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Dosen Pengampu : Harmawan Wardani, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Oleh :

Daniel Ergawanto Lainium (204308096)




Skill 5: Menggunakan Sentence Connectors Pattern Two Dengan Benar
Type lain dari connector yang sering muncul pada kalimat multiple clause adalah
sentence connectors pattern two. Dibawah ini adalah beberapa kata hubung yang termasuk
sentence connectors pattern two:
Sentence Connectors Pattern Two
After If Unless Where
Although Provided Until Wherever
Because Since When Whether
Before Though Whenever While

Perhatikanlah contoh penggunaanya dalam kalimat-kalimat dibawah ini:

I will sign the check before you leave.
Before you leave, I will sign the check.
Dua kalimat diatas dihubungkan menggunakan connector before. Pada kalimat kedua connector
diletakkan pada awal kalimat. Pada pola seperti ini tanda koma (,) harus diletakkan ditengah
Berikut ini adalah contoh kalimat yang berhubungan dengan sentence connectors pattern two
yang sering muncul pada Structure and Written Expression section.
_____ was late, I missed the appointment.
A. I
B. Because
C. The train
D. Since he
Pada contoh kalimat diatas, dapat diketahui bahwa kalimat tersebut membutuhkan connector
dan subject. Opsi A dan C tidak tepat karena hanya berisi subject sedang opsi B hanya berisi
connector saja, sehingga opsi jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D.

Exercise 5a: Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat dibawah ini. Berhati-hatilah dengan Sentence
Connectors Pattern Two.
1. The president of the U.S appoints the cabinet members, ___B__ appointments
are subject to senate approval.
A. Their
B. With their
C. Because their
D. But their
2. The prisoners were prevented from speaking to reporters because ___D__
A. Not wanting the story in the papers
B. The story in the papers the superintendent did not want
C. The public to hear the story
D. The superintendent did not want the story in the papers
3. Like Thomas Berger’s fictional character little big man, Launderdale managed to
find himself where ___C__ of important events took place.
A. It was an extraordinary number
B. There was an extraordinary number
C. An extraordinary number
D. An extraordinary number existed

Exercise 5b: Analisalah kalimat dibawah ini, tulis huruf C jika kalimat tersebut benar dan tulis
huruf I jika kalimat tersebut salah.
4. _C____ It is impossible to enter the doctoral program in education if you lack
experience as a teacher.
5. ___I__ The commandant left strict orders about weekend passes, several
soldiers left the post anyway.
6. __C___ The citizens become more and more increased about traffic accidents
whenever occur at that intersection.
7. __C_ After the ground had been prepared, the seedlings were carefully planted.
Skill 6: Mengidentifikasi Inverted Subject and Verb Dalam Question Words
Subject and verb dalam situasi tertentu dapat dibalik (inverted), yang paling umum
adalah ketika membuat kalimat Tanya (Questions Words). Ada dua jenis kalimat questions
words yaitu yes-no question dan when, where, why, what, dan how questions words.
Perhatikanlah contoh yes-no question kalimat dibawah ini:
She was sick yesterday.
Was she sick yesterday?
Pada contoh kalimat diatas subject dan helping verb (be, have, can, could, would, will, etc)
dibalik untuk membentuk kalimat Tanya.
He goes to the movies.
Does he go to the movies?
Jika tidak terdapat helping verb seperti contoh kalimat diatas maka kata do/does ditambahkan.
Sedangkan untuk contoh kalimat yang menggunakan when, where, why, what, dan how
terdapat dalam kalimat dibawah ini:
What is the homework?
Where are you going?
Pada dua contoh kalimat diatas subject ditandai dengan garis bawah tunggal, sedangkan verb
ditandai dengan garis bawah ganda.Tetapi jika kata-kata when, where, why, what, dan how
digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua klausa maka subject dan verb tidak perlu dibalik
(inverted). Perhatikanlah contoh dibawah ini:
I don’t know what the home work is.
When I can leave, I will take the first train.
Berdasarkan contoh diatas jelas bahwa setelah kata when, where, why, what, dan how, subject
dan verb tidak perlu dibalik (inverted).

Exercise 6: Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat dibawah ini. Berhati-hatilah dengan inverted
subject and verb dalam questions word.
1. How __A___ information about parking?
a. New students can get
b. New students get
c. Can new students get
d. Can new students
2. Where _A____ cheapest to get typeset copies printed?
a. Is it
b. Is
c. Does
d. That
3. __C___ me the truth?
a. You would tell
b. You should tell
c. Would you tell
d. You have to tell
4. The lawyer asked the client why _C____ it.
a. Did he do
b. Did he
c. He did
d. Did
5. There are geographic, economic, and cultural reasons why _____ around the world.
a. Diets differ
b. Do diets differ
c. Are diets different
d. To differ a diet

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