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*Departement Of Dermatology and venereolgy

Faculty of Medicine Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatera
** Departement Farmacology Faculty of Medicine Muhammadiyah University of
North Sumatera


Uretritis gonore merupakan penyakit kelamin terbanyak dewasa ini dan dapat ditemukan
diseluruh dunia. Ketepatan waktu pengobatan, pemilihan obat yang benar dengan dosis yang
adekuat dapat mengeliminasi infeksi yang berdampak pada individu, mencegah terjadinya
pengembangan komplikasi, mencegah transmisi lebih lanjut serta menghindari resistensi kuman.
Tulisan ini melaporkan, pasien pria usia 24 tahun dengan diagnosa uretritis gonore yang datang
ke poliklinik Kulit dan Kelamin Rumah Sakit Syaiful Anwar Malang. Penderita datang dengan
keluhan keluar nanah dari kemaluan tanpa disertai rasa gatal. Pasien juga mengeluh nyeri saat
berkemih, serta kencing dalam volume sedikit dan sering. Pada pemeriksaan daerah urifisium
uretra eksterna didapatkan ektropion, discharge purulen, dan makula hiperemi. Terdapat benjolan
dan duh pada ujung kemaluan akibat radang pada kelenjar parauretra. Dari pemeriksaan
penunjang ditemukan bakteri diplokokus Gram negatif intrasellular PMN. Terapi kausatif yang
diberikan adalah Sefiksim 400mg dosis tunggal secara oral. Evaluasi dilakukan 3 hari setelah
pengobatan dan didapatkan perbaikan.
Kata Kunci : Nesseiria Gonorheae; uretritis gonore; terapi oral uretritis; uretritis gonore komplikasi


Urethritis gonorrhea is the most prevalent venereal disease today and can be found all
over the world. Timeliness of treatment, correct selection of drugs with adequate doses can
eliminate infections that affect the individual, prevent the development of complications, prevent
further transmission and avoid germ resistance. This article reports, 24-year-old male patient
with a diagnosis of gonore urethritis who came to polyclinic Skin and Veneral at Hospital
Syaiful Anwar Malang. Patients come with complaints of pus out of the genitals without itching.
Patients also complain of pain during urination, as well as urinating in small volume and often.
On examination of external urethra urifisium area obtained ectropion, purulent discharge, and
hyperemia macula. There is a lump and duh at the tip of the genitalia caused by inflammation of
the paraurethral glands. From the investigation found diplococcus bacteria Gram negative
intrasellular PMN. The causative therapy given is a single oral dose of Oral 400mg. Evaluation
was done 3 days after treatment and improvement was obtained.
Key Word : Gonorrhea Urethritis; Oral Urethritis Therapy; Uretritis Gonorrhea Complications

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted Gonorrhea is a venereal disease

disease caused by gram-negative diplokokus which at the outset is thick white fluid in the
Neisseria ghonorhoeae bacteria that infects form of pus from OUE (external urethral
the inner urethral lining, cervix, rectum, orifice) after sexual intercourse.5
throat, and conjunctiva.1 Spread of Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection
gonorrhea in the body can be through the caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a gram
bloodstream, especially the skin and joints. diplococcus whose reservoir is human.5 This
In women, gonorrhea can spread to the infection is almost always contracted during
genital tract and then infect the membranes sexual activity.11
that are inside the hip so that it causes hip
pain and reproductive disorders. 1 In general, ETIOLOGY
gonorrhea is a disease that has the highest
incidence among other sexually transmitted The cause of gonorrhea is Gonococci
diseases. sexual intercourse, namely genito- found in 1982.11 After it was discovered, the
genital, oro-genital, and ano-genital, but can germs were entered into the Neisseria group
also be transmitted manually through and in this group there were 4 species and
intermediaries that have been used by
among them were N. gonorrhoeae, N.
sufferers such as clothing, especially
underwear, hats, thermometers, and etc.1 meningitidis where both species were
pathogenic.3 Then 2 other species that were
Gonorrhea disease is spread commensel among them are N. catarrhalis
throughout the world.11 In Africa, the and N. pharyngis sicca
average prevalence of gonorrhea in pregnant
women is 10%.11 The incidence of EPIDEMIOLOGY
disseminated gonococcal infection DGI
varies with the local incidence of Gonorrhea is everywhere throughout the
gonococcal strains from DGI. The highest world and is the most sexually transmitted
incidence occurs in developing countries.11 disease today. There is no innate immunity,
The prevalence of DGI in pregnant women:
even for people who have had this disease.
10% in Africa, 5% in Latin America, 4% in
Asia.11 The incidence of gonorrhea in the There is also no difference regarding
United States increased dramatically in the immunity between various ethnic groups,
1960s and early 1970s to more than 1 gender or age.5 WHO estimates that no
million cases are reported annually.11 It is fewer than 25 million new cases are found
estimated that less than one third of new every year in the world. According to the
cases were reported.10 In 1980, there was a
CDC, it is estimated that around 820,000
slow decline in cases reported to around
700,000 per year.11 A gradual decline people in the US have new gonorrhea
continued with fewer than 400,000 cases of infections every year.5 Several strains of
gonorrhea reported in 2000.10 Declining gonococcal bacteria throughout the world
trend the infection slowed, but continued are currently resistant to thinning,
until 1997.11\ tetracyclines, and other old antimicrobial
agents, causing changes in treatment.5

DIAGNOSE 1. Trikomoniasis
a. Pruritus, Urinary Pain
The definitive diagnosis of gonorrhea b. OUE Hiperemis
depends on the identification of organisms c. Sekrect Mukopurulensia
with Gram stain and / or culture.6

2. Klamidiasis
a. Pruritus, Urinal Pain
b. OUE Hiperemis
Gram negative Gonococci (-) was
found in disseminated gonoccocal infection
(DGI) in the blood, and skin lesions in
patients who were positively affected by the
Gonorrhea patients will find
symptoms such as itching, heat in the distal
urethra and around OUE, dysuria, c. Edema
polacisuria, out of the body from the tip of d. Sekret Seropurulen
the urethra which, sometimes accompanied
by blood, pain during erection.11
 Cefixime 400 mg, Single Dose, PO,
Gonococcus has an affinity for  Levofloxacin 500 mg,Single Dose.7
columnar epithelium; multilevel squamous Another Treatment :
epithelium and more resistant to attack.2 The o Kanamisin 2 g, Injection IM or7
epithelium is penetrated between epithelial o Tiamfenikol 3,5 g Single Dose PO
cells, causing polymorphonuclear (PMN) o Ceftriaxone 250 mg Single Dose
submucocytes (leukocyte reaction) with the PO.7
release of purulent fluid produced.2
Gonococcus strain that causes DGI tends to PROGNOSE
cause little genital inflammation and thus
avoid detection. Some of the signs and The prognosis and prevention of
symptoms of DGI are manifestations of gonorrhea complications depend on
complex immune formation and early diagnosis and appropriate
precipitation. Some episodes of DGI may be treatment with antibiotics.3
related to abnormalities of terminal
complement component factors.10 With fast and proper handling, this
infection can be treated properly.3
Generally, gonococcal infections have a
good response to the recommended
cephalosporin group antibiotics.3
CONCLUSION 4. Wong, Brian. 2011. Gonococcal
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transmitted by sexual intercourse, namely 8059-overview
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through intermediaries that have been used 6. Perpustakaan nasional. 1998. Kamus
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underwear, hats, thermometers, and so on. 7 Jakarta.
7. Barakbah, J dkk. 2010. Pedoman
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