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A. Kegiatan Belajar 1
1. Kemampuan Akhir yang diharapkan
Mahasiswa mampu menstimulasikan percakapan Bahasa Inggris secara aktif
dengan setting pelayanan kesehatan
2. Uraian Materi

Offering Services

Offering service sangat umum digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari

sehingga penting bagi mahasiswa untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang ekspresi
offering service. Untuk membantu mempermudah pemahaman, terlebih dahulu akan
dibahas mengenai struktur serta cara pengungkapan ekspresi offering service.
Setelah mengetahui strukturnya, mahasiswa bisa dengan mudah
mengaplikasikan kata demi kata sesuai dengan pola yang telah ditentukan. Inilah
mudahnya belajar Bahasa Inggris karena terdapat rumus pasti yang bisa dihafalkan.
Dalam pembuatan kalimat offering service, ada beberapa pola yang bisa digunakan
untuk membuat ekspresi baik formal maupun informal.
Secara garis besar, terdapat dua struktur dalam pembuatan kalimat penawaran
bantuan, yaitu menggunakan modal verb dan tanpa modal verb. Berikut ini penjelasan
mengenai kalimat dengan modal verb dan tanpa modal verb.
1. Offering Service dengan modal verb
Modal verb merupakan kata yang biasa digunakan untuk mengekspresikan
keperluan, kemampuan, izin, serta kemungkinan. Beberapa modal verb yang bisa
digunakan untuk membuat ekspresi offering service antara lain: Can, May, dan Must.
Can dapat digunakan untuk mengungkapkan ekspresi informal sedangkan May
dan Must dapat digunakan dalam percakapan formal. Tidak ada perbedaan makna
antara modal verb tersebut, hanya saja perbedaan terletak pada tingkat kesopanan atau
politeness. May dan Must dianggap lebih sopan untuk digunakan dalam percakapan
yang resmi.

Berikut ini adalah contoh kalimat penawaran bantuan menggunakan modal verb Can:
- Can I help you?
- Can I do something for you
- Can I do you a favor?
Contoh kalimat diatas dapat digunakan untuk percakapan yang tidak terlalu
formal/ informal. Untuk menawarkan bantuan dengan lebih sopan, Anda bisa membuat
kalimat menggunakan May atau Must seperti contoh di bawah ini:
- May I get the meals for yiu?
- May I bring the book for you?
- Must I close the door for you?
- Must I write something?
Berdasarkan beberapa contoh di atas, dapat dilihat struktur atau pola pembuatan
kalimat menggunakan modal verb Can, May, dan Must. Secara umum, pola ekspresi
menawarkan bantuan adalah sebagai berikut:
Modal Verb + Subject (l) + Verb + Object/Adverb
2. Offering Service tanpa modal verb
Selain menggunakan modal verb, ada cara lain untuk membuat sebuah kalimat
offering service. Kalimat ini biasanya menggunakan kata “Do you want me” atau “Do
you mind if I”
− Do you want me to buy the drink?
− Do you want me to change the schedule?
− Do you mind if I pour the tea?
− Do you mind if I help you?
Dari beberapa contoh kalimat di atas, maka kalimat offering service bisa
diidentifikasi menggunakan Do you want me serta Do you mind if I. Secara garis besar,
pola yang bisa digunakan adalah sebagai berikut:
Do you want me + to + Verb + Object/Adverb, atau
Do you mind if I + Verb + Object/Adverb
Setelah mengetahui struktur umum pembuatan kalimat offering service, kini saatnya
untuk membuat dialog offering service. Berikut ini adalah contoh dialog offering
service yang dilakukan oleh 2 orang.

Patient's mother: Good morning, doctor.
Doctor: Good morning.
Patient's mother: My daughter hasn't been feeling well and she has a fever, can you
please have a look?
Doctor: Let's see, hi sweetie, what's your name?
Dana: Dana.
Doctor: Can you please take off your jacket and lie down on the bed Dana?
Patient's mother She is a little scared.
Doctor: Don't worry, it's not going to hurt, I will just listen to you, I promise.
Dana: Alright.
Doctor: Let me listen to your back and check your throat.
Patient's mother: How is she?
Doctor: Her throat looks red, I think she has an infection. I will prescribe her some
antibiotics, she should take them twice a day.
Patient's mother: How long does she need to take them?
Doctor: About a week but she can continue for another week if she doesn't feel better.
She should probably rest for a few days too and not go to school.
Patient's mother: She has become very weak recently. She gets cold very easily too.
Doctor: It's probably the fever, she may have caught the infection from anyone.
Patient's mother: Can she take a shower?
Doctor: Absolutely, taking a cool shower actually help reduce the fever in a natural
Patient's mother: Wow, I didn't know that. When should we come back again?
Doctor: I want to see her next week, but if she gets worse, you can come and see me
Patient's mother: Thank you so much, doctor.
Doctor: You are welcome, it's my pleasure, I hope she gets well soon.
Patient's mother: Thank you again, good-bye.
Doctor: Good-bye.

B. Kegiatan Belajar 2 dan 3
1. Kemampuan Akhir yang diharapkan
Mahasiswa mampu menstimulasikan percakapan Bahasa Inggris secara aktif
dengan setting pelayanan kesehatan
2. Uraian Materi


The function of convincing is to make sure about our intervention that it will help
patient of recovery.

For example:
1. Don’t worry, it has no side effects.
2. I’m sure you’ll get well soon
3. I think surgery is the only solution
4. You’ll be home in a couple of days
5. You should really consider it

Practice the dialogue:

(1) Convincing the patient in order to reduce the weight
P: What do you think?
N: It looks like you’ve been putting on weight, madam
P: Really? Wow
N: You’re supposed to loose some/ it’s extremely important
P: Is it?
N: Sure it is
P: But I’ve tried to eat less and sometimes I skip dinner
N: well, you need to consider both quantity and quality. You
consider the carbohydrate and fat content
P: That is not easy, isn’t it?

C. Kegiatan Belajar 3
1. Kemampuan Akhir yang diharapkan
Mahasiswa mampu menstimulasikan percakapan Bahasa Inggris secara aktif
dengan setting pelayanan kesehatan
2. Uraian Materi


Persuading is an expression to persuade someone. It means to make someone decide to

do something by giving them reasons why they should do it, asking them many times
to do it, or to make someone believe something or feel sure about something.
Some expression to persuade someone to do something :
- Can’t I persuade you to…?
- Let’s join… you won’t regret it.
- I’m begging you. Will you…?
- Just this once
- How I can persuade you to…?
- Won’t you…. Please?
- Why don’t you….?
- Are you really sure you can’t/couldn’t….?
- I really think it would be a pity if we didn’t…
- Are you quite sure you won’t consider….?
- I really think you’d do well to…
- Oh, come on!
- You’re not going to let me down, are you?
- No even for me/for my sake?

For example :
Lea : Hi Mel, what are you doing today? How about a movie?
Amel : Hi Lea, which one?
Lea : There is a good new Indonesian movie at theatre
Amel : Sorry, but you know I don’t like Indonesian movies

Lea : Oh come on girl, I’ll sure you will enjoy this one
Amel : I don’t enjoy the movies because I can’t follow the conversation fully
Lea : I feel you, but there are so many other things you can enjoy at this movie
Amel : Hmm, that’s true
Lea : So, why don’t you come Mel?
Amel : Okay, I’ll be at the theater at 7 pm. Make sure you not be late

D. Kegiatan Belajar 4
1. Kemampuan Akhir yang diharapkan
Mahasiswa mampu menstimulasikan percakapan Bahasa Inggris secara aktif
dengan setting pelayanan kesehatan
2. Uraian Materi


Consoling purposes to consul patient to be calm down or relax

For example:
1. Take it easy…
2. Calm down…
3. Don’t worry…
4. Take a deep breath …
5. You’re in pain. Aren’t you?

Practice the dialogue :

(1) Patient need comfortable and relaxing
N: Good morning… How are you?
P: Well… not very good, I’m afraid
N: I can see that…, but we’ll help you out. Now… shall we try to something to make
you relaxed?
P: Do you think it will work?
N: It usually does. Just relax… Take this seat and put your head down here…Dr, Joni
is a real expert here.
P: Is she?
N: Yes… she knows what to do. You will like her
P: I hope so.

E. Kegiatan Belajar 5
1. Kemampuan Akhir yang diharapkan
Mahasiswa mampu menstimulasikan percakapan Bahasa Inggris secara aktif
dengan setting pelayanan kesehatan
2. Uraian Materi


Encouraging is an expression to give someone support, motivation, giving them

hope, and confidence to do something or to make something more likely to exist,
happen, or develop, so he/she can achieve the goals. Encouraging is used by nurse to
encourage patient to have a positive thinking about her/his disease
How to Encourage Someone?
Follow the quick below guide:
1. Praise
2. Show people their strength
3. Show appreciation
4. Believe in them
5. Be a positive role model
Here are some expression to encourage someone :
− Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll do better the next time.
− You have my support.
− You’re doing very well.
− You like it? Go for it!
− It wouldn’t hurt.
− Keep at it!
− Stick to it!
− Give it a shot.
− Come on. This is not the end of the world.
− We feel you should go ahead.

− I’m sure you’ll win !
− Go on, you can do it!
− Don’t give up!
− No pain, no gain.
− This is for your best ..
− I’m sure you will pass …

For example:
− 1. I’m sure you will make it.
− 2. Have faith and everything will work out well
− 3. Be brave and you’ll be okay
− 4. You need to see the bright side of it.
− 5. Just does it, you’ve got nothing to loose.

Practice the dialogue:

(1) A patient gets loss of her leg and doubt to go home.
P: I don’t know what to do…
N: You may not know what to do now, Sir. But once you’re out there…There’s so
much to do.
P: I feel so useless
N: I understand the feelings. Some people think this is the end of the world. But many
handicapped people do useful things, Things they never thought of before.
P: Like what?
N: One of our patients last year… You know, he writes now. He says he can’t be
P: Really? I should think of hobby now.
N: Why not. Everyone has potentials.
P: That’s true. Thanks.
N: Welcome.

F. Kegiatan Belajar 6
1. Kemampuan Akhir yang diharapkan
Mahasiswa mampu menstimulasikan percakapan Bahasa Inggris secara aktif
dengan setting pelayanan kesehatan
2. Uraian Materi


Reprimanding purposes to reprimand patient politely

For example:
1. That’s not right thing to do.
2. This is not good for your digestion
3. As far as I know, you’re not supposed to smoke
4. STOP it, will you?
5. I’m sorry, but you have deliberately broken the rule.

Practice the dialogue:

Reprimanding the visitors at the hospital
N: Excuse me, ladies. I’m sorry to tell you that no more than 4 persons are allowed
V: But nurse… we came all the way from central java
N: I see. But… that’s the rule here
V: Are you saying that we came here in vain?
N: Alright. Let me tell you what I’ll. The rest please stay here do. I’ll take four people
at time. So, you’ll take turns
V: (visitors mengambil oleh-oleh makanan untuk diberikan ke pasien)
N: One more thing ladies… Food from outside is not allowed
V: What do you mean?
N: I’m sorry… you have to leave the food here
V: Oh…no
N: I’m so sorry

G. Kegiatan Belajar 7
1. Kemampuan Akhir yang diharapkan
Mahasiswa mampu menstimulasikan percakapan Bahasa Inggris secara aktif
dengan setting pelayanan kesehatan
2. Uraian Materi


Apologizing is used to ask apologizing caused you may make mistakes

For example:
1. Excuse me… May I get through?
2. Sorry, I was on your way
3. I’m sorry for being so late.
4. Please forgive me. I didn’t mean to hurt you
5. I owe you an apology.
6. Sorry about that
7. I would like a apologize
8. I feel really bad about it
9. I am so sorry
10. Do forgive me please

Practice the dialogue:

(1) Feeling guilty
N: Doctor Aji, I have to apologize I failed to keep the record. I’m sorry
D: Your apology is accepted. Please don’t forget again next time
N: It won’t, doctor I promise
D: Very good. Do your best


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