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Jalan Pramuka Nomor 33, Jakarta 13120
Telepon (021) 85910031 (Hunting), Faksimile (021) 85910106
Web:, E-mail:
Nomor : S-4199/SU02/1/2019 4 Oktober 2019
Lampiran : Satu Set
Hal : Penawaran Beasiswa Pendidikan Gelar S2 di Jepang

1. Direktur yang Membidangi SDM pada Kedeputian
2. Kepala Biro
3. Kepala Pusat
4. Inspektur
5. Kepala Perwakilan BPKP
di Lingkungan BPKP

Bersama ini kami teruskan Surat Kepala Pusat Pembinaan, Pendidikan, dan Pelatihan
Perencana Bappenas (Pusbindiklatren Bappenas) Nomor 1455/P.01/09/2019 tanggal 25
September 2019 hal Penawaran Beasiswa Pendidikan Gelar S2 Young Leader’s Program
(YLP) di Jepang. Program beasiswa S2 tersebut merupakan program beasiswa yang dikelola
langsung oleh Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT),
Government of Japan. Program beasiswa S2 tersebut akan diselenggarakan oleh universitas
1. bidang sekolah pemerintahan oleh National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
(GRIPS), dan
2. bidang hukum oleh Kyushu University.
Berkenaan dengan hal tersebut, kami mohon bantuan Saudara untuk dapat menyebarkan
informasi mengenai penawaran program beasiswa S2 tersebut pada unit kerja Saudara dan
mengusulkan nama-nama pegawai yang berminat untuk mengikuti program beasiswa S2
tersebut. Berkas pendaftaran dapat disampaikan kepada Biro Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM)
c.q. Bagian Perencanaan, Pengembangan, dan Penilaian Kompetensi Pegawai paling lambat
tanggal 8 Oktober 2019. Usulan berkas pendaftaran yang masuk ke Biro SDM akan terlebih
dahulu diverifikasi sesuai Peraturan Kepala BPKP Nomor 12 Tahun 2014 tentang Tugas
Belajar di Lingkungan BPKP, sebelum diteruskan kepada Pusbindiklatren Bappenas untuk
diproses lebih lanjut.
Demikian kami sampaikan.
Atas perhatian Saudara, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Kepala Biro,

Sally Salamah
NIP 19670420 198703 2 001

Yth. Sekretaris Utama BPKP
TELEPON (021) 31928280, 31928285; FAKSIMILE (021) 3103705

Nomor : 1455/P.01/09/2019 25 September 2019

Lampiran : 1 (satu) berkas
Hal : Penawaran Beasiswa Pendidikan Gelar S2 di Jepang

Daftar Terlampir

Sehubungan dengan surat penawaran beasiswa pendidikan gelar S2 dari Kedutaan Besar
Jepang di Indonesia, bersama ini kami sampaikan penawaran beasiswa S2 Young Leaders Program
(YLP) untuk bidang Sekolah Pemerintahan dan Hukum (keberangkatan Oktober 2020). Program YLP
akan diselengarakan oleh universitas sebagai berikut:
1. Bidang sekolah pemerintahan oleh National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS); dan
2. Bidang hukum oleh Kyushu University.
Sebagai informasi, beasiswa YLP dikelola langsung oleh Ministry of Education , Culture,
Sports, Sciences and Technology (MEXT), Government of Japan. Mohon bantuan Saudara untuk
dapat menyebarkan informasi beasiswa pendidikan gelar tersebut kepada unit kerja di lingkungan
instansi Saudara agar dapat digunakan untuk peningkatan kompetensi staf sesuai kebutuhan
instansi. Berkas pendaftaran (terlampir) dapat disampaikan kembali kepada kami paling lambat 10
Oktober 2019 untuk diproses lebih lanjut kepada Kedutaan Besar Jepang di Indonesia.
Demikian disampaikan, atas perhatian dan kerja sama yang baik, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

1. Sekretaris Kementerian PPN/Sekretaris Utama Bappenas;
2. PPK Program PPN X, Kementerian PPI\I/Bappenas.
!\lomor : 1455/P.01/09/2019
Tanggal : 25 September 2019

Kepada Yth.
1. Kepala Biro Sumber Oaya Manusia, Kementerian Keuangan;
2. Kepala Biro Umum, Kementerian PANRB;
3. Kepala Biro Umum, Lembaga Adminitrasi Negara;
4. Kepala Biro Kepegawaian, Badan Kepegawaian Negara;
5. Kepala Biro Kepegawaian, Kementerian Oalam Negeri;
6. Kepala Pendidikan dan Pelatihan, Kementerian Luar
7. Kepala Sumber Manusia, Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan;
8. Kepala Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi, Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan;
9. Kepala Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan, Pusat Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal;
10. Kepala Biro Organisasi Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Badan
Pertanahan Nasional.
Yth . Kepala Pusat Pembinaan dan Latihan Perencana
di Jakarta

Jakarta , 11 September 2019

No : 02/IX/2019
Hal : Penawaran Beasiswa Young Leaders' Program (YLP) 2020

Dengan hormat,

Sehubungan dengan adanya program beasiswa dari Pemerintah Jepang yaitu

beasiswa MONBUKAGAKUSHO (Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Olah Raga, Ilmu

Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Jepang), kami bermaksud menawarkan beasiswa Young Leaders'

Program (YLP - Master Course) untuk bidang Sekolah Pemerintahan dan Hukum, untuk

keberangkatan Oktober 2020.

Bersama ini kami lampirkan panduan dan formulir aplikasi program tersebut. Bagi

yang berm in at dan memenuhi persyaratan, dapat mengikuti program ini dengan mengisi

formulir dan melengkapi dokumen yang diminta, lalu mengirimkan kepada kami (Bagian

Pendidikan Kedutaan Besar Jepang di Jakarta) paling lambat tanggal15 Oktober 2019.

Demikian surat penawaran dari kami . Apabila terdapat pertanyaan silakan

menghubungi M s. Juliant melalui telepon (021) 3192-4308 maupun email

juliant.britantia@d j.mofa.go.[p . Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya, kami mengucapkan

terima kasih banyak.

\6/ _ ¥\
Lo.~'- \\-.A-,\J..-o-~ (~-' Hormat kami,

f1s \1'\ ,J.., \)\~ . bf<!\os::

A,tas~ Pendidikan



Late July for YCP open.

October ist
Instlturions recommend C-(lndldmes 10 the of Japan wHh
necessary documents.
From Late November The Jap<lHCSC universities conduct lirst screening.

. !Vr arch The YLP Committee in MEXT conducts second
MEXT notifies the resuits through the Embassy to the institutions.
MEXT airline tickets to the grantees the
Students arrive in

-~ .. -.~- .....-.......-----. - - - - _ .... _ - - - - - _ .
"'Note: This schedule is preliminary. Derailed schedules will be announced the of
in your country.


1 Number of Scholarship Recipients

In YLP are five courses, and t:ilch course wiil accept to 10 20 siudents in totaL Available courses vary

Dependmg on the situation of the "n<,np,~p Government's budget. the number of students to be accepted and the
conditions cou ld differ from those described In the GUIdelines of each course.

2 Important Points on Requirements and Application Procedures

l i) must have with excelknt grades from a and be able to study in 11

for olle yeaL

(2) Applicants must meet all qualifications and reqUlrc.meflls stated In the Guidelines ofeach course.
The must be observed uno any wiil not be allowed.
(3) The number of grantees is limited and all candidates wi II bt' evaluated comparatively. Therefore. candidates
'<vho meet all slill might not be selected. is also possible that none of the candidates from
your institution will be selected) Please take this point into consideratlOll when candidates.
Some students in the past reUlrned 10 their home countries without the program due
to mental or problems, In oddition. some students required long-term trealment because they had
come to Japan without curing infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, tH)hus,
(lnd so all. With due consideration to the l!Jat the students wU.! be staying for a
period in [j country with 11 very different environment from that in the home country, make very sure
of the student'S medica! condition (Including past medical history), and try to ensure that an}! student with
an illness trccilment recclws such treatment befonc: COH1l1lg to
"i"r,,,,r,I1Pi or at the time ofthell' arnval in and/or

of the payment oftbc

3 Notice Method
Each institution can decide how (0 studt:nls about this Scholarship, However, the notiftcatio!l should he
done in the most effective way in order to ensUl\' (bal ;:;tudcnts wili for the

website: 374094,hlm

In should be instructt~d to seck infonllalion about the univcrsitie:.; offering YLP courses
through their brochures or websites sec the Application Guidelines of e~lch course for !he relevant

4 Acceptance of Forms
observe the application period strictly and submit the necessary number of
documents The institution must verify if all are
completed correctly and not any necessary documents. Please accept the application fOnTIS only when
necessary con'cctions arc made by the On a,-"'_<CLJU',,""". please make sure particu larly following points.

(1) The language and translations

Documents must be filled out or written in Attach an English translation if they are written in another

(2) Documents to be submitted

(a) Application fonn
(i) The prescribed fOnTIS oftbis year must be used for to ULll''-'''.UVU. Please till outrhc forms clearly (especially
the applicant's name) and put an form and aU other necessary documents of an applic-ant together into
one envelope.

(ii) In the column of 'Educational 'write the names of the schools or institutions that the
applicant attended in the spaces Education', Education' and 'Higher Education' which
correspond to the system of Education - &hool', 'Secondary
.:>e!;Oll.G<tI-y &bool' and school'.

"'Note: Please wrile the exact number that the was enrolled in each institution. If an applicant
a year in any school or it must be mentioned.

(b) Certified grade transcripts for each academic year

Transcripts of the certified grades earned by the in all the studied for cach academic year at the
student's undergraduate and/or graduate schools are necessary (A certificate or a gI<LOUlltllQU certificate
simply showing the ranking of the applicant at will not substitute for academic tra11Sl;n]:)ts. The
transcripts must show the grade scale applied.), If the
original transcript should be submitte.d. year there are many
transcripts are not attached or the submitted copies are not verified. Please read the f\p!j)II,CatlO'a Guidelines
(c) Recommendation letters
Please make sure to issue recommendation letters from your institution for the There are many cases

- 2 ­
that such Icrlers are not atuched In a letter. there should be included detailed

such i:l::' academic motivatIOn for and


For' Recommendation Letter from the applicant'5 direct superior at work' and' Recommendation Letter from the
applicant's at work or professor orthe university', those written on the forms
will be Please make sure that submit 31! of two letters.

(d) Certificate of
must use the form and have the doctor fill out all items in the form. Recommending
institutions must choose medical institutions for the examination.

In the past, some students were affected with illness such as tuberculosis and mental disorder after
even though have not stared any illness al the interview conducted by
institutions. Please take thi::; fact into account when you interview and examine applicants. ptease mention in the
recommendatIOn letter when there arc with disabilities and need care to in

Graduation certificate (English translation must be

A certificate from graduate and/or undergradw,ite schools must be submitted }'tar there are
many thai the original ~N""'n'0 are nol attached or tbe submitted are not verified,
Please read the Application Guidelines carefully.

(f) An essay of 3 pages explaining reason for application and future

An essay within 3 pages must be submltlcd. In the essay the reason for application and future
after the completion of YLP must be t"xpl?ined ?od

(g) Certificate of English proficiency

year there are many cases that certi !icates are not submitted. Please make sure that applicants submit them,

(3) How to submit documents

Put all the "jJjJUI","'VH documents of each applicant into one envelope byMEXT.

(4) Putting number on the documents

to the to number the documents in the upper rlghl­
hand comer. In case this is not done institution should number the documents

(5) Incomplete documents

documents nol completed fully and correctly or necessary documents will not be dLL,,""IC;U
If cannol get any of necessary documents because of the circumstances in their home such
documents could be substituted by the ones cCltificd to be true by the authority, the government in their
home countries or the Embassy

5 Applicants in Japan
"'''''''"lllY institutions can decide whether they pennit the of people
but hVlng in their home countries have priority over those HOWever. those

• 3 .
who ha\'e been currently enrolled in l\ Japanese university with iI status of residence of "Student" and those who
are enrolled or scheduj<:d to be enrolled as il privately ftnanced intemational smdent during the period hom the
beginning of application to the beginning of the scholarship payment arc not eligible


The candidates to be recommended to MEXT through the Ernbassy of Japan and the Japanese Ministry of Foreign
Affairs should be selected in accordance with the following method,

1 Method of Selection
Each recommending institut!on can use the selection method at. their discre60n, bur is asked to examine accurately
each applicant's English ability, personality, reasons for applying, etc. in full consideration with the objectives
and characteristics of each course,

2 Criteria for Selection

Candidates must meet the following criteria aiong with the required quaiifications:
(I) Candidates must have excellent grades and have the ability to study in their desired field;
(2) Candidates must be physically and rnentaily healthy (The students who have developed symptoms of mental
problems, malaria, tuberculosis, diabetes, hepatitis, etc" after coming to Japan have usually suffered from
ihe same disease in the past. Please take this into consideration);
(3) Candidates must have a verifiable identity;
(4) Candidates must be able to easily adapt to a new environment and a different culture;
(5) Candidates must have a rich international cultural understanding:
(6) Candidates must not have Japanese nationality or dual nationality between his/her country and Japan;
(7) Candidates must not be a military personnel or military CIvilian employees;
(8) Candidates must not be currently enrolled in a Japanese university with a visa status of "Student" or enrolled
or scheduled to be enrolled as a privately financed international student during the period from the beginning
of application to the beginning of the scholarship payment;

Please do not reconmlend applicants who obviously have difficulty in continuing their studies for the required
period of time after coming to Japan (I.e" those who have to do military service, etc,),


The nomination of candidates should be made by the recommending institution with then ccmpleted application
documents by the date designated by the Embassy ofJapan, It is the responsibility of the recommending institution
to ensure that all necessary documents are provided by the deadline,

In case some of the necessary documents are lacking and need to be submitted later, please make sure to confinn
the deadline with t.1)e Embassy of Japan. If the document is not submitted by the deadline, or cannQt be expected
to be ready, it will be considered as "unaccepted" (impossible to rc(:ommend),

- 4 ­

1 First Screening
The candidates who are recommended tach institution are selected the ulllversities
YLP courses in the First The selection will be based on the submitted documents and a face-lo-face
or telephone interview The uni vcrSlties will rec()num~nd candidates \0 the YLP commitlee established in MEXT,
based on the results of the First

2 Second Screening
The YLP committee conducts the Second for the candidates recommended by the

3 Announcement of Result
After the Second "'~1,'p"'n'r'(1 process, the final selection results will be notified to each recommending institution
through the of Japan. The institutions notify the results to their candidates. and confiml
the successful candidates their intention to C:1ro!l the university a fonn of
to the of Japan.

4 No objection is permitted
The recommending institution must explain to the successful candidates that any ""h"""I'I"~" to the decision on the
or course win not be when the results.

5 In Case of Withdrawal
If a successful candidate expresses withdrawal from this program. the institution asks him/her to
contact the of Japan with the letter the reason for withdrawal and hislher The
withdrawal will be notified to the via the the
and MEXT.

6 Waiting List
When the number of successful candidates is less than the number because of withdrawals etc., there
is a possibility that candidates on the. Waiting list wd] additionally pass the Selection. The candidates to be put on
the Waiting list wilt be chosen by the YLP committee the Second ,.)\.. ''''''1111 and the YLP conunittee will
not choose any more candidates after the Second Screening.

The university will contact the successful candidates from the Waiting List to confinn their intentions
to enroll the llniver:;;i!y. Once the offiCial result will be notified to the institulJon via
the Embassy of Japan.

- 5

Selected students (grantees) may cause variolls problems after coming to Japan because of their lack of knowledge
or misunderstanding of procedures for cornmg to 13pan. Please pay particular anent ion to the following points. If
there are any questions about procedures aft~r sclection, please inquire tbe Embassy of Japan.

1 Visa Issuance
A 'Shldent' visa will be issued by the Embassy of Japan in each grantee's country to the grantee upon his/her
application tor visa issuance.

2 Airline Ticket
(I) MEXT stipulates the travel schedule and route, and provides the grantee via the Embassy of Japan an
economy-class airline ticket for the flight from the international airport closest to grantee's residence (in
principle, the country of nationality) to Narita International Airport or any othc:r international airport used
on the nonnai route (a the accepting university. Tn principle, the address in the country of the grantee's
nationality stated in the application Conn shall be recognized as hislher ·'residence." However, if the address
stated in the form is decided to be changed at the time of departure from his/her country, the new address
within hisiher home country will be regarded as hisfher "residence".
(2) The provided airJine ticket has a fixed date and flight number. Visitmg relatives or friends, staying for
sightseeing, research or short visit, etc. on the way to Japan are not permitted.
(3) The departure date and flight are fixed due to hotel arrangements at a stopover location, flight transfer
circumstances, arrivaJ procedures, and residency arrangements. Therefore, change of the ticket date by the
grantee is not permitted.
(4) The provided airlIne ticket cannot be transferred to another pC'Tson, nor can it be exchanged for money.
Furthermore, the grantee shall bear at hIs/her O\,lf11 expense ail costs related to domestic travel fi'om the
grantee's residence to the nearest international airpol1, airport t41xes, airport usage fees, special taxes
necessary for travel, travel expenses within Japan (including airline transit costs), travel insurance expenses,
cany-on luggage or unaccompanied baggage expenses, etc.
(5) The airline ticket will only be provided lor the grantee. Family members or others who may accompany the
grantee to Japan will not receive any travel or other funds.

3 Date of Arrival in Japan

(1) The arrival period will be designated by the accepting university within two weeks before and after the
startmg date of the course
(2) frthe grantee intends to arrive in Japan before the arrival period designated by the university, the scholarship
for that month \'/il! not be paid.
(3) The airline ticket will not be provided to any grantees who mtend to come to Japan beforelafterthe designated
date by MEXT without permission, and there will be no refund after amval. The grantee will be treated as
a student of this program only after the arrival dale designated by MEXT. Therefore, if a. grantee intends 10
come to Japan before the designatcd date, he/shc must bear the responsibility tor travel arrangeme.nts.
entrance procedures and living arrangements after arrival.
(4) In principle, the change of grantee's alTival dare and flight will not be permitted. However, if any change is
required due to unavoidable reasons for himlJ:ter. please contact MEXT through the of Japan [n
such a case, the grantee must wait for the contact from MEXT after all the procedures iocluding residence
arrangements, etc., are rescheduled. In Japan, all courses w111 begin right after the arrival date. In case of
arrival delay, there is a possibility that the acceptilnce to this program will be revoked.

- 6 ­
(5) If the travel agency demands payment for Inc difference of night ftc due to ;my departure or flight changes
and if the grnntee pays at the moment of depalture, no refu nd wtll be given after arrival. Therdort:, when
any changes occur, please contact the Embassy of Japan to fl'ld out the necessary procedures before

4 Withdrawal or Revocation of Acceptance

(I) If a grantee cannot alTive within the dt~ignaled arrival period, It will be a great hindrance to the grantee'5
education at rhe university as well as the re:;arc:h program In thi:, case, the acceptance to this program mig!H
be revoked.
(2) If a gnllltee withdraws from the program after receiving the airline ticket, MEXT will collec! tt through the
travel agency.
(3) If a recommending institution sends many grantees that withdraw from this program Or retum to their home
cOllntry due to personal reasons in the middle of the progrilrn, the institution's participation as a
recorrunending institution will be recons:dered . Therefore, when recommending candidates, please make
sure to guide them 110t to withdraw from Ihl? program as m\lch as possible

5 Stud~nts Accompanied by Family Members

(1) ff a grantee wishes to be accompanie:d by his1her family members, the rcconunending institution must ask
the grantee to inform it to the accepting university before deparrure. If the family members wish to
accompany the grantee, they must be mfonned that there will be no increase of the scholarship and no
t.raveling fee for the family members.
(2) Immigration proee.dures for the family members witi be completeiy different from those for the grantee.
Therefore, please make sure to (lsk the Embassy of Japan about necessary procedure to obtain the visa for
the family members before departure.

6 Guidance before Departure Date

As the Embassy of Japan will hold an orientation session before departure, the recommending institution must
ask the grantees to participate in the orientation.

- 7 ­

I. Objectives
The Young Leaders' Program (YLP) aims to contribute to cultivate future national leaders in Asi;)n and other
countries, moreover, to contribute 10 establish friendly rcl;)tionshlps among variolls eountnes and to improve policy
planning activities by forming;) network ;)n1ong national leaders thorough deepening their understanding of Japan
The YLP is one oft11e Japanese Govemmcnt (MEXT*) Scholarship Programs.
*MEXT: Ministry ofFducation, Culture, Sports. Science and Technology

2. Eligible Countries ;)nd Participanl~

Particip.ants are selected from the countric~ listed below. They should be young public administrators and
governmcnt oOicials who are expected to play active roles in the future as national leaders in their home countries.

Eligible Countries

P R. China, Rep. or Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Viet Nam, Laos,

Myanmar, Cambodia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic. Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, India,

Pakistan, Sri Lanka. Australia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey

(29 Countries)

3. Host University
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)

4. Number of Students
Approximately 20 students

5. Recruitment and Selection

(11 Method of Recruitmellt
Recruitment will be conducted through the recommending authorities of each eligible country Pk:a~;.; ask the
Japanese for further information.
(2) Screening Procedure

First screening by the recommending authorities

Second screening GRlPS

Final screening by tlle YLP commiuce by MEXT

6. Cuniculum refer to "Curriculum GUIdelines".)

(J) Basic Cone<ept'>
The currIculum is designed to train and cultivate national leaDers in their respective fields of govemment, who
are seeking to take advantage of Japan's of interaction with both Vv'esiem and Asian countrk-s and
also to a human network through various activities, such as special lectures, co!l:oquium, independem
study. field trips. etc.
(2) Coufse Duration and Qua!.ific3tioD
Course duration i,: one year, resulting in the conferTal of a Master's Degree in Public Administratioo;'Public
Policy by GRIPS
(3) Language

All lectures are conduct<.-d ill EnglistL

7. Cornmc:nccment of the Program

October 2020


MEXT will offer scholarsh1ps to foreign students who wish to study at GRIPS as YLP students in public
admillis1rati()n 'publi.:: policy for the academic year 2020 under the MEXT Scholarship Program_ The conditions arc
(\" iL'UOWS:
I. Fidd of Srudy
PuhilL Adl11illi"tr~I(lOn:P!lhlic Pollcy

2, Qll:1!tficillions

of October I, 2020 111

!llI/fl' ).

(5} English . \ minllnUITI TOEI-"L iBT

(6) Healrh. must be

phYsician on a pr...::-cnbcd cl'{1liicak of health.

(7) Arm'al in In prim:ipl<!,

within twO weck<. bdore and
applicant cannu! anne in w!ll
not he paid.
(X) \'I:-a R<.:quircrD<.'111 In priIK'iplc. a ,c:h:,:lcd 1!lU~1 obtain ii "SllIdcnC (
diplomatic mission klcah'd in the counlr~ of natlOna! and entef Japan with the :'\t'ltu~ \)1
··Student." ..\ppl iC<Jnts who thcir c'SiJ':lh.:C :;Iatu'> \(l any status (ltller than "Student"
arrival in \\'111 irnmcdialdy th~'H ~wtLlS as a :\1EXT Schobr"bip student.
(f») Non-Elil~ibility: Applicants \"ho I1WClllllY (\1' all of the f'oll<m (mUllion:; arc not eligible, If identified after
acceptance of the scholarship grantees, the appilcams will be rt'qllircd !() \\ !thdraw from the scllolarstll[1:
who are military cj\'ili:lI1 t:n1ployces:1t the oml' of their ::lITivalm Japan 01'
the period llflhe payment of the
Those who cannot JITjvc in J;IP:1Il
Tlwse who ,1[e cnrolkd in a uni\\~rsity PI' 0111<':[ Il1stitution with Ii residenc..::: .s.t;lti1~ of
"Student" ( [0 be or pbn to enroll, in a Japanese uni\'cr~il: Gr ()Iher
JHtcrnatlonal stuck'Dr frnm the lim<.: ni'apphc<ltion Lethe MEXT sdlOlur,;hip
program In COtlnllY until the commencement of Ihe pcriod ttl!' payment of the MEXT
t<) pri\,:1tcly-ilnanccd mtcmational student:; who. e\en

10 .enroll. in a Japanese unin:rsIIY. n:rifiably compiclc thclr studiec>

perh){t return 10 t\teir humc ,'(iUnlry at the Time of the
the "Studt'lll" residence slatus nr,d ctime: h) Japan;
Those who arc moncy flOm an organization other than MEXT a
government on top of the mOI1l:Y
aner the start of the
Holders of dual whQ cannot verify tbat will IIp
the time of the arrival in
to engage in fieldwork or an in a country other than Japan after submission of
Tbose who will lose their status as administraturs or govemment officials the lime nf
application or before uf the program.

3. Period of Scholarship
One year. from October 2020 to

4, Scholarship Bt~ncfits
(11 AIIowancc: 242.000 yen per 1110nth. Due \0 the situation orth.:: Japan\Cs~' Government's the ilmount of
payment llIay hI.: each lis..:a! year. The ,ci1oiar,hip will not he paid 10 a grant-.:e \Yho I~
absent from the

10 In principle, MEXT stipulates the travel schedule and route, and an
airline ticket from the international airport neuresl to his.'ber home address (in the
counuy of 10 Narita or Haneda International AirpO!1, The sha II bear at hil'!her OINn
expense all costs related to dOI1l<.:Slic travel fj'om hisl1cr home addrt:ss 10 the: Ih.'a1'es! intematlOl];tl airport.
u~agl.' JCI."~, spl.'cial taxes necessary for traye!. traYcI expenses within (including
airlmc WHISII tru,d msur::mce expenses, carry-on luggage or V ... i,,;';";';'- cxpclbes, elc.

add!'(',~ in the: cowHry oflhe gnmlee's natiollality stated in the form is in principle
as the "home address", If: however. the addr,-':>s staled in the form will he
from his!11cr country, Ihl' changed addn:s ... will be ;IS the "hol1)e

Bused on the appli..:alion lh~' granlce, MFXT wil! an airline l.i;.;klC't III
the and return 10 lhe home country Ihe cnd of Ule final
"3. Period of MEXT MEXT. in
airline' ticket from Nnf1la or Han-:du International to the
inlcrnatiomll airpo!1 (in in the country Dearest tu th..:
The granl<."I! bear 3t hi::'!l!:!r own expense all costs relaled 10 Inn d from the rc:-;i(knCe in
10 Xarita or Haneda international airport, airport laxe5. airpon u:,agc f('cs. taxes neces;;,lry for Iravel.
Ira, ..:1 within the ofnationality airline transit CO~IS'. travel insurance cxp..:nscs .·on or eXj.JI:lls.:s, etc.
tJ) Edl'cation Fe.::>: Fees f~'r cntmnc........ xaminalion, matriculation and tuitlOn wiil be paid MEXT

(4) Accommodatinm;:

In may reside at residence halls provided by GRrrs.

Private liouscs or Apartment Houses:

T110se who cannol accommodate in the facilities desl.'ribcd above will be an'ang\'d al
or apartments recommended by th.: (:;RIPS Student OtTice.

5. of
Paymenl nf the \\'ill be stopped for the reas~)ns given bdow. Should any of Ihe
",'""j",.,- l11.'Y be ord.:rcd 10 return a part ot: or all of. the scholarship paid up to th<11 time,
may also be the up to th<;:deci"i{ll1 on the disposition urthe malter
A grantee I!> detennined to have made a tiilse statement 011 his:l1cr applicalion:
A granlt.'c violates ;,my al11ci..:- of hil'iher made to the f\1inister of Educmicm. CultlU;e, Science
A granic\.' \lo1a11:" un)' J<.I.lI1<Ull;),1; laws <rnd is sentenced and imprisOIwd for an indefinite or fnr a
1 y~ar:

( .~ ) wi 11 $;elect inil.ial candidates a!l'lOflg

an int(:'f'Vkw. 00 th.. . .c\!~luatkm of the 1'ubmiu.\.>Q
~"'Hl to an inter'vicw. lfit is nt)t to hold 3<1 ffl1ervkw in th.: :<rllrili.r:.:allt'",
cOWliry, an interview may be condllct.ed or tht; lntemct.
en Tho!-C who hal'': been selcctoo be put fonvlll'cl to the YlP c~mmlittee l~!itablis.hcd MrXT
tOr the final selection,

7. Educatl,on at GRfPS
All lecturC'S and
X. The :\ pplicalioll Process
Sckction I()r adnllsslOll IS ba:,<:li ,m 'h.:: <:\:dl1:tllllll or'\Ipp\JJlin~~ (!ocuflKnb ,>uhmi1!cd. [krOlL' '>Lll'ling Y()lI!
application. plcase- rcvic\\ tlk r,d"'\', mg ;,ppilc;tll'~ll Pili,",""
l'nu will NOT be rcgi,lcrcd ;'s <Ill aprii,:;!!)! lI')lil \\e ha\,·: fen:l\d il c'Jrnplele set \If your required ,upportmg
If you haw applied ttl (;RIPS 11'1 rl(~\ i,,:), y(,jf', ;1I1d \Vl,i: 10 1'-"'[']111' this ~e;lr, uny supporting d\lCllillenh )Oll
submitted prcviously cannOI be.: uscd f(i\ rhi, y,:;u " ,1rrltcalit1n

A complete sel of your n:qutrcd suppol1inl,; dOLlIl11Cl1ts musl reach )'<)(11 recollullcndll1g auth~mfy by II" \k~ignat.:d
deadline, II is your n:,ponsihi Iity to prt~parc ,,11 supporti Ii;' Jo('umc'ills [;11' enough in alhance so as tu meet Ille
designated deadline. Incompletc applil';;liof)~ ,\lId <lppiicatlilllS rc("jn:d afier Ih(' deadltnc "ilillot be c()n~l\kn:(L
surl? 10

9, Supp0l1ing Documents
All documents must be in English. DOLument:> in langllag.::; (lliler thall English must bc accl)lnpanicd by an olTki"d
tl al1~hllion, I f the organization is~uiLt:. .'. ,j, '·LUii;"P' C3I11W! j"c lie ;u; ,:'!"~cial English version or Ihat do.;umenL ~(lU arc
required 10 submit both the \)lll~~i'1..1 doclImcnt (phott)eopic~ an: Hot acceptable), writ!t'n in its original i:lnguagc and
bearing the organization's stmnp or lh!;' si::'natlln: uf the Issuing pL'I,un, and an English tnmslallOl1 or tb('
document, prepared by an accredited Irans!:110L We will 1101 uccer! your own translation,
SUPPol1ing documenls, which Ix: I'n:p'1l'I.'d soldy hy the npplicanr, should be typed or printt:d when:'>cr possiblc

(1\4 size paper and :;il1gk-~idcd print;ag ;ji;; prderablc). If cin:uI11stances require, documents legibly handwritten
wilh a pel! or a ballpoint pen are acceptable.
lfyour name as writlen in your application is differenl from thai on the docurncl1t(s) you suhmit, and irtherc I.~ some
reason (e,g, for tile diflcrcllcl:. please.: submit ollieial documentation of that reason (c,g 1l13rriagc
Faxed documents or digital copi6 sent by c-mail will nOI hI: aeeepLL'd.
Do noL attach any additional documents apart from the It(,IllS li;;leu bt'low,
Number tIle documents from 'Y: to (the items nllJI1bcr~d in the list bt:low) in till' upper right coma of each


Please prepare a photograph of your fae(-, .in JCC(lrdancc with the .-:upulations on the form. ~mu paqe it onto the

and 3 phOlocopic,~)

academic and/or professional abilities, At leasl OI1C and prcfer:Jbly two should be writlen by your immediate
superiors at work,
You are required to request each of ylHlr recommenders to write a letter of rcc'ollUllendalioll using the dl'signatcd
tonn and imbnlit them along with the rCsl of Y{lHr s,upporting documents, all in one package, Each of your letters
must contain four A4 pages provided, Letters ~\lbmilted that d,) not use our designated ((mJ1S will not he accepted.
They must be submitted in seak'd. ullopened emclope~ signed an(lS~ the fhlp by the recomm.:nder.
'I ~"'•.U '''''' ,gr:l<J.lJi.l!jQl.Ull~_I'_cgrt ifis:a!es (1 original and 3 ph(}(0CUpies for each

You mllst submit ollicial transcript:.. of academic rL'(;\Jrd ;md graduation degr-:c .:ertifi\:ah:!> fwm all undcrgraduate
and lpatiu<lk instllutions at1ended. Thesc I11U"t be dOC\i1l1C!1b i~~ucd hy the uni",-'!"silY and bearing (he $C.1! or
prll\e rc:gi,lr:lr. and they ll1\l" be :;ubmincd in ,call'll. WWPl'llL'd envdopes with Ihe llni\t~r~lty logL' and
addres~ llOh'd: the l'Dwiopes IlllJ<;{ be signcd (>f qamped ;i(1'OSS till' flap by tl](' Issuing school atHhorillc,.

Official (r;\lbCnpts of acadcmlc recurd

Official transcnph should contain the !(IJlo\\lng inf"rmaliull tho: naill,' Oflhc
po:riott till' names of all com:-c:; takl'l1 ami grades reccivc.d. and the !>(:aic in.:luding the l1l:lxinlUll! ~radc
ppinl. sc,m:. It is helpful In have Ihe sttJden(~ r:lI1k in till: clas:> lIleludctl in the in!"()!IlI,ltlun. You shuuld obl;lin your
offi..:ialtranscripts fWIll each university you cHll'l1licd. If you arc' ,:!!nc'lltly atl::nding a l!nivcr~ily, pl..:ase suhmit your
most recent ITan~eripL

1 Ollieial gl1lduati()n!de~re,' certificates

OHl<.:lal c(,ftIficates should state Il1e name ,,1' )lUlif dcgr,'c ,wei thl' date the was 3wardcd. You should ubtatn
your ollieia I graduatiol1 '{kgrce eCltificatcs from each dl'grc~' awarding institution. If you are currently attending 3
university. you must submit an authorized ~.tlltCll1cnt of expected graduation the date of
and Iho: litk of the expccted dl'gJl'C upon (;(llllpktion or Ihc program. ~"--,~=-""-,,,,,c,.=.,.-==.,. =,,,,~., ..oo,.,.:.
=,-,"-'.=.o",-, ••

,'.>,..,.TH'''·','C that have be<?n opened all' not <H:cq)t;lhle.

"y. Tran~Gipts!ccl1ificatL's withoullill" institution' ~ ulTit:ial stamp or the signature of the registrar arc not
;. Photocopies oftranscriptsfccnificates t.hal have been \Trilled by a omary public are not acceptable.
ir If a uniwrsity has a policy no! to issue more than l)lk' official y()u may submit
rhotocol'lcS To be Ihese must bear 1h.: instirution's official stamp or the
I'll,'...'''''''''' cnvck~pt,~ with the and
addr.:ss noted; the c>nvelopcs must be or stampcd au-os:; the flap the school authorities.
;.. 11 a ullIvcrsily cannot issue an ()f1kitt! English \ cr;;ior1 of your lranscript/ you an: required to
submit both the {photocopi~ are not acceptable," 'WTIticn in its origjnallanguag~
lind beilling the institutioo' s stamp or the "ignaturc of thc and an Eng.lish translation of the
document prepared by an accredit.:d translator.
).c If an ofl1cial. traos<:npt docs not include the gJading !>Calc including the m,udmum you:are
n""'t1r,-rl to :lour kIter the details of the grading: scak
(including the mm<imutn
TIlat teller should enclosed 111 the ,,<lITh!
ir Provisional or temporary gmdllatitn:lidcgrce certificates are not
,. 1f you attended a insl i lution, plc.ase submit an officiaJ clocumelll
the awardmg institu~IOl1 and institution where the education was actually
conducted; the document must be iS~'lCd the awarding ins.titution.
and 3 photocopies)
One ofthe following lest scores is
1. TOEFL IBT: 79 or higber
2. IELTS Academic: 6.0 or higher
3. Other equivaknt test score
Please note thai test scores are \'alid for two years frol11 the tC$t date, and therefore, tests must have been
taten wi1.hin t\\'oYell'S of the time of enrollment at GRlPS. If you submit the results of a different l;:::i.l of
proficiency. plca.;;e sumnit a 'Cooven;lon ofth<: '¥Core to TOEFL or n~LTS.
Category 1: Appltc;:mts who have completed or expect to complete an undergraduate or it graduate degree ;if an
,'~""'C"-"''''',,','', 1I1C wi II be

Category::' ApplicHlts who have cu:npiekd or t'xpn:t to complete an Ulhlcr~radua!e or 3 graduate dc'!:,-rc'e :1( <111
institution \vhere the bllgl!a~'c elf InstructiQIl I~ l:;,glish n1:JY It:quc~l a waiver of the' blg1i"h language
proficiency requin:menL If y,)ll wi~h to apply for stich a waiver, you I1lIl\t subnlJt, as e\ idence, "eticial
doclllllcnts issllcd by thc l'duCallOllal !l1Stl!uttOll you ;,\{t,'nded, c('rtifying (hal your umlL'rgraduak 01' grad\l:I!e
education \\'a$ CNlduClcd in English Thl~ doc:UtnCnl must bc i~sllcd by tbl' uniwrsity and bcar tll..:
scal or :;!~naturl' of till' rcgi~trar. and it must he ~ubmined in ;{ ,,':ilcd. lInopl'ned l'll\clope witli thc uniwl ~jt\
logo and address I1lHcd; the c'1J\'l:iope ll1u:;:f bc signed or ~tal11ped aCl\lSS Ihe flap Ihe issuing school authority

Pka~c' llute th~t the granting of your language waiwr request i~ at thc dIscretion of our ;;('I('el1mg
committce and tklt y(\ur request for a languagc waiver \vill he considered at the tillle orscn:cning. Thi~
means that there is :l Iwssibilitv that your wal\l'r requcst will be dcnied, If pos~lbk. we stfOl,;lv
recommend thill you tuke a TOEFL or IFLTS test prJOr!O yOUI' applic<ltion.

YflU lllllst submit a copy urthe pilger;;) With your nmnc. Ildtiol1;]ii1y. datl' (lfbirlh :md photo, If you d<) lwt p,h.'.CSS a
p;hspol1. pk~ISC "llbmit ;) copy of YOllr I:jmily i'l'glsler or certificate nf citizenship

ftl!Un; (I origin:]i and ,


You lIlust ~llbl11it !i-page eS~;1y (kwriiting your fl'3stll1 Jmuliva!ion fix applying: filture plan;;: and ('xpcclallom from

the program as wdl as futun: carcer goals.

( I original ,;nd 3 photocopies)

:_~",:.:.=,,='-";'-:_''''':,',':,%; (I original and 3 pilo((leopic'" 11~l,' thc de~igna(ed lImn)

of health mils! bc i~su('d by the l11ed'c(l1 institution c!.;;;;lgllar.:d hy J,lP:lIlCSl' . all itcl1l~ nllhl be
completed. and all cOlllments mu~1 be \'Tiltcl! in [ nglish in blot'k kllcrs,

10, No!;,::;
(I) Each is H,hi"ed 10 icm11 some basic langllilgc and to acquire basic inforf1l<ltion Oil hp:1l1c;;c
climate, gcographv. clIstoms, university <::du('alion, and social conditions III Japan, as well as abollt the dlfferclll'c,
bdween til.,; Japanesc system and that of his her home cOllntry l,('forc dcpaninl:! ['ur Jap,H!,
(2) Ihe fir:;t in;;mllmen! or till.' p";,'mcm will be made fHlm one !lK'nth to OIk' and a half nlilnlh... illl::r
the gr<ll1tL'C arrival In Japan. the gr;Jll\,-"c rccommended It> iii least appn);'\!ll'l<11cly US <;;2J)(iO with him 11([
to immediah:' Il('cl's.;ary CXfH.'I"CS
(3\ T111,' pJYIl1<.:nt" "viI] he "ceuaI'Il of Japan i\l", I3Jll.k UP Bank) U(1l'lll'd c;lc'h
gJ;UlIi:C (Ilk! Ihl' ;'uri",,! in MEXT will 11':'[ tran;;fcr tb: let olher
(-4) Gmnlees flJu:-.t cnruil in National Health fnsumnce (KoktlO'ljllHnkcll1 uppn ;lrmal In
(5) Infrmnation the \1 EXT Scholarship tbh.: ( l ( birlh, rmtitinality, ;Jc'<,;-:ptillg
perino of enrulment, can.::c; path <ilkr
emnpiction of sdw!arship. Cl1l1!;1CI mformation !dcphonc number. e-mail mny be slmrcd \\ ith
other relevant !,-O\ ernment fOF thc purpt)se ofUliliza!ion fur 0\ cr"cu:; students programs impkmcnt.:d
during period in Japan. t'bllnw-up SlIr\ey, Ihe
()\'crsc;ls stud~nt
lnfl)rma!l,Jn Stutknls (exl'ludillg dale oj' binh and conwcl inl()nmHIOH) may he:
included iu publicity mallTials prep::ll\'d b) thc Jnpan~'~l' (iO\cmment t'ix pron101lllg the ;lc<.:cprancc of ()\CL,e;h

slm!L-nts ill Japall, p:trtl<o:ularly in (>rflcf 10 introducc Cormel Stll,k:nLs who an; p1aYll1g ad1\'<:'

!'Oks in countrics around the w()r1d.

These lerms and CllllditiOJ1~ an: included in the Pledge :;tlpubung ruks ;md rq;lliutiolls which MEXT ~l'lhlldhhip

n.:cipicnls must comply \\ ilh and ;:illbl1li( when beeH til" Schcllar"hip,

(6) All mfl.)rIllUllOn that we rc,','!VC from will be used il)f the purpo~..:~ admi""lOns
(;olk'cling stalisti..::!1 Information. student und c0ucallonal a!T<.lir'5
(7) 11'111<."[<.' arc qll<'~1I0ns about the conkn! of tlk [e.>(1 in this Arpficalam Guideline or any other n"'l.!ter~,
should the diplomatic mission ill the applicant's and f~lllow theIr
(:-\) In additip!1 tll Illl' m this Applic;,lion Gmddine, tho'S I.' that are nece~.,;ary the
program.s $11,111 be dc'tumined by thc' Governm~llt.

Program (School of Government)

Curriculum Guidelines

I. Each tbe s<H;allcd modem Wc'Stcm V.,'orld,
but While
cmnlllonalilics in til..: fiud
the mOl't desirable method f(lr modcmi:tallOn.

2. Through modem 17a.t 1011. Ollr

lY~ c,meerned with !11od':rn idl."b :lIon;.\ hut \V1I: <1;:-.,) 'TWI"\~r\fW'n the dill>;,ical civilu3tloliS
and jd~as of the Ihinker~. (Fmphn:,i~ on liberal II nd critJ<.: ,II

3. instructiun thaI i~ rd<.lkd to skills aud kncm the cumculum will of

students' idC'as~ and developing the ability to arrive al their o\,\n solutiol1s. mr,h'.l,n,," on
discussion <inti

-1. encollnt.:!P.:i wilh from all areas (includmg young students), the curriculum
aims to create human nch!>;orks and fun her understanding about

5. of COUr1>!..~. the cuniculum cnc(.lurag"'s l>1ooents to establish abiHtk"

\.\tho are k.lI'l)wleclg.:atJltc in a broad range of arl!3.......

II Students
The adlnini::.1nrto('s and who are eXlleCtet1 to
future leaders.

and Negotiation

Introduction to Public Swdles

The World ami the SOOs

2, Recorn.mcnded Course::; least S credits)


Essential Microeconomics
Govemmeat and Politics in
international Political t;£Q!I'O.l1llV

International Relations
International Studies
Microeconomics I
Struclure and Proces~ of (;0\'(:(>1[1K:11

3. Elective Course:, (Credits for (he gTadudlio!1 requirement)

Agendas ,md Ja]l(ln's ODA
Government and Market
International Trade

Local Governance in the Changing World
Local Government Finance
Local Government
Macroeconomn.::, I
Public Economics
Social Science and Methodologies

4. (2 creditsl (Required Course)

This course will provide an opportul1ity [0 listen and discuss various issues with many distinguished government
leaders and business executives. The colloquia will be fifteen or sixteen times a year, divided between
the fall and tenns.

5. lndependent Study (6 credits) (Required Course)

Students will a n:$cafch paper on a topic of their choice, under the of advi'>ors.
Students arc allowed 10 (onduct related fieldworks upon

6. Field (2 credits) (Required

Field to a such as regional offices or the c('nlml local industrial
and cultural assets in the dilfcrent will be the fall

7. Olher Educational ACll\ iHe,;

All iectmcs are conducted in making it unnecessary for students to master
courses will bc ofkrcd to studcnts \\ ho wish to further their knowledge

IV Further information
For more infom13tiol1 011 visit: http:i\V\.vw.gripl';en/
Recommendation Form

To Applicant

Please complete only the top portion of this fbrm, Your recommender should (,AtY'l,",''''! the rest of the form,

To the

The person name appears above is for admission to the Leaders'

Please provide your recommendation on your own letterhead or """uv....", The Admissions Committee values the
recommender's direct contact with the candidate, In your letter, answer the as candidly
and as
Please return this form and your recommendation to the applicant in a sealed envelope, with your signature across
the seaL The applicant will submit the sealed, envelope to us as of the completed
The Admissions Committee is aware of the time and care necessary to prepare this form, We gratefully
acknowledge your

L How and in what capacity have you known the

2, How often have you observed the appJicanf? (Please tick One box)

or 4 times a week 0 I or 2 times a week 1 or 2 times a month

Oless than once a month

3. Please provide a short list ofspecific activities which demonstrate the applicant's :salient talents and strength,
e.g., leadership, creativity.

4. Please discuss observations you have made concerning the applicant's leadership abilities. (Please tell the
reason to judge that the applicant has a possibility to be a leader in your borne country.)

5. . Please discuss observations you have made concerning the applicant's interpersonal skills.

6. Please discuss observations you have made concerning the applicant's innovative/creative capabilities.

<, J
7. Please conunent on specific ways the applicant could improve professionally.

8. Please give us your appraisal of the applicant in tem1S of the qualities listed below:
What reference group are you using to make your appraisal?

- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ----_._.. ___ _-_ _- ._- ­

.._. .. ..

to observe
(BdIan 1Iird)
(Top dUro)
Very good
(Top 15%)
(Top 10%)
(Top 5%)
(Top 2"10) .

Leadership potential ,

Interpetsonal ski lis Ii

Imagination and I
creativity t i
Motivation and drive
Personal integrity I,
SeI f«)n fidence
_._-_ _-­
.. -- --

Persona I manlrity
Sense of humor
I Sdf4scipline
f-- - - - - - - -­
Intelkctual ability
I Ii
Ezmtional enagy I I i
i .\na')1~ve
l ability I -- --
._ _J______
Ability in ooJ
, "- r­ ,
Time management
9. Please write if you have any comment.

Please provide telephone numbers should the Admissions Committee feel a need to contact you regarding the

o B~lness Telephone Number ________________

o Home Telephone Number _______________

Recommender's Signature

Recommender's Name (please print) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date _________

Position or Title _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Organization _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

BusinessAddress ________________________________

. HomeArukess ____________________________________

I>v-r,,,,..,,m Student for 2020
,( • -J p ;Y 5' 1,

1. The lIPIliication IlllUst be tYJ)MTitten if possibl~. or OOIItly handwritUm in block letters. (1fI.f:::EATo::c.)


"$Ie inFIIIl in Your Nil! Ivc !.ang\:ag".



'­ 1: rr t lw .•1K'!"' ''- prl! ~Q nt h(')tt.4.) I l ddn· :J. ~; "'1 11 :~~, '.i .~:~..:, . ' ..l~ t tw t ill8: ,. ! 1 ·~· .1:·: :I · ;'! C ~:U ~' •.~'.1l '~; ' U L ~r"", r1 ·,·;L':.t,." .,. p ~ · ,. ·i~-·;
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-----_._---- ----- -- _. ._. __ .. _._-_.__ _--- ----­ .. ..

--,,_ ... _--_._---------- - - - -.----- ..---~--------

.. If pt)S$ihl\.~, y. rll,,' ar~ E-1!'~li 1 addrC$s wh,,""rl' i'"(~ (" ilJi h·~ ('pq t.':~ lt;d 'for p(!riw.$ !hnt U)chl.~( · ~ h !:- 1\:':11', t'J~(nrf' Y"u rum.-· 1(. J l\P~ n. j' tJlIr )\.1'1 In };t;)'Ui (U"".d lIE­

pcrk>d a fil?t )'(~U retu rn t:f! ffit:'.

( IJJ 1it~i:f,}.! I). it, U lir~ - u ),a7f\' i i''f' -'~l!1 ;r..:: :: i ) t¥

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6> fi e ld (' f "' ~ud '~ Sr~' l' ii_d i t('~i in the Past {is(' as ,i·~ · i.d j ~-d and ·.cQnc r(j u~ ~ ~~ ~ t', $ : hi\,\ )
{iEl i:l : W~:.: L. t: "f P~$'r rt (" i'T {d:': t JtH;(!'Jl-: 7, . l"'i ; ~ <~: C. Ii

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~bj(.f Sub ;-.:t* t. Skippt"d

l'1!/IJ' s ,md L'''' ('ls
(:tt:z. · 'i':i~. IIFH Hl ,

r:I ,'o",ntdr ,
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* If Lhe blank SpH<' <:'S abo~e a r " no! 5uffidenl n<U:"iJlf>t:'.tI\tf'h" rl'quin<t;'1:J1'r~st<r~(t<lch a se(lJlrat~ Sh6H . In ",e " Cd;;-", I>I NH'
. ,~ t!lluJate that (he IIl f'H'Mti :)n i ~ ,m a """oral" 1'10 ','
(ii) l:.t':.~ ~ht..:~ '.i4Jf.' !': li. )l lVdjljll{'':'CAt . "( i(:' I'H6:'' ~. -t:"I)Wfl'li. !}I;,ff\l:IC}... i"o I'T~ t: fte."1';lfi'illlt: 1mil!:"t6 :. t:.

Not ~s: I. Exclude k.inde~gartM ~nd /(">r nli~S('ry $chool ,,41ICilli(>n. (.!;htlHIll· t¥<1fmft~ti~t.r\o t.:~ ,, )

" 2 . Pr"paratory "dt;UJ \1<1II j Qr un i v;-rsity adlllis" joo ~hvul<l Ix- il1dudNI ill lII'I~r · ~ecOlldary sd'l1l)l. (\ ,t)l4>-6 f;~!f' "f-f«ItIi'ff! l:t'*, ~

••,:.:1S 1t1~ . 1

3. If t ou have I'",,,,,d a high school equivalem:y ol(i1lIIin.>(\l\Il {and did D01. tfT"1i~t" (rOIl high ,;choo !), indi<:at " " , sIKh ill th.,
fifth column (Dipl(.llla ,)r Degree Awarded, Major ~;ubj, skiPI'M Ye"r's lind Levels) .it!> +-1. (,w;~~&~Ji~'lfW{vH:"ff l~ I." i. ' {;
"1}i~'J..~·(f) 8!""* - I.i.:\ttA"'o::, t . )
4. M1 school y"ars 0 1" leyels , kiJl(led s),<>uld btl ind i ca!'"d in th" fifth ""tWIn (PiplQlJa o r !l;,gJ""" AW1l:I"!I,·,1. \ta J r $ubjf!c t , Skipped
Years apd levels). (Exl\IIIfJle: Skipped senior real' for early ,nduatirm)
(H~.o r~t~~ J e-l. n \~.~I:'Il:. ~ ~ n :~ :}i ~"'~.1f.Nq) r'f:{It·.~.~~» R . JRV~L1)i\'M ! 1I1;:.c"-to.:t .
a 1f.~!-j1W~I':.t I') P.tM~.»
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~ . If YW att~n<!<,d IIIIlltipit>scbools a.t tli" sa!lle1cvd ofeohK:atjon due lq .tIiOHI\& house or readmission til uni~e!' s ity. wr iW the
nellu of tho llcbools. in thc s _ colUlll\, (ttA!}t7)fJ~~*ev:t7) ·~"'~~!:-.!b(:. /Illftff.~ 't.'.#t7),"&I.:1£fiL.""(P:t.ijH:N"j;. iii)
t:.I:Hq)"¥;ito,lEfia-ti!.T.o,: ~ . j
6 . Calculate and ..... i te the 101. 1.1.. d~T of y("nn Nt9 "">nloh,,, of ~cati.on roo r il l hav" c0IDP1 .. te<l at the ti"", of YO'~r enrol t
at GRIps. ·based on ¥<lilT till!<' as a studE'ri1 (as .:/oulIl'd above, indudlflll. extended leave such a~ s.-r ,·acatlon). (tj~
EFCt€tftlitUimr.l!~ .all,.It),T .0 .: t ! (fj(JOH*1I!! tl -:;- J',) M} 'I:.

8. mq\~.}'iMmt RC(""()rd (Li~l your ()UfTent 80<1 previous emr>1 ()v~t Ii.!, · to. th~ p!)sitious:) in re\'erstI cbrOllOlogiear orda-.
SUirt ina .ith your SIOst rect!!fll p<>sj lion. 1

eM: iI~C}~/p b -!latt;'~1." 3""~A-to:: t:)

"'At leut 3' rears of full-ti~ work expe1;ience in public. adllinistr,ation is required....
.. . . ,

'. Period of
Nut and l.,oea1.ion ~f Orp.nhatioo D;>part""f\t~c\.ion Position Job ~ri.Ptiol1
_~!i~(fJ«!) (1lM) (~) (.a~n')
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P'J;eaent ~tion; To be ahQwn in the roJWll" pilge

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S"o r ~ ()f TI1{:tl. IBT ~( ''l" l '~f I,FLTS Made"",' lht t." of the T~ st
nOEFL. Q) :<' :::J T ) (tELTS 17., 7. :::: , ' j ( ~ ~ fI )

Of 2()
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tl. Acl'OlllpallYlnC Dt'""nd"nt 5 Provid.. lh~ folJ ol'dug l nl trrr. ninn if you 1'10" , V> l>ri:." any- fa mil y III<?tIIbCB to Japan.
(I;M¥~ 1Il ( [3 4Q: r;;)H" U" r·):i,(!)i':~~;~ 'oill A' 1,: fo\' Jd- 0 ': C: A) )
* All .~l fltJ n f- . i on n'n'd by the pn·s('ru:~ of dt"~,"~rl(I'n t s . L'U$ l lw b(frn.~ by 4.h~ gn~n~ el,.':.
lit! !t:; .; 1h1('f.:&·':t:, ~.~MJ.,;I.·t·'~-CT,.:.·.t l'1, ~' ,i' (,

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l2 . Person to Ix· M liftod in applicani' s hoIat; ·VUOI.I'<'; ' in ca,,, ',f e....,l'~~n~v :
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un;!o>r's land and ' u('cept B 1.1 t h" IIlOtlCI'S SIJltt>d"1 Il' I!,,, .~l>ll1J 11." tj-Otl Gu i deli nDs', r"l' J lIlMn~s u G<>\'~'t~ ...~'n (UEX!) St h", I'ar~hi p f' )f 2020. ,l11d
ha"hy opply fo,r this schoIal'Ship.
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[1>.\,' .,r .~ \lP lt ca l iOll
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(i n t<()I!)jl'. III k ("PlI o l ,,)
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(YLP) (LA'W)


Objecti Vc'S
Leaders' (YLP) aims to contribute to cultivate fulun: national leaders in Asian and other
countries. moreover, to contribute to establish friendly relationshIp among various countries and to
policy planning activities by fonning a network among national Icader~ thorough their
TIle YLP is one of the Scholarship P'T\'7r"ITI~
*MEXT Ministry of

2. Countries and
Participants are selected £1'0111 the countries listed below. They should be who are
to an active role as future national leaders in their countries

Eligible Counlnes: P. R. China,

Myanmar, Mongolia, "I1,<>:l:nr.t·..,

Africa. Turkey and BanglaJcsh( 16

Graduate School Law.

4. The Number Students

15 students per

5. Re<:ruitrrlt.'I1l and Sc lection

(I) Method of Recruitment
Recruitment will be conducted Institutions. Please enquire at the
Embassy for further information on the recommending institutions.
"'(~r....n1t·II' Procedure

First screening by the umhorities

Second by the host (in this case, Kyushu University)

Final screening by the YLP Committee e:,1abHshed by MEXT

6 Curriculum (RefeJ to the "Curriculum Gui.delines".)

(l) Basic ofYL!' programs
Each YLP course has been 10 contribute to the development of nationallea.ders in various
ilefds to fake with both Western and Asian countries
and to establish a "human network" 1'1'",..",<."
(2) Course Durlltion lind Qllialific:~tl(m
Course duration is in the {'nf1tMTTna of a Master's in Law from

7. Commencement
October 2020

MEXT \vill offer
in Jaw for the
conditions ar~ as follows:

I. Field of Study
Law (Kyushu Graduate ho·)i 01

2. Qualifications
(I) must be ;1\,(;rJ3isof a counuy that ;'i participating in the YLP above). t\ Il
applicant who has at the lime of wil! no! be
under 40 years ,)11I a~ of lsi October 2020 born on ell uncr 2
October 1980).
(3) Academic Badground '.':ho have aHained a high k\cl oj academiC'
achkvement in their
(4) Ability: ;\ minimum TOHT ·ITP score of TOEFL-iBT score of 80. IELTS score of 6.0 or
(5) Work At least 4 year, ,JI\.\();K cxpcnence from the lime of 10 Ihe Il1nc of
home country in a law olTice or in the st:<::lioi1 or a
company or government mLl~i ,!Iso be fullctime .and after graduation from
(6) Health: must be th,1I you arc med!cally ildequate to pursue study in an examining
on prescribed certificate ofll;:allh

(7) Arrival in In principle. must be able to alTiv(' in Japan the

within twt} wc'ek:-: bcf(Jre and afkr tile lirst of the course conducted by the
universIty. If the cannot Jrnve III Jupan during the speCIfied for reasons. travel
expenses 10 Japan will not be pilld.
Visa Requirement: In principle. ,i ~elcct('d applicant liltlSt obtain a "Student" visa at the Japanese
diplomatic missioll located in the country ofn1ltionalily. and enter Japan wilh Ihe residence status
of "Studcn!." Applicants who their residence status to any stalus other thall "Student" after
their arrival in Japan will Immeckltely lose their status as MEXT Scholarship student.
Non-Eligibility: Applicants who mc('\ any or all oflllc tollowing conditions are not If identified after
acceptance ofihe 5cl1Oiarship grantees. the (1ppilcant~ will be required to \.\!ilhdraw from the scholarship.
Those who are mil c), mil itary civilitlll at the lime of their arrival in Japan or
the period of the payment uf Ih,' scholnl'ship,
Those who .cannot arrive in the last dale of the designated by
Those who are university or other institution with a residence status or
"Student" or who arc to be enrolled, or plan to enroll, in H or other
institution as a privately-financed inlcm<ltional sludcl1l (i'OIll the time of application to the MEXT
program in the c0untry until the commencement of the for payment of the
MEXT scholarship. However, this doe:o, not apply to II1ternational students
who, even they are cnrolled, are planning to enro!1. in a Japanese
their studies hdore the stm1 of the scholarship payment return to their home country at the time
of the scholarship application, and the "Studenr" residence status and corne to
Those who arc planl1ing to rcce~\'c money from an other than MEXT
a government organLwtion of the applicant's on top of the scholar,hip money provld..:d
~vlEXT after the SL1rt (,flhe' paymt.':ll!
Holders of dual nationality a! the tlll1C of applicHtion who CLl!lI1ot verify that will up
nationality th..: lime of thl;; ,jfnval ill or
Those to engagl:: ill fid,:w(,;"k Of (Ill in" country oth~r than Jilpal1 after submission of

the amOurH
who taL;:;

TransportJtr,m to In the lravel sch:duk and roll!.:, and

airline lich:r from the' . III:an::;1 to h:, 'ht:r home mldr..:.~s
.he country of to the Fukuoka lntcrnntional Tbe grJntee shall bear at his/her own
cxpCI);.;e aJ I COSIS relaled to domestic lravel from hi:-;'hcr home audres:'i to till' Ih;:lrc:-.l inlernattnnal Blrpo;'"

llsage taxes necessary for traveL trawl expenses WIthin

( :rirJine transit cos!'s), trJvd insurance cxpcn;,<.'<;. carry-on
expenses. etc. The present addn,:s$ in the country of the slated in the application
fonn is in address s.tated in [he
from his!h..:r cOllntry, the address witl be
as the: "hoi1le address"
ihm1 Japan: Based on the the gralltce, M[XT wtll an airlinc ticket
to gr;mlc<?s '.vho shi111 the and 10 the home country the end of the
final month of the period of Period orScholarship"j l\1EXT. MEXT.
in principle, shall provide an airline liekel from the Fukuoka fnlenutiom,i A
internalional import princirle, in the country of !1carc~t to the
residence, The gmnlec shall bear at hi:>'hcr own expense all costs related
residence in to the nearest internatIOnal
necessary for travel expenses ,vithin the cOl1ntry of airline transit cos{<;).
travel insurance ex.pcnses. calTy-on or V"'_""'.~~ cxpcnse~, etc.

(3) EduciJllOrl Fees:

Fees for enlrance examination. matriculation and luition will be paid by MEXT
(4) Accommodation: Students; can apply tor a room al Kyushu accommodation. notc' The
numbcf ofroom<; is limi!ed and successful candidates are not a room).

$1<:ml1,,,o for 1he reasons ~lnw, S!vmid any of the

the grantee may be ordered to rcturn a part or all of. the of
the maya Iso bt~ the of the rnatte:!'.
A grantee is determined to have made a false statement on hls.'her application:
A violates any article Qfllis1her 10 the Minisler of Education, Science and

'4V'''.n,'''''' laws and IS sentenced and imprisoned for an indefinite or for

grantee is from his!h\.'f nf recdvc$ 01ht."l" or is removed from
enrollment a action in <lCCordlt.11I:e With :-chool &Cl;e!'tUflJ! institution:
It has been detcrnlined that it will be ill1j)Osslble the COllf!'>e within {.he standard
or :lbsetlcc from the
A without the "Student" ( residence :status. or I'n,UH'N1
hi~;iher n:"lde~lCe stJ)tu:; 10 {)ther (han "Studenl";
A grantee has rttei"cd ~Inother for research {,l1'n,'li1""'';;

The from government other -:1.,1.: in:-litut ions home country.

6, SdedlOn
partlclpalmg will sckd initial candldatc~ lium
,cview or ,hI.' SUbi'nlllcd documcn!~ al~d a ~bon If it is
country, all interView may he
or Inl"fliet.

forv"3nl to the YLP

7, Educ,lIion a\ Unn
All (lnd a\ will be ;::ondu~tcd 111

8, Application
aUIi10nties the

x 4 em, taken within the pas; n amxcd 011 each of the 2

or Certified :\ca,kmic Record of the umversity the attended

dnd I
(4j Recommendation Letter from and I
Professor or the the

by the ,--- I

ricates of Gmduation the last

after the of the YLP ---- I and I

of or Certificate oflhc Citizenship (any of

test score,) ---- 2 ,",,,,,,,..-r,T'\

to each of thc c~:;ay questions and I Photocopy;
(12) Others
I, Use."\4 paper as the standard for all submilted which in should be typed, Handwritten
documl.:nlS ~h()uld be wrinen
2, These docun:..:nts should all be \\THtcn in If written III another attach an

translated a IflstilUlion. Caution IS ne..:",:,;sary :IS mi.lll)' are not written 1I1

not come with an recommendation letters and

3 Recommendation letters written a supervisor or an academic ilcivisor from one'~ univerSity

should be writlell by h\'O of them and must ti~e the format At least one Jnd
two should be wlillen YOllrdirect hos~ at work,
4, Reason for applicJIlOn and future 'will be factors 1I1 selection, so submn a small essay ot'threc
pages expiaining as much \,vhat you expect from this program and what ki.nd you seek !l1
the shon- and
from TOEFL or plea~.: submIt scorcs obtained
witilin the past two If you submit other certificatIons, submit documents how to
convcl1 the' score to TOEFL lEL.TS.
6, If you have a book or submlt a separate oYcrvic'w,
7. Your tlrplication may be iJ a bone IS either incomplete or inacc'urate, or if some
docllmem~ arc
g, Wrile the number:,: in line with the item numhcr tor the items above 011 c[jc'h document in
tile upper right comer.

9. Notes
(I) Each grantee is advised to leam sOllie basic Japanese language 3J1d to acquire basic information on Japanese
climate, geography, customs, university education, and social conditions in .lapa-n, as well as aOOllt the
differences between the Japanese legal system and that of his/her home country before departing for Japan.
(2) As the first installment of the scholarship payment will be made from one month to one and a half months
after the grantee's arrival in Japan, the grantee is recoml1lcnded to bring at !"cast approxim:Jtely US £2.000
with himfher to Japan to cover immed iate living expenses and other necessary expenses.
(3) The scholarship payments will be tnlnSfl' ITed to the bank. account of Japan Post Bank OP Bank) opened by
each grantee after the arrival in Japan. MEXT will no! transfer the scholarship payments to other account
(4) Grantees must enroll in National Health Insurance (Kokurnin Kenko Hoken) upon arri\'al in Japan.
(5) Infoffilation regarding the MEXT Scholarship recipient (name, gender, datc of birth, nationality, acccpting
university/graduate schooLiundergraduate school, field of specialty, period of enrolment, career path aftel
completion of scholarship, contact ihformation [addrr.:ss, telephone number, c'mail addrcss]) may be shared
with other relevant government organizations for the purpose of utilization for overseas students programs
implemented by thc Japanese GovCffiment (support during pcriod of study in Japan, follow-up survey.
improvement of the overseas student system).
lnformation regarding MEXT Scholarship Students (excluding date of birth and contact information) may be
included in publicity materials prepared by the Japanese Government for promoting the acceptance of
overseas students in Japan , particularly in order to introduce [orIner MEXT Scholarship StudenL,> who arc
playing active roles in countries around the world .
These temlS and conditions arc included in the Pledge stipulating rules and regulations which MEXT
Scholarship recipients must comply with and submit when they havc been granted the Scholarship.
(6) If there are any questions about the content of the written text in this Appl ication Guideline or any other
matters, applicants/grantees should inquire the Japanese diplomatic mission in the applicant's country and
follow their instll..lctions.
(7) In addition to the regulations stipulated in this Application Guideline. tllose that are necessary to implement
the Japanese Govemment Scholarship programs shall be determined by the Japanese Government.


Young Leaders' Program (Law)

Curriculum Guioelint's

The YLP in Law at Kyushu University otTers a broad curricnlui11 cl)\'ering all major fields of law with a particular
fOCllS on international economic and bu.siness law. The: pfvgram ins been specifically designed to expose students

to both theoretical and practical perspec.tives on a wid.:: range of contemporary legal issues with an emphasis on
international trade lind commercial transactions.

Courses taught within the framework of the YLP focus on "cutting edge" tupics driven by the rt'search inkn:sts
of an intcmational faculty. As such. the program aims to p-ro vidc students with the necessary intellectual skills
for pursuing a law-related career in an increasingly global crol101nir environment.

II Participants
As a one-year Master 's program in law, tllis course is primC\rily geared towards persons who have worked in the
legal depaltment of government ministries & business, ilS well a~ judges. public prosecutors, lawyers and other
law-related professions. In par(icu!ar, the program is suited to I,twyers or govemment officials working 011
intemational trade issues or commercial transi.lctions.

HI Curriculum
All Sl'ucknts must complete a one year program of study comprising coursework and a thesis.

Thc following classes arc offered within the framework of the YLP. (Please. note that the following is an
indicative list and is subjcrt to changc).

(I) Foundational Classes

Legal Research Methodology and Writing

(2) Elective Classes

Basic and Current Debates in Japanese Law

Business Law in a Networked Age

Comparative Corporate Law

Comparative Perspectives on Corporate and Business Law

Contemporary Issues in Compctltion

Creative Economy and Cultural Diversity

Creative Thinking

Deals and Transactions

EU Law

Fundamental Tssues in TP Law

International Economic Law and Practice

fnternational Financial Law and Regulation

Information Technology Law

International Law in Today's World

International Maritime Law

International Commercial Arbitration

IP and Private International Law

IP Dispute Resolutions in International Matters

Japanese COlllltttl.ltiOl'lal & Adlllinis!rativc Law

Japanese Intellectual Property L1\." Practice

Law and Development

MediatIon and Olher Conflict

Transliational Commercial Law and
White Collar and Corporate Crime

World Trade Law

For an up-Io-dale lisl of classes

In students arc to a Master's thesis (50 pages minimum) The thesis may be wrillen
on any law-related topic by the Faculty,

IV Illternships
E;:lCh YLP sludent will be to a Fl1kuoka-based law firm for around 2 weeks (in February -
expcnencc practice in The Interns wlll attend coul1 and accompany the
consultalions wilh clients, During the intemsbip students will visit Olher law-rdated institutions and will engage
In with judges.

Students arc also provided with various summer internship opportunities at Tokyo based Jaw firm::; and!or
corporations. These internships provide students with the unique chance to international commerce
and in Jupan.

V fukuoka & Kyushu University

Located in the hear! of East mIdway bel\~'cen Shanghai and in
the southernmost of four main islands, It is a that has not sacrificed
its unique local chal-acter and charm. Historically known as Hakala, it has long been one key for
commerce with the rest 0 and the spirit of Hakata lives on, for the growing continental ties Qfroccl1t
years have enabled the to establish Itself as a Cel1teL

Newsweek has named Fukuoka <IS one of the ""Ten Most Cities" in the an ...,..u f",..

economy. excellent infrastructure. and the and openness to Asia as key features behiJ:!Ki its
continued 1l1C FinancLal Times reponed a survey of world cities that rankt'~ Fukuoka as the i 7th moot
livable city in tlle world, and awarded the city a commendation for its dovmtown district

is the <;:'I1gliJUIlI national universities in

Founded in 1911 as one of seven it continue:;. to be a fOC31 for
academic and educational excellence Graduate n"!'t'r~:IT'V nn\vtl'\f"'; well-motivat.ed students
with the to in a academic atnilo~;pherc life in one of fa!>1CSt

And yet, nr'.:,,,,,,n, d1e roost important fe.anfre ofFukuoka for the\\'11 d1foughout

for thdr the of Fukuoka have with \'isitors from

abroad. for the alllong Fukuoka's 1.7 milHon residents. life is both comfortable and " ..,,>I......

VI Further wformatioll
For furtber information:

For further information on University:

CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH (to be completed by t.he examining physician)
G* ~X ~ H~ ~l ~ ~~~~M~~~~.
Please fiJl out (PRJNT/lYPE) in Japanese or English. Qo not Leave any items blank.

£\:1, OJ:) Male j:i.J= jj A '¥ifri

Name._. _---;::---::-_ _ _ _ _ OiA Female Date of Birth Age:
F~m ily name, Pirst. name Middle n~me

1. MI~j.~];i' Ph ys i c~ 1 E>:ammatiOl1s

_ _ ___kg

_ __ _ _ _ -=='-'-'-"_ _ _ _ _ _ mm!Hg Blood Type

!Yf(ffi~ O~ regu lar

Pulse Rate ___-.lmin ::J~~ irregular

'3) m fJ
Eyesight . (R) -..- ---c""",.,--:--;c(L"")'---:-- -- .
(R) (L)
:flimt without glasses ijj.rt. with glasses or contact lenses

(4 i /If, tJ O lE 'li; normal § 3S [ "I lE *' norma I

Hearing: Of.~r impaired speech O~·*· impaired

2. q; ;!'-lf q)~£-flI:' ~~ ''C, !If.~ ~ x:,m*~ V) ~~.l!:[c), L. 'C <l:!:. ~ ~', ~tit~(,) ~ fi t; ~AT {:,.: l: (6 'r j'j J). r.jjfjV)~it::j:~WJ.)
Please describe the results of physica l and X-ray examinations of applicant's chest x-ray (X--ray taken more than 6 months prior
to the certification is I\OT valid).
~ ,cA~
bng: OlE ~ normal Date Cardiomegaly: OlE'*' normal
O~~ impaired . 0 ~ -;t impaired
Film No.

Describe the condition or applicant's lung, El ec trocard IOgr aph

01:[;'4\- norTnal OA~ impaired

3 . !Ji.B:iii~cpO)m:%: DYes (Disease: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Medicine: _ _ __ ,

.._ --'
Disease & Treatment at Present [JfI<o ­

4 . l;'.E11l'f£ Past hi$tory : Please indicate with + or - and till in the rlale of recovery.

Tuberculosis·· ·· O( . Malaria· .. · .. D( . . ) Measles···· O( .)

Epilepsy· .... [J( . . ) Kidney disease··· .. · D( . Heart diseases .. ···· O( .

Diabetes· ·· · ·· o( . . ) Drug Illiergy····o( . Psychosis··· · .. O( )

Functional di~order in 6),irernities .. · .. · O( . . ) Others""o( . . )

Rheumatic fever'" ··o( .) Hepatitis ...... o(T~,pe: A, E, C, D, E) ( .


5. '7 'iT /iJHj~ Vaccination history

MMRV (Measles, Mumps. Rubella, Zoster)· .. ···0 Time(s) ( Mumps' ... .. 0 Time(s) ( ) Hepat itis B·· .... 0 Time(s) (

MMR (Measles, Mumps. Rubella)···· · ·lJ Time(.s) ( Chicken pox· ··· · 0 Time(s) ( Meningitis··· · 0 Time(s) (

MR (Measles, Rubella) · · .. 0 Time(s) ( ) Pojio' .. ··0 Tirne(s) ( )

M (Measles)'" ···0 Time(s) ( ) Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus combined ...... O Time(s} ( )

6. fiI'i 1i La bora tory tests

~ 1* Ur inaiysis :glucose ( ) • protein ( ) , occult blood ( ) - ~ 1t Feces: Parasite(egg of parasite)( + • - )
iffiiJ:. ESR: mm/ Hr, WBC count : xlOl; IJ I, Hemoglobin: g/ ol, ALT _
: _ _u/I
Pregnancy tesr:c-1lfy ou are female --- --­

Please describe your impression.

8. ;Mjj~<7)~:fl.lij, rt~· ~'ifO)ta:Wdl' f::,*lttff L. -C, lJI,:(£<7)iIt.<7):tk1£I:1;'r;5tI:' ~'FI:.iit;t -) ~ b <7) t ,~,b.t·t- ~ Tip?
In view of the applicant's history and the above findings, is it your observation his/her health status is adequate to pursue studies
in Japan? yes 0 no 0

R~ ~~
Date-,--:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.Si.gnature :

I~ ~ f\; ~
Physician's Name in Print_:_ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Office/lnstitution.:...:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Address_: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Qtm~lMi~ (2020£f:1Ji!t&) CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH (for 2020)
( 6iPl':X AG <:u)'];: tJ (to be comple,ed by the examln:ng fjhysi::;al';
a ;-l'Z;gXI;t.~ ~g L_ J:.l)6j'j!ili!i ~~?iFi:;; ~~:_t . Please lill out (PRINTfT YPE ) in Japa1cse ()r E:ig!,sh
, - - - - , - - - - -- ------ -------"-------------- - - - - - -- ----,------ - - -- ­
Name - o-=_ _-:-_ _=~~,:,:,:::,,,--,'::I -J~;t -L
Surname 1I1_
r­ ­
Given nan,.c:le,--."-,,,,,:-g
,,," Middle name
15 Male
T;c Fel1lale I Date of Birth ym ,- '* mm

Ph sical examination
(1 ) kg!
, HeiQht i
'(3)il'll1± J RH+ _ ,RH- ­
mmHg--­ ...J A _l B 10
6100e pressure
I (5)Rift18 !t: RegulG f C Norma!
Pulse ~!€ Ir; e~LHar
(ti ) (..ii
(R) U
(6 ) mtJ
'--_...L....CSDee(:"';h______~_ _-.:..__'!::,=_"'=~ _______'

, 3.
treated l.J ffl{ No r) fl Yes ; :fiiq;g, Disease i
-4-•...:::.:.!/Ii"'tt=1ff-=='-'-"-'-'-'-"--"'-"-"-"'--"-"-=;---'-- : :,:c;~Bi¥JW;gc:;W...-;;:tlJ;-r
, -----;---- -- -- --;-;:;;:;:;-::."'L;g"'R:~'!lil/;-'-:g:;;jhl""C:P;:-i
"";;o;c !

Past illnessldisorder
./ ~;g,Name: Date cI recovery./
'I - -
)\jl:6Name: Dale of recovery !,
,.-",,--_ _ _ _ _+:.:.:G::..::nd~.e,,-r.::.
tre::.:a:.::tm.:.::e::::n.::.'I-_-+_ _ _ _ _ _ _---+:~junde :_tre_a_t
~ gj"9,Mjo)l ~ 7I~-?t~)g!l-;}Wl --;r&m :~51)j'
/i{:;~!fl~~2A , 1,\'9nt,~3G :Tube rc~ losis :Maiaria
-fJL ~-g-!;t,r 1ItH..d I'::: 7- _I':/-?"9?l~ 1----7:t:::---=(J)~@.··,-)n::;
,~:-:-,~::-:::fff=------+------1~---+-:"('-/V h-':,­-----~----__i

t. :Other communicable disease: :Epilepsy

P lease check and fiU in the dale of : ~*!¥, :,c.,*~
recovery/under treal!nenl :Kidney disease : HeM disease
If NOT conlracted any of Ihem In the :reJji<~ :~WJ]7[,.,)~:f-
,past. please creek "None', :Diabeles
miG :~'1jN'iX,5
None :Psychosis .extremities

- '--~
I-~--: - ---------/
lucose; protein occu!l blood :
;JFi;t ~r1n :
/cmm gm/dl Anemia:
(lUI I ) y-GTP (tUI I )

Physician's impression of the applicant's health

!IUfttr.J;t;m· j\i:~0)£' !ft~lltV>rtr;tt:0)~.:1 2 ~ f tV.
Please fill In i~ the applicant needs regular med;calion 01 Irealmenl

7. In view of the applicant's history and the above findings, is EI-{1

it your observation that his/her health status is adequate to
pursue studies in Japan? ~"-Sq)laruf, ~IlH~l!lq)Jlialtt5"J!liVr:. IJl.

r£q)_Q)~iRtt~~k:Ii~I;:iiI;t ~Qf)Q)I:~bl1*Ttt?
Pnys!ciao's Signa:l.i':e:

~~:m~~ll::g, ;
o YES (tiL') 0 NO (L'~\x) Oftice/lnslitution :
II*Please be sure to check either "YES" or "NO".
~' 1·r !;j:L'j :R!;):r"L\~.,II::+L';I?l.. 1: ( 13.",<',


Young LeHd eJ;;' Program Student i or 2020 (Law)

(1"/-,//. ~ -?l-~' . 70 "/5 Ab'i"i: 1:) (7.t~:;:1-7, j

f :-; S T R ue T JON S (iCAJ:I7)i:t~)

1. The 8Pplication should -be wpeuiaen if possible, or neatly handwritten in block letters. (1Jl"I::fcJ"t~c:. c. !
2. \umbels shouJd be ill A.labk figures . (l!fl1:I:t~m~~c;':~'lh'~.:.c . )
3 Year should be l'r-illen in th.. Anno O()Qini '?SIC..... (~~}:ii-·<, ~II:fC-tQ.::. C,)
4 . Proper n()un~ should be "Tilten in full. and",)\ 0" aobN>I' iated. (ftil,(~·:f,aiJl;t·t·~-CiE:r\:t.d';f.'fc L. -!;ntIIff L /,;;:v' ::!:.
.. Persona' dala cnl~red in this appl ieal ion WI I i (lniy be used f')r scho lHl"Sh i p ~el"ni(m purpos"" and contact
infnrmati on ~ucll ~~ e--mai i (lddr~ssc wdl oniy Ix:- usrd for forming rc13lcrl human nei:woriu: after the ~lud€nt return~
hOOl" ane [or ~ending of informat ion by th e Japan""" Gc"ernment .
(*IfiUil; :::g-~t<ht:.1WAm~ :':0 ~'-C:i, ,*,J,.c'!Yli'i:(.')jj~t7)t:..();:.f~frli-011iJ>I~L !t-H.: E"1IIail T F" A ~J)iJl.'<Bt f :0 \ 'l
:1., lffllJ!lIH: tolt ~ml~~'I7)* " ~ '7 - ;7 ~1r0 :. c. ]ktJ<,it·!f!5i.:-'t:.:. f.l ;;t:~.c('f J: t) ~ftlfitU:iEf!-r ~~?!--l':l;ii:t!m Lf.t:t, ,)

DMale (13)
DFenr"le (-t..:)
(Fam i I y namo/ surn:1r1c) (F i !'st nanoe) (lliddle n8,,*,)

In R"",,'n Block Capital Letters Of "T!tten in t he P"S'sf'Ort, follo.. thaI [om) ()tari tal Slat us)
( 0 - -..-<'1:, /~;>..;f,- ~1<lc~';.ho~{:-I;1, -f:-iU.:frh-tt-o,:, !::) OSlog)" (*fII\'l
OWarr, 6.1 l!)lM\')

2 . ti6tional it I' 2~· 2. Possession of Japant"sc t-.;~Hiolli\lilY O\'es, I have (1;1. 'I
(00 F.) O~Q. I don' t (.\
_w ...... ____ ________ . ________ _

3 [)ate of Birth(X~: ~ 13)

Paste your pasSPOrt photograph
t.llken· ..ithi.n the past 6 months,
Year (If·) Month (f1) Day (El) Age as of Dc tobe.T I. 2019
Write ~'OUf nalll<' and nationality
(2020 If- 10,11 I fll!ll.l'£(7)',ft;;)
in blocI< lett.,1'\< on the back nf

4. P...~sent Status: "it'll the MIlle' of the unh'ersity enrolled. or of ""'Il l oye,'
(¥:A (6 x 4cul)
(fJI.. ({f'~*'~~ Xlill'.J~$t:t ~ "('iCA -t-5":' c. ),
.a~tJ;..~JU~.fI).~S'tq-)U.~' .. 77' :7 7 ;ql~'&O'E;" -'/vY '" vA)

.Presenl Stti tus

Fa(:;irod" ~r

5. Pre""n.t . tf.-, Address, T"'!+.phon.! ~r. racsi",i I. NlJIIIber. and E-.a4 J Addr.-ss
(lJU:t:~, .'~.~, 77;:.'?~.~&rJ'E,;o(-I"'T 1-''-'.:>.)

If , .he aoo'" pre"etl\ hone addr.ess . i !l be".d at th~ lillie of )"a_ing froa}'OUr country, please specify til"
changed e<ldress bel"",. (.n~q)lt;;r1)(.lliC~,fl: ;rrn·;;'~9!I.:t,(_'!l:::'!:. t)'litli: L 'tpolCtI'i1.. T~I.:iCAT~":' L.)

T" i · pb"nI ~ \ulDbcr

*n I)~

yoo r 51 ay in J ~p.all m,ti the perioti i:1f"t "'r Y>\!': re tUfI. hvrne.
( illit'.: 1;}t'J, ~F!I I ~- B j.... ftl·;-"l·h jrll h: · bf-l ! ~Et. , ·I J7.> :' C))>'l- 11'.;~il. .1) f ';,lil ," ~, - ~ Iil! A -j~, -. . )

Ii. F, ,,! (,) r ;;;tud y spf..rt'1 !i i!i,d in t.he p.., ·t \lh~ ;} ~; d 'u d(:~d and k,.· Yl":{ r ete as P" '!-;" ;,. h l tt.}

(~ J: [ :j f!l.L.t~ 'i-r'l71!ft ("r..'~7.> t:: tft tf>f?':'>' -l "i/!;; ,. ( ':c,»

7. ~ucn i ona 1 lJackllf oun d ("fIl!)

, . : Dip t...... " r !J~!r e

Award.Jrl .
Vest' .tnd Man th ,Perioo of , "ho()I.IJl!( : lIaj or ub jf>, l,
Sld pp"d
of En t!'Ance and
you haoc uU.cnd"d , Years and Le\'cI 5
omp l~tion
("ti.'r.· 'iif.f\'i.(- ' HI'!,
CA"t Jk. r~~ . f(~ Jll
I!t t1~ (/) tt: ~ )
~:J~t.' From. y.. a rs

Eleaent ary Education ( ~J:{5(~) (J, ~;f:i (i.)

EJe",.. nt ary Sr.hDO[ Ln'C3 t j f) n To and
{J.rr; ti:!~:·l (~ ~ I r..o-nths
('J . ~) (tj)
Name From yeal's
Second ary Education ('+~~) (Nt ) (~)
(cp "ft")

Lower $e" ondary Schoo 1 Locat ion To and

(ffi(£J1!!) ($~) motlths
( rt'1t)
(Jl )

Fr years
(A#) (!f-)
UPP<' f S~Cjlodary School
;t; !:l() Locati on To and
(ml£lt) (!f:~) manlhs

HigbH Education ""'(~&~)

liP From
(If. )
(iii ".un
Imderg r3dua le Lev e 1 Local i nn To and
* r,~)
fmffJt) (/f:t'!) In!tnths

~" ,.~ Fr",. years

(:;~b{ ~, ) (N:f~) H!}
,; .Hh lat.e- L~~\'L·l
( X¥:IlJi)
Loc t i on To and
(rJi'tEll!!) (<$~) lQI'tnl h~
(jj )


:.II(, hl'mk spa ~~ ai ")\, ~ are not su ffld M~ f,.II' inf"""'1t itln r" illlin'<i, please ~ tta c h " ~ep" !' ~ "~ shce r. In ~lIdl Ca,"I\
pll~ a_:a.• stipu l [th.,: th \ the info nna li on t:J on il;\ d ro t.e pagc.
( it) HI:.: ' ,\- ~ h /,: ~ 'u} :;;' : .:' t .. ·Vd)IJe;\.: :tAL.'t'i~ f-t -t- ~:.c -": J.q,.~Il . ))! :_ \".J.,-r-!>VH: ZC
~ ., )

• ")'u.. : J . F",duJc k ind I'~a l'tcn ~.t'l< · ~ lioll " ,. ,,,,', ul'" ~d .·", 1 d iu· at : ,>". Ii,.! i'ft:, . f!i<#1~1,f(ff f t 1'!; "'.h!n ' )
:!. I 'Y"llIlflHO IcY edu " l ion for llOh'ersily 'dln l·,i. . is i nc! lie <l ir. uP..... 'c<!l1.lll!')" ,,"',.» 1 (~ " i ; 1 ~ f )~ <:;'f·! fr j I::lA':
< l h. o )
:1. j
, : ii!A-j ,;, -: ~ )
ct. A i Hd icfi\,,,d i:t ~ hl" f '.Atrt.h t·.. ,lUmrt (Di p }. -: or DtltlH 4.t A.. .- ... r .I'--4. ).Ia; <"n'
S \tU)t."'t." t.. SklP Ill'd ,"on f s anJ l.(1\'· h;l , H";( ..~pi(l · (d .U!WJ f"cl hi ~ h ·' h·.t.t l tn 1"'11'0 ) 11, r f'S, I!l r. l

(~'.b;;J,.o rJ1Hf;;~ ! .. L ·::- ,'~~ ftl~ I;t, "; (!)r;0." ~" i ot£ fr :lf:f~'I; £' .j:I.';' , iHiL ','I~ ~ t'! , :jHf<lkJ)~j: i71. ~; : ~~ ~i ' ~:'
(W'! : ,''-;fX 3 +;~ H (f . ;:. J: 'J fflWl ~ f'i)
5, II )'OU "ucnd~d mu lipl, ' s~ h l'\()ls at th.. S"'Ule l~"el of education due ( , . moving Il<)us~ o r readmlssioll Ie unil'e r i~ ', .
thefl woritl' th e .o; r hoo l ~ ill tht! S.JIDl' columll 2nd inc.: lud(' th e numl){ r uf Y-' ill'S of study ilnd cu rrel~ t S t ,!. tus for (:"'."t'h
sc hooL ( fl 1{ (J)f~ .':-;' J, ;:: J)iliNlt ~~J'~P'j; :', fD1 ~!d' .:'I!f'1l '{' j;ti~(1)·~' r-:<; :f~1iL'\,'t- ;tl ~ , lu t,; lIn:.w oJ, /'1.( ({) (Lr~'!:
ttl, 't" -,U)~ ' f ~!R H; j; lf';;:i':~II'> ~': =.)
o. CalrulRt.e and wri te tb~ lo ta ! numi-tfl'r of yC'ar s !-oludie:<J hased on dun~tl nn ~s a st.ud{~nt. (jnc.Juding px[C'nd(~d I J ~'e- ~ Ud1
8S sunrner "acatl on) (k ·:t !f:~~~m;!'(HiJJJHlIH!:n:tbl, ,!O,-r~:t. , ( M~1~) g- l/)6»

8 . Employment Rc ·.m l Begin .,ith the m"Sl r ecent cmployment, if app l l l'abk (~ilt )

""''lit' and Addrt" '1 h' f'lf orgallil;at ion

(ilJtJi 7dH} ~ji j'£Jt!!>
P"riod I)f' Empl'>YInC111
(tit fhl'Jl r~!)
Divi s i on '
( 1;)
t 1QI1
i~~) 1
Type of J'ork

I f)


I 10

9. Slate the lille.s or subj~cI' s 'Jf books or I'ap,,:-~ rl l)dudin~ graduation rhcsi. ,,"tilonc>d by applica nt). if any, "itl> th'"
•.nd ~ddrcss Il f publisher and the date of publ lcat ion.

e"w. ro~ (?i"1!iliU: eHJ'. ) n;ihilA1-f'(T)M~, llil':!Ht~, tlJmilf-R 8 , tI:l~i.4}iM

• Accocapsny this fom .. nh a SllIlIOar, of too papel'S mentioned above. «ttH,,;CJ)Il"tfa-iI!i;fQ)':' c.)

10. Extracurricular and Regiol'l<ll Activi~ies (ft!,9\.f!'tIJ:R/;!.it!!~ttft't'C1)~Ii1J)

F"<'tracurriculllr and Re,tinnal Adiriti(>s Period

(1l~i6IbXI;!.it!!~<:'t1)mllJ) (JQJIIl )

11. Japanese Uonguag.: f'r"ti d ency: E,".,luat., your level and fill in .. ill> an X ..'here appropriate in the foll .... ing bJanks.
(8*~~fJ~ B c.n'ei ?;t ~ '!i .i- - Xf.Pa-.lCA T~':'!: )
brcelleRl Cocod Poor
HI) ([~) ( {"::j')

Read i".:
(I1lt tt€ h )
\I'r !I,jng
U'i <if: 1J)
S " k i ng

I ('l1\ -I-ii:! Jj )

12. Proficiency: Evaluate ,;OHI'

,,1'<> "r TOf..Fl. "1' i LLfS

,( 1;1:, TOEFL xi;!: lEtTS {/).A

Scnre of IELTS
(fELTS' ,'. ;:: 7')

13. t" bring nny family meMbers to Ja".n.)


i) Xa~ in full:
ti) with tl!lephQI1!! number. facsimile ntmtber. E-mi 1 ~ddr0ss

77'l?A.~·XI;tE;<-Jv7 ~ "'f:'ICA'7)::'):.)


Date of App\ kation:


Essay Questions

As the application proccs:-: you arc required to submit a Statement of This statement
will provide the Admissions Commiltl'c with more detailed mformacion about you and your reasons
fOI to the Leaders' Program in Law. The submission you the 0pp0r\wlity to
to the Committee and us with greater infbnnation on your

The submission must be Please use A4 sized paper or 8 1/2" x 11') paper. Limit your responses
to the maximum number of words for each Usc standard lines
wnh a 12 fbn!. Your name shOll Id appear at the top sheet of paper. The number
of the question should also be written. Staple the together and submit them along with
other application materials.

Please answer ALL of the follo\ving ",-"y"v'

1. As a YLP student, you would be to write a 50 pages Master's thesis in an area of

international economic and business law or comparative law. Please wTite a short research proposal
for your thesis describing the issues you would like to research. It might also be helpful to know how
researching Ihis topic might contribute 10 your long-tenn career plans (max. 800

2. Please an example of (i) a new law that has been recently enacted in your county OR (ii)
an important court decision made in your Please describe the background and main
features new law OR as well as your on the matter. Please feel free to ch(){)Se
an example from any field of law, {max 800 words}

3. Include any funhe-r infonnation about yourself that you feel may be relevant to the Admissions
Committee when considering your application. (This might include other relevant
academic publications, prizes, scholarships awarded, membership of pnHc:s.Sl'OB'fi
as well as any other personal achievements) 600 words maximum)

Please note, the submission must address the above issues and must be
of your own efforts. We reserve the right to disqualify any statement VvTittcn or with the belp
someone other than the applicant.
School of' Government
School Qf LQCflLOovernaJJ..f0.

Essay Questions
The following essay questions will provide us with more information about you and your rea sons for
applying to the Young Lead ers' Program.

Your essays must be typed. Please use .4.'1 'size paper or S 1/2" X 11" paper. Limit your responses to
the maximum number of words designated for each question . Use standard double-spftced lines.
Your name should appear at the top of each sepa rate sheet of paper. The number of the essay
question should precede every essay. Staple the essays together and submit them with the other
application materials,

1. What are your most signifieant aecomplishments, actlvltleS, and life experiences to date?
Please emphasize the events which highlight your unique abilities and personalit.y. (maximum
500 words)

2. What is your leadership philosophy? Describe key individuals and/or experiences that shaped
your philosophy. (maximum 500 words)

Supplemental Question

3. How did you become interested in the Young Leaders' Program?" Please list specific information
sources such as publications, alumni, faculty, and websites. <maximum 200 words)
202 -2021

YlP-MEXT Scholarship Program

Young Leaders Program

School of Government
School of Local Governance



A World of Opportunities for Young Leaders
Message from the Progr~m Director

" I , I~ln l' ti . : .1 _1,,11; .,t' I

~ " I " ';-jdd" ir (I':'. rr " f'Il I' i

i ' ll '

) YI ' ·wn . '" nu[

rcq lon:,.
f-,)lhi;.! I)q I "\ill) .\ , )I 'I( i ,11 1nq Lou(Jiri,·'\ ,)11

rnpr( il1( : hf ILl,l liJ: )f plI l )·., pI I, V,

J ~ .I; .. un 1 !(' .

to ··nrrch ul lIj '- 1 dH l

and ('(OnDlll/l '<'. (I pol" IE'S on 1I1l 1)..1r 1 1.'( .111 toriL,ll. It'
), ' 1.",, 1;011 d

can CI<l r) f ("I "IP( 11 ~, I. .1 II 1<; co

po"" I of E: i! 1111 !)\ a(.: II 11) 1 S ,111 I
If'; , It-: '"Ji ) L'II I ~'d tIki , I ~ .' .;: ~ ~"':' ,~ 'img '" 01 f' ' !W:!I'11l In h. i l l I I I 10 \,,1 .1Ild I ·'.d
l ; V ,1 1'1'1'\, l it: .

l l lQP 'j( l 'I til t,t, '( r .I;' ! 1 .,'!:,= lour

joi n earn u' '.UI il>u IrKl l . yOU I ({Ill 1i \ , /l ' I,
I L 'Jloh I _0 Tlf))UI1Ii If u.' , ,P. r· - :. lJ '.t' ,

Prof. Kiyotaka Yokomichi

l ~.I ii i "f- Vlr~ I I . Hj ,-J(t .

[In·', h I (I ~"Ilflq L",'1 ,. I~ <XJI H'\.

<: .. r)IOr fl f l.jf, ·~ 4. I I

'j , . 1, ;. , ,
cA t~ \ 111 ,l r '( ,1 '/

Prof. Mikitaka Masuyama Prof. Hirofumi Takada

) ,1' 1( 1 J ( of R!' {j IO I I I PC' II ( )Il(Pl)! r <lto{) \

f h,' N, (,on,,1Colactua( ' In i Ule III "n;" 1lIdi<,-, lG, IPS) w,~ , Ic),lnd,'(! il l 1997 hy Ih,' I" p ;;' I lJflvt'f<1m Il l ," it
qand-a lon nc1ticrlai q r,lOU:li.C lIn l'J,,= ~ ~~ lt t (:-xt! ',(~J on poliCy J { ~ \1ie:,. FUI t I~ ~;()II( Y I ·(.l\·Jer . . and 1t:)L\H Ch l:'IS ( rpn1 itll
.1v f r i wo rld iJi!lllf· r " " rt>, (Ol ln in» d l \ lfl(crn" lIonal (·y;eilrd1 hub
About th m

Goals and mission

Target group


School of Government SchoolofLocalGovernance

Field Trips (School of Government,

dent Support nd Resourc 5


Resources Fac'i lities

Center for Professional

Student Rooms and IT Support Center
· ta,h stuoent ISprOVided .vi h a Sf 10 ~pa ce,
fh mllsion o f I e (em r [0 1'(0 'es,io nal (I(€ s siole -'1 nours a day
(ommunicanon SW SlIppor GRIPS' studen ~. ompuler elp desk I, open t () all sUJdents r1l1flng
"arull )' ilnd sta ff n <leV loping effertlve professional eg,Jl ar wcr, 9 o urs
communrca ion s rlls and competencies needed \0.
CO lnl Un,CJie produ \fllely i an envi( nment oi
, ult iple stakeholders. To this End, we offer a ra nge
of n true ion an d su POlt In fundamemal aredS cf
rof ~SI O ,(II communlC3:lon ,n I ngllsh and Japal1es"
Includln oliey paper willi g, plof ssional speaking,
grant proposal INCiting. and digital comrnunrcd 10m.
We also prOv de opportunl les rar cultural and
acade ie exc anges th lou gh a self-access lea rnl 9
eme ', , ,JI)ll $ rnlnarS il l sp (lal even t relat d
to all as eel S or pi oressiona I communica ti n. and
pr piI:e customized ma tena' for student and statT
on academiCand professlo ai wflting and langu 9
Health Services Center
· In-hQuse ea lth cl in iC

· 'ine on duty daily. ooct0r availa ble sevelal days ;;

The cenle r su p rIS week

Japanese langu ?e · ravlces medical adVIce, OOSiC medical examinati s
learni r.g of q udent s · W,I (efer to an ar;p opCldle hospital or ~eialisl when
who lilck Japanese 11 essary
Ian uag<' proficienc
for dariy hVlng nd
study. The purpose
I> 10 .1eip stud nls ch ' ve grea ter compete c
,n comprehen Sion and speaking. ThE' center also
facilita te s culrurJI and tradl tlonol '€ K peflences.

· Ex tensive collection 0 pub!rcations ,n the I eid i
policy STudies. collected rrom around the world
· Colle(llon conta ins over 180,000 volumes, Includl 9
reference books, s al151ICai collectiOns, working Fitness Center
papers, and gaver men! ocumems · Running machines and olher traming equrpment
· Large collections of periodicals that include mOl e · Silowers
than 17.000 journals many of which are availabl · Fr"", ~ b~ ; tudem . fa<- ulty. and s at
· Wel ~ rained staff are eQlllpped to re pond to
research-rel ated r quests


The is open to who to
play active roles in the In their home countries A nHrmnum of three
years in the ir the country

The School of Governance Of) of local governance and

Issues in such areas as education, social and local
It accepts students from 20 countries:
P. R. China,
Cambodia, I\M',n n ,("\1


from a
under 40 years English with a TOEFL iBl
score of 79, rs Academic score
prior to arrival in

if they are unable to travel to

who are active members of military or civilians
by the military any part of the period or who are enrotled in a
to enroll at a
international between tile time of and the time
scholarship period IS due to commence are Ineligible Loss of status as public administrator
or official completion the program will also render ineligible,

Admissions Timeline
7-1 0 July - mid-October 12-1 December 1-2
Im€rviewing snOlUi,,€d
(i!ndidalE:'S and r",sulf "'O"lfllArrnn
On person or by 'f'lpnhclnl")

adr'llssior fee and

from your horne
to your

Application procedures


10 October

On,., of he I'<,a est esou rc-'s - ,,", J0y~ (, i ,I ely'r 9 01 ·':lil· ' ~ I~ ','1<:- d ivel sl ty nf ti le) uri ' 'I r
con m niry. I' Ie co n "(f io ')) Y JU maKC vi GRIPS ;:H E' :; '/al uab. ' jla ~ or our 'I ' q CC, I e GRIP)
lui' 1 i Ccwo ' k w il! to' ,>ure [ley are li( l ime ' 01 C ::y ke\7!' Il q yOIl ir llch w i I f II W1 (llwn n l
<l nd the school.

,A.s a GRPS glCle uate, yo join an I m pr0s~;\'C' nptl; 01 k or clo:.c : 0 \000 aiL mnl, IIIcl Idlll .; J.;
9,a ua1e'i fr0m YLP. who are d... ive1y ~ l1a pl ng f tll f(- iKJ, i .i '~ in 'T10re han 100 CO\ I,lt li ,"s c) ro .! od
he world, Co n ,eclivi y n cornrn nira ion si t a! tl~ (' h!~a l of rliP IlJmnl (ommu n Ity \ (' orcr
a var ie y of wa '5 to remaill enga ~ ed w it!- GRI· ) a l ei )( t'll cr hen yOlll te owit h 'ellow cl Jmni
around the globe. 111C'S ' inclu e al Ill) i reunions, c,e:l lina rs, i:' ',l'(l IC /) bl al m ni (Ii rC'c r a.d
o nlinc n tWOI ing a ppal t lIl i 'ics .I\i! iz'ng social r) dia ~uch a'> r accbool.: il 0d L' nk _d in

Number of YlP Alumni

I u...:r.1 .l
- ' 0. \

'" "'IY J !<. 'lfJVl. . .. 1


. \"r
,~ .

- .. - .-- --­
'~1l)a ill ~lra"v~ ,~ 10\ . ,

!.., ~~ ,t.... '1

: .,
" Total 415
" .1'0 • • - I
Alumni Voices

Djalilov Muzaffar iUzbekistan. 2Q14)

I • ,. t' I j ,. ! .' It


Dameria F. Panjaitan (Indonesia, 2014)

Ih' ad ,>ut'>(II 'I,loni,, ' ( · '~nnKdll..,)\ \ lill{>n. \ lnl'.,,:. o i r,rtl A. t:,,,, ,

i I


t• t ~. ! ~:

Nang Monin (Cambodia. 2015)

[It' pu.y U" lOt Int crnd(ton i F,·la illJf1 ()Pp.:Jliflli'flt G·.:nP lill ,'~, a'ii> • "1.,11 . . t In .er,c>!

Vincze Zsuzsa Nora (HUlIg.ary. 2016)

clt>pu .• !"it' rJ f in i', o f Hu n .~I V I sIc. (~ r WJy

Jesska Montgomery (Australia, 2011)

a.I.....l . :OIT nooWf'a 11f asury

!"}'f'0\'1 " r. f ( ",.-.' .:t1 ... ,fli Tf 11-,(

~! !. ~ .-to 'tI ,~ . ~~. I "" ,4 t' "!' ••
Address and Contact Information

U. Curriculum


I . Overview entirelY in Engli:,;h. \he lt~. Program in Jllfern,'j(iol~ai
ii, English AbUlty~ A tl'lrHnHIIi)
'1 Of;r:L,itff score (}l r;.o Or l.:x:jui"'''knc
&o[)t)mic ijrHj BUShlf'SS L:;:,w, 1n !90~. the LI,,,D, Program in It) hA\'t..: the ;:Ibility !l..' )0;11 Jjscussion:::
Ifll/!rn<!1l01l;1! ttonoml( ;Hld B~Jrune~s LJw ;.\nd:.; M,A. nOe.3m Eotr1i$ll wtllt<ll..!l ,my 5!JPI'lk'f"I"I<!otJry Eogiish (t'''lSor;~.
1. ir, COfflj:·lfatjv~.' S0..1.(};;:$ of r6!1rit:s <mo ;\dmmi!r.{ratl-on tll ,hia
Th,,~ Young l..:,aders" ?roiJ:ram rn.p) was es.t~Mi:~h{'d a!i:
:! mle'rt'~jr MUSll!'r~5 program by lh~ Ministry of Edlle;-nIHH. r,n)~rafll" ,Wli lIlt: i;;~s~i~12 of tilt Fifcuh ... or 1..1\". Ky,\silt.l
Cuhur~, Spurt'S. Y:wr.Ct and Tuhllf!l0!.!,' (MEX~n Uni .. e'$.ILy was 'S-i'h.:{;!.:d 1..1.> h~t Ute. Y"llJi\g" Le:..dcfS' Pn;>grni11

KyushIJ I)n;"·vr::>it~' IS locafl"d in Fukuok:t wildt j, the majOr it Momhly Allowance, l" 2019.• moo!h (th,s
!:efo\('r oC Dd!!fll.(;, .:)'ruj C"(lHUI1t'rf."::I(.' (lH !he isbl1<f lA KY;Jsrto in Ihe ligure \vilt bi"', ;:dhl!.'.ted pi ~JQ20 nc(;onting hI :;!"prol,"?,j
soolh'''''bt('f'll !)(tj'"f oj J.. .fMn all ii1lt:rnilt!t)flnl city tn,dt;t! )
YLI-' {lp)gr"A) ;11\11$;1) cOl1trib'Jtc \0 (i.k:;.iCnn,t; 6f (ull,11'('
n,'lltj'jt\;:,;,! k:IH.h:rs '01 ,..l,sion ('(I\tntrlt,"? !h while
dter,u<:w; the particip:mts' undCfSU)\ldlng ;!lJO\I( )fJil1Hi,;1 ailos
H) lMm a 1tl'lwork 0( nafiuua! leaderS who will Dlfl;.' it key
in {>s14lLli$ !r~ndfy rk-hnl¢ns :and ~mDI'ov(!d policr cl:mnin;;
:m~)IIR Asi?!o CO(lntlif"$.. ioc!udl'ng jarMo
3. Participants
L Number of Partici.pants: 'fhert will be about 15
"crepted by Kyu~htt Univ('r~iiY in 2tr.?(l
tv. Tuition F~~$: f'arll<,:II>AAt$ will j)('

ret'S jor ('lItrart(t. m;)lric~II"lim: ,\nd l'JiflO\?

':.Aernp!ed ((1)11\

v, Accommooation: 'fl){;;)I"J()v(' !l!ontlu, allow:we..: illr!\H)c$, the


Th<: (..~JiJ';u' Selln.. oj' l~""'. Kyu~h'.t Univcl"Silr <l.dmljl.1St':rS liCcommoo:.\Uon ff>c
the -YOUOg Leader:,' Progr,lITi in Law~ l'lndN the fralfH!'Work of
til" ,\-U£,>(Ts s..:hO':1t"$htp \i>yslCIfl.. PJHt, ~hl;1y:;>;.i;1. Moogol;7.\ MYd!tOI:JL Th;ril:1nd. the f'hilipptn{'~. vi. Others; SWdl"fll!\
Vw.:tn;I!1\. Singapore, lmlia. So<u!h }\h tl:a T"rkcj' tmd ~!lgi'H!t':Sh-
in 2Ot9. KyusiH; ilnivu:;ity hns ioviU'd 121Iltt':nl';l{i<)f!<.I1 $Luilt:nls 5. Selection Process
iNj!(j 9 C;;ttnbodia China. indllt. Ko(,·;-t \10.1;1),'
S4'1. t,,1()l)g.<F!4.- Myanmar. Ihe Phillpl>tnes ;)I)d rh~;!':lnd
ill. Applic<lnts H\titiJ.. If) principle,/)(' \Iodcr ~O yc,",f""S of ar,e
~:t (A IXlolif:r L 2020 (i.e, horn- on or "iter O<,(il~'r ;;, 1980)
fiostd on tho(; re(omn:';(:nd'HM){l{}( "ut' C.,)I.,nktPiJf! Hlh1\tl.l\tollS In
the p;,r!.ci)).w()U" COl1fl!rip". K~tishu wi:! ${'kn inifial
I". "cademic B.Ckground and Oth.r ""ndW""" 01 (:H)did;)t~s, fI"OOl <1m·oHg tl.Opi14o';:'hiS. l\' rW:",t)S of A rcd~w of the
2. EJigjbiUty: r\.pplk;.'mI$ mu:;,\ have "buinNf a B,k,-h.:to,'s dC'g,e4'
!st:'o'(:O fr(lm 1m ac("redired IJ01WI:Wty. !'ind .H 1cGSt ·1 year). (Ii work;il'l {;,.tp.tfil~flf.e (tOfU rli(:. liln': o(\jn~ it) iM IlIllC lJf llpf}!ic~· T~ who hnv( bi.'(,n selected by K)'I\~hu: Uoiversi<!-' ..... tx m
l\1,1'.>t\:i;' F3CI,Jhks wIth t9.Z55 $hHjelH);! ;ne~odli\1": The ",,'ork rXV<~ficoce. must be In the .1Dpli<Jnt":; h\>mt pul forward ~o fl COOimiltee or t'xpcfts" ;;:s-laoIiS:led the
2SZ1 Inltnn,nioott! :,"n0ents and 2.Dn U,tu!IY lYi..::mbefs,. (QUfllf." 10 71 In\'<' Ilillte or in th!; l~'~al section of i'l D'imp<lny Of MEXT, luI' lli"('. fin;!1 selection,
,t:{lVen101{':1\\ o('p.'IrtmcllL The WOf1<. (-q",<ri(.flCt; tnoS{ also Ix:
TN.. . r:1cuhy 6j' with irs otltsi2lndmg stilff ;)fI.d 1,1)1"8ry. ;~ full,l;me t.iod /lIt!"!" llfadu31lOfl Irom lmiv{'n:.ily 6. Applicati~~, _ _ _ _ _ _ __
one of Ow tCfuiittg rcsearch .,too
ooucational IOSljitJtiol1~ 01 I:.w
And pohfi{"h.! -sdnu:c in JaD~ln. The !f'!c,uHy 1$ well kw)wn for Ih~' Other conddions: MQrE' lIC\3I1t·d iJiloonafil)n 010 JOpIiCriliOI1 l1(<K.--edur($ is.
ltllrl o1rnO')f;t(iv{; re'i>C;}rch in wh~h its I)H.'l'tlbtJ!! ilDv;; II \1ilil.. ry pt>rSOl1nel at),j milttary ';;"ih;::1! CII\p!(),"C~ Ugi;ih~J('tj j'lvi1i!al>1e fl1 1he Emb.l$.<;v of )flj'):"", in thl)~ C1AlmrJ{'S Ilia!
tngagt'il ,Iid",d ill oarl bj' one of Illc largest t,'IJU«:tiilns o! on: the ,1(tive jist are not e!iviu!c IJ) n:Cf;'lVf,> tlH; YtP p,lnidpMe in !hi~ ,m)gl':tJn.
;f\!C!'lI;,lJ();;;l! and ffifeign'f311!!'liige m,flteri~)Is. flJf polili<:a1 :i..d\O!<.Irship
stttnce .:111t! .;;ociJJ sdeoCt: In Javan. h h~s ;riM ",)I\CI1 an <..;;1.1 ....,­
r;l,,;ur<:l'.c<'!! il)fercS, in let,l41 or pt:>!tlical probk-ws <J()pronri,Hc to
11:5 gmgr<1phit'JI 11X:IJi,ion, "host, Of Wf>Sf\!rU J(lf).1D. e!'pcorul\' :'ii int. ~"htJl;lrl'\;l!) l)1;1y be C2IltC'J~C{i ;1' lhe grmHcl.: l?ttls tn
Kyush:~. and ()f Eas{ :\Ild S<lll(ht~i As.inn cO\JIi~ri(·s. nrri¥c if' java" b,' Ill..: .:>Pi-'(I)!HtXl dfllt-l',

Anda mungkin juga menyukai