Anda di halaman 1dari 86


No Pertemuan Topik
1 Minggu 01 Article
Uncountable Noun and Countable Noun
2 Minggu 02 Personal Pronoun

3 Minggu 03 Reading Comprehension

4 Minggu 04 Preferences

5 Minggu 05 Degree of Comparison

6 Minggu 06 Simple Present Tense

Present Continuous Tense
7 Minggu 07 Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
8 Minggu 08 Past Tense

9 Minggu 09 Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS)

10 Minggu 10 Past Continuous Tense
11 Minggu 11 Past Perfect Tense
12 Minggu 12 Simple Future Tense
13 Minggu 13 Future Continuous Tense
14 Minggu 14 Future Perfect Tense
15 Minggu 15 Future Perfect Continuous Tense
16 Minggu 16 Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS)

Dosen Pengampu Mata Kuliah

Yanuarius Seran, S.Pd.M.Sc.


Article ............................................................................................................ 3

Uncountable and Countable Noun ................................................................. 6

Reading comprehension ............................................................................... 10

Personal Pronoun ........................................................................................... 16

Preferences..................................................................................................... 22

Degree of Comparison ................................................................................... 27

Simple Present Tense .................................................................................... 34

Present Continuous Tense ............................................................................. 42

Present Perfect Tense..................................................................................... 47

Present Perfect Continous Tense ................................................................... 52

Simple Past Tense…… .................................................................................. 57

Past Continous Tense .................................................................................... 63

Past Perfect Tense.......................................................................................... 67

Simple Future Tense ...................................................................................... 72

Future Continuous Tense ............................................................................... 80

Future Perfect Tense ...................................................................................... 84

1. Pengertian Artikel
Artikel atau kata sandang merupakan bentuk kata sifat yang diletakkan sebelum
kata benda untuk menunjukkan umum atau khususnya benda tersebut.

2. Jenis – Jenis Artikel

Artikel atau kata sandang terbagi menjadi 3 jenis.
a. Indefinite Articles (a/an)
Indefinite Articles yang terdiri atas ‘a’ dan ‘an’, digunakan oleh kata benda
yang dapat dihitung (countable noun) dan merupakan benda yang tunggal
(singular), serta benda tersebut memiliki sifat yang tidak tentu atau tidak
 It is a computer.
 I think he is a hacker.
 The lady is an engineer
 I have an e-mail.

b. Definite Article (the)

Definite articles, yaitu ‘the’, digunakan sebelum kata benda yang sudah
diketahui (spesifik) baik benda tersebut tunggal maupun jamak (countable or
uncountable noun).
Penggunaan artikel ‘the’:
 Digunakan untuk benda yang sudah pasti dan diketahui.
Contoh: I want to buy the hardware (dalam konteks dimana perangkat keras
tersebut telah diketahui)
 Digunakan oleh benda yang sudah disebut sebelumnya di dalam suatu

Contoh: There is an external hard disc in my room. The external hard
disc was bought by My uncle.
 Digunakan sebelum nama benda yang hanya ada satu.
Contoh: The moon, the earth, the sun.
 Digunakan sebelum nama laut, selat, pegunungan, samudra, sungai,
gurun, atau negara tertentu.
Contoh: The Pasific ocean, the Nile river, the United State.
 Dapat digunakan di depan kata sifat yang digunakan sebagai kata benda.
Contoh: the poor, the young, the old.

c. Zero Article (Tanpa Artikel)

Zero Article terjadi apabila kata benda merupakan kata benda yang tidak
dapat dihitung (uncountable noun) atau merupakan proper noun. Selain itu,
artikel ini dapat juga digunakan untuk kata benda jamak yang dapat dihitung
yang tidak bisa dibedakan apakah termasuk definite atau indefinite.
 Everyone drinks water everyday
 My name is Fery

3. Exercise
1. He has ___ new motorcycle.
2. I want to buy ___ umbrella.
3. ___ Ganges is ___ Indian river.
4. Is Jane ___ student at your college?
5. I know ___ problem between you and him.
6. Give me ___ change to fix this problem.
7. I have read ___ amazing life story.
8. ___ weather of today is quite unpredictable.
9. Is she ___ American?
10. I saw ___ very beautiful creature, but I don’t know ___ name is.
11. ___ bird live in the cage. ___ cage is new.
12. I need ___ piece of paper.
13. Who is ___ owner of this book?

14. You have been 20, but you are still like ___ child.
15. I will go to ___ cinema with you.
16. Is there ___ public telephone near here?
17. I went to ___ beach during my summer vacation.
18. What is ___ name of the next hospital?
19. Tomy is ___ best student in our class.
20. ___ joke can be a good way to start a speech.

4. Homework

1. Oxford is ___ university town

2. It's ___ most expensive hotel in town
3. We had a very nice meal. ___ cheese was especially good.
4. She is on diet, so she ordered ___ calorie - free dinner.
5. I know someone who wrote a book about ___ life of Gandhi.
6. I have just had ___ great idea.
7. Lucy’s father works as ___ electrician.
8. We need to be at ___ airport in ___ hour.
9. Writting is ___ more interesting activity than reading.
10. A little knowledge is ___ dangerous thing.


1. Countable Noun

Countable Noun merupakan kata benda yang dapat dihitung (secara langsung),
contohnya three pens, two manggoes dll. Countable nouns dapat ditambahkan
artikel a atau an. Countable nouns juga dapat dijadikan jamak (menjadi plural
noun). Contoh kata benda Countable Noun (dapat dihitung): Pen, Pencil, person,
cup, animal, bottle, plate, dog, bag, coin, cat, glass, book, Chair, box, man, Book,
baby house, Table.
Berikut merupakan contoh countable noun dalam kalimat:
 I have a Book.
 Do you want to fix this motherboard?
 I've got a problem with the car.
 Shabrina has a cheese sandwich and a banana for breakfast
 I have two brothers, Andi and Budi.

Kata 'Book' bisa kita katakan “a book” (singular) dan juga bisa dirubah menjadi
“books” (plural). Bila countable noun tersebut singular, maka harus memakai
artikel 'a / an / the'. Contoh:
 I have Book → I have a Book.
 They have pen → They have one pen.
 My mother has mango → My mother has a mango.

2. Uncountable Noun
Benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (Uncountable Nouns) mempunyai ciri-ciri antara
 Benda nya tidak bisa kita hitung secara langsung. Misalanya “water”, tidak bisa
menjadi 1 water atau 2 water, tetapi kita bisa menyisipkan kata benda lain,
misalnya a glass of water.

 Biasanya benda ini tidak bisa dibuat jamak.
 Tidak bisa ditambahkan artikel a / an
Contoh kata benda Uncountable Noun (tidak bisa dihitung): Water, air, Oil,
pepper, sand, rice, sugar, love, assistance, coffee, cheese, fun, advice, money,
music, tea, art, salt, sadness. Kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (Uncountable
Nouns) biasanya menunjuk pada benda yang sifatnya tidak berdiri sendiri, dan
abstrak. Sebagai contoh sugar (gula) bukan merupakan benda yang sifatnya
sendiri, gula biasah dijumpai dalam kumpulan dari ratusan butir-butir kecil.
sadness (kesedihan) dan Love (cinta) merupakan hal yang abstrak, tidak memiliki
bentuk fisik.
Berikut merupakan contoh Uncountable Noun dalam kalimat:
 Can I have some water?
 Can you give me some information about that?
 The money is much better in my new job.

Penggunaan Much dan many, Number dan amount, Few dan little, Fewer
dan less di Countable dan Uncountable Nouns.

a. Beda Number dengan amount

 Number digunakan dalam countable nouns
 amount digunakan dalam uncountable nouns.
Keduanya memiliki arti sama, yaitu: sejumlah. Contoh:
 My teacher gives me a large number of assignments.
 We have been friends for a number of years
 My teacher gives me a large amount of homework.
 They are taking huge amounts of our money

b. Beda Many dengan Much

 Many digunakan dalam countable nouns
 much digunakan dalam uncountable nouns

Kedua kata ini sama-sama memiliki arti banyak. Contoh kalimat:
 How many years have you lived in semarang?
 I haven't got many books.
 I have so much homework
 I haven't got much rice.

c. Beda Fewer dengan less

 Fewer digunakan dalam countable nouns
 less digunakan dalam uncountable nouns
Kedua kata ini sama-sama memiliki arti sedikit. Contoh kalimat:
 Fewer birds came this year
 This kind of job will give you fewer dollars
 A secretary makes a less money than a manager
 Doctors recommend eating less salt

d. Beda Few dengan little

 Few digunakan dalam countable nouns
 little digunakan dalam uncountable nouns
Kedua kata ini sama-sama memiliki arti sedikit. Contoh kalimat:
 I've got a few dollars
 There is a few men in the party
 I need a little help now
 I've got a little money

3. Exercises
1). How (many/much) years have you lived in Bandung?
2) There is (a few/a little) men in the bus.
3) He pays me (fewer/less) money than I thought.
4) How (many/much) friends do you have?
5) He did not have (many/much) sugar left.

A. Bacalah teks di bawah ini dengan saksama!

Information Technology

What is Information Technology

Information Technology (IT) is the application of computers and internet to store, retrieve,
transmit, and manipulate information, often in the context of a business or other enterprise.
IT is considered a subset of information and communications technology (ICT) and has
evolved according to the needs.

It is worthwhile noting that the term IT is commonly used as a synonym for computers and
computer networks, but it also encompasses other information distribution technologies such
as television and telephones. Several industries are associated with information technology,
including computer hardware, software, electronics, semiconductors, internet, telecom
equipment, engineering, healthcare, e-commerce, and computer services.

Thanks to the continuous development of computers, the original computing systems became
minicomputers and later personal computers took the lead. Nowadays, mobile phones are
dethroning the personal computer and computing is evolving faster to become disembodied
more like a cloud, becoming accessible more easily whenever needed. Information
technology has transformed people and companies and has allowed digital technology to
influence society and economy alike. It has, in this sense, shaped societies and adapted itself
to people's needs.


If you want a brief history of Information Technology, here is one. Humans were the first
"computers". Then, machines were invented to carry out the computational tasks. Now these
machines have given way to new form of information technology. Information has become
disembodied accessible from anywhere through cloud technology. Recent advances in IT is
the consequence of the development in computing systems.

Humans have been storing, retrieving, manipulating, and communicating information since
the Sumerians in Mesopotamia developed writing in about 3000 BC, but the term
information technology in its modern sense first appeared in a 1958 article published in the
Harvard Business Review; authors Harold J. Leavitt and Thomas L. Whisler commented that
"the new technology does not yet have a single established name. We shall call it information
technology (IT)." Their definition consists of three categories: techniques for processing, the
application of statistical and mathematical methods to decision-making, and the simulation
of higher-order thinking through computer programs.

B. Comprehension
1. Information technology is changing principally because of ……
2. According to the author the first computers were …..
3. Development of information technology is the result of ……
4. Computing systems are taking the form of clouds means ……


Berilah arti dari vocabulari berikut!

Transmit compute establish software lead need consist

Engeneering include hardware evolve transform appear

Influence accessible decision-making retrieve cloud recent

Carry out develop invent manipulate history equipment

Encompass since shape society publish company since


Terjemahkan teks-teks di bawah ini ke dalam Bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar!

Teks 1

A. Pengertian Teknologi Informasi

Istilah teknologi informasi (TI) mulai populer di akhir tahun 70-an. Pada
masa sebelumnya istilah teknologi informasi biasa disebut teknologi komputer atau
pengolahan data elektronis (electronic data processing). Teknologi informasi
didefinisikan sebagai teknologi pengolahan dan penyebaran data menggunakan
perangkat keras (hardware) dan perangkat lunak (software), komputer, komunikasi,
dan elektronik digital.

Banyak kalangan berpendapat bahwa saat ini adalah era informasi global, di
mana manusia bisa memanfaatkan teknologi informasi yang perangkat utamanya
adalah komputer. Informasi yang bisa diolah tidak hanya sekedar informasi suara atau
gambar, namun informasi bisa bersifat multimedia.

Manusia dapat memanfaatkan komputer dengan beragam cara mulai sebagai

alat bantu menulis, menggambar, mengedit foto, memutar video, memutar lagu
sampai analisis data hasil penelitian maupun untuk mengoperasikan program-

program penyelesaian masalah-masalah ilmiah, bisnis, manajemen, mengendalikan
mesin industri, bahkan mengendalikan pesawat ruang angkasa. Tujuan penggunaan
komputer adalah agar setiap data yang diolah dapat dihasilkan informasi yang cepat,
akurat, informatif, dan efisien.

TI merupakan elemen penting dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara.

Peranan teknologi informasi pada aktivitas manusia pada saat ini memang begitu
besar. TI telah menjadi fasilitas utama bagi kegiatan berbagai sector kehidupan
dimana memberikan andil besar terhadap perubahan-perubahan yang mendasar pada
struktur operasi dan manajemen organisasi, pendidikan, trasportasi, kesehatan dan
penelitian. Oleh karena itu, sangatlah penting peningkatan kemampuan sumber daya
manusia (SDM) TI, mulai dari keterampilan dan pengetahuan, perencanaan,
pengoperasian, perawatan dan pengawasan, serta peningkatan kemampuan TI para
pimpinan di lembaga pemerintahan, pendidikan, perusahaan, UKM (usaha kecil
menengah) dan LSM. Sehingga pada akhirnya akan dihasilkan output yang sangat
bermanfaat baik bagi manusia sebagai individu itu sendiri maupun bagi semua sektor

Peningkatan kualitas hidup semakin menuntut manusia untuk melakukan

berbagai aktifitas yang dibutuhkan dengan mengoptimalkan sumber daya yang
dimilikinya. TI yang perkembangannya begitu cepat secara tidak langsung
mengharuskan manusia untuk menggunakannya dalam segala aktivitasnya. TI tidak
dapat dipisahkan dari teknologi komunikasi. Istilah TI sering disambung dengan
istilah komunikasi sehingga yang sering terdengar adalah istilah teknologi informasi
dan komunikasi (TIK). Padahal kedua istilah tersebut memiliki perbedaan.

TI lebih ditekankan pada hasil data yang diperoleh. Teknologi ini meliputi
segala hal yang berkaitan dengan proses, penggunaan sebagai alat bantu, manipulasi,
dan pengelolaan informasi. Sedangkan pada teknologi komunikasi ditekankan pada
bagaimana suatu hasil data dapat disalurkan, disebarkan dan disampaikan ke tempat
tujuan. TI berkembang cepat dengan meningkatnya perkembangan komputer dengan
piranti pendukungnya serta perkembangan teknologi komunikasi yang ada. Teknologi
komunikasi berkembang cepat dengan meningkatnya perkembangan teknologi
elektronika, sistem transmisi dan sistem modulasi, sehingga suatu informasi dapat
disampaikan dengan cepat dan tepat.

Secara sederhana dapat dideskripsikan bahwa TI adalah segala sesuatu tentang

bagaimana komputer bekerja dan apa yang dapat dilakukan oleh komputer.
Sementara itu, teknologi komunikasi adalah segala sesuatu tentang pemberian
fasilitas untuk komunikasi antara orang dengan orang atau orang dengan
mesin/komputer atau mesin dengan mesin.

Teknologi komunikasi tidak hanya mencakup komputer saja, tetapi juga

termasuk telepon, radio, fax dan peralatan lainnya. Teknologi informasi dibentuk dari

komponen teknologi komputer dan muatan informasi. Pada awal ditemukannya
komputer atau awal digunakannya komputer, istilah Teknologi Informasi belum
dikenal, yang dikenal adalah teknologi komputer, EDP (electronic data processing)
atau teknologi pengolahan data elektronik.

Baru sekitar awal tahun 80-an, sebutan untuk unit kerja yang melakukan
pengolahan data elektronik berubah dari EDP menjadi unit kerja Teknologi
Informasi, kadang ada juga yang salah penulisannya, yaitu unit kerja Teknologi dan
Informasi. Sedangkan teknologi komunikasi adalah identik dengan teknologi
telekomunikasi yang menjadi inti proses penyebaran informasi.

Uraian tersebut di atas adalah perbedaan definisi antara teknologi informasi

dan teknologi komunikasi, jika memang diinginkan adanya pemisahan definisi dari
kedua istilah tersebut. Tetapi kenyataannya dalam konteks TIK kedua istilah tersebut
tidak dapat dipisahkan. Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi merupakan teknologi
yang dibangun dengan basis utama teknologi komputer. Perkembangan teknologi
komputer yang terus berlanjut membawa implikasi utama teknologi ini pada proses
pengolahan data yang berujung pada informasi.

Teks 2.

Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi

Perkembangan peradaban manusia diiringi dengan perkembangan cara

penyampaian informasi. Mulai dari gambar-gambar yang tak bermakna di dinding-
dinding, peletakkan tonggak sejarah dalam bentuk prasasti sampai diperkenalkannya
dunia arus informasi yang kemudian dikenal dengan nama INTERNET. Informasi
yang disampaikan pun berkembang.

TI merupakan suatu bidang industri yang berkembang dengan begitu pesatnya

pada tahun-tahun terakhir ini, dan akan terus berlangsung untuk tahun-tahun
mendatang. Perkembangan industri dalam bidang TI ini membutuhkan suatu
formalisasi yang lebih baik dan tepat mengenai pekerjaan, profesi berkaitan dengan
keahlian di bidang TI. Perkembangan bidang Telematika dan Teknologi Informasi
yang sangat pesat perlu diimbangi dengan penyiapan sumber daya manusia yang
handal, untuk mengantisipasi persaingan global yang sudah semakin dekat.

Salah satu ciri khusus dari bidang ilmu Teknologi Informasi adalah fokus
perhatian bidang ilmu tersebut yang lebih bersifat aplikatif. Bidang ilmu teknologi
informasi lebih mengarah pada pengelolaan data dan informasi dalam sebuah
enterprise (perusahaan atau organisasi kerja lainnya). Dengan pemanfaatan teknologi
komputer dan komunikasi data serta lebih menekankan pada teknik pemanfaatan

perangkat-perangkat yang ada untuk meningkatkan produktifitas kerja. Dalam
perkembangannya sejalan dengan paradigma ekonomi baru, maka teknologi
informasi menjadi senjata yang handal dalam meningkatkan komunikasi dan interaksi
enterprise dengan stake holdernya.

Revolusi Informasi yang merupakan gabungan antara ilmu pengetahuan dan

teknologi telah merubah sumber kekayaan tidak lagi berupa materi seperti pada
revolusi industri tetapi berupa informasi dan pengetahuan yang diterapkan pada
pekerjaan untuk menciptakan suatu nilai. Barangsiapa yang menguasai informasi
maka ia akan menguasai dunia.

Perkembangan TI dalam 2 tahun belakangan ini banyak di monopoli oleh

perangkat mobile, baik dari Barat atau dari Asia. Menggilanya perangkat tersebut
bermula dari diciptakannya sistem operasi android yang berbasis linux sebagai open
source di mana setiap developer boleh mengembangkan sistem operasi tersebut. Para
developer pun berlomba-lomba menghasilkan karyanya yang bagus untuk bisa dijual
ke perusahaan-perusahaan yang mau menerima hasil karya mereka. Maka
bermunculanlah perusahaan-perusahaan perangkat mobile baru yang menggunakan
sistem operasi android. Bagaikan jamur, perusahaan perangkat mobile juga banyak
berdatangan mulai dari low end sampai high end. Bahkan perusahaan electronic
rumahan seperti Samsung, Sony, LG, dan lain-lain juga membuat perangkat mobile.

Tingginya pengguna perangkat mobile tersebut mendorong pengguna internet

di Indonesia. Menurut - suatu badan survery
pengguna internet international - Negara Indonesaia menjadi No 12 terbesar di Asia
di bawah India. Mungkin jika masyarakat Indonesia sama dengan India, Indonesia
bisa menjadi teratas.

Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang cepat membawa pola pikir serba

instan di masyarakat. Pola pikir inilah yang akhirnya mengikat si user untuk
menjadikan perangkat tersebut suatu kebutuhan hidup. Tingkah laku tersebut bukan
hanya pada masyarakat tingkat atas, tapi masyarakat tingkat bawah pun sudah
mejadikan teknologi sebagai suatu sarana untuk mencapai tujuan mereka. Dulu
mungkin tidak ada anak sekolah tingkat dasar yang membawa Perangkat Mobile atau
fasilitas obrol tanpa suara melalui perangkat mobile. Dengan menjamurnya perangkat
mobile dan semakin terjangkau harga perangkat tersebut membuat perusahaan
telekomunikasi makin mempromosikan paket produk yang mereka tawarkan.
Masyarakat pun mulai diberikan tanyangan-tanyangan kemudahan tersebut. Pengaruh
perkembangan teknologi informasi di dalam 2 tahun belakang ini membawa pada
kebutuhan serba instan, bila tidak dipahami atau dicermati, teknologi informasi bisa
menjadi candu bagi penggunanya.

Perkembangan teknologi informasi memberikan dampak yang besar dalam

perubahan kehidupan, ada yang beranggapan “Teknologi adalah suatu gagasan yang

bisa memberikan kemudahan” atau “Teknologi diciptakan karena memang ada
kebutuhan”. Perkembangan Teknologi dapat menjadi suatu masalah jika teknologi
tersebut dimanfaatkan oleh orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab yang hanya
menggunakan teknologi sebagai sarana untuk mencapai tujuannya. Banyak praktek-
praktek kejahatan yang juga menggunakan teknologi saat ini, dengan perangkat
mobile seseorang dapat mempengaruhi lawan bicaranya untuk mentransfer uang ke
rekening nya tanpa sadar bahwa uang kita di bank telah dikuras orang lawan bicara
kita. Mungkin sekarang adalah makin maraknya pencurian pulsa atau sms penipuan
atas nama orang tua atau orang yang benar kita kenal. Modus-modus tersebut
membuat perkembangan Teknologi Informasi menjadi sia-sia, karena makin
berkembangnya teknologi informasi makin berkembang juga cara-cara pengguna
yang tidak bertanggung jawab menjalankan tujuannya.


A. Defenisi
Personal pronoun adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk orang, hewan, benda,
atau hal secara spesifik. Bentuk kata ganti ini tergantung pada peran (subject,
object, possessive), jumlah, orang ke-, dan gender dari noun yang digantikan.

B. Perubahan Bentuk pada Personal Pronoun

Berbeda dengan noun yang memiliki bentuk yang sama ketika berfungsi sebagai
subject atau object dan penambahan apostrophe ketika berfungsi sebagai
possessive, perubahan pada kata ganti ini mengacu pada beberapa parameter,
 case (subjective, objective, & possessive)
 number (singular & plural)
 person (first, second, & third)
 gender (female, male, & neutral)

Perubahan bentuk pada kata ganti ini dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut.
Number Person
Subjective Objective Possessive
1st I me Mine

Singular 2nd You you Yours

3rd she, he, it her, him, it hers, his, its
1st We us Ours

Plural 2nd You you Yours

3rd They them Theirs

b. Subjective, Objective, dan Possessive Personal Pronoun
Personal pronoun dapat berfungsi sebagai subject, object maupun possessive
(Parameter case) Berikut penjelasan penjelasan dan contoh kalimatnya.
Peran Contoh Kalimat Personal Pronoun
Subjective personal pronouns (I, you, they, we, she, he, it)
He is a politician. (Dia adalah politisi.)
Berarti kata ganti ini berfungsi sebagai It is the most delicious cake that I have
subject. ever eaten. (Ini kue terlezat yang saya
pernah makan.)
Objective personal pronouns (me, you, us, them, her, him, it)
object of a verb:
 He lent me two interesting books.
(Dia meminjami saya dua buku yang
 None understands why the man really
Berarti kata ganti ini dapat berfungsi
loves her.
(Tak satupun mengerti kenapa pria
 object of a verb
tersebut mencintai dia.)
 object of a preposition
 Everybody is enthusiastic to help her.
(Setiap orang antusias membantunya.)
object of a preposition: If only he shared
his problem with me. (Seandainya dia
membagi masalahnya kepada saya.)
Possessive personal pronouns (mine, yours, ours, theirs, hers, his, its)
Berarti kata ganti ini berfungsi untuk subject of a sentence:
menunjukkan siapa yang memiliki sesuatu Yours was sent yesterday. (Milikmu
dengan menempati posisi sebagai: subject dikirim kemarin), Mine is the biggest one.

of a sentence, subject complement, atau (Punyaku yang terbesar.)
objek. subject complement: The red and black
car is his. (Mobil merah-hitam tsb milik
dia.), That is ours. (Itu punya kita.)

c. Posisi Personal Pronoun sebagai 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Person

Personal pronoun dapat menempati posisi sebagai 1st person, 2nd person,
atau 3rd person (parameter person). Penjelasan dan contoh kalimatnya sebagai
Fungsi Contoh Kalimat Personal Pronoun
1st person — orang pertama (I, me, we, us)
I would be very happy if you lent me a
little money.
Ketika sedang berbicara sebagai orang (Saya akan sangat senang jika kamu
pertama (diri sendiri), kita dapat meminjami saya sedikit uang.)
menggunakan kata ganti daripada We‘re looking for a philanthropist to
menggunakan namanya. support us. (Kami sedang mencari
seorang dermawan untuk mendukung
2nd person — orang kedua (you)
You shouldn’t put yours anywhere.
Ketika sedang berbicara dengan orang lain (Kamu tidak seharnya meletakkan
(bertindak sebagai orang kedua), kita dapat milikmu dimana-mana.)
menggunakan kata ganti untuk orang kedua I will help you to get yours.
daripada menyebut nama aslinya. (Saya akan membantumu mendapatkan
3rd person — orang ketiga (she, he, it, her, him, it, they, them)
Ketika sedang membicarakan orang lain Ferdi is a generous man. He always sets

(orang lain bertindak sebagai orang ketiga), aside his for the poor and visits the
kita dapat menyebut namanya pada orphanage. Everybody likes him.
permulaan pembicaraan, selanjutnya diganti (Ferdi adalah orang yang pemurah. Dia
dengan kata ganti orang ketiga. selalu menyisihkan miliknya untuk
orang miskin dan mengunjungi panti
asuhan. Setiap orang menyukainya.)

d. Appositive dan Personal Pronoun

Personal Pronoun dapat digunakan pada appositive. Jika appositive menerangkan
subject, kata ganti yang digunakan adalah subjective personal pronouns (I, you,
they, we, she, he, it). Sebaliknya jika appositive menerangkan object, maka kata
ganti yang digunakan adalah objective personal pronouns (me, you, us, them,
her, him, it).
Contoh Kalimat Appositive dan Personal Pronoun:
2. The team, Atiek and he, got two gold medals. (Tim tersebut, Atiek dan dia,
mendapatkan dua medali emas.)
 The team= subject
 Atiek and he = appositive
he = subjective PP

3. Diana invited her best friends, Vina and me, to her wedding party.
(Diana mengundang teman-teman baiknya, Vina dan saya, ke pesta
 her best friend = object
 Vina and me= appositive
me = objective PP


1. My brother is an architect. ____ designed my house.

2. We wanted to arrive before dinner, but ____ flight was delayed.
3. This dictionary are ____, and the one is mine.
4. You should go to Jakarta ____ to meet the client.
5. The students are discussing the lesson. Tell ___ that the time is over.
6. I have finished my project alone. I worked all night by _____

7. I get many emails. I can't read ____ all.
8. If the weather is nice, we will go hiking. If ____ isn't, we won't.
9. Read these papers, sign your name on the bottom of each page, and then fax ____
to the lawyer.
10. Mr. Arman place a new office. ____office is large.


Kalimat Preferences dalam bahasa Inggris memiliki beragam jenis dan pola.
Keberagaman jenis dan pola kalimat preferences dalam bahasa Inggris tersebut
disesuaikan dengan pilihan yang ditanyakan; apa kah itu berbentuk kata benda
(nouns) atau berbentuk kata kerja (verbs). Langsung saja kita bahasa jenis dan pola
kalimat preferences berikut:

1. Prefer

Jika kita dihadapkan pada dua pilihan yang berbentuk kata benda/noun
(misalnya: apples, mangoes, English, Mathematics, etc) atau pun kata ganti/pronoun
(misalnya: them, us, he, she, etc), guankan pola kalimat prefer seperti pada rumus 1
Rumus 1:
Prefer …to…
Subject + Prefer + Noun/Pronoun + To + Noun/Pronoun
 I prefer apples to mangoes. (= Saya lebih memilih apel daripanda mangga.)
 They prefer English to Mathematics. (= Mereka lebih memilih bahasa Inggris
daripada Matematika.)
 She prefers Andi to Budi. (= Dia lebih memilih Andi daripada Budi.)
 John prefers them to us. (= John lebih memilih mereka daripada kita.)

Masih ingat kah pada penjelasan tentang Gerund kata kerja (verbs) bisa
dibuat menjadi kata benda (noun) jika ditambahkan akhiran –ing, misalnya: playing,
watching, reading, cooking, singing, etc. Karena masih bersifat kata benda (noun),
jika kita dihadapkan pada dua pilihan yang berbentuk gerund (kata kerja + -ing),
maka kita gunakan pola kalimat prefer seperti pada rumus 1.

 I prefer playing football to watching TV.
 They prefer reading novels to playing games.
 She prefers cooking to singing.

Jika kita dihadapkan pada dua pilihan yang berbentuk kata kerja/verb
(misalnya: to study, to play, to visit, etc), gunakan pola kalimat prefer seperti pada
rumus 2 berikut:
Rumus 2:
Prefer to ….. rather than ….
Subject + Prefer To + Verb + Rather Than + Verb

 I prefer to study rather than watch TV.
 He prefers to play football rather than play games.
 They prefer to visit museum rather than go shopping.

Ingat bahwa kata ‘prefer’ harus ditambahkan akhiran –s untuk subjek kalimat tunggal
seperti he, she, dan it, atau subjek tunggal beruma nama orang.

2. Would Prefer

Jika pola kalimat prefer bisa digunakan untuk dua pilihan baik berupa kata benda
(noun) maupun kata kerja (verb), pola kalimat would prefer mengkhususkan diri
hanya digunakan untuk pilihan yang berupa kata kerja (verb) saja. Berikut adalah
pola kalimat would prefer:
Would prefer to …. Rather than …..
Subject + Would Prefer + To + Verb + Rather Than + Verb

 He would prefer to play tennis rather than play basketball.
 I would prefer to listen to music rather than play the guitar.
 She would prefer to eat apples rather than eat bananas.

3. Would Rather

Sepertihalnya pola kalimat would prefer, pola kalimat would rather juga
mengkhususkan diri hanya digunakan pada pilihan yang berbentuk kata kerja (verb)
saja. Berikut merupakan pola kalimat would rather:
Would rather …. Than ….
Subject + Would Rather + Verb + Than + Verb
 I would rather read a book than read a novel.
 They would rather play football than play basketball.
 She would rather stay at home than go to the cinema.

4. Like… Better Than…

Untuk pola kalimat preferences yang terakhir ini, hanya digunakan untuk
pilihan yang berbentuk kata benda (noun), pronoun, maupun kata benda bentuk
gerund (verb + ing). Berikut adalah pola kalimatnya.
Like …. Better than ….
Subject + Like + Noun + Better Than + Noun
 I like mangoes better than oranges.
 We like her better than him.
 John likes playing cards better than watching Tv

Terjemahkan soal-soal di bawah ini dengan menggunakan materi PREFERENCES!

1. Saya lebih suka kamu membaca buku

I’d rather ………………………………………………………………

2. Saya lebih suka tinggal di rumah daripada pergi ke Batam

I Like …………………………………………………………………….
I Prefer ………………………………………………………………….
I would rather ………………………………………………………….

3. Saya Lebih suka duduk daripada berdiri

I Like …………………………………………………………………….
I Prefer ………………………………………………………………….
I would rather ………………………………………………………….

4. Saya lebih suka berlari dari pada melompat

I Like …………………………………………………………………….
I Prefer ………………………………………………………………….
I would rather ………………………………………………………….

5. Saya lebih suka menulis sekarang

I Prefer ………………………………………………………………….
6. Saya lebih suka mereka bekerja
I’d rather ………………………………………………………………

7. Saya lebih suka menulis cerita daripada menyanyi lagu pop

I Like …………………………………………………………………….
I Prefer ………………………………………………………………….
I would rather ………………………………………………………….

8. Saya Lebih suka menonton film daripada mengerjakan PR

I Like …………………………………………………………………….
I Prefer ………………………………………………………………….
I would rather ………………………………………………………….

9. Saya lebih suka bermain bola voli daripada pergi ke sekolah

I Like …………………………………………………………………….
I Prefer ………………………………………………………………….
I would rather ………………………………………………………….

10. Saya lebih suka menyetir mobil sekarang

I Prefer ………………………………………………………………….

11. Saya lebih suka kamu membuka buku sekarang
I’d rather ………………………………………………………………

12. Saya lebih suka pergi ke Mall daripada belajar di sekolah

I Like …………………………………………………………………….
I Prefer ………………………………………………………………….
I would rather ………………………………………………………….

13. Saya Lebih suka membaca buku cerita daripada menulis cerita
I Like …………………………………………………………………….
I Prefer ………………………………………………………………….
I would rather ………………………………………………………….

14. Saya lebih suka membantu ibu daripada bermain ke rumah teman
I Like …………………………………………………………………….
I Prefer ………………………………………………………………….
I would rather ………………………………………………………….

15. Saya lebih suka tinggal sendiri sekarang

I Prefer ………………………………………………………………….

16. Saya lebih suka kamu bertemu kepala sekolah sekarang

I’d rather ………………………………………………………………

17. Saya lebih suka berenang daripada bekerja

I Like …………………………………………………………………….
I Prefer ………………………………………………………………….
I would rather ………………………………………………………….

18. Saya Lebih suka bertanya daripada mencari kata di kamus

I Like …………………………………………………………………….
I Prefer ………………………………………………………………….
I would rather ………………………………………………………….

19. Saya lebih suka pergi ke masjid daripada tinggal di rumah

I Like …………………………………………………………………….
I Prefer ………………………………………………………………….
I would rather ………………………………………………………….

20. Saya lebih suka membawa kamus sekarang

I Prefer ………………………………………………………………….


Comparison atau bentuk perbandingan adalah kata sifat yang digunakan

untuk menyatakan tingkat perbandingan. Dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan 3
bentuk perbandingan, yaitu :
1. Positive Degree (as …….. as ....….)
Kt. Sifat Kt. sifat

2. Comparative Degree
- (…...-er than …….)
Kt. Sifat Kt. sifat

- (more …….. than ……..)

Kt. Sifat Kt. sifat
3. Superlative Degree
- (the …...-est)
kt. sifat
- (the most ……)
Kt. sifat
Contoh :
- Widia is as big as Ajeng. ---------------> Positive Degree
(Widia sama besarnya dengan Ajeng.)
- Rina is bigger than Widia. ---------------> Comparative Degree
(Rina lebih besar daripada Widia)
- Mira is the biggest. ---------------> Superlative Degree
(Mira paling besar.)

Positive Degree (Tingkatan Biasa) adalah kata sifat yang digunakan untuk
menyatakan bahwa suatu benda atau orang dalam keadaan sama dengan yang lainnya.
Susunan kalimat ini dibentuk dengan menempatkan kata sifat (adjectives) diantara
dua as.
to be + as + adjective + as

Contoh :
- He is as tall as his uncle.
(Dia sama tinggi dengan pamannya.)
- Najlia is as smart as Rania.
(Najlia sama pandainya dengan Rania.)
- You are as small as my sister.
(Kamu sama kecilnya dengan kakak perempuan saya.)

Comparative Degree (Tingkatan Lebih) digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa
keadaan suatu benda atau orang lebih dari yang lainnya. Aturan pembentukan kalimat
ini adalah sebagai berikut :
to be + comparative + than

Keterangan :
 Tambahkan akhiran "er" pada kata sifat ( adjectives ) yang pendek (umumnya
terdiri dari satu atau dua suku kata), gabungkan dengan kata "than".
 Untuk kata sifat ( adjectives ) yang lebih panjang (lebih dari dua suku kata)
umumnya didahului dengan kata "more" sebelum kata sifat, kemudian diikuti
dengan kata "than".
Contoh :
- My house is larger than Doni's house.
(Rumah saya lebih luas daripada rumah Doni.)
- Magazine is more interesting than newspaper.
(Majalah lebih menarik daripada koran.)
- Mr.Jack is richer than Mr. Black.
(Tuan Jack lebih kaya daripada Tuan Black.)

Keterangan :

1. Kata sifat yang berakhiran huruf -e diubah menjadi comparative dengan
menambahkan -r.
Contoh :
- brave : berani ---> braver : lebih berani
- large : luas ---> larger : lebih luas
- wide : lebar ---> wider : lebih lebar
- safe : aman ---> safer : lebih aman
- fine : bagus ---> finer : lebih bagus

2. Kata sifat yang terdiri dari satu suku kata dan berakhiran dengan huruf mati dapat
diubah menjadi comparative dengan menambahkan –er
- hard : keras ---> harder : lebih keras
- high : tinggi ---> higher : lebih tinggi
- low : rendah ---> lower : lebih rendah
- slow : pelan ---> slower : lebih pelan
- young ; muda ---> younger : lebih muda

3. Kata sifat yang berakhiran huruf mati setelah satu huruf hidup yang berbunyi dapat
diubah menjadi comparative dengan menggandakan huruf mati tersebut dan
kemudian menambahkan -er.
- big : besar ---> : bigger: lebih besar
- fat : gemuk ---> fatter : lebih gemuk
- hot : panas ---> hotter : lebih panas
- thin : kurus ---> thinner : lebih kurus

4. Kata sifat yang berakhiran huruf -y setelah huruf mati dapat diubah menjadi
comparative dengan menggantikan huruf -y dengan huruf -i kemudian ditambahkan -
- crazy : gila ---> crazier : lebih gila
- easy : mudah ---> easier : lebih mudah

- happy : gembira ---> happier : lebih gembira
- lazy : mlas ---> lazier : lebih malas
- tidy : rapi ---> tidier : lebih rapi

5.Kata sifat yang berakhiran huruf -r, -er, -le, -ow dapat diubah menjadi comparative
dengan menambahkan -er.
- clever : pandai ---> cleverer : lebih pandai
- near : dekat ---> nearer : lebih dekat
- poor : miskin ---> poorer : lebih miskin
- narrow : sempit ---> narrower : lebih sempit
- shallow : dangkal ---> shallower : lebih dangkal

6. Kata sifat yang terdiri dari tiga suku kata atau lebih dapat diubah menjadi
comparative dengan menambahkan more.
- beautiful : cantik ---> more beautiful : lebih cantik
- delicious : enak ---> more delicious : lebih enak
- difficult : sulit ---> more difficult : lebih sulit
- important : penting ---> more important : lebih penting
- useful : berguna ---> more useful : lebih berguna

7. Beberapa kata sifat diubah menjadi comparative dengan pola yang tidak beraturan.
- good : bagus ---> better : lebih bagus
-bad : buruk ---> worse : lebih buruk
- little : sedikit ---> less : lebih sedikit
- much : banyak ---> more : lebih banyak
- far : jauh ---> farther/further : lebih jauh

Superlative Degree (Tingkatan Paling) digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa
suatu benda atau orang adalah paling dibanding lainnya.

to be + the superlative

Keterangan :
 Tambahkan akhiran "est" pada kalimat adjective yang pendek (umumnya yang
terdiri dari satu atau dua suku kata). Dahului dengan kata sandang "the".
 Untuk kata sifat (adjectives) yang lebih panjang (lebih dari dua suku kata)
umumnya didahului dengan kata "most" sebelum kata sifat itu. Dahului dengan
kata "the".
 Kata sifat yang berakhiran dengan huruf -e diubah menjadi superlative dengan
menambahkan huruf "-est".

Keterangan :
1. Kata sifat yang berakhiran huruf -e diubah menjadi superlative dengan
menambahkan -st.
Contoh :
- brave : berani ---> bravest : paling berani
- large : luas ---> largest : paling luas
- wide : lebar ---> widest : paling lebar
- safe : aman ---> safest : paling aman
- fine : bagus ---> finest : paling bagus

2. Kata sifat yang terdiri dari satu suku kata dan berakhiran dengan huruf mati dapat
diubah menjadi superlative dengan menambahkan –est
- hard : keras ---> hardest : paling keras
- high : tinggi ---> highest : paling tinggi
- low : rendah ---> lowest: paling rendah
- slow : pelan ---> slowest : paling pelan
- young ; muda ---> youngest : lpaling muda

3. Kata sifat yang berakhiran huruf mati setelah satu huruf hidup yang berbunyi dapat
diubah menjadi superlative dengan menggandakan huruf mati tersebut dan kemudian
menambahkan -est.
- big : besar ---> : biggest: paling besar
- fat : gemuk ---> fattest : paling gemuk
- hot : panas ---> hottest : paling panas
- thin : kurus ---> thinnest : paling kurus

4. Kata sifat yang berakhiran huruf -y setelah huruf mati dapat diubah menjadi
superlative dengan menggantikan huruf -y dengan huruf -i kemudian ditambahkan -
- crazy : gila ---> craziest : paling gila
- easy : mudah ---> easiest : paling mudah
- happy : gembira ---> happiest : paling gembira
- lazy : mlas ---> laziest : paling malas
- tidy : rapi ---> tidiest : paling rapi

5.Kata sifat yang berakhiran huruf -r, -er, -le, -ow dapat diubah menjadi superlative
dengan menambahkan -est.
- clever : pandai ---> cleverest : paling pandai
- near : dekat ---> nearest : paling dekat
- poor : miskin ---> poorest : paling miskin
- narrow : sempit ---> narrowest : paling sempit
- shallow : dangkal ---> shallowest : lpaling dangkal

6. Kata sifat yang terdiri dari tiga suku kata atau lebih dapat diubah menjadi
superlative dengan menambahkan most.
- beautiful : cantik ---> most beautiful : paling cantik
- delicious : enak ---> most delicious : paling enak
- difficult : sulit ---> most difficult : paling sulit

- important : penting ---> most important : paling penting
- useful : berguna ---> most useful : paling berguna

7. Beberapa kata sifat diubah menjadi superlative dengan pola yang tidak beraturan.
- good : bagus ---> beest : paling bagus
- bad : buruk ---> worst : paling buruk
- little : sedikit ---> least : paling sedikit
- much : banyak ---> most : paling banyak
- far : jauh ---> farthest/furthest : paling jauh


Lengkapi kalimat di bawah ini dengan comparative form dari adjective di dalam

1. Her cook is ………………… (spicy) than my mother cook.

2. The building is ……………. (high) than his company.
3. Rony’s design is ……………………. (bad) than other designs.
4. Living in London is ………………………. (expensive) than New York.
5. She couldn’t be ……………………… (thrilled) to work with him.
6. Do you have a …………………………. (sharp) knife than this?
7. The harvest this month is …………………………. (little) than zero.
8. What is ………………….. (important) than family?
9. The banana flaky is ………………………. (crunchy) than cassava flaky.
10. The patient needs ……………….. (much) support after the accident.
11. Rita can walk ……………………… (far) than you think.
12. I want to get a job ……………………… (good) than before.
13. My sister play a music ………………………… (slow) than last night.
14. My sister always gets a winner in the class. She is ………………………
(dilligent) than my brother.
15. His performance is …………… (bright) than other stars.
16. Clara’s hair is ……………. (curly) than Sophia’s.
17. I was ………………………. (embarrassed) than Alex about the test scores.
18. The spring garden was ………………. (lovely) than the fall display of flowers.
19. Rio is a kind person but he is ………………… (compassionate) than Tio.
20.She looks …………………. (fresh) than last week.


A. Pengertian
Simple present tense merupakan tense untuk menyatakan kegiatan atau aktivitas
yang sedang berlangsung di masa sekarang. Simple present tense juga digunakan
untuk menyatakan perbuatan atau aksi yang dilakukan secara berulang.

B. Rumus Simple Present Tense

Bentuk Nominal
I/You/We/They + to be
He/She/It + to be

1. I am a boy.
I am not a boy
Are you a man?

2. He is very rich.
He is not very rich
Is he very rich?
Yes, he is
No, he is not

3. She is clever.
Is she clever?
She is not clever

4. They are very strong.

Are they very strong?
They are not very strong
5. We are family.

Bentuk Verbal
I/You/We/They + V1
He/She/It + V1 (s/es)
1. She washes clothes every morning.
She does not wash clothes every morning
Does she wash clothes every morning?
Yes, she does
No, she does not

2. Susan goes to the market every Sunday.
Where does susan go every Sunday?
When does susan go to market?
Susan does not go
Does susan go to market every sunday?

3. They study math at school.

What do they study at school?
Where do they study math?
They do not study math at school
Do they study math at school?
Yes, they do
No, they do not
4. Andi plays guitar.
Andi does not play guitar
Who does play guitar?

5. We learn together.
We do not learn together
Do we learn together?
Who do learn together?

Aturan Penambahan –s
Jika kalimat memiliki subjek bentuk orang ketiga tunggal (he/she/it) dan merupakan
kalimat bentuk verbal berbentuk kalimat berita, maka kata kerja dasar yang
digunakan ditambahkan akhiran -s dengan aturan berikut ini.
5. Kata kerja dasar umumnya ditambah -s

get => gets = mendapatkan
read => reads = membaca
drink => drinks = minum
6. Kata kerja dasar yang berakhiran huruf vokal o ditambah -es.
go => goes = pergi
do => does = melakukan
7. Kata kerja dasar yang berakhiran s, x, sh, dan ch ditambah -es.
pass => passes = melewati
fix => fixes = memperbaiki
wash => washes = mencuci
watch => watches = menonton
8. Kata kerja dasar yang berakhiran huruf e ditambahkan -s.
use => uses = menggunakan
write => writes = menulis
give => gives = memberi
9. Kata kerja dasar yang berakhiran huruf y dan didahului huruf vokal ditambahkan
play => plays = bermain
pay => pays = membayar
buy => buys = membeli
10. Kata kerja dasar yang berakhiran huruf y dan didahului oleh huruf konsonan, y
diganti i lalu ditambahkan -es.
study => studies = belajar
reply => replies = membalas

Kalimat Simpe Present Tense Bentuk Verbal dengan Kata Bantu

Apabila pada kalimat simple present tense bentuk verbal terdapat kata bantu
(can/may/must), maka kata kerja dasarnya tidak perlu diubah, meski subjeknya orang
ketiga tunggal.
1. He can buy a car.
11. She must go with her friend.

Fungsi Penggunaan Simple Present Tense

1. Untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang menjadi kebiasaan (habitual action).
1. She goes to the market every day.
2. He goes to the office at seven o’clock.
2. Untuk menyatakan suatu kebenaran umum.
1. The ice is cold.
2. The sun rises in the east.

Simple Present Tense Bentuk Kalimat Menyangkal (Negative)

Untuk membuat kalimat penyangkalan (negative), tinggal ditambahkan not atau n’t di
belakang to be pada bentuk nominal atau do/does pada bentuk verbal.
1. Andi is not a teacher.
2. I am not a singer.
3. They are not my friends.
4. Lia and Susi do not (don’t) go to school.

5. Ina does not (doesn’t) like Robert.

Simple Present Tense Bentuk Kalimat Tanya (Interrogative)

Untuk membuat kalimat tanya dalam bentuk simple present tense yaitu dengan
menambahkan kata bantu di depan subjek.
1. Bentuk nominal menggunakan to be (is/am/are).
2. Bentuk verbal menggunakan do untuk subjek I/You/We/They dan does untuk
subjek He/She/It.
1. Is he a teacher?
2. Do you like me?
3. Does Ari study every day?
Time Signal (Tanda Waktu)
Berikut ini beberapa contoh tanda waktu yang dapat digunakan dalam simple present
always = selalu
usually = biasanya
often = seringkali
sometimes = kadang-kadang
ever = pernah
never = tidak pernah

Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense Bentuk Positive, Negative, dan


Agar lebih jelas lagi, berikut ini Admin berikan contoh kalimat simple present tense,
baik dalam bentuk positif, negatif, maupun kalimat tanya.
(+): Ghazali buys a car.
(-): Ghazali doesn’t buy a car.
(?): Does Ghazali buy a car?

(+): Salsabila gets a gift.
(-): Salsabila doesn’t get a gift.
(?): Does Salsabila get a gift?

(+): Shafira and Aisyah go to school together.

(-): Shafira and Aisyah don’t go to school together.
(?): Do Shafira and Aisyah go to school together?

(+): Kayla is a new student.

(-): Kayla is not a new student.
(?): Is Kayla a new student?
1. Complete the sentences with one of the following verbs in the correct form:
Cause(s) close(s) Drinks(s) live(s) open(s) Speaks(s) Take(s) place
a. Ann speaks German very well
b. I never…………coffee
c. The swimming pool ………… 9 o’clock and ……………at 18.30
d. Bad driving ………….many accident
e. My parents……………… a very small flat
f. The Olympic games ………..every four years

1. Complete the sentences with one of the following verbs in the correct form.
Sometimes you need negatif:
Believe eat flow go grow Make rise tell Translate
a. The earth goes round the sun
b. Rice……………in Britain

c. The sun…………… the east
d. Bees…………….honey
e. Vegetarians…………….meat
f. An atheist……………….in god
g. An intrepeter………………..from one language into another
h. A liar is someone who ………………..the truth
i. The river amazon …………….into the atlantic Ocean


A. Pola (pattern) Kalimat Present Progressive/Continuous Tense

Affirmative sentence: Subject + to be (am, is, are) + Verb I (infinitive) + ing + Object
+ Adverb (manner, place and time).
Example: I am studying English now
She is going to campus now

Negative sentence: Subject + to be + not + Verb I + ing + Object + Adverb (manner,

place and time).
Example: I am not studying English now
She is not going to campus now

Interrogative sentence
1. Yes/no question: to be + Subject + Verb I + ing + Object + Adverb?
Example: are you studying English now?
Yes, I am
Are they working now?
No, they aren’t

2. Information question (Wh Question):

Untuk menanyakan subjek dengan who/what
Who/what + is + Verb I + ing + Object + Adverb?
Example: who is studying English now? Ursula
What is sleeping under the table? The dog
Untuk menanyakan predikat dengan what
What + to be (am, is, are) + Subject + Verb I + ing + Object + Adverb?
Example: what are you doing right now?
What is he doing now?
Untuk menanyakan objek dengan what/whom
Whom + what + to be +Subject + Verb I + ing + Object + Adverb?
Example: Whom are you talking to now?
What are you eating now?
Untuk menanyakan tempat dengan where

Where + to be + Subject + Verb I + ing + Object + Adverb?
Example: Where is the dog sleeping at the moment?
Where are they playing football now?
Untuk menanyakan waktu dengan when
When+ to be + Subject + Verb I + ing + Object + Adverb?
Example :When are you studying english?
When are you going to the party?
Untuk menanyakan Why
Why + to be + Subject + Verb I + ing + Object + Adverb?
Example: Why are you crying now?
Why are you studying English?

B. Penggunaan present continuous tense

1. Menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sedang terjadi bertepatan dengan waktu kita
sedang berbicara tentang sesuatu yang mungkin baru mulai beberapa menit
lalu, tetapi masih berlangsung sekarang dan mungkin masih akan berlangsung
beberapa waktu kemudian
Joy is sleeping right now
I need an umbrella because it is raining now.
2. Menyatakan sesuatu yang umumnya berlangsung dalam minggu ini, bulan ini
atau tahun ini, sesuatu yang sementara berlangsung dalam jangka waktu
I am taking five courses this semester
What are you doing this month?
3. Menyatakan sesuatu yang sudah direncanakan atau suatu maksud yang sudah
Hurry up! The bus is leaving now
She is seeing the doctor after lunch
4. Mengeluhkan sesuatu yang selalu mengganggu. Dalam situasi tertentu,
seseorang dapat mengeluh atau mengungkapkan kekesalan atau kemarahannya
dengan menggunakan kata kata always, forever, atau constantly.
You never do your homework on time; you’re forever making excuses.
He is always trying to show that he knows more than everyone
I am constantly having to remind you to tidy up your room

C. Kata - kata kerja yang tidak digunakan dalam present continuous tense
1. Yang berkaitan dengan mental
know Feel Imagine recognize
Believe Need Think understanding
Forget Want Suppose Mean
Realize remember Prefer

I know
I belive in God
2. Yang berkaitan dengan perasaan atau emosi
Love Hate Mind
Like Envy Care
Fear Dislike Appreciate

I am loving you
I love you
I Dislike you
3. Yang berkaitan dengan kepunyaan
Possess Have Own Belong

4. Yang berkaitan dengan panca indera

taste See Smell Feel Hear

5. Lain – lain:
seem Cost Exist contain
Be Appear Consist of weigh
look Include Owe

Catatan : kata - kata yang di cetak tebal sering juga dipakai sebagai kata kerja
progresif dalam continuous tense dengan arti yang berbeda.
Noncontinuous (kondisi yang Continuous (kegiatan yang
ada) sedang berlangsung)
Have He has a car I’m having trouble
Think I think he’s a kind man I’m thinking about this
Taste This food tastes good The chef is tasting the sauce
Smell These flowers smell good Don is smelling the roses

See I see a butterfly. Do you see it? The doctor is seeing a patient
Feel The cat’s fur feels soft She’s feeling the cat’s fur
Look She looks cold I’m looking out the window
Appear He appears to be asleep The actor’s appearing on TV
Weigh The stone weights a lot He’s weighting the watermelon
Be I am hungry Danny is being foolish

D. Kata - kata kunci yang digunakan dalam present continuous tense adalah
Now = sekarang/kini
At this /the moment = pada saat ini
At Present = sekarang ini
When = ketika
While = sambil/ sementara

E. Exercises (latihan)
1. Complete the sentences with one of the following verbs in the correct form.
Come get happen look make start stay try work
1. ‘You are working hard today’. Yes, I have a lot to do
2. I ……………………… for Christine. Do you know where she is?
3. It……………dark. Shall I turn on the light?
4. They haven’t got anywhere to live at the moment. they…………with friends
until they find somewhere.
5. ‘Are you ready, Nadus?’ Yes, I……………… rain
6. Have you got an umbrella? It………………… to rain.
7. You……………..a lot of noise. Could you be quiter? I
8. Why are all these people here? What…………………?

2. Use the words in bracket to complete the questions.

1. ‘Is Collin Working this week?’ ‘No, he’s on holiday’. (Collin/work)
2. Why……………………at me like that? What’s the matter? (She/study)
3. ‘Jenny is a student at University’. ‘Is she’? What………………..?’
4. ………………………….to the radio or can I turn it off? (anybody/listen)
5. How is your English?...............................better? (it/get)

3. Put the verb into the correct form. Sometimes you need the negative (I am
not doing, etc).
1. I’m tired. I’m going (go) to bed now. Goodnight!
2. We can go out now. It isn’t raining (rain) anymore.

3. ‘How is your new job?’ ‘Not so good at the moment. I……………………
(enjoy) it very much’.
4. Catherine phoned me last night. She’s on holiday in France. She…………
(have) a great time and doesn’t want to come back.
5. I want to lose weight, so this week I………………. (eat) lunch.
6. Angela has just started evening classes. She……………….. (learn) German.
7. I think Paul and Ann have had an argument. They………………. (speak) to
each other.

4. Read this conversation between Brian and Sarah. Put the Verbs into the
correct form.
Sarah: Brian! How nice to see you! What…………………. (you/do) these days?
Brian: I………………………(train) to be a supermarket manager.
Sarah: really? What’s it like?.................................. (you/enjoy) it?
Brian: It’s all right. What about you?
Sarah: Well, actually I………………….. (not/work) at the moment.
I………………….(try) to find a job but it’s not easy.
But I’m very busy. I………………………(decorate) my flat.
Brian:…………………………… (you/do) it alone?
Sarah: No, some friends of mine…………….. (help) me

5. Complete the sentences using one of the verbs:

get change rise fall increase
You don’t have to use all the verbs and you can use a verb more than once
1. The population of the world is rising very fast.
2. Ken is still ill but he……………….better slowly.
3. The world……………….. Things never stay the same.
4. The cost of living………………… Every year things are more expensive.
5. The Economic situation is already very bad and it…………………..worse.


A. Pola (pattern) Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

Affirmative sentence: Subject + Have/has + Verb III (Past Participle) + Object +

Adverb (manner, place and time).
Example: I have studied English for three years
She has taught English since 2016
Sinta has been in Kefa for six years

Negative sentence : Subject + have/has + not + Verb III (past participle) + Object +
Adverb (manner, place and time).
Example: I have not studied English for three years
She has not taught English since 2016
Sinta has not been in Kefa for six years

Interrogative sentence
Yes/no question: Have/has + Subject + Verb III + Object + Adverb?
Example: Have you studied English since 2016?
Yes, I have
Have you taught English since 2016?
No, I haven’t

Information question (Wh Question):

Untuk menanyakan subjek dengan who/what
Who + what + have/has + Verb III + Object + Adverb?
Example: Who has studied English for three years?
What has slept there since 7.00 am?
Untuk menanyakan objek dengan whom/what
Whom + what + have/has + Verb III + Object + Adverb?
Example: Whom has Oda helped for two hours?
What have the students studied for three years?
Untuk menanyakan tempat dengan where

Where + has/have + Subject + Verb III + Object + Adverb?
Example: Where have you watched Barcelona vs PSG match for two hours?
Where has Joice been sick for three days?
Untuk menanyakan waktu dengan when atau how long
When + has/have + subject + Verb III + object + Adverb?
When have you learned English?
How long+ has/have + subject + Verb III + object + Adverb?
How long have you driven a car?
Untuk menanyakan alasan dengan Why
Why + has/have + Subject + Verb III + Object + Adverb?
Example: Why have they studied hard since last week?
Why has she cried since last night?

B. Penggunaan present percet tense

1. Menyatakan suatu kegiatan/keadaan yang terjadi pada suatu saat yang tidak
tentu di masa lalu, dan masih berlangsung hingga kini atau akibatnya masih
dirasakan sekarang. Dalam hal ini, akibat lebih diutamakan daripada aksi.
a. Akibat yang dapat dilihat / dirasakan : The workers are still here
Oleh karena itu, dikatakan : They have worked here for two
b. Akibat yang dapat dilihat / dirasakan : The dish is empty. It was full of
Oleh karena itu, dikatakan : Somebody has drunk up all my
c. Akibat yang dirasakan : Petrol is expensive now
Oleh karena itu, dikatakan: The government has increased the price of
The example in a conversation:
John: Hi, peter. Why are you crying? What has happened?
Peter: Look. The wallet is empty now. No money inside.
Someone has taken all my money
John: Oh dear, Be patient!
Peter: Thanks
2. Menyampaikan suatu informasi atau sesuatu yang baru saja terjadi.
Waren: Hi, Lio. You look busy. What are you doing here?

Lio: I have lost my key. It was here 2 minutes ago. Can you help me to
find it?
Waren: yes, of course. Look. I have found your key. Here it is.
Lio: Oooh, thank you.
Dalam percakapan di atas ditemukan beberapa hal yang baru saja terjadi:
1. I have lost my key (kejadian ini baru terjadi. Akibatnya dapat dilihat.)
2. I have found it (ini juga baru saja terjadi. Kunci tersebut baru saja

C. Catatan:
1. For: digunakan untuk menyatakan jangka waktu tertentu. Misalnya: selama 3
tahun, 6 tahun, 3 bulan, 1minggu, 2 hari, 1 jam, dll.
I have studied English for three years
Ini berarti bahwa saya sudah belajar bahasa inggris sejak tiga tahun lalu dan
hingga saat ini saya masih belajar. (kegiatan belajar belum selesai).
2. Since: digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang terjadi atau tidak terjadi
pada saat tertentu suatu kegiatan (situasi) itu mulai dan masih berlangsung
hingga sekarang.
I have taught English since 1998
Ini berarti saya mengajar bahasa inggris sejak tahun 1998 dan sampai sekarang
masih mengajar.

D. Kata - kata kunci yang digunakan dalam present perfect tense adalah
Just = barusan never = pernah
For = untuk, selama yet = tak pernah
Already = sudah it’s the first time = belum
Since = sejauh ini how long = untukpertama
So far = akhir – akhir ini. In the past few days= pada hari hari
terakhir ini
Ever = pernah recently = akhir akhir ini

A. You are writing a letter to a friend. In the letter you give news about
yourself and other people. Use the words given to make sentences. Use the
present perfect.
Dear Nadus, lots of things have happened since I last wrote to you.
1. I / buy / a new car. I have bought a new car.
2. My father / start / a new job. ………………………………
3. I / give up / smoking ………………………….

4. Ursula and nadus / go / to Brazil ………………………….
5. Ursula / have / a baby……………………………..

B. Read the situation and write sentences. Choose one of the following verbs:
arrive break go up grow improve lose
1. Mike is looking for his key. He can’t find it. He has lost his key.
2. Febi can’t walk and her leg is in plaster. ………………………………
3. Bila’s English wasn’t very good. Now it is much better.
4. Nesri didn’t have a beard last month. Now she has a beard.
5. This morning I was expecting a letter. Now I have it.
6. Last week the bus fare was 80 pence. Now it is 90. ……………………

C. Complete the sentences. Use the verb in brackets + just / already / yet (as
1. A: would you like something to eat?
B: No, thanks. I have just had lunch. (just/have)
2. A: Do you know where Julia is?
B: yes, I………………..her. (just/see)
3. A: what time is David leaving?
B: he………………….. . (already/see)
4. A: what’s in the newspaper today?
B: I don’t know. I……………….. (not / read /yet)
5. A: is Ursula coming to the cinema with us?
B: no, she …………………..the film. (already/see)
6. A: Are you friends here yet?
B: yes, they ………………………. (just/arrive)
7. A: What does Nikus think about your plan?
B: I ……………………... (not/ tell /yet)
D. You are asking somebody questions about things he or she has done. Make
questions from the words in brackets.
1. (ever / ride / horse?). have you ever ridden a horse?.
2. (ever / be / california?). ……………………………....
3. (ever / run / marathon?). ……………………………....
4. (ever / speak / famous person?). ……………………………....
5. (always / life / in this town?). ……………………………....
6. (most beautiful place/ ever/ visit /). What ……………………………....
E. Complete the sentences with one of the following verbs in the correct form.
Wash lose weight break run out of
1. Dina’s hair was dirty. It’s clean now. She…………………….
2. Tom was 80 kg. now he weighs 70. He……………………..

3. Nikus played football yesterday. He can’t walk to day. His leg is in plaster.
He ………….
4. The car has just stopped because there isn’t any petrol in the tank. The

A. Pattern:
Affirmative sentence: Subject + Have/has + Been+ Verb I + ing + Object + Adverb
(manner, place and time).
Example: I have been writing my diary for two hours.
She has been doing the homework for three hours.

Negative sentence : Subject + have/has + not + Been + Verb I + ing + Object +

Adverb (manner, place and time).
Example: I have not been writing my diary for two hours
She has not been doing the homework for three hours.

Interrogative sentence
1. Yes/no question: Have/has + Subject + Been + Verb I+ ing + Object + Adverb?
Example: Have you been writing your diary for two hours?
Yes, I have
Have you been teaching English for two hours?
No, I haven’t

2. Information question (Wh Question):

Untuk menanyakan subjek dengan menggunakan who atau what
Who + what + have/has + been + Verb I+ ing + Object + Adverb?
Example: Who has been running the business since three years?
Who has been making noise since 04.30 am?
Untuk menanyakan object dengan menggunakan whom atau what
Whom + what + have/has + Been + Verb I + ing+ Object + Adverb?
Example: Whom has Oda helped this week?
What have you been looking for?
Untuk menanyakan tempat dengan menggunakan where
Where + has/have + Subject + Been + Verb I + ing + Object + Adverb?
Example: Where have you been selling the car?
Where has Joice been typing the letter?
Untuk menanyakan waktu dengan menggunakan how long

How long+ has/have + subject + Been + Verb I +ing + object + Adverb?
How long have you been reading the newspaper?
How long has Irma been typing the proposal?
Untuk menanyakan alasan dengan menggunakan Why
Why + has/have + Subject + Been + Verb I+ ing + Object + Adverb?
Example: Why have they been studying hard English since this morning?
Why have you been looking her?

B. Penggunaan present perfect continuous tense

1. Untuk menguangkapkan suatu kegiatan atau keadaan yang sedang berlangsung

yang dimulai pada suatu saat di masa lampau dan masih berlangsung hingga
sekarang (kegiatan tersebut belum selesai). Dalam hal ini penggunaannya sama
dengan present perfect tense.
1. I have been listening to the radio for three hours
2. He has been selling the books since 1990
3. They have been building the chapel since 1999

2. Untuk mengungkapkan suatu keagiatan atau keadaan yang dimulai pada masa lalu
dan akibat atau gejalanya dapat dilihat sekarang.
 You are out of breath. Have you been running? (you are out of breath now)
 Paul is very tired. He has been working very hard. (he’s tire now)
 Why are your clothes so dirty? What have you been doing?
 I’ve been talking to Carol about the Problem and she thinks that…….

3. Pelajari situasi ini.

It is raining now. It began raining two hours ago and it is still raining.
How long has it been raining?
It has been raining for two hours
Kita sering menggunakan present perfect continuous dalam hal ini, khususnya
dengan menggunakan how long, for……….and since……. Aktifitas tersebut
masih terjadi (seperti contoh ini) atau baru saja berhenti.
 How long have you been learning English? (you are still learning English)
 Tim is still watching television. He’s been watching television all day.
 Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you for the last half hour.
 George hasn’t been feeling well recently.

4. Present perfect continuous bisa digunakan untuk aktivitas yang berulang dalam
suatu periode tertentu.
Debbie is a very good tennis player. She has been playing since she was eight.
Every morning they meet in the same café. They’ve been going there for years.
5. Kata kata kunci (keywords) yang digunakan atau di pakai dalam present perfect
continuous tense sama dengan present perfect tense yaitu:
Just ever
For never
Already yet
Since it’s the first time
So far how long
Recently in the past view days


A. Write a question for each situation

1. John looks sunburnt. You ask : (you/sit in the sun?) have you been sitting in
the sun?
2. You have just arrived to meet a friend who is waiting for you. You ask:
(you/wait/long) ………………………………
3. You meet a friend in the street. His face and hands are very dirty. You ask:
(what /you/do?) ………………………….
4. A friend of yours is now living in Baker street. You want to know ‘How
long……?’ You ask: (how long/you/live/ in Baker Street?)
5. A friend tells you about his job b- he sells computers. You want to know
‘How long……? ‘You ask: (how long/you/sell/computers)

B. Read the situation and complete the sentences:

1. The rain started two hours ago. It’s still raining now. It has been raining for
two hours.
2. We started waiting for the bus 20 minutes ago. We’re still waiting now.
We……………………… for 20 minutes.
3. I started Spanish classes in December. I’m still learning Spanish now.
4. Ann began looking for a job six months ago. She’s still looking now.
5. Mary started working in London on 18 January. She’s still working there
………………………………………………….since January.
6. Years ago you started writing to a penfriend. You still write to each other
regularly now.

C. Put the verb into present continuous (I am –ing etc). or present perfect
continuous (I have been – ing etc).
1. Maria has been learning (learn) English for two years.
2. Hello, Tom. I……………………………(look) for you all morning. Where
have you been?
3. Why…………………………….(you/look) at me like that? Stop it!
4. We always go to Ireland for our holidays. We…………………….(go) there
for years.
5. I……………………….. (think) about what you said and I’ve decided to take
your advice.
6. ‘Is Ann on holiday this week?’ No, she …………………….. (work).’
7. Sarah is very tired. She ………………………… (work) very hard recently.

D. For each situation, ask a question using the words in brackets.

1. You have a friend who is learning Arabic. You ask:
(How long / learn / Arabic?) How long have you been learning Arabic?
2. You have just arrived to meet a friend. She is waiting for you. You ask:
(How long / wait?)…………………………………………………..
3. You see somebody fishing by the river. You ask:
(How many fish/ catch?)………………………………
4. Some friends of you are having a party next week. You ask:
(How many people / invite?)………………………………
5. A friend of your is a teacher. You ask:
(How long / teach?)………………………………
6. You meet somebody who is a writer. You ask:
(How many books / write?)………………………………
(How long/write/books)
7. A friend of yours is saving money to go on holiday. You ask:
(How long / save?)………………………………
(how much money / save?)……………………….

E. Put the verb into the more suitable form, present perfect simple (I have done
etc.) or continuous (I have been doing) etc.
1. Where have you been? Have you been playing (you/play) tennis?
2. Look. Somebody ……………………………….. (break) that window.
3. You look tired. ……………………………………….(you/work) hard?
4. ‘……………………………………………………………..(you/ever/work) in
a factory? ‘No, never’
5. ‘Jane is away on holiday’. ‘Oh, is she? Where………………………………..
6. ‘My brother is an actor. He ……………………………….. (appear) in several
7. ‘Sorry I am late.’ That’s all right. I…………………………. (not/wait)

8. ‘Is it still raining?’. No, it…………………………. (stop).’
9. I……………………………..(lose) my address book.
……………………..(you/see) it anywhere?
10. I………………………….. (read) the book you lent me but
I……………………(not/finish) it yet.
11. I…………………………(read) the book you lent me, so you can have it back




(+) s + to be + o + avd (manner place and time)
I was a student in senior high school 3 years ago
(-) s + to be + not + o + avd (manner place and time)
I was not a student in senior high school 3 years ago
(?) tobe + S + O+ Adv?
Were you a student senior high school 3 years ago?
Yes, I was
No, I was not (wasn’t)

(+) S + verb 2 + Complement
Irregular & regular (-ed)
Play played played
Learn learned learned
Go went gone
Choose chose chosen

A. Pattern:
Affirmative sentence: Subject + Verb II (Past) + Object + Adverb (manner, place and
Example: I studied English yesterday
She taught English two weeks ago
Sinta went to kampus two hours ago
Do / does did done

Negative sentence : Subject + did + not + Verb I (invinitive) + Object + Adverb

(manner, place and time).
Example: I did not study English yesterday
She did not teach English two weeks ago

Sinta did not go to campus two hours ago

Interrogative sentence
1. Yes/no question: did + Subject + Verb I + Object + Adverb?
Example: did you study English yesterday?
Yes, I did
did you teach English two days ago?
No, I didn’t

2. Information question (Wh Question):

Untuk menanyakan subyek dengan menggunakan who atau what
Who + what + did + Verb I + Object + Adverb?
Example: Who did study English yesterday?
What did sleep there last night?
Untuk menanyakan object dengan menggunakan whom atau what
Whom + what + did + Verb I + Object + Adverb?
Example: Whom did Oda help ten minutes ago?
What did the students study four hours ago?
Untuk menanyakan tempat dengan menggunakan where
Where + did + Subject + Verb I + Object + Adverb?
Example: Where did you watch Barcelona vs PSG match last night?
Where did Joice stay last year?
Untuk menyakan waktu dengan menggunakan when atau how long
When + did + subject + Verb I + object + Adverb?
When did you learn English?
I watched B v R two days ago
How long+ did + subject + Verb I + object + Adverb?
How long did you drive a car?
To ask a reason by using Why
Why + did + Subject + Verb I + Object + Adverb?
Example: Why did they study hard yesterday?
Why did she cry last night?

B. Penggunaan simple past tense

1. Pelajari contoh situasi berikut:

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austian musican and composer. He lived from
1756 to 1871. He started composing at the age of five and wrote more than 600
pieces of music. He was only 35 years old when he died.

Lived/started/wrote/was/died are all past simple.

2. Simple past biasanya menggunakan kata kerja yang berakhiran – ed atau kata kerja
beraturan (irregular verb):
 I work in a travel agency now. Before that I worked in a shop
 We invited them to our party but they decided not to come
 The police stopped me on my way home last night
 She passed her examination because she studied very hard.
Tetapi ada juga kata kerja yang tidak beraturan atau irregular verb. Bentuk lampau
atau bentuk keduanya tidak ditambahkan akhiran – ed.
For example:
Write - wrote - written Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of
See - Saw - seen we saw Rose in town a few days ago
Go - went - gone I went to the cinema three times last
Shut - shut - shut It was cold, so I shut the window
Read - read - read
Put - put - put

3. Dalam kalimat interrogative dan negative, kita harus menggunakan did/didn’t +

infinitive (enjoy/see/go etc):
 I enjoyed
She saw
They went
 Did you enjoy?
Did she sEE?
Did they go?
 I didn’t enjoy
She didn’t see
They didn’t go

Another example:
 A: did you GO out last night?
B: yes, I went to the cinema but I didn’t enjoy the film much
 When did Mr. Thomas die? About the years ago
 They didn’t invite her to the party, so she didn’t go.
 Did you have time to write the letter? No, I didn’t

Hati hati ketika Do menjadi kata kerja inti dalam sebuah kalimat:
 What did you do at the weekend? (not ‘what did you at the weekend)
 I didn’t do something anything (not ‘ I didn’t anything)

4. Bentuk past dari be (am/is/are) adalah was/were.

I / she/ he it was / wasn’t
We / you / they were / weren’t

Was I / she/ he / it?

Were we / you / they?
Catatan: kita tidak perlu menggunakan did dalam kalimat negative dan pertanyaan
dengan was / were:
 I was angry because they were late
 Was the weather good when you were on holiday?
 They weren’t able to come because they were so busy
 Did you go out last night or were you too tired?

5. Beberapa kata – kata kunci dalam penggunaan simple past tense:

1. Yesterday
2. Last week
3. Last month
4. Last 2 days
5. Last year
6. One week ago
7. Two weeks ago
8. Two months ago
9. Two years ago
10. Two days ago
11. Three days ago
12. Two minutes ago

13. Two hours ago
14. In 1999
15. IN 2016
16. In November 2014


A. Read what Ursula says about her daily activities.

I usually get up at 7 o’clock and have a big breakfast. I walk to work, which
takes me about half an hour. I start work at 8.45. I never have lunch. I finish
work at 5 o’clock. I’m always tired when I get home. I usually cook a meal in the
evening. I don’t usually go out. I go to bed at about 11 o’clock. I always sleep
Yesterday was a typical working day for Ursula. Write what she did or didn’t do
1. She got up at 7 o’clock
2. She……………………….. a big breakfast
3. She ………………………………….
4. It……………………….to get to work
5. …………………………………….at 8.45
6. ……………………………………..lunch
7. …………………………… 5 o’clock
8. ………………….tired when………………home
9. ……………….a meal yesterday evening
10. ……………….out yesterday evening
11. …………… 11 o’clock
12. ………………..well last night

B. Put one of these verbs in each sentence:

Buy catch cost drink fall hurt sell spend teach throw
win write
1. Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music.
2. How did you learn to drive? My father …………………………me
3. We couldn’t afford to keep our car, so we…………….it
4. I was very thirsty. I ………………………the water very quickly
5. Paul and I played tennis yesterday. He’s much better than me, so
6. Don………………….down the stairs this morning and ………………his leg
7. Jim………………..the ball to Ursula, who………………………it
8. Ursula…………………a lot of money yesterday. She …………………..a
dress which ……………Rp. 100.000,00

C. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about. Write your

1. (Where / go?) Where did you go?
2. (Go / alone?) …………………….
3. (food/good?)………………………….
4. (How long/stay there?) …………………………..
5. (stay / at a hotel?)…………………………….
6. (how / travel?)………………………………..
7. (the weather / fine?)…………………………..
8. (what / do in the evenings?)…………………….
9. (meet anybody interesting?) ……………………………………….

D. Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or
1. It was warm, so I took off my coat. (take)
2. The film wasn’t very good. I didn’t enjoy it very much. (enjoy)
3. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I ……………………her. (disturb)
4. I was very tired, so I …………………….to bed early. (go)
5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I …………………….very well. (sleep)
6. Ursula wasn’t hungry, so she………………………………..anything. (eat)
7. We went to Ursula’s house but she ………………….at home. (be)
8. It was a funny situation but nobody…………………. (laugh)
9. The window was open and a bird …………………into the room. (fly)
10. The hotel wasn’t very expensive. It …………….very much. (cost)
11. I was in a hurry, so I ………………….time to phone you. (have)
12. It was hard work carrying the bags. They …………………very heavy. (be)


He she it I was
They we you we
A. Pattern:
Affirmative sentence: Subject + was / were + Verb I + ing + Object + Adverb
(manner, place and time).
Example: I studied English last night
I was studying English at 7.00 pm last night
He was reading books last at 7 last Wednesday
He read books

Negative sentence : Subject + was / were + not + Verb I + ing + Object + Adverb
(manner, place and time).
Example: They were not studying last night
We were not watching TV this time yesterday

Interrogative sentence
1. Yes/no question: was / were + Subject + Verb I + Object + Adverb?
Example: were you reading books at 9.00 pm last Sunday?
NO, I was NOT
Was she is washing her clothes last Monday?
No, she wasn’t

2. Information question (Wh Question):

Untuk menanyakan subjek dengan menggunakan who or what
Who + what + was / were + Verb I + ing + Object + Adverb?
Example: Who was studying English at 7.00 pm last night?
What was lying under the table when we had dinner?
Untuk menanyakan objek dengan menggunakan whom or what
Whom + what + was / were + Verb I + ing + Object + Adverb?
Example: Whom were you calling at 9.30 pm last night?
What was Aim cooking this time yesterday?
Untuk menanyakan tempat dengan menggunakan where
Where + was / were + Subject + Verb I + ing + Object + Adverb?

Example: Where were they studying at 01.29 pm last Tuesday?
Where was Nabila working this time last year?
Untuk menanyakan waktu dengan menggunakan when
When + was / were + subject + Verb I + object + Adverb?
When were you leaving your friend’s house yesterday afternoon?
When was Ursula working in Flores?
Untuk menanyakan alasan dengan menggunakan Why
Why + was / were + Subject + Verb I + Object + Adverb?
Example: Why were you crying when I arrived last night?
Why was Ina Sleeping at 6. 00 pm?

B. Penggunaan past continuous tense

1. Pelajari Contoh situasi ini:

Yesterday, Karen and Jim played tennis. They began at 10 o’clock and finished at
So, at 10.30 they were playing tennis.
They were playing = they were in the middle of playing. They had not finished
Was / were – ing adalah ciri umum dari bentuk past continuous.

2. Kita menggunakan tense past continuous untuk mengatakan bahwa seseorang

sedang dalam proses melakukan sesuatu pada waktu tertentu. Aktifitas atau situasi
sudah dimulai sebelum saat ini tetapi sudah selesai.
 This time last year I was living in Brazil
 What were you doing at 10 o’clock last night?
 I waved to her but she wasn’t looking.
Alfons has given smoking

3. Bandingkan the past continuous (I was doing) and past simple (I did):
 Past continuous (dalam proses sedang melakukan sebuah aktifitas)
I was walking home when I met Dave (= in the middle of walking home)
Joice was watching television when the phone rang
 Past Simple (aktifitas yang telah selesai)
I walked home after the party last night (= all the way, completely)
Beltrin watched television a lot when she was ill last year.

4. Kita seriung menggunakan tense simple past dan past continuous secara bersama
sama untuk mengatakan bahwa sesuatu yang terjadi dalam proses melakukan
sesuatu yang lain. Contohnya:
 Alfons burnt his hand when he was cooking the dinner
 I saw you in the park yesterday. You were sitting on the grass and reading a
 While I was working in the garden, I hurt my back

Tetapi kita harus menggunakan tense simple past untuk mengatakan sesuatu terjadi
setelah aktifitas lainnya. Contonnya:
 I was walking along the road when I saw Riski. So I stopped and we had a chat
 When Karin arrived, we were having dinner. (= we had already started dinner
before Karin arrived)
 When Karin arrived, we had dinner. (= first Karin arrived and then we had

5. Beberapa kata kunci yang digunakan dalam past continuous tense:

 This time last year
 This time last summer
 This time yesterday
 At 7.00 pm last night
 At 8.00 pm yesterday
 At 6.00 pm last Friday
 When
 While
 This time last week
 This time last month


A. What were you doing at the following times? Write one sentence as in the
1. (at 8 o’clock yesterday evening). I was having dinner with some friends.
2. (at 5 0’clock last Saturday) I was on a train on my way to London.
3. (at 10.15 yesterday morning) ……………………………….
4. (at 4.30 this morning)…………………………………………
5. (At 7.45 yesterday evening) ……………………………………
6. (half an hour ago) ………………………………………………

B. Use your own ideas to complete these sentences. Use the past continuous.
1. Tom burnt his hand while he was cooking the dinner.
2. The doorbell rang while I …………………………..
3. We saw an accident while we………………………..
4. Mary fell asleep while she…………………………….
5. The television was on but nobody…………………………

C. Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past simple.
1. I ………………. (see) Ina in town yesterday but she………………. (not/see)
me. She …………….(look) the other way.
2. I …………….. (meet) Sinta and Leoriski at the airport a few weeks ago. They
……………… (go) to Bali. We …………… (have) a chat while we
………… (wait) for our flights.
3. I …………… (cycle) home yesterday when suddenly a man ………….. (step)
out into the road in front of me. I …………… (go) quite fast but luckily I
……………… (manage) to stop in time and ………………. (not/hit) him.

D. Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past simple.
1. Jane was waiting (wait) for me when I arrived (arrived).
2. ‘what …………………. (you /do) this time yesterday?’ ‘I was asleep’
3. ‘………………………… (you /go) out last night?’ ‘No. I was too tired’
4. ‘was Carol at the party last night?’ ‘yes, she …………………. (wear) a
really nice dress.’
5. How fast …………… (you / drive) when the accident ……………. (happen)?
6. John……………. (take) a photograph of me while I ……………….
7. We were in a very difficult position. We…………… (not / know) what to do.
8. I haven’t seen Alan for ages. When I last…………….. (see) him, he
………… (try) to find a job in London.
9. I ………………. (walk) along the street when suddenly I ………….. (hear)
footsteps behind me. Somebody ………………… (follow) me. I was
frightened and I ……………… (start) to run.
10. When I was young, I ………………... (want) to be a bus driver.

PAST PERFECT TENSE, (simple past)
Have/has had had

A. Pattern:

Affirmative sentence: Subject + Had + Verb III (Past Participle) + Object + Adverb
(manner, place and time), simple past
Example: I had finished my homework before he arrived yesterday
She had eaten the cake before he came last night
They had painted the wall before father left last week

Negative sentence: Subject + had + not + Verb III (past participle) + Object + Adverb
(manner, place and time).
Example: I had not finished my homework before he arrived yesterday
She had not eaten the cake before he came last night
They had painted the wall before father left last week

Interrogative sentence:

1. Yes/no question: Had + Subject + Verb III + Object + Adverb?

Example: Had you finished your homework before he arrived yesterday?
Yes, I had
Had they painted the wall before father left last week
No, they hadn’t

2. Information question (Wh Question):

Untuk menanyakan subjek dengan menggunakan who or what
Who + what + had + Verb III + Object + Adverb?
Example: Who had finished the homework before he arrived?
Sinta had finished the homework
What had damaged the bridge before it was repaired?
Untuk menanyakan objek dengan menggunakan whom or what
Whom + what + had + Verb III + Object + Adverb?
Example: Whom had you visited before I met you yesterday?
What had just closed when I went to lunch at 2.00 pm?
Untuk menanyakan tempat dengan menggunakan where
Where + had + Subject + Verb III + Object + Adverb?

Example: Where had you eaten your lunch before I arrived?
Where had he saved his money before we knew it?
Untuk menanyakan waktu dengan menggunakan when or how long
When + had + subject + Verb III + object + Adverb?
When had they planted the trees before they were burnt?
When had she met her husband before they married?
Untuk menanyakan alasan dengan menggunakan Why
Why + had + Subject + Verb III + Object + Adverb?
Example: Why had she cried before I came last night?

B. Penggunaan past perfect tense

Past perfect tense digunakan untuk mengemukakan suatu kegiatan atau

keadaan yang terjadi lebih dahulu sebelum suatu kegiatan atau keadaan lain terjadi
pada masa lampau. Dapat pula dikatakan bahwa kegiatan Aa terjadi lebih dahulu dan
terpisah dari kegiatan B. Contoh:

a. Sasi gave Kristo the present which he had bought the day before.
(kegiatan B) (kegiatan A)
(Sasi memberikan hadiah kepada kristo yang dia sudah beli sehari

Artinya: kegiatan membeli terjadi lebih dahulu daripada kegiatan memberi.

Oleh karena itu, kegiatan membeli ditulis dalam bentuk past perfect tense (Had
bought), sedangkan kegiatan memberi ditulis dalam bentuk simple past (gave).

b. When Picauly arrived at the campus, the English lecture had already done.
(kegiatan B) (kegiatan A)
(ketika picauly tiba di rumah, mata kuliah bahasa inggris sudah selesai)

Artinya: mata kuliah bahasa inggris sudah selesai lebih dulu sebelum picauly
tiba di kampus. Oleh karena itu peristiwa mata kuliah bahasa inggris sudah selesai
ditulis dalam bentuk past perfect (had already done) sedangkan peristiwa Picauly
tiba di kampus ditulis dalam bentuk simple past.

c. Jeremias had slept for two hours when Veby got into the house
(jeremias telah tertidur selama dua jam ketika veby masuk ke dalam rumah)
Artinya: jeremias sudah tertidur lebih dulu sebelum veby masuk ke dalam rumah.
Oleh karena itu, peristiwa jeremias telah tertidur selama dua jam ditulis dalam bentuk

past perfect tense (had slept for two hours) sedangkan peristiwa veby masuk ke dalam
rumah ditulis dalam bentuk past tense.

Beberapa contoh lain:

 When we got home last night, we found that somebody had broken into
the flat.
 Eugenia didn’t want to come to the cinema with us because she had already
seen the film.
 At the first I thought I’d done the right thing, but I soon realized that I’d
made a serious mistake.
 The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. He hadn’t flown
before. / He had never flown before.
He has Given up smoking
Look for

C. Kata kata kunci (keywords) yang umumnya digunakan atau di pakai dalam past
perfect tense adalah:
When before
As soon as already
After just
By the time

A. Read the situations and write sentences from the words in brackets.
1. You went to riski’s house but she wasn’t there. (She / go / out) she had gone
2. You went back to your home town after many years. It wasn’t the same as
before. (it / change / a lot)…………………………………..
3. I invited Rachel to do the party but she couldn’t come.
(she / arrange / to do something else)…………………………………
4. You went to the cinema last night. You arrived at the cinema late.
(the film / already / begin)……………………………
5. I was very pleased to see Joice again after such a long time.
(I / not / see / him / for five years)…………………………..
6. I offered Aim something to eat but she wasn’t hungry.
(she / just / have / breakfast)………………………..

B. Read the situation and write sentences ending with before. Use the verb
given in brackets.
1. The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. It was his first
flight. (fly). He had never flown before or he hadn’t flown before.
2. A woman walked into the room. She was a complete stranger to me. (see).
I ………………………………………………………….before.
3. Simon played tennis yesterday. He wasn’t very good at it because it was gis
first game.
4. Last year we went to Denmark. It was our first time there.
(be). We ………………………………………………………………….

C. Use the sentences on the left to complete the paragraphs on the right. These
sentences are in the order in which they happened – so (1) happened before
(2), (2) before (3) etc. but your paragraph begins with the underlined
sentence, so sometimes you need the past perfect.
1. (1) : Somebody broke into the office during the night.
(2) : We arrived at work in the morning.
(3) : We called the police.

We arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody has broken into
the office during the night. So we had called the police.

2. (1) : Ana went out..

(2) : I tried to phone her this morning
(3) : there was no answer

I tried to phone Ann this morning but ……………………… no anwer.


3. (1) : Riski came back from holiday a few days ago.

(2) : I meet him the same day
(3) : He looked very well.

I met Riski a few days ago. He ……………….just ………………………….

He …………………………….

4. (1) : Ermaden wrote to Venti many times.

(2) : She never replied to his letters
(3) : yesterday he had a phone call from her
(4) : He was very surprised.
Yesterday Ermaden…………………………….. He………………….very
surprised. He …………………….many times but she………………………..

D. Put the verb into the correct form, past perfect. (I had done etc) or past
1. ‘Was Aim at the party when you arrived?’ ‘No, he had gone (go) home.’
2. I felt very tired when I got home, so I………………….. (go) straight to bed.
3. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody…………...(go) to bed
4. Sorry, I’m late. The car………………. (break) down on my way here.
5. We were driving along the road when we……………….. (see) a car which.
………………. (break) down, so we………..…. (stop) to see if we could help



Will for all subjects

Shall For I, We
I will/shall
Can you help me?
Could you help me?
May might have to must had to ought to

A. Pattern:
Affirmative sentence: Subject + will / shall + Verb I (invinitive) + Object + Adverb
(manner, place and time).
Example: I shall visit my parent’s tomorrow
You will go to cinema next week
Leoriski will study English lesson tomorrow.

Saya sedang makan siang

I am eating lunch

I have my lunch
On the way
ON my way

As Known As

Negative sentence : Subject + will / shall + not + Verb I (invinitive) + Object +

Adverb (manner, place and time).
Example: I shall not visit my parent’s tomorrow
You will not go to the cinema next week

Leoriski will not study English lesson tomorrow

Interrogative sentence
1. Yes/no question: will/shall + Subject + Verb I + Object + Adverb?
Example: will you clean up the room tonight?
Yes, I will
No, I will not (won’t)

Will you marry me?



No, I will not (Won’t)
Shall not (Shan’t)

2. Information question (Wh Question):

Untuk menanyakan subjek dengan menggunakan who or what
Who + what + will + Verb I + Object + Adverb?
Example: Who will help you tomorrow?
What will pull the cart next sunday?
Untuk menanyakan objek dengan menggunakan whom or what
Whom + what + will + Verb I + Object + Adverb?
Example: Whom will Oda ask then?
What will you bring tonight?
Untuk menanyakan tempat dengan menggunakan where
Where + will/shall + Subject + Verb I + Object + Adverb?
Example: Where will gina meet you tomorrow?
Where shall we go the day after tommorow?
Untuk menanyakan waktu dengan menggunakan when
When + will/shall+ subject + Verb I + object + Adverb?
When will Alfons pay the fees?
When shall we come to your house?

B. The use of simple future tense

1. Kita menggunakan I will ketika kita memutuskan untuk melakukan sesuatu pada
saat berbicara:
 Oh, I have left the door open. I’ll go and shut it.
 ‘What would you like to drink?’ ‘I’ll have an orange juice, please.’
 What would you mind in drinking?
 ‘Did you phone Sinta?’ ‘Oh no, I forgot. I’ll phone her now.’
Kita tidak bisa menggunakan simple present tense (I do/ I go) dalam kalimat ini:
 I’ll go and shut the door. (not I go and shut)

Kita sering menggunakan I think I’ll……… and I don’t think I’ll………:

 I feel a bit hungry. I think I’ll have something to eat
 I don’t think I’ll go out tonight. I’m too tired.

Dalam bahasa lisan, bentuk negative dari will adalah won’t (will not)
 I can see you’re busy, so I won’t stay long.

2. Jangan menggunakan will untuk berbicara mengenai apa yang telah diputuskan
atau dirancang untuk melakukan sesuatu tetapi gunakan tense present continuous
untuk mengatakan apa yang telah kamu rencanakan untuk dilakukan. Jangan
gunakan tense simple present (I do):
 I’m going on holiday next Saturday (not I’ll go)
 Are you working tomorrow? (not will you work)
 I am not working tomorrow, so we can go out somewhere.
 Gerrard is not playing football on Saturday because he’s hurt his leg.

I am doing (present continuous) untuk menyatakan makna future atau masa depan.
Pelajari contoh situasi dibawah ini.
This is Oda’s diary for next week.
She is playing tennis on Monday afternoon
She is going to the dentist on Tuesday morning
She is having dinner with Alfons on Wednesday
Dalam contoh semua kalimat diatas, Oda sudah memutuskan dan merencanakan
untuk melakukan semua katifitas tersebut.

3. Simple present tense (I do) untuk menyatakan makna future atau masa depan
Kita menggunakan simple present tense ketika kita berbicara mengenai timetables,
programmes dan lain - lain. (contohnya, untuk transportasi publik, bioskop dll.)
 The train leaves Semarang at 10.30 and arrives in Jogja at 13.45
 What time does the film begin?
 It’s Wednesday tomorrow.

Kita bisa menggunakan tense simple present untuk orang – orang yang telah fix
merencakanan rencana mereka seperti sebuah timetable:
 I start my new job on Monday
 What time do you finish work tomorrow?
Tetapi untuk present continuous tense biasa digunakan untuk perjanjian yang
bersifat pribadi atau personal:
 What time are you meeting Beltryn tomorrow? (not do you meet)

Contoh lain:
 What time are you leaving tomorrow?
 I am going to the cinema this evening
 What time does the train leave tomorrow?
 The film starts at 8.15 (this evening)

4. I am going to do something = I have already decided to do it, I intend to do it:

 A: there’s a film on the television tonight. Are you going to watch it?
B: no, I’m tired. I’m going to have an early night.
 A: I hear Joice has won some money. What is she going to do with it?
B: She’s going to buy a new car
 A: have you made the coffee yet?
B: I’m just going to make it. (just = at this moment)
 This food looks horrible. I’m not going to eat it.

5. I am doing and I am going to do
Umumnya, kita menggunakan I am doing (present continuous) ketika kita
menyatakan apa yang telah kita rencanakan untuk dilakukan. Contohnya,
berencana untuk bertemu seseorang, berencana untuk pergi kemanapun, dll:
 What time are you meeting Riski this evening?
Good night
 I’m leaving tomorrow. I’ve got my plane ticket.
I am going to do something = I’ve decided to do it (but perhaps not arranged to do
 The windows are dirty. Yes, I know. I’m going to clean them later. (= I’ve
decided to clean them but I haven’t arranged to clean them)
 I’ve decided not to say here any longer. Tomorrow I’m going to look for
somewhere else to stay.

6. Kita sering menggunakan will dengan beberapa situasi dibawah ini:

Menawarkan sesuatu (Offering to do something)
That bag looks heavy. I’ll help you with it.
Menyatakan setuju dengan sesuatu (Agreeing to do something)
 A: you know that book I lent you. Can I have it back if you’ve finished it yet?
B: Of course. I’ll give it to you this afternoon.
Menjanjikan untuk melakukan sesuatu (Promising to do something)
 Thanks for lending me the money. I’ll pay you back on Friday.
 I won’t tell anyone what happened. I promise.
Menyakan Asking somebody to do something (will you………)
 Will you please be quiet? I’m trying to concentrate.
 Will you shut the door, please?

7. Kita sering menggunakan will dengan beberapa kata dibawah ini, yaitu:
 Probably I’ll probably be home late this morning
 I expect I haven’t seen Carol today. I expect she’ll phone this evening
 I’m sure don’t worry about the exam. I’m sure you’ll pass
 I think do you think Gina like the present we bought her?
 I don’t think I don’t think the exam will be very difficult
 I wonder I wonder what will happen

8. Kata kata kunci (keywords) yang digunakan atau di pakai dalam past perfect
continuous tense sama dengan past perfect tense yaitu:
 Tomorrow

 Next day
 Next week
 Next month
 Next year
 Next Sunday
 This afternoon
 This evening
 In the future
 Someday
 Sometime
 Sooner or later
 One of these days
 Tomorrow night
 tonight


A. Complete the sentences with I’ll + a suitable verb.

1. I’m too tired to walk home. I think I’ll get a taxi
2. ‘it’s a bit cold in this room.’ ‘is it? ……………………………on the hearing
3. ‘we haven’t got any milk.’ ‘oh, haven’t we? ……………………….and get
4. ‘do you want me to do the washing up?’ ‘No, it’s all right. ……………….it.’
5. ‘I don’t know how to use this computer.’ ‘Ok, ……………………you’
6. Would you like tea or coffee?’ ‘…………………………….coffee, please.’
7. ‘Goodbye! Have a nice holiday.’ Thanks. ………………….you a postcard.’
8. Thank you for lending me your camera. ………………………… back to
you on Monday, Ok?
9. ‘Are you coming with us?’ ‘No, I think ……………………………….here’.

B. Complete the sentences with (‘ll) + one of these verbs:

Be Be Come Get Like Look Meet
1. Don’t worry about your exam. I’m sure you’ll pass.
2. Why don’t you try on this jacket? It ………………….nice on you
3. You must meet George sometime. I think you ………………………him.
4. It’s raining. Don’t go out. You ………………wet
5. They’ve invited me to their house. They ………………….offended if I don’t
6. Goodbye. I expect we…………………………….again before long
7. I’ve invited Riski to the party but I don’t think she…………………………
8. I wonder where I …………………………………20 years from now.

C. Put in will or won’t.
1. Can you wait for me? I won’t be very long.
2. There’s no need to take an umbrella with you. It ……………….rain
3. If you don’t eat anything now, you ………………………….be hungry later.
4. I’m sorry about what happened yesterday. it ………………..happen again
5. I’ve got some incredible news! You…………….never believe what’s
6. Don’t ask Margaret for advice. She ……………………..know what to do.

D. Put the verb into the more suitable form, present continuous or present
1. I’m going (go) to the theater this evening?
2. Does the film begin (the film / begin) at 3.30 or 4.30?
3. We …………………………(have) a party next Saturday. Would you like to
4. The art exhibition ………………….(open) on 3 May and
……………….(finish) on 15 July.
5. I …………………………….(not/go) out this evening. I ……………….
(stay) at home.
6. ‘…………………(you / do) anything tomorrow morning?’ No, I’m free.
7. We……………………(go) to a concert tonight. It ………….(begin) at 7.30.
8. You are on the train to London and you ask another passenger:
Excuse me. What time…………………(this train/get) to London?
9. You are talking to Ann:
Ann, I …………………. (go) to town ………………(you /come) with me?
10. Alfons……………… (come) to see us tomorrow. She…………………
(travel) by train and her train ……………….(arrive) at 10.15. I
…………………… (meet) her at the station.
11. I …………………… (not/use) the car this evening, so you can have it.
12. You and a friend are watching television. You say:
I’m bored with this programme. When ……………………….. (it/finish).

E. What is going to happen in these situations? Use the words in brackets:

1. There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. (rain) it’s going to rain.
2. It’s 8.30. Jack is leaving his house. He has to be at work aat 8.45 but the
journey takes 30 minutes. (late) He………………………………………..
3. There is a hole in the bottom of the boat. A lot of water is coming in through
the hole. (sink) The Boat…………………………………………………..
4. Emma is driving. There is very little petrol left in the tank. The nearest petrol
station is a long way away. (run out) She……………………………………

F. Write a question with going to for each situation?
1. Your friend has won some money. You ask:
(what/do with it?) What are you going to do with it?
2. Your friend is going to a party tonight. You ask:
(what / wear?) ……………………………………
3. Your friend has just bought a new table. You ask:
(what / wear?)……………………………………
4. Your friend has decided to have a party. You ask:
(who / invited?)…………………………………..


I will be watching F M at 8 am tonight

A. Pattern:
Affirmative sentence: Subject + will / shall + be + Verb I + ing + Object + Adverb
(manner, place and time).
Example: I shall be visiting my parent’s at 9 am tomorrow
You will be going to cinema at 8 am on friday
Leoriski will be studying English lesson tomorrow.

Negative sentence : Subject + will / shall + not + be + Verb I + ing + Object +

Adverb (manner, place and time).
Example: I shall not be visiting my parent’s at 9 am tomorrow
You will not be going to the cinema at 9 pm next week
Leoriski will not be studying English lesson tomorrow

Interrogative sentence
1. Yes/no question: will/shall + Subject + be + Verb I + ing + Object + Adverb?
Example: will you be cleaning up the room at 7 pm tonight?
Yes, I will
No, I will not

2. Information question (Wh Question):

Untuk menanyakan subjek dengan menggunakan who or what
Who + what + will + Verb I + Object + Adverb?
Example: Who will be helping you tomorrow?
What will being pull the car next sunday?
Untuk menanyakan objek dengan menggunakan whom or what
Whom + what + will + Verb I + Object + Adverb?
Example: Whom will Oda be asking then?
What will you be bringing tonight?
Untuk menanyakan tempat dengan menggunakan where
Where + will/shall + Subject + Verb I + Object + Adverb?
Example: Where will gina be meeting you at 08.00 pm tomorrow?
Where shall we be going the day after tommorow?
Untuk menanyakan waktu dengan menggunakan when

When + will/shall+ subject + Verb I + object + Adverb?
When will Alfons be paying the fees?
When shall we be coming to your house?

B. Penggunaan future continuous tense

1. Future continuous tense digunakan untuk mengemukakan suatu kegiatan atau

keadaan yang sedang berlangsung sekarang dan adanya kemungkinan bahwa
kegiatan itu masih akan berlangsung di waktu yang akan datang. Contoh:
a. It’s raining now. I wonder if it will still be raining this afternoon.
b. The crisis is still going on now. I think it will still be going on in 3 years time.

2. Untuk mengungkapkan atau menyatakan sesuatu yang akan sedang berlangsung

(dalam proses) pada waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang.

a. The football match begins at 4 o’clock and ends at 5.45 this afternoon. So
during this time, for example, at 4.30, I will be watching the match.
b. Picauly usually brings a yellow bag in parties. You’ll recognize her easily
when you see her. She will be bringing a yellow hat during the party
c. You will see that Liverpool F.C will be wearing the red uniform on Sunday.

3. untuk memproyeksikan atau merencanakan sesuatu yang akan terjadi

a. we shall be landing at the airport in a few minutes
b. I’ll be seeing my students this afternoon

4. Untuk meramalkan atau menerka sesuatu yang akan terjadi

Where is joe?
Perkiraan : he will be having his lunch. I expect.
Kenyataan: he is having his lunch

5. I will be doing something (future continuous) = I will be in the middle of
something. The football match begins at 7.30 o’clock and ends at 9.15. So, during
this time, for example at 8.30, Alfons will be watching the match.
 I’m going on holiday on Saturday. This time next week I’ll be lying on a
beach or swimming in the sea.

75/85 % are going to happen

Perbandingan will be doing and will do:

 Don’t phone me between 7 and 8. We’ll be having dinner then.
 Let’s wait for marry to arrive and then we’ll have dinner 50:50

Perbandingan will be –ing dengan bentuk continuous lainnya.

 At 10 o’clock yesterday, Liona was in her office. She was working. (past)
 It’s 10 o’clock now. She is in her office. She is working. (present)
 At 10 o’clock tomorrow, she will be in her office. She will be working.

6. Kata kata kunci (keywords) yang digunakan atau di pakai dalam future continuous
tense adalah:
 This time tomorrow / next week/ next month/ next year
 At ………….. (at 4.00 pm) tomorrow / this afternoon
 On…… (on Monday) next week


A. Make a sentence by using will be + -ing. Follow the example below.

1. I’m going to watch TV from 9 until 10 o’clock this evening. So, at 9.30, I’ll
be watching TV.
2. Tomorrow morning, I’m going to study at 8.00 until 9.30
So, ……………………………………………………….
3. Susan’s going to help her mother from 7.00 – 10.00 o’clock this evening
So, ……………………………………………………….
4. They are going to paint the wall from 3.00 until 5.00 this afternoon.
So, ………………………………………………………………….

B. Practice this conversation

What will you be doing tomorrow?

Vina: Hi, Aris. How are you?

Aris: Fine, thanks. Any plan for tomorrow?
Vina: Well, I’m preparing myself to do an exam. At 8.30 tommorow, I’ll be
doing our Grammar exam. What will you be doing then?
Aris: Oh, yes. At the same time I’ll be attending Speaking class. Enjoy yourself
then. Good luck
Vina: You too. Bye.

C. Write a dialog by using future continuous tense and practice with your partner.

FUTURE PERFECT TENSE, (simple present/simple future)

A. Pattern:

Affirmative sentence: Subject + Will + Have + Verb III (Past Participle) + Object +
Adverb (manner, place and time).
Example: By the time we get to the place, he will have already left.
I will call you at seven. Will you have finished dinner by then.
When you come up, you will have heard from your sister.

Negative sentence : Subject + will + Not + have + Verb III (past participle) +
Object + Adverb (manner, place and time).
Example: By the time we get to the place, he will not have already left.
When you come up, you will not have heard from your sister.

Interrogative sentence
1. Yes/no question: Will + Subject + have + Verb III + Object + Adverb?
Example: Will you have stayed at home until he comes?
2. Information question (Wh Question):
Untuk menanyakan subjek dengan menggunakan who or what
Who + what + will + have + Verb III + Object + Adverb?
Example: Who will have left school by 2 pm?
Untuk menanyakan objek dengan menggunakan whom or what
Whom + what + Will + have + Subject + Verb III + Object + Adverb?
Example: Whom will she have spoken to when mother comes home?
Untuk menanyakan tempat dengan menggunakan where
Where + will + Subject + have + Verb III + Object + Adverb?
Example: Where will they have stayed when they visit Yogyakarta?
Untuk menanyakan waktu dengan menggunakan when
When + will + subject + have + Verb III + object + Adverb?
When will you have bought the white car?
Untuk menanyakan alasan dengan menggunakan Why
Why + will + Subject + have+ Verb III + Object + Adverb?
Example: Why will they have stayed when they visit Yogyakarta?

B. Penggunaan future perfect tense, (simple present / simple future)

1. Future perfect tense umumnya digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu kegiatan
yang sudah akan selesai sebelum suatu kegiatan / peristiwa yang lain pada waktu
tertentu di masa yang akan datang.
a. By the time, we get to the place, he will have already left
(pada saat kita tiba di tempat itu, dia sudah akan berangkat)
b. I will call you at seven. Will you have finished dinner by then?
(saya akan menelepon anda pukul 7.00. sudah akan selesaikah anda makan
malam pada saat itu?)
c. When you come up, you will have heard from your sister
d. I will not have heard all of it until the weekend
e. By the end of the month, I will have been in Kefa for 10 months
f. She will have left school by 2 pm
g. He will have begun to work by 7 am
h. I will have stayed at home until sasi comes
i. I will not have read the novel until next week

2. Bandingkan will have done (future perfect tense) dengan bentuk tense perfect
 Riski and Sinta have been married for 25 years (present perfect)
 When their first child was born, they had been married for three years. (past
 Next year they will have been married for 25 years. (future perfect).

3. Kata kata kunci (keywords) yang digunakan atau di pakai dalam future perfect
tense adalah:
 By the time (by a point of time in the future)
 By then
 When
 Until / till
 By

4. The example in a conversation

Alfons : Let’s go out tonight!
Liona : Actually, I have some work to do, but I’ll have finished it by eight.
Alfons : Ok. Can I have my novel back tomorrow, please? Will you have read it by

Liona : No, I won’t. I won’t have read all of it until next weekend.
Alfons : It doesn’t matter. Enjoy yourself.
Liona : Thank you. Bye
Alfons : See you tonight.


A. Complete the following sentences with correct form.

Beltryn and Eugenia are going to the cinema. The film begins at 7.30 and it’s
already 7.20. it will take them 20 minutes to get there. When do they get
there?, (the film/already/start)……..
Answer: The film will have already started.

1. Jane always goes to school at 6.45 everybody. Melky is going to her house at
6.30 tomorrow. When Melky gets to her house, (jane / to /
2. Yosef usually eats very quickly. It’s 6.45 now. Before 7.00, (he / finish / his
3. Rudi arrived at school at 6.45. At 7.45, (he / be / at school)……………..for
one hour.
4. By the time, you finish your homework, (I / visit / you)……………………..
5. I’ll call you at eight. (you / arrive) ……………at home by then?......................
6. Long before you call them, (they / leave / their house)…………………………
7. Before the end of this era, (internet system / reach)……………….such heights
of realism.
8. By 2004, (she / resign) ……………………………

B. Put the verb into the correct form, will be (do) ing or will have (done).
1. Don’t phone me between 7 and 8. We’ll be having (we/have) dinner then.
2. Phone me after 8 o’clock. ……………………………… (we / finish) dinner
by then.
3. Tomorrow afternoon we’re going to play tennis from 3 o’clock until 4.30. So
at 4 o’clock, …………………………………….. (we / play) tennis.
4. A: Can we meet tomorrow afternoon?
B: Not in the afternoon. ………………………………………… (I / work)
5. B has to go to a meeting which begins at 10 o’clock. It will last about an
A: Will you be free at 11.30?
B: Yes, ………………………………….. (the meeting / finish) by that time.
6. Yondi is on holiday and he is spending his money very quickly. If he
continues like this, …………………………………….. (he / spend) all his
money before the end of his holiday.

7. Urbanus came to Kefa from Kupang nearly three years ago. Next Monday it
will be exactly three years. So on Monday, …………………………… (he /
be) in Britain for exactly three years.
8. Do you think ……………………………. (you / still / do) the same job in
ten years’ time?
9. Ursula is from Atambua. She is travelling around Europe at the moment. so
far she has travelled about 1.000 miles. By the end of the trip,
……………………………. (she/travel) more than 3,000 miles.
10. If you need to contact me, ……………………………….. (I / stay) at the
Aston Hotel until Friday.


Azar, Betty Schramper and Barbara F. Mattheis. 1981. Understanding and Using
English Grammar: Taecher’s Guide. London: Pearson Education
Batko, Ann. 2004. When Grammar Bad Happens to Good People. Career Press.
Erfiani, Yohanes P. F dan Hesni Neno. 2018. Pedoman Praktis Menguasai 16 Tenses
Bahasa Inggris. Banyuwangi: Naa Publisher.

Murphy, Raymond. 1999. English Grammar in Use: Second Edition. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.
Sihombing, B. (2004). English Grammar Comprehension. Grasindo.


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