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1. I GUSTI AYU WINTAN (P07120017081)

2. NI PUTU GITA SURYANI (P07120017082)
3. MEINDHA NURRINTAN (P07120017083)
4. NI MADE ARISTA DEWI (P07120017084)
6. NI KADEK SRI DAMAYANTI (P07120017086)
7. NI NYOMAN PUTRI ANTINI (P07120017087)
8. I KETUT PUTRAYASA (P07120017088)


Primary Health Care ( PHC ) adalah pelayanan kesehatan pokok yang berdasarkan
kepada metode dan teknologi praktis, ilmiah dan sosial yang dapat diterima secara umum baik
oleh individu maupun keluarga dalam masyarakat melalui partisipasi mereka sepenuhnya,
serta dengan biaya yang dapat terjangkau oleh masyarakat dan negara untuk memelihara setiap
tingkat perkembangan mereka dalam semangat untuk hidup mandiri dan menentukan nasib

Pelayanan kesehatan yang mencakup PHC yaitu minimal mencakup penyuluhan

tentang masalah kesehatan utama dan cara pencegahan dan pengendaliannya, penyediaan
makanan dan peningkatan gizi, penyediaan sanitasi dasar dan air bersih, pembinaan kesehatan
ibu dan anak termasuk keluarga berencana, imunisasi terhadap penyakit menular utama dan
penyegahan penyakit endemik, pengobatan penyakit umum dan cedera serta penyediaan obat

Tempat untuk pelayanan Primary Health Care meliputi Puskesmas, Posyandu,

Komunitas sedangkan tenaga kesehatan yang terlibat primary health care yaitu perawat,
pengasuh anak, dokter dan tenaga kesehatan lainnya.

Dimana pelayanan Primary Health Care merupakan unit pertolongan pertama. Seperti
halnya jika orang yang sakit tidak terlalu parah maka orang tersebut akan pergi ke puskesmas
terlebih dahulu untuk mendapatkan pelayanan. Jika puskesmas tidak dapat menangani maka
akan dirujuk ke unit yang lebih besar atau paten yaitu rumah sakit.

Puskesmas biasanya terdapat di daerah-daerah yaitu pada setiap kecamatan. Terdapat

beberapa jenis puskesmas yaitu puskesmas induk yang ada di kecamatan dan puskesmas
pembantu yang ada di setiap desa.


Bunga : Selamat pagi.

Perawat : Selamat pagi

Bunga : Nama saya Bunga

Perawat : Saya perawat Sista. Ada yang bisa saya bantu ?

Bunga : Iya sus, saya ingin bertanya tentang Primary Health Care ?
Perawat : Apa yang ingin anda ketahui tentang Primary Health Care.

Bunga : Kemarin saya dan teman-teman saya diberikan tugas untuk ingin
menanyakan tentang Primary Health Care. Apakah suster bisa menjelaskannya?

Perawat : Baik dik, saya akan menjelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan Primary Health
Care. Primary Health Care ( PHC ) adalah pelayanan kesehatan pokok yang
berdasarkan kepada metode dan teknologi praktis, ilmiah dan sosial yang dapat
diterima secara umum baik oleh individu maupun keluarga dalam masyarakat
melalui partisipasi mereka sepenuhnya, serta dengan biaya yang dapat
terjangkau oleh masyarakat dan negara untuk memelihara setiap tingkat
perkembangan mereka dalam semangat untuk hidup mandiri dan menentukan
nasib sendiri.

Bunga : Apa saja pelayanan kesehatan yang mencakup PHC sus?

Perawat : Minimal mencakup penyuluhan tentang masalah kesehatan utama dan cara
pencegahan dan pengendaliannya, penyediaan makanan dan peningkatan gizi,
penyediaan sanitasi dasar dan air bersih, pembinaan kesehatan ibu dan anak
termasuk keluarga berencana, imunisasi terhadap penyakit menular utama dan
penyegahan penyakit endemic, pengobatan penyakit umum dan cedera serta
penediaan obat esensial.

Bunga : Dimana saja pelayanan primary health care itu sus ?

Perawat : Anda bisa menemukan pelayanan primary health care di puskesmas, posyandu
dan pelayanan kesehatan lainnya.

Bunga : Ok sus. Terimakasih atas informasinya. Saya sangat senang bertemu suster.

Perawat : Sama-sama.

Primary Health Care (PHC) is basic health services that are based on practical, scientific
and social methods and technologies that can be generally accepted by individuals and families
in the community through their full participation, as well as the costs that can be reached by
the public and the state for maintain every level of their development in the spirit of independent
living and self-determination.

Primary Health Care that include PHC are counseling on major health problems and
ways to prevent and control them, providing food and improving nutrition, providing basic
sanitation and clean water, fostering maternal and child health including family planning,
immunization against major infectious diseases and endemic diseases, treatment of common
diseases and injury and the provision of essential medicines.

The places for Primary Health Care services include health centers, maternal and child
health center, Communities, while health workers involved in primary health care are nurses,
caregivers, doctors and other health workers.

Where the primary health care service is a first aid unit. Just as if the person who is sick
is not too bad then the person will go to the health center first to get service. If the primary
health care cannot handle it, it will be referred to a larger rescue unit or patent which is a

Primary Health Care usually found in regions, namely in the subdistrict. There are
several types of health centers, namely primary health centers in sub-districts and supporting
health centers in the village.
 Subject : A person or thing that is being discussed, described, or dealt with.
Example : I'm nurse Sista
You look healthy
They are a nurse who work in Sanglah Hospital

I, You, They, We
She, He, It

 Adjective : A word or phrase naming an attribute, added to, or grammatically related to a

noun to modity or describe it.
Example : I am very happy
The patient is lazy to check blood pressure

The patient’s temperature is very hot


 Past tense : A tense expressing an action that has happened or a state that previously
Example : She was very tired yesterday
The doctor was in charge in Emergency room
There were many patients in Emergency room

S + was/were + adjective

Bunga : Good morning

Nurse : Good morning madam

Bunga : My name is Bunga

Nurse : I'm nurse Sista. Can I help you ?

Bunga : Yes, I want to ask something about Primary Health Care.

Nurse : What do you want to know about Primary Health Care ?

Bunga : Yesterday, I and my friends were given the task to want to ask about Primary
Health Care. Can you explain about Primary Health Care?

Nurse : Well, I will explain what Primary Health Care means. Primary Health Care
(PHC) is basic health services that are based on practical, scientific and social
methods and technologies that can be generally accepted by individuals and
families in the community through their full participation, as well as the costs
that can be reached by the public and the state for maintain every level of their
development in the spirit of independent living and self-determination.

Bunga : What are the health services that include PHC, nurse?

Nurse : At a minimum includes counseling on major health problems and ways to

prevent and control them, providing food and improving nutrition, providing
basic sanitation and clean water, fostering maternal and child health including
family planning, immunization against major infectious diseases and endemic
diseases, treatment of common diseases and injury and the provision of essential

Bunga : Where is the Primary Health Care service nurse ?

Perawat : You can find primary health care services at health centers, posyandu and other
health services.

Bunga : Okay sus, Thank you for the information, I am very happy to meet you.

Nurse : You are wellcome


1. Biaya Cost
2. Tercapai Reached
3. Mempertahankan, Maintain
4. Mengembangkan Development
5. Menentukan nasib sendiri Self-determination
6. Mencegah Prevent
7. Membina ibu Fostering maternal
8. Persediaan Provision
9. Penting Essential
10. Terlibat Involved
11. Menyediakan Providing
12. Melawan Against
13. Melalui Though
14. Mandiri Independent
15. Menular Infectious
16. Penyakit Diseases
17. Partisipasi Participation
18. Mereka Their
19. Pengasuh caregives
20. Endemis Endemic

1. What is discussed in the dialog above?

2. What is the patients name is tyhe dialog above?
3. How is that PHC?
4. What servise do phc?
5. Where is PHC usually done ?
6. When is the conversation done ?
7. Why phc needs to be applied?
8. Who can apply phc ?
9. Where the dialog accurs ?
10. How to implement phc ?
11. What primary health care services include?
12. What are the primary health care services ?
13. What is primary health care?
14. What Primary health care services include?
15. The primary health care handles problems about anything?

1. She ... heatburn from last year

a. Have
b. Has
c. Has bad
d. Had
e. Having
2. Im sure i .... him more skinny from last month
a. Am seeing
b. Have seen
c. Have been seeing
d. Saw
e. Seeing
3. He .... the drugs diarhea yesterdaty
a. Bought
b. Buy
c. Buying
d. A bought
e. Have bought
4. Last week, he .... check cholestrol levels
a. Goinng
b. Are
c. Had
d. Has
e. Haved
5. I ... a head ache because .... full time yesterday
a. Get and working
b. Got and worked
c. Gotten and working
d. Get and worked
e. Gotten and worked
6. She ... want go to the cinema yesterday, because she sick
a. Does not
b. Do not
c. Was not
d. Did not
e. Does
7. When i ... him a candy, he will toothache
a. Given
b. Give
c. Gave
d. Am give
e. Ti give
8. I ... my luynch an hour ago, because i am stomachache
A. Ate
B. Eat
C. Eating
D. Eaten
E. Have eat
9. He.... like the food inside after road
a. Does
b. Didn’t
c. Wasn’t
d. Do not
e. Doesn’t
10. They .... some drugs in the pharmacy
a. Are buy
b. Buy
c. Buying
d. Bought
e. Have bought
11. I told him I ……. Something to show to his brother last week
a. Had
b. Has
c. Have
d. Have had
e. Have been
12. I’m sure I …… him two year ago
a. Am seeing
b. Have seeing
c. Have have been seeing
d. Saw
e. Seeing
13. One day last years, john…. Of his bike
a. Fall
b. Fell
c. Has been falling
d. Is falling
e. Falled
14. Wich sentence is correct for simple past tense
a. Is she write a letter to him?
b. Does she writing a latter to him?
c. Did she writing a letter to him?
d. Did she write a letter to him

15. Yesterday, the student…… the map of Indonesia

a. Learn
b. Are learning
c. Learns
d. Learned
e. learning

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