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Materi English Club

1. Speech (Pidato)
2. Poem (Puisi)
3. Singing (Bernyanyi)
4. News Reading (Membaca Berita)
5. Story Telling (Membaca Cerita)
6. Debate (Debat)

English Speech
Pidato bahasa Inggris pada dasarnya sama dengan pidato berbahasa
Indonesia. Yang membedakan keduanya hanyalah penggunaan bahasa.
Sementara itu struktur, jenis, dan topik yang dibahas cenderung sama.
Biasanya, pidato bahasa Inggris ditemui di berbagai acara seperti seminar,
kenaikan kelas, pernikahan, ulang tahun, dan sebagainya. Pidato ini
disampaikan oleh seseorang di hadapan hadirin.
Agar memahami pidato bahasa Inggris lebih dalam, yuk simak ulasan
berikut ini.


Pidato juga didefinisikan sebagai aktivitas mengungkapkan ide, gagasan,

pikiran secara lisan dalam bentuk kata-kata atau kalimat kepada banyak
orang dengan tujuan tertentu.
Untuk menyampaikan pidato dengan baik, seseorang harus memperhatikan
penampilan, ekspresi wajah, perilaku, dan intonasi suara. Beberapa
kemampuan dasar yang diperlukan dalam pidato, yakni:

 Menguasai bahasa lisan dengan baik dan benar.

 Memiliki keberanian untuk tampil di depan umum.
 Mampu menyampaikan ide atau pemikiran secara lisan dengan

Jenis-jenis Pidato Bahasa Inggris

Mengutip buku Pintar Pidato: Kiat Menjadi Orator Hebat tulisan Drs.
Arif Yosodipuro, M.M (2020), berdasarkan cara penyampaiannya, pidato
bahasa Inggris terbagi menjadi beberapa jenis, antara lain adalah:
1. Manuscript
Manuscript atau metode naskah merupakan penyampaian pidato dengan
membaca teks yang sudah disiapkan sebelumnya. Umumnya, metode ini
diterapkan dalam pidato resmi seperti pidato kenegaraan.
2. Impromptu
Improptu merupakan metode pidato dadakan, di mana pidato disampaikan
tanpa persiapan naskah atau hafalan. Mereka yang menerapkan metode ini
akan berbicara secara langsung dan menyampaikan apa yang ada di dalam

3. Memorized
Memorized atau metode memorasi adalah pidato yang disampaikan dengan
cara menghafal isi pidato yang sudah disiapkan. Biasanya, pembaca tidak
membawa teks lantaran sudah menghafal seluruh naskah pidato.
4. Extemporaneous
Dalam pidato extemproraneous, pidato disampaikan dengan catatan kecil.
Catatan yang disiapkan memuat urutan poin-poin yang hendak dipaparkan
ketika berpidato. Nantinya, pembicara akan mengembangkan poin-poin
tersebut ke dalam uraian yang luas.

Struktur Pidato Bahasa Inggris

1. Introduction
Introduction atau pendahuluan memuat penjelasan tentang perkenalan diri
dan topik yang akan dibahas. Dalam bagian ini, pembicara dapat menarik
perhatian audiens.
2. Body
Body atau isi pidato berisi argumen atau pembahasan yang hendak
3. Conclusion
Conclusion atau kesimpulan memuat solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan
yang dibahas. Setelah membahas solusi, pembicara dapat menutup pidato
dengan kata-kata penutup seperti permohonan maaf dan ucapan terima

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris

Apabila belum paham, Anda bisa menyimak contoh pidato bahasa Inggris
yang dikutip dari situs A Plus Topper dan My Perfect Words:
Contoh 1
Why Videos Go Viral
As a specialist in public relations, I feel best suited to deliver this speech
on the reasons why videos go viral. Most people in the world want to be
famous. That is a basic fact that cannot be argued with.
This is something that seemed hard to achieve some time ago. However,
this is a trend that has changed, over the years, due to web video. People
can now become famous within a span of one week.
This brings us to the major question in this speech; why do internet videos
go viral? YouTube can be used as an illustration. Every minute, about 48
hours are uploaded in YouTube. However, only a tiny percentage of this
goes viral. Therefore, it is important to discuss why these videos go viral.
Just the other day, a four minute video of a guy laughing, while viewing
the rainbow, had 5,000,000 views on YouTube. At the same time, there are
other videos that may seem to be worthy of such views, yet they do not
achieve this.

This shows that there is great value in unexpectedness. People on the

internet want to see things that they do not expect there. They prefer to
view videos that cannot be predicted.
That is how such funny and short videos go viral. It is a technique that has
been repeatedly used by celebrities. It shows creativity, as well as captures
the attention of people on the internet, at a glance.
There are people in the society that act as tastemakers. This means that
they have the ability to engage in activities that command a lot of support
and following, from people all over the world.
These are people that can make everyone want to be associated with
something. A recent example is that of Rebecca Black with her song,
‘Friday’. This video did not have views at first. Later, its views shot up
and it became one of the most watched videos on YouTube.
However, there is one interesting aspect to these findings. The days when
the views were highest were always Fridays. This shows that the song
raised awareness of the importance and amusement that comes with
This is an ideal example of how tastemakers manage to have their videos
go viral. From these findings, it is clear that videos do not just go viral.
There are vital factors that contribute to this every time that it happens.
It is now clear that there are specific reasons and factors that contribute to
a video going viral. This does not only shed light on the matter, but also
creates great interest in people who would like to be famous.
As my research has shown, there is a great need for creativity in these
videos for this to happen. This explains the mystery of why some videos
go viral, while others do not get that privilege. It also explains the reason
why people are inevitably attracted to some videos and not to others.

Thank You Teacher

Good morning to everyone present here today. Today, I am here to share
how thankful I am to have teachers who have built me into the person I
The first word that strikes my mind hearing the word teacher is my school.
It would be an unimaginable scenario if there would be no teacher to guide
me through the fourteen years of school.
It is this time when we either build ourselves or break ourselves. The
rational thinking that develops, the values that are culminated into us,
shows a lot about the teachers who educated us. Most of our personality
traits and our way of judging other people are developed in these crucial
The teachers have a significant role to play in the character building of a
student. Not only a school teacher, but any educator has the power to
influence our minds to a great extent.
The first work of a teacher is teaching, which everyone is well aware of.
To make complicated things easy to understand for the students is the core
work of the teacher. That is the magic that they have. But this magic does
not come for free. They put all their efforts, hours of practice, thinking,
research, etc. to make things easier.
I have known teachers who have worked hard night and day to solve a
particular student’s problems. The teachers are our guardian’s right after
our parents. They scold us when we are wrong and support us when we are
They know what is best for us, though, at the time, we may feel its unfair,
but as we grow up, we start to understand the real world. We also realize
that our teachers always had the best interest of us in mind.
Growing up is hard, but if we still remember the values that we were
taught in school by our teachers, we could easily face real-world problems.
They taught us to fight our problems and not run away from it but face it
I am and will always be grateful to my teachers, who had a significant
influence on my life. I was never an excellent student, but my teachers
were always there to support me, directing me to the right path and
encouraging me to do better than before.
As we come to the end of the speech, I would like to thank all my teachers
who had molded me into the person I am today. I do a job that I am happy
to do, and I am an independent person, I speak up against the wrongs. I
hope they will be glad to know that I do my best as a responsible citizen
and preach the same.
Thank you, teachers, for all the lessons you people have taught me. I
couldn’t ask for more.
With this, I come to the end of the speech. Thank you, everyone, present
here for being such an attentive audience. I hope you all have a great day

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