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CorelDraw sebagai aplikasi software desain grafis berbasis vektor tidak menyertakan secara

detail untuk pengerjaan objek 3 dimensi yang benar-benar 3 dimensi. Ingat

bahwacoreldraw adalah pengolah citra grafis yang bergerak pada mode 2 dimensi. Sehingga
untuk menghasilkan objek 3 dimensi adalah teknik kita sendiri sehingga menghasilkan
sebuah objek mirip 3 dimensi. Untuk memulai tutorial logo 3 dimensi ikuti langkah-lagka
berikut :
Membuat Logo 3D dengan CorelDraw

1. Atur preferensi pada properti bar, Unit : milimeter dan Nudge offset : 0.1 mm

2. Buat poligon 6 sudut dengan menggunakan polygon Tool (Y). Ubah property poligon 6
sudut tersebut menjadi seperti pada gambar dibawah.

3. Aktifkan snap to object agar objek dapat melekat pada objek lain.
4. Buat 3 objek segi empat dengan bezier tool diatas poligon 6 sudut. Pada saat membuat
objek 4 sudut arahkan mouse pada pojok poligon sehingga muncul tulisan node dan arahkan
mouse pada tengah-tengah poligon hingga muncul tulisan center.

5. Warnai objek 4 sudut tersebut dengan warna merah, kuning dan hijau. Caranya dengan
memilih objek 4 sudut dengan pict tool satu persatu kemudian klik warna pada
paletewarna (ada disebelah kanan).
6. Buat persegi dengan ukuran 40 x 40 mm sebanyak 3 buah menggunakan Rectangle Tool.

7. Dengan teks tool ketik A, enter, ketik B, enter, ketik C sehingga huruf tersebut menjadi
sebuah paragraf . Pilih pick tool. Ubah huruf menjadi huruf Arial Black dengan ukuran

8. Pilih teks ABC dengan pick tool. Pecah tulisan tersebut dengan cara klik Menu Arrange >
Break Artistic Text (CTRL+K)
9. Seleksi/pilih tulisan A, B, C tersebut menggunakan pick tool dengan cara menekan tombol
SHIFT dan klik pada teks ABC. Ubah menjadi kurva dengan cara klik Menu Arrange > Convert
to Curve (CTRL+Q). Kemudian klik pada area workspace manapun agar objek tidak
10. Posisikan teks A berada ditengah-tengah persegi. Klik objek dengan tulisan A, kemudian
tekan SHIFT + klik persegi yang sudah dibuat pada point 6. Lalu pilih Menu > Arrange > Align
& Distribute > Align Center Horizontally dan Align Center Vertically
12.Klik kanan pada objek terpilih tersebut ( objek teks A dan persegi) pilih Group
13. Hilangkan garis pada objek terpilih ( objek teks A dan persegi) dengan cara klik kanan
pada palete warna dengan ikon X berwarna putih.

14. Ulangi point 10-13 pada teks B dan C pada persegi yang berbeda pada point 6
15. Aktifkan efek envelope dengan menekan Menu Effects > Envelope ( CTRL+F7)
16. Pilih objek teks A dan persegi dengan Pick Tool kemudian klik tombol Create Frompada
Docker Envelope. Arahkan panah ke warna merah lalu klik apply pada Docker Envelope
sehingga objek berubah menjadi miring.
17. Pilih objek teks A dan persegi yang sudah digrup dan miring tersebut kemudian SHIFT +
Klik pada warna objek 4 sudut berwarna merah. Kemudian tekan tombol keyboard C lalu
tekan tombolkeyboard E, ini berfungsi agar objek berada ditengah-tengah onjek. (pahami
lagi fungsi ini pada artikel (Align And Distribute pada CorelDraw).

18. Ulangi langkah 16 dan 17 pada objek lainnya. Sehingga hasilnya seperti gambar di
Cara membuat logo dengan coreldraw ataupun membuat logodengan illustrator dengan
format vector sangat dianjurkan. Format vektor seperti kita ketahui sangat cocok untuk
membuat karya desain grafis yang menuntut tidak adanya perubahan warna dan bentuk
ketika diperbesar atu diperkecil ukurannya. Berbeda dengan format bitmaps atau raster
yang akan berubah titik warna dan kadang blur ketika proses tranformasi.
Karena kita mencontoh atau membuat logo yang sudah ada sebelumnya maka saya
kategorikan tutorial ini pada tutorial coreldraw tingkat dasar. Anda akan belajar bagaimana
cara menggunakan tool shape, gradasi, marquee tool dan pemilihan warna gradasi multiple
1. Buat dokumen baru dengan ukuran kertas 100 mm x 100 mm

2. Ubah opsi dengan setting berikut

a. tekan menu edit > view grid untuk menampilkan grid

b. Ubah preferensi dengan cara tekan tombol keyboard CTRL + J atau tekan menu Tool >
c. Pada documents > grid pilih opsi spacing dengan ukuran 5 mm, tekan OK.

3. Buat lingkaran dengan tool ellipse tool ( F7 ) pastikan anda menekan tombol CTRL pada
keyboard agar ukuran menjadi simetris. Posisikan lingkaran tersebut pada tengah-tengah
area kerja dengan memilih lingkaran tersebut dan tekan tombol P pada keyboard. Jika
ukuran tidak sesuai dengan area kerja ubah pada property bar object size width dan height
100 mm

4. Warnai lingkaran tersebut dengan interactive fill tool ( G ) melalui klik dan drag. Pilih type
gradasi adalah radial. Untuk memunculkan opsi fountain fill gunakan tool fountain fill ( F11 ).
5. Buat lingkaran lagi dengan opsi sebagai berikut. Bila kedua lingkaran tidak sesuai maka
pilih lingkaran baru dan pilih lingkaran pertama dengan menekan tombol CTRL + klik, setelah
itu tekan tombol keyboard C kemudian tekan tombol keyboard B. Untuk menghilangkan
garis tekan klik kanan pada warna none ( ikon bintang paling atas pallete warna ).

6. Buat lingkaran ketiga dengan opsi berikut

7. Copy dan paste lingkaran pertama yang kita buat dengan cara klik kanan copy dan klik
kanan paste. Buat lagi satu lingkaran di atasnya dengan opsi sebagai berikut.

8. Setelah lingkaran terakhir sesuai dengan gambar di atas, copy lingkaran tersebut
9. Pilih dua lingkaran terakhir menggunakan CTRL + KLIK dan klik tombol combine ( CTRL + L

10. Dengan pick tool ( tool paling atas ) double klik lingkaran yang sudah di combine
sehingga tool berubah menjadi shape tool. Ubah lingkaran yang ada di tengah menjadi
seperti gambar berikut.
11. Paste lingkaran yang sudah Anda copy sebelumnya ( no 8 ) dan lakukan combine seperti
cara 9

12. Dengan pick tool ( tool paling atas ) double klik lingkaran yang sudah di combine
sehingga tool berubah menjadi shape tool. Ubah lingkaran yang ada di tengah menjadi
seperti gambar berikut.
13. Hilangkan garis pada objek terakhir dengan cara klik kanan pada pallete warna none.
Warnai objek tersebut sesuai dengan aturan opsi sebagai berikut.

14. Buat 3 lingkaran sesuai opsi dibawah dan beri warna putih. Putar ketiga lingkaran
tersebut menjadi 45 derajad.
15. Hasilnya
Using Color Styles in logo design

by Pratik Shah

Here's a quick step-by-step tutorial on how to use color styles in your logo designs.
Step 1

Click File > New to start a blank document in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6. In the Create a
New Document dialog box, choose A4 from the Size list box, CMYK from the Primary color
mode list box, and 300 dpi from the Rendering resolution list box (see Figure 1).

Figure 1
Step 2

In the toolbox, click the Ellipse tool (F7) and create a perfect circle by holding Ctrl key while
Step 3

Press and hold the Shift key, then drag one of the circle's corner handles toward the inside
of the circle until the Scale factor on the property bar is approximately 85%, and then right-
click once before releasing the mouse. This will create a copy of the smaller circle.
Step 4

Press Ctrl+R three times to create three additional copies of the circle, each with a
sequentially smaller size. So now we have five circles in total (see Figure 2).
Step 5
Press Ctrl+A to select all five circles, or use the Pick tool to marquee select them. Press B
and then C to bottom center align all circles (see Figure 3).

Figure 2

Figure 3

Step 6

Click Tools > Color Styles to open the Color Styles docker (Ctrl+F6). Click the New color style
button and choose New Color Style (see Figure 4). This will create a new color style. Use the
Color Editor to adjust the CMYK values as follows: C = 100, M = 0, Y = 0, K = 0.

Figure 4
Step 7
Select the new cyan ColorStyle1 swatch, click the New color harmony button, and choose
New Gradient (see Figure 5). In the New Gradient dialog box, click OK to accept the default
values and settings (see Figure 6). This will create a gradient of five lighter shades of cyan
(see Figure 7).

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Step 8

Select the smallest, innermost circle. In the Color Styles docker, double-click the lightest
shade of the cyan color gradient to fill the circle with that color. Select and then fill the
other four circles each with an incrementally darker shade, working toward the outermost
circle (see Figure 8).
Figure 8
Step 9

Select all the circles and right-click the white color swatch on the Color palette to change the
outline color. Optionally, you can use the Object Properties docker (Alt+Enter) to increase
the outline Width to 3 or 4 points (see Figure 9).

Next, in the Color Styles docker, click the lightest shade of the cyan gradient. The value of
this color is likely C = 4, M = 0, Y = 0, K = 0. Use the Color Editor to reduce the C value to 0,
changing the lightest shade to white. The color in the circle will automatically update to
reflect the change (see Figure 10).

Figure 9

Figure 10

Step 10
In the Color Styles docker, click the Harmony folder icon (situated to the left of the first
gradient color swatch). This selects all the shades in the gradient and links them into a hue-
based relationship.

Now, you can use the Harmony Editor to play around with the color gradient. Notice how
the different color schemes are automatically reflected in the circles as you adjust any of the
round handles in the Harmony Editor (see Figure 11).

Figure 11
Step 11

Alternatively, you can also change the alignments of the circles to get different looks. Select
all the circles, and then press E and R, or E and L, or C and T to achieve different alignments
(see Figures 12a, 12b, and 12c).

Figure 12a

Figure 12b
Figure 12c
Membuat Hexagonal 3D Prisma Dengan CorelDRAW
Marilah kita otak-atik yang dimaksud masbero diatas... nah nantinya yang akan kita buat
gambarnya seperti dibawah ini;

1. Ok.. pertama-tama buat objek poligonal segi enam menggunakan Polygon tool di Toolbox;

2. Bukan Menu Bar > Arrange > Transformations > pilih Position, objek poligonal segi enam
diatas ukurannya 2x2cm, pada menu Transformations position pada sumbu X isi 2.3 berarti
kita tambahi lebar 0.3cm, dan pada kolom Copies isi 10, kemudian klik Apply;

3. Hasilnya akan seperti gambar dibawah ini, objek akan bertambah 10, jadi 11 objek
dengan ukuran dan jarak yang sama;

4. Seleksi semua objek dan tekan Ctrl+L di keyboard (Combine), dan Copy-Paste objek objek
tersebut, hapus satu jadi jumlahnya tinggal 10 dan geser kebawah kemudian Combine baris
objek yang atas dan bawah, selanjutnya lakukan cara yang sama seperti langkah nomor 2,
cuma duplikasi arahkan ke bawah dan Copies isi 5 saja, hasilnya akan seperti ini;
5. Seleksi semua objek dan tekan Combine di Property Bar atau sampeyan cukup dengan
tekan tombol Ctrl+L di keyboard;

6. Langkah selanjutnya pilih warna abu-abu pada Color Palette dan klik kanan tanda X juga di
Color Palette untuk menyembunyikan outline objek sarang lebah, selanjutnya buat objek
lingkaran, posisikan tepat di tengah objek yang menyerupai sarang lebah tersebut;
7. kemudian pada Menu Bar > Effects > pilih Lens, pada kotak pilihan jenis efek pilih Fish
Eye, dan jangan lupa beri tanda centang pada Frozen > dan klik Apply;

8. Hasilnya seperti gambar dibawah ini, selanjutnya delete objek sarang lebah aslinya;
9. Hasilnya seperti gambar dibawah ini selanjutnya objek lingkaran beri warna hitam dan
posisikan pada urutan paling bawah dengan tekan Shift+Page Down, (sebenarnya objek ada
tiga setelah proses Frozen pada menu lens yaitu dua objek lingkaran dan satu objek sarang
lebah, buang salah satu lingkaran yang warna selain hitam);

10. Setelah di Delete salah satu objek lingkaran hasilnya seperti gambar dibawah ini;
11. Kemudian seleksi pada objek sarang lebay yang warna abu-abu, pada Toolbox pilih
Extrude tool, arahkan mouse pada objek dan drag ke kiri sedikit saja, sehingga hasilnya akan
seperti dibawah ini;

12. Selanjutnya pada property Bar pilih Extrusion Color, klik pilihan yang paling kanan trus
pada kolom pilihan warna yang atas beri warna putih dan yang bawah beri warna hitam;
13. Sehingga hasilnya seperti dibawah ini;

14. Kita juga bisa mengatur intersitas cahaya dengan mengatur pada perintah Extrusion
Lighting, drag tombol yang bergambar lampu kemasing-masing titik arah cahaya yang
disediakan, atur sedemikian rupa sambil melihat perubahan lighting pada objek;
15. Gambar yang aku buat hasil akhir akan seperti gambar dibawah ini, demikian ... monggo
dicoba masbro sesuai dengan kreasi sampeyan sendiri;

Selesai.... semoga mudah dimengerti dengan mudah.............

Cara Menggambar Gear Atau Roda Gigi di CorelDRAW
Untuk membuat salah satu contoh gambar diatas langkahnya sebagai berikut;
1. Buat objek yang sudutnya lebih dari satu dengan klik pada Polygon tool di toolbox klik
mouse di area kerja CorelDRAW dan drag kebawah dengan arah diagonal, hasilnya akan
seperti gambar berikut;

2. Pada Property Bar > Poins or sides isi 18, hasilnya akan seperti gambar dibawah;
3. Beri warna coklat atau terserah suka-suka sampeyan, dan sembunyikan outline dengan
klik kanan pada pilihan X di Color Palette;

4. Pada Toolbox pilih Shape tool seleksi dua node, sembarang;

5. Pada Property Bar klik tombol Add nodes untuk menambah node;
6. Seleksi salah satu node dan geser keatas, seperti ini;

7. Tambah node lagi dengan klik pada garis, dan lakukan seperti langkah nomor 5 yaitu klik
pada Add nodes pada Property Bar;
8. Geser keatas juga node yang sudah kita tambahkan tadi;

9. Selanjutnya buat dua objek lingkaran dengan Ellipse tool di Toolbox;

10. Seleksi semua objek dan pada Property Bar klik tombol Combine atau sampeyan hanya
tekan Ctrl+L di keyboard semua objek sudah ter-combine;

Hasilnya akan seperti gambar dibawah ini;

11. Selanjutnya untuk membuat sudut tumpul, munculkan menu Fillet/Scallop/Chamfer
pada Menu Bar > Window > Dockers > Fillet/Scallop/Chamfer, pilih Fillet dan atur radius,
kira-kira saja, kalau dirasa yakin cocok klik Apply;

12. Langkah selanjutnya membuat objek perspektif, yaitu pada Menu Bar > Effects > Add
13. Atur sudut pandang dengan menggeser-geser tanda yang dipojok-pojok itu, selaraskan
dengan perasaan sampeyan;

14. Hasilnya akan seperti gambar dibawah ini;

15. Selanjutnya membuat efek ketebalan, arahkan mouse pada Toolbox > pilih Extrude,
arahkan mouse pada objek dan drag ke bawah;

16. Pada Property Bar > Extrusion Color Pilih yang paling kanan, dan sesuaikan warna
17. Atur juga target cahaya dengan Extrusion Lighting juga pada Property Bar;

18. Hasil akhir akan seperti gambar dibawah ini sudah tampak arah datangnya cahaya dari
mana, selesai..
Demikian sekelumit cara menggambar cepat Gear atau Roda Gigi dengan CorelDRAW...
monggo dicoba...
Tutorial Details
Program: CorelDraw 11 - X5
Difficulty: All
Estimated Completion Time: 30 Minutes
Step 1 : Basic Elements

First of all you have to use CorelDraw with version 11+. In this tutorial I use CorelDraw X5,
Okay lets get started. Let’s take a look at the basic elements used to create our design :

Step 2 : Creating Worksheet

Okay, now that you know the steps and elements, we will begin, first of all open your
CorelDraw program, now create a new file and set the paper size to A4 and set the Units to
Step 3 : Creating the Main Boxes

Now that we have our worksheet set, now we will begin to create the Main Boxes, first go to
the " Rectangle Tool ", you can found it on the left toolbar, make a Box shape and resized it
to 115 x 115 px.

After that select the box and go to the upper toolbar and find Effects > Add Perspective,
now you will see that there is a box frame inside the boxes, click and drag the corner to
apply the perspective similar like below.
Now go to the " Interactive Extrude Tool ", you can find it in the left toolbar, hold and drag
the box to the upper left side to create an extrusion effect.
Select the objects and break it by pressing " Ctrl + K " after that select the front side of the
box and put color in it by go to the " Fountain Fill Tool " in the left toolbar, apply the value
Now select the left and the top side of the Box, and put color in it by go the " Fountain Fill
Tool " in the left toolbar, and apply the value below.
Now create an outline of the box using bezier tool, similar like below, point and click to
create the shape, make sure the first click is connected to the last click, or else you cannot
put color in it.

Put white color on the outline.

Select the box and group it by pressing " Ctrl + G ", after that copy and rotate the box to the
side using " Left + Right mouse " while holding ctrl.
Select the copied box and put color by go to the " Fountain Fill Tool " in the left toolbar, and
apply the value below.
Now lets create the third box, go to the " Rectangle Tool " and create a box shape with the
size of 85 x 85 px.

After that select the box and go to the upper toolbar and find Effects > Add Perspective,
now you will see that there is a box frame inside the boxes, click and drag the corner to
apply the perspective similar like below.
Now go to the " Interactive Extrude Tool ", you can find it in the left toolbar, hold and drag
the box to the upper left side to create an extrusion effect.
Select the objects and break it by pressing " Ctrl + K " after that select the front side of the
box and put color in it by go to the " Fountain Fill Tool " in the left toolbar, apply the value
Now select the left and the top side of the Box, and put color in it by go the " Fountain Fill
Tool " in the left toolbar, and apply the value below.
Create an outline of the box using " Bezier Tool " point and click to create the shape, make
sure the first click is connected to the last click, or else you cannot put color in it.
Put white color for the ouline.
Group it by selecting the objects and press " Ctrl + G ", after that arrange it on top of the
yellow and green box.
Step 4 : Working With Transparency

Create a custom box shape using " Bezier Tool " on the front side of the yellow box.
We are going to make the custom box shape transparent by go to the " Interactive
Transparency Tool " in the left toolbar, drag it from right top to the left bottom to create a
linear transparency effect.

Apply the steps above on all of the boxes.

Step 5 : Creating the Background Boxes

Okay now we are going create the Background boxes , go to the " Rectangle Tool " and
create a simple box shape similar like below.
After that select the box and go to the shape tool, you can found it in the left toolbar, left
click on the corner and drag it to make the corner rounded.
Now copy the box using " Left + Right mouse " while holding Ctrl, make the copied box
bigger than the original.
Select the original box and put color in it by go to the " Fountain Fill Tool " and apply the
value below.
After that select the copied box and put color in it by go to the " Fountain Fill Tool " and
apply the value below.
Now create a custom shape inside the purple box using " Bezier Tool " and put white color in
Make it transparent using " Interactive Transparency Tool ".
Select all the objects and group it by pressing " Ctrl + G ", after that copy it, make another 2
boxes and put any color mix that you like.
Now Copy, Rotate and Resize the Boxes to randomize similar like below.
Group all the boxes by selecting all of them and press " Ctrl + G ", after that arrange it
behind the Main Boxes that we previously create.
After that copy and resize the Background boxes and arrange it on the bottom of the Main
Now we are going to create a sparkle for the boxes, go to the " Ellipse Tool " and create a
circle similar like below.
After that go to the " Interactive Shadow Tool " drag the circle into the objects to create a
shadow, change the shadow color to white and apply the value below to create similar.
Now create a star shape using " Bezier Tool " on top of the white shadow.
Put a white color on the star shape.
Repeat the steps above and create several sparkle for the boxes.
Step 6 : Creating the Main Frame

Okay now we are going to create the Main Frame, go to the " Rectangle Tool " and create a
box shape with the size 300 x 250 px.
Put color in it by go to the " Fountain Fill Tool " and apply the value below.
After that, we are going to insert the Objects into the Main Frame using " PowerClip", left-
click the Objects and then go to the top toolbar and find Effect > Powerclip > Place Inside
Container, then you will see a black arrow, Left-click it to the Main Frame, and now you will
see that the Object is inside the Main Frame, you can go "inside" or "outside" the container
by holding Ctrl while double-clicking it.
We are going to create a background texture for the Main Frame, go to the " Ellipse Tool "
and create a circle.
After that go to the " Interactive Distortion Tool " in the left toolbar and apply the value
Make it transparent using " Interactive Transparency Tool ".
Place it inside the Main frame container using " PowerClip ".
Final Image

And we are done, you can download different size for the banner in the source file section.
3D Effect in Corel Draw

Tutorial Details
Program: CorelDraw 11 - X5
Estimated Completion Time: 30 Minutes
Tutorial Assets

The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial.

Step 1 : Basic Elements

First of all you have to use CorelDraw with version 11+. In this tutorial I have used
CorelDraw X5.

Okay lets get started. Let’s take a look at the basic elements used to create our design :
This also will be our steps to create the design.
Step 2 : Creating Worksheet

Okay, now that you know the steps and elements, we will begin.

First of all open your CorelDraw program. Now create a new file and set the paper size to
A2, which is a standard size for posters.
Step 3 : Creating Perspective Effect

Now that we have our worksheet set, now we will begin to create the Perspective Effect.

First Go to the "Text Tool ", you can found it on the left toolbar, create a text object by left
click on the screen and type any word you want, in this tutorial I use " gitchgitch " font
which you can download here.
After that select the font object, and press " Alt + A + B " to break the font spacing.

After it breaks, arrange the web text into the bottom of the entheos text.
After that, select all the text and convert it into object by pressing " Ctrl + Q " it will be easier
to modify.

Now select all the objects and go to the upper toolbar, there you will see the " Weld, Trim,
Intersect " Tool.

Press Weld in order to weld it.

Now we are going to make a line around the object using " Contour Tool",

Select the object and go to the Contour Tool, its in the left toolbar, after that go to the
upper toolbar, there you will see an option contour dialog, make the contour type Outside
Curve, Contour Offset 0,1 cm, and the outside color Red and Fill color yellow.
Okay now we are going to apply the persepective effect into the object.

Go to the Top toolbar and find Effect > Add Perspective.

There will be an perspective points on the corner, Drag the perspective point to make an
angle.Apply it as picture below.
Step 4 : Creating the Extrude Effect

After the perspective is applied, we need to separate the outline from the object.

Go to the Top Toolbar, and find Arrange > Break Contour Group Apart.

This will separate the outline and the object.

Now select the Outline and go to the " Interactive Extrude Tool " its in the left toolbar.

Hold and Drag the outline to create an extrude effect, to be more accurately please apply
the value below.
Okay now we are going to put color in the text object.

Select the text object, go to the " Fountain Fill Tool " in the left toolbar, Choose Custom fill
on the color blend and make the type Linear.

Now you will see a color box. You can change the color by left-clicking it, fill the color with
Light Yellow on the left, middle and right side of the color box.

You can make a custom fill by double-clicking at the color box.

Fill the color with Gold on the middle left, and another Gold on the middle right.

Custom colors in the middle will make the color gradient softer.

Make the Gradient Angle to 270, which will make the gradient horizontal.
Now lets put color on the front extrude object.

Select the Front Extrude object, and go to the " Fountain Fill Tool ".

Using the same way as above apply the value as in picture below.
After that we are going to put color on the bottom Extrude Object,

Select the bottom Extrude Object and go to the " Fountain Fill Tool ".

Using the same way as above apply the value as in picture below.
After that we are going to put color on the bottom Extrude Object,

Select the bottom Extrude Object and go to the " Fountain Fill Tool ".

Using the same way as above apply the value as in picture below.
Now copy the Text Object by pressing " Ctrl + C " and paste " Ctrl + V ".

Put a black color in it and press " Ctrl + PageDown " to send it to back.
Step 5 : Creating the Glowing Effect
To make it more realistic, we are going to put a Glowing Effect into the text object.

We have to apply it per letter, select the " e " on the text object, and copy it.

After that put a white color in it.

As the color is white, I will make a temporary red background so we can see the object.
After that select the " e " , and go to the " Interactive Transparancy Tool " in the left toolbar.

Now you will see that the cursor are changing into a glass object, Hold and Drag it from the
right corner to middle of the " e " object to create a transparency effect.
Apply it one by one to all the letters.
After it applied into all the letters, we are going to add more glowing effects on it.

Create a tiny circle on the side of the object, using " Ellipse Tool " in the left toolbar
Now select the tiny circle, and go to the " Interactive Drop Shadow " tool in the left toolbar.

Hold and drag it on top of the Transpareny object.

After that go to the upper toolbar, There you will see an shadow option, set the shadow
opacity into 80 and shadow feathering into 60.
Apply it using same way as above to all the letters.
Step 6 : Creating the Background

Okay now lets create the background for our 3D Object.

Create a box shape, using " Rectangle Tool " in the left toolbar.

Resize it to be as same size as our worksheet, which is A4 (29,7 x 21 cm )

Now put a color in it using the " Fountain Fill Tool " and apply the values below.
Now put the 3D Object on top of the background.
After that go to the " Bezier Tool " its in the left toolbar, draw a shape by point & left click to
create a custom shape on top of the background like in the picture below.

Make sure that the last click is connected with the first click or else you cannot put color on
the shape.
Put a color in it by go to the " Fountain Fill Tool " and apply the values below.
After that draw another similar custom shape using " Bezier Tool " as in picture below.
Put a color in the second custom shape by go to the " Fountain Fill Tool " and apply the
value below.
After that draw another similar custom shape using " Bezier Tool " as in picture below.
Put a color in the third custom shape by go to the " Fountain Fill Tool " and apply the values
After that draw another similar custom shape using " Bezier Tool " as in picture below.
Put a color in the last custom shape by go to the " Fountain Fill Tool " and apply the value
Step 7 : Working with Powerclip

Now we are going to insert the Custom Shape into the Background using " PowerClip"

Left-click all the Custom Shape, and then go to the top toolbar and find Effect > Powerclip >
Place Inside Container.

Then you will see a black arrow, Left-click it to background, and now you will see that the
Custom Shape is inside the Background.

You can go "inside" or "outside" the container by holding Ctrl while double-clicking it.
Step 8 : Adding More Background

Now lets create more background to make it more interesting.

Create a box using "Rectangle Tool "

Go to the " Shape Tool " in the left Toolbar, find the corner of the box and drag it to
customize the corner.
Copy and paste the box, make it 3 in a row and column,
Now select all the boxes, and go to the " Interactive Envelope Tool " in the left toolbar.

After that go to the upper toolbar, there you will see an envelope option.

Make the envelope type into Single Arc mode, Hold and drag the middle point to shape.
Shape it like in the picture below.
Okay now we are going to apply the persepective effect into the object,

Go to the Top toolbar and find Effect > Add Perspective.

There will be an perspective points on the corner, Drag the perspective point to make an

Apply it as picture below.

Now put the object behind the 3D Effect Object.

Final Image

And we are done, you can make it more exciting by adding more variation, background or

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