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Nama : Lalu Muh. Furqon Ali Hidayat
Nim : 1810301056


Tyas Sari Ratna Ningrum, SST.Ft.,M.Or


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan ketahanan yang dilakukan
dalam piramida (PR) dan sistem tradisional pada kekuatan otot, massa otot, dan hormonal respon pada
wanita yang lebih tua. Dua puluh lima wanita yang lebih tua (67,66 5,1 tahun, 65,9 6 11.1 kg, 154,7 6 5,8
cm, dan 27,5 6 4,5 kg $ m 22).
Program resistance training dan latihan tradisional di desain dengan seimbang Program T terdiri
dari 3 set 8-12 repetisi maksimum (RM) dengan beban konstan untuk 3 set, sedangkan sistem PR terdiri
dari 3 set 12/10/8-RM dengan beban secara bertahap untuk setiap set. Pelatihan dilakukan dalam 2 tahap
dari 8 minggu masing-masing, dengan washout 12 minggu antara fase 8 minggu. Salah satu repetisi
maksimum (1RM) tes yang digunakan sebagai ukuran kekuatan otot.Pemerikasaan X-ray digunakan untuk
memperkirakan massa otot rangka.
Pelatihan dengan memberikan tahanan mempromosikan adaptasi positif yang melemahkan efek
buruk dari penuaan (2,5,14). Namun, telah menunjukkan bahwa orang yang lebih tua menampilkan respon
diubah untuk Recompared dengan mudah (21,23), sehingga pemerikasaan mengenai respon dari orang tua
untuk berbagai program pelatihan RT atau sistem. Penelitian ini menunjukkan hubungan dosis dengan
respons yang antara besarnya beban dan peningkatan kekuatan otot pada orang dewasa. Namun, untuk
hipertrofi otot, beban yang lebih besar tidak selalu menghasilkan adaptasi maksimal. hipertrofi otot
dirangsang oleh stres mekanik dan metabolisme, kerusakan otot, dan interaksi antara faktor-faktor ini, dan
volume moderat dan intensitas untuk mengoptimalkan hipertrofik adaptasi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh saling
ketergantungan antara intensitas dan volume; yaitu, pelatihan intensitas tinggi tidak memungkinkan
Volume pelatihan memadai untuk menciptakan lingkungan anabolik yang optimal.
Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 36 minggu dibagi menjadi 3 fase. Dalam fase pertama, peserta
secara acak dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yang dilakukan 8 minggu (minggu 3-10) dari RT baik TD dan
sistem PR. Tahap 2 adalah periode 12-minggu detraining (minggu 13-24) di mana tidak ada training
resistance dilakukan. Maksud dari fase detraining adalah untuk kembali tingkat kebugaran fisik peserta
dengan nilai-nilai dasar. Tahap 3 digunakan crossover sehingga subyek yang melakukan sistem PR dalam
fase 1 menjalani 8 minggu pelatihan menggunakan sistem TD (minggu 27-34) dan orang-orang yang
sebelumnya dilakukan sistem TD terlibat dalam program 8 minggu menggunakan sistem PR . Pada awal
dan akhir setiap fase percobaan, 2 minggu dialokasikan untuk evaluasi (minggu 1-2,11-12, 25-26, dan 35-
36) yang terdiri dari pengukuran antropometri, tes 1 repetisi maksimum (1RM), analisis komposisi tubuh
oleh dual- X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), dan kerja darah untuk analisis biokimia.
Rata-rata dari jumlah pengulangan per latihan yang dilakukan selama pelatihan secara statistik ( p,
0,001) berbeda antara sistem dengan lebih pengulangan per latihan yang dilakukan selama pelatihan TD
(32.2 6 1,6, 95% percaya diri interval [CI] = 31,4-32,8) dibandingkan dengan pelatihan PR (30.1 6 0,3,
95% CI = 30,0-30,3). Ada efek utama signifikan dari kelompok ( p # 0,05), di mana, seperti yang
diharapkan, PR disajikan nilai yang lebih tinggi daripada TD. efek utama signifikan dari waktu ( p # 0,05)
dengan kedua kelompok menunjukkan peningkatan; Namun, tidak ada interaksi kelompok-by-time tercatat
( p. 0,05). Tidak ada signifikan interaksi kelompok-by-time ( p. 0,05) untuk setiap latihan dianalisis dan
untuk jumlah dari 3 latihan. perbedaan antara kedua kelompok mulai dari minggu ketiga, dengan sistem
TD mencapai beban volume yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sistem PR.
Efek signifikan utama dari waktu yang diamati ( p, 0,001), di mana kenaikan diamati untuk pers
dada (TD = 12,4% dan ES = 0,86 vs PR = 11,5% dan ES = 0,74), ekstensi lutut (TD = 12,5% dan ES =
0,61 vs PR = 11,8% dan ES = 0.62), curl pengkhotbah (TD = 10,9% dan ES = 0,63 vs PR = 8,6%
dan ES = 0,54), dan total kekuatan (TD = 11,6% dan ES = 0,78 vs PR = 10,6% dan ES = 0,71). Untuk
komposisi tubuh, tidak ada signifikan interaksi kelompok-by-time untuk setiap komponen yang ditentukan
( p. 0,05). efek signifikan dari waktu ( p, 0,001) diamati di mana kedua kelompok telah meningkatkan
massa bebas lemak (TD = 2,1% dan ES = 0,27 vs PR = 1,3% dan ES = 0,18) dan massa otot rangka (TD =
3,6% dan ES = 0,32 vs PR = 2,4% dan ES = 0,24).
Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa RT dilakukan dalam sistem PR adalah sama efektifnya seperti
sistem TD untuk adaptasi dalam kekuatan otot dan hipertrofi pada wanita dewasa. Berdasarkan pada
pendapatbahwa intensitas dan volume pelatihan 2 variabel utama yang merangsang adaptasi
neuromuscular (2,28), kita memiliki hipotesis bahwa sistem PR akan menghasilkan hasil yang lebih
unggul. Secara khusus, itu berspekulasi bahwa sistem PR akan memungkinkan penggunaan dengan
intensitas tinggi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa RT dilakukan dalam sistem PR merupakan metode yang
efektif untuk mempromosikan positif adaptasi jangka pendek dari kekuatan otot dan hipertrofi pada wanita
yang lebih tua. Namun, tidak ada keuntungan yang signifikan. Dengan demikian, praktisi dapat
memutuskan sistem yang digunakan tergantung pada preferensi pribadi peserta.
Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kedua sistem RT (PR dan TD) sama-sama efektif untuk
meningkatkan kekuatan dan massa otot pada wanita yang dewasa. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa praktisi
memiliki eksibilitas memilih sistem RT didasarkan pada preferensi peserta. Praktisi juga memiliki pilihan
untuk menggunakan kombinasi sistem RT yang berbeda dari waktu ke waktu, karena hal ini dapat
membantu mempertahankan minat dan motivasi untuk melakukan RT dengan memungkinkan program
bervariasi RT (Resistance latihan).
Lampiran Jurnal

See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at:

Effects of Traditional and Pyramidal Resistance Training Systems on Muscular

Strength, Muscle Mass, and Hormonal Responses in Older Women: A Randomized
Crossover Trial
Article in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research · July 2017
DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000001653

14 4,241

6 authors, including:

Alex Silva Ribeiro Brad J Schoenfeld

University of Northern Parana City University of New York City - Lehman College



Fábio Luiz Cheche Pina Matheus Amarante do Nascimento

UNOPAR, Londrina, Brazil Paraná State University - UNESPAR Paranavaí Campus



Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

Effect of resistance training on strength, muscle mass, mobility, functional capacity and biochemical parameters in sarcopenic and non sarcopenic elderly View project

Active Aging Longitudinal Study View project

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Metabolism, Nutrition, and Exercise Laboratory, Londrina State University, Londrina, Brazil; 2Exercise Science
Department, CUNY Lehman College, Bronx, New York; 3Andrews Research and Education Foundation, Gulf
Breeze, Florida; and 4Parana´ State University, UNESPAR, Paranavaı´ Campus, Paranavaı´, Brazil

ABSTRACT and for skeletal muscle mass (TD = 3.6% and ES = 0.32 vs. PR =
Ribeiro, AS, Schoenfeld, BJ, Fleck, SJ, Pina, FLC, Nascimento, 2.4% and ES = 0.24) with no differences between groups. There
MA, and Cyrino, ES. Effects of traditional and pyramidal resistance were no significant (p . 0.05) main effects for IGF-1 and
training systems on muscular strength, muscle mass, and testosterone. The results suggest that the PR and TD systems
hormonal responses in older women: a randomized cross-over performed are similarly effective for promoting positive adaptations
trial. J Strength Cond Res 31(7): 1888–1896, 2017—The purpose in muscular strength and hypertrophy in older women.
of this study was to investigate the effect of resistance training (RT)
KEY WORDS strength training, aging, training system,
performed in a pyramid (PR) versus a traditional (TD) system on
muscular strength, muscle mass, and hormonal re-sponses in
older women. Twenty-five older women (67.6 6 5.1 years, 65.9 6

11.1 kg, 154.7 6 5.8 cm, and 27.5 6 4.5 kg$m ) performed both a
TD and PR system RT program in a balanced crossover design. ging is associated with various physiological changes that
The TD program consisted of 3 sets of 8–12 repetition maximum detrimentally affect the neuromuscu-lar system, including a
reduction in muscular strength and skeletal muscle mass
(RM) with a constant load for the 3 sets, whereas the PR system (4,8). The loss
consisted of 3 sets of 12/10/8-RM with incrementally higher loads of strength and muscle mass are 2 of the main reasons for a
for each set. Training was performed in 2 phases of 8 weeks each, decrease in performance of daily life activities in older in-
with a 12-week washout between the 8-week phases. One dividuals and negatively affect health, functional autonomy,
repetition maximum (1RM) tests were used as measures of survival, and quality of life in older individuals (4,8,24). Older
muscular strength. Dual X-ray absorptiometry was used to women are particularly susceptible to the damaging effects of
estimate skeletal muscle mass. Testosterone and IGF-1 sarcopenia and dynapenia because of hormonal alterations after
concentrations were determined preintervention and postinter- menopause and because women usually have lower ini-tial levels
vention after 12 hours fasting. Significant (p # 0.05) increases were of strength and muscle mass than do men (4,18).
observed in both groups for muscular strength in the 1RM chest Resistance training (RT) promotes positive adaptations that
press (TD = 12.4% and effect size [ES] = 0.86 vs. PR = 11.5% and attenuate the deleterious effects of aging (2,5,14). However, it has
ES = 0.74), knee extension (TD = 12.5% and ES = 0.61 vs. PR = been demonstrated that older individuals display an altered
11.8% and ES = 0.62), preacher curl (TD = 10.9% and ES = 0.63 response to RT compared with the young (21,23), thus
investigations concerning the response of the elderly to vari-ous
vs. PR = 8.6% and ES = 0.54),
RT training programs or systems are warranted. Resis-tance
training prescription involves a number of variables of which
Address correspondence to Alex S. Ribeiro, alex-silvaribeiro@ training volume and intensity are key components (2). Training volume is a summation of the total number of rep-etitions
31(7)/1888–1896 performed multiplied by the resistance used and is affected by the
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research number of sets, repetitions, and exercises per-formed as well as
2016 National Strength and Conditioning Association training frequency (2). Intensity refers to the
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absolute or relative resistance used for a given exercise or METHODS

movement (2) and is affected by the rest interval between sets Experimental Approach to the Problem
and exercises and velocity of movement.
The study was performed over a period of 36 weeks divided
Studies indicate a clear dose-response relationship between into 3 phases. In the first phase, participants were randomly
the magnitude of load and muscular strength increase in older separated into 2 groups that performed 8 weeks (weeks 3–10)
individuals (11,13,27,34). However, for muscular of RT of either a TD and PR system. Phase 2 was a 12-week
hypertrophy, greater loads do not necessarily result in period of detraining (weeks 13–24) in which no resistance
maximal adaptations (29). Muscular hypertrophy is exercise was performed. The intent of the detraining phase
hypothesized to be stimulated by mechanical and metabolic was to return participant’s physical fitness levels to baseline
stress, muscle damage, and the interaction between these values. Phase 3 used a crossover so that subjects who per-
factors (28), and moderate volume and intensity are pur- formed the PR system in phase 1 underwent 8 weeks of
ported to optimize hypertrophic adaptations (2). This is training using the TD system (weeks 27–34) and those who
mainly due to the interdependence between intensity and previously performed the TD system engaged in an 8-week
volume; that is, high-intensity training does not allow a suf- program using the PR system. At the beginning and the end of
ficient training volume to create an optimal anabolic each phase of the experiment, 2 weeks were allocated for
environment. To optimize the hypertrophic response of RT evaluations (weeks 1–2, 11–12, 25–26, and 35–36) consisting
systems that allow the use of higher intensities without drastic of anthropometric measures, tests of 1 repetition maximum
reductions in volume have been suggested. (1RM), body composition analysis by dual-energy X-ray ab-
The pyramid system (PR), because of its inherent sorptiometry (DXA), and blood work for biochemical analy-
characteristic of varying the resistance used and number of sis. The experimental design is displayed in Figure 1.
repetitions, permits exercise performance at higher intensi-ties
without necessarily causing a loss in volume, thus maintaining Subjects
a favorable anabolic environment for increased muscle Participants were recruited through newspaper and radio
hypertrophy and thus strength gains. Hypothetically, if a PR advertisements and home delivery of leaflets in residential
system allows training with high intensity and maintains neighborhoods. All participants completed health history and
volume, the metabolic and mechanical stimuli necessary to physical activity questionnaires and met the following
maximize muscle growth may be optimized. Based on this inclusion criteria: 60 years old or older, physically indepen-
information, we cannot rule out the possibility that the PR dent, free from cardiac or orthopedic problems, not receiving
system may elicit greater improvements of adaptations hormonal replacement therapy, and not performing any
induced by RT. However, although the PR system is widely regular physical exercise more than once a week during the 6
used by practitioners, there is little scientific basis to support months before start of the study. Participants passed a
its actual effectiveness. diagnostic, graded exercise stress test with a 12-lead
The main anabolic hormones involved in muscle growth electrocardiogram reviewed by a cardiologist and were
and remodeling are testosterone and insulin-like growth factor released by the cardiologist for participation in this study with
(IFG-1) (30). Mechanical loading elicits acute in-creases in no restrictions on physical activity. Forty older women were
anabolic hormones such as testosterone and IGF-1, although accessed for eligibility. After individual interviews, 11
the hypertrophic effects of this response remain equivocal women who did not meet the inclusion criteria were excluded.
(28–30). There is evidence that basal levels of testosterone The remaining 29 older women were selected for
and IGF-1 influence the anabolic response to RT (3,12). participation and then were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 RT
However, it remains largely unknown whether there are groups: a group that performed the TD system (n = 14) or a
differential effects between RT systems with respect to group that performed the PR system (n = 15) in the first phase
changes in the basal hormonal levels. of the study protocol. A total of 25 participants (67.6 6 5.1
Therefore, the main objective of this study was to years, 65.9 6 11.1 kg, 154.7 6 5.8 cm, and 27.5 6 4.5 kg$m )
investigate the effect of RT performed in a PR system and completed all stages of the study and were included in the
traditional (TD) system on muscular strength, muscle mass, analyses. The reasons for withdrawal from the study were
and hormonal responses in older women. We hypothesized reported as lack of time, transportation issues, lack of
that the PR system would result in greater increases in motivation, and personal reasons. Adherence to the program
muscular strength and hypertrophy compared with a TD was satisfactory, with all subjects participating in .85% of the
system. The rationale for this hypothesis is based on the dose- total sessions. Figure 2 is a schematic representation of
response relationship between intensity and volume on participants’ recruitment and group assignment.
muscular strength, and hypertrophy, because the PR system Written informed consent was obtained from all subjects
ostensibly allows for the use of higher intensities of load after a detailed description of study procedures was pro-
during the final sets of an exercise without impairing volume vided. This investigation was conducted according to the
in the target repetition range (i.e., 8–12 repetition maximum Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the local
[RM]). University Ethics Committee.

VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 7 | JULY 2017 | 1889

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Resistance Training Systems in Older Women

Figure 1. Experimental design.

Anthropometry Both the calibration check and analysis were performed by a

Body mass was measured to the nearest 0.1 kg using a skilled laboratory technician. The equipment calibration was
calibrated electronic scale (Balmak, Laboratory Equipment checked following the manufacturer’s recommendations. Soft-
Labstore, Curitiba, Brazil), with the participants wearing light ware generated lines using standard anatomical landmarks
workout clothing and no shoes. The height was measured to that separated the limbs from the trunk and head. These lines
the nearest 0.1 cm with a stadiometer attached to the scale were adjusted, if needed, by the same technician using
with subjects wearing no shoes. The body mass index was specific anatomical landmarks. Analyses during the
calculated as body mass in kilograms divided by the square of intervention were performed by the same technician who was
height in meters. blinded to the intervention time point and which RE training
program the participants were performing at the different time
Muscle Mass
points of the study. Previous test-retest scans resulted in an SE
Skeletal muscle mass was estimated by the predictive
of mea-surement of 0.29 kg and intraclass correlation
equation proposed by Kim et al. (20). The appendicular fat-
coefficient of 0.997 for skeletal muscle mass.
free mass used for the equation was determined by a DXA
scan (Lunar Prodigy, model NRL 41990; GE Lunar, Madison, Muscular Strength
WI). Before scanning, participants were instructed to remove Maximal dynamic strength was evaluated using the 1RM test
their personal objects containing metal. Scans were performed assessed for the chest press, knee extension, and preacher curl
with the subjects lying in the supine position along the table’s performed in the order listed. Testing for each exercise was
longitudinal centerline axis. Feet were taped together at the preceded by a warm-up set (6–10 repetitions), with
toes to immobilize the legs while the hands were maintained approximately 50% of the estimated load used in the first
in a pronated position within the scanning region. Subjects attempt of the 1RM. This warm-up was also used to
remained motionless during the entire scanning procedure. familiarize the subjects with the testing equipment and lifting
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Figure 2. Schematic representation of participants’ recruitment and allocation.

technique. The testing procedure was initiated 2 minutes after vein. The subjects were instructed not to perform vigorous
the warm-up set. The subjects were instructed to try to exercise for the preceding 24 hours and to avoid alcohol or
accomplish 2 repetitions with the load in 3 attempts in all caffeinated beverages 72 hours before the blood collections.
exercises tested. The rest period was 3–5 minutes between Measurements were performed by standard methods in a
each attempt and 5 minutes between exercises. The 1RM was University Hospital laboratory. Samples were collected in
recorded as the last resistance lifted in which the subject was vacutainers with a gel separator without anticoagulant and
able to complete only 1 repetition (1). The technique for each were centrifuged for 10 minutes at 3,000 rpm for serum
exercise was standardized and continuously monitored to separation. Interassay and intra-assay CVs were ,10% as
ensure reliability. All 1RM testing sessions were super-vised determined in human serum. Serum testosterone and IGF-1
by 2 experienced researchers to maximize safety and test concentrations were determined by a chemilumines-cence
reliability. Verbal encouragement was given throughout each method using a Liaison XL Immunoassay Analyzer (DiaSorin
test. Three 1RM sessions were performed separated by 48 S.p.A, Saluggia, Italy).
hours (intraclass correlation coefficient $0.96). The highest
Volume Load
load achieved among the 3 sessions was used for analysis in
each exercise. Total strength was determined as the sum of the During every RT session, the load and number of repetitions
3 exercises. performed during each set of the 8 exercises were recorded.
The volume for each set of all exercises was calculated by
Biochemical Analysis multiplying the load times the number of repetitions in each
Serum levels of testosterone and IFG-1 were measured after set performed. Volume of each exercise per session was
12 hours of fasting with blood taken from the antecubital calculated as the sum of the volume of all 3 sets for each

TABLE 1. Training loads (in kg) at the first and last week of the resistance training program.*

Traditional Pyramid Effects F p

First week 1,219.8 6 104.6 1,389.9 6 107.1† Group 3.84 0.05
Last week 1,901.2 6 189.9z 2,064.1 6 196.1†z Time 391.05 ,0.001
D% 55.9 48.5 Interaction 2.29 0.11
Effect size 4.63 4.45

*Data are expressed as mean 6 SD.

†p , vs. traditional group.
zp # 0.05 vs. pretraining.

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Resistance Training Systems in Older Women

Figure 3. Muscular strength (A-D), fat-free mass (E), and skeletal muscle mass (F) at pre- and posttraining. *p # 0.05 vs. pretraining. Data are
expressed as mean and SD. There was no statistically significant group-by-time interaction.

exercise. The total volume per session was calculated as the were personally supervised by physical education professio-
sum of all 8 exercises. Weekly volume was calculated as the nals to help ensure consistent and safe exercise performance.
sum of the 3 sessions performed in a week. Subjects performed RT using a combination of free weights
and machines. The sessions were performed 3 times per week
Resistance Training Program on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The RT pro-gram
Supervised RT was performed during the morning hours in was a whole-body program of 8 exercises with 1 exer-cise
the State University facilities. The protocol was based on performed with free weights and 7 with machines. Exercises
recommendations for RT in an older population to improve were performed in the following order: chest press, horizontal
muscular strength and hypertrophy (2,14). All participants leg press, seated row, knee extension, preacher
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the subject’s abilities and im-

provements in exercise capacity
throughout the study to ensure
that the subjects were exercising
with as much resistance as pos-
sible while maintaining proper
exercise technique. The incre-
mental adjustment of loads from
set to set was in the magnitude of
approximately 2–5%. Pro-
gression for the TD occurred
when the upper limits of the
repetition zone was completed for
2 consecutive training ses-sions.
Progression for the PR occurred
when the participant was able to
perform 12 and 10
Figure 4. Weekly volume of load during a
training system. *p # 0.05 vs. previous week. **p # 0.05 vs. 2 previous weeks. §p # 0.05 vs. pyramid. There is resistance training program in older
a statistically significant group-by-time interaction. women according to resistance
repetitions with the 12 and 10

RM loads and 10 repetitions with

the 8 RM load. Progression for
curl (free weights), leg curl, triceps pushdown, and seated calf both training systems was
accomplished by increasing the
Participants of the TD group performed 3 sets of 8–12 RM load for the upper limb and lower limb exercises by 2–5% and
with the same load for all 3 sets, whereas the participants of the 5–10%, respectively, in the next session (2).
PR group performed 3 sets of 12, 10, and 8 RM. For both
systems, the participants carried sets to muscle failure or an Statistical Analyses
inability to sustain exercise performance with proper exer-cise
technique. Two-way analysis of variance for repeated measures was used
for comparisons of the 2 training groups. When an F-ratio was
Participants were instructed to inhale during the eccentric phase significant, Bonferroni’s post hoc test was used to identify
and exhale during the concentric phase of each repetition while where the mean differences were significant. The comparison
maintaining a constant velocity of movement at a ratio of between RT systems for the number of repetitions performed
approximately 1:2 (concentric and eccentric phases, respectively).
was assessed by Student’s dependent t test. The effect size
Participants were allowed 1–2 minutes of rest between sets of an
(ES) was calculated as posttraining mean minus pretraining
exercise and 2–3 minutes between exercises. Researchers adjusted
mean divided by pooled SD before and after training (9). For
the loads of each exercise according to
all statistical analyses, significance was accepted at p # 0.05.
The data were analyzed using STATISTICA software version
10.0 (StatSoft, Inc., Tulsa, OK, USA).

TABLE 2. Anabolic hormones in older women before and after training according to the resistance training system.*

Traditional Pyramid Effects F p

IGF-1 (ng$ml21)
Pretraining 137.1 635.0 134.2 643.7 Group 3.01 0.10
Posttraining 140.1 632.9 137.5 639.2 Time 0.30 0.58
D% 2.2 2.5 Interaction 0.17 0.68
Effect size 0.09 0.08
Testosterone (ng$ml21)
Pretraining 0.35 60.7 0.33 60.4 Group 1.37 0.25
Posttraining 0.36 60.5 0.34 60.3 Time 0.29 0.59
D% 2.9 3.0 Interaction 1.56 0.22
Effect size 0.02 0.03

*Data are expressed as mean 6 SD.

VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 7 | JULY 2017 | 1893

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Resistance Training Systems in Older Women

The average of number of repetitions per exercise performed
throughout the training was statistically (p , 0.001) different
between systems with more repetitions per exercise per-


0.61 formed during the TD training (32.2 6 1.6, 95% confidence
interval [CI] = 31.4–32.8) compared with PR training (30.1 6
0.3, 95% CI = 30.0–30.3). The total training loads in both the



first and the last week of the RT program are depicted in

Table 1. There was a significant main effect of group (p #

0.05), in which, as expected, the PR presented higher values

than did the TD. There was a significant main effect of time



(p # 0.05) with both groups showing increases; however, no

group-by-time interaction was noted (p . 0.05).




Figure 3 shows the results for muscular strength, fat-free

mass, and skeletal muscle mass before and after training for
both groups. There was no significant group-by-time inter-




action (p . 0.05) for any of the exercises analyzed and for the
sum of the 3 exercises. However, a significant main effect of
Pyramid (n = 12)

time was observed (p , 0.001), in which increases were

Predetraining Postdetraining


69133. 39.5

observed for chest press (TD = 12.4% and ES = 0.86 vs. PR =

6 †35.4.96



6 †16.1.71

6290. 0.1

11.5% and ES = 0.74), knee extension (TD = 12.5% and ES =

0.61 vs. PR = 11.8% and ES = 0.62), preacher curl (TD =
6 SD

10.9% and ES = 0.63 vs. PR = 8.6% and ES = 0.54), and total


strength (TD = 11.6% and ES = 0.78 vs. PR = 10.6% and ES

= 0.71). For body composition, there was no significant
67102. 13.6

68138. 42.8

group-by-time interaction for any of the com-ponents

637. 4.14

6121. 2.9

638. 3.11

616. 1.74

6320. 0.2
644. 9.32

determined (p . 0.05). However, a significant main effect of


time (p , 0.001) was observed in which both groups had

increased fat-free mass (TD = 2.1% and ES = 0.27 vs. PR =
1.3% and ES = 0.18) and skeletal muscle mass (TD = 3.6%




and ES = 0.32 vs. PR = 2.4% and ES = 0.24).

Figure 4 depicts the weekly volume load. There was a sig-





nificant group-by-time interaction (p , 0.001), in which


differences between both groups started from the third week,

T3.Changesafter12weeksofdetraining.* AB LE





with the TD system reaching higher volume loads in

Predetraini ngPostdet rainin g

comparison with PR system.

60139. 28.9
6350. 0.7

Resting values before and after training for IGF-1 and

testosterone are presented in Table 2. There were no signif-
icant differences for the hormones tested (p . 0.05). The effect
of 12 weeks of detraining is presented in Table 3; there was
no group-by-time interaction (p . 0.05) for any of the
61143. 32.4

outcomes analyzed, which indicates that the TD and PR

6370. 0.8

systems showed similar loss of adaptations due to detraining.


The main and novel finding of this study was that the RT
performed in the PR system is equally as effective as a TD

system for promoting adaptations in muscular strength and

hypertrophy in older women. Based on the premise that
intensity and volume of training are 2 primary variables that
stimulate neuromuscular adaptations (2,28), we had hypoth-
esized that the PR system would produce superior results.
Specifically, it was speculated that the PR system would allow
the use of higher intensities of load during the final
the TM

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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research |

sets of an exercise without impairing volume in the target training groups. These hypotheses warrant further
repetitions range (i.e., 8–12 repetitions maximum). The investigation.
greatest gains in maximum strength are achieved by training Blood concentrations of anabolic hormones are dimin-ished
with higher loads, and there is a dose-response relationship with aging (10,17,33), which may lead to attenuation of
between magnitude of load and muscular strength in older anabolic effects on muscles. No statistically significant
adults (11,13,27,34). Contrary to our hypothesis, the results of changes were observed with respect to resting circulating
this study failed to demonstrate superiority of the PR over the testosterone and IGF-1 levels after the RT period. These
TD system. results are in line with previous studies that investigated the
Previously, Hunter et al. (19) investigated the effect of effects of RT on testosterone and IGF-1 in older women
variable loads in older adults and observed that a varied daily (15,16). Despite low levels of anabolic hormones, older
loading approach (80, 65, and 50% of 1RM) reduced the women nevertheless show significant increases in muscular
difficulty of performing daily activity tasks to a greater extent hypertrophy after RT. Our study measured only serum hor-
than did training with a constant load (80% of 1RM) despite monal values; it is possible that the RT program induced
similar increases in muscular strength and fat-free mass changes at the hormone receptor level that enhanced the
between groups. However, some methodological differences anabolic processes (35).
between this study and the study by Hunter et al. (19) need to It is important to note that this study has several limitations.
be pointed out. The study by Hunter et al. (19) had a wider The findings are specific to untrained older women and
variance of load and included both older men and women, cannot necessarily be extrapolated to other populations.
which might affect the results because older women respond Whether results would differ for younger individuals, men, or
differently than older men to a RT program (25). Moreover, those with previous RT experience remains to be deter-mined.
we used a crossover design, an experimental procedure that Moreover, our results are limited to a short-term RT period,
reduces interindividual bias, and therefore strengthens and we cannot rule out the possibility that findings would
confidence in our findings. differ over longer training durations.
A confounding issue when evaluating muscle mass increases in We conclude that RT performed in a PR system is an
studies that compare different intensities of training is that the effective method to promote positive short-term adaptations
total volume often differs between models (32). When the aim is of muscular strength and hypertrophy in older women.
to analyze hypertrophic responses, studies show that the total However, it does not provide any inherent advantages over a
volume does affect the hypertrophic response. For example, TD system. Thus, the practitioner can decide which system to
studies that compared different intensities with matched volumes use depending on the trainees’ personal preference.
did not find statistical differences in muscle hypertrophy between
low and high intensities (6,31). Alterna-tively, studies without
volume equalization generally show that lower intensity RT Our findings show that both RT systems (PR and TD) are
results in inferior hypertrophic gains compared with moderate equally effective for increasing strength and muscle mass in
intensities (7,26). The PR system theoretically allows training older women. The results indicate that practitioners have the
with higher loads, at least during the final sets of an exercise, flexibility of choosing the RT system based on the trainees’
without reducing the training volume from a loading zone preference. Practitioners also have the option of using a com-
standpoint. The results observed in this study indicate that bination of different RT systems over time, as this may help
increases in skeletal muscle mass are similar between the RT to maintain interest in and motivation to perform RT by
systems, despite a significantly lower volume load observed in allowing a varied RT program.
the PR condition. A clear dose-response relationship has been
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