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Depresi dan kecemasan pada kanker
prostat: review sistematis dan meta-analisis
tingkat prevalensi

Sam Watts, 1 Geraldine Leydon, 1 Brian Birch, 2 Philip Prescott, 3 Lily Lai, 1
Susan Eardley, 1 George Lewith 1

Untuk mengutip: Watts S, Leydon G, Birch ABSTRAK

B, et al. Depresi dan kecemasan pada
Kekuatan dan keterbatasan penelitian ini
tujuan: Untuk secara sistematis meninjau literatur yang berkaitan dengan
kanker prostat: review sistematis dan
prevalensi depresi dan kecemasan pada pasien dengan kanker prostat ▪ Ini adalah meta-analisis pertama yang mendefinisikan sion depres-
meta-analisis dari tingkat prevalensi. BMJ
sebagai fungsi dari tahap pengobatan. dan prevalensi kecemasan khusus dalam kanker prostat.
Terbuka 2014; 4:

e003901. doi: 10,1136 / Rancangan: review sistematis dan meta-analisis. ▪ Data terbatas yang tersedia untuk pasien surveilans aktif dan
bmjopen-2.013-003.901 peserta: 4494 pasien dengan kanker prostat dari investigasi dengan penyakit metastasis.
penelitian utama. ▪ metodologi cross-sectional membuat sulit untuk menarik
▸ sejarah prapublikasi untuk kertas ini Primer ukuran hasil: Prevalensi depresi klinis dan kecemasan kesimpulan yang pasti tentang sejarah dan perkembangan
tersedia secara online. Untuk melihat pada pasien dengan kanker prostat sebagai fungsi dari tahap kecemasan dan depresi selama perjalanan kanker pada
file-file ini silakan kunjungi jurnal online pengobatan. populasi ini.
hasil: Kami mengidentifikasi 27 penuh artikel jurnal yang memenuhi
kriteria inklusi untuk masuk ke meta-analisis menghasilkan ukuran sampel
dikumpulkan dari 4494 pasien. Meta-analisis dari tingkat prevalensi ketahanan hidup isu-isu dalam PCa mengasumsikan penting
diidentifikasi pretreatment, on-pengobatan dan pasca perawatan pentingnya. isu-isu seperti berputar di sekitar
Menerima Agustus 2013 Revisi 21
prevalensi depresi dari 17,27% (95% CI 15,06% untuk
Januari 2014 Diterima 24 Januari perawatan yang efektif kualitas hidup (kualitas hidup)
2014 28
sepanjang perjalanan kanker, dari diagnosis awal
19,72%), 14,70% (95% CI 11,92% menjadi 17,99%) dan
melalui ketahanan hidup pasca perawatan.
18.44% (95% CI 15,18% menjadi 22,22%), masing-masing. Pretreatment,
Tambahan, itu
on-pengobatan dan pasca perawatan prevalensi kecemasan adalah 27,04%
(95% CI 24,26% untuk
National Cancer ketahanan hidup Initiative (NCSI)
30,01%), 15,09% (95% CI 12,15% menjadi 18,60%) dan didirikan fi ve tujuan utama dari perbaikan, pribadi dan
18,49% (95% CI 13,81% menjadi 24,31%), masing-masing. berpusat pada pasien perawatan di Inggris. 3 Salah satu
kesimpulan: Temuan kami menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi depresi dan tujuan adalah kebutuhan untuk alamat lebih baik spesifik
kecemasan pada pria dengan kanker prostat, seluruh spektrum yang fi c kekhawatiran psikologis yang terkait dengan
pengobatan, relatif tinggi. Mengingat penekanan tumbuh ditempatkan diagnosis dan pengobatan kanker. Depresi dan
pada kesintasan kanker, kami menganggap bahwa penelitian lebih lanjut kecemasan adalah dua kondisi psikologis yang paling
dalam bidang ini dijamin untuk memastikan bahwa tekanan psikologis sering dialami dialami oleh penderita kanker 4 dan
pada pasien dengan kanker prostat tidak terdiagnosis dan terobati. berkaitan dengan efek samping psychophysiological unik

on February 5, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.

yang penting Encompass hasil pengobatan yang lebih
buruk, 5

peningkatan periode rawat inap 6 dan tingkat kematian yang

1 Primary Care & Ilmu PENGANTAR lebih tinggi. 7 Dengan kemajuan di ef pengobatan fi khasiat,
Kependudukan, Universitas Kanker prostat (PCa) merupakan bentuk umum paling kanker semakin dipandang dan diperlakukan sebagai
Southampton, Southampton, keganasan non-kulit didiagnosis pada pria Inggris. 1 Lebih penyakit kronis yang dapat dikelola secara efektif selama
Hampshire, UK dari 36 000 kasus baru didiagnosis pada tahun 2007, bertahun-tahun. Mengingat umur panjang terkait dengan
2 Departemen Urologi,
akuntansi selama hampir 25% dari total jumlah tahunan lintasan PCa (lebih dari 70% pasien dengan PCa dapat
Southampton University
diagnosis kanker laki-laki. 1 Dengan penuaan populasi berharap untuk hidup selama 10 tahun atau lebih dari saat
Hospitals NHS Trust,
Inggris dan meningkatkan pemanfaatan PCa skrining diagnosis), adalah mungkin bahwa timbulnya tekanan
Southampton, Hampshire, UK
3Departemen Matematika, Universitas pada pria tanpa gejala, 2 tingkat kejadian PCa psikologis dalam populasi ini laki-laki bukan ancaman akut
Southampton, Southampton, diperkirakan akan terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. 1 yang berlalu dengan cepat tetapi satu kronis dengan puncak
Hampshire, UK
dan palung keparahan yang terjadi pada tahap kunci dari
perjalanan kanker.
korespondensi ke
Profesor George Lewith; Dalam terang seperti beban penyakit yang substansial dan berkelanjutan, manajemen dari

Watts S, Leydon G, Birch B, et al. BMJ Terbuka 2014; 4: e003901. doi: 10,1136 / bmjopen-2.013-003.901 1
Akses terbuka

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003901 on 13 March 2014. Downloaded from

Basis penelitian mengevaluasi prevalensi depresi dan kecemasan dan kecemasan. Untuk mengaktifkan ini, serangkaian kuesioner spesifik fi kriteria
dalam PCa terus berkembang dan tubuh yang cukup besar penelitian inklusi c diciptakan terhadap yang semua kuesioner yang digunakan
klinis yang relevan ada saat ini. Sayangnya, banyak data yang sangat dalam penelitian dapat dinilai; masing-masing kuesioner harus:
heterogen dan kualitas metodologi miskin dan belum dikenakan ketat Memungkinkan tertentu yang fi c dan pengukuran independen depresi dan
review sistematis dan
meta-analisis. Kurangnya sintesis membuatnya sangat dif fi Memiliki informasi yang tersedia didirikan threshold (pengukuran)
kultus untuk dokter dan bersekutu profesional kesehatan bekerja dengan PCa untuk untuk diagnosis depresi dan kecemasan;
mengakses, menafsirkan dan menerapkan penelitian kunci fi Temuan untuk praktek
klinis mereka. Validitas masing-masing kuesioner harus telah dinilai dibandingkan
Hal ini belum jelas apa tahap pasien perjalanan kanker PCa fi nd yang dengan mendirikan ' standar emas '
paling menyedihkan. Apakah ini dikenal, atau setidaknya lebih dipahami, itu kuesioner;
akan memungkinkan para profesional kesehatan untuk lebih proaktif dan Validitas internal dan reliabilitas masing-masing kuesioner harus
menyadari apa tahapan pasien pengobatan yang paling mungkin untuk telah dinilai dan dianggap dapat diterima (uji - tes ulang).
mengalami depresi dan kecemasan. Hal ini akan memungkinkan tim
kesehatan untuk risiko beradaptasi psikologis screening dan dukungan Dua belas kuesioner yang memenuhi kriteria yang identi-
proses mereka. fi ed yang termasuk Kecemasan Rumah Sakit dan Skala Depresi,
Stait-Trait Anxiety Scale, Pusat Epidemiologi Studi Skala Depresi,
Meta-analisis ini dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah ini dan Gejala Checklist, Beck Depression Inventory,
memberikan perkiraan dasar awal dari prevalensi depresi klinis dan Self-Rating Scale Anxiety,
kecemasan pada pasien dengan PCa selama masing-masing dari tiga Self-Penilaian Skala Depresi, Brief Gejala Persediaan, Wawancara
tahap utama pengobatan kanker: Composite Internasional diagnostik, Skala Kecemasan Memorial
pretreatment, on-pengobatan dan untuk Kanker Prostat dan Efek Kanker Prostat pada Lifestyle Angket.
pasca perawatan.

METODE Mengidentifikasi bukti penelitian

Kriteria kelayakan pencarian data yang dilakukan antara Juni dan Agustus
Studi yang menyelidiki spesifik yang fi prevalensi c depresi dan 2011. protokol pencarian kemudian jalankan Juni 2013 untuk memastikan
kecemasan pada pasien dengan PCa di artikel jurnal penuh bahwa tidak ada data tambahan yang identi-
dimasukkan. Studi yang dipublikasikan dalam prosiding konferensi, fi ed. Kami mencari enam database elektronik (OVID MEDLINE,
penelitian kualitatif, komentar dan diskusi, EMBASE, AMED, PsycINFO, CINAHL dan Web of Science) untuk artikel
surat, buku, bab buku atau
yang memenuhi kriteria dibahas sebelumnya menggunakan prespeci fi ed
penelitian yang tidak dipublikasikan dalam bahasa Inggris dikeluarkan. MESH istilah yang termasuk Prostat Neoplasma (EXP) ' ATAU ' Kanker
prostat ' DAN ' Depresi (EXP) ' atau ' Kecemasan (EXP) ' atau
studi yang memenuhi syarat dibatasi untuk penelitian yang berfokus
pada individu dengan con biopsi fi diagnosis rmed dari PCa. Jika pasien ' tekanan psikologis (EXP ' atau ' Stres (EXP) ' atau
dengan PCa dimasukkan dalam penyelidikan yang direkrut populasi ' Distress (EXP) '. Tidak ada pembatasan pada tanggal publikasi diberlakukan.
kanker campuran, penelitian ini wajib memiliki data tentang pasien
dengan PCa sebagai sub sampel yang berbeda dilaporkan. Hasil Untuk melengkapi pencarian elektronik, kami juga melakukan
utama untuk meta-analisis saat ini adalah prevalensi depresi dan pencarian dari daftar referensi dari ulasan sebelumnya, makalah kunci

on February 5, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.

kecemasan. Dengan demikian, masuknya ke dalam meta-analisis dan artikel terkait lainnya diidentifikasi fi ed oleh pencarian elektronik.
dibatasi untuk mereka studi yang dilaporkan PCa-spesifik fi Data c Kami juga melakukan pencarian sistematis daftar isi jurnal kunci untuk
prevalensi depresi dan kecemasan secara terpisah. Agar memenuhi mengidentifikasi studi tambahan terjawab oleh pencarian elektronik.
syarat untuk dimasukkan, setiap studi diminta untuk memberikan de
jelas fi Definisi perawatan PCa dilakukan oleh peserta penelitian dan
ketika perawatan seperti terjadi (yaitu, pengobatan yang belum
dilakukan, sedang dilakukan pada saat studi atau sudah selesai. seleksi studi
Untuk kategori yang terakhir, itu adalah persyaratan bahwa penulis Judul dan abstrak awalnya dinilai untuk kelayakan. Jika hal itu
speci fi ed selang waktu sejak penghentian pengobatan). mungkin untuk con fi rm bahwa artikel memenuhi kriteria inklusi dari
sendiri abstrak, artikel teks lengkap itu diambil. Jika itu jelas dari
abstrak bahwa artikel itu tidak memenuhi syarat, itu ditolak segera.
Jika itu tidak mungkin untuk menentukan kelayakan sebuah artikel
dari abstrak, artikel teks lengkap itu diambil. Jika informasi kunci yang
analisis kuesioner hilang, kami menghubungi penulis untuk data yang hilang. Jika ini
Masuk ke meta-analisis juga dibatasi untuk data yang dikumpulkan tidak mungkin atau tidak efektif, studi itu ditolak, (lihat fi angka 1 ).
dari kuesioner yang diberikan spesifik fi c, valid dan pengukuran
diandalkan depresi

2 Watts S, Leydon G, Birch B, et al. BMJ Terbuka 2014; 4: e003901. doi: 10,1136 / bmjopen-2.013-003.901
Akses terbuka

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003901 on 13 March 2014. Downloaded from

Gambar 1 PRISMA mengalir diagram.
ekstraksi data Prosedur meta-analisis
The spesifik berikut fi Informasi c berkaitan dengan pengumpulan data Mengingat berbagai perkiraan proporsi diharapkan dalam data
diekstrak, logits metode proporsi melakukan analisis statistik
dan hasil diekstraksi secara individual dari masing-masing diidentifikasi fi Artikel
ed dan menandatangani Excel spreadsheet pradesain: tanggal dan dipekerjakan, bukan dari satu memanfaatkan pendekatan normal
lokasi geografis dari pengumpulan data; maksud dan tujuan distribusi binomial. Cochran ' s Q uji diaplikasikan pada logits untuk
pemeriksaan; belajar desain; peserta kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi; menguji hipotesis homogenitas dari perkiraan dalam-studi tentang
prosedur rekrutmen; ukuran sampel; stadium penyakit; Status proporsi, dengan nilai Q lebih besar menunjukkan bahwa perkiraan
sosiodemografi (umur, etnis dan hubungan, status pendidikan dan tidak homogen. analisis awal disorot nilai Q antara Q = 15,2 dan 215,

on February 5, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.

pekerjaan); kalinya sejak diagnosis; komorbiditas tambahan; dengan beberapa nilai yang lebih besar menunjukkan tingkat
heterogenitas, hasil dalam beberapa kasus hanya satu atau dua
tahap pengobatan (Pretreatment, penelitian berada di luar garis dengan yang lain. Untuk kelengkapan,
on-pengobatan atau pasca perawatan); perawatan yang dilakukan hasil meta-analisis telah disediakan bahkan untuk kasus-kasus di
(operasi, radioterapi, terapi hormon, kemoterapi, surveilans aktif (AS) / mana heterogenitas jelas.
menunggu waspada (WW)); kuesioner dimanfaatkan; analisis statistik
dilakukan; prevalensi depresi (%) dan prevalensi kecemasan (%). Untuk
menguji konsistensi ekstraksi data di seluruh studi, tiga peneliti (SW,
LL, SE) data yang diambil dari enam artikel yang dipilih secara acak
yang sama, kemudian dibandingkan hasil ekstraksi mereka. Sebuah
sistem poin dimanfaatkan untuk memungkinkan penilaian obyektif HASIL Hasil
konsistensi. Satu titik dialokasikan untuk variabel dengan ekstraksi data Pencarian
identik dan 0 poin untuk variabel dengan perbedaan. Semua peringkat, Pencarian database elektronik yang awalnya menghasilkan 1778
konsistensi berkisar antara 92% sampai 96% (median: 94%). referensi artikel jurnal. Dari jumlah tersebut, 1655 yang kemudian
dihapus karena baik duplikasi atau kegagalan untuk memenuhi
kriteria inklusi. artikel teks lengkap kemudian diambil dan kritis dinilai
untuk sisa

Watts S, Leydon G, Birch B, et al. BMJ Terbuka 2014; 4: e003901. doi: 10,1136 / bmjopen-2.013-003.901 3
Open Access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003901 on 13 March 2014. Downloaded from

123 referensi jurnal. Dari 123 artikel tersebut, 97 tidak memenuhi ukuran sampel penelitian

kriteria inklusi. 26 artikel sisanya dimasukkan ke dalam meta-analisis. Ukuran sampel penelitian masuk ke review bervariasi dari 36 ke 861.
pencarian tangan jurnal kunci mengidentifikasikan fi ed oleh database Ukuran total sampel di semua 27 studi adalah 4494 dengan ukuran
pencarian elektronik mengungkapkan tidak ada artikel jurnal sampel rata-rata
tambahan. Mencari daftar referensi dari artikel identifikasi fi ed melalui 158. Ukuran sampel dari kelompok tahap perawatan individu
database elektronik pencarian identi- (pretreatment, on-pengobatan dan pasca perawatan) dapat dilihat pada Meja
fi ed dua referensi artikel jurnal bunga yang telah dinyatakan telah
terjawab. artikel teks lengkap yang diambil untuk kedua referensi ini, usia peserta
salah satu yang kemudian masuk ke dalam review saat ini, membuat Data usia peserta dilaporkan oleh 24 dari 27 studi, dan dalam semua
jumlah total studi termasuk 27 ( fi angka 1 ). 24 kasus, usia rata-rata dilaporkan. Kisaran usia rata-rata di seluruh
24 studi bervariasi dari
57,5-73,2 tahun. Usia rata-rata semua peserta di seluruh 24 studi
adalah 66,3 tahun (3,3). Tiga studi gagal untuk melaporkan usia
peserta dalam format apapun. Usia rata-rata peserta di
masing-masing tiga kelompok perlakuan dapat dilihat pada Meja 2 .
lokasi studi
Dari 27 penelitian masuk ke review, 9 dilakukan dalam Amerika, 6 - 15 4
di Australia 16 - 19 dan Belanda, 20 - 23 3 di Inggris, 24 - 26 2 masing-masing di kanker stadium
Swedia, 27 28
Data stadium kanker mengenai peserta dilaporkan oleh 23 dari 27
Jerman 29 30 dan Kanada 31 32 dan 1 di Finlandia. 33 Gambaran dari fitur studi. Ada kurangnya konsistensi mengenai metode pelaporan.
kunci dari setiap studi disertakan dapat dilihat di Tabel 1 . Beberapa studi dimanfaatkan sistem T-pementasan klinis T1 (lokal)
ke T4

Tabel 1 Fitur utama dari studi termasuk

Sample Participant age

Penulis tahun Lokasi size Cancer stage Treatment stage

Ene 2006 Sweden 123 63.1 No data provided Pretreatment to Post-treatment

Pirl 2008 USA 50 62 Advanced Pre and On-treatment
Sharpley 2007 Australia 195 69.2 Localised Post-treatment
Bisson 2002 Wales 83 64.5 Mixed Pretreatment
Dirkson 2009 USA 51 73.4 Mixed On-treatment
Dale 2009 USA 67 67.9 No data provided Pretreatment (but all participants had
received prior primary therapy)
Gabershagen 2007 Germany 115 64.1 Localised Pretreatment
Gabershagen 2009 Germany 84 62.8 Mixed Pretreatment to post-treatment
Hervouet 2005 Canada 861 67.9 Mixed Post-treatment
Monga 1999 USA 36 66 Localised Pretreatment to On-treatment to
Monga 2005 USA 40 67.8 Localised Pretreatment to On-treatment to

on February 5, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.

Pirl 2002 USA 45 69.4 Localised and On-treatment
Savard 2005 Canada 327 66 localised Post-treatment
Stone 2000 England 62 69 Mixed On-treatment
Soloway 2004 USA 103 62 No data provided Pretreatment
Steineck 2002 Finland 326 64.5 Localised Post-treatment
Symon 2006 USA 50 59.9 Localised Pretreatment to Post-treatment
Sharpley 2007 Australia 183 69.2 Localised Post-treatment
Sharpley 2009 Australia 150 69.8 Localised Post-treatment
van Tol-Geerdink 2006 Holland 118 70 Localised Pretreatment
Van den Berg 2009 Holland 129 64.9 Localised On-treatment (active surveillance)
Van den Berg 2010 Holland 129 64.6 Localised On-treatment (active surveillance)
Monga 2001 USA 40 67.6 Localised Pretreatment to Post-treatment
Korfage 2006 Holland 299 65.4 Mixed Pretreatment Post-treatment
Bitsika 2009 Australia 381 No data Localised Post-treatment
Nordin 2001 Sweden 118 No data Localised & Advanced Pretreatment
Burnet 2007 England 329 68.8 Localised On-treatment and post-treatment

4 Watts S, Leydon G, Birch B, et al. BMJ Open 2014; 4: e003901. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003901

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Table 2 Overview of study characteristics

All studies Pretreatment On-treatment studies
studies studies

Study samples (patient numbers) 4494 1707 723 3087

Participant ages 66.3 (3.3) 64.8 (2.9) 67.6 (3.3) 66.9 (2.4)
Number of patients with localised PCa 3270 1299 563 2236
Number of patients with advanced PCa 513 162 72 441
Number of patients with metastatic PCa 87 58 40 7
PCa, prostate cancer.

(metastatic) while the majority simply graded PCa as localised, Meta-analysis of depression and anxiety prevalence
advanced or metastatic. No study reported the patient disease Number of studies reporting depression
stage using the recommended Twenty-six of the 27 studies entered into the review reported data on
tumour-nodes-metastasis (TNM). The majority of patients had been depression prevalence. Of these 26, 13 reported depression in
diagnosed with localised disease (n=3270), followed by advanced pretreatment patients, 9 in on-treatment patients and 13 in
(513) and metastatic PCa (87), as shown in table 2 . post-treatment patients. The number of total studies from the 3 groups
exceeded 27 as several longitudinal studies reported depression in
multiple treatment groups (ie, in pretreatment and on-treatment
Cancer treatments undertaken groups).
Table 3 provides an overview of the number of participants
undergoing each PCa treatment. Unfortunately, it was not possible to
stratify the treatments undertaken as a function of either disease Number of studies reporting anxiety
stage (localised, advanced or metastatic) or treatment stage Twenty of the 26 studies entered into the review reported data on
(on-treatment or posttreatment). This was because in many instances anxiety prevalence. Of these 20, 9 reported anxiety
patients with different disease staging or who were at different in pretreatment patients, 4 in
treatment stages were recruited into the same cohort. Consequently, on-treatment patients and 11 in post-treatment patients.
while the number of patients completing each type of treatment was
clearly highlighted, it was not possible to determine whether the
Number of patients measured for depression
patients with localised, advanced or metastatic disease, or those who
Collectively, measures of depression were recorded from 5139
were either currently undergoing treatment or had fi nished treatment,
participants across the 26 studies. In terms of the individual treatment
had completed them. Thus, the data in table 3 provide a collective
groups, 1259 participants provided measures of depression in the
overview of the treatments undertaken by all of the patients,
pretreatment group, 723 in the on-treatment group and 3157 in the
irrespective of disease or treatment stage. In addition, several of the
posttreatment group.
pretreatment studies recruited participants who had yet to decide on
treatment. Such patients are listed in table 3 as ‘ newly diagnosed ’.

Number of patients measured for anxiety

Collectively, measures of anxiety were recorded from 4635

on February 5, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.

participants across the 20 studies. In terms of the individual treatment
groups, 1057 participants provided measures of anxiety in the
pretreatment group, 501 in the on-treatment group and 3077 in the
Questionnaires analysis
post-treatment group.
Of the 12 questionnaires meeting the questionnaire inclusion criteria
as listed in the method section, only 7 were utilised by the 27 studies
entered into this meta-analysis. Table 4 lists the seven
questionnaires, the frequency with which they were used and the Pretreatment depression and anxiety prevalence
clinical cut-off scores utilised to determine caseness. Depression: within the 13 studies that provided measures of
depression in patients with PCa prior to undergoing

Table 3 The number of prostate cancer patients being treated and undertaking each treatment modality

Hormone Therapy Newly diagnosed (no

Radical Radiotherapy (EBRT & (orchiectomy and ADT) Active surveillance or treatment yet selected)
prostatectomy brachytherapy) Chemotherapy watchful waiting

924 1578 264 24 418 304

ADT, androgen deprivation therapy; EBRT, external beam radiotherapy.

Watts S, Leydon G, Birch B, et al. BMJ Open 2014; 4: e003901. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003901 5

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BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003901 on 13 March 2014. Downloaded from

Table 4 Questionnaires utilised, frequency of use and cut-off scores utilised

Questionnaire name Frequency of use Clinical cut-off scores utilised

Hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) 13 HADS-A: ≥ 8

HADS-D: ≥ 8
Beck depression inventory (BDI) 6 ≥ 10
Self rating anxiety scale (SAS) 4 ≥ 36
Self rating depression scale (SDS) 4 ≥ 40
Centre for epidemiologic studies depression scale (CES-D) 4 ≥ 15
Stait-Trait Anxiety Scale (STAI) 4 ≥ 44
Memorial anxiety scale for prostate cancer (MAX-PC) 3 ≥ 27

treatment (see fi gure 2 ), the prevalence of depression was 17.27% (CI Our fi ndings suggest that over the trajectory of the PCa journey,
15.06% to 19.72%). depression and anxiety prevalence are highest in patients who have
Anxiety: Within the nine studies that provided measures of anxiety yet to undergo treatment (17.27% and 27.4%, respectively), lowest in
in patients with PCa prior to undergoing treatment (see fi gure 2 ), the patients who are currently undertaking treatment (14.70% and
prevalence of anxiety was
27.04% (CI 24.26% to 30.01%). 15.90%, respectively) before rising again in patients who have
completed treatment (18.44% and 18.49%, respectively). The
relatively small variation observed within these prevalence rates
On-treatment depression and anxiety prevalence
across the different treatment stages, along with the large collective
Depression: Within the nine studies that provided measures of
sample size of the meta-analysis (4494), suggests that these
depression in patients with PCa currently undergoing treatment (see fi gure
conclusions are valid, powerful and robust summaries of the data
3 ), the prevalence of depression was 14.70% (CI 11.92% to 17.99%).
available. The prevalence of clinical depression and anxiety in British
Anxiety: within the four studies that provided measures of anxiety in
men aged over 65 years is estimated to be less than 9% and 6%,
patients with PCa currently undergoing treatment (see fi gure 3 ), the
respectively. 34 Such data are in stark contrast to the prevalence
prevalence of anxiety was 15.09% (CI 12.15% to 18.60%).
reported in patients with PCa of the same age in this study. The
current meta-analysis is the fi rst of its kind to speci fi cally assess the
prevalence of clinical depression and anxiety in patients with PCa
over their treatment spectrum, from pretreatment, through treatment
Post-treatment depression and anxiety prevalence
to posttreatment follow-up. Until now, the lack of synthesis of the
Depression: within the 13 studies that provided measures of available data relating to depression and anxiety in PCa has meant
depression in patients with PCa who had completed treatment (see fi gure that clinical decisions have been based
4 ), the prevalence of depression was 18.44% (CI 15.18% to 22.22%).

Anxiety: within the 11 studies that provided measures of anxiety in

patients with PCa who had completed treatment (see fi gure 4 ), the
prevalence of anxiety was
18.49% (CI 13.81% to 24.31%).

on February 5, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.

Depression and anxiety prevalence across and within treatment
Figure 5 provides a pictorial representation of the prevalence of
depression and anxiety both within and across each of the three
treatment groups.

There is a real need within clinical oncology, particularly as the burden
of disease is escalating with improved diagnosis and treatment, for an
increased awareness about the issue of psychological distress among
men diagnosed with, being treated for and surviving through/living
with a PCa diagnosis. The results of the current meta-analysis go
some way in addressing this issue by providing those working within
the fi eld of PCa with a rigorous overview of the likely prevalence of
depression and anxiety in the patients they treat.
Figure 2 Pretreatment depression and anxiety % prevalence.

6 Watts S, Leydon G, Birch B, et al. BMJ Open 2014; 4: e003901. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003901

Open Access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003901 on 13 March 2014. Downloaded from

their current stage of treatment. This is important as research
suggests that patients with cancer who are suffering from clinical
depression and anxiety are less likely to adhere to their treatment plan
and are more likely to experience adverse reactions to their treatment. 4

Indeed, recently published research has speci fi cally highlighted the

negative impacts of PCa speci fi c anxiety on post-treatment
survivorship in the form of poorer sexual function and increased
depressive symptomology, further supporting the need for effective
and timely intervention. 35

Consequently, the identi fi cation, treatment and management of

concurrent psychological distress should be a key clinical objective as
a means of enhancing clinical outcomes and patient QoL. Identifying
which stage of treatment patients with PCa are most likely to
experience such conditions is an important fi rst step to achieving this.

There are several limitations to the results generated by this review

Figure 3 On-treatment depression and anxiety % prevalence.
that need to be noted when interpreting the fi ndings. There is a
noticeable dearth of research into the prevalence of depression and
anxiety in patients with PCa with metastatic disease; we identi fi ed
on isolated research trials that lack suf fi cient power and depth in only 87 patients with metastatic PCa out of the pooled sample size of
terms of sample sizes, treatment protocols and treatment stages. 4494. Given the increased physical symptomology, and signi fi cantly
Consequently, the true prevalence of psychological morbidity lowered life expectancy, associated with metastatic PCa, it is possible
experienced by patients with PCa across the treatment spectrum is that the prevalence of psychological morbidity within this patient
poorly understood and described and this may result in patients being cohort will probably be substantially higher. Unfortunately, it was not
left untreated. possible to generate depression and anxiety prevalence data speci fi cally
for men with metastatic disease, as the studies that recruited patients
We hope that with additional epidemiological investigation we will with PCa with metastatic disease did so as part of larger collective
be able to offer a more risk adapted approach with more intensive samples of patients that included those with localised and/or
screening and support being offered to individuals who are most at advanced PCa. In the majority of cases, no individual depression and
risk of psychological morbidity, which may in part be related to anxiety data were provided speci fi cally for those with metastatic
disease. Consequently, it was not possible to describe these patients
separately. We do not know the overall proportion of men who suffer
from some psychological distress during their PCa cancer journey
from these largely cross-sectional studies.

on February 5, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.

Figure 4 Post-treatment depression and anxiety % prevalence. Figure 5 Depression and anxiety % prevalence across treatments.

Watts S, Leydon G, Birch B, et al. BMJ Open 2014; 4: e003901. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003901 7

Open Access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003901 on 13 March 2014. Downloaded from

We suspect that a number of individuals become depressed and radical treatment. However, our data identi fi ed that the prevalence of
anxious at various stages of their cancer journey and then may depression is almost three times higher than that reported by Burnet et
improve, so overall the numbers of people affected at some stage al 27 at 11% (within this speci fi c population, suggesting that
may be higher than we are able to identify from this analysis. We psychological distress may indeed be a substantial risk associated
would need to conduct a sustained longitudinal cohort study to resolve with AS/WW. The utilisation and uptake of AS/WW within the UK is
this question. Likewise, none of the included studies provided any increasing, 36 yet our results clearly highlight that the issue of
form of data relating to the patients ’ history of depression and anxiety. psychological morbidity among these patients with PCa is poorly
Consequently, it was not possible to determine whether a history of described and de fi ned, with only 4 of the 27 studies entered into this
depression and anxiety acted as a signi fi cant predictor of current review obtaining measures of depression and anxiety from this patient
depression and anxiety. population. 21 22 26 33 Consequently, we suggest that patients being
treated with AS/WW should be investigated in more detail to better
understand the psychological rami-
Furthermore, this study did not compare the depression and anxiety
prevalence rates generated directly to that observed in a cohort to
healthy men or men with other cancers. As a consequence, we were fi cations of this form of management. Such research should ideally
unable to speci fi cally determine how PCa and its treatment impacted involve the recruitment of larger sample sizes (>200) from multiple
on the prevalence of psychological distress observed. The essentially sites to provide a more generalisable estimate of psychological
descriptive nature of this study therefore needs to be noted. distress from this patient cohort.

In conclusion, across the treatment spectrum, patients with PCa

It is also important to note the wide variability in the point appear to experience a moderate to high degree of psychological
prevalence estimates of anxiety and depression and the 95% CIs morbidity ranging from 15% to 27%. Most acute prevalences of
associated with them. There are likely to be many reasons for this depression and anxiety occur prior to and after the completion of
variability, which include sample size, the differing instruments that treatment, the consequences of which may go on to negatively impact
have been used to measure depression and anxiety, selective on treatment compliance, 6 increased periods of hospitalisation 5 and
populations and post-treatment outcomes. For example, it is possible overall functional QoL. 37 Based on our fi ndings, we conclude that the
that depression and anxiety prevalence in postprostatectomy patients assessment, diagnosis and treatment of depression and anxiety
would vary substantially depending on factors such as positive or should be a key priority for any clinical oncology team working with
negative margin status. Unfortunately, it was not possible to formally PCa to enable them to optimise their patients ’ QoL and clinical
investigate the properties of the populations to determine whether treatment outcomes.
there were any such differences that would explain this variability.
This represents an important limitation to the
Contributors SW was involved in protocol development, data searching, extraction and
analysis. PP was involved in statistical analysis. LL and SE were involved in data extraction.
fi ndings of this study. It is important that future studies into the
assessment of depression and anxiety in this patient group carefully Funding This work was supported by the National Institute for Health Research School of
identify the characteristics of their populations to address this issue. Primary Care Research, grant number 73.

Competing interests None.

We were also not able to determine whether the prevalence of
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
depression and anxiety was a factor in fl uencing the type of PCa
Data sharing statement No additional unpublished data from this study are available.
treatments provided to individuals. The associated side effects of PCa

on February 5, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.

treatment include debilitating urinary, sexual and bowel dysfunction as
well as the potentially negative psychological side effects of passive Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons
Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 3.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix,
treatment options such as AS and WW, in which the patient faces
adapt, build upon this work noncommercially, and license their derivative works on different terms,
living with a diagnosed but untreated cancer. This is an important
provided the original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http://
clinical issue as it may provide a novel avenue in which to streamline
the screening of depression and anxiety by offering patients
undertaking treatments that have been shown to induce higher rates
of distress with early, preventive support during their cancer journey.
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