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Mekatronika (Jerman: Mechatronik; Inggris: Mechatronic) berasal dari kata mekanika,

elektronika dan informatika.

Bagan Mekatronika:Diagram sedehana pembentukan ilmu mekatronika. Terdiri atas dua lapisan
fisika dan logika. dan tiga dasar ilmu utama elektronika, informatika dan mekanika..

Dengan melihat asal katanya dapat dengan mudah dipahami, bahwa ilmu ini menggabungkan
atau mensinergikan disiplin ilmu Mekanika, ilmu Elektronika dan Informatika

Istilah Mechatronik (Mechanical Engineering-Electronic Engineering) pertama kali dikenalkan

pada tahun 1969 oleh perusahaan jepang Yaskawa Electric Cooperation. Awalnya berkembang
dalam bidang Feinwerktechnik, yaitu cabang dari teknik yang mengedepankan aspek ketelitian.
Misalnya pada pembuatan jam, alat optik dan sebagainya. Lalu ditambahkan setelah munculnya
Informatik sebagai disiplin ilmu baru.

Hingga saat ini dipandang sebagai hubungan antara ilmu Mekanik, Elektronik dan Informatik.
Dalam masa yang akan datang, aplikasi mekatronika akan digunakan hampir disemua bidang,
seperti Otomotif, Pemutar CD, Stasiun luar angkasa atau pada fasilitas produksi.

Mekatronika dikategorikan oleh Majalah Technology Review pada tahun 2003 sebagai 10
Teknologi yang dalam waktu dekat dapat mengubah hidup kita!

Berdasarkan hasil Musyawarah nasional mekatronika, Bandung 28 Juli 2006, komunitas
mekatronika indonesia merekomendasikan definisi Mekatronika sebagai berikut:

Mekatronika adalah sinergis IPTEK teknik mesin, teknik elektronika, teknik informatika dan
teknik pengaturan (atau teknik kendali) untuk merancang, membuat atau memproduksi,
mengoperasikan dan memelihara sebuah sistem untuk mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan.
Begitu banyaknya penggunaan sistem mekatronika dalam kehidupan kita memperkuat salah satu
sifatnya yang multiguna (aplikatif)

Teknik Otomotif

Sebagai contoh sistem mekatronik pada kendaraan bermotor adalah sistem rem ABS ( Anti-lock
Breaking system) atau sistem pengereman yang menghindari terkuncinya roda sehingga mobil
tetap dapat dikendalikan dalam pengereman mendadak, ESP ( Elektronik Stability Programm),
ABC ( Active Body Control) dan Motor-Managemen-System.

Teknologi Penerbangan

Dalam teknologi penerbangan modern digunakan Comfort-In-Turbulence System sehingga dapat

meningkatkan kenyamanan penumpang walau ketika terjadi turbulensi. Gust Load Alleviation
serta banyak contoh lainnya.

Teknik Produksi

Contoh dalam teknik produksi adalah penggunaan sensor pada robot. Sistem kendali umpan
balik pada elektromotor berkecepatan rotasi tinggi dengan ‘pemegang as’ tenaga magnet.

Serta pemutar CD, Harddisk serta mesin pencetak berkecepatan tinggi, atau alat-alat elektronika
yang biasa kita gunakan sehari-hari aplikasi mekatronika akan sangat sering kita jumpai.

Masyarakat mekatronik Indonesia adalah sebuah organisasi profesi yang bergerak di bidang
mekatronik yang beranggotakan para peneliti, akademisi, praktisi, dan mahasiswa yang tertarik
pada bidang mekatronik yang meliputi teknik mesin, teknik elektronika, teknik informatika,
teknik telekomunikasi dan teknik kendali

Definitions of "Mechatronics"

• Applied Mechatronics (book)

"interdisciplinary engineering field comprising the design and development of smart
electromechanical systems."

• Chico State University

"field of study that combines the fundamentals of Mechanical, Electrical, and

Computer Engineering"

• Clemson University

"the blending of software [and] hardware for the design [and] analysis of
advanced control techniques"

• Design with Microprocessors for Mechanical Engineers (book)

"science that integrates mechanical devices with electronic controls"

• Industrial Research and Development Advisory Committee of the European


"synergistic combination of precision engineering, electronic control and systems

thinking in the design of products and manufacturing processes."

• Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems (book)

"the interdisciplinary field of engineering dealing with the design of products

whose function relies on the integration of mechanical and electronic
components coordinated by a control architecture."

• Journal of Mechatronics

"the synergistic combination of precision mechanical engineering, electronic control and

systems thinking in the design of products and manufacturing processes"

• Loughborough University (United Kingdom)

"Mechatronics is a design philosophy that utilizes a synergistic integration of

Mechanics, Electronics and Computer Technology (or IT) to produce
enhanced products, processes or systems."
• ME Magazine

"the synergistic use of precision engineering, control theory, computer

science, and sensor and actuator technology to design improved products
and processes"

"simply the application of the latest techniques in precision mechanical engineering,

controls theory, computer science, and electronics to the design process to create more
functional and adaptable products."

• Mechatronics (book)

"the synergistic integration of mechanical engineering with electronics and electrical

systems with intellingent computer control in the design and manufacture of industrial
products, processes, and operations."

• Mechatronics - A Foundation Course (book)

"the synergistic application of mechanics, electronics, and computer engineering in the

development of electromechanical products and systems through an integrated design

• Mechatronics - Electromechanics and Controlmechanics (book)

"crossdisciplinary [field] ... that simultaneously involves mechanics,

electronics, and control of computer-integrated electromechanical systems"

• Mechatronics - Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical Engineering (book)

"integration of electronics, control engineering and mechanical engineering"

• Mechatronics - Electronics in produts and processes (book)

"an integrating theme within the design process [combining] electronic

engineering, computing and mechanical engineering"

• Mechatronics - Mechanical System Interfacing (book)

"the application of complex decision making to the operation of physical

• Mechatronics Engineering (book)

"preplanned activity to consider electrical, mechanical, and software

constraints over the product life cycle in a simultaneous manner early in the
development process"

• Mechatronics System Design (book)

"methodology used for the optimal design of electromechanical products"

• North Carolina State University Course

"the synergistic intergration of precision mechanical engineering, electronic

control and systems thinking in the design of intellegent products and

• Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Kevin Craig)

"the synergistic combination of mechanical engineering, electronics, control systems and

all integrated through the design process."

• University of California at Berkeley

"a flexible, multi-technological approach in the integration of Mechanical

Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electronics, and Information Sciences"

• University of Linz

"technical systems operating mechanically with respect to at least some

kernel functions but with more or less electronics supporting the mechanical
parts decisively"

• University of Washington

"the integrated study of the design of systems and products in which

computation, mechanization, actuation, sensing, and control are designed
together to achieve improved product quality and performance."

• Virginia Polytechnic Institute

"Mechatronics is concerned with the blending of mechanical, electronic,

software, and control theory engineering topics into a unified framework that
enhances the design process."

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