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Di era yang super sibuk ini, kadang, kesehatan menjadi salah satu hal

yang kita kesampingkan. Untuk memenuhi tuntutan pekerjaan yang

ada, seringkali kita mengabaikan kesehatan karena merasa nggak
sempat. Belum lagi kalau bicara soal banyaknya waktu yang habis
selama commuting di perjalanan rumah-kantor-rumah. Rasanya,
jangankan ke dokter, untuk sekadar belanja supply makanan bergizi
saja nggak sempat.

Belum lagi dengan segala perubahan lingkungan yang ada, berbagai

penyakit pun terus berevolusi dan nggak jarang pula membuat kita
bingung soal bagaimana cara mengatasinya dengan baik. Biaya
konsultasi pun juga nggak kalah jadi faktor yang membuat kita kerap
kali mengurungkan niat untuk menelaah kembali kondisi kesehatan diri.

Nah, untuk mengatasi permasalahan-permasalahan seperti di atas,

kamu bisa kok memanfaatkan informasi-informasi dari blog-blog
kesehatan yang sekarang sudah banyak bertebaran di internet. Nggak
terlalu makan waktu dan biaya, kamu bisa mendapatkan berbagai
informasi kesehatan yang kredibel. Bahkan, ada juga beberapa blog
kesehatan yang menyediakan layanan konsultasi gratis dengan dokter-
dokter terpercaya.

Kira-kira, blog kesehatan apa saja yang bisa kamu jadikan rujukan
informasi kesehatan? Berikut 5 rekomendasinya:

1. LiniSehat
Lini Sehat merupakan portal informasi yang bisa kamu akses untuk
mendapatkan berbagai informasi kesehatan. Menggunakan
prinsip evidence based, konten-konten yang disajikan dalam portal ini
mampu memberikan solusi-solusi kesehatan secara komprehensif dan
holistik. Karenanya, informasi-informasi yang kamu dapat
melalui website ini bisa kamu jadikan rujukan untuk memperoleh gaya
hidup sehat yang kamu idam-idamkan. Pokoknya, kalau kamu mencari
bacaan kesehatan dengan gaya bahasa yang fun, youth, fresh, dan
anti ribet, di sini tempatnya!

Lily was a little girl

Afraid of the big, wide world
She grew up within her castle walls
Now and then she tried to run
And then on the night with the setting sun
She went in the woods away
So afraid, all alone
They warned her, don't go there
There's creatures who are hiding in the dark
Then something came creeping
It told her, don't you worry just
Follow everywhere I go
Top over the mountains or valley low
Give you everything you've been dreaming of
Just let me in, ooh
Everything you wantin' gonna be the magic story you've been told
And you'll be safe under my control
Just let me in, ooh
Just let me in, ooh
She knew she was hypnotized
And walking on cold thin ice
Then it broke, and she awoke again
Then she ran faster than
Start screaming,…

Source: LyricFind
Lily was a little girl
Afraid of the big, wide world
She grew up within her castle walls
Now and then she tried to run
And then on the night with the setting sun
She went in the woods away
So afraid, all alone
They warned her, don't go there
There's creatures who are hiding in the dark
Then something came creeping
It told her, don't you worry just
Follow everywhere I go
Top over the mountains or valley low
Give you everything you've been dreaming of
Just let me in, ooh
Everything you wantin' gonna be the magic story you've been told
And you'll be safe under my control
Just let me in, ooh
Just let me in, ooh
She knew she was hypnotized
And walking on cold thin ice
Then it broke, and she awoke again
Then she ran faster than
Start screaming,…

Source: LyricFind
Lily was a little girl
Afraid of the big, wide world
She grew up within her castle walls
Now and then she tried to run
And then on the night with the setting sun
She went in the woods away
So afraid, all alone
They warned her, don't go there
There's creatures who are hiding in the dark
Then something came creeping
It told her, don't you worry just
Follow everywhere I go
Top over the mountains or valley low
Give you everything you've been dreaming of
Just let me in, ooh
Everything you wantin' gonna be the magic story you've been told
And you'll be safe under my control
Just let me in, ooh
Just let me in, ooh
She knew she was hypnotized
And walking on cold thin ice
Then it broke, and she awoke again
Then she ran faster than
Start screaming,…
Source: LyricFind
Lily was a little girl
Afraid of the big, wide world
She grew up within her castle walls
Now and then she tried to run
And then on the night with the setting sun
She went in the woods away
So afraid, all alone
They warned her, don't go there
There's creatures who are hiding in the dark
Then something came creeping
It told her, don't you worry just
Follow everywhere I go
Top over the mountains or valley low
Give you everything you've been dreaming of
Just let me in, ooh
Everything you wantin' gonna be the magic story you've been told
And you'll be safe under my control
Just let me in, ooh
Just let me in, ooh
She knew she was hypnotized
And walking on cold thin ice
Then it broke, and she awoke again
Then she ran faster than
Start screaming,…
Source: LyricFind
Lily was a little girl
Afraid of the big, wide world
She grew up within her castle walls
Now and then she tried to run
And then on the night with the setting sun
She went in the woods away
So afraid, all alone
They warned her, don't go there
There's creatures who are hiding in the dark
Then something came creeping
It told her, don't you worry just
Follow everywhere I go
Top over the mountains or valley low
Give you everything you've been dreaming of
Just let me in, ooh
Everything you wantin' gonna be the magic story you've been told
And you'll be safe under my control
Just let me in, ooh
Just let me in, ooh
She knew she was hypnotized
And walking on cold thin ice
Then it broke, and she awoke again
Then she ran faster than
Start screaming,…
Source: LyricFind

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