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Yes No Question dan Information Question

Written By Almusto Channel on Thursday, March 22, 2018 | 10:07 AM

Question/Interogative sentence / Kalimat pertanyaan dalam Bahasa Inggris dibagi menjadi 2

yaitu yes no question dan Information question. Yes no question adalah kalimat tanya yang
jawabannya selalu yes atau no, sedangkan information question adalah kalimat tanya yang
jawabannya membutuhkan informasi tertentu sesuai dengan kata tanya yang digunakan dengan
Formula 5W + 1 H (What, when, where, why, who, dan How).

Kedua jenis kalimat tanya tersebut dapat diterapkan di semua tenses atau bentuk waktu yang
ada seperti pada simple present, simple past tense, present continuous, future tense, dan yang
lainnya. Pada pembahasan kali ini penulis ingin fokus pada dua tenses saja yaitu simple present
tense dan simple past tense.

1. Simple Present Tense

Untuk membentuk kalimat tanya verbal yes no question dalam simple present, kita dapat
menggunakan kata bantu does/do, does digunakan untuk subjek he, she , dan it sedangkan
untuk do digunakan pada subjek I, you, they, we. Selanjutnya untuk menyusun kalimat tanya nominal
pada simple present, kita gunakan to be (am, is are) sesuai dengan subjeknya. Untuk
subjek I menggunakan am, He, she, it menggunakan is selanjutnya you, they , wemenggunakan are
a. Yes no question
1) (+) Anita makes a cake on Sundays.
(?) Does Anita make a cake on Sundays? Yes, she does/No, she does not
2) (+) Father and mother usually sleep at ten
(?) Do father and mother usually sleep at ten? Yes, they do/No, they do not.
3) (+) Jono is a student
(?) Is jono a student? Yes, he is/No, he is not(isn’t)
4) (+) We are disappointed
(?) Are we disappointed? Yes, we are/No we are not.
Catatan: Untuk membentuk kalimat tanya maka, does/do/to be(am is are) diletakkan di depan kalimat
sebelum subjek. Kata kerja(verb) dalam kalimat tanya kembali ke bentuk semua tanpa imbuhan s/es
pada subjek orang ketiga tunggal seperti he she it karena terdapat kata bantu “does”
b. Information question
Untuk membuat kalimat tanya jenis ini maka kita akan membutuhkan kata tanya (5 W + 1 H).
Urutannya dari depan adalah kata tanya tersebut kemudian diikuti oleh kata bantu does/do setelah itu
Subjek baru kata kerjanya. Untuk kalimat nominal yang menggunakan to be (am, is are)
kedudukannya sama dengan kata bantu does/do.
Contoh dalam kalimat:
5) What does he play in the playground?
Informasi/Jawaban: He plays football in the playground.
6) Why do they go to school earlier?
Jawaban: Because they want to come on time.
7) Where is your father?
Jawaban informasi: He is in the living room.
8) How were their feelings?
They were happy
Catatan: Perhatikan urutan yang digunakan untuk membentuk kalimat information question.

2. Simple Past Tense

Untuk menyusun kalimat tanya pada simple past tense secara umum sama dengan simple present
tense, perbedaannya adalah pada penggunaan kata bantu, jika dalam simple present kita
menggunakan does/do, maka simple past kita menggunakan kata bantu “did” untuk kalimat verbal,
sedangkan untuk kalimat nominal kita menggunakan to be was/were. Untuk to be was digunakan
untuk subjek I, he, she, it, sedangkan untuk were digunakan untuk werediguankan untuk subjek you,
they, we.
a. Yes no question
9) (+) Shidqi ate banana yesterday.
(?) Did Shidqi eat banana yesterday? Yes, he did/No, he did not (didn’t)
10) (+) Mega and Arman played badminton last night.
(?) Did Mega and Arman play badminto last night? Yes, they did/No, they did not.
11) (+) She was unhappy
(?) Was she unhappy? Yes, she was/No, she was not (wasn’t).
12) (+) The buffaloes were wild
(?) Were the buffaloes wild? Yes, they were/No, they were not.
b. Information question
13) When did the party begin?
It began at half past seven
14) How did the lion get out of the trap?
A mouse helped it by breaking the trap with its sharp teeth
15) Who was the singer?
She was Zahra
16) Where were you born?
I was born on August the seventeenth.
Questions: yes-noquestions (Are you
feeling cold?)
from English Grammar Today
Questions that need either a yes or a noanswer are called yes-no questions:

Do you like vanilla ice cream? (answer: yes or no)

Have you ever seen a ghost? (answer: yes or no)

Forming yes-no questions

With an auxiliary verb

We form yes-no questions with an auxiliary verb (be, do or have) + subject + main
verb or with a modal verb + subject + main verb:

Were they
Be: Is she working
very hard?

Do: Does that taste Did you go to

okay? the concert?

Had they
Have: Havethey eaten
visited Rome

Modal: Couldyou Should I open

help me lift this? the window?

Where there is no auxiliary verb be, haveor modal verb already present in the
statement, we use the auxiliary do, does, did:

Statement form
Question form
(no auxiliary)
Statement form
Question form
(no auxiliary)

Do you usually
You usually walk
walk to work?
to work.
Not: Walk you…?

Did you like disco

You liked disco
music in the 70s?
music in the 70s.
Not: Liked you…?

We don’t use an auxiliary verb when we use be as a main verb:

Is she your sister?

Not: Does she be your sister?

When there is more than one auxiliary verb or a modal verb plus auxiliary verb(s), we
only put the first auxiliary or the modal verb before the subject and the others after
the subject:

Auxiliary + subject + auxiliary + verb

Is this phone call beingrecorded?

Not: Is being this phone call recorded? or Is being recorded this phone call?

Auxiliary + subject + auxiliary + verb

Has the garden been looked after while you were away?

Not: Has been the garden looked after while you were away? or Has been looked
after the garden while you were away?

Modal + subject + auxiliary + auxiliary + verb

Should we have been writing this down?

Not: Should have we been writing this down?

We only put auxiliary and modal verbs, not main verbs, before the subject:
Where did you find the keys?

Not: Where did find you the keys?

See also:
 Be
 Have
Without an auxiliary verb

When we ask yes-no questions using the main verb be, we don’t use an auxiliary
verb. The word order is: be + subject:

Is the weather nice in Turkey in the winter?

Was she angry when you told her about the accident?

When we ask yes-no questions with the main verb have, we can also use the word
order verb + subject, but it sounds rather formal. We use have got and do as more
neutral or informal alternatives:

Have you an identity card? (formal)

Do you have an identity card? (neutral)

Have you got an identity card?(informal)

When we ask questions with the main verb have in the past to refer to possession,
we use did … haverather than had … got:

Did you have your glasses with you when you left the car?

Had you got your glasses with you when you left the car?(less common)

Responding to yes-noquestions

Other ways of saying yes and no include yeah, yep, mm, okay, and nah, nope.
These are informal:

Would you like to play tennis with me later?

Okay. (meaning yes)

Have you seen Greg?

Nope. (meaning no)

We can also give more than just a yes or no answer. We sometimes add more

Can I grow potatoes in a pot?

Yeah. They grow really well in pots.

Will you be going to Ryan’s party?

No. I’m actually going to be away on Friday night.

Sometimes we don’t use yes or no as a reply but the answer that we give
means yes or no:

Do you know Tina Gomez?

We’ve known each other for years. We went to the same school. (meaning yes)

Do you have the Thrills latest album?

I’m afraid we’ve just sold the last one! (meaning no)

We sometimes respond using the auxiliary verb from the question instead
of yes and no:

Hey Tim, did you go fishing today?

I did. I went with the boys.
Has Jason had breakfast?

He hasn’t. He’s still in bed.

Negative yes-no questions

We usually use negative yes-no questions to check or confirm something we believe

or expect to be the case, or when we consider that something is the best thing to do:

Isn’t that Pauline’s car? (I’m pretty sure that this is correct. I’m asking for

Shouldn’t we be leaving? (I think that we should leave now.)

We form negative yes-no questions with not. We usually use the contraction n’t. If we
use not in its full form, the question sounds very formal:

Isn’t that the oldest building on this street?

When using the full form not, the order auxiliary + subject (s) + notis more common
than auxiliary + not + subject:

[AUX][s]Isthat [not]not the oldest building in this street? (formal) (preferred to [the very
formal] Is not that the oldest building on this street?)

We can use negative yes-no questions to make invitations, offers and complaints

Won’t you stay for dinner? (invitation; stronger than Will you stay for dinner?)

Wouldn’t you like another coffee?(offer; stronger than Would you like another

Can’t the manager do something about the noise? (complaint; stronger than Can the
manager do something about the noise?)

See also:
 Requests
 Invitations
 Offers
 Imperatives as offers and invitations
 Invitations
 Politeness
 Hedges (just)

Intonation and yes-noquestions

The intonation of yes-no questions is normally either rising [ri↗sing arrow] or fall-
rising [dow↘n u↗p arrow] intonation depending on the meaning. If we do not know
the answer, we use rising intonation. If we more or less know the answer and are
looking for confirmation, we use fall-rising intonation:

Are you w↗arm enough?

Did you once li↘ve in Ir↗eland? (I think the answer is yes.)

We often use fall-rising intonation with yes-no questions when asking a number of
questions together:

You’re living i↘n B↗ayswater?[Question 1]

Yeah. That’s right.

Are you rentin↘g you↗r house?[Question 2]

Yeah, we are.

Is it exp↘ensi↗ve? [Question 3]

It’s not very expensive for somewhere so near the city centre.
here are two basic types of questions: Yes / No questions and Wh– questions. Yes /
No questions are also called closed questions because there are only two possible
responses: Yes or No. When forming a Yes / No question, it must include one of these
verbs: BE, DO, HAVE, or a modal verb. It is impossible to ask a Yes / No question
without one of these verbs.

correct incorrect Read lesson

* en español
* en français
Are elections next year? Elections next year?

Does he want to stay? He want to stay?

Have the boys eaten? The boys eaten?

Can the dog swim? The dog swim?

Use the verb BE to ask Yes / No questions about the identity or description of a person,
place, or thing.

question response

Am I your friend? Yes. / Yes, you are. / Yes, you are my friend.

Is this a good restaurant? No. / No, it is not. / No, it is not a good restaurant.

Are these islands Greek? Yes. / Yes, they are. / Yes, these islands are Greek.

Was his idea interesting? No. / No, it wasn’t. / No, his idea was not interesting.

Were they happy? Yes. / Yes, they were. / Yes, they were happy.

Note that the response can be short (Yes. / No.), or long: Yes or No followed by the
subject and verb.

Use the verb BE with a preposition to ask Yes / No questions about a present or past

question response

Am I at the correct location? No. / No, you aren’t.

Are the keys under the books? No. / No, they are not.

Was his house on an island? Yes. / Yes, it was.

Were the demonstrations in the center of town? No. / No, they weren’t.

Use the verb BE to ask a Yes / No question about a current activity or situation. This
requires the present progressive: BE + (verb+ing).

question response

Am I going with you and Tom? Yes. / Yes, you are.

Is she working today? No. / No, she isn’t.

Are we seeing a play tomorrow? Yes. / Yes, we are.

Use the verb BE to ask a Yes / No question about a past activity or situation. This
requires the past progressive: WAS / WERE + (verb+ing).

question response

Was it raining? Yes. / Yes, it was.

Were they playing? No. / No, they weren’t.

Use the verb BE to ask a Yes / No question with the passive voice.

question response

Is gold mined in Canada? Yes. / Yes it is.

Are flowers grown here? No. / No, they are not.

Was the book read? Yes. / Yes, it was.

Use the verb HAVE to ask if somebody has done something or if some action has taken
place. Note that these Yes / No questions use the present perfect (HAVE + past
question response

Has your brother left? No. / No, he hasn’t.

Have you driven before? Yes. / Yes, I have.

Has the party started? Yes. / Yes, it has.

Use the verb DO to ask Yes / No questions in order to obtain facts about people, places,
or things.

question response

Do they smoke? No. / No, they don’t.

Does it rain here? Yes. / Yes, it does.

Did the key work? No. / No, it didn’t.

Use modal verbs to ask Yes / No questions about possibilities or uncertainties.

question response

Can we stay? Yes. / Yes, we can. / Yes, we can stay.

Could this be true? Yes. / Yes, it could (be true).

Should they stop? No. / No, they shouldn’t (stop).

May I help you? Yes. / Yes you may (help me).

Remember: When asking Yes / No questions with DO or a modal verb, the main verb
remains in the base form (without to).

correct incorrect

Do you drink coffee? Do you to drink coffee?

Does she work here? Does she to work here?

Can I go with you? Can I to go with you?

Should we email her? Should we to email her?

However, if there are two verbs that follow DO, the second verb remains in
the infinitive(with to).

correct incorrect

Do you want to drink coffee? Do you want drink coffee?

Does she like to work here? Does she like work here?

Did you need to go home? Did you need go home?

Note that there are several ways to answer Yes / No questions, especially when using

question response

Is he busy? No.

No, he isn’t.

No, he’s not.

No, he is not.

No, he isn’t busy.

No, he’s not busy.

No, he is not busy.

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