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4 Cara Menyampaikan Berita Baik dalam

Bahasa Inggris
Saat kamu berhasil melakukan, mendapatkan, atau mencapai sesuatu, tentu rasanya tidak ingin
menyimpan kebahagiaan itu seorang diri. Ya, kamu mungkin ingin membaginya dengan orang-
orang tersayang yang ada di sekelilingmu. Namun, tahukah kamu cara menyampaikan berita baik
dalam bahasa Inggris? Yuk simak beberapa cara untuk menyampaikannya berikut ini.

Secara formal
Salah satu cara menyampaikan berita baik dalam bahasa Inggris biasanya dilakukan secara
formal. Cara ini tentu digunakan dalam lingkup profesional, baik dalam lingkup pekerjaan
maupun pendidikan.

Biasanya, dalam kondisi atau situasi formal, penyampaian berita baik maupun buruk cenderung
disampaikan dengan cara yang sama yaitu berusaha tidak menunjukkan emosi bahagia atau
senang yang berlebihan.

Justru, pola penyampaian berita baik dilakukan seperti sedang menyampaikan informasi biasa.
Hal ini juga terjadi saat kamu menyampaikan berita baik dalam bahasa Inggris. Ada beberapa
kalimat yang bisa kamu gunakan, misalnya, “I’m really pleased to tell you that you get the

Berita tersebut adalah berita yang baik, tapi cara penyampaiannya yang formal seolah menutup
emosi bahagia dari orang yang menyampaikan berita. Biasanya, hal ini dilakukan agar tetap
terlihat profesional.

Selain itu, cara ini bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan kalimat, “I’d like to tell you that we
accept your offer,” atau, “I’m excited to tell you that you pass the exam,” dan masih banyak

Secara mengejutkan atau tiba-tiba

Cara menyampaikan berita baik juga bisa dilakukan secara tiba-tiba. Biasanya, hal ini terjadi
karena kamu mungkin terlalu senang sehingga tak mampu menutupi perasaan bahagia yang
meletup-letup. Oleh karena itu, justru cara penyampaian berita baik ini bisa mengejutkan orang
yang mendengarnya. Akan tetapi, tidak menutup kemungkinan jika kamu ingin sengaja
menjadikan berita baik ini sebagai kejutan untuk orang yang hendak mendengarnya. Bisa jadi,
berita baik ini adalah berita atau kabar yang sudah ditunggu-tunggu sejak lama.
Dalam bahasa Inggris, kamu bisa menyampaikan berita dengan cara mengejutkan menggunakan
kalimat, “Can you believe it that I finally got the job?” Atau, kamu bisa juga langsung
menembakkan berita baik tersebut tanpa berbasa-basi, seperti, “I got the job!”

Secara misterius dan membuat orang lain

Ada kalanya kamu ingin membuat orang lain penasaran dengan berita yang hendak kamu
sampaikan. Ya, memang rasanya menyenangkan melihat orang lain menanti-nanti berita yang
kamu sendiri sudah tahu. Biasanya, cara ini dilakukan untuk membuat orang yang menerima
berita tersebut tidak yakin atau kebingungan, apakah berita yang disampaikan baik atau buruk?

Untuk membuat orang tetap penasaran, kamu bisa memulai memintanya untuk menerka-nerka,
seperti, “Guess it, did I get the job?” Untuk meyakinkan, cobalah membuat ekspresi yang tidak
mudah ditebak.

Secara blak-blakan
Berita baik juga bisa kamu sampaikan secara blak-blakan dalam bahasa Inggris. Ini artinya,
kamu sudah menyampaikan terlebih dahulu bahwa apa yang hendak kamu sampaikan kemudian
adalah berita baik. Untuk menyampaikannya, kamu bisa mengawali berita ini dengan kalimat, “I
have a good news for you.” Jadi, setidaknya, orang yang hendak menerima kabar ini tahu
bahwa ini adalah kabar baik. Hanya saja, mungkin orang tersebut masih belum tahu kabar apa
yang kamu ingin beritahukan kepadanya.

Ada banyak contoh kalimat lain yang bisa kamu gunakan jika ingin menyampaikan berita baik
dalam bahasa Inggris. Namun, setidaknya, kamu bisa menggunakan salah satu dari beberapa
contoh yang sudah disampaikan di atas. Selamat mencoba!

Professional & Informal Ways to Give Good News

in English
Generally, we don’t have any strict rules for giving good news because we are usually
thrilled to get good news. But here are some useful expressions for you to use:
I’m/we’re really pleased to tell you that… I’m pleased to say you got the job.
I’d like to tell you that… I’d like to tell you we accepted your offer.
I’m/we’re (really) happy to inform you that… I’m happy to inform you that your
application has been approved.
I’ve/we’ve got some good news for you… We’ve got good news for you. Your request to
present at the conference was accepted.
Guess what… Guess what, I got the job!!
I have some amazing/incredible/fantastic/great news for you… I have some amazing
news! I was accepted to the university. 
Can you believe it… Can you believe it? She passed the exam! 
I’m so excited to tell you that… I’m excited to tell you that we’re getting married!

How to Respond to Good News in English

Here are great ways to respond when someone you care about shares good news.
Also, don’t forget to watch the video to learn a useful pronunciation tactic for showing
your enthusiasm or excitement.

 That’s great!
 Well done!
 I’m (so/really) glad to hear that!
 Wonderful! Thank you for sharing.
 I’m/we’re very happy for you.
 Congratulations.
 That’s very good news.
 Wow! That’s awesome!
 Fantastic/great/awesome!
 That’s so great!
 I’m thrilled for you!
 I’m so happy for you!
 Congratulations!
 That IS good news.
 I can’t believe it! That’s great!
 Really? Are you serious!?!

7 Steps to Give Bad News in English with

1—Be prepared
If there is ever a situation to prepare what to say, this is it. Think about what you want to
say beforehand, think about the words you will use and practice them first. Think about
the reasons you will give and how you will implement steps 2 – 7.
Plan it out, practice it out loud, and go into the conversation ready.
2—Be direct and assertive
When delivering bad news, it’s important to skip the polite conversation, forget small
talk. This is no time to ‘beat around the bush’, an idiom which means waste time talking
about everything other than the thing you need to talk about. You need to cut to the
chase or go to the point with bad news, it makes it much easier on the person getting
the news.
So, these are the phrases you can use to do exactly that:

 There is no easy way to say this, but…
 I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news…
 I’m sorry to have to tell you that…
 It is my unfortunate duty to tell you that…
 I’m afraid we won’t be able to…
 There is no easy way to say this, but…
 Unfortunately…
 I’m sorry to have to tell you that…
 I’ve got some bad news…
 I regret that …
 Maybe you should sit down for this…
 I am so sorry, but…
P.S. If you want more help on How to Be Assertive in English (direct but polite), be sure
to check out my lesson on that.
3—Give time
It can take time for people to take in and understand bad news. So after you give the
bad news it’s helpful to pause to give someone time to think and absorb what you have
just said. These phrases can help with that:
 Do you need a minute?
 I can see this is a shock, I will give you a minute.
 I will give you a moment to clear your head.
4—Give background facts
Explain the background or the details of the bad news. People always want to know
why. Make sure you stick to the facts here and skip the unnecessary extra detail or
excuses, just clearly and directly give a couple of reasons the situation is happening.
Keep it simple, honest and factual. Here are some sentences starters to help you:
 It was a matter of…
 Unfortunately, there are some problems with…
 Due to [talk about the problem]…
 After consulting with my colleague/boss/the (sales/marketing/hiring/HR) team…
 It’s because…
 The main thing…
 It’s not possible because…
5—Be caring
When giving bad news, it’s important to respect and show understanding for the other’s
feelings or response. It’s likely that the news will be upsetting, even unexpected, so be
sure to offer sympathy to help calm the situation.
 Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience this has caused.
 Please accept my apologies. I know this isn’t what you wanted to hear.
 Please accept my apologies. I wish that the situation were different.
 I can appreciate your feelings on this. I know it isn’t what you hoped for.
 I can appreciate why you feel that way.
 Sorry again for…
 I understand why you feel that way.
 I can see why you might feel that way.
 I can see why you would think that (but)…
 I thought it was possible but…
 I really wish I could help you but…
6—Be supportive
In some situations, being supportive and trying to offer alternative solutions or focusing
on the positive can help. But, if the news is particularly bad, it is best to avoid trying to
focus on the positive because then it might be offensive or hurtful. For those situations
where it would be helpful to be constructive and supportive you could say:
 Would you consider an alternative solution such as…?
 I know it isn’t the answer/result/solution you wanted, but what about…?
 If there is a silver lining* here, it’s that…, so perhaps you could…
*In English we have an idiom: Every cloud has a silver lining. What this means is for
every negative or bad situation, there is always something positive that can come from
 It’s not what you want, but how about…?
 I have another idea…
 It’s not the same, but what about…?
7—Don’t take it personally
When people receive bad news, their emotions may run from angry to sad and anything
in between. Even if you have mastered the art of delivering bad news, they may still say
something angry towards you simply because you are the one giving the bad news.
Don’t take it personally, the saying ‘don’t shoot the messenger’ exists exactly because
in that moment of strong emotion people say regretful things to the bearer of bad news!
They are just going through their reaction, it is not about you.
Staying calm and remembering it’s about how they’re feeling will help, you might say
something like:
 I can see you are sad/angry. I’m so sorry.
 I can’t imagine how you must be feeling. I’m so sorry.
 Or simply say: I’m so sorry.
 In a really informal situation you could even say ‘this sucks! I’m so sorry!’
Putting It All Together

Example 1:
Hello, Stephen, I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news. The company has offered the
promotion to someone else. I had really hoped to offer you the position but the
management team chose another applicant because they have more experience. I
know this isn’t what you wanted to hear but I hope that you’ll continue to seek
opportunities like this with the company as you clearly have a lot to offer.

Example 2:
Emily, I’ve got bad news. I know we planned to go on vacation together next month
and you’ve already paid the deposit, but unfortunately I have to attend a conference
for work, so I won’t be able to go with you. It really sucks and I’m sorry to let you
down. It’s not the same, but what about we book a long weekend trip the month after
and I will repay you for the deposit?

Summarize in Indonesia.
Make two dialogues with different situation.

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