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Aliviah Nabila Putri ( 105351102121)




APPOINTMENT ( Janji ) yaitu sebuah ekspresi yang digunakan untuk membuat sebuah atau
beberapa perjanjian bertemu atau melakukan suatu hal dengan orang lain pada waktu tertentu
(waktu yang telah ditentukan dan disepakati bersama)

Making an Appointment/ Membuat Janji

 Can I join you for the party tonight? I will come at 7 pm.(Dapatkah saya bergabung
dengan Anda untuk pesta malam ini? Saya akan datang jam 7 malam.)
 Can I call you after dinner?( Dapatkah saya menelepon Anda setelah makan malam?)
 How about tomorrow?( Bagaimana dengan besok?)
 How about after school? (Bagaimana setelah sekolah?)
 I would like to make an appointment with you.( Saya ingin membuat janji dengan Anda.)
 You can use my car tomorrow.( Anda dapat menggunakan mobil saya besok.)

Approving an Appointment/ Menerima Janji

 Okay(Oke)
 Sure (Tentu)
 Certainly (Tentu)
 That must be great (Itu pasti hebat)
 That would be fine (Itu akan baik-baik saja)
 It’s a deal (Itu kesepakatan)
 I don’t mind (Saya tidak keberatan)
 Don’t be late (Jangan terlambat)
 Why not (Kenapa tidak)
 No problem (Tidak masalah)
 Roger that (Diterima)

Dialog Making an Appointment

Saya akan gunakan dalam percakapan pendek tentang Making an Appointment.

Simak contoh di bawah ini!

Making an Appointment and Approving an Appointment

Jack: I will have a party tonight. At 8 pm after dinner. Would you like to join with me?

Kyra: Sorry, Jack. I have to study for my exam. How about after that at 9 pm?

Jack: That will be fine.

Kyra: Oke… see you there.


Canceling an Appointment/ Membatalkan Janji

 I’m sorry because I will have planning tomorrow.

 I wish I could, but I will go with my mother.
 Sorry… I am busy.
 I can’t make it.
 That is not a good time.

Making an Appointment and Cancelling an Appointment

Ana: I will have a presentation tomorrow. Would you like to help me preparing the materials
after school?

Jane: Sorry, Ana. I wish I could, but I have to take my mother to see a doctor.

Ana: How about tonight?

Kyra: I don’t know. I think that I can’t do that. Sorry.

Ana: That’s okay.

Talking on The Phone

1.Say greetings

Hello?Good morning.

2.introduce your self

Hi,I am pia.

3.Tell what you purpose to call

I wann tell abaout…

"I just wanted to give you a call to let you know about the project."

"I just wanted to give you a call to update you with the latest information."

Hesitation device
Sometimes when you are trying to speak English, you just don’t know what to say!
Because you are still learning, maybe you need some extra time to think of the correct
words. Watch this lesson and learn how English speakers use “hesitation” sounds
like erm, mmm and phrases such as you know to keep the conversation alive. I’ll also
teach you some phrases you can easily add to the beginning of sentences to give yourself
more time. No more awkward silence!
 Noises
1. em…
2. er…
3. mm…
 Filler phrases
1. …you know…
2. …I mean…
3. …you see…
4. Well,
5. The thing is…
6. It’s like this, you see…
 Stalling for time
1. Let’s see (now)…
2. Now let me think…
3. Now, just a minute…
4. Hang on…
 Stalling for time when answering a question
1. That’s a good question…
2. That’s an interesting question…
3. Gosh, that’s a hard one…
4. I’ll have to think about that…
 When you can’t find the exact word to describe something
1. …sort of…
2. …like…
3. …kind of…
 Introducing ideas that bring contrast, surprise or something unwelcome
1. Actually,…
2. As a matter of fact,…
3. To be honest/frank,…
4. In fact, …
5. The fact is…
 Searching for a way to express something
1. How shall I put it?
2. What’s the word I’m looking for?
3. How do you say that?
4. How can I explain this?
5. What is that word?
 Showing you are reluctant to speak for fear of the effect
1. What’s the best way to put this?
2. How shall I put this?
3. What I’m trying to say is…
4. Let’s put it this way…
5. Where should I start?
 Framing words
These words open a kind of frame in the conversation which the speaker controls, at least
for a short time. They are quite strong words that make it a little more difficult for other
people to interrupt.
1. Now…
2. Right (then)…
3. OK…

Describing how to do something — a process or a sequence of events — is a pretty

straightforward process. The main thing you should think of is how to do this process
in the right chronological order.
Words to use when talking about a sequence of events.
You can use the following words to help you describe the process.
 First
 Then
 And then
 After that
 Once you have done that then…
 After
 Before
 First, Second Third…
 Next
 Later
 Finally
 Last
 In the end

A job interview is an interview consisting of conversations between a job applicant and a

representative from the company or place of work that is conducted to assess whether the
applicant should be hired. (Wawancara kerja adalah wawancara yang terdiri dari
percakapan antara pelamar pekerjaan dan perwakilan dari perusahaan atau tempat kerja
yang dilakukan untuk menilai apakah pelamar harus dipekerjakan.)
Function/The purpose of job interview

Job interviews serve to explain self-identity and potential expertise to convince others to be
accepted as good work partners or employees (Wawancara kerja berfungsi untuk
menjelaskan identitas diri dan potensi keahlian untuk meyakinkan orang lain agar diterima
sebagai rekan kerja atau karyawan yang baik)


1. About yourself.
- Tell me about yourself
2. Your strengths (prospective employee) ( Kelebihan kamu )
- What are your specialties?
- What's your biggest achievement professionally?
3. Weaknesses of prospective employees ( Kelemahan )
- What are your weaknesses ?
- what are you lacking?
4. Previous job and the reason why you left your last job ( Pekerjaan terakhir dan
alasan berhenti )
- What was your last job ?
- Why Did You Leave Your Last Job ?
- Why are you looking for a new job? was there a problem before?
- What made you uncomfortable at your previous job?
5. Reasons why choosing the job/company (Alasan mengapa memilih
pekerjaan/perusahaan tersebut)
- Why are you interested in working at this company/work ?
- What do you know about this company/work ?
- Where did you get this job info?
6. About your educational/academic achievements. ( Pendidikan Terakhir )
- Tell us about your educational/academic achievements.
7. Expectations from new job.
- What are your expectations from work?
- What is your expected salary?
8. Convince the interviewer
- What can convince us to recruit you?
- What can you offer that other candidates can't?
9. Closing question
- Do You Have Any Questions For Me?


First impressions count

Interviewers will start assessing you as soon as they meet you, so your presentation and attitude are
important. To make a good first impression:

 arrive on time
 dress smartly
 smile when you meet people
 be professional as soon as you enter the building. The receptionist and anyone else you meet
might tell the interviewer what they think of you.

How to answer interview questions

 Speak clearly and vary your tone to show you’re interested and enthusiastic.
 Take time to think about each question before answering so you can give a good response.
 Listen to questions carefully and let the interviewer lead the conversation. If you don't
understand a question, ask for it to be explained or repeated.
 If you’ve had a job before don’t criticise previous employers or co-workers.
 Give examples from your experience that demonstrate your knowledge and skills.
 Show confidence in your skills and be positive about what you have done. For example,
instead of using phrases such as "I only have..." or "I don't have…" tell the employer what
you do have to offer.

Questions about your experience

When you answer interview questions about something you’ve done it’s best to use the STAR
method (situation, task, action, result).

 Situation – describe what the situation was.

 Task – describe the task you had to do.
 Action – describe what you did to achieve the task.
 Result – describe the final result.

For example:

“When I was an assistant manager at Sally’s Sandals we hosted a VIP sales event for our loyalty card
customers, and I was in charge of organising it. I needed to make sure that the store was decorated,
we had food and drink for the customers, and we had enough staff members to work that evening.
The event went very smoothly and we exceeded our sales targets for the evening by 50 percent.”

Common interview questions

Can you tell us about yourself?

Summarise your work and study experience and talk about your goals.

Why do you want to work for us?

Use your research about the job and organisation to answer this question.

What made you apply for this job?

Talk about your interest in the job and the organisation

What makes you the best person for this job?

Explain how your personality, skills and experience make you ideal for the job.

Have you done this kind of work before?

Discuss any skills or experience you have that will help you do the job.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Discuss your strengths and then talk about how you overcome your weaknesses.

Tell me about a time when you…

Describe a specific task or situation, what you did and what the result was using the STAR method.

Talking about Plans Menggunakan Simple Future Tense

Simple future tense ini digunakan apabila rencana-rencana yang pembicara utarakan
adalah rencana-rencana yang belum pasti. Pembicara yang mengutarakannya belum terlalu
yakin dengan rencananya atau mungkin masih memiliki rencana di masa mendatang yang
belum terpikirkan pada saat ini.


I will go to Surabaya this weekend.

(Saya akan pergi ke Surabaya minggu ini).

She will buy that car next year.

(Dia akan membeli mobil itu tahun depan).

We will travel to Singapore in our next holiday.

(Kami akan bepergian ke Singapura pada hari libur kami selanjutnya).

Talking about Plans Menggunkan Present Continuous Tense

Jenis tensis yang satu ini digunakan jika pembicara ingin mengutarakan tentang plans atau
rencana yang sudah pasti. Bisa juga digunakan ketika ingin membicarakan tentang rencana
yang baru saja dipikirkan atau dipertimbangkan.


She is going to visit her family on Friday.

(Dia akan mengunjungi keluarganya pada hari Jumat).

They are planning to continue their education abroad.

(Mereka berencana melanjutkan pendidikan mereka di luar negeri).

I am thinking of going to my friend’s wedding party on Sunday.

(Saya berpikiran untuk pergi ke pesta pernikahan temanku pada hari Minggu).

Talking about Plans Menggunakan Present Perfect Tense

Tenses lain yang bisa digunakan ketika talking about plans adalah present perfect tense
terutama pada saat membicarakan tentang plans atau rencana yang sudah kita susun atau
bahkan sudah pasti dan ingin diumumkan atau diberitahukan kepada orang lain.


We’ve decided to move to Jakarta next week.

(Kami berencana untuk pindah ke Jakarta pekan depan).

We have booked a hotel in Bali.

(Kami telah memesan hotel di Bali).

She has decided to stay in Bandung for three weeks.

(Dia telah memutuskan untuk tinggal di Bandung selama tiga pekan).

Pengertian Congratulating and Complimenting

In English, definition of congratulating is an action of showing our happiness, care, or our

appreciation for someone’s success and special day or moment. Meanwhile, implementing
is an action of giving accolade or commendation for someone’s performance or action.

Untuk lebih jelasnya, di bawah ini akan diberikan penjelasan yang lebih lengkap mengenai
pengertian congratulating and complimenting someone menggunakan bahasa Indonesia
lengkap dengan respon, contoh kalimat dan contoh dialognya.

Penjelasan Congratulating Someone

Congratulating adalah sebuah ekspresi yang dilakukan untuk memberikan ucapan selamat
kepada seseorang. Dalam bahasa Inggris, kita perlu memperhatikan bahwa terdapat cara
yang formal maupun non formal untuk memberikan ucapan selamat kepada orang lain
berikut adalah penjelasannya.

Contoh Kalimat Formal Congratulating

Ketika anda ingin memberikan ucapan selamat kepada seseorang dengan cara yang formal
atau sopan, anda bisa mempraktikkan beberapa contoh kalimat congratulating di bawah

Let me congratulate you on ……

Contoh: Let me congratulate you on your winning in this Math Olympiad. (Izinkan saya
mengucapkan selamat atas kemenangan anda di olimpide Matematika ini.

I would/I’d like to congratulate you on ……

Contoh: I would/I’d like to congratulate on your successful business achievement. (Saya
ingin mengucapkan selamat kepada anda atas pencapaian kesuksesan bisnis anda)

Please accept the warmest congratulation of me.

Contoh: Please accept the warmest congratulation of me on your promotion sir. (Mohon
terimalah ucapan selamat terhangat dari saya untuk kenaikan jabatan anda pak.

Non Formal Congratulating

Anda bisa langsung menggunakan ungkapan umum di bawah ini:

 Congratulations! (Selamat)
 Congrats! (selamat)
 Congratulation on your graduation! (selamat atas kelulusanmu!)
 Happy wedding! (Selamat menikah!)
 Happy birthday! (Selamat ulang tahun)
 Happy graduation! (Selamat hari kelulusan!)
 Congratulations brother! You did it. (Selamat bro, kamu berhasil)
 Horray! You did it well. (Hore! Kamu melakukannya dengan baik)
 Congratulation for your baby birth sister! (Selamat atas kelahiran anakmu sist)
Responses Congratulating Someone
- Thank you very much. (Terima kasih banyak)
- Thanks a lot. (Terimakasih banyak)
- Thank you. You are very kind. (Terima kasih)
- Thank you, it’s nice to hear it. (Terima kasih, sangat senang mendengarnya)
- I’m very happy to hear that from you. (Saya sangat bahagia mendengar itu dari mu)
- That’s so kind of you to say something like that. (Baik sekali anda mengatakan itu)
Contoh Dialog Congratulating Beserta artinya

Anas: Let me congratulate you on your promotion, Sir. (Izinkan saya mengucapkan
selamat pada promosi jabatan anda pak)

Mr. John: Thank you. You are very kind. (Terima kasih. Anda sangat baik)
Anas: You are really suitable for this position. (Anda sangat cocok untuk posisi ini)

Mr. John: I wish I will not disappoint the leader after this promotion. (I harap saya tidak
akan mengecewakan pemimpin setelah kenaikan jabatan ini)

Anas: Don’t worry. You are the best sir. (Jangan khawatir. Anda yang terbaik)

Penjelasan Complimenting Someone

Complimenting adalah ekspresi atau tindakan memuji seseorang. Pujian ini dapat ditujukan
terhadap tindakan, ucapan, penampilan, maupun perlakuan sesorang yang mengesankan di
mata kita. Jika anda ingin memberikan pujian kepada seseorang, anda bisa mengikuti
beberapa ekspresi di bawah ini:

what / what a …
 What beautiful paintings you made! (Sungguh lukisan yang sangat indah!)
 What a beautiful flower! (Sungguh bunga yang indah)
 What a smart girl she is! (Sungguh dia gadis yang sangat cantik)
 What a humble person you are! (Sunggu anda orang yang sangat rendah hati)
How ….
 How kind you are! (Betapa baiknya dirimu)
 How friendly they are! (Betapa ramahnya mereka)
 S + look/seem + adjective
 She looks so pretty with her dress. (Dia terlihat sangat cantik dengan gaunnya)
- You look amazing wearing this dress. (Kamu terlihat luar biasa mengenakan gaun
- She seems beautiful with her new hair. (Dia tampak cantik dengan rambut barunya)
Responses of implementing
 Thank you. (Terima kasih)
 Thanks for your appreciation. (Terima kasih atas apresiasi anda)
 You look beautiful too. (Kamu juga terlihat cantik)
 Thanks. I am happy to hear that. (Terimakasih. Saya senang mendengarnya)
Contoh Dialog tentang Complimenting Someone dan artinya
Mike: Wow, what a beautiful painting it is, Don. Did you paint it by yourself?

Doni: Yeah, I did. Thanks. Do you like it?

Mike: Of course. It looks amazing. I think it will be expensive if you want to sell it.

Doni: I don’t think so because there are many paintings which look better than mine.

Mike: I believe that you can compete with other painters out there. You just have to
believe in yourself.

Doni: Ok I’ll try my best. Thanks.


Mike: Wow, sungguh lukisan yang indah, Don. Apakah kamu melukis ini sendiri?

Doni: Iya, saya yang melukisnya sendiri. Terima kasih. Apakah kamu menyukainya?

Mike: Tentu. Ini tampak luar biasa. Saya pikir ini akan mahal jika kamu ingin menjualnya.

Doni: Saya tidak berpikir hal yang sama karena banyak lukisan di luar sana yang terlihat
lebih baik dari punyaku.

Mike: Saya percaya kamu bisa bersaing dengan pelukis yang lain. Kamu hanya perlu
percaya dengan diri kamu sendiri.

Doni: Ok. Saya akan mencoba yang terbaik. Terima kasih.


Congratulating dan complimenting memang agak sedikit mirip, dimana keduanya

dimaksudkan untuk menyatakan perasaan yang positive kepada orang lain. Bedanya,
congratulating adalah untuk mengucapkan selamat kepada orang lain dalam bahasa Inggirs
sedangkan complimenting adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memberikan pujian atau

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