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1. I GUSTI AYU WINTAN (P07120017081)

2. NI PUTU GITA SURYANI (P07120017082)
3. MEINDHA NURRINTAN (P07120017083)
4. NI MADE ARISTA DEWI (P07120017084)
6. NI KADEK SRI DAMAYANTI (P07120017086)
7. NI NYOMAN PUTRI ANTINI (P07120017087)
8. I KETUT PUTRAYASA (P07120017088)

Blood Sugar Disease
Kajian : Superiority, inferiority, equality dan present continues tense

Blood Sugar Disease atau dapat disebut dengan Diabetes adalah penyakit
yang disebabkan oleh tingginya kadar glukosa atau gula dalam darah karena
gangguan sekresi insulin. Glukosa darah adalah sumber utama energi dan
berasal dari makanan yang kita makan. Insulin, hormon yang dibuat oleh
pankreas, membantu glukosa dari memberi makan ke sel-sel yang digunakan
untuk pembentukan energi. Kadang-kadang tubuh Anda tidak cukup - atau -
insulin atau tidak menggunakan insulin dengan benar. Glukosa akan tetap
berada di darah Anda dan tidak mencapai sel Anda.
Seiring waktu, terlalu banyak glukosa dalam darah Anda dapat menyebabkan
masalah kesehatan. Meskipun diabetes tidak dapat disembuhkan, Anda dapat
mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mengelola diabetes dan tetap sehat.
Jenis diabetes yang paling umum adalah tipe 1, tipe 2, dan diabetes gestasional.
Diabetes tipe 1
Jika Anda memiliki diabetes tipe 1, tubuh Anda tidak membuat insulin.
Sistem kekebalan tubuh Anda menyerang dan menghancurkan sel-sel di
pankreas Anda yang membuat insulin. Diabetes tipe 1 biasanya didiagnosis
pada anak-anak dan dewasa muda, meskipun dapat muncul pada usia
berapa pun. Penderita diabetes tipe 1 perlu mengambil insulin setiap hari
untuk tetap hidup.
Diabetes tipe 2
Jika Anda memiliki diabetes tipe 2, tubuh Anda tidak membuat atau
menggunakan insulin dengan baik. Anda dapat mengembangkan diabetes
tipe 2 pada usia berapa pun, bahkan selama masa kanak-kanak. Namun,
jenis diabetes ini paling sering terjadi pada orang setengah baya dan yang
lebih tua. Tipe 2 adalah tipe diabetes yang paling umum.
3. Gestational diabetes
Gestational diabetes berkembang di beberapa wanita ketika mereka hamil.
Sebagian besar waktu, diabetes jenis ini hilang setelah bayi lahir. Namun, jika
Anda menderita diabetes gestasional, Anda memiliki peluang lebih besar
untuk mengembangkan diabetes tipe 2 di kemudian hari. Kadang-kadang
diabetes didiagnosis selama kehamilan sebenarnya adalah diabetes tipe 2.
Berikut adalah penyebab yang memicu peningkatan risiko diabetes mellitus,
1. Keturunan - Orang-orang yang memilih hubungan darah dengan
penderita diabetes lebih mungkin mengembangkan penyakit daripada
mereka yang tidak memilikinya di keluarga. Risikonya tergantung pada
jumlah anggota keluarga yang menderita diabetes. Semakin banyak
jumlah kerabat yang menderita diabetes, semakin tinggi risikonya.

2. Pola makan yang tidak sehat - yang disebut diet tidak sehat sangat
banyak. Makanan-makan yang mengandung terlalu banyak gula dan
juga makanan yang mengandung lemak tinggi dan kolesterol tinggi
juga memicu diabetes.

3. Kegemukan - Hampir 80% orang yang menderita diabetes di usia

lanjut biasanya kelebihan berat badan. Kelebihan berat badan
meningkatkan kebutuhan insulin di dalam tubuh.

4. Usia - Risiko diabetes meningkat seiring bertambahnya usia,

terutama setelah usia 40 tahun, karena mekanisme perkembangan
sel dalam keadaan rendah dan jumlah sel di pankreas yang
memproduksi insulin menurun seiring bertambahnya usia.
Beberapa gejala diabetes tipe 1 dan tipe 2 meliputi:

 Kelelahan yang berlebihan

 Peningkatan buang air kecil
 Haus dan mulut kering
 Berat badan turun
 Sering lapar
 Penglihatan kabur
 Merasa bingung
 Kerentanan terhadap infeksi tertentu

Penyakit diabetes bisa diobati dengan melakukan terapi pemijatan pada titik
refleksi diabetes, titik-titik refleksi terfokus pada sistem pencernaan dan
pankreas sebagai penghasil insulin. Titik refleksi berada pada telapak kaki

kanan dan kiri serta pada kedua telapak tangan. Berikut ini gambar titik-titiknya
yang sudah ditandai dengan warna merah.
Keterangan gambar:
Nomor 1 adalah titik refleksi kelenjar tiroid
Nomor 2 merupakan titik refleksi serabut syaraf lambung
Nomor 3 titik refleksi lambung
Nomor 4 adalah titik refleksi kandung empedu
Nomor 5 adalah titik refleksi organ pankreas
Nomor 6 merupakan titik refleksi usus 12 jari (Duodenum)
Nomor 7, 8 dan 9 merupakan titik refleksi ginjal, saluran kencing dan
kandung kemih
Nomor 10 merupakan titik refleksi ginjal di telapak tangan kanan dan
Nomor 11 titik refleksi lambung di kedua telapak tangan
Nomor 12 adalah titik refleksi lambung dan usus di telapak tangan

Cara Mengobati Diabetes dengan terapi refleksi

Setelah anda mempelajari dan memahami letak titik refleksi diabetes seperti
pada gambar yang disediakan diatas, sekarang saatnya memulai terapi
pemijatan pada titik-titik tersebut dimulai dari titik di telapak kaki dan
dilanjutkan pada titik refleksi di telapak tangan. Sebelum melakukan pemijatan,
baca dulu pelajaran dasar refleksi diartikel yang lain. Untuk titik refleksi di
telapak kaki Pemijatan bisa anda lakukan dengan menggunakan kayu
yang sudah dibuat agak runcing diujungnya dan pemijatan menggunakan
kayu yang sudah diruncingkan lebih unggul daripada pemijatan dilakukan
dengan jari tangan.
Lakukan pemijatan pada titik refleksi diabetes selama minimal 3 menit pada
setiap titiknya, dimulai dari titik nomor 1 sampai 12 secara berurutan. pemijatan
dilakukan dengan tenaga sedang atau tidak terlalu kuat, jika terlalu sakit bisa
dikurangi tekanan pemijatan. Untuk penderita diabetes yang sudah akut, terapi
bisa dilakukan 3 kali sehari selama tiga hari pertama, setelah itu terapi bisa
dilakukan 1 kali setiap hari sampai kadar gula didalam darah kembali normal.
Terapi refleksi pada titik refleksi diabetes, memiliki keunggulan seperti
menormalkan kinerja sistem pencernaan, termasuk menormalkan kinerja
pankreas untuk memproduksi insulin yang dibutuhkan sel-sel untuk
menyerap glukosa didalam darah untuk diubah menjadi energi. Normalnya
kinerja lambung dan kelenjar pendukung termasuk pankreas akan
menyembuhkan diabetes yang anda alami.
Pengaruh Hormon Insulin dan Diabetes

Seluruh sel dalam tubuh manusia membutuhkan glukosa agar dapat bekerja
dengan normal. Kadar zat gula dalam darah biasanya dikendalikan oleh hormon
insulin yang diproduksi oleh pankreas, yaitu organ yang terletak di belakang

Tetapi organ pankreas milik penderita diabetes tidak mampu memproduksi

hormon insulin sesuai kebutuhan tubuh. Tanpa insulin, sel-sel tubuh tidak dapat
menyerap dan mengolah glukosa menjadi energi.

Risiko Diabetes Kehamilan

Diabetes juga kerap menyerang para ibu hamil. Terdapat sebagian wanita yang
memiliki kadar glukosa dalam darah yang sangat tinggi selama masa kehamilan,
sehingga tubuh mereka tidak dapat memproduksi cukup insulin untuk
menyerapnya. Diabetes yang dikenal sebagai diabetes kehamilan ini dapat
terjadi pada sekitar 15 hingga 18 orang di antara 100 wanita yang hamil.

Penderita diabetes tipe 1 yang hamil juga akan memiliki risiko tinggi karena
dapat berdampak pada ibu serta janin. Sangatlah penting bagi penderita diabetes
yang sedang hamil untuk menjaga keseimbangan kadar gula darahnya.

Ibu yang sedang hamil sebaiknya lebih cermat memantau kadar gula darah pada
trimester kedua (minggu 14-26). Pada masa itulah diabetes kehamilan umumnya
berkembang dan kemudian hilang setelah melahirkan. Meski demikian, risiko
diabetes tipe 2 pada wanita yang pernah mengalami diabetes kehamilan adalah
sekitar tiga kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan populasi pada umumnya.

Contoh Dialog:

Pasien : Selamat pagi

Perawat : Selamat pagi bu, ada yang bisa saya bantu?
Pasien : Begini, akhir-akhir ini saya merasakan cepat lelah dan sering buang
air kecil, oleh karena itu saya datang kesini.
Perawat : Ohh..jadi begitu ya bu, boleh saya cek gula darah ibu?
Pasien : Ya, silahkan
Perawat : Setelah saya periksa gula darah ibu sangat tinggi yaitu 240 mg/dL
Pasien : Ohh begitu, apa penyebab gula darah saya tinggi?
Perawat : Begini bu, seperti yang ibu sebutkan tadi, itu adalah bagjan dari
penyebab gula darah tinggi, selain itu mungkin ibu kurang mengontrol asupan
makanan yang mengandung kadar gula tinggi, sehingga itu membuat glukosa
dalam darah ibu sangat tinggi.
Pasien : Hmm...benar juga, saya tidak bisa mengontrol pola makan saya
Perawat : sebelumnya, apakah keluarga ibu ada mengidap penyakit keturunan
seperti gula darah tinggi bu?
Pasien : Iya, kebetulan bapak saya mempunyai riwayat penyakit darah gula
darah tinggi
Perawat : Nah itu salah satu penyebab terbesar ibu memiliki gula darah tinggi
Pasien : baik, jadi sekarang apa yang harus saya lakukan untuk menangani
msalah ini
Perawat : Sebaiknya ibu menjaga pola makan Ibu dengan baik dan rajin
berolah raga, rutin cek kesehatan khususnya kadar gula darah, selain itu ibu juga
bisa melakukan penekanan atau pijatan pada bagian telapak tangan dan kaki ibu
Pasien : baik sus, terimakasih atas bantuan dan sarannya
Perawat : Saya harap selanjutnya ibu melaksanakan saran dari saya karena
sangat penting bagi kesehatan ibu
Pasien : Baik sus, saya akan melakukan sesuai dengan kemampuan saya.
Perawat : Baik bu, semoga ibu lekas sembuh
Pasien : Baik sus, saya permisi dulu
Perawat : Baik bu.
Blood Sugar Disease
Blood Sugar Disease or can be called Diabetes is a disease caused by high levels of glucose
or sugar in the blood due to impaired insulin secretion. Blood glucose is the main source of
energy and comes from the food we eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps
glucose from feeding to cells used for energy formation. Sometimes your body is not enough
- or - insulin or does not use insulin properly. Glucose will remain in your blood and not
reach your cell.

Over time, too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Even though diabetes
cannot be cured, you can take steps to manage diabetes and stay healthy.

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks
and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually
diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1
diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin properly. You can
develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes is
most common in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

3. Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this
type of diabetes disappears after the baby is born. However, if you have gestational diabetes,
you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later on. Sometimes diabetes
diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes


Here are the causes that trigger an increased risk of diabetes mellitus, including:

1. Descendants - People who choose blood relations with diabetics are more likely to
develop the disease than those who do not have it in the family. The risk depends on the
number of family members who suffer from diabetes. The more number of relatives
who suffer from diabetes, the higher the risk.
2. An unhealthy diet - so many unhealthy diets. Foods that contain too much sugar and
also foods that contain high fat and high cholesterol also trigger diabetes.

3. Obesity - Nearly 80% of people who suffer from diabetes in old age are usually
overweight. Being overweight increases the need for insulin in the body.

4. Age - The risk of diabetes increases with age, especially after the age of 40 years,
because the mechanism of cell development in a low state and the number of cells in the
pancreas that produce insulin decreases with age.

Some symptoms of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes include:

• Excessive fatigue

• Increased urination

• Thirst and dry mouth

• Weight loss

• Often hungry

• Blurred vision

• Feel confused

• Vulnerability to certain infections


Diabetes can be treated by doing massage therapy at the point of reflection of diabetes, the
reflection points are focused on the digestive system and the pancreas as producing insulin.
The reflection points are on the right and left soles of the feet and on both palms. The
following is a picture of the dots that have been marked in red.


Number 1 is reflecting the point of the thyroid gland

Number 2 is a reflecting pointing of gastric nerve fibers

Number 3 pointing gastric reflection

Number 4 is pointing of reflection of the gallbladder

Number 5 is the reflecting point of the pancreatic organ

Number 6 is a 12-finger intestinal reflecting pointing (Duodenum)

Numbers 7, 8 and 9 are reflecting points of the kidneys, urinary tract and bladder

Number 10 is the reflecting point of the kidneys in the right and left palms

Number 11 gastric is reflecting pointing both palms

Number 12 is pointing of reflection of the stomach and intestines in the palm

How to treat diabetes with reflection therapy

After you learn and understand the location of the diabetes reflection point as in the picture
provided above, it is time to start massage therapy at these points starting from the point on
the foot of the foot and continuing at the reflection point in the palm. Before doing the
massage, first read the basic reflections on other articles.

For reflection points on the soles of the feet, you can do a massage using wood that has
been made slightly pointed at the end and massage using sharpened wood is superior to
massage done with the fingers.

Massage at the point of reflection of diabetes for at least 3 minutes at each point, starting
from point 1 to 12 in sequence. massage is done with medium power or not too strong, if it is
too painful it can be reduced by the massage pressure. For diabetics who are already acute,
therapy can be done 3 times a day for the first three days, after which therapy can be done
once a day until the blood sugar levels return to normal.

Reflection therapy at the point of reflection of diabetes, havingadvantages such as

normalizing the performance of the digestive system, including normalizing the
performance of the pancreas to produce insulin needed by cells to absorb glucose in the
blood to be converted into energy. Normally the performance of the stomach and
supporting glands including the pancreas will cure diabetes that you experience.

Effect of Insulin and Diabetes Hormones

All cells in the human body need glucose to work normally. The level of sugar in the blood is
usually controlled by the hormone insulin produced by the pancreas, which is the organ
located behind the stomach.

But pancreatic organs belonging to diabetics are not able to produce insulin according to the
body's needs. Without insulin, body cells cannot absorb and process glucose into energy.
Risk of Pregnancy Diabetes

Diabetes also often attacks pregnant women. There are some women who have very high
blood glucose levels during pregnancy, so that their body cannot produce enough insulin to
absorb it. Diabetes, known as gestational diabetes, can occur in about 15 to 18 of the 100
pregnant women.

Patients with type 1 diabetes who are pregnant will also have a high risk because it can affect
the mother and fetus. It is very important for diabetics who are pregnant to maintain their
blood sugar levels.

Mothers who are pregnant should be more careful to monitor blood sugar levels in the second
trimester (weeks 14-26). That is when gestational diabetes generally develops and then
disappears after childbirth. However, the risk of type 2 diabetes in women who have had
diabetes pregnancy is about three times higher than the population in general.


An adjective can exist in three forms- positive, comparative and superlative. The positive
form in the base form of the adjective. The comparative form expresses a higher degree of
some quality. The superlative form expresses the highest degree.
Fill in the blanks with the comparative or superlative form of the adjective given in the

Superlative adjectives compare a group of things. Here is an example:

 Kevin is the oldest person in the park.

Three people are in the park. Tom is 20. Susan is 25. Kevin is 30. Therefore, Kevin is the
oldest person in the park. This is similar to saying Kevin is older than Tom and older than

Use superlative adjectives when you have more than two nouns to compare.

Here are a few more examples:

 I am the oldest person in my family.

 She is the tallest girl in the class.

Superlative Adjective Structure

Follow a similar structure to comparative adjectives. They use EST and THE MOST.

Subject + BE + The + Adjective + EST
 I am the oldest person in my class.
 My brother is the youngest person in his class.

Subject + BE + The + Most + Adjective

 This is the most expensive jacket in the store.

 She is the most beautiful woman I know.

Here is the chart to show you when to use EST and when to use MOST.

Base Adjective Add… Example

3 Syllables or the the most

more most beautiful

2 Syllables or
est Tall the tallest

If you follow the rules above, you will use superlative adjectives correctly. Now you can
check your knowledge with tese tests:

Superlative Adjectives Test

Superlative Adjectives Test 2

Practice More English Adjectives

 Adjectives Lesson – English Grammar

o Adjectives Test
o Adjectives Test 2
 Comparative Adjectives
o Comparative Adjectives Test
o Comparative Adjectives Test 2
o Comparative Adjectives Reading
 Superlative Adjectives – English Grammar Lessons
o Superlative Adjectives Test
o Superlative Adjectives Test 2
 Comparative and Superlative Adjectives Test
 Comparative and Superlative Adjectives Test 2
The infinitive is the base form of a verb. In English, when we talk about the infinitive we
are usually referring to the present infinitive, which is the most common. There are,
however, four other forms of the infinititive: the perfect infinitive, the perfect continuous
infinitive, the continuous infinitive, & the passive infinitive.

The present infinitive has two forms:

 the to-infinitive = to + base

 the zero infinitive = base

The present infinitive base is the verb form you will find in a dictionary.

To-infinitive Zero infinitive

to sit sit
to eat eat
to have have
to remember remember

The negative infinitive is formed by putting not in front of any form of the infinitive.


 I decided not to go to London.

 He asked me not to be late.
 I'd like you not to sing so loudly.
 I'd rather not eat meat.
 I might not come.

Functions of the to-infinitive

The to-infinitive is used in many sentence constructions, often expressing the purpose of
something or someone's opinion about something. The to-infinitive is used following a large
collection of different verbs as well. See this page about verbs followed by infinitives.

The to-infinitive to indicate the purpose or intention of an action

In this case to has the same meaning as in order to or so as to.


 She came to collect her pay cheque.

 The three bears went to find firewood.
 I am calling to ask you about dad.
 You sister has gone to finish her homework.

The to-infinitive as the subject of the sentence

This is a formal usage and is far more common in written English than spoken


 To be or not to be, that is the question.

 To know her is to love her.
 To visit the Grand Canyon is my life-long dream.
 To understand statistics, that is our aim.

The to-infinitive to indicate what something can or will be used for

In this pattern, the to-infinitive follows a noun or pronoun.


 The children need a garden to play in.

 I would like a sandwich to eat.
 I don't have anything to wear.
 Would you like something to drink?

The to-infinitive after adjectives

There is a common pattern using the to-infinitive with an adjective. These phrases are
subject + to be + adjective + (for/of someone) + to-infinitive + (rest of sentence)

Subject + to be + adjective (+ for/of someone) + to-infinitive (+ rest of sentence)

It is good to talk.
It is good of you to talk to me.
It is important to be patient.
It is important for Jake to be patient with his little brother.
I am happy to be here.
The dog is naughty to destroy our couch.
The to-infinitive to make a comment or judgement

To use the to-infinitive when making a comment or judgement about a noun, the pattern is:
Subject + to be + noun phrase + to-infinitive

Subject + to be + noun phrase + to-infinitive

It was a stupid place to park.
That is a dangerous way to behave.
What you said was a rude thing to say.
This is the right thing to do.
Those were the wrong kind of eggs to buy.
Jim is the best person to hire.
The to-infinitive with adverbs
The to-infinitive is used frequently with the adverbs too and enough to express the reasoning
behind our satisfaction or insatisfaction. The pattern is that too and enough are placed before
or after the adjective, adverb, or noun that they modify in the same way they would be
without the to-infinitive. We then follow them by the to-infinitive to explain the reason why
the quantity is excessive, sufficient, or insufficient. Normally the to-infinitive and everything
that follows can be removed, leaving a sentence that still functions grammatically.

 There's too much sugar to put in this bowl.

 I had too many books to carry.
 This soup is too hot to eat.
 She was too tired to work.
 He arrived too late to see the actors.
 I've had enough food to eat.
 She's old enough to make up her own mind.
 There isn't enough snow to ski on.
 You're not old enough to have grand-children!

The to-infinitive with question words

The verbs ask, decide, explain, forget, know, show, tell, & understand can be followed by a
question word such as where, how, what, who, & when + the to infinitive.

 She asked me how to use the washing machine.

 Do you understand what to do?
 Tell me when to press the button.
 I've forgotten where to put this little screw.
 I'm not sure I know who to call.

Functions of the zero infinitive

The zero infinitive after auxiliaries

 She can't speak to you.

 He should give her some money.
 Shall I talk to him?
 Would you like a cup of coffee?
 I might stay another night in the hotel.
 They must leave before 10.00 a.m.

The zero infinitive after verbs of perception

With verbs of perception, the pattern is verb + object + zero infinitive.


 He saw her fall from the cliff.

 We heard them close the door.
 They saw us walk toward the lake.
 She felt the spider crawl up her leg.

The zero infinitive after the verbs 'make' and 'let'


 Her parents let her stay out late.

 Let's go to the cinema tonight.
 You made me come with you.
 Don't make me study that boring grammar book!

The zero infinitive after the expression 'had better'


 We had better take some warm clothing.

 She had better ask him not to come.
 We had better reserve a room in the hotel.
 You'd better give me your address.
 They had better work harder on their homework.

The zero infinitive with "why"

The question word why is followed by the zero infinitive when making suggestions.


 Why wait until tomorrow?

 Why not ask him now?
 Why leave before the end of the game?
 Why walk when we can go in the car?
 Why not buy a new bed?


Comparison: comparisons of equality (as tall as his father)

from English Grammar Today
As … as …

If two things are equal in some way, we can use a comparison with as … as …. The
comparisons may involve adjectives (adj) or adverbs (adv) after the first as, and noun phrases
(np) or clauses after the second as:

He’s grown so much. He’s as tall as his father now. (adj + noun phrase)

The team is still as good as it was five years ago. (adj + clause)

The second game didn’t go as well as the first one. (adv + noun phrase)

The company is not performing as successfully as it did when Arthur Carling was the
President. (adv + clause)

When the second part of the comparison is a clause, the clause is often a reduced clause (a
clause with ellipsis) or one with a substitute verb do or a modal verb:

If the sales figures are as bad as predicted, the company will probably go bankrupt. (…as bad
as economists have predicted…)

I worked as hard as I had ever done in my life for my final exam. (…as hard as I had ever
worked in my life …)

We tried as hard as we could.

See also:

 Ellipsis
 Substitution

Noun phrases

If we use as … as … with a noun phrase, we must use much or little + uncountable noun or
many or few + plural noun:

She had as much work as she needed and did not want to take on any more.

There are as many students in Class 2A as there are in 2B.

He spent as little money as he could.

Negative forms

We can form the negative of as … as … with not as … as …, or with not so … as … The

form not as … as … is more common:

He didn’t run as fast as he did in the European Championship.

He didn’t pay as much tax this year as last year because he earned less.

She’s not so shy as she used to be. (less common)

I don’t read so many novels now as I used to. (less common)

Present Continuous Temse

Forming the present continuous

The present continuous of any verb is composed of two parts the present tense of the verb to
be + the present participle of the main verb.

(The form of the present participle is: base+ing, e.g. talking, playing, moving, smiling)

Subject + to be + base + ing
She is talking.
Subject + to be + not + base + ing
She is not (isn't) Talking
to be + subject + base + ing
Is she talking?

Examples: TO GO, present continuous

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I am going I am not going Am I going?
You are going You aren't going. Are you going?
He, she, it is going He, she, it isn't going Is he, she, it going?
We are going We aren't going Are we going?
You are going You aren't going Are you going?
They are going They aren't going Are they going?

Note: alternative negative contractions: I'm not going, you're not going, he's not going etc.

Functions of the present continuous

As with all tenses in English, the speaker's attitude is as important as the time of the action or
event. When someone uses the present continuous, they are thinking about something that is
unfinished or incomplete

The present continuous is used:

 to describe an action that is going on at this moment: You are using the Internet. You
are studying English grammar.
 to describe an action that is going on during this period of time or a trend: Are you
still working for the same company? More and more people are becoming vegetarian.
 to describe an action or event in the future, which has already been planned or
prepared: We're going on holiday tomorrow. I'm meeting my boyfriend tonight. Are
they visiting you next winter?
 to describe a temporary event or situation: He usually plays the drums, but he's
playing bass guitar tonight. The weather forecast was good, but it's raining at the
 with "always, forever, constantly", to describe and emphasise a continuing series of
repeated actions: Harry and Sally are always arguing! You're constantly complaining
about your mother-in-law!

BE CAREFUL! Some verbs are not usually used in the continuous form
Verbs that are not usually used in the continuous form

The verbs in the list below are normally used in the simple form because they refer to states,
rather than actions or processes.

Senses / Perception

 to feel*
 to hear
 to see*
 to smell
 to taste


 to assume
 to believe
 to consider
 to doubt
 to feel (= to think)
 to find (= to consider)
 to suppose
 to think*

Mental states

 to forget
 to imagine
 to know
 to mean
 to notice
 to recognise
 to remember
 to understand
Emotions / desires

 to envy
 to fear
 to dislike
 to hate
 to hope
 to like
 to love
 to mind
 to prefer
 to regret
 to want
 to wish


 to contain
 to cost
 to hold
 to measure
 to weigh


 to look (=resemble)
 to seem
 to be (in most cases)
 to have (when it means "to possess")*


Perception verbs (see, hear, feel, taste, smell) are often used with can: I can see... These verbs
may be used in the continuous form but with a different meaning

 This coat feels nice and warm. (your perception of the coat's qualities)
 John's feeling much better now (his health is improving)
 She has three dogs and a cat. (possession)
 She's having supper. (She's eating)
 I can see Anthony in the garden (perception)
 I'm seeing Anthony later (We are planning to meet)


1. I am going to the hospital
2. I am seeing to the patient in the emergency room
Dialog Example:

Patient: Good morning

Nurse: Good morning ma'am, can I help you with anything?

Patient: Look, lately I feel tired and often urinate, so I came here.

Nurse: that's how it is ma'am, may I check my mother's blood sugar?

Patient: Yes, please

Nurse: After I check the mother's blood sugar is very high at 240 mg / dL

Patient: Oh yeah, what causes my blood sugar to be high?

Nurse: Look, ma'am, as you mentioned earlier, it is part of the cause of high blood sugar,
other than that the mother may not control food intake which contains high sugar levels, so it
makes glucose in the mother's blood very high.

Patient: Hmm ... that's right, I can't control my diet

Nurse: before, did your mother's family have a hereditary disease like high blood?

Patient: Yes, it happened that my father had a history of high blood sugar

Nurse: Well that's one of the biggest causes of mother having high blood sugar

Patient: good, so now what should I do to handle this problem

Nurse: We recommend that mothers maintain a good eating pattern and diligent exercise,
routine health checks, especially blood sugar levels, in addition the mother can also do
pressure or massage on the mother's palms and feet

Patient: well, thank you for your help and advice

Nurse: I hope that the mother then implements my advice because it is very important for
maternal health

Patient: Good sus, I will do according to my ability.

Nurse: Good ma'am, I hope you get well soon

Patient: Good sus, I'll excuse you first

Nurse: Good ma'am.

1. Question

1) What is the topic about conversation above ...?


2) Where the conversation takes place ...?


3) How many people are there in the dialogue ...?


4) Who is in the conversation ...?


5) How much blood sugar is the patient in the dialogue ...?


6) What is the nurse recommendation to the patient ...?


7) Why can these patients have high blood sugar levels ...?

8) What the patient feels before going to the hospital ...?


9) What is causes of high blood sugar ...?


10) Are there families who suffer from high blood sugar ...?

11) What is the patiens blood sugar above?


12) What is the cause of the patient’s high blod sugar?


13) Is there family history of patient’s expleriencing high blood sugar?


14) What is the nurse suggesting to handle high blod sugar?


15) From conversations above who previously had high blood sugar?
1. Present continuous tense

1) Listen! Your father ............ to a friend right now

a. Talk
b. Talks
c. Is talking
d. Are talking
e. Talked
2) I’m sorry about the noise you are hearing, she........... a concert
a. Practice
b. Is praccticing
c. Practicing
d. Practiced
e. Are praccticing
3) Look! The students ......... football in the field now
a. Play
b. Plays
c. Is playing
d. Are playing
e. Playing

4) Jono ........ his kite now. He is at school

a. Isn’t flying
b. Aren’t playing
c. Doesn’t fly
d. Don’t fly
e. Is flying
5) The children are ........ by the river
a. Fished
b. Fish
c. Are fishing
d. Fishes
e. Is fishing
6) A : what are the girls doing ?
B : they .................... card
a. Play
b. Played
c. Are playing
d. Have played
e. Is played
7) Sista and Mita ......... discussing the material now
a. Is
b. Are
c. Was
d. Were
e. A
8) Listen! She’s ........ a beautiful song
a. Sing
b. Singing
c. To sing
d. Sings
e. Is singing
9) ............. listening to me now?
a. Is you
b. Are you
c. Was you
d. Were you
e. Does you
10) My brother........... at University of Indonesia
a. Are studying
b. Is studying
c. A studying
d. Was studying
e. Were studying
11) . Diana : Will you have lunch with me ?
Tamara : I’d love to, but I am still full. I… my lunch.
a. has
b. have
c. will have
d. have had
e. am having
12) Cindi : I wonder why Miss Intan … yet.
Putri : I do too. As I know, she is always on time.
a. hasn’t come
b. won’t come
c. didn’t come
d. havn’t come
e. isn’t come
13) Our teacher never … England.
a. visiting
b. visits
c. has visited
d. visited
e. had visited
14) Rasti … her mother before she came home.
a. have phoned
b. phones
c. has phoned
d. phoned
e. had phoned
15) The drugs … by Diego, she got influenza.
a. drinking
b. has drank
c. has been drank
d. have drank
e. had been drank

2. Vocabulary

No Bahasa ingris Bahasa indonesia

1. Penyakit Disease

2. Kadar Levels

3. Gangguan Disturbance

4. Pembentukan Formation

5. Energi Energy

6. Menyebabkan Causes

7. Diabetes Diabetes

8. Disembuhkan Healed

9. Mengelola Manage
10. Kekebalan Immunity

11. Kekebalan Attack

12. Menyerang Attack

13. Menghancurkan Destroy

14. Diagnosis Diagnosis

15. Penderita Patient

16. Setengah baya Middle-aged

17. Berkembang Depeloping

18. Kehamilan Pregnacy

19. Tergantung Dependens on

20. Memicu Trigger

21. Hampir Almost

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