang
 Body of invitation: Isi undangan biasanya berupa hal hal berikut
Occasion: Undangan ini dibuat untuk acara apa

Day or Date: Hari dan tanggal

Time: Waktu yang ditetapkan

Place: Tempat yang diharapkan kehadirannya para undangan

 Inviter: Siapa yang mengundang

Sekali lagi susunan seperti diatas hanyalah patokan umum bagaimana sebuah
invitation itu ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Dan meski begitu akan banyak variasi
unsure yang dimasukkan kedalam undangan tersebut dan itu mungkin berbda
antara satu dan lainnya
Contoh Invitation Text Sederhana dalam Bahasa Inggris
Invitation text yang kita temukan dalam beberapa kesempatan biasa
dibedakan menjadi 2 macam, yaitu formal invitation (undangan resmi)
dan informal invitation (undangan untuk acara tidak resmi)

Contoh undangan 1

Contoh undangan bahasa Inggris untuk acara tidak formal

Undangan untuk utnuk acara tidak resmi yang paling sering kita
dapatkan adalah acara ulang tahun (birthday invitation), acara keluaraga
(famiily gathering invitation), dan lainnya

Contoh undangan 2

Contoh undangan bahasa Inggris untuk acara resmi dan formal

Undangan bahasa Inggris untuk acara resmi biasanya bersifat formal
seperti acara perusahaan, agenda pemerintahan, acara organisasi, dan



Read the following greeting card andanswer question below!


To: Rizal

Congratulations on your success as the winner of the

Youth Scientific Contest 2008. We are proud of you.

Best love, Uncle Syukur and Family

What has Rizal done?

A. Won the contest C. Met uncle Syukur

B. Congratulated uncle Syukur D. Loved his family

Jawab: A

Text for no 1-3

To: Mom & Dad

Congratulations on your 15th wedding anniversary.

We wish you a happy life together.

From :

Fredy & Irine

1. When did Fredy’s and Irene’s parents get married?

A. In 1990

B. In 1994

C. In 1992

D. In 1996

2. The card is written to……

A. My Mom and Dad

B. Fredy;s Mom

C. Irine’s Dad

D. Fredy’s and Irine’s parents

3. The word “we” in the text refers to…..

A. the writer and the reader

B. Mom and Dad

C. Fredy and Irine’s son and daughter

D. Mom and Dad’s son and daughter

Text for no 4-6

Paul Cristanto

Congratulations on

your success to pass the examination.

May today’s success be just the beginning of your long-life achievement and

Remember the challenges are waiting for you in the coming senior high school,
However, I believe you can do your best as you used to be and become the best of
all again. Good luck!

Your best friend,


4. What is the writer’s purpose to write the text?

A. To ensure one’s happiness.

B. To congratulate his friend.

C. To have a good time.

D. To entertain someone.

5. The text shows that Paul Cristanto has just finished his … school.

A. junior high

B. university

C. elementary

D. senior high

6. Who is Riany?

A. She is your best friend

B. She is my best friend

C. Riany’s close friend

D. Paul’s friend

Text for no 7-9

Dear: Andrew,

Hi, brother! Here’s to us on our special day! I feel so lucky to have a twin who’s just



7. The writer is ….

A. Mathew’s brother

B. Mathew’s twin brother

C. Andrew’s twin brother

D. Mathew’s elder brother

8. The function of the text is…..

A. to give information that they are twins

B. to announce the twin brothers

C. to invite the twin to the birthday party

D. congratulate the special day.

9. The word “us” in the text refers to……

A. sister and brother

B. the twin brother

C. Andrew’s brother

D. Matthew’s brother

Text for no 10-12


To: Riantiano

Congratulations on your success as the winner of the writing poetry contest 2009.
We are proud of you.

Best love, your uncle Handy and all family

10. What has Riantiano done?

A. Won the contest.

B. Congratulated Handy.

C. Met his uncle

D. Loved his family

11. From the text we know that…

A. Riantiano congratulates the uncle and


B. Riantiano invites his uncle and his family

to the contest

C. Riantiano receives the card from his


D. Riantiano refuses the card from Handy and


12. The word “uncle” means…….

A. Mom’s or Dad’s sister

B. Mom’s or Dad’s brother

C. brother’s mom

D. sister’s Dad.


1. SHORT FUNCTIONAL TEXTS yang dapat diakses di

site/tarqdirection/short-functional-texts membahas berbagai jenis short functional
texts, seperti, 1) advertisement, 2) announcement, 3) invitation, 4) greeting card, 5)
form, 6) label, 7) letter, 8) manual, 9) notice, 10) news items, 11) short message, 12)
banner, 13) poster, and 14) pamphlet.

2. Comprehending Functional Text (2013) Schyrlet Cameron dan Suzanne Myers,

Mark Twain Media. Comprehending Functional Text explained how to help students
successfully deal with everyday reading of nonfiction materials. This dynamic book
teaches students to understand purpose, gather key ideas, make inference, and
evaluate the information they are reading. It is aligned to Common Core State

Standards and includes practice activities, learning station ideas, assessment prep,
and more!

3. Studies of functional text quality (1992). Henk P Maat, Rodopi Amsterdam. Buku ini
mengkaji bagaimana melihat kualitas teks fungsional pendek yang digunakan dalam

4. Teaching English by Using Various Text Types (2011). Bambang Yudi Cahyono,
State University of Malang Press. Anda akan diajak mendiskusikan bagaimana
menggunakan ragam jenis teks dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Bagaimana
cara mengajarkan short functional teks juga dikaji dalam buku ini dengan relative


LK 2.1

Your group are assigned to make a short message based on the situation given.

Aspect: Writing, content, grammar, structure and vocabulary in use or the clarity
of the kind of greeting card.

Another group are asked to give score by using the following rubric:

Aspect Maximal Score

Content 30

Grammar 25

Vocabulary 25

Mechanics 20

Total 100

LK 2.2

Your group are assigned to make a greeting card based on the situation given.

Aspect: Writing, content, grammar, structure and vocabulary in use or the clarity
of the kind of greeting card.

Another group are asked to give score by using the following rubric:

Aspect Maximal Score

Content 30

Grammar 25

Vocabulary 25

Illustration 20

Total 100

LK 2.3

Your group are assigned to make an invitation based on the situation given.

Aspect: Writing, content, grammar, structure and vocabulary in use or the clarity
of the kind of greeting card.

Another group are asked to give score by using the following rubric:

Aspect Maximal Score

Content 30

Grammar 25

Vocabulary 25

Illustration 20

Total 100


Refleksi Kegiatan Pembelajaran (KP) ini bersifat refelksi diri yang hendaknya
dilakukan oleh setiap peserta. Refleksi tersebut mencakup dua aspek
keterampilan dan aspek sikap. Dalam melakukan refleksi diri tersebut Saudara
dapat menggunakan instrumen refleksi berikut ini.
3. Instrumen Refleksi dalam Aspek Keterampilan pada KP 2
Pada Kegiatan Pembelajaran 2, Saudara telah mempelajari a simple short
functional text . Setelah mengerjakan LK 2.1 s.d 2.3, Saudara dapat
melakukan penilaian diri untuk mengetahui kemampuan Saudara berada
dalam posisi sangat terampil, terampil, cukup terampil, atau kurang
terampil. Penilaian diri tersebut sebagai refeleksi Saudara dalam mengikuti
Kegiatan Pembelajaran 2.
Lakukanlah refleksi dengan jujur dan bertanggung jawab atas kondisi
kemampuan Saudara setelah mengikuti Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1. Berikut
adalah rubrik refleksi yang dapat Saudara gunakan ketika melakukan

Refleksi Kegiatan Pembelajaran 2

Kriteria Tindak Lanjut

Sangat Terampil Apabila Saudara terampil dalam mengerjakan LK.

2.1 s.d 2.3 dengan baik, maka Saudara dapat
membimbing peserta lain.

Terampil Apabila Saudara terampil dalam mengerjakan LK.

2.1 s.d 2.3 , tetapi masih perlu berlatih kembali
secara mandiri.

Cukup Terampil Apabila Saudara belum terampil dalam

mengerjakan LK 2.1 s.d 2.3, maka Saudara perlu
berlatih kembali dengan bantuan fasilitator/IN
yang telah terampil.

Kurang Terampil Apabila Saudara tidak terampil dalam

mengerjakan LK 2.1 s,d 2.3, maka Saudara perlu
bantuan fasilitator/IN yang telah terampil untuk
berlatih kembali dan secara mandiri.

4. Instrumen Refleksi dalam Aspek Sikap pada KP 2

Setelah Saudara melakukan refleksi diri pada aspek keterampilan,
selanjutnya lakukanlah penilaian diri untuk aspek sikap dengan
mengisi instrumen refleksi berikut ini dengan jujur dan bertanggung
jawab atas kondisi Saudara setelah mengikuti Kegiatan

Pembelajaran 2. Sikap yang perlu Saudara refleksi meliputi sikap
religius, nasionalisme, integritas, mandiri dan gotong royong.

Berilah tanda centang (V) pada kolom “Ya” atau “Tidak.”

No Pernyataan Ya Tidak

1 Saya memulai dan mengakhiri kegiatan pembelajaran dengan berdoa

2 Saya selalu membaca perintah/instruksi sebelum mengikuti


3 Saya mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan dengan sebaik-baiknya

4 Saya selalu mengerjakan tugas dengan tuntas

5 Saya selalu berusaha mengembangkan ilmu yang telah saya terima

6 Saya mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan tanpa harus diawasi dan

sesuai dengan petunjuk

7 Saya siap bekerjasama dengan rekan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan


8 Saya melakukan refleksi diri terhadap apa yang sudah saya pelajari

Pedoman Penskoran Hasil Refleksi Aspek Sikap

Bila Saudara menjawab “Ya”, maka skor = 1
Bila Saudara menjawab “Tidak”, maka skor = 0
Skor Kriteria

7- 8 Sangat baik

5-6 Baik

3-4 Cukup baik

<3 Kurang baik

KegiatanPembelajaran 3

A. Deskripsi Singkat
Tujuan: Kegiatan pembelajaran tentang Teks Recount ini bertujuan agar peserta
mampu memahami ciri-ciri teks recount beserta fungsi komunikatifnya, struktur
generik, fitur bahasa dalam teks recount dan mampu membuat teks recount sendiri.

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Setelah pelatihan ini, peserta diharapkan mampu:
1. mengidentifikasi teks recount;
2. mengidentifikasi struktur generik teks recount;
3. mengidentifikasi fitur bahasa teks recount;
4. menemukan gambaran umum teks tertulis fungsonal berbentuk recount;
5. menentukan makna kata teks tertulis fungsonal berbentuk recount;
6. menenemukan informasi rinci tersurat teks tertulis fungsonal berbentuk
7. menentukan pikiran utama paragraph tertentu teks tertulis fungsonal
berbentuk recount; dan
8. menyusun teks recount.

B. Penugasan
Ruang lingkup kegiatan pembelajaran 3 ini:
1. Membaca bahan bacaan yang telah disediakan tentang fungsi sosial, struktur
teks dan unsur kebahasan teks recount
2. Mengerjakan Lembar Kerja yang ada
a. LK-3.1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
b. LK-3.2. Menentukan orientation, event dan reorientation

c. LK-3.3. Menemukan gambaran umum, makna kata, informasi rinci dan
pikiran utama
d. LK-3.4. Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi paragraph teks recount yang baik
e. LK-3.5. Membuat teks recount

C. Bahan Bacaan
Recount secara terminologi berarti “menceritakan kembali” (retell). Teks recount
adalah teks yang menceritakan kembali tentang kejadian-kejadian atau
pengalaman yang terjadi di waktu lampau baik dalam bentuk tertulis maupun tidak

Pada prinsipnya, tujuan recount teks bergantung dari tujuan orang yang
menceritakan kejadian tersebut. Beberapa contoh tujuan dari recount teks adalah
untuk menghibur atau menginformasikan pembaca tentang kejadian yang telah

Teks recount dapat kita bagi dalam 3 macam:

1. Personal Recount
Adalah teks recount yang menceritakan pengalaman pribadi.
Contoh: diari, biografi.
2. Factual Recount
Adalah teks recount yang berisi laporan kejadian yang benar-benar terjadi.
Contoh: jurnal.
3. Imaginative recount
Adalah teks recount berisi kejadian yang dibuat-buat atau fiksi.

Struktur generik teks recount adalah:

1. Orientation

Memberikan informasi tentang latar cerita yaitu siapa saja yang terlibat dalam
cerita, kapan peristiwa terjadi, di mana peristiwa terjadi, dan apa yang terjadi
pada waktu itu.
2. Events
Rangkaian urutan peristiwa yang terjadi secara kronologis (sesuai urutan
3. Reorientation
Penutup cerita atau akhir cerita. Penutup cerita dapat berupa komentar pribadi
tentang kejadian yang diceritakan.

Unsurkebahasaan atau fitur bahasa yang digunakan dalam teks recount adalah:
1. menggunakan bentuk past tense karena peristiwa cerita terjadi di waktu
2. mengenalkan personal participant, seperti I, my group, etc;
3. menggunakan action verbs (material processes), seperti look, go, change, etc.;
4. menggunakan linking verb, seperti was, were, saw, heard, etc.
5. menggunakan kata sifat atau keterangan untuk merinci orang, binatang,
atau tindakan (action); dan
6. menggunakan conjunction dan time connectives yang berkenaan dengan waktu,
seperti then, first, etc.

Teks 1
Generic Structure

Last holiday my family and I went to Jakarta. We visited my uncle’s Orientation

house. It had a big garden and a lot of colorful flowers and tennis

On Friday my nephew and I went to National Museum and went up

to the top of monument which had the golden symbol of the spirit of Events
our nation. From the top we could see the beauty of the
metropolitan city. On Saturday we went to Ancol beach to see
DuniaFantasiand Dolphin show.

On Sunday we went to Ragunan Zoo and then we went home. We

really enjoyed our holiday.

Teks 2
Language Features




Action verbs

Linking words

D. Lembar Kerja
LK-3.1.Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan

Read text 3 then answer the following questions.

Teks 3
One Sunday Morning in Winter
On Sunday morning in winter I went for a walk along the sea-shore. It was a cold
day and the beach was deserted. At the end of the beach I was sitting down to rest
when a small white dog suddenly appeared and lay down at my feet. It was so cute.
I stroked its head and it licked my hand.

When I started to walk home, it followed me and I could not get rid of it. It had a
collar on, but there was no name on the collar, so when I got home I rang up the
nearest police station. I told the sergeant in charge that I had found a small white
dog and that I would keep it until the owner claimed it. I gave him my name and

Two days later a lady came to my house to claim the dog. She said she had lost it
because it hated riding in car, and on that Sunday it had jumped out of the open
window of her car without her notice.

She offered me 50 dollars, but of course I refused to take any money. She called
the dog ‘Scotty’ and it followed her as obediently as it had followed me. I was quite
sorry to lose such a friendly little animal.

Answer the questions based on the text above.

1. What is the purpose of the text?
2. How is the language (language features) used in the text?
3. Who are the participants in the story?
4. What is the orientation of the story?
5. How is the event of the story?
6. Does the reorientation sum up the story?
7. How is the ending?

LK-3.2. Menentukan orientation, event dan reorientation

Read text 4 and text 5 then complete the following table.

Teks 4
The Flood
One day in 2007, I was joining a final test try out at school. It was held from 8 a.m.
to 2 p.m. One of my schoolmates, Rini, asked me for accompanying her to the bus

stop. When we arrived there, suddenly the heavy rain fell down from the sky. Rini
suggested me to go home soon while she was entering the bus.

It was still raining when I was home. The rain did not stop and became bigger when
the night had come. People were standing in front of their house, hoping that the
flood would not come. In the middle of the night, I got news that South Purwodadi
had been drowned.

The next day, Purwodadi had become a flood area. All activities were paralyzed. No
one went for work or school because the land had been covered by flood.
However, I thank God for not allowing the flood entered my house. Even my house
had been changed into an emergency kitchen. It was so crowded there. I and my
father took a walk around the center market and Central Purwodadi. All that we
could see was water and water. At night, the flood looked like a beautiful ocean
with the moonlight on it. I felt as if I was one of the passengers of Titanic who was
sailing on the sea.

Finally, the flood was starting to decrease in the next morning. I and my family
cleaned our front yard together. That was the greatest flood that I had ever
experienced in my hometown.

Teks 5
My Vacation with My Beloved Persons

One day, my sister said to me that she really wanted to go to the beach. So I
promised her that the next day we would go to Maron beach in Semarang.

The next day, we prepared many things in the morning. We brought some foods
and beverages, such as fried rice, chocolate wafers, potato chips, water and orange
juice. Before going to the beach, I ask my boyfriend, Kiki, to join us going to the

beach. He agreed to join and he came to my house. After that, we went to the
beach. We went there by motorbike. It took 25 minutes to arrive there. Then, we
bought tickets in the entrance gate. Before swimming, we changed our clothes
first. We swam there for more than one hour. We felt so tired that we decided to
eat the foods that we had brought. Next, my boyfriend and I created a very big
sand castle, while my sister continued swimming. After that, we decided to go
home because it was getting dark.

On the way home, we still felt hungry. So we stopped at a Javanese restaurant to

eat something. I ordered gudeg, while my boyfriend and my sister ordered rames
rice. After finished eating, we paid our bills. Then, we went home. We arrived at
home at 6 o’clock and we were absolutely exhausted.

That was a very exhausting day, but I felt so happy that I could have a vacation with
my sister and my boyfriend.

Perhatikan struktur kedua teks recounttersebut, dan lengkapilah tabel di bawah ini
dengan kalimat lengkap yang mewakili tiap bagian dari struktur generik teks
recount tersebut.
Recount Title Orientation Events Reorientation
Text 4

Text 5

LK 3.3. Menemukan gambaran umum, makna kata, informasi rinci dan pikiran

Read text 6 then answer the following questions.

Text 6
The Life of Supriyadi
Not every Indonesian knows FransiskusXaveriusSupriyadi, but we surely know
Supriyadi, our national hero. His fighting against the Japanese in PETA in Blitar is
well known.

Supriyadi was born in East Java on April 13, 1923. He attended junior high school
and then continued to a school to prepare him for government bureaucracy in
Magelang but he didn’t finish it because the Japanese had invaded Indonesia. Then
he switched to high school and underwent youth training (Seimendoyo) in

In 1943 the Japanese established a militia, PETA (Defenders of the Fatherland) and
Supriyadi joined it. After the training he was posted to Blitar. He was tasked with
overseeing the work of the Romusha, forced laborers. The plight of these workers
inspired him to rebel against the Japanese.

In the early hours of 14 February 1945, rebels attacked Japanese troops causing
heavy casualties but the Japanese managed to defeat the rebellion and put the ring
leaders on trial. Six or eight were sentenced to death and the rest were given jail
sentences ranging to three years to life. However, Supriyadi was not executed and
his name was not even mentioned in the trial. Some said Supriyadi ran and hid
from Japanese and never been found.

Until now, no one know for sure whether Supriyadi had died or not. Some people
claimed the name but no real proofs are found.

Answer the following questions.

1. What is the text about?
2. What is the phrase “forced labors” means?

3. What incident caused numbers of casualities?
4. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

LK-3.4. Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi paragraph teks recount yang baik
1. Arrange the jumbled paragraph of a recount text into a good order.
2. After arranging the paragraph, write the suitable title of the text.

Jumbled text
(1) Punctually at 9 o’clock, the school bus picked us up and we were soon on our
way to the harbour. We crossed over to Bunaken by ferry. As it was a weekend,
the island was crowded with merry picnickers and tourists. We walked to the
stretch of beach fringing the lagoon. It was an ideal picnic spot. The green
atmosphere was most relaxing.
(2) On the day of the picnic, I woke up early and was pleased to see the sun shining
brightly. After breakfast, I packed all the necessary things in a bag and went to
(3) After lunch, we sang several songs and played some exciting games. All too
soon, it was time to leave. We packed all the litter into paper bags, for we did
not want to spoil the lovely beach.
(4) At 4 p.m., we left Bunaken by ferry and were soon homeward bound.
(5) During the June holidays, my class organized a picnic. We decided to go to
Bunaken, one of Indonesian’s under water tourism resorts. Each pupil had to
pay some money for transportation. Also every pupil had to get a letter of
consent from his or her parents.
(6) The food disappeared very quickly. It was lovely sitting there on the sunny
beach with the sea water lapping at our feet as we ate

(7) We spent the rest of the morning swimming, snorkelling, and playing in the
cool water. At noon, we decided to have lunch. We unpacked our picnic
baskets and started eating.

LK-3.5. Membuat teks recount

Lakukanlah langkah-langkah berikut.
1. Susunlah teks recount secara individu dengan menggunakan struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan yang sesuai. Pilihlah tema yang menarik sesuai dengan
tujuan komunikatif teks yang akan disusun.
2. Tempelkan hasil karya anda di dinding. Fasilitator akan mengundang peserta
lainnya untuk memberikan umpan balik kepada karya anda dengan cara
memberi tanda bintang.

A. Refleksi
Refleksi Kegiatan Pembelajaran (KP) ini bersifat refelksi diri yang hendaknya
dilakukan oleh setiap peserta. Refleksi tersebut mencakup dua aspek
keterampilan dan aspek sikap. Dalam melakukan refleksi diri tersebut Saudara
dapat menggunakan instrumen refleksi berikut ini.
5. Instrumen Refleksi dalam Aspek Keterampilan pada KP 3
Pada Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1, Saudara telah mempelajari tentang teks
recount. Setelah mengerjakan LK 3.1 s.d 3.5, Saudara dapat melakukan
penilaian diri untuk mengetahui kemampuan Saudara berada dalam posisi
sangat terampil, terampil, cukup terampil, atau kurang terampil. Penilaian
diri tersebut sebagai refeleksi Saudara dalam mengikuti Kegiatan
Pembelajaran 3.
Lakukanlah refleksi dengan jujur dan bertanggung jawab atas kondisi
kemampuan Saudara setelah mengikuti Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1. Berikut
adalah rubrik refleksi yang dapat Saudara gunakan ketika melakukan

Refleksi Kegiatan Pembelajaran 3

Kriteria Tindak Lanjut

Sangat Terampil Apabila Saudara terampil dalam mengerjakan LK

3.1 s.d 3.5. dengan baik, maka Saudara dapat
membimbing peserta lain.

Terampil Apabila Saudara terampil dalam mengerjakan

LK3.1 s.d 3.5 , tetapi masih perlu berlatih kembali
secara mandiri.

Cukup Terampil Apabila Saudara belum terampil dalam

mengerjakan LK 3.1 s.d 3.5, maka Saudara perlu
berlatih kembali dengan bantuan fasilitator/IN
yang telah terampil.

Kurang Terampil Apabila Saudara tidak terampil dalam

mengerjakan LK 3.1 s.d 3.5, maka Saudara perlu
bantuan fasilitator/IN yang telah terampil untuk
berlatih kembali dan secara mandiri.

6. Instrumen Refleksi dalam Aspek Sikap pada KP 3

Setelah Saudara melakukan refleksi diri pada aspek keterampilan,
selanjutnya lakukanlah penilaian diri untuk aspek sikap dengan
mengisi instrumen refleksi berikut ini dengan jujur dan bertanggung
jawab atas kondisi Saudara setelah mengikuti Kegiatan
Pembelajaran 1. Sikap yang perlu Saudara refleksi meliputi sikap
religius, nasionalisme, integritas, mandiri dan gotong royong.

Berilah tanda centang (V) pada kolom “Ya” atau “Tidak.”
No Pernyataan Ya Tidak

1 Saya memulai dan mengakhiri kegiatan pembelajaran dengan berdoa

2 Saya selalu membaca perintah/instruksi sebelum mengikuti


3 Saya mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan dengan sebaik-baiknya

4 Saya selalu mengerjakan tugas dengan tuntas

5 Saya selalu berusaha mengembangkan ilmu yang telah saya terima

6 Saya mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan tanpa harus diawasi dan

sesuai dengan petunjuk

7 Saya siap bekerjasama dengan rekan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan


8 Saya melakukan refleksi diri terhadap apa yang sudah saya pelajari

Pedoman Penskoran Hasil Refleksi Aspek Sikap

Bila Saudara menjawab “Ya”, maka skor = 1
Bila Saudara menjawab “Tidak”, maka skor = 0
Skor Kriteria

7- 8 Sangat baik

5-6 Baik

3-4 Cukup baik

<3 Kurang baik

KegiatanPembelajaran 4

Teks Biografi

A. Deskripsi Singkat
Teks Biografi merupakan jenis teks yang diajarkan oleh guru bahasa Inggris
Suplemen ini disusun bertujuan guna mendukung pelaksanaan pembelajaran bagi
guru bahasa Inggris SMAdan SMK.
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi:
 Memahami pengertian teks biografi
 Memahami struktur dan unsur kebahasaan teks biografi.
 Memahami informasi rinci dalam teks biogafi.
B. Penugasan
Bacalah Bahan Bacaan kemudian kerjakan latihan pada LK

C. Bahan Bacaan

Teks biografi merupakan suatu jenis teks yang berisi tentang kisah atau cerita
seorang tokoh dalam sepanjang hidupannya. Di dalam teks tersebut memuat
perjalanan karir dari lahir sampai puncak karir atau bahkan sampai meninggalnya.
Dari perjalanan hidup tokoh tersebut dapat dilihat kelebihan, atau kekurangannya
yang dapat dijadikan pelajaran atau insipari bagi pembacanya. Biografi dapat
ditulis sendiri maupun ditulis oleh orang lain. Biografi yang ditulis sendiri oleh
tokoh tesebut namanya Autobiografi.

Ciri teks Biografi

Teks biografi harus memuat informasi berdasarkan fakta pada tokoh yang
diceritakan. Jenis teks ini memuat sebuah fakta pengalaman hidup suatu tokoh
dalam memecahkan masalah-masalah sampai pada akhirnya sukses, sehingga
patut menjadi teladan.

Jenis Jenis Biografi

Autobiografi, Suatu riwayat hidup yang ditulis sendiri oleh tokoh tesebut. Biografi,
Suatu bentuk teks yang berisi mengenai kisah atau cerita suatu tokoh dalam
mengarungi kehidupannya, entah itu berupa kelebihan, masalah atau kekurangan
yang ditulis oleh orang lain. Biografi dapat berisi sebuah perjalanan hidup lengkap
seorang tokoh atau diambil dari bagian-bagian yang dianggap mempunyai kesan.
Biografi juga dapat berisi perjalanan karir, seorang tokoh mulai dari awal hingga
karir yang dilakukan saat ini atau bisa juga perjalanan karir dalam mencapai
sebuah kesuksesan tertentu.

Biografi tokoh tidak terbatas pada suatu bidang tertentu. Misalnya ada biografi
tokoh politik, berisi tentang penulisan cerita hidup tokoh suatu negara dilihat dari
sudut pandang politik. Jenis biografi semacam ini biasanya tidak lepas atau sarat
akan kepentingan penulis atau tokoh yang minta untuk ditulis.

Biografi tokoh Penemu/Ahli, biografi ini bahannya yang didapatkan dari berbagai
hasil temuan, misalnya biografi Albert Einstein, Biografi Socrates, Biografi Ibnu
Sina, dll.

Struktur Teks Biogafi

Teks biografi biasanya dimulai dengan pengenalan suatu tokoh, berisi gambaran
awal tentang tokoh tersebut di dalam teks biografi. Misalnya siapa nama tokoh
tersebut, lahirnya dimana, dari keluarga biasa atau kaya, dll.
Peristiwa atau Kejadian Penting

Pada bagian peristiwa atau kejadian penting yang dialami oleh tokoh biasanya
menjelaskan proses berkarir, peristiwa menyenangkan, menegangkan,
menyedihkan hingga mengesankan yang pernah dialami oleh tokoh hingga
mengantarkannya meraih mimpi, cita-cita dan kesuksesan. Semua kejadian
tersebut dijelaskan secara mendetil.


Pada bagian ini bersifat opsional semata, jadi boleh ada maupun tidak ada. Jikalau
bagian ini ada maka akan berisi mengenai pandangan penulis kepada tokoh yang
dikisahkan kalau bukan autobiografi.

Unsur Kebahasaan

Conjungtion/kata hubung

Pada teks ini biasanya menggunakan kata hubung yang berfungsi sebagai
penyambung antara satu kata dengan kata yang lain dalam sebuah kalimat dan
juga kata hubung antara satu kalimat dengan kalimat yang lain, antara lain and,
but, then etc.

Word reference atau rujukan kata

Rujukan kata adalah kata yang merujuk pada kata lain yang sudah diungkapkan
sebelumnya. Kata rujukan dikatagorikan menjadi beberapa bagian, antara lain:

Pronuon: He, she, it maupun demonstrative pronoun seperti this…, these….,that…,


Peristiwa, Wahtu dan tempat

Dalam teks biografi, terdapat kata yang berfungsi menunjukkan peristiwa, waktu
dan tempat yang dialami oleh tokoh.

Contoh Biografi:

Suharto was born on June 8, 1921 in Kemusuk, Argamulya, Sleman

Yogyakarta. He was army officer and political leader. He was also
president of Indonesia from 1967 to 1998. His three decades of uninterrupted rule
gave Indonesia much-needed political stability and sustained economic growth,
but his authoritarian regime finally fell victim to an economic downturn and its
own internal corruption.
Like many Javanese, Suharto used only his given name, without a surname.
The son of a minor official and trader in Yogyakarta, he aspired from his youth to a
career in the military. After graduating from high school and working briefly as a
bank clerk, he joined the Dutch colonial army and then, after the Japanese
conquest in 1942, switched to a Japanese-sponsored home defense corps,
receiving training as an officer. With Japan’s surrender in 1945, he fought in the
guerrilla forces seeking independence from the Dutch. By the time Indonesia
became a republic in 1950, Suharto had distinguished himself as a battalion
commander in central Java and achieved the rank of lieutenant colonel. Over the
next 15 years he rose steadily through the ranks of the Indonesian army, becoming
a colonel in 1957, a brigadier general in 1960, and a major general in 1962.
In 1963 Suharto was routinely appointed to head the army strategic
command, a Jakarta-based force used to respond to national emergencies.
Indonesia’s leader, President Sukarno, had meanwhile cultivated close ties with
the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) and with China, but the army had remained
strongly anticommunist. On September 30, 1965, a group of disgruntled left-wing

army officers and some PKI leaders tried to seize power in Jakarta, killing six of the
army’s seven senior generals. Suharto was one of the highest-ranking officers to
escape assassination, and, as head of the strategic command, he led the army in
crushing the coup within a few days. Sukarno was suspected of complicity in the
coup, and power now began to shift to the army. In the following months, Suharto
directed a purge of communists and leftists in public life, and his example was
followed in exaggerated form by vigilantes in a grand massacre of communists
throughout the country in which hundreds of thousands lost their lives.
Suharto, by now army chief of staff, took effective control of the
Indonesian government on March 12, 1966, though Sukarno
remained nominal president for another year. Suharto banned the PKI and began
formulating new policies to stabilize the country’s economy and political life,
which had approached the brink of chaos in the last years of Sukarno’s rule. In
March 1967 the People’s Consultative Assembly (the national legislature)
appointed Suharto acting president, and in March 1968 it elected him to a five-
year term as president.
As president, Suharto instituted a policy he called the New Order, relying
on the help of American-educated economists to reinvigorate the Indonesian
economy. Western investment and foreign aid were encouraged, and Indonesia’s
domestic oil production was greatly expanded, with the resulting revenues used to
fund infrastructure and development projects. By 1972 Suharto had succeeded in
restoring steady economic growth while also reducing the annual rate of inflation
from a high of 630 percent in 1966 to less than 9 percent. In foreign affairs, he
pursued an anticommunist, pro-Western stance. Indonesia rejoined the United
Nations (from which Sukarno had withdrawn it), and in 1967 it became a founding
member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). In 1976 Indonesia
forcibly annexed the Portuguese colony of East Timor despite widespread
international disapproval.
Though he was careful to follow constitutional forms, Suharto’s
government was basically an authoritarian regime based on the power of the

military, which insinuated itself deeply into every branch of the government and
the economy. As head of the armed forces and the government, Suharto
maintained complete control of the country’s political life. His government-
sponsored political party, Golkar, repeatedly scored landslide victories in elections
to the People’s Consultative Assembly, and that body in turn reelected Suharto
unopposed to the presidency in 1973, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993, and 1998. Civil
liberties were restricted, and little dissent was tolerated.
During Suharto’s three decades in power, Indonesia’s economy grew an average of
7 percent annually, and living standards rose substantially for the bulk of the
population. Education and mass literacy programs were used to propagate the
national language, Bahasa Indonesia, and to unify the country’s disparate ethnic
groups and scattered islands. The government also initiated one of Asia’s most
successful family-planning programs in order to slow down the growth of
Indonesia’s large population. These successes were increasingly marred, however,
by the inequitable distribution of the nation’s expanding wealth, with relatively
small urban elites and military circles receiving a disproportionately large share of
the benefits of modernization and development. Suharto allowed his friends and
his six children to assume control of key sectors of the economy and amass
enormous fortunes by means of monopolies and lucrative trade arrangements.
By the 1990s the unrestrained corruption and favoritism of his regime had begun
to alienate even the middle class and business circles, but continuing high rates of
economic growth and the government’s tight political controls insulated Suharto
from any genuine opposition. In 1997, however, Indonesia became caught up in a
currency crisis sweeping across Southeast Asia. The value of the Indonesian
national currency, the rupiah, plummeted, and the resulting financial crisis
exposed deep flaws in the national economy. Suharto resisted demands for
structural reforms even while the economy went into recession, inflation
skyrocketed, and living standards collapsed for the poor. Antigovernment
demonstrations turned into rioting in Jakarta and other cities in May 1998, and
Suharto, having lost the support of the military, was forced to resign the

presidency on May 21. He was succeeded in office by the vice president, B.J.

Suharto died on Jan. 27, 2008 and buried in Astana Giri Bangun Surakarta Central

D. Lembar Kegiatan
Bacalah Biografi berikut ini:

Rolihlahla Mandela was born into the Madiba clan in Mvezo, Transkei, on 18
July 1918. His mother was Nonqaphi Nosekeni and his father, Nkosi
Mphakanyiswa Gadla Mandela, was the main advisor to the Acting King of the
Thembu people, Jongintaba Dalindyebo.

He received the name "Nelson" on his first day in primary school from his teacher
Miss Mdingane. When he was 12 his father died and he was raised by the Regent
at the Great Place in Mqhekezweni. He was sent to the best schools available and
began studying a BA at Fort Hare University.

When he was expelled for joining a student protest, the Regent told him to
return or get married. So he ran away to Johannesburg with his cousin Justice. His
first job in 1941 was as a security guard on a gold mine and then as a legal clerk in
the law firm Witkin, Edelman and Sidelsky. At the same time he completed his BA
through Unisa.

In 1943 he enrolled for an LLB at Wits University. He was a poor student and
became more involved in politics from 1944 after he helped to start the ANC
Youth League. He married in the same year and needed money to support his

By mid-1952 when the university asked him to pay the 27 pounds he owed or
leave, he already had three children. He only started studying again in 1962 in
prison. He finally graduated with an LLB through Unisa 27 years later.

Later in 1952 he became the National Volunteer-in-Chief of the Defiance

Campaign against apartheid laws. He and 19 others were later charged and
sentenced to nine months, suspended for two years. In August he and Oliver
Tambo started South Africa’s first black law firm, Mandela & Tambo.

In those days one could practise as an attorney with a two-year diploma. Later
that year he was banned for the first time – he had to ask the government for
permission whenever he needed to leave Johannesburg. After the adoption of the
Freedom Charter in 1955, 156 people were arrested and charged with treason.

The trial lasted four-and-a-half years until 29 March 1961 by which time all were
acquitted. The ANC and PAC were banned after the 21 March 1961 killing by police
of 69 unarmed protesters in Sharpeville.

Mandela called on the government not to turn South Africa into a republic on
31 May 1961 but to discuss a non-racial constitution. He was ignored so he called
for a strike on 29, 30 and 31 March.

In June 1961 he was asked to lead the ANC’s armed wing, Umkhonto weSizwe
and it launched on 16 December that year. On 11 January 1962, Mandela secretly
left South Africa to undergo military training and to get support from African
countries for the armed struggle.
He was arrested on 5 August and charged with leaving the country illegally and
encouraging the strike. He was convicted and sentenced on 7 November 1962 to
five years in prison.
On 11 July 1963, a secret hideout he once used was raided by police. On 9
October 1963 he joined 10 others on trial for sabotage in the Rivonia Trial.

On 12 June 1964 he and seven others were sentenced to life imprisonment. While
he was in prison his mother and his eldest son died. He was not allowed to attend
their funerals.

He spent 18 years on Robben Island, and while at Pollsmoor Prison in Cape

Town in 1985 he had to go to hospital. When Justice Minister Kobie Coetsee
visited him, he had an idea: to see if the government wanted to talk about one day
meeting with the ANC.

In 1988 he was taken to hospital for tuberculosis. Three months later he was
moved to Victor Verster Prison where he spent his last 14 months in prison. He
was released on Sunday 11 February 1990, nine days after the unbanning of the
ANC and the PAC.

Other political prisoners were freed and exiles returned. The ANC began talking
to the government about South Africa’s future. For this work he and President FW
de Klerk won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993, and on 27 April 1994, Mandela voted
in South Africa’s first democratic elections.

On 10 May 1994, he was inaugurated as South Africa’s first democratically

elected President and stepped down after one term. In his retirement he worked
on building schools and clinics, highlighting HIV, children and leadership. He died
at his home in Johannesburg on 5 December 2013.
Taken from : Mandela foundation:

Buatlah peristiwa penting yang dialami Nelson Mandela beserta tahun kejadiannya

E. Refleksi
Refleksi Kegiatan Pembelajaran (KP) ini bersifat refelksi diri yang hendaknya
dilakukan oleh setiap peserta. Refleksi tersebut mencakup dua aspek
keterampilan dan aspek sikap. Dalam melakukan refleksi diri tersebut Saudara
dapat menggunakan instrumen refleksi berikut ini.
7. Instrumen Refleksi dalam Aspek Keterampilan pada KP 4
Pada Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1, Saudara telah mempelajari teks biography .
Setelah mengerjakan LK 4., Saudara dapat melakukan penilaian diri untuk
mengetahui kemampuan Saudara berada dalam posisi sangat terampil,
terampil, cukup terampil, atau kurang terampil. Penilaian diri tersebut
sebagai refeleksi Saudara dalam mengikuti Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1.
Lakukanlah refleksi dengan jujur dan bertanggung jawab atas kondisi
kemampuan Saudara setelah mengikuti Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1. Berikut
adalah rubrik refleksi yang dapat Saudara gunakan ketika melakukan

Refleksi Kegiatan Pembelajaran 4

Kriteria Tindak Lanjut

Sangat Terampil Apabila Saudara terampil dalam mengerjakan LK

4. dengan baik, maka Saudara dapat membimbing
peserta lain.

Terampil Apabila Saudara terampil dalam mengerjakan LK

4. , tetapi masih perlu berlatih kembali secara

Cukup Terampil Apabila Saudara belum terampil dalam

mengerjakan LK 4, maka Saudara perlu berlatih
kembali dengan bantuan fasilitator/IN yang telah

Kurang Terampil Apabila Saudara tidak terampil dalam

mengerjakan LK 4., maka Saudara perlu bantuan
fasilitator/IN yang telah terampil untuk berlatih
kembali dan secara mandiri.

8. Instrumen Refleksi dalam Aspek Sikap pada KP 4

Setelah Saudara melakukan refleksi diri pada aspek keterampilan,
selanjutnya lakukanlah penilaian diri untuk aspek sikap dengan
mengisi instrumen refleksi berikut ini dengan jujur dan bertanggung
jawab atas kondisi Saudara setelah mengikuti Kegiatan
Pembelajaran 1. Sikap yang perlu Saudara refleksi meliputi sikap
religius, nasionalisme, integritas, mandiri dan gotong royong.

Berilah tanda centang (V) pada kolom “Ya” atau “Tidak.”

No Pernyataan Ya Tidak

1 Saya memulai dan mengakhiri kegiatan pembelajaran dengan berdoa

2 Saya selalu membaca perintah/instruksi sebelum mengikuti


3 Saya mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan dengan sebaik-baiknya

4 Saya selalu mengerjakan tugas dengan tuntas

5 Saya selalu berusaha mengembangkan ilmu yang telah saya terima

6 Saya mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan tanpa harus diawasi dan

sesuai dengan petunjuk

7 Saya siap bekerjasama dengan rekan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan


8 Saya melakukan refleksi diri terhadap apa yang sudah saya pelajari

Pedoman Penskoran Hasil Refleksi Aspek Sikap
Bila Saudara menjawab “Ya”, maka skor = 1
Bila Saudara menjawab “Tidak”, maka skor = 0
Skor Kriteria

7- 8 Sangat baik

5-6 Baik

3-4 Cukup baik

<3 Kurang baik

KegiatanPembelajaran 5

B. Deskripsi Singkat
A.1 Tujuan
Kegiatan pembelajaran ini berkenaan dengan Explanation Texts, yang bertujuan agar
peserta menguasai teks fungsional pendek berjenis explanation baik lisan maupun
tertulis, reseptif dan produktif dalam segala aspek komunikatifnya (linguistik, wacana,
sosiolingusitik, dan strategis).Secara lebih spesifik dan fokus, tujuan mempelajari
kegiatan pembelajaran tentang explanation text ini adalah agar Anda dapat
menerangkan proses-proses yang terjadi dalam pembentukan sesuatu atau kegiatan
yang berkenaan dengan fenomena-fenomena alam, sosial, ilmu pengetahuan, budaya,
dan lainnya yang bertujuan menjelaskan mengapa dan bagaimana hal tersebut bisa
A.2 Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Setelah mempelajari dan memahami dengan baik kegiatan pembelajaran ini, Anda
diharapkan dapat (1) menggunakan simple present tense, kata benda abstrak dan
umum, passive voice, action verbs, noun phrase, conjunction of time dan cause-effect
dalam explanation texts, (2) menghasilkan teks berbentuk explanation, dan (3)
mengajarkan explanation texts pada siswa.

C. Penugasan
Kegiatan pembelajaran tentang Explanation Texts ini meliputi tugas-tugas berikut.
1. Membaca dan memahami konten bacaan tentang konsep, struktur umum, ciri
kebahasaan, dan contoh teks berbentuk Explanation.
2. Mengerjakan lembar kegiatan (LK) yang tersedia.
3. Mengerjakan latihan soal.

D. Bahan Bacaan
C.1 Konsep Explanation Text
Explanation Text adalah sebuah teks yang memuat proses-proses yang berkaitan
dengan gejala-gejala alam, soisal, ilmu pengetahuan, budaya dan lainnya. Explanation
is a text which tells processes relating to forming of natural, social, scientific and
cultural phenomena. Jenis teks ini umumnya berasal dari pertanyaan penulis tentang
mengapa (why) dan bagaimana (how) terhadap suatu gejala yang ada. Dari kedua
pertanyaan itu, diuraikanlah penjelasannya.

An explanation text tells your audience how something works or why something happens. Explanations detail
and logically describe the stages in a process, such as the water cycle, or how a steam engine works. Other
examples could be how a law is made, or why we blink when we sneeze.
There are four types of explanations.
1. Sequential – These detail the stages in an event eg: how a caterpillar turns into a moth.
2. Causal - Details what causes the change from one stage to the next eg: How a president is elected.
3. Theoretical - Details the possible phenomena behind a natural or created process that is not fully
understood. eg What caused the Nazi's to lose World War II.
4. Factorial and consequential explanations explain effects and outcomes of processes. They are more
commonly used in upper primary and secondary contexts. For example:
Scientific– eg Explain the causes of climate change (Factorial)
Historical– eg Explain the causes of World War 2 (Factorial)
It is worth noting that there is a difference between explanation texts and procedural texts. An explanation
text is similar to a procedural text, and these can often be confused, however an explanation text explains the
how and why behind a process such as: What causes a Tsunami?, Why are our rain forests disappearing? and
The process of making aluminum. A procedural text is generally instructs how to make or do something such
as recipe. Although they appear similar they are very different when compared side by side.

C.2 Struktur Umum Explanation Text

Menurut struktur kebahasaannya, Explanation Text terdiri dari tiga bagian, yakni
general statement, sequence of explanation, dan closing. Berikut penjelasan setiap
bagian itu.
1. A general statement
Bagian ini mengenalkan suatu peristiwa atau gejala (fenomena) yang akan kita bahasa.
Ia juga bisa berupa penjelasan umum tentang peristiwa tersebut.
2. A sequence of explanation

A sequence of explanation berisi tentang penjelasan proses mengapa suatu fenomena
bisa terjadi atau tercipta. Ia juga merupakan jawaban dari pertanyaan ‘why’ dan ‘how’
kita ketika membuat jenis teks explanation. Bagian ini bisa memuat lebih dari satu
3. Closing
Bagian ini menutup cerita. Sejatinya secara sistematis bagian ini tidak tercantum dalam
struktur umum sebuah Explanation text, tetapi mayoritas penulis beranggapan bahwa
paragraf terakhir dari sebuah Explanation text adalah closing. Padahal, itu merupakan
bagian dari squence of explanation yang berisi tentang langkah akhir yang dijelaskan
pada bagian squence of explanation.
C.3 Ciri Kebahasaan Explanation Text
Sebagaimana dipahami, jenis teks ini berasal dari pertanyaan penulis terkait ‘why’ dan
‘how’ terhadap suatu fenomena yang ada. Untuk itu, fokus materinya tidak terletak
pada bendanya atau orangnya, tetapi pada kejadian atau peristiwa yang terjadi pada
orang atau benda tersebut. Explanation texts memiliki ciri-ciri kebahasaan yang
ditandai dengan penggunaan enam elemen gramatikal, yakni (1) simple present tense,
(2) kata benda abstrak dan umum, (3) passive voice, (4) action verbs, (5) noun phrase,
dan (6) conjunction of time dan cause-effect
B.4 Contoh Explanation Text
Di bawah ini adalah sebuah contoh teks pendek yang bisa digunakan untuk menambah
pemahaman Anda tentang explanation text, yang disajikan menurut struktur

How Does Earthquake Happen?

Earthquake is one of the most destroying natural disasters. Unluckily it often happens in several regions.
Recently a horrible earthquake has shaken Indonesia. It has brought great damages. Why did it occur? Do
you know how an earthquake happens? (GENERAL STATEMENT)

Earthquakes are usually caused when rock underground suddenly breaks along a fault. This sudden release of
energy causes the seismic waves. It make the ground shake. When two plates of rock are rubbing against
each other, they stick a little. They don't just slide smoothly. The rocks are still pushing against each other,

After a while, the rock plates break because of all the pressure that's built up. When the rocks break, the
earthquake occurs. (CLOSING)

E. Lembar Kegiatan
LK 5.1. Analysis of generic structure and language feature
Please analyze the generic structure and language feature of the text below.

Why Seawater is Salty?

Most of our planet’s surface is covered in water – salt water. The oceans that support so much of Earth’s life
are around 3.5% sodium chloride – 50 million billion tons of salt.
But where does it come from? While some of it comes from volcanic vents or rocks on the seabed, most of it
is actually from the land around us. Every time it rains, tiny amounts of mineral salts are washed into rivers,
which eventually flow into the sea.
The salt in rivers is less than 1/200th the amount usually found in seawater. It becomes more concentrated in
the ocean, as the Sun’s heat causes water from the surface to evaporate, leaving the salt behind. Extra salt
added every year from rivers is balanced by salt which returns to the sea floor.
But salinity isn’t the same everywhere. Towards the poles, water is not as salty because it’s diluted by
melting ice, while the extra heat in the tropics makes water there saltier – and denser.

LK 5.2. Rearrangement of the text

Please rearrange the text below into explanatory text.

How does the Water Cycle work?

1. Once the water reaches the ground, it can flow across the land until it reaches rivers, lakes, streams,
or the sea. It can also sink into the ground and flow because of gravity through gaps in rock, gravel
and sand. Because of this, it reaches these bodies of water too.
2. Now the cycle begins again, when water is evaporated once more.
3. When the air and the water cool, they form drops of water which then fall to the earth as rain. If
they are frozen, they become snow or sleet.
4. First, water molecules from lakes, rivers, streams, reservoirs, and the sea get heated up by the sun
and then turn into vapour that rises into the air.
5. Next, these water molecules form into clouds, this is because a process called condensation occurs.

Please choose the correct answer.
Text 1
Have you ever wondered how people get chocolate for? In this article we’ll enter the
amazing world for chocolate so you can understand exactly what you’re eating.

Chocolate starts with a tree called the cacao tree. This tree grows in equatorial regions,
especially in place such as South America, Africa, and Indonesia. The cacao tree
produces a fruit about the size of small pine apple. Inside the fruit are the tree’s seeds,
also known as cacao beans.
The beans are fermented for about a week, dried in the sun and then shipped to the
chocolate maker. The chocolate maker starts by roasting the beans to bring out the
flavor. Different beans from different place have different qualities and flavor, so they
are often sorted and blended to produce a distinctive mix. Next, the roasted beans are
winnowed. Winnowing removes the meat nib of the cacao beans bean from its shell.
Then, the nibs are blended. The blended nibs are ground to make it a liquid. The liquid
is called chocolate liquor. It tastes bitter. All seeds contain some amount of fat, and
cacao beans are not different. However, cacao beans are half fat, which is why the
ground nibs from liquid. It’s pure bitter chocolate.

1. The text is about …

a. the cacao tree
b. the cacao beans
c. the raw chocolate
d. the making of chocolate
e. the flavor of chocolate

2. The third paragraph focuses on …

a. the process of producing chocolate
b. how to produce the cacao flavor
c. where chocolate comes from
d. the chocolate liquor
e. the cacao fruit

3. “ …., so they are often sorted and blended to produce ….” ( Paragraph 3 )
The underline word is close in meaning to …
a. arranged
b. combined
c. separated
d. distributed
e. organized

4. How does the chocolate maker start to make chocolate?

a. By fermenting the beans.
b. By roasting the beans.
c. By blending the beans.
d. By sorting the beans.
e. By drying the beans.

Text 2
Wood chipping is a process used to obtain pulp and paper product from the forest. The
wood chipping process begins when the trees are cut down is in selected area of the
forest called a couple.

Next, the top and branches of the trees are cut out and the logs are taken to the mill.
At the mill, the bark of the logs is removed and the logs are taken to a chipper, which
cut them into small pieces called woodchip. The woodchips are the screened to
remove dirt and other impurities. At this stage, they are either exported in this from or
made into pulp by chemicals and heat. The pulp is then bleached and the water
content is removed.

Finally, the pulp is rolled out to make paper.

5. The text describes the process of …

a. cutting down the forest
b. producing woodchip
c. paper making
d. wood chipping
e. reforestation

6. What do the mill workers first do with the logs?

a. They export the woodchip.
b. The cut them into pieces.
c. They roll out the paper.
d. The remove the bark.
e. The screen the logs.

7. “At this stage, they are either exported in this from or ….” (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word refers to …
a. logs
b. pulp
c. process pulp
d. raw woodchips
e. clean woodchip

8. “The woodchips are then screened to remove dirt and other impurities.”(Paragraph
In other word, they are …
a. repaired
b. cleaned
c. moved
d. removed
e. processed

Text 3
Nearly all energy is derived from the sun, either indirectly or directly, in the form of the
form of heat rays and light rays. Electrical energy is derived from the sun indirectly. It
can be derived from the power of the earth’s surface, by mean of the sun’s heat. This
water vapor rises, condenses on cooling, and falls as rain.
The light and heat energy from coal is also derived indirectly from the sun. Coal was
formed by the pressure of the rocks on vegetation which died millions of years ago.
That vegetation grew with the aid of sunlight, from which carbohydrates were formed,
thus converting solar energy into chemical energy. When coal is burn some of this
energy is released.

Energy used to drive car engines is derived from petrol, which is also formed with the
indirect aid of the sun. Plants and animal were pressed under the rocks in the earth.
These dead animals and vegetables remains formed petroleum, from which petrol and
oil are now obtained.

Thus the sun can be said to be source of nearly all energy, and in the absence of the
sun’s heat and light, no life could exist on earth.

9. The most suitable title for the text is …

a. solar energy
b. electrical energy
c. fossil fuel energy
d. light and heat energy
e. sources of energy

10. Where does energy come from originally? It comes from …

a. the sun
b. the electricity
c. the coal
d. the petrol
e. head and light rays

F. Refleksi
Refleksi Kegiatan Pembelajaran (KP) ini bersifat refelksi diri yang hendaknya
dilakukan oleh setiap peserta. Refleksi tersebut mencakup dua aspek
keterampilan dan aspek sikap. Dalam melakukan refleksi diri tersebut Saudara
dapat menggunakan instrumen refleksi berikut ini.
9. Instrumen Refleksi dalam Aspek Keterampilan pada KP 1
Pada Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1, Saudara telah .......... . Setelah mengerjakan
LK .., Saudara dapat melakukan penilaian diri untuk mengetahui
kemampuan Saudara berada dalam posisi sangat terampil, terampil, cukup

terampil, atau kurang terampil. Penilaian diri tersebut sebagai refeleksi
Saudara dalam mengikuti Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1.
Lakukanlah refleksi dengan jujur dan bertanggung jawab atas kondisi
kemampuan Saudara setelah mengikuti Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1. Berikut
adalah rubrik refleksi yang dapat Saudara gunakan ketika melakukan

Refleksi Kegiatan Pembelajaran 5

Kriteria Tindak Lanjut

Sangat Terampil Apabila Saudara terampil dalam mengerjakan

LK.5.1 s.d 5.3 dengan baik, maka Saudara dapat
membimbing peserta lain.

Terampil Apabila Saudara terampil dalam mengerjakan

LK.5.1 s.d 5.3 , tetapi masih perlu berlatih kembali
secara mandiri.

Cukup Terampil Apabila Saudara belum terampil dalam

mengerjakan LK5.1 s.d 5.3, maka Saudara perlu
berlatih kembali dengan bantuan fasilitator/IN
yang telah terampil.

Kurang Terampil Apabila Saudara tidak terampil dalam

mengerjakan LK 5.1 s.d 5.3, maka Saudara perlu
bantuan fasilitator/IN yang telah terampil untuk
berlatih kembali dan secara mandiri.

10. Instrumen Refleksi dalam Aspek Sikap pada KP 5

Setelah Saudara melakukan refleksi diri pada aspek keterampilan,
selanjutnya lakukanlah penilaian diri untuk aspek sikap dengan
mengisi instrumen refleksi berikut ini dengan jujur dan bertanggung
jawab atas kondisi Saudara setelah mengikuti Kegiatan
Pembelajaran 1. Sikap yang perlu Saudara refleksi meliputi sikap
religius, nasionalisme, integritas, mandiri dan gotong royong.

Berilah tanda centang (V) pada kolom “Ya” atau “Tidak.”
No Pernyataan Ya Tidak

1 Saya memulai dan mengakhiri kegiatan pembelajaran dengan berdoa

2 Saya selalu membaca perintah/instruksi sebelum mengikuti


3 Saya mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan dengan sebaik-baiknya

4 Saya selalu mengerjakan tugas dengan tuntas

5 Saya selalu berusaha mengembangkan ilmu yang telah saya terima

6 Saya mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan tanpa harus diawasi dan

sesuai dengan petunjuk

7 Saya siap bekerjasama dengan rekan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan


8 Saya melakukan refleksi diri terhadap apa yang sudah saya pelajari

Pedoman Penskoran Hasil Refleksi Aspek Sikap

Bila Saudara menjawab “Ya”, maka skor = 1
Bila Saudara menjawab “Tidak”, maka skor = 0
Skor Kriteria

7- 8 Sangat baik

5-6 Baik

3-4 Cukup baik

<3 Kurang baik


Dari paparan atau penjelasan di atas dan dari pengalaman dalam melaksanakan diskusi dan latihan
dapatlah dilihat bahwa untuk meningkatkan taraf pendidikan diperlukan sebuah kesesuaianantara
kompetensi yang dimiliki guru dan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan siswa sehingga dapat terjalin
sebuah prose pembelajaran yang sinergi. Dalam hal ini Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan
Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Bahasa memfasilitasi bagi guru bahasa untuk menyiapkan
suplemen bahan ajar Program PKB Guru berdasarkan hasil analisis UN, USBN, US/M. Dengan
demikian diharapkan akan tercapai kompetensi guru yang optimal dan berimbas pada
meningkatnya hasil ujian siswa di seluruh Indonesia.

Demikian yang dapat kami paparkan mengenai Suplemen Bahan Ajar Program PKB Guru
berdasarkan Hasil Analisis UN, USBN, US/M Muatan Pelajaran Bahasa , tentunya masih banyak
kekurangan dan kelemahannya. Kami banyak berharap para pembaca yang budiman dapat
memberikan kritik dan saran yang membangun demi sempurnanya suplemen ini dan penulisan
suplemen di kesempatan berikutnya. Semoga dengan suplemen ini dapat lebih memfokuskan
kegiatan peningkatan kompetensi guru dan kompetensi siswa di tanah air.


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