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Interview bahasa Inggris dalam bidang pekerjaan memang memberikan tekanan tersendiri bagi yang
melaksanakan. Sebagai seorang pelamar, Anda dituntut untuk harus percaya diri dan menjawab beragam
pertanyaan secara jelas dan sempurna. Teknik menjawabnya tentu saja tidaklah mudah, dibutuhkan
kemampuan yang mumpuni agar semua hal dapat dituntaskan dengan baik.
Selain biasa digunakan oleh pelamar ketika ingin mendapatkan pekerjaan dari perusahaan asing,
interview ini juga sangat penting dipelajari oleh siswa dan mahasiswa. Mengetahui seluk-beluk mengenai
interview, akan memudahkan mereka di masa depan nanti dan membuat mereka tidak lagi canggung
apabila harus berhadapan dengan teks interview. Di bawah ini, ada contoh interview bahasa Inggris yang
sangat lengkap dan diberikan tips bagaimana menjawab dengan baik. Ok, silakan Anda simak dengan
baik seorang pelamar yang ingin bergabung di institute pengajaran Bahasa Inggris besar ini. Dibawah ini
merupakan salah satu contoh job interview.

1. Tell me a little about you yourself?

Example Answer (EA):
I was graduated from Islamic University of Jakarta with major Arabic language department. When I was
in college I was an activist in Arabic debating competition and also in teaching Arabic language in some
Arabic course institutions and as private tutor for some people around Jakarta and Depok. And I am
interested in public speaking, so I made it as an object research for my mini thesis (skripsi).
(ceritakan pendidikan, pengalaman aktifitas sosial atau keorganisasian, bidang yang didalami dsb. Ingat,
jangan nyebutin nama, tanggal lahir atau alamat ya, soalnya itu udah diketahui dr resume ataupun cv

2. What are your strengths?

I able to communicate easily with everyone, open minded, fast learner, honest, hard worker, computer
literate, and I speak Arabic and English well.
(ngerti deh. Ini nyeritain tentang skill anda)

3. What are your weaknesses?

-If I have to make an important decision, I need to a long time to make some research.
- If I love my job, I usually do it totally and sometime I don’t pay attention to the people around me.
- I difficult to say “no” if other people asked me some help.
(carilah kekurangan anda yang ternyata di balik itu ada hal yang positif)

4. What are your short goals?

To be accepted in this company. (Or tell it name)

5. What are your long term goals?

I want to be a CEO/GM in this company.
(silahkan sebutkan jabatan tinggi yang anda idamkan di perusahaan tersebut)

6. Where do you want to see yourself in 5 years from now?

I want to see myself in 5 years from now become a valuable person, professional and mastering my job
as well as possible.
(gak terlalu spesifik karena 5 tahun itu masa membangun citra, kemampuan dan keprofesionalan kerja)

7. If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be and why?
I usually have a very high standard in my job. Sometimes if I work in a team I feel don’t understand
about my friends’ low standard. So I will try to understand that everyone have their own standard in
(sifat baik yang diganti dengan sifat yang lebih baik lagi. bukan sifat buruk diganti dengan sifat baik)

8. What does success mean to you?

Success is when I finished my job on time and perfectly.
(jawaban dalam wawancara harus selalu berkaitan dengan pekerjaan)

9. What does failure mean to you?

Failure is when I finished my job late.
(telat aja udah dibilang gagal, gimana kalo gak ngerjain. Menunjukan bahwa anda perfectionist)

10. Are you an organized person?

Yup, I am organized person. I always try to finish my duties on time.

11. Do you manage your time well?

Yes, I do. I always make schedule sheet for my activities so that I know what I must to do for the first or

12. How do you handle changes?

I am good at dealing with changes, I am flexible, if I find something new I always try to learn it as soon
as possible, I will make a smooth transition in my job and i see myself successful.
(tunjukan kalo kita emang adaptatif di segala kondisi)

13. How do you make important decision?

Making an important decision is based on knowledge through information and wisdom through
experiences, so I will make important decision based on those parts, so the important decision will be
proper. (Knowledge and wisdom)

14. Do you work well under pressure?

Yes, I am. I grow with pressure and it is challenge that motivates me to work as well as possible.
(lihatlah tekanan sebagai suatu yang positif!)

15. Are you better at reacting or anticipating?

I am better at both reacting and anticipating.
(tergantung pekerjaan yang dilamar bisa pilih salah satu or dua2nya, dokter biasanya reacting, jadi
bereaksi ketika ada pasien. Kalo gak ada pasien ya gak usah tergopoh2 gak karuan. Reporter harus
dua2nya karena kerjanya mencari masalah dan bertindak jg ketika ada suatu masalah/kasus.)

16. Are you a risk taker or a risk avoider?

· risk avoider: akuntan, teller bank, kasir, analis dll yang berhubungan dengan angka presisi, ketepatan
· risk taker: sifat ini harus dimiliki oleh semua orang yang pekerjaannya tidak berhubungan dengan
ketepatan angka. Risk taker bisa menambah nilai seorang pekerja sbg orng yang memiliki leadership
tinggi dan berani.

17. Why should we hire you?

You should be hiring me because I have all requirements that needed by this company, I am honest,
confident, loyal, work hard and I can work in this company as soon as possible.
(narsis aja, sebutkan sebanyak2nya tapi gak usah lebay)

18. Tell me about a time you made a mistake?

I have ever made a mistake when I wanted to gather my assignment to my professor, I wrong in
entering room. My professor moved to next room, his new room. It was very embarrassing. After that
case, I never come to the room except I asked someone first for confirmation.
(sebutkan kesalahan yang tidak fatal dan ada sesuatu yang bisa dikambinghitamkan dan ambil pelajaran
dari kejadian tersebut)

19. Tell me about a time you made a good decision?

Ceritakan aja keputusan yang baik yang pernah anda bikin, sekecil apapun

20. Tell me about a time you made a poor decision?

Lagi2 jangan sebutkan hal yang fatal, apalagi menyesali keputusan yang berhubungan dengan pemilihan
jurusan studi.
(sebutkan sebuah keputusan yang sebenarnya baik tapi ternyata ada yang lebih baik yang gak anda pilih)
EG: Lu pas kuliah ada tugas magang dengan dua pilihan, magang di kampung sendiri apa magang di luar
kota. Eh lu milih di kampong sendiri karena menurut lu perusahaannya jg lumayan bagus. Tapi setelah lu
pikir2 ternyata magang di luar kota sebenarnya lebih baik, soalnya jauh dari rumah. Selain belajar kerja
kita juga bisa belajar kemandirian dll karena harus tinggal sendiri misalnya. Dll.

21. Tell me about a time you failed to complete assignment?

When I in university, I was failed to do my job on time, because I got sick. After that I always keep my
body health.
(Failed with reason and lesson, bagusnya ceritain secara detail. Biar dramatis)

22. Why did you choose your majors?

· kesukaan: karena hobby, interest, love
· benefical: ceritakan keuntungan2nya memilih jurusan tsb, jangan sampe bilang kalo anda milih suatu
jurusan karena terpaksa atau dipaksa.

23. If you redo college again, what would you major in?
Pilih jurusan anda lagi. dengan beberapa hal yang ingin anda tambahin supaya capability anda lebih
bertambah, seperti organisasi, or kursus ttntu, sebutkan aja

24. What course did you like the most?

· course: mata kuliah
· Mention it and why? Usahakan mata kuliah yang sesuai dengan profesi yang dilamar.

25. What course did you like the least?

Sebutkan matkul yang gak ada hubungannya dengan profesi yang dilamar

26. What would your best friend describe you?

They would say that I am friendly, loyal, honest, helpful, patient and fun.
(silahkan narsis. Sebutkan saja hal2 yang baik dari diri anda. Tapi ingat, jangan lebay alias berlebihan)

27. What would your professor describe you?

My professor would say that I am diligent, fast learner, on time, hard worker and easy to help other.
(Ceritakan kira2 dosen anda akan bercerita apa tentang anda. Silahkan yang baik2 aja dan tetap gak
pake lebay)

28. Why do you apply for a job you did not major in? (apabila jurusan anda tidak sesuai dgn profesi)
Silahkan cari keterkaitan jurusan anda dengan profesi yang anda lamar. Dari mata kuliah dsb

29. During college, did you do any internship?

Apabila anda pernah magang maka say: “yes, I do”.
Tapi kalau tidak silahkan sebutkan kegiatan keorganisasian/course/training yang pernah anda ikuti yang
berhubungan dengan profesi yang anda lamar.

30. Who is a bad manager?

Ceritakan karakteristik manajer yang buruk menurut anda. Ingat, ini bukan nanya siapa, tapi ini nanya
seperti apa. Jangan sebut2 nama individu tertentu atau institusi tertentu!
A bad manager is who doesn’t care with his member, easy to angry, individualist and less discussion.

31. Who is a good manager?

Ceritakan manager seperti apa yang menurut lu baik!
A good manager is a wisdom one, always make discussion for making decision and communicate well
with everyone.

32. Why did you stop from your job?

Cari alasan yang baik!
EA: because the contract is over;
Or because I can’t optimalize my career in my previous company.
Or because I want to seek new challenge in my career. And Blah blah blah..
Atau yang paling ampuh gini:
· Since several years ago I wish I can work in this company, because working here is my dream. So when
I get chance to join here, I will take it.
· Because in my previous company I can’t study while working because the company doesn’t allow me for
(jangan beralasan berhenti kerja karena gaji yang kecil, meskipun kenyataannya kadang begitu.hehe)

33. What will you do if your manager asks you to do something breaking against your principle?
Yes, I will do that because the job is job.
(ingat, ini hanya pertanyaan. Jawaban anda harus selalu berpihak pada pekerjaan, terlepas kenyataannya
nanti gimana. Mungkin itulah yang disebut professionalism.)

34. How do you handle your emotion?

I see that to handle emotion is not easy, but usually I try to understand other and try to share with them
about my problem. So we can understand each other.
(intinya ceritain aja cara lu ngeredam emosi)
35. Are you a team player or a single player?
I am good as both a team player and a single player. It depends on our work need in the field. I am so
flexible for that.

36. What will you do if we don’t hire you?

Jawabannya kudu pede abis.
I don’t think so. I am sure that I can join in this company, because I have all requirements those needed
by this company. Dst.
(intinya jelaskan dengan sopan bahwa anda yakin dan layak untuk diterima di company tersebut. Jangan
minder apalagi nangis. Tapi tunjukan kepercayaan diri anda dan sampaikan hal2 yang membuat anda
yakin tsb._)
A job interview is an interview consisting of a conversation between a job applicant and a
representative of an employer which is conducted to assess whether the applicant should be hired.
[1] Interviews are one of the most popularly used devices for employee selection.[2] Interviews vary
in the extent to which the questions are structured, from a totally unstructured and free-wheeling
conversation, to a structured interview in which an applicant is asked a predetermined list of
questions in a specified order;[3] structured interviews are usually more accurate predictors of which
applicants will make suitable employees, according to research studies.[4]
A job interview typically precedes the hiring decision. The interview is usually preceded by the
evaluation of submitted résumés from interested candidates, possibly by examining job applications
or reading many resumes. Next, after this screening, a small number of candidates for interviews is
Potential job interview opportunities also include networking events and career fairs. The job
interview is considered one of the most useful tools for evaluating potential employees.[5] It also
demands significant resources from the employer, yet has been demonstrated to be notoriously
unreliable in identifying the optimal person for the job.[5] An interview also allows the candidate to
assess the corporate culture and demands of the job.
Multiple rounds of job interviews and/or other candidate selection methods may be used where there
are many candidates or the job is particularly challenging or desirable. Earlier rounds sometimes
called 'screening interviews' may involve fewer staff from the employers and will typically be much
shorter and less in-depth. An increasingly common initial interview approach is the telephone
interview. This is especially common when the candidates do not live near the employer and has the
advantage of keeping costs low for both sides. Since 2003, interviews have been held through video
conferencing software, such as Skype.[6] Once all candidates have been interviewed, the employer
typically selects the most desirable candidate(s) and begins the negotiation of a job offer.
please see link:
job interview


Job interview means asking ans answering question dealing with jab vacancy. Someone who asks
questions is called interviewer and someone who will answer them is called interviewee or applicant.
As we have already discussed in the previous session that sending application is not applying job,
but asking an opportunity to face job interview. That is why an applicant, in his application, must be
able to convince the employer that s/he is the right candidate to face job interview.
Some applicants get stressful on job interview, but some others have different point of view.
However, If the applicants know what they have to do on job interview and make good preparation,
job interview can be an interesting moment, because this is the final step to get job or promoted.
In order to be well-prepared on job interview, an interviewee had better identify all possible questions
and prepare the answers. There are two classifications of questions on it: first, general questions
and second, specific questions. General questions will be asked to all interviewees while specific
questions deal with skill and competency.
Here are some general questions:
Please tell me your family background.
What’s your last education?
How did you get this vacancy?
What is your motivation to work here?
Please tell me your work experience relating to this position.
Why did you quit your previous job?
Who is your favorite figure?
What are your hobbies?
Do you like working overtime?
What is your weakness?
How much salary do you expect?
learn more questions on your Business English Module, Page 43.
For any job interviewee, it is important to be well prepared to face the interview and impress the
interviewer from the moment you arrive. Here are some tips on how you can make the right
Tip 1: Look the Part
Plan to dress professionally in conservative clothing with appropriate shoes, minimal jewelry, and
perfume. Even if the office is casual, you should dress in business attire.
Tip 2: Before the Interview
Bring a portfolio with extra copies of your resume, a list of references, and a notepad and pen. Use a
breath mint before you enter the building. Leave the gadgets at home or turned off in your bag or
Tip 3: Arrive on Time
Arrive a few minutes early for your interview. It is very important to be on time for the interview. On
time means ten to fifteen minutes early. Know the interviewer’s name and use it during the interview.
If you’re not sure of the name, call and ask prior to the interview. When you arrive for your interview,
greet the receptionist and let him or her know why you are there.
Be on time. It’s best to get there a little early to allow time in case you get lost and need to fix your
clothes and hair.
Tip 4: Answer Questions Calmly
During the interview try to remain as calm as possible. Ask for clarification if you are not sure what
has been asked and remember that it is perfectly acceptable to take a moment or two to frame your
responses so you can be sure to fully answer the question.
Make a list of questions beforehand to ask the interviewer.
Tip 5: Ask Questions About the Job
Be prepared with questions of your own, because you will probably be asked if you have any at the
end of the interview. Having questions will show that you have done your homework and are truly
interested in the position.
Be prepared. Know as much about the company and the job as possible and know why you’re the
person they should hire. Practice answering possible questions.
Tip 6: Follow Up
Ask your interviewer for a business card so that you will have the correct spelling of names and job
titles for your thank you notes and follow up calls. It is important to thank the interviewer for their time
and to let them know that you look forward to hearing from them. Follow up by sending a thank you
note to everyone you interviewed with.
Tip 7 : Miscellaneous

1. Give a firm handshake when greeting the interviewer and when saying good-bye.
2. Maintain eye contact.
3. Be confident and try to act as calmly as possible.
4. Be honest.
taken by: Learn more cases on your Business English Module of Esa Unggul, Page 44. or see
site explanation of job interview

This had been an example job interview that had already done. please Check this videos out
job interview
Contoh Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Personal Details

Name: Gulno Number

Date of Birth: June, 12th , 1998

Gender: Male

Address : Furia Kotaraja dalam, Kecamatan Abepura, Kota

Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia (99225)

Marital Status: Single

Nationality. : Indonesian

Phone. : (0967)99889

Cellphone : 0812-888-9999

Email :

Education Details

 2003– 2008 State Elementary School 1 Abepura

 2003– 2006 State Junior High School 1 Sentani
 2006– 2009 State Vocational high school 3 Jayapura
Job Experiences

 April 2009– June 2010 bank teller, in Abepura distict,

Jayapura city, Papua province

 Programming (Java, C++, Android, PHP)

 Database (SQL)
 Microsoft Office
 English (Active)
 Basic Computer Assembly (BNSP Certification)

Good attitude, kind, communicative, diligent, tolerant, target

oriented, discipline, honest, and responsible. This is to state
that above information is true and provided here by me, all in
good faith.


Pertanyaan Dan Jawaban Yang Kiranya Muncul

Pada Saat Wawancara Pekerjaan
Interviewer : You are having interview now, are you ready?

Applicant : Yes, I am ready, sir.

Interviewer : Tell me about yourself.

Applicant : My full name is Robert Rumbekwan, but my

nick name is Obet. I graduated from SMK Teknologi dan
Rekayasa 3 Jayapura. I am 17 years old. My hobby is

Interviewer : Do you have job experiences?

Applicant : I am fresh graduated, but I have followed

apprentice in one of a big workshop here

Interviewer : What is your big motivation?

Applicant : My big motivation is I’d like to be a great

mechanic. I love learning technology specially about
mechanical. I’d like to create something.

Interviewer : Why do you choose this company?

Applicant : Many people trust this company because it

has a good reputation.
Interviewer : What are your strengths?

Applicant : I am able to communicate easily with

everyone, open minded, fast learner, honest, hard worker,
and discipline. Interviewer : What are your weaknesses?

Applicant : When I do my job, I often do it totally and

sometimes I don’t pay attention to the people around me. I
am too generous. It is difficult to say “no” if other people
asked me some helps.

Applicant : Yes. I am good in modification. I used to take a

course about modification car and motorcycle. I love

Interviewer : How interested are you in this job?

Applicant : Well, I am quite interested because I know this

company has relation many companies in Indonesia even
foreign company. So, when I work here, I hope I can meet
many workers and share experiences and knowledge.

Interviewer : Now we come to My last question. If you are

accepted here, How much salary do you want?

Applicant : I read from magazine that the lowest

mechanic’s salary is 4 million a month and the highest is 10
million. Because I am beginner, I suggest 5 million a month.

Interviewer : Well, Robert for the information and please

wait for a week. I will send the information by e-mail

Applicant : Thank you very much and I am looking

forward to meet you again.

Soal-Soal Job Interview

Sekarang jawab pertanyaan yang diberikan :
1.Tell me about yourself.

2. What is your big motivation?

3. Why do you choose this company?

4. What are your strengths?

5. What are your weaknesses?

6. Do you have other skill to support your work?

7. How interested are you in this job?

8. How much salary do you want?

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