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Pengertian, Contoh, Soal/Latihan “Telling

about Interesting News or Information” dan

Kunci Jawabannya

Pengertian, Contoh, Soal/Latihan “Telling about Interesting News or

Information” dan Kunci Jawabannya - Tentunya teman-teman pernahkan
mendapat berita atau informasi yang menggembirakan ? entah itu dari TV, radio,
majalah, atau dari sanak keluarga kawan sendiri seperti adik, ayah, teman, dan
sahabat. Misalnya di TV ada atlet Indonesia yang berprestasi dalam bidang Sepak
Bola, Matematika, ataupun Fisika. Atau mungkin juga berita tentang keberhasilan
kakak Anda yang berhasil meraih nilai tinggi pada studinya, keberhasilan paman
Anda yang berhasil membeli mobil, ataupun berhasil menikahi wanita pujaan hatinya.
Semua itu adalah beberapa contoh “Menceritakan informasi atau berita menarik” yang
kalau dalam bahasa Inggrisnya disebut “ Telling about Interesting News or
Information and Responding”. “ Telling about Interesting News or Information and
Responding” ini merupakan salah satu materi penting dalam bahasa Inggris. Pada
kesempatan ini saya akan menjelaskan materi bahasa Inggris “ Telling about
Interesting News or Information and Responding” kepada teman-teman. Saya akan
menjelaskan Pengertian, Contoh, Soal/Latihan “Telling about Interesting News or
Information” dan Kunci Jawabannya. Saya akan berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk
membantu teman-teman memahami materi Pengertian, Contoh, Soal/Latihan “Telling
about Interesting News or Information” dan Kunci Jawabannya. Untuk lebih
memahami seperti apa materi “ Telling about Interesting News or Information and
Responding”. Perhatikan tabel “Telling about Interesting News or Information and
Responding” berikut ini :

Telling about Interesting News or

Information Responding
Guess what ! Ghat is smart
Let me tell you this. You are terrific !
I’ll tell you what ! Is that true ?
I’ve got good news. I can’t believe it.
Have you heard the news ? I’m glad to hear that.
Look at this ! You won’t believe it. I’m happy with the news.
I’ve got hot news. Want to hear it ? I can feel that you’re happy
Really ?
Wow !
Amazing !
Wonderful !
That’s great !

Untuk semakin lebih memahami “Telling about Interesting News or Information and
Responding” ini, berikut akan saya berikan contoh “ Telling about Interesting News
or Information and Responding”. Ini dia Contoh “Telling about Interesting News or
Information and Responding” :

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Rizal : Did you hear that Abduh was called to the principal’s office again ?
Ramli : No way !
Rizal : It’s true. He skipped school yesterday.
Ramli : Why doesn’t he learn from his past mistakes ? His parents must be so sad.
Rizal : Yes. He has been told off before, but he doesn’t seem to have changed.
Ramli : Unfortunately, we can do nothing, right ?
Rizal : Right.

Ella : Boy, I tried to find your name on the facebook, but I couldn’t find it.
Boy : Sorry, Ella. I don’t have a facebook account.
Ella : What ? I don’t believe it. Almost everyone has it, you know.
Boy : I don’t think it gives me much benefits.
Ella : Let me tell you this. I have a facebook account. It enables me to make
friends with people from abroad. So, I can improve my English.
Boy : Is that so ?
Ella : Yup !

Perhatikan pada dialog 1 kalimat yang berbunyi “It’s true. He skipped school
yesterday” merupakan “to give information”. Sedangkan pada dialog 2 perhatikan
kata yang berbunyi “Let me tell you this. I have a facebook account. It enables me to
make friends with people from abroad. So, I can improve my English”. Kalimat ini
merupakan to tell about interesting news.
Silvi : You won’t believe what I’ve just heard.
Nabil : What is it ?
Silvi : I heared Maman finally got his motorcycle back.
Nabil : Is it confirmed ? He had lost it for almost seven months.
Silvi : Right.
Nabil : If that’s true, I’m happy for him then.
Silvi : Me too.

Kata bergaris tebal pada dialog contoh 3 di atas merupakan “ Telling about
information”. Baiklah, untuk semakin menambah pemahaman teman-teman tentang
“Telling about Interesting News or Information and Responding” ini. Berikut akan
saya berikan Soal / Latihan “Telling about Interesting News or Information and
Responding” dan Kunci Jawaban. Ini dia Soal / Latihan “Telling about Interesting
News or Information and Responding” dan Kunci Jawaban :

Hidayah : Have you heard the news, Nadia ?

Nadia : What news, Hidayah ?
Hidayah : Padang was hit by an earthquake ! And…about seventy people died.
Nadia : Are you kidding me ?
Hidayah : No ! You can watch the news on TV this afternoon.
Nadia : It’s a big tragedy. I wish the best for them.

1. What are the speakers talking about ?

a. An earthquake that happened in Padang
b. The victims of an earthquake
c. The afternoon TV news
d. Poor people in Padang

2. What does Hidayah say to inform Nadia about the surprising news ?
a. Hey, what’s up ?
b. Have you heard the news, Nadia ?
c. Are you kidding me ?
d. It’s a big tragedy.
1. Mita : You’ve to know this.
Septi : What ?
Mita : Mr. Einstein will teach us again !
Septi : Hahaha…do you mean Mr. Akyas who is as genius as Einstein ?
Mita : Yeah.
Septi : That’s a big news. I’m sure we will have a greater chance to win the National
Physics Olympiad next year.
Mita : I hope so.
Septi : Let’s tell our friends about this.
Mita : Let’s.

Answer the following question based on the dialogs.

1. What are Mita and Septi talking about ?
2. Why are they very happy ?
3. What will they do after the conversation ?

Kunci Jawaban :
1. A
2. B
3. a. They are talking about Mr. Akyas ( Einstein) will teach them again.
b. Because if Mr. Akyas taught them, they will have a greater chance to win the
National Physics Olympiad next year.
c. They tell their friends about the news.

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