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A. Informasi Umum

Kode Modul Bhs Inggris E.XI.3

Penyusun/Tahun Aryani Purnaning R/2023

Kelas/Fase Capaian XI/Fase F

Elemen/Topik Menyimak – Berbicara

Membaca – Memirsa

Alokasi Waktu 40 menit (4 Jam Pelajaran)

Pertemuan Ke- 1-2

Profil Pelajar Beriman, Bertakwa, dan Berakhlak Mulia,

Pancasila Berkebhinekaan Global, Mandiri, Bernalar kritis,
Kreatif, dan Bergotong royong

Sarana Prasarana LCD, Proyektor, Papan Tulis

Target Peserta Didik Regular/tipikal

Model Pembelajaran Problem-Based Learning

Moda Pembelajaran Tatap Muka

B. Komponen Inti
Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Peserta didik dapat dapat mengidentifikasi the expression of giving opinion and
defending opinion.
2. Peserta didik dapat menggunakan the expression of giving opinion and defending
opinion dengan benar.
3. Peserta didik dapat mengucapkan ungkapan-ungkapan giving and defending opinion
dengan tata bahasa yang benar.
4. Melalui kegiatan Role Play siswa mampu merespon ungkapan-ungkapan giving and
defending opinion.
Pertanyaan Pemantik
1. Did you ever give opinion to other people such as: friend, family etc.
2. How did you express to give an opinion?
Persiapan Pembelajaran
1. Guru melakukan asesmen diagnostik dalam bentuk kuis sebelum pembelajaran.
2. Guru menyiapkan bahan tayang PPT materi beberapa langkah-langkah
memperbaiki suatu barang elektronik
Materi Pembelajaran
1. Giving and Defending opinion
2. The expression of giving opinion and the expression of defending opinion.
Langkah Pembelajaran
Pertemuan 1 (4 JP)

Kegiatan awal (15’)

● Mempersiapkan siswa untuk siap dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran (berdoa,
absensi, dan menyiapkan sumber belajar.
● Memberikan pertanyaan pemantik terkait dengan materi.
- Did you ever debate with your friend or family or someone else?
- What did you debate about?
- Did you get angry when he/she cannot accept your opinion?
● Menyampaikan topik dan agenda pembelajaran

Kegiatan Inti (130’)

● Memberikan studi kasus terkait dengan topik hari ini:
○ What is your opinion about smoking should be banned in Indonesia?
○ What is your reason?
● Peserta didik mendapatkan sebuah dialog yang tidak lengkap dari guru.
● Peserta didik diharapkan dapat melengkapi dialog tersebut dengan benar
berdasarkan audio yang diputar oleh guru.
● Peserta didik mendapatkan pemaparan secara umum tentang pengatahuan
giving and defending opinion.
● Peserta didik mendapatkan sebuah dialog lengkap untuk dibahas bersama-
● Peserta didik bisa mengetahui cara mengaplikasikan the expression of giving
opinion and defending opinion.
● Guru mempraktekan dialog tersebut dan diikuti oleh para peserta didik.
● Peserta didik mempraktekan dialog tersebut tanpa arahan dari guru.
● Setiap peserta didik mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mempraktekan dialog

Kegiatan Penutup (15’)

● Melakukan refleksi pembelajaran
● Menyampaikan agenda pertemuan berikutnya
C. Lampiran

Giving Opinion The example

In my opinion… In my opinion, we never eat junk food
because it is not good for our body.
From my perspective… From my perspective, it is fine to eat junk
food, provided we eat it once a week.
I believe that… I believe that exercise can make our body
stay healthy although we often eat junk
I think that… I think that diet is so simple to do.
According to me… According to me, staying healthy is the
most important thing.
Defending Opinion The example
I understand your perspective, but I believe I understand your perspective, but I
that… believe that eating junk food is fine,
provided we often work out.
While I respect your opinion, I still think While I respect your opinion, I still think
that… that we have to avoid junk food.
I see your awareness, but I think… I see your awareness, but I think only
exercise is not enough, we have to eat fruit
and vegetable.
I see your point, but I disagree because… I see your point, but I disagree because
diet is for people who have enough time.

Tom : I don’t understand why so many people like Seblak.
Sarah : Seblak is one of Sundanese traditional food, and it is very delicious.
Tom : But the food contains calories and unhealthy fat. It is not very good for our bodies.
Sarah : From my perspective, it is OK to eat Seblak, provided we do not eat it too much. I
know it contains so much unhealthy fat, but if we often exercise, it can be reduced.
Tom : I see your point, but I disagree because many people do not care about their health.
They care to satisfy their craving. Moreover, there are so many food influencers in
Indonesia who promote eating junk food.
Sarah : Promote? They are not promoting eating food; it is their job to give a review of food.
Tom : You are right; it is their job, but they are better at eating healthy food so the viewers
can follow their habits.
Sarah : I understand your perspective, but I believe that the influencers do not have the
intention to promote eating junk food, they want to give imagination of the food taste
to the viewers. Choosing a healthy life is someone’s decision, right?
Tom : You are right.
Sarah : I still love eating junk food twice weekly and often exercise a lot. And you choose
not to eat junk food at all. So, it is someone’s decision.
Tom : I agree with you.

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