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Sebelum kita lanjutkan, alangkah bagusnya kalau kita pelajari dulu pengertian proverb dan riddle dalam bahasa

1. Proverb adalah peribahasa. Proverb itu bukan idiom, walau memang ada beberapa kemiripannya. Memahami
maksud proverb tidak bisa hanya diterjemahkan dengan mengartikan satu per satu kata-kata yang ada di dalam
sebuah kalimat proverb tersebut
2. Riddle dikenal juga sebagai teka-teki adalah sebuah pernyataan atau pertanyaan atau frase yang memiliki makna
ganda ataupun makna tertutup. Riddle ditulis sebagai puzzle untuk diselesaikan. Teka-teki riddle terdiri dari dua jenis:
yang pertama riddle enigma, di mana masalah yang secara umum diekspresikan dalam bahasa metaforik atau bahasa
alegorik yang membutuhkan kecerdikan dan cara berfikir yang hati-hati; yang kedua adalah riddle konundrum, di mana
pertanyaannya menggantungkan pada efek mereka dalam pengolahan pertanyaan maupun jawabannya.
Kumpulan 20 Soal Mutiple Choice Tentang PROVERB bahasa Inggris beserta Jawabannya
Sebenarnya proverb ini hampir sama dengan kata bijak dan quote. Proverb ini menjadi bagian SKL yang harus
dipelajari dalam bahasa Inggris untuk para siswa SMA dan MA.
1. Mark, learn and inwardly digest.
Note and reflect upon something in order to thoroughly assimilate it
2. Marry in haste, repent as leisure.
If you get married too quickly, you may spend your whole life regretting it
3. Memory is the treasure of the mind.
A good memory is very precious
4. Men make houses, women make homes.
Women give a house its comfort and character
5. Might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb.
If the penalty is going to be same, you might as well commit the greater offense
6. Misery loves company
When people are sad they often like others to feel sad too
7. Money begets money
If you have money you can make more money
8. Money doesn’t grow on trees.
You should not waste money because it is not plentiful or obtained easily
9. A monkey in silk is a monkey no less.
No matter how someone dresses, it’s the same person underneath
10The more haste, the less speed.
A person makes more progress if they take time to do things carefully
11The more you have, the more you want.
People have a constant desire to possess more
12. The mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken.
If you depend on just one thing, and it fails, you have no alternatives
13. Necessity is the mother of invention.
The need for something forces people to find a way of obtaining it
14. Need teaches a plan.
Necessity will make you find a solution
15. Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today.
Don’t postpone until later something you can do now
16. What does the proverb “No man is an island” mean?
cYou can’t live completely independently
17. What does the proverb “Two heads are better than one” mean?
When two people cooperate with each other, they come up with better ideas
18. The early ………… catches the worm.
19. A ……… may look at the king
20. Better late than ……..
Contoh 20 Soal Multiple Choice RIDDLE Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawabannya
Apa itu riddle? Sederhananya riddle yang dimaksud disini adalah tebak-tebakkan. Karena memakai bahasa
Ingris, tentunya akan sangat bagus sekali digunakan untuk melatih kemampauan dan seberapa banyak
vocabulary bahasa Inggris kita.
1. I am white and cold. I fall from the sky. I will melt when I get warm. What am I?
2. What kinds of the room that don’t have windows and a door?
3. I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. I am used in the dark. Who am I?
A candle
4. Which weighs more, a pound of feather, a pound of paper, or a pound of brick?
None of them weighs more
5. How many months have the 28th day?
6. I fly forever and never rest. Who am i?
The wind
7. What is at the end of rainbow?
8. I will always follow you whenever and wherever you go. Who am i?
a shadow
9. I am made and bought by someone who doesn’t use me. But the one who uses me doesn’t know that they
are using me. Who am i?
a coffin
10. people break me before using me. What am i?
an egg
11. I begin with “T” and end with “T”. I have a “T” inside me. What am i?
a tea pot
12. I go around the world but stay in a corner. What am i?
a stamp
13. I always go up but never go down. Who am i?
your age
14. What kind of cup doesn’t hold water?
world cup

15. I can fly but I don’t have wings. Who am i?

time >>>>
17. What question can you never answer “yes” to?
do you asleep?
18. If you have it, you want to share it. If you share it, you don’t have it. What is it?
a secret
I have a face and two hands but have no arms and legs. Who am i?
a clock
20. I have a head like a cat, I have feet like a cat, and I look like a cat. But I’m not a cat. Who am I?
a kitten

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