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Doctor of Philosophy
(Information Technology)

Master of Science in
Information System

Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons) in Information Security

Bachelor of Arts in 3D Animation and Digital Media (Hons)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons) in Business Computing

Foundation in Information Technology/

Diploma in Computer Science/


Dalam konteks Revolusi Perin- FCICM menawarkan lima pengajian di peringkat Ijazah
dustrian 4.0 (IR 4.0), pendidikan program pengajian peringkat Sarjana Muda di KUPTM.
tinggi adalah antara bidang prasiswazah iaitu program Terbaru, program Bachelor of
cukup penting yang tidak Asasi, Diploma Sains Komput- Arts in 3D Animation & Digital
ketinggalan menerima impak er dan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Media (Honours) adalah antara
perkembangan terbaru ini. Bagi dalam bidang pengkomputer- program yang dijangka dapat
menghadapi pendidikan sains, an. Selain itu, dua program menarik lebih ramai pelajar
teknologi dan multimedia di era pascasiswazah turut di tawar- kerana program ini bertujuan
global dan mencabar ini, Fakulti kan oleh FCICM dalam bidang menghasilkan graduan yang
Pengkomputeran, Informatik & sistem maklumat dan teknologi kreatif dan inovatif serta mem-
Multimedia Kreatif (FCICM) maklumat. peroleh kepakaran professional
telah menyediakan pelbagai Bermula dari program asasi dan keusahawanan untuk
program prasiswazah dan yang ditawarkan oleh FCICM, memulakan kerjaya dalam
pascasiswazah dengan menyaji- pelajar akan dilengkapi dengan bidang animasi kreatif atau
kan pendekatan pendidikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran melanjutkan pelajaran di pering-
secara menyeluruh dan lebih yang diperlukan untuk mem- kat yang lebih tinggi.
menarik. bolehkan mereka meneruskan

Kolej Yayasan UEM (KYUEM) is a world-class pre-university college. University Relation Department. Competition for places at the world’s leading
universities gets tougher every year. Admission requirements are higher as
Our students routinely obtain excellent results in the Cambridge A-Levels educational standards rise around the world. KYUEM management is alert to
examinations. The vast majority of KYUEM students then gain admission to changes in global tertiary education and well placed to act upon anything
their first choice of leading universities throughout the world. Along with significant.
their high levels of intellectual achievement, they develop an enviable
work/life balance that prepares them for the rigours of adult life. They learn KYUEM is well known and respected by the finest overseas universities.
to take responsibility for everything they do, with the understanding that Consequently, throughout the year, we receive regular and frequent visits by
their actions have consequences. It is no exaggeration to say that we are senior academics and university administrators who wish to meet and talk to
preparing tomorrow’s leaders today. our students and to give them the latest news on courses, degrees and
The college boasts a world-class record of A-Levels success that has been
improving year on year. In 2018, 98% of KYUEM students obtained A to B in The College is located about 70km north of Kuala Lumpur in Lembah
the A-Levels; 90% got A or A; and 61% gained at least three As. These are Beringin. The 50-acre, well-equipped campus is a beautiful, serene environ-
world-class results that rival the best international colleges, and we are ment, naturally conducive for academic study. Many ex-students tell us that
proud of the fact that our students routinely gain places in the finest global they miss the calm and peaceful setting after they have left us.
universities. Seven students gained either “Top in the World” or “Top in
Malaysia” awards from the Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards. Ten Security is of paramount importance in a rural residential school. KYUEM is
students this year have received conditional offers from University of Oxford patrolled by a team of security guards 24/7, while the entire campus is covered
and University of Cambridge, while many others have received multiple by a state-of-the-art CCTV system, consisting of more than 98 HD cameras.
offers from top-ranked universities in the UK, Australia and the USA.
In addition to well-equipped classrooms, the college has ten science
These outcomes are what we expect of KYUEM students since it was laboratories and a very inviting Cyber Lounge. A superb Resource Centre
established in 1998. How are they achieved, throughout the years? enables all kinds of private study to take place, including in evenings and at
weekends. The college boasts an Olympic-size swimming pool, dedicated
To start with, KYUEM is profoundly selective. We base our selection not sports hall, squash courts, outdoor court facilities and a large, well-kept sports
only on the grounds of academic ability, but also because our young people field for football and rugby. The Great Hall, which is used for major events such
have already displayed qualities of leadership, commitment, dedication and as examinations and performances, is well-equipped with full sound and
maturity. lighting facilities and there is a large, purpose-built surau on the campus for
Muslim students and staff.
Teaching is of a very high standard from both local and expatriate teachers.
Staff members are highly qualified and experienced, many of them possessing Student accommodation consists of 4-bedroom villas, 2-bedroom chalets and
first-class honours and master's degrees. They are wholly committed to their a separate apartment block each with hot and cold water plus air conditioning
important work and share a common desire that every student will succeed. at the common area. Three meals a day are provided in the college Dining Hall,
The highest expectations are standard practice at KYUEM. while further choices of food and beverages are available in a subsidised
cafeteria on site. There is a purpose-built medical centre on campus, manned
KYUEM requires students to work hard and they are always busy. by three fully qualified nurses.
Assessment and monitoring of progress is frequent, rigorous and regular.
Everyone is encouraged to be the best that they can be – whether in class or We welcome talented students with excellent academic records and
outside. A personal tutor system and an Academic Department ensures that outstanding co-curricular backgrounds to apply for the July 2019 and January
they receive excellent advice about how to work most effectively. They also 2020 intake. For more information, kindly contact the Marketing Office at
receive excellent advice and guidance about university application from 603-6460 1234 or visit www.kyuem.edu.my

[1103/2] Bahasa Melayu

Kertas Bahasa Melayu 1103/1 merupakan kertas yang paling penting dalam peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) pada setiap tahun. Hal ini demikian kerana kertas ini memerlukan
pelajar menguasai satu kemahiran asas iaitu kemahiran menulis yang menyumbang jumlah markah yang besar. Dengan cara gaya penulisan yang betul, pelajar akan dapat markah yang tinggi sekiranya
mengikut kriteria-kriteria yang ditetapkan oleh Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia (LPM).


1. Soalan Terus (direct) 1. Soalan KBAT

Contoh: Huraikan pendapat anda tentang ciri-ciri sekolah Contoh: Perlakuan negatif seperti pergaulan bebas, merokok dan melepak
selamat. dalam kalangan remaja semakin membimbangkan semua pihak.(Lapis 1)
Huraikan peranan keluarga bagi mengatasi masalah ini (Lapis 2)

2. Frasa yang digelapkan dalam Lapis 1 dan Lapis 2 perlu ditulis/dimasukkan

dalam huraian.

Ada soalan yang memerlukan penggunaan kata SAYA

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i. Huraikan pendapat anda.....(tidak perlu tulis saya..)
ii. Huraikan kebaikan-kebaikan pusat sumber sekolah kepada anda.....(mesti
tulis saya...)

Terbahagi kepada 2 iaitu:

i. Ayat Al-Quran dengan maksud yang tepat
ii. Hadis Nabi
iii. Kata-kata tokoh yang dikenali oleh semua orang
iv. Kata-kata Menteri

i. Simpulan Bahasa – dua patah kata – tangkai jering
ii. Perumpamaan – bagai...umpama...seperti..bak..laksana...bagai bulan jatuh ke riba
iii. Bidalan (bukan simpulan bahasa, bukan juga perumpamaan) contoh sediakan paying sebelum hujan
iv. Kata-kata Hikmat/Slogan – pandu cermat jiwa selamat
v. Pepatah – peribahasa berpatah-patah – berakit-rakit kehulu, berenang-renang ke tepian.....


Ironinya, Impak Kesannya Diimplementasikan digunakan

Memorabilia Kenangan manis Nirmala Hening (pagi yang hening)

Mutakhir ini, Dewasa ini Izhar Jelas

Marcapada ini, Dewasa ini Delinkuen Tidak mematuhi peraturan

Obses, Terlalu terikut-ikut Komentar Rencana

Rencaman, Pelbagai Polemik Isu yang sering dibincangkan

Wadah, Alat Secara analogi peringkat demi peringkat

Disemarakkan Digiatkan Penuh iltizam penuh semangat

Dijana Dijalankan Inovasi kemajuan

Memperkasa Meningkatkan Mangkin yang efektif faktor-faktor penyebab

Kekangan Masalah Pragmatis praktikal

Kemelut Masalah Menjurus menyebabkan

Glokal / local Peringkat Tempatan Mengorak memulakan

KARANGAN BAHAGIAN A – sekurang-kurangnya dua ungkapan menarik

KARANGAN BAHAGIAN B – melebihi dua ungkapan menarik

i. Ayat Penyata
ii. Ayat Songsang
iii. Ayat Tanya

Perkara yang paling penting dalam menghasilkan pendahuluan yang menepati tugasan sesebuah karangan ialah pendahuluan ini perlu dibina dalam lima ayat iaitu:
1. Ayat Binaan
2. Ayat Tokoh
3. Ayat Sejarah
4. Ayat Semasa
5. Ayat Pertanyaan

Perenggan yang paling penting adalah bahagian isi kerana pemarkahan paling banyak datang daripada isi yang menjadi idea penulisan yang matang. Kematangan isi ini adalah berlandaskan 4 jenis ayat iaitu
ayat jawapan, ayat contoh, ayat huraian dan ayat penegasan.

Dibina dengan empat jenis ayat iaitu:
1. Ayat Tegasan
2. Ayat Ajakan
3. Ayat Harapan
4. Ayat Penegasan

Bahasa Melayu Kertas 1 [1103/1]

Bahagian A
[Masa dicadangkan: 45 minit]
[30 markah]

Huraikan pendapat anda tentang isu yang dibincangkan dalam petikan ucapan di bawah ini.
Panjangnya huraian anda hendaklah antara 200 hingga 250 patah perkataan.
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Bahagian B
[Masa dicadangkan: 1 jam 30 minit]
[100 markah]

Pilih satu daripada soalan-soalan di bawah ini dan tulis sebuah karangan yang panjangnya lebih daripada 350 patah perkataan.

1. Anda telah terpilih mewakili sekolah anda untuk menyertai pertandingan pidato yang dianjurkan oleh Kementerian Dalam
Negeri (KDN). Anda telah memilih tajuk pidato “Kedatangan Warga Asing Memberikan Impak Negatif kepada Negara”.

Tulis teks pidato anda selengkapnya.

2. Gejala “mat rempit” kini menjadi isu nasional apabila kegiatan golongan ini sudah melibatkan kegiatan jenayah, seks bebas,
lumba haram, dan pelbagai aktiviti antimoral yang lain. Pelbagai usaha telah dilakukan untuk membawa golongan ini ke pangkal

Huraikan peranan keluarga dalam menangani masalah ini.

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3. Ada orang berpendapat bahawa kegiatan cetak rompak sukar dibendung kerana lemahnya
penguatkuasaan undang-undang oleh pihak berwajib.


4. Hubungan diplomatik antarabangsa amat penting bagi sesebuah negara berdaulat.

Tulis suatu karangan tentang kepentingan hubungan diplomatik antara negara kita dengan negara luar.

5. Kementerian Pelajaran telah mewajibkan para pelajar mempelajari Komponen Sastera dalam subjek Bahasa Malaysia bagi
mengelakkan karya-karya sastera negara terpinggir di hati rakyat Malaysia.
Benarkah pernyataan itu?

Berikan pendapat anda.


Bahasa Melayu Kertas 2 [1103/2]

Soalan 1 : Rumusan
[ 30 Markah ]

Baca petikan di bawah dengan teliti. Kemudian buat satu rumusan tentang potensi-potensi yang membolehkan Malaysia menjadi
pusat makanan halal dan langkah-langkah menjayakannya. Panjang rumusan hendaklah tidak melebihi 120 patah perkataan.

Tahun 2018 sudah ditetapkan sebagai sasaran untuk Malaysia menjadi pusat makanan halal dunia. Langkah menetapkan
matlamat ini dilakukan bagi memastikan potensi besar industri makanan halal dapat dieksploitasi sepenuhnya. Berdasarkan statistik
yang dikeluarkan oleh Perbadanan Pembangunan Perdagangan Luar Malaysia (MATRADE), pasaran produk makanan halal dunia
ketika ini bernilai mencecah RM600 bilion setahun.

Sementara itu, Lembaga Pemasaran Pertanian Persekutuan (FAMA) melalui satu kajiannya mendapati, nilai pasaran bagi
makanan beku halal dijangka meningkat daripada RM106 billion kepada RM193 billion menjelang tahun 2018 nanti. Jangkaan ini
dibuat berdasarkan beberapa faktor penting termasuk peningkatan penduduk Islam dunia yang kini berjumlah 1.5 billion orang iaitu
25 peratus daripada penduduk dunia. Pertumbuhan ini juga didorong oleh peningkatan permintaan dalam kalangan pelanggan Islam
dan bukan Islam.
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Berdasarkan potensi-potensi inilah Malaysia segera bertindak menetapkan matlamat untuk menjadi pusat makanan halal dunia
menjelang tahun 2020. Matlamat ini digariskan dengan harapan negara akan menjadi pusat pengeluaran dan pengumpulan pelbagai
jenis produk halal yang dapat memenuhi permintaan dunia yang terus meningkat ketika ini. Kerajaan Malaysia juga menyedari
bahawa matlamat ini tidak mustahil dicapai memandangkan beberapa kelebihan yang dimiliki negara ini. Selain merupakan sebuah
negara Islam yang diiktiraf di peringkat dunia ekoran penglibatan aktifnya dalam beberapa forum dunia termasuk Pergerakan Negara-
negara Berkecuali dan OIC, Malaysia terletak di rantau ASEAN yang mempunyai 250 juta penduduk yang beragama Islam.

Menurut Engku Abdul Rahman Chik Ahmad, Penolong Pengarah Eksekutif Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia (DPMM),
Malaysia mempunyai faktor-faktor sokongan di peringkat dalaman seperti kestabilan politik serta pertumbuhan ekonomi yang
rancak. Keadaan ini disokong pula oleh rangka undang-undang dan peraturan yang dihormati. Kesemua faktor ini menjadi jalinan
penting ke arah mencapai matlamat yang telah digariskan.

Untuk merealisasikan matlamat tersebut, pihak kerajaan melalui beberapa agensi yang berkaitan, termasuk Kementerian
Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri (MITI), Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna, Jabatan
Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM), MARDI dan SIRIM sedang berusaha untuk menetapkan satu garis panduan yang jelas
mengenai makanan halal. Hal ini bertujuan untuk memastikan makanan halal bukan hanya membawa konotasi makanan yang boleh
dimakan oleh umat Islam semata-mata, sebaliknya turut digambarkan sebagai makanan yang baik, tidak memudaratkan kesihatan,
tidak beracun dan selamat dimakan oleh semua orang.

(Dipetik dan diubah suai daripada Rebut

Peluang Jika Ingin Peroleh Manfaat, Dewan
 Ekonomi, Mei 2003)

Soalan 2 : Pemahaman

[ 35 markah ]

Jawab semua soalan

Soalan 2 (a) - Petikan Umum

Berdasarkan petikan soalan 1, jawab soalan-soalan berikut dengan menggunakan ayat anda sendiri.

i. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan makanan halal ? (2 markah)

ii. Nyatakan matlamat yang ingin dicapai oleh Malaysia menjelang tahun 2020. (3 markah)

iii. Pada pandangan anda apakah cabaran-cabaran yang terpaksa dihadapi dalam usaha menjadikan Malaysia pusat pengeluaran
makanan halal dunia ?
(4 markah)
Soalan 2 (b) - Petikan Prosa Moden.
Baca petikan cerpen di bawah dengan teliti, kemudian jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnva dengan menggunakan ayat anda sendiri.
Baca petikan cerpen di bawah dengan teliti, kemudian jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut dengan menggunakan ayat anda sendiri.

Dalam diam-diam, sebenarnya kami juga ingin tahu, apatah lagi setelah menyedari kehadiran anak gadis Tuan Booth di surau,
setiap kali Ahmad Mutawakkil balik ke kampung untuk berceramah.
Perlahan-lahan – barangkali dilemahkan oleh rasa malu kepada diri sendiri kerana sibuk menjaga tepi kain orang lain – di mata
kami, misteri cinta itu akhirnya lenyap tak berjejak.
Ahmad Mutawakkil, sudah jarang-jarang benar balik ke kampung. Perjuangan parti meruntun waktunya dihabiskan di bandar.
Tahun 1952, dalam usia 24 tahun, dia dipilih menduduki kerusi pemimpin nombor dua parti di peringkat daerah.
Tidak cukup dengan tanggungjawabnya ke sana sini untuk berceramah, Ahmad Mutawakkil turut menulis dalam surat khabar. Dia
juga terkenal sebagai wartawan. Tulisannya banyak merangsang orang Melayu untuk bersiap sedia mengisi kemerdekaan.
“Jangan nanti selepas merdeka, kita jadi macam kera mendapat bunga.” Untuk merdeka, katanya, perjuangan bukan setakat
mendesak Inggeris berundur.
“Malah, demi mengisi kemerdekaan, kita juga perlu mendesak diri sendiri, mengikis semua tabiat buruk bangsa kita. Kita pasti akan
merdeka, dan untuk itu, kita perlu berjuang mengubah sikap dan pandangan sempit masyarakat kita … .”

(Dipetik daripada cerpen “Cinta Ahmad Mutawakkil,”

oleh Zainal Rashid Ahmad
dalam antologi Sejadah Rindu,

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Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia)

(i) Berdasarkan petikan cerpen, nyatakan bukti-bukti yang menunjukkan bahawa Ahmad Mutawakkil seorang yang sibuk.
[2 markah]

(ii) Seseorang yang bercita-cita untuk menjadi seorang pemimpin perlu mempunyai ciri-ciri yang tertentu agar kewibawaannya tidak
dipertikaikan oleh masyarakat.
Pada pendapat anda, bagaimanakah seseorang itu dapat menonjolkan kewibawaannya sebagai pemimpin masyarakat? [3 markah]

(iii) Huraikan satu persoalan yang terdapat dalam petikan dan satu persoalan lain daripada keseluruhan cerpen yang tidak terdapat
dalam petikan. [4 markah]

Soalan 2 (c) - Petikan Prosa Tradisional.
Baca petikan prosa tradisional di bawah ini dengan teliti, kemudian jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya dengan menggunakan kata-kata
anda sendiri.

Maka Seri Nara Diraja Sultan pun tersenyum. Maka Tun Nina Madi digelar oleh Sultan Muzaffar Syah Tun Bijaya Maha
Menteri. Setelah Paduka Raja dan Seri Nara Diraja dua orang itu menjadi orang besar, maka anak Melayu pun berbelah,
setengah pada Paduka Raja, setengah pada Seri Nara Diraja, kerana kedua-duanya sama orang berasal. Maka Seri Nara Diraja
tidak muafakat dengan Paduka Raja, senantiasa beringgit juga; beberapa kali lain Paduka Raja kedapatan dengan Paduka Raja
dalam kampung Seri Nara Diraja. Maka Sultan Muzaffar Syah pun tahu akan perihal itu maka terlalulah dukacita baginda
melihat kelakuan Paduka Raja dengan Seri Nara Diraja itu. Maka fikir di dalam hati baginda, “Jikalau demikian binasalah negeri
ini, kerana orang besarnya tidak muafakat sama orang besar.”
Hatta, maka baginda fikir berbicara hendak memuafakatkan Seri Nara Diraja dengan Paduka Raja. Maka baginda pun
menyuruh memanggil Seri Nara Diraja; maka dia pun hadirlah. Maka titah Sultan Muzaffar Syah, “Mahukan Seri Nara Diraja
Maka sembahnya, “Jikalau ada kurnia Duli Yang Dipertuan, baiklah, tuanku.”
Maka titah baginda, “Mahukah Seri Nara Diraja akan Tun Bulan, anak Orang Kaya Hitam?”
Maka sembahnya, “Mohon patik tuanku.”
Maka titah baginda, “Mahukah akan Rakna Sandari, saudara Paduka Raja itu?”
Maka sembahnya, “Mohon patik, tuanku.”
Maka titah baginda, “Mahukah akan Tun Kanaka, saudara Bendahara Seri Wak Raja?”

(Dipetik daripada Prosa Tradisional Burung Terbang Dipipiskan Lada dalam;

antologi Sejadah Rindu, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.)

i. Berdasarkan petikan prosa tardisional diatas, apakah perkara yang merisaukan Sultan Muzaffar Syah ? ( 2 markah )

ii. Nyatakan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh Sultan Muzaffar Syah untuk mengatasi masalah yang dihadapinya. ( 3 markah )

iii. Pemimpin tidak bekerjasama dalam melakukan tindakan untuk membantu pemerintah memajukan negara.
Pada pendapat anda, apakah cara untuk memastikan pemimpin utama negara ini sentiasa bekerjasama memajukan Negara.
( 4 markah )
Soalan 2 (d) - Puisi Moden
Baca sajak di bawah dengan teliti, kemudian jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya dengan menggunakan ayat anda sendiri.

Kudup Perang

Sementara dia bergelar panglima
laskar perang; yang terus-menerus
membajakan kezaliman – sering
mengudupkan putik dendam
kita masih perlu berterima kasih
kepada jari-jemari takdir
kerana membenarkan sepasang mata
untuk berlari dengan tangan bergari
sempat juga menadah sejambak puisi
untuk sehari lagi; sambil bertanya:
siapakah pahlawan yang asli?

Memang kita tidak sempat menjenguk

ke luar jendela;sewaktu fajar menghembus
ringkik kuda, gemerincing
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pedang pusaka
dan darah yang tiba-tiba membuak
di daerah angkara – perciknya
menumbuhkan kelopak rahsia
dalam keliru, tertanya-tanya kita
tangan mana yang memenggal
leher sang pendusta?

Andai namamu Tuah, kita masih

tidak mahu
menyanjungnya pendekar paling gagah
kerana takhta setia terbina
di istana wangsa
bukanlah penjamin kukuhnya
pasak saksama
sesekali turut direntakan daki pendusta
melekatlah selumbar sengsara
di tiang maruah kota.
Andai namamu Jebat, kita masih tidak
menggelarnya sebagai pengkhianat
kerana kita masih menangisi
peta keadilan yang tersiat – nun, karam
di lautan kesumat
sedang warga memanggilnya keramat.

perang pun melecurkan lidah muslihat

bercabang lalu bertemu bayu palsu;
bertiup dan memindahkan kebenaran pada tempatnya
mewarnakan keindahan pada hodohnya
menjungkitkan amarah pada damainya
teramat lara kita menjahit semula
perca-perca bahagia – seperti perawan
yang dibungkamkan cinta pertama.

Sehingga senja tiba,

kita masih bertengkar
tentang siapa
pahlawan sebenarnya

Dipetik daripada sajak ‘Kudup Perang’oleh Tuah Sujana

dalam antologi Sejadah Rindu,
Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia

(i) Berdasarkan rangkap ketiga sajak tersebut, nyatakan dua perkara yang menyebabkan Hang Tuah dianggap bukan pahlawan
sebenar. [2 markah]

(ii) Mencari seorang pemimpin yang benar-benar memiliki ketokohan untuk menerajui sesebuah organisasi amat sukar.
Pada pendapat anda, apakah ciri-ciri seorang pemimpin yang berkaliber? [3 markah]

(iii) Huraikan dua nilai murni yang terdapat dalam sajak tersebut. [4 markah]


( 30 MARKAH )

Soalan 3 : Pengetahuan dan Kemahiran Bahasa

(30 markah )

Jawab semua soalan.

(a) Tulis satu ayat bagi setiap kata di bawah supaya jelas menunjukkan bahawa anda faham akan perbezaan maksud dan penggunaanya.

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Anda tidak boleh memberikan imbuhan pada perkataan tersebut.

i. kikis
ii. mengikis
iii. mengikisi
iv. kikisan
v. pengikisan
vi. pengikis
(6 markah)

(b) Tukarkan ayat biasa di bawah kepada ayat songsang tanpa mengubah maksud asalnya.

i. Manisah sangat gembira apabila menerima keputusan peperiksaannya.
ii. Guru Bahasa Melayu menghadiahi pelajar itu sebatang pen setelah berjaya memperoleh 1A dalam peperiksaan percubaan.
iii. Kerajaan harus mengehadkan permit kafe siber bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat umum.
( 6 markah)

(c) Dalam setiap ayat di bawah , terdapat dua kesalahan penggunaan ejaan dan imbuhan. Kenal pasti kesalahan–kesalahan itu dan
betulkan dengan menulis ayat itu semula tanpa mengubah struktur dan maksud asalnya.

i. Untuk dijadikan pelajar yang cemerlang , kita mestilah mempunyai motivasi dan displin yang tinggi.
ii. Golongan wanita wajar memainkan peranan dalam pembangunan negara dan tidak berada di cerok dapur sahaja.
iii. Ayah membawa adik ke klinik untuk mendapatkan rawatan doktor apabila mendapat adik dijangkiti ruam panas.
( 6 markah)

(d) Dalam ayat-ayat di bawah, terdapat kesalahan penggunaan kata atau istilah atau bahasa. Kenal pasti kesalahan-kesalahan itu dan
betulkan dengan menulis semula ayat itu tanpa mengubah struktur dan maksud asalnya.

i. Azizah kelihatan sungguh unggul apabila memakai baju tradisi Melayu seperti baju kurung dan kebaya.
ii. Sungai berhampiran rumah saya amat cantik airnya dan sering menjadi tumpuan penduduk kampung untuk mandi-mandi
serta berehat pada hujung minggu.
iii. Bapanya telah berjaya merebut jawatan ketua bagi Kelab Bowling Taman Sri Aman.
( 6 markah )

(e) Nyatakan satu peribahasa yang tepat untuk setiap situasi ini.
i. Sifat merendah diri apabila semakin banyak harta atau ilmu.
ii. Sesuatu penyakit cepat merebak , tetapi lambat pulih
iii. Permusuhan antara adik-beradik tidak akan berkekalan.
iv. Seseorang yang berada dalam keadaan serba salah.
v. Apabila menetap di sesuatu tempat , kita perlulah mematuhi dan menurut undang-undang kerajaan di tempat tersebut.
vi. Orang lain yang bersalah , orang lain yang menerima padahnya.
( 6 markah )


( 15 MARKAH )

Jawab soalan-soalan di bawah berdasarkan novel-novel yang berikut:

(i) Leftenan Adnan Wira Bangsa, karya Abdul Latip Talib

(ii) Tirani, karya Beb Sabariah

i. Huraikan persoalan yang terdapat dalam novel tersebut ?

[ 7 markah ]

ii. Nyatakan beberapa peristiwa penting yang melibatkan watak utama yang terdapat dalam novel yang telah anda
pelajari ?
[ 8 markah ]
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[1119/2] English
1. Writing a story in your 1119 paper entails you to understand the question
2. Then, you need to be creative and think outside of the box to come up with an interesting storyline
3. Avoid clichés
4. Plan well so that you will have enough time to write a fully-developed story (an abrupt ending to your story may cost you your marks)
5. Be expressive & apt by using suitable/specific words to describe characters, emotions, surroundings, etc.
What’s the difference between telling and showing sentence?
Lets’ describe the character (in the example above) who spread the the rumours


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Josh is a rude and disrespectful guy who comes from a rich family. He is the typical Josh, the so-called reigning King of everything, is nothing but a well-off, pernicious
school jock who feels that he is good at everything. and discourteous brat. Every time I saw him walking down at the school hallway, I
could sense dark cloud hovering above everything in the room, darkening even the
forced smile on my face.



Josh is a rude and disrespectful guy who comes from a rich family Josh is nothing but a well-off, pernicious an discourteous brat

He thinks he is good at everything

Josh, the so-called reigning King of everything

Every time I saw him walking down at the school hallway, I could sense dark cloud
EXTRA INFORMATION hovering above everything in the room, darkening even the forced smile on my
(This sentence not only describes how bad Josh is, but also tells us how
much the writer hates him – it shows emotion)

How do we write a showing sentence?



Josh is rude and disrespectful Josh is nothing but a pernicious and discourteous brat



If I could, I feel like burning his house If I ever had Carrie White’s telekinetic powers, I would set his fancy mansion on

(Carrie White is a character in Stephen King’s first published 1974 horror

novel, Carrie. It was then made into a movie)

Being the new kid at school has never been easy, like what my sister always said Being the new kid at school has never been easy. I knew this since it was portrayed
explicitly in my sister’s obsession, “Mean Girls”.

(“Mean Girls” is a movie about high school social cliques and how damag-
ing it can be to students)



Everyone is cold towards me. They hate me. It was cold, not just the stare, but everything. No one would talk to me. In fact, no
one would even flush the toilets if they knew I was going to use it next.

I felt so sad that I cried every day. Every night, I stared at the moon, shedding enough tears just to see a blurred-up
image of myself in a puddle of sorrow.

English Paper 1 [1119/1]

Section A: Directed Writing
[35 marks]

You recently attended a seminar entitled ‘The impacts of truancy in academic performance among secondary school students’ in Kuala
Lumpur. Write an article for the school magazine on the factors and ways to overcome this problem

• Your opinion on the issue: Do you think the measures taken now are effective?
• The impacts on academic performance:
 Left out on important input
 Lose interest in learning
 Your own point
• Factors
 Financial problem
 Absence of parental guidance
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 Peer group pressure

 Your own point
 Your own point
• Suggestion
 More strict disciplinary actions
 Creating a conducive classroom environment
 Build positive relationship with students
 Your own point

When writing the report, you must :

- give a title
- use all the notes given
- provide your own idea when required

Section B: Continuous Writing

(50 marks)

(Time suggested: 1 Hour)

Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics.

1. Describe a day when you felt that everything went wrong.

Explain how you overcame it and how it taught you a lesson

2. School is where diversity is celebrated and unity is nurtured. Discuss.

3. Teenagers nowadays are too exposed to social media and this has led to many social illnesses.
How far do you agree with this opinion? Explain why.

4. Write a story about a child who faced many difficulties in life and how the child managed to overcome them:
Begin your story with: “ Only when life was just about to get better….”

5. “One good deed deserves another”

Describe an incident that validates this saying



English Paper 2 [1119/2]

Section A
[15 marks]
Question 1 - 8
For each of the questions, read the question first and then study the information given to find the best answer. Then circle the answer A,
B, C or D on the answer sheet provided.

1. Which statement best explains the sign above? 2. The above process will cause
A. There is no rubbish dump here A. global warming C. flood
B. Do not throw your unwanted things here B. deforestation D. landslide
C. Throw your litter in your own rubbish bin
D. You can only dump your garden waste here

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3. The purpose of Syafiq’s message is to 4. How does Nabila feel about her new school?
A. Tell Aiman he is moving to a new house A. Gloomy
B. Invite Aiman to his party B. Frightening
C. Persuade Aiman to go to his house C. Boring
D. To inform Aiman what his mother is cooking D. Exciting

5. Which of the following statements is NOT true of the label above?

A. You take the multi vitamins three times a day C. You can keep the multi vitamins anywhere
B. Children cannot take the multi vitamins D. Take the multi vitamins before taking your food.

6. Which of the following expressions means increase at a shocking 7. In what way is insulin important?
A. Once regarded C. Alarming rate A. It enables the body to produce hormones
B. Being diagnosed D. Typically occurs B. It enables the body to respond to hormones
C. It enables blood glucose to enter cells and be used as energy
D. It enables the hormone to react with the insulin

8. The expression 'portions are generous' in the advertisement above shows that
A. the laksa Sarawak served can be donated generously
B. the laksa Sarawak is a generous contribution from the cafe owner
C. the laksa Sarawak is served in adequate quantity for one to savour
D. the laksa Sarawak is generous in terms of its rich coconut flavour

Question 9-15 are based on the following passage. Choose the best answer to fill in each blank.
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People from all over the world like the taste of chocolate. Chocolate …(9)… a refreshment that many people enjoy as a dessert or
snack. Have you ever …(10)… a chocolate bar …(11)… the store when you were checking out groceries with your mom or dad? Have you
ever bought a chocolate bar at the gas station when your parents stopped to buy gas?
Some people …(12)… dark chocolate while others prefer milk chocolate. On the other hand, others love chocolate with nuts or
cream inside.
Maybe you have gone to a candy shop that make different kinds of chocolate, or you might have …(13)… a trip out east and stopped
at Hershey, Pennsylvania, …(14)… Milton Hershey first made chocolate for Hershey’s candy. The name “Hershey” is known ….(15)… the
world. Milton Hershey died in 1945, but the chocolate factory and Hershey’s chocolate continues to be made in Hersey, Pennsylvania.

(Adapted from www.hersheys.com)

9 A. is 13 A. take
B. was B. took
C. are C. takes
D. were D. taken
10 A. grab 14 A. how
B. grabs B. who
C. grabbed C. which
D. grabbing D. where
11 A. to 15 A. in
B. at B. all
C. for C. towards
D. towards D. throughout
12 A. likes
B. like
C. liked
D. liking

Section B

[10 marks]
(Time suggested: 25 minutes)
Questions 16 - 25
Read the following information and complete the graphic organizer that follows

Put on your running shoes and sprint across the

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10 zones with different themes in Asiana Mall.

Participant who manage to complete all the tasks in the fastest time may stand a chance to become the grand-prize winner.

Sign up on our website www.asianamall.com.my/THEMALLRACE before 25 November


Fee is RM20. For every registration, participant will get a free t-shirt and a goodie bag.



Attractive gifts worth RM5000

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Only open to those aged

18 to 30 years old

For more details, surf www.asianamall.com.my or talk to our customer service assistant
at the information counter.

In the race, participants need to:



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For more details:

25 Organizer:


Consolation prize: Grand prize:

23 21

24 22

Attractive gifts worth RM 5000

(10 marks)
(Adapted from www.justrunlah.com)

Section C
[25 marks]

(Time suggested: 50 minutes)

Questions 26 to 31 are based on the following passage.

1 On a bright, warm July afternoon, Mac Hollan, 36, an elementary school teacher,
was cycling along Route 1 in Canada’s Yukon, midway through a 2,750-mile bike
tour from his home in Sandpoint, Idaho, to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.

2 His riding companions, Gabe Dawson and Jordan Achili, both 36, had stopped to
make a minor bicycle repair, but they had encouraged Mac to carry on, figuring 5
they’d catch up with him soon. They were each hauling some 30 pounds of
camping gear, clothing and extra food, so nobody was moving very fast. As Mac
pedaled along alone, he thought fondly of his wife and two young daughters at
home. He hoped to show them this beautiful place someday.

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3 Then Mac heard panting behind him. “Man, that’s a big dog!” he thought. But 10
when he looked to the side, he saw instantly that the canine wasn’t a dog, but a
timber wolf, quickly catching up with him.

4 Mac’s heart jumped. He reached into his handlebar pack to fish out his can of bear
spray. With one hand on the bars, he fired the spray at the wolf. A bright red colour
enveloped the animal, and to Mac’s relief, it fell back, snorting and shaking its 15
head. But a minute later, it was by his side again. Then it lunged at the back of
Mike’s bike, tearing open his tent bag. He blasted the wolf a second time, and
again, it fell back, only to quickly resume the chase.

5 Mac was pedaling hard now. He waved and yelled at passing motorists but was
careful not to slow down. He rounded a bend in the road to see a steep uphill climb 20
before him. He knew that once he hit the hill, he’d be easy prey. Mac imagined the
wolf ’s teeth tearing into his forearm as he tried to fend the animal off.

6 Paul and Becky Woltjer were driving their RV down Route 1 on their way from
Pennock, Minnesota, to Alaska. They didn’t think much of it when they saw two
cyclists stopped on the side of the road. A bit later, they spotted what they, too, 25
assumed was a dog loping with immense strides alongside a man on a bike. As they
get closer, they realized that the dog was a wolf.

7 Mac heard a large vehicle rumbling up behind him. He pulled in front of it as the
wolf was bearing down, just a dozen yards away now. The Woltjers veered around
the cyclist, then abruptly stopped in front of him. Mac jumped off his bike and 30
dashed for the back door of the RV. It was locked. He ran around to the passenger
door, but it was locked, too, so he began to clamber through the open window. Paul
quickly unlocked the door, and the frightened man dived in, slamming the door
behind him.

8 Becky looked at the back window and saw the wolf standing over Mac’s bike as if 35
it were a kill. Shortly after, the animal ran off.

9 A few minutes later, Gabe and Jordan rolled up. Mac emerged from the RV and
hugged Gabe. “I thought I was going to die,” Mac told him.

10 Mac retrieved his bicycle, and the three men resumed their road trip, agreeing to
keep in one another’s sight line. A few miles down the road, Mac pulled over and 40

11 “The rest of the trip was amazing, but I had to let that emotion out.”
(Adapted from Reader’s Digest, December 2014)
26. From paragraph 1, how far has Mac Hollan travelled from Sandpoint to Alaska?
(1 mark)

27. From paragraph 2, how long did Gabe and Jordan think they would take to repair the bicycle? Give a reason for your answer.
(1 mark)

28. From paragraph 4,
(a) Why did the wolf snort and shake its head when the spray hit it?

(1 mark)

(b) Which word in the paragraph means, ‘a sudden thrust forward’?

(1 mark)
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29. (a) From paragraph 5, describe how Mac would feel if the wolf sank his teeth into his forearm?

(1 mark)

(b) From paragraph 7, how did Mac escape the wolf?

(1 mark)

(c) From paragraph 9, ‘I thought I was going to die.’ If you were Mac, how would you feel?

(1 mark)

30. “…and the three men resumed their road trip, agreeing to keep in one another’s sight line.” (Paragraph 10). What does ‘to keep in
one another’s sight line’ mean? Why would they do that?
Meaning : ____________________________________________________________________________
(1 mark)

Reason : ____________________________________________________________________________
(1 mark)

31. Mac Hollen was chased by a timber wolf. Write a summary from the moment he realized he was chased by a wolf till he
managed to escape.

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original meaning.

Your summary must:

- Be in continuous writing (not in note form)
- Use only materials from line 12 to line 33
- Not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows:

Mac thought that it was a wolf catching up with…


Section D
[20 marks]
[Time suggested: 35 minutes ]

32. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow

The Living Photograph

My small grandmother is tall there, But there she is still,

Straight back, white, broderie anglaise shirt, In the photo with me at three,
pleated skirt, flat shoes, grey bun, The crinkled smile is still living, breathing.
a kind, old smile round her eyes.
Her big hand holds mine,
white hand in the black hand.
Her sharp blue eyes look her own death in the eye.

It was true, after all, that look.

My tall grandmother became small.
Her back round and hunched.

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Her soup forgot to boil.
She went to the awful place grandmothers go.
Somewhere unknown, unthinkable

(a) In Stanza 1, which line shows that the persona’s grandmother is an approachable person?
(1 mark)

(b) In Stanza 2, which phrase indicates that the grandmother has shrivelled with age?
(1 mark)

(c) But there she is still. Where is she?
(1 mark)

(d) Beside the photograph, what other ways can the poet remember her grandmother? Provide a reason to support your answer.
Other ways: ______________________________________________________________________
(1 mark)

Reason :_______________________________________________________________________
(1 mark)

33. The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language.
1. Dear Mr Kilmer - Anne Schraff
2. Captain Nobody - Dean Pitchford
3. Sing to the Dawn - Minfong Ho

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below.

“Love requires sacrifices”

Based on the novel you have studied, write about the theme of love in relation to one of the characters in the story. Give examples to
support your answer.
[15 marks]



[1449/2] Mathematics
How to Score an A+ in Mathematics?
• Read the questions carefully and do not miss out the important information

• Rule out the irrelevant answers and work on the relevant answers.

• Do not spend too much time on each questions. Skip to the next questions and don't forget to go back to the questions that you have

• Spend the last ten fifteen minutes to check all your answer.
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• Read the questions carefully and do not miss out the important information.

• Provide the complete workings for all the questions since the marks will be deducted if the workings are not complete.

• Provide the workings and the answer in the space provided.

• Do not spend too much time on each questions. Skip to the next questions and don't forget to go back to the questions that you have

• For question in chapter "Plan and Elevation", the diagram must be drawn correctly as the measurement will not be considered once the
diagram is wrong.

• Choose the questions in section B wisely.

• It is not advisable to do all the questions in Section B.

• Spend the last ten to fifteen minutes to check all your answers.

Mathematic Paper 1 [1449/1]

[Time suggested: 1 hour 15 minutes ]

1 Round off 0.003675 correct to three significant figures. 8 In the diagram 2, PQRSTU is a regular hexagon. PQK and QRH
are straight lines. Find the value of x + y.
A 0.00367 C 0.00368 H
B 0.00370 D 0.003
2 Express 12 560 000 in standard form. xo yo

A 1.256 × 10¯⁶ C 1.256 × 10⁶

B 1.256 × 10¯⁷ D 1.256 × 10⁷ U R

3 The value of 12.61 × 4.3 – 6.42 correct to three significant figures

is P Q K

A 47.80 C 47.8 Diagram 2

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B 47.81 D 47.0 A 60° C 100°
B 90° D 120°
4 Johan decided to award a piece of land with an area of 1.47 km²
to his 3 children. The land is divided equally among the children. 9 In Diagram 3, EFG is a tangent to the circle with centre O at F.
Calculate the area, in m², of the land that each child gets. Express
your answer in standard form. K H

A 4.049 × 10 1
C 4.9 × 10 4

B 4.9 × 101 D 4.9 × 105

5 What is the value of the digit 3, in base ten, in the number
43212₅? xo
A 3000 C 125
B 375 D 3375 F
Diagram 3
6 Given that 110002 – k2 = 10112 , then b =
Find the value of x.
A 10012 C 1012
B 11012 D 10112 A 10 C 30
B 20 D 40
7 In Diagram 1, PQRSTU is a regular hexagon. RPVV and UTV are
straight lines. 10 Diagram 4 shows seven points on a square grids. L is the image
of K under a reflection.


Diagram 1 C D

Find the value of x.
A 18° C 60°
B 30° D 72°

Diagram 4

Which of the points, A, B, C or D, is the image of M under the
same reflection?
11 Diagram 5, shows two triangles, ABC and JKL, drawn on a 14 Diagram 8 shows a right prism with a rectangular base ABCD.
Cartesian plane. Triangle JKL is the image of triangle ABC under The right-angled triangle BCF is the uniform cross section of the
an enlargement. prism.
10 B

6 K

Diagram 8
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Calculate the angle between the planes BCE and BCF.
Diagram 5
A 16°42’ C. 73°18’
Find the centre and the scale factor of the enlargement. B. 33°24’ D. 84°21’

Centre of enlargement Scale factor 15 Diagram 9 shows a boat which is located at point A and 50
metres away from the base of a lighthouse.
A (7, 4) 1/3
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B (7, 5) 1/3
C (7, 4) 3
D (7, 5) 3

12 Diagram 6 shows two right-angled triangles JKL and PQR,

drawn on a grid of equal squares.
J Diagram 9

Given that the height of the lighthouse from sea level is 10m. The
angle of depression of point A from the peak of the lighthouse, P
P is

A. 11°19’ C. 78°28’
Q R B. 26°36’ D. 78°41’
Diagram 6
16 Diagram 10 shows two vertival poles, PQ and RS, on a horizontal
Transformation T is a translation ( )
. Given that PQR is the
image of JKL under the transformation of T². Find the value of


A. 5 C. – 2.5
B. 2.5 D. –5

13 Diagram 7 shows the graph of y = tan x. Diagram 10

The angle of elevation P from R is 38°. Calculate the value of


A 11.72 C 13.54
B 15.02 D 16.28

Diagram 7

Find the values of m and n.

A. m = 30°, n = 90° C. m = 45°, n = 180°

B. m = 45°, n = 90° D. m = 60°, n = 180°
17 Diagram 11 shows the position of three points T, U and V on a 24 List all the integer x which satisfy both the simultaneous linear
horizontal plane. T is to the North of U and bearing of V from T inequalities 2x + 1 > −5 and 2 − x ≥ 1
is 086°.
A −1, 0, 1
B −2, −1, 0, 1
C −2, −1, 0, 1, 2
D −3, −2, −1, 0, 1,

25 Diagram 5 is a pie chart which shows the combined results of a

Diagram 11 time trial race taken by two groups of pupils. Table 1 shows the
results obtained by the two groups but it is incomplete.
The bearing of point U from point V is

A 027° C 117°
B 239° D 266°

18 In Diagram 12, P, Q and R are three points on the earth and lie
on the same meridian.
45° N Diagram 13

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Group/ Number of pupils
Kumpulan Qualify Do not qualify
Blue 60 80
Total 130
Diagram 12
Table 13
Given that PQ = 3QR, find the latitude of Q
Calculate the number of pupils in Yellow group.
A 35°S C 55°S
B 45°S D 65°S A. 140 C. 160
B. 146 D. 194
19 2(3x-y)²+ 6xy =
26 Table 1 is a frequency table showing the score obtained by a
A 9x² + y² + 3xy C 18x² - 6xy + 2y² group of students in a Mathematics quiz.
B 18x² + 2y² + 6xy D 9x²- 3xy + y² Score 0 1 2 3 4
20 Given then w = Numbers of 4 5 6 m 9

( )
v² − 9 v−3 ²
A v² − 4 C v −2
Table 1
( )
4v 4v ²
B (v
+ 2)² D v+2 If the median score is 2, find the value of m.

A 5 C 7
21 Given 3p − 4 = 9p + 1 , find the value of p. B 6 D 8
A 2 C 5 27 Table shows the frequency distribution of temperatures at noon
of a town in 20 days.
B 3 D 6 Temperature (°C) Frequency 

( 13 )² =
32 2
22 33 5
34 9

A 9 C ( 19 ) 35

B − 9 D ( − 19 ) Table 2

23 (pm²)³ ÷ p-³m⁴ = Calculate the mean temperature in the 20 days.
A p-²m⁹ C p²m⁷ A 32.5 C 34.1
B p-²m¹⁰ D p⁶m² B 33.8 D 34.8
28 Diagram 14 shows the graph of the function y = c − x². 32 Diagram 17 shows points P, Q and R on a Cartesian plane. The
length of . Calculate the gradient of PQ.


Diagram 14

Find the value of c.

A 2 C 8 Diagram 17

B 4 D 9 4 2
A. − C. −
3 3
29 Diagram 15 is a Venn diagram showing the elements of 3 3
B. − D. −
universal sets ξ , set J and set K. 4 2
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• 33 Diagram 18 showst two straight lines KL and LM on a Cartesian

• • • plane.
• • •

Diagram 15

The elements of the set J K ' are

A { q, r, s } C { q, r, s, t ,u}
B { p, q, r, s } D { p, q, r, s, t ,u } Diagram 18

30 Diagram 16 is a Venn diagram showing the number of elements It is given that the gradient of KL is 2. Find the x-intercept of KL.
in the universal set ξ , set X and set Y.
ξ 3 2
A − C −
2 3
2 3
B 3 D 2

34 In an examination, the probability of Ahmad answering a

Diagram 16 question wrongly is 24 . Estimate how many questions are
correct if Ahmad answered a total of 120 questions.
Given that , n ( ξ ) = 21 , the value of n ( X ' Y ' ) is
A 20 C 85
A 4 C 7 B 35 D 90
B 5 D 8
35 A dice is rolled twice. Find the probability of obtaining an even
number with the first roll and a multiple of 3 with the second
31 List all the subset of set R = { β, δ, Σ }. roll.
1 1
A. { β }, { δ }, { Σ } A 6 C 2
B. { }, { β }, { δ }, { Σ }
1 2
C. { β }, { δ }, { Σ }, { β, δ }, { β, Σ }, { δ, Σ }, { β, δ, Σ} B 3 D 3
D. { }, { β }, { δ }, { Σ }, { β, δ }, { β, Σ }, { δ, Σ }, { β, δ, Σ}

36 The table 3 shows some values of the variable R and T.

R y
T 4 12
Table 3
It is given that R varies directly as T. Find the value of y.

A 1 C 16
B 9 D 144
37 The table 4, shows some values of variable, x, y and z, which
satisfy x ∝ 1
y z

x 2 6
y 8 m
z 9 27m

Table 4

Find the value of m

4 2
A 3 C 3
3 3
B 4 D 2
38 It is given that and L = 3 when m = 3 and p = 81.
Calculate the value of p when L = 2 dan m = 3.

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A 12
B 12
C 27
D 27

( ) ( )
2 4
39 6 −7 −3
−3 2
0 1 =

( )11 −2
A 3 −10

B ( )
11 −2
6 −10

C ( )
5 −2
6 −10

( )
5 −2
6 −8

( )( )
4 2
−2 0
−3 2
2 1

( 8 2
−2 −4 )

( 8 −2
2 −4 )
( −8 6
10 −4 )
( )

D −8 10
6 −4

Mathematic Paper 2 [1449/2]

Section A

[52 marks]
Answer all questions in this section.

1 (a) The Venn diagram in the answer space shows set P, set Q and set R, such that the universal set, ξ = P Q R.

On the diagrams in the answer space, shade

the set ( P Q )’

(b) the Venn diagram in Diagram 1 shows the sets K, L and M. The universal set, ξ = K L M .
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Diagram 1

State the relationship represented by the shaded region between sets K, L and M. [ 3 marks]




2 Calculate the value of x and of y that satisfy the following simultaneous linear equation:

2x + 4y = 2
4x – 3y = -18
[4 marks]

3 Solve the following quadratic equation. 7x =(2x + 3)(1–2x) [4 marks]

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4 Diagram 2 shows a combined solid of a cuboid and a right pyramid. given that TV= 4.5cm, EA = k cm and the total volume of
the combined solid is 1020 cm³.



k cm D

A 12 cm B

Diagram 2

Calculate the height, in cm, of the combined solid from T to the base of ABCD. [3 marks]

5 (a) Determine whether the following sentence ia a statement.
(x + 3)(2x – 3) = 0

(b) Complete the premise of the following argument

Premise 1 : If (p+3) is an odd number, then p is an even number.
Premise 2 : …………………………………………………..
Conclusion : q is an even number.

(c) Make a general conclusion by induction for the sequence 4, 12, 24, 40, … which follows the following pattern.
4 = 2(1 × 2)
12 = 2(2 × 3)
24 = 2(3 × 4)
40 = 2 (4 × 5)
[5 marks]
(a) _______________________

(b) Premise 2:
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(c) Conclusion/Kesimpulan:


6 In Diagram 3, ABCD is a parallelogram and O is the origin. The points B and D are on the x-axis.

Diagram 3
The equation of straight line CD is y = 2 x – 3

(i) The x-intercept of straight line CD
(ii) The equation of the straight line AB. Hence, state the y-intercept of AB


[5 marks]

7 Diagram 4 shows a solid comprising of two identical discs and a cylinder. The diameters of the discs and the cylinder are 7 cm
and 3 ½ cm respectively.

Diagram 4
Using = 7 , calculate the volume, in cm³, of the solid. [4 marks]

Answer :

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4 7
8 (a) Find the inverse matrix of
(b) Write the following simultaneous linear equations as a matrix equation:
4x + 7y = 7
3x + 6y = 10
Hence, using matrix method, calculate the value of x and of y. [6 marks]



9. Diagram 5 PQR is an arc of a circle with centre O. OTQ is a straight line and T is the centre of the circle.

Diagram 5
It is given that OT = 2QT. Using = 7 , calculate

(a) the perimeter, in cm, of the sector OPQR.

(b) the area, in cm², of the shaded region,
[6 marks]
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Student Probability
Mathematics Book English Book Fiction Book
Maria 1/3 3/5 4/15
Marina 1/2 x 3/10

Table 6

Table 6 shows the probability of Maria and Marina borrowing three types of books from the library every month.

(a) the value of x.

(b) the probability of Maria borrows a Mathematics book and Marina borrows an English book.
(c) the probability that Maria and Marina borrow the same types of books in a certain month.
[6 marks]



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Diagram 7

The graph EAF represents the journey of a taxi from Town L to Town M.
The graph OABCD represents the journey of a bus from Town M to Town N and back to Town M. The taxi leaves Town L and
the bus leaves Town M at the same time and they travel along the same road.
(a) State the length of time, in hour, during which the bus is stationary.
(b) If the journey starts at 12.30 a.m, find the time when the taxi meets the bus.
(c) Given the taxi travels with a speed of 75kmh-¹, calculate, the distance in km, from Town M to Town L.
(d) Calculate the average speed, in kmh-¹, of the bus for the whole journey.
[6 marks]


(b) ,

(c) ,

Section B

[48 marks]

Answer any four questions from this section.

12 (a) Complete Table 8 in the answer space for the equation y = – x by writing down the values of y when and x = –2.5 and x = 1.
[2 marks]

(b) For this part of the question, use the graph paper provided. You may use a flexible curve rule.
By using a scale of 2 cm to 1 unit on the x-axis and 1 cm to 1 unit on the y-axis, draw the graph of y = – x .

[4 marks]
(c) From your graph, find

(i) the value of y when x = – 1.5

(ii) the value of x when y = – 5
[2 marks]
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(d) Draw a suitable straight line on your graph to find the values of x which satisfy the equation 2 = x(x – 2) for –4 ≤ x ≤4 and
–8≤ y ≤8. State these values of x.
[4 marks]


x -4 -3 -2.5 -1 0 1 2 3 4
y 1/2 2/3 2 - -1 -2/3 -1/2

Table 12

(b) Refer to graph on page

(c) (i) y = ……………………………

(ii) x = ……………………………

(d) The equation of the straight line :

x = …………………, …………………
Graph for question 12

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13 (a) Transformation P is a reflection in the line x= –1 and transformation R is a rotation of 90° clockwise about point ( 1, 2).

(i) State the coordinates of the image of point Q (-2, 5) under the combined transformations RP.
(ii) If the point S (-2, 1) is the image of point T (x, y) under the transformation PR, state the value of x and of y.
[4 marks]
(b) Diagram 13 shows a trapeziums EFGJ, KLGN and ABCD on a Cartesian plane.

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Diagram 13
EFGJ is the image of KLGN under transformation S and ABCD is the image of KLGN under transformation T.

(i) Describe in full,

(a) the transformation S.

(b) the transformation T.

(iii) The ratio of the area of triangle FGH to the area of the square EFGH is 1 :2. Given the area of ABCD is 36cm², calculate the
area, in cm², of the triangle FGH.
[8 marks]

(a) (i)


(b) (i)


14 Data in Diagram 10 shows the temperature (°C) of a city in April.

18 23 27 28 25 29
26 33 24 19 32 23
22 25 34 31 28 35
27 30 28 26 21 29
24 27 21 35 32 25

Diagram 14

(a) Based on the data in Diagram 10, complete Table 12 in the answer space.
[3 marks]
(b) State the modal class
[1 mark]

(c) Based on the Table 12, calculate the estimated mean of the temperature of the city(°C) in April.
[3 marks]
(d) By using the scale of 2 cm to 3°C on the horizontal axis and 2cm to the number of temperature occurs on the vertical axis, draw
a frequency polygon for the data.
[4 marks]

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(e) Based on the frequency polygon in 12(d), state the numbers of days that the temperature is more than 25°C.
[1 mark]


Class interval (°C). Frequency Midpoint
Selang kelas (°C). Kekerapan Titik tengah

15 – 17
18 – 20
21 – 23
24 – 26
27 – 29
30 – 32
33 – 33
36 - 38
30 – 32
33 – 33
36 - 38
Table 15



(d) Answer on the graph paper provided


Graph for question 14

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15 You are not allowed to use graph paper to answer this question.

(a) Diagram 16.1 shows a solid consisting of a cuboid and a quadrant cylinder joined at the vertical plane UVJF. EFGHK is a
rectangular base on a horizontal table.
Draw full scale, the plan of the solid [3 marks]

Diagram 16.1

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(b) Another solid is joined to the prism in (a) at the vertical plane RNVHJK. The combined solid is as shown in the diagram.
Triangle PQR is an inclined plane and QS is a vertical edge. The base EFGHSK is on a horizontal table.
KS = 3 cm and QS = 7 cm.

Draw to full scale,

(i) the elevation of the combined solid on a vertical plane parallel to GH as viewed from X,
[4 marks]

(ii) the elevation of the combined solid on a vertical plane parallel to EFG as viewed from Y.
[5 marks]

Answers :

(b) (i)

(b) (ii)
16 P (35 ° N, 68 ° E), Q, R and T are fournpointsnon the surface of the earth. PT is the diameter of the earth and PQ is the
diameter of the parallel of latitude 35 ° N.

(a) State the location of T

[2 marks]

(b) Calculate the distance, in nautical mile, from P due west to Q measured along the common parallel of latitude.
[3 marks]

(c) Calculate the shortest distance, in nautical mile, from T to the South Pole measured along the surface of the earth.

(d) Point R is 3480 nautical mile due south of Q. An aeroplane took of from P flew due west to Q, the it flew due south to R. The
average speed of the flight was 820 knots.

(i) the latitude of R

(ii) the total time, in hours, taken for the whole flight.

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(c) (i)




[1249/2] Sejarah


5. Latih tubi : Mengikut bab / tajuk (soalan K1 SPM sebenar / sumber yang sesuai kerana soalan K1 berulang tetapi berubah dari segi cara penyoalan)

(Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Rendah) (Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi)

Mengingati Memahami Mengaplikasi Menganalisis Menilai Mencipta

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Tahap Pemikiran Penerangan
Mengaplikasi Menggunakan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan nilai dalam situasi berlainan untuk melaksanakan sesuatu perkara.

Contoh item KBAT

SPM 2011 : 2(d)
Sebagai warganegara Malaysia, bagaimanakah anda berusaha untuk melaksanakan mesej di 3(c) (lirik lagu Negaraku) dengan
berkesan. [2m]
Menganalisis Mencerakin pengetahuan, pengalaman maklumat kepada bahagian kecil untuk memahami dengan lebih mendalam serta hubung
kait antara bahagian berkenaan.

Contoh item KBAT

SPM 2017 : 4(c)
Bezakan sistem pemerintahan beraja pada Zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka dengan sistem pemerintahan beraja yang diamal-
kan di Malaysia pada masa ini. [4m]
Menilai Membuat pertimbangan dan keputusan menggunakan pengetahuan, pengalaman, kemahiran dan nilai serta memberi justifikasi

Contoh item KBAT

SPM 2017 : 9(c)
Terdapat parti politik yang mencadangkan agar Indonesia dan Filipina turut serta dalam Persekutuan Malaysia.
Wajarkan cadangan tersebut?
Beri alasan anda. [8m]
Mencipta Menghasilkan idea atau produk atau kaedah yang kreatif dan inovatif.

Contoh item KBAT

SPM 2017 : 11(c)
Bagaimanakah PBB harus bertindak untuk menamatkan peperangan tersebut?
Aras 4 Aras 3

✓ Pengetahuan dan pemahaman sangat jelas ✓ Pengetahuan dan pemahaman sangat jelas
✓ Bukti/ contoh sangat sesuai ✓ Bukti/ contoh yang sesuai
✓ Membuat inferens yang tepat ✓ Membuat inferens
✓ Jawapan sangat mendalam/ terperinci ✓ Jawapan mendalam
✓ Komunikasi/ pengolahan sangat menarik ✓ Komunikasi/ pengolahan menarik
✓Menunjukkan kematangan
Aras 2 Aras 1

✓ Pengetahuan dan pemahaman jelas ✓ Pengetahuan dan pemahaman terhad

✓ Jawapan kurang mendalam ✓ Jawapan secara umum
✓ Menyatakan hujah secara ringkas


a. Soalan mengandungi 3 pecahan: a, b, c. Peruntukan markah 2, 4, 4. Jumlah markah 40 %. Wajib dapat 36 untuk A+
b. Soalan (a) aras mengetahui, memahami, contoh namakan bandar, jawapan fakta atau ayat ringkas tapi padat.
c. Soalan (b) aras memahami/ mengaplikasi/ menganalisis. Contoh : Mengapakah bandar di 1(a) dibina di lembangan sungai? Jawapan dalam bentuk ayat memerlukan huraian
dan contoh.
Kemukakan lebih jawapan
d. Soalan ( c) aras menilai, menjana idea. Terdapat juga aras menganalisis . Contoh:
Berikan cadangan anda untuk menghalang penaklukan daripada berlaku. Soalan tiada nombor roman biasanya pecahan b dan c hendaklah dijawab dalam bentuk karangan.
e. Fokus kepada kemahiran menjawab soalan aras KBAT. Jawapan memerlukan fakta, huraian, huraian lanjutan, contoh dan inferens. Biasakan dengan soalan kemahiran
f. Mulakan ayat daripada soalan, tuliskan penegasan sepeti setuju/tidak setuju, wajar/tidak wajar beserta alasan.
g. Gunakan penanda wacana seperti selain itu, seterusnya , justeru , ayat berlapis seperti bagi, untuk, demi,supaya.
h. lnferens adalah rumusan fakta. Mulakan ayat dengan rumusannya , tuntasnya , kesimpulanya, kesannya.

Sejarah Kertas 1 [1249/1]

ARAHAN : Tiap-tiap soalan diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan. Pilih satu jawapan terbaik bagi tiap-tiap soalan dan
hitamkan ruangan yang sepadan pada kertas jawapan objektif anda.
1 Pernyataan berikut ialah konsep tamadun yang di
berikan oleh seorang tokoh. 7 Dialog berikut mungkin berlaku pada Zaman Jahiliah.
Tamadun ialah pencapaian tahap tatasusila yang tinggi Tokoh X: Al-Abbas memenuhi semua syarat menjadi Syeikh
dan kebudayaan yang luhur oleh sesebuah masyarakat Tokoh Y: Kalau begitu kita lantik beliau menjadi Syeikh kita.
Apakah syarat kelayakan tersebut?
Siapakah tokoh yang menyatakan pandangan tersebut? I Kaya
A Ibnu Khaldun C Gordon Childe II Berusia
B Darcy Riberio D Syed Naquib al-Attas III Pandai berpidato
IV Berfikiran matang
2 Pernyataan berikut berkaitan dengan kepercayaan masyarakat A I dan II C II dan III
Hwang Ho semasa pemerintahan Dinasti Shang. B I dan IV D III dan IV
Kemakmuran rakyat dan kerajaan bergantung kepada
raja yang memerintah 8 Tokoh berikut adalah golongan hamba yang menerima Islam
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pada peringkat awal penyebaran Islam di Makkah.

Apakah kepercayaan tersebut?
A Bayangan tuhan • Bilal bin Rabah
B Kuasa pasif dan aktif • Amir bin Fuhairah
C Mandat daripada tuhan • Zunainah

D Hubungan manusia dengan alam Mengapakah mereka tertarik memeluk Islam?
A Persamaan taraf
3 Apakah dasar perluasan kuasa yang diamalkan oleh Maharaja B Jaminan keselamatan
Asoka selepas Perang Kalinga di India? C Mengelakkan daripada disiksa
A Menggunakan kekuatan tentera D Mempertahankan Islam
B Penyebaran agama Buddha
C Menaungi negeri kecil 9 Maklumat berikut adalah masjid terawal yang dibina oleh Nabi
D Penerima ufti Muhammad SAW semasa berhijrah ke Madinah.
• Majid Quba
4 Setiap negara kota di Yunani mempunyai matlamat pendidikan • Masjid al-Nabawi
Apakah matlamat pendidikan di Sparta? Apakah tujuan Nabi Muhammad SAW membina masjid
A Melatih tentera yang patriotik tersebut?
B Mewujudkan jurutera yang mahir A Mengenalkan seni bina Islam
C Melahirkan individu seimbang B Melambangkan kewibawaan pemimpin
D Menjadi jurutulis kerajaan C Menjadi pusat pelbagai aktiviti
D Membuktikan kekayaan umat
5 Maklumat berikut berkaitan dengan masyarakat kerajaan awal di
Asia Tenggara. 10 Piagam Madinah yang dirangka oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW
pada 622 M. Bagaimanakah piagam tersebut menjamin keadilan
Pada zaman kerajaan awal, orang Melayu merupakan
dalam ekonomi?
pelaut, pedagang dan peneroka terulung di Asia
I Melarang amalan riba
II Menggalakkan amalan bersedekah
Apakah nilai yang boleh dipelajari daripada pernyataan tersebut? III Menyelaraskan cukai perniagaan
A Toleransi IV Memperkenalkan sistem timbangan
B Ketabahan A I dan II C II dan III
C Kasih Sayang B I dan IV D III dan IV
D Hormat menghormati
11 Kerajaan Bani Umaiyah telah menubuhkan beberapa bahagian
6 Maklumat berikut merupakan pelabuhan pembekal pada zaman pentadbiran. Bahagian tersebut ialah
kerajaan awal di Asia Tenggara. I cukai
• Champa II bahasa
• Langkasuka III perdagangan
IV kehakiman
Bagaimanakah pelabuhan tersebut berubah menjadi pelabuhan A I dan II C II dan III
kerajaan? B I dan IV D III dan IV
A Pusat kegiatan kesenian
B Pusat kegiatan keagamaan 12 Jawatan Sheikh-ul-Islam telah diwujudkan semasa pentadbiran
C Kesuburan tanah pertanian kerajaan Turki Uthmaniyah. wApakah fungsi jawatan tersebut?
D Kewujudan sistem pemerintahan beraja A Mengeluarkan fatwa
B Menasihati khalifah
C Mengurus baitulmal
D Mengetuai pentadbiran
13 Jadual berikut berkaitan dengan pengislaman raja-raja di Asia 18 Peta berikut menunjukkan laluan utama pelaut Eropah ke Asia
Tenggara oleh para ulama pada abad ke-15. Tenggara pada abad ke-15.
Negeri Peristiwa
Pattani Raja Phaya Tu Nak Pa diislamkan oleh Syeikh
Pasai Raja Malik al-Salih diislamkan oleh Syeikh
Ismail dari Tanah Arab
Apakah kesan daripada peristiwa tersebut?
A Penghapusan sistem raja berkuasa mutlak
B Pelantikan raja berasaskan sistem syura
C Pemansuhan sistem perhambaan
D Pengislaman rakyat jelata Apakah keistimewaan kawasan X kepada pedagang barat?
A Kesuburan tanah
14 Pernyataan berikut merupakan pandangan Syed Muhammad B Kepadatan penduduk
Naquib al-Attas. C Kekayaan hasil rempah
D Kekayaan sumber mineral
Kedatangan Islam telah membawa zaman baru kepada

Asia Tenggara. 19 Pembesar Melayu memajakkan lombong mereka kepada

saudagar China dari Negeri-Negeri Selat.

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Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan zaman baru tersebut?
A Perubahan dalam cara hidup masyarakat Mengapakah berlaku keadaan yang sedemikian?
B Penghapusan sistem perhambaan I Keuntungan mudah
C Penguasaan perdagangan oleh orang Islam II Kekurangan modal
D Perundangan Islam diamalkan sepenuhnya III Kenaikan harga di pasaran
IV Kekurangan tenaga buruh
15 Gambar berikut merupakan bangunan Muzium Budaya Melaka A I dan II C II dan III
yang dibina oleh Kerajaan Negeri Melaka. B I dan IV D III dan IV

20 Jadual berikut berkaitan dengan kebakaran besar yang berlaku di

negara kita
Tahun Peristiwa
1881 Kebakaran besar di Kuala Lumpur
1892 Kebakaran besar di Ipoh
Muzium Budaya Melaka Peristiwa tersebut menyebabkan
Apakah nilai yang boleh dicontohi daripada usaha tersebut? A pembukaan bandar baru
A Mengekalkan seni epigrafi B pertambahan bilangan hospital
B Memulihara seni bina lama C pengenalan sistem perhubungan
C Menghargai khazanah bangsa D perkembangan perkhidmatan insurans
D Mencintai ilmu pengetahuan
21 Pernyataan berikut merupakan dasar penjajahan Barat di Asia
16 Gambar berikut menunjukkan mata wang timah negeri Kedah. Tenggara.
Penjajah Barat mengamalkan dasar terbuka terhadap ke-
masukan golongan imigran ke negara-negara yang dijajah.

Apakah kesan dasar tersebut?
A Golongan pendatang menguasai ekonomi
B Pembesar tempatan kehilangan kuasa
C Undang-undang tempatan dihapuskan
Mata wang timah Kedah D Kebudayaan tempatan merosot
Apakah keistimewaan mata wang tersebut?
A Mudah diperoleh C Mempunyai nilai estetika 22 Jadual berikut berkaitan dengan pertubuhan yang terlibat dalam
B Mudah digunakan D Menjadi pilihan pedagang gerakan nasionalisme pada tahap pertama di Asia Tenggara.
Negara Pertubuhan
17 Sekiranya anda seorang Patron pada Zaman Renaissance di Itali. Indonesia Muhammadiyah
Apakah sumbangan anda?
A Membina sekolah perubatan Burma Persatuan Belia Buddha
B Membiayai golongan seniman Apakah matlamat perjuangan kedua-dua pertubuhan tersebut?
C Memantapkan sistem percukaian A Menuntut kemerdekaan
D Menguatkuasakan undang-undang B Mempertahankan agama
C Memperjuangkan hak wanita
D Memajukan ekonomi negara
23 Jadual berikut berkaitan dengan kebangkitan masyarakat 29 Andaikan anda adalah seorang anggota Sistem Ahli di Tanah
tempatan menentang British di negara kita Melayu pada tahun 1951 hingga tahun 1955.
Negeri Tokoh Apakah peranan anda?
A Mengetuai sebuah portfolio
Kelantan Tok Janggut B Menentukan dasar kewangan
Terengganu Haji Abdul Rahman Limbong C Menasihati Pesuruhjaya Tinggi
Mengapakah penentangan mereka gagal? D Merangka perlembagaan negeri
A British menyekat bantuan luar
B Sumber kewangan berkurangan 30 Agensi kerajaan berikut ditubuhkan pada tahun 1950.
C Pengikut berpecah belah Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Desa (RIDA)
D British menggunakan pengaruh istana
Apakah langkah yang membawa kepada penubuhan agensi
24 Maklumat berikut berkaitan dengan persatuan di negara kita tersebut?
sebelum Perang Dunia Kedua. A Penubuhan parti Perikatan
B Persetujuan Kongres Melayu
Persatuan Sahabat Pena Malaya (PASPAM) ditubuhkan C Desakan Parti Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya
di Pulau Pinang pada tahun 1934. D Kerjasama kaum melalui Pakatan Murni
Mengapakah persatuan tersebut mendapat sambutan
menggalakkan dalam kalangan orang Melayu? 31 Dialog berikut mungkin berlaku antara dua pemimpin sebelum
pembentukan Malaysia.
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I Mementingkan ajaran agama

Saya berbesar hati sekiranya
II Mempunyai organisasi tersusun Singapura digabungkan dengan
III Mempunyai perlembagaan tersendiri Persekutuan Tanah Melayu
IV Memperjuangkan kemerdekaan
A I dan II C II dan III
B I dan IV D III dan IV

25 Sistem pemerintahan beraja di negeri-negeri Melayu adalah Saya berpendapat masanya belum
Lee Kuan Yew
berasaskan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka. sesuai untuk kita bergabung
Apakah warisan yang masih dikekalkan sehingga ke hari ini? Tunku
A Pelantikan sultan C Raja berkuasa mutlak Abdul Rahman
B Peranan pembesar D Raja menjatuhkan Mengapakah Tunku Abdul Rahman menolak cadangan
hukuman tersebut?
A Tentangan British
26 Sultan Muhammad II (1836 – 1886) telah menggantikan B Menghakis kuasa Raja-raja Melayu
kerabat diraja dengan pembesar bergelar Nik dan Wan dalam C Warisan tamadun Melayu terhapus
pentadbiran Kelantan. D Ketidakseimbangan penduduk
Mengapakah baginda bertindak sedemikian?
A Menghapuskan sistem warisan 32 Jawatankuasa berikut menerangkan tentang hubungan tegang
B Memantapkan sistem ekonomi antara Malaysia dengan Indonesia
C Mengukuhkan kedudukan sultan Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah - 20 Januari 1963
D Meningkatkan taraf pembesar istana
• Indonesia melancarkan konfrontasi terhadap
27 Tokoh berikut pernah bertugas semasa pentadbiran British di Malaysia
Tanah Melayu. • Presiden Soekarno melancarkan kempen -
Ganyang Malaysia
• Frank Swettenham
• R.O Winstedt Apakah tindakan Indonesia semasa peristiwa tersebut?
• George Maxwell I Menceroboh ruang udara
II Menghantar bantahan rasmi
Apakah sumbangan tokoh tersebut?
III Melancarkan pemberontakan
A Merangka perlembagaan merdeka
IV Menyerang kapal nelayan
B Mencadangkan perlembagaan rakyat
A I dan II C II dan III
C Membantah Malayan Union
B I dan IV D III dan IV
D Menyokong Malayan Union
33 Pernyataan berikut berkaitan dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan
28 Tokoh berikut merupakan ahli Rukun Tiga Belas semasa
berlakunya gerakan Antipenyerahan di Sarawak
Perkara 25 berkaitan dengan seseorang warganegara
yang boleh dilucutkan kerakyatan.
Apakah kesalahan yang boleh disabitkan dengan perkara

A Mengkritik pemimpin negara
B Mengahwini warganegara asing

C Mengadakan demonstrasi jalanan
Rosli Dhobi
D Membocorkan rahsia rasmi negara
Apakah sumbangan tokoh tersebut?
A Menjadi ahli pembesar negeri
B Menyatukan pemimpin tempatan
C Menyemarakkan semangat nasionalisme
D Memantapkan sistem pentadbiran tempatan

34 Dewan Negara merupakan dewan tertinggi dalam sistem 39 Negara-Negara Selatan bergantung kepada negara-negara maju
pemerintahan negara kita. seperti Amerika Syarikat dan Britain.
Bagaimanakah cara pelantikan Ahli Dewan Negara? Mengapakah berlaku situasi tersebut?
I Dipilih melalui pilihan raya I Kekurangan modal
II Dilantik oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong II Ketiadaan kepakaran
III Dipilih oleh Dewan Undangan Negeri III Kekurangan tenaga buruh
IV Dilantik oleh Perdana Menteri IV Ketiadaan bahan mentah
A I dan II C II dan III A I dan II C II dan III
B I dan IV D III dan IV B I dan IV D III dan IV

35 Apakah peranan Jemaah Menteri dalam struktur pentadbiran 40 Maklumat berikut adalah pertubuhan antarabangsa yang disertai
Malaysia? oleh Malaysia.
A Mentafsir perlembagaan • Komanwel
B Membuat dasar kerajaan • Pergerakan Negara-Negara Berkecuali
C Mengetuai jabatan kerajaan • Negara-Negara Selatan
D Meluluskan undang-undang
Apakah faedah yang Malaysia perolehi dalam pertubuhan
36 Pernyataan berikut adalah matlamat Rancangan Malaya Pertama tersebut?
(1956 – 1960). I Ekonomi maju
II Keselamatan terjamin

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Membangunkan kawasan luar bandar supaya jurang III Identiti bangsa mantap
perbezaan antara penduduk bandar dengan luar bandar IV Kawasan perairan terkawal

dapat dirapatkan A I dan II C II dan III

B I dan IV D III dan IV
Mengapakah Rancangan tersebut gagal mencapai matlamatnya?
I Ancaman komunis
II Kejatuhan harga bahan mentah
III Penduduk menentang perubahan KERTAS SOALAN TAMAT
IV Kedatangan ramai buruh luar
A I dan II C II dan III
B I dan IV D III dan IV

37 Gambar berikut merupakan tokoh penting dalam sistem

pendidikan negara.

Aminuddin Baki

Apakah sumbangan beliau?
A Mencadangkan pendidikan percuma
B Menubuhkan sekolah jenis kebangsaan
C Mewujudkan falsafah pendidikan negara
D Memperkenalkan sistem persekolahan aneka jurusan

38 Dialog berikut mungkin berlaku selepas Perang Dunia Pertama

Tokoh X: Rakyat Jerman tidak berpuashati dengan

syarat Perjanjian Versailles 1919.

Tokoh Y: Syarat-syarat dalam perjanjian

tersebut adalah berat sebelah.

Mengapakah rakyat Jerman tidak berpuas hati?
A Kemerosotan perdagangan
B Kehilangan tanah jajahan
C Peningkatan kadar cukai
D Pembahagian pengaruh

Sejarah Kertas 2 [1249/2]

Bahagian A
[40 markah]
Jawab semua soalan

1 Tamadun Yunani banyak melahirkan ahli-ahli falsafah seperti Socrates, Plato dan Aristotle.

(a) (i) Apakah isu-isu yang dibincangkan oleh ahli falsafah tersebut?
__________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]

(ii) Nyatakan ciri kepemimpinan yang dihasratkan oleh Plato.

__________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]

(b) Banyak masalah yang berlaku di dunia kerana tidak mengikut saranan Plato.
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__________________________________________________________________________ [3 markah]

(c) Petikan berikut mengenai ciri-ciri kepemimpinan seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Plato

“Seseorang pemimpin itu harus mampu mengendalikan diri, arif, adil dan berani. Unsur tersebut membantu
pemimpin mengatasi pelbagai masalah yang berlaku pada hari ini.”
Sumber: Muhammad Zaki Al-Aziz, 2011. Pemimpin Menurut Plato. Universiti Bandung.

Berikan komen anda terhadap petikan tersebut.

__________________________________________________________________________ [3 markah]

2 Maklumat berikut berkaitan dengan Perjanjian Hudaibiyah.

Perjanjian Hudaibiyah adalah perjanjian antara orang-orang Islam Madinah dengan kaum Quraisy Makkah.
Perjanjian yang ditandatangani di lembah Hudaibiyah, pinggiran Makkah, ini terjadi pada tahun ke-6 setelah
Rasulullah SAW hijrah dari Makkah ke Madinah
Sumber: Perjanjian Hudaibiyah, http//www.liputan Islam.com

(a) (i) Mengapakah orang-orang Islam berhasrat menziarahi kota Makkah?
__________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]

(ii) Nyatakan perkara-perkara yang telah dipersetujui dalam perjanjian tersebut.

__________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]

(iii) Mengapakah sebahagian orang Islam memprotes perjanjian ini.

__________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]

(b) Perjanjian Hudaibiyah menunjukkan kebijaksanaan dan ketokohan Nabi Muhammad

SAW sebagai seorang pemimpin. Buktikan.
__________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]

(c) Perjanjian Hudaibiyah telah menjadi perintis bagi pembukaan semula kota Makkah.
__________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]
3. Kesatuan Melayu Muda (KMM) telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 1939.

a) Nyatakan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh Kesatuan Melayu Muda (KMM) untuk mencapai matlamat perjuangannya
__________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]

b) Petikan berikut berkaitan perjuangan Kesatuan Melayu Muda (KMM).

“Kesatuan Melayu Muda (KMM) mengutarakan konsep Melayu Raya atau Indonesia Raya. Keduanya mempunyai
pertalian sejarah yang dikaitkan dengan kesinambungan suatu masa silam yang gemilang.”
Sumber: Ariffin Omar. 2015. Bangsa Melayu – Konsep Bangsa Melayu Dalam Demokrasi dan Komuniti 1945 – 1950.
Petaling Jaya: SIRD.

Wajarkah tindakan Kesatuan Melayu Muda (KMM) membentuk konsep tersebut bagi menghidupkan semula kegemilangan
empayar Melayu? Berikan alasan anda.
__________________________________________________________________________ [3 markah]

c) (i) Mengapakah Kesatuan Melayu Muda (KMM) memilih bekerjasama dengan pihak Jepun untuk mencapai matlamat

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__________________________________________________________________________ [3 markah]

(ii) Mengapakah Kesatuan Melayu Muda (KMM) gagal dalam perjuangan politiknya?
__________________________________________________________________________ [3 markah]

4. Gambar berikut merujuk kepada pelaksanaan pembuangan undi dalam pilihan raya di Malaysia yang dikendalikan oleh Suruhanjaya
Pilihan Raya (SPR)

(a) Berikan maksud pilihan raya umum.

__________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]

(b) Nyatakan syarat untuk menjadi calon pilihan raya di negara kita.
__________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]

(c) Mengapakah syarat pada 4(b) di atas ditetapkan?

__________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]

(d) Pada pandangan anda mengapakah rakyat Malaysia yang berkelayakan perlu menunaikan hak mereka sebagai pengundi?
__________________________________________________________________________ [4 markah]
Bahagian B
[ 60 markah ]
Jawab tiga soalan sahaja

5 Petikan berikut berkaitan dengan Tamadun Mesir Purba.

(a) Terangkan latar belakang pembentukan Tamadun Mesir

[4 markah]
(b) Huraikan ciri-ciri Tamadun Mesir dalam sistem pemerintahan.
[8 markah]
(c) Tamadun Mesir adalah merupakan anugerah daripada Sungai Nil.
Berdasarkan maklumat daripada peta dan pengetahuan anda, buktikan pernyataan tersebut.
[8 markah]
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6 Tamadun-tamadun berikut telah mencipta sistem perundangan bagi menjalankan pentadbiran kerajaan.

(a) Terangkan ciri-ciri sistem perundangan tamadun di atas.

[8 markah]
(b) Huraikan kepentingan sistem perundangan bagi kerajaan tersebut
[6 markah]
(c) Han Fei Tzu menyatakan undang-undang perlu dijalankan secara tegas tanpa harus wujud rasa belas kasihan.
[6 markah]

7 Kerajaan Melayu Melaka muncul sebagai sebuah kuasa yang unggul pada abad ke-15.

(a) Terangkan mata wang yang digunakan di pelabuhan Melaka pada abad ke-15.
[4 markah]

(b) Jelaskan faktor yang membolehkan Melaka muncul sebagai sebuah kuasa perdagangan pada abad ke-15.
[8 markah]

(c) Maklumat berikut berkaitan dengan kepentingan sistem cukai pada masa kini.

Sistem cukai yang dikenakan kepada rakyat merupakan satu instrument ekonomi yang amat penting kepada
sesebuah negara. Hasil daripada cukai ini digunakan oleh kerajaan untuk kemakmuran negara.
Sumber: Kepentingan Cukai kepada Rakyat dan Negara//gerbangsejarah.com.http/www/html

Wajarkah pernyataan tersebut? Berikan hujah anda. [8 markah]

8 Thailand merupakan satu-satunya negara di Asia Tenggara yang berjaya mempertahankan negara daripada imperialisme Barat. Walau
bagaimanapun gerakan nasionalisme tetap berlaku di Thailand.

(a) Mengapakah Thailand berjaya mempertahankan kemerdekaan negaranya?

[4 markah]

(b) Maklumat berikut berkaitan perkembangan gerakan nasionalisme di Thailand.

“Perkembangan politik di Thailand berbeza dengan negara lain kerana negara itu tidak kehilangan kedaulatan
dan politiknya. Sehingga tahun 1932, kuasa mutlak di negara itu terletak ditangan raja-raja.”
Sumber: Abdullah Zakaria Ghazali, Azharudin Mohamed Dali et.al. 2000. Sejarah Asia Tenggara, Asia Selatan
dan Asia Timur 1800 – 1963. Shah Alam: Fajar Bakti

Terangkan perkembangan nasionalisme di Thailand. [8 markah]

(c) Bagaimanakah semangat nasionalisme yang tinggi dapat mengekalkan kedaulatan sesebuah negara masa kini?
Berikan hujah anda.
[8 markah]

9 Sektor pelancongan merupakan perusahaan yang penting dalam tempoh Rancangan Malaysia Kelima (1986 – 1990).

(a) Mengapakah negara kita memberikan tumpuan memajukan sektor pelancongan mulai tempoh tersebut?
[4 markah]
(b) Maklumat berikut merujuk kepada perkembangan sektor pelancongan di Malaysia.

Sektor pelancongan negara mencatatkan perkembangan positif pada suku pertama 2019 dengan peningkatan sebanyak
+16.9% dalam perbelanjaan pelancong keseluruhan iaitu sebanyak RM21.4 bilion. Ketibaan pelancong asing ke Malaysia
turut mencatatkan peningkatan sebanyak +2.7% pada suku pertama 2019, iaitu seramai 6,696,230 pelancong berbanding
dengan 6,520,218 pelancong pada suku pertama tahun 2018.
Sumber: Tourism Malaysia di http://www.tourism.gov.my/29mei/2019

Pada pandangan anda apakah langkah-langkah yang perlu dilaksanakan bagi memajukan sektor pelancongan di negara kita.
[8 markah]

(c) Maklumat berikut berkaitan dengan kesan kedatangan pelancong asing ke negara kita

Sudah terang lagi bersuluh, kedatangan pelancong asing ke Malaysia akan dapat menjana pendapatan penduduk negara ini.
Harus kita ingat juga kedatangan mereka juga boleh membawa percambahan virus negatif dalam kehidupan masyarakat seharian.
Sumber: bh/online/Impak Kedatangan Pelancong Asing ke Malaysia khamis18/September/2014

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Sejauhmanakah kemasukan pelancong-pelancong asing memberikan manfaat kepada negara kita.
[8 markah]

10 Dasar Kependudukan Negara telah dikemukakan oleh Perdana Menteri pada 29 Mac 1984 untuk mencapai sasaran 70 juta orang
penduduk menjelang tahun 2100.

(a) Terangkan langkah-langkah yang perlu dilakukan bagi mencapai dasar tersebut.
[4 markah]
(b) Sejauhmanakah matlamat ini dapat di capai. Berikan alasan anda.
[8 markah]
(c) Apakah kesan terhadap negara kita jika kadar pertumbuhan penduduk melebihi kadar pertumbuhan ekonomi.
[8 markah]

11 Kegagalan pembangunan Negara-Negara Selatan yang dikenali juga sebagai negara dunia ke-3 adalah disebabkan proses
pembangunannya yang bergantung kepada negara maju.

(a) Mengapakah keadaan ini berlaku?
[4 markah]
(b) Apakah kerugian yang dialami oleh Negara-Negara Selatan hasil daripada pergantungan ini?
[8 markah]
(c) Petikan berikut berkaitan dengan kerjasama antara negara maju dengan Negara-Negara Selatan.

Kerjasama yang dijalin antara negara maju dan Negara-Negara Selatan lebih menguntungkan negara maju. Negara maju
terus berusaha mengeksploitasi sumber milik Negara-Negara Selatan untuk memenuhi keperluan mereka.
Sumber: Mokhtar Muhammad 2005. Perhubungan Antarabangsa – Cabaran dan Harapan. Kuala Lumpur : Anzagain.

Pada pendapat anda bagaimanakah Negara-Negara Selatan pada hari ini dapat mengurangkan pergantungan kepada
negara maju?
[8 markah]



[1511/2] Science
syllabus. No science process skills is tested like Section A.


Students have to answer the question based on Science process skills
Question No 10.
(Question No 1-4) 20 MARKS
In the question, students are given STATEMENT ( Responding
variable and manipulated variable)
Constructed tested included science process skills.
a) Hypothesis (COMBINE/RELATE the manipulated variable
1. Observation
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and responding variable) (1 mark)

2. Classification
3. Measuring
Suggest one hypothesis to investigate the above statements.
4. Inferring
5. Predicting
(i) Aim of the experiment (1 mark)
6. Communicating
TO STUDY ( manipulated variable) TOWARDS (responding
7. Using space-time relation
8. Interpreting data
9. Defining operationally
(ii) Identification of variables (2 marks)
10. Identifying
√ Manipulated variables
11. Hypothesis
√ Responding variables
√ Constant variables
a) Format to write observation:
Write what you see NOT what you know.
(iii) List of apparatus and materials (1 mark)
b) Format to write hypothesis:
The higher the manipulated variables, the higher/lower the
responding variables. As the manipulated variable increases, the
(iv) Procedure or method (4 marks)
responding variable also increase/ decrease. Hypothesis can be a
scientific theory.
√ Explain how to SETTING manipulated variable in the experiment
√ Explain how to MEASURE Responding variable
c) Format to write aim
To investigate/ study the relationship between manipulated vari-
ables and responding variables.
iv) Tabulation of data (1 mark)
d) Format to list the variables :
Table must contain MANIPULATED VARIABLE and
Students able to write manipulated variable and responding vari-
able. Variables can identified from:
1. Question
2. Diagram
3. Table
For Question 11 and 12, knowledge that is covered in the syllabus is
4. Graph
tested. No science process skill covered.
e) Format to write inference
Question 11 (a)
An inference refers to a reasonable conclusion, possible hypoth-
1. Students need to write 4 points / can write in the form of table
esis drawn from data. Inference is where you make an educated
( comparison)
guess about how something works based on observation.
Question 11 (b)
√ Students will answer 3 questions (6 mark)
√ Decision making (choose the best method to solve problem)
f) Format to write operational definition
√ Conception question (build a suitable concept)
Operational definition is a statement that shows the “what you do
√ Problem solving (must state the suitable method to solve the
and what you observe”
Section B will ask students on knowledge that is covered in the

Science Paper 1 [1511/1]

1 Diagram 1 shows a flow chart of the human central nervous A Controls blood sugar level
system. B Prepares the uterus to receive ovum
C Controls water in the body
D Controls the body’s metabolism rate

6 Diagram 3 shows a parent cell that undergoes mitosis.

Diagram 1

What is X?
A Spinal nerves Diagram 3
B Spinal cord
C Cranial nerves Which of the following shows the daughter cells produced?
D Peripheral nervous system

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2 Which of the following activity is a reflex action?


7 Diagram 5 shows the inheritance of eye colour when a local

man with brown eyes (Bb) married to an English woman with
blue eyes (bb).
3 Picture 1 shows the acrobatics during the performances.

What is the probability of having a child with blue eyes?

A 25% C 100%
Picture 1 B 50% D Cannot be determined

Which receptors are involved to enable them to do the activity? 8 Diagram 5 shows the formation of twins.
A Pressure receptors C Proprioceptors
B Heat receptors D Pain receptors

4 What is the effect of drugs such as codeina to an addict?

A Hallucination C Reduce pain
B Always active D Release stress

5. Diagram 2 shows one of the endocrine gland.

Diagram 5

Which statement is true?

Diagram 2 A Baby P and baby Q have the same sex
B Baby P and baby Q have different sex
Which of the following is the function of the hormone secreted C Baby P and baby Q have different placenta
by gland Y D Baby P and baby Q do not have the same genetic materials
9 Which of the following A, B, C or D represents the process of 13 Diagram 10 shows the result of placing three metals J, K and L
condensation? in separate test tubes containing dilute hydrochloric acid.

Diagram 10
Which is the correct descending order of reactivity of metals J,
K and L?
A J, K, L C K, L, J
B L, J, K D K, J, L
14 Diagram 11 shows a container used by a seller keep ice creams.
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10 Diagram 7 shows process of nuclear fission.

Diagram 11

What is the reason for putting common salt on top of the ice?
A To improve the taste of the ice cream
B To slow down the freezing of the ice cream
C To increase the melting point of the ice cream
Diagram 7 D To prevent the ice cream from melting quickly

Which of the following represent P, Q and R. 15 Diagram 12 shows a latest version of a mobile phone.
A Uranium-238 Electron Krypton-92
B Neutrons Krypton-92 Uranium-238
C Krypton-92 Neutrons Barium -141
D Barium -141 Neutrons Krypton-92 Diagram 12

What type of battery used in the phone?

11 Diagram 8 shows an incomplete periodic table. Which element A Alkaline battery
A, B, C and D represents a non metal? B Lead-acid accumulator
C Nickel-cadmium battery
D Mercury (II) oxide battery

16 Diagram 13 shows the penetrating power of the three types of


Diagram 8

12 Material Q is used as cooking utensils as shown in Diagram 9

Diagram 13

Which of the following is true about radiation P, Q and R.

Diagram 9 Table 2
A Alpha Beta Gamma
Table 2 shows the characteristics of material Q. What is material B Beta Gamma Alpha
C Gamma Beta Alpha
A Zinc C Carbon
B Plastic D Aluminium D Beta Alpha Gamma

17 Diagram 14 shows an ancient artifact. 21 Picture 2 shows a batik-printing process.

Diagram 14

Archaeologists can estimate the age of the ancient artifact Picture 2

through a method known as What is the original colour of Y?
A carbon dating A Red C Cyan
B nuclear fission B Yellow D Green
C random process
D radioactive tracer 22 Qaseh realized that her gold ring can be easily bent as shown in
Picture 3

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18 Diagram 15 shows a candle X in front of a plane mirror.

X B C Picture 3

A D How can she made it harden?

A Add more gold to it
Diagram 15 B Melt and remoulde it
C Knock it back to its original shape
19 Diagram 16 shows the structure of a camera and human eye. D Melt it and add other elements to it

23 Diagram 17 shows a molecule of ammonium.

Diagram 16

Which of the following parts of the camera and eye have Diagram 17
different function?
A P C R Which of the following pairs represent atom Q and atom R?
Atom Q Atom R
20 Which ray diagram is correct? A Hydrogren Oxygen
B Nitrogren Hydrogren
A C Hydrogren Nitrogen
D Hydrogren Oxygen

24 Diagram 18 shows the arrangement of atoms in an alloy.


Diagram 18
What is the function of the carbon atoms in the arrangement of
the atoms?
A To increase the size of alloy
B To increase the luminosity of metal
D C To prevent atoms of metal K from sliding
D To prevent the reaction of atom P and carbon
25 Diagram 19 shows the Haber process. 29 Which of the following microorganism is used in the food


Diagram 19 30 Diagram 23 shows apparatus used to study the growth of

bacteria. Which test tube A, B, C or D is most suitable for the
What happens when the temperature is decreased to growth of bacteria.
A Less ammonia is produced
B Solid ammonia is produced
C Shorten the time to produce the ammonia
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D Increase the purity of the ammonia produced

26 Choose the correct match between industrial wastes and the

method of controlling them.
Industrial wastes Methods of controlling
A Toxic wastes Flow out to the river
Diagram 23
B Soot and dusts Electrostatic precipitator
C Oil palm wastes Open burning 31 Diagram 24 shows an insect which can spread the pathogen of
D Radiaoactive wastes Recycle disease.

27 Diagram 20 shows various types of microorganism.

Diagram 24
What is the disease?
Diagram 20 A AIDS C Malaria
B Cholera D Hepatitis B
Which of the following pairs is correct?
32 Diagram 25 shows the roots of a leguminous plant.
Bacteria Protozoa
A P and Q R and S
B P and R Q and S
C Q and R P and S
D Q and S P and R

28 Diagram 21 shows a change in the lumen size of an artery.

Diagram 25

What is the function of the bacteria that live in structure P?

A To synthesize protein from nitrate
B To increase the nitrate content in soil
C To increase ammonium compound in soil
Diagram 21 D To increase the nitrogen content in the atmosphere
Which class of food can cause the changes in the lumen?


33 Table 3 shows the calorific values of different food. 37 Which of the following will make latex coagulate faster ?
Food Calorific value (kJ/100g) A





Table 3 D

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Which food contributes the highest calorific value?
A 100g of lamb C 150g of chicken
B 200g of eggs D 250g of fish
38 Rania found the white board in her classroom has been written
34 Diagram 26 shows part of a nitrogen cycle. on with permanent marker as shown in Diagram 28.

Diagram 26 Diagram 28

Based on Diagram 26, which of the following is a nitrogen fixing Which of the following substances can be used to wipe off the
bacteria? ink?
A V C X A Acid C Alcohol
B W D Y B Water D Alkaline

35 Diagram 27 represent a food web in an ecosystem. 39 Diagram 29 shows the change in the structure of natural rubber
when it is stretched and released.

Diagram 29

What is the characteristic of the rubber?

A Soft C Elastic
B Sticky D Easilly snapped

40 Diagram 30 shows the process of making soap.

Diagram 27

Which of the following is a secondary and a tertiary consumer?

A Rat C Snake
B Eagle D Sparrow
Diagram 30
36 Which of the following phenomena will cause the eye cataract
and skin cancer? Which of the following is the correct sequences in this process?
A Acid rain C Greenhouse effect A W, X, Y, Z C X, W, Z, Y
B Open burning D Depletion of the B Y, Z, X, W D Z, W, Y, X
ozone layer
41 Diagram 31 shows a hydraulic jack. 46 Diagram 34 below shows the ingredients for making ice cream.

Diagram 34
Diagram 31
All the ingredients are mixed and whisked for some time. Which
How much force is needed to lift a car with a weight of 12000 N? of the following chemicals, when added, can help to make the
A 890 N C 980 N mixture turn fluffy faster?
B 960 N D 1030 N A Preservatives C Stabilisers
B Emulsifiers D Sweeteners
42 Diagram 32 shows a four-stroke petrol engine.
47 Which of A, B, C and D is a thermoset?
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Diagram 18 B D

What is the type of stroke shown in Diagram 32?

A Exhaust stroke C Induction stroke
B Compression stroke D Power stroke 48 Diagram 35 shows process T.
43 Diagram 33 shows two pails are swung with the same force.
After a while the tin filled with sand is still oscillating while the
tin with cotton has stopped.

Diagram 35
What is process T?
A Combustion C Polymerisation
B Vulcanisation D Depolymerisation
Diagram 33
49 Which of the following electronic components is used to store
What is the conclusion of the experiment? electric charges?
A The bigger the mass, the bigger the inertia
B The smaller the mass, the bigger the inertia A B
C The bigger the mass, the smaller the air resistance
D The smaller the mass, the bigger the air resistance

44 What is the benefit of genetically modified food? C D

A Resistance to disease
B Maintain the balance of nature
C Increases nitrogen compounds in soil 50 Diagram 36 shows a schematic diagram of the radio transmission
D Genetically identical to the parent cell system.
45 Which of the following food does not need an expiry date label?

Diagram 36
What is P?
A Demodulator C Transformer
B Modulator D Speaker



Science Paper 2 [1511/2]

Section A
[20 marks]
Answer all questions in this section.

1 The students of 4 Cemerlang carried out an experiment to study the variation of blood group.
Table 1.1 shows the types of blood group of 48 students from the class.

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Table 1.1

[ 2 marks ]

(a) Based on Table 1.1, complete the Table 1.2.

[ 2 marks ]
Table 1.2
(b) Based on Table 1.2, draw a bar chart to show the number of students against the types of blood group.
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[ 2 marks ]

(c) Mark (✓) in Table 1.3 the examples of continuous variation.

Table 1.3
[ 1 mark ]

2 Diagram 2 shows an experiment to study the effect of impurities on the boiling point of ethanol.

Diagram 2

The results of the experiment are recorded in Table 2.

Table 2

(a) Based on the experiment above, complete the thermometer reading in Table 2.

(b) Write down one inference based on the results of this experiment.
[ 1 mark ]

(c) State the variables in this experiment.

(i) Manipulated variable:

[1 mark]

(ii) Responding variable:

[1 mark]

(d) Based on this experiment, state the operational definition for pure ethanol.
[ 1 mark ]

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3 Diagram 3 shows an experiment to compare the reactivity of metals X, Y and copper with oxygen.

Diagram 3

Table 2 shows the observation of the experiment.

Table 3

(a) State the variables in this experiment.

(i) Controlled variable:

[1 mark]

(ii) Manipulated variable:

[1 mark]

(b) What can be observed when copper reacts with oxygen?

[ 1 mark ]

(c) When metal Y reacts with oxygen, a white solid is formed. What could metal Y be?
[ 1 mark ]

(d ) Arrange the metals based on its reactivity with oxygen in an ascending order.
[ 1 mark ]

4 A student conducts an experiment to investigate the effect of temperature on the growth of bacteria Bacillus Subtilis.

The result of the experiment is shown in Table 3.

Table 3

(a) Using data in Table 3, draw a graph of number of bacteria colonies against temperature.
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[ 2 marks ]

(b) Based on the graph above.

(i) State the optimum temperature for the growth of bacteria.

[1 mark]

(ii) Predict the number of bacteria colonies at 70˚C.

[1 mark]

(c) State one another factor that can influence the growth of bacteria.
[1 mark ]
Section B
[ 30 marks ]

Answer all the questions in this section.

5 Diagram 5 shows a cross-section of a human brain.

Diagram 5

(a) Based on Diagram 5, name the structures labeled J and L.

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J : _______________________________________________________________________

L : _______________________________________________________________________
[ 2 marks ]

(b) Which part of the brain control body balance?

[ 1 mark ]

(c) (i) Why the surface of part J is highly folded?

[ 1 mark]

(ii) State one effect if part J and K is injured.

J : _______________________________________________________________________

K : _______________________________________________________________________
[ 2 marks]

6 Diagram 6 shows the formation of twins.

Diagram 6

(a) (i) State the type of twins produced in Diagram 6.

[1 mark ]

(ii) Give one reason for your answer in (a) (i).

[1 mark ]

(b) Name the organ which produces sperm.

[1 mark ]

(c) State two characteristics of the twin in Diagram 6.

1 : _______________________________________________________________________

2 : _______________________________________________________________________
[1 mark ]

(d) If the sex chromosome of both sperm are Y, what are the sexes of the twins?
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[1 mark ]

7 Dengue fever is one of the most serious infectious diseases in our country. It is caused by a type of pathogen that can spread
from infected people to others.

Mosquito X
Diagram 7

(a) (i) What type of microorganisms that causes dengue fever?

[ 1 mark ]

(ii) Name the vector which spreads dengue fever.

[ 1 mark ]

(b) State two symptoms of dengue fever.

1 : _______________________________________________________________________

2 : _______________________________________________________________________
[ 2 marks ]

(c) State two methods to destroy the vector.

1 : _______________________________________________________________________

2 : _______________________________________________________________________
[ 2 marks ]
8 Diagram 8 shows a red light and a blue light projected on a white screen.

Diagram 8

(a) Complete the colours of K and L in the boxes in Diagram 8.

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[ 2 marks]

(b) Based on your answer in 2 (a), state one primary colour and one secondary colour.

(i) Primary colour:


(ii) Secondary colour:

[ 2 marks ]

(c) What can be observed at K if all the green light, red light and blue light are projected together?
[ 1 mark ]

9 Diagram 9 shows the process of making soap in the laboratory.

Diagram 9

(a) Name the alkaline solution used.

[ 1 mark ]

(b) Write the word equation to show the reaction between the palm oil and alkaline.
[ 1 mark ]
(c) Based on the word equation in (b) (i), name

(i) The chemical name of soap

[1 mark]
(ii) The by-product
[1 mark]

(d) State the substance used to salting- out the soap.

[1 mark ]

Section C
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[20 marks]

Answer Question 10 and either Question 11 or Question 12

10 Study the following statement.

The electrical conductivity of ionic substances and molecular substances are different.

You are given Lead (II) bromide powder, sulphur powder, bunsen burner, carbon electrodes, ammeter, battery, switch and
other suitable apparatus.

(a) Suggest a hypothesis to investigate the above statement.

[1 mark]

(b) Describe an experiment to test your hypothesis in 10 (a) based on the following criteria.

(i) Aim of the experiment [1 mark]

(ii) Identification of variables [2 marks]
(iii) List of apparatus and materials [1 mark]
(iv) Procedure or method [4 marks]
(v) Tabulation of data [1 mark]

11 (a) State two importance of mitosis and meiosis.

[4 marks]

(b) Diagram 11 shows the cell division that takes place in the body parts of a student.

Diagram 11

Study the information in Diagram 11 and construct the concept of mitosis.

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Your answer should be based on the following aspects:

(i) Identify two common characteristics [2 marks]

(ii) Give one other example of human body parts which mitosis occurs [1 mark]
(iii) Give two examples of human body parts which occurs non-mitosis [2 marks]
(iv) Relate the common characteristics to construct the concept of mitosis [1 mark]

12 Food contains nutrients essential for health, but it may also include chemicals that can increase your risk of disease. Chemicals are
used in every step of the process that puts food on our table: production, harvesting, processing, packing, transport, marketing and
consumption and can be dangerous to our health. Some of these chemicals remain in our food and many persist in the environment and
our bodies for decades to come.

(a) State two types of chemicals used in food processing and explain their harmful effects when used excessively?
[4 marks]

(b) A fisherman found that the fishes he exported were spoilt. Explain how he could prevent the fishes from spoilt.
Your explanation should include the following aspects:

Identify the problem [1 marks]

State one reason why the problem occurs [1 mark]
State three methods to solve the problem [3 marks]
Choose the best method and explain your choice [1 mark]



[3472/2] Additional Mathematics

1. Untuk Kertas 1, jawab dalam ruang-ruang yang di sediakan dalam kertas soalan.
Untuk Kertas 2 , Gunakan kedua-dua belah mukasurat. Seelok-eloknya gunakan muka surat baru untuk setiap soalan terutama dalam
bahagian B dan Bahagian C. Elakkan menulis jawapan dalam dua atau tiga lajur.
2. Boleh menjawab soalan yang mudah dahulu sebelum menjawab soalan yang lebih sukar.
Untuk Kertas 1, semak semula untuk memastikan semua soalan telah dijawab.
Untuk Kertas 2, calon boleh menjawab mana-mana soalan walaupun dalam Bahagian C atau B Dahulu. Isikan `Helaian Tambahan’
untuk memastikan 6 soalan dalam Bahagian A, sekurang-kurangnya 4 soalan dalam Bahagian B dan sekurang-kurangnya 2 soalan dalam
Bahagian C telah dijawab.
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Pastikan nombor soalan dan sub-soalan telah ditulis dengan jelas.

3. Tunjukkan langkah penyelesaian dengan jelas, kemas dan sistematik. Calon digalakkan menulis rumus yang akan digunakan sebelum
menggantikan nilai ke dalam rumus tersebut. Sentiasa rujuk senarai rumus yang dibekalkan.
4. Sediakan jadual untuk melukis graf. Sertakan jadual bagi tajuk Hukum Linear untuk melukis garis lurus penyuaian tebaik, atau
Frequency Table dalam Statistik untuk memudahkan pengiraan ∑ fx atau ∑ fx2.
Patuhi skala yang diberi ketika melukis graf dalam tajuk Hukum Linear, Pengaturcaraan Linear atau melukis Histogram dalam
Statisktik. Pastikan bentuk graf kuadratik, fungsi sinus, kosinus, tangen, salingan dan titik-titik penting `dilihat’ ketika melakar graf.
5. Elakkan pembundaran pada peringkat awal. Jangan bundarkan jawapan perantaraan yang akan digunakan dalam penyelesaian
seterusnya, kurang dari empat nilai bererti dan dua tempat perpuluhan. Bagaimana pun, untuk tajuk hukum linear nilai dalam jadual
boleh dibundarkan kepada 2 tempat perpuluhan.
6. Jika jawapan dalam bentuk pecahan, berikan jawapan akhir dalam bentuk teringkas. Jika dalam bentuk perpuluhan, tuliskan jawapan
dalam sekurang-kurangnya 4 nilai bererti dan 2 tempat perpuluhan, kecuali ada arahan lain.
Contohnya : 123.456 = 123.46, 12.344 =12.34. 0.0012345=0.001235
12o 300 36= 12.310 ,7.001cm bukan 7 cm
Contohnya : 123.456 = 123.46, 12.344 = 12.34. 0.0012345 = 0.001235
120 300 36 = 12.310 ,7.001cm bukan 7 cm
7. Ikut arahan soalan bila menggantikan nilai Л , contohnya gunakan Л =3.142. Boleh juga terus guna Л dalam kalkulator.
8. Terjemahkan maklumat yang diberi dalam bahasa biasa kepada bahasa/simbol matematik , contonya: kadar perubahan isipadu ialah
—, perubahan hampir dalam y ialah atau ὂy jumlahkuasa dua nilai-nilai x ialah ∑x2. Sentiasa cuba melakar rajah untuk memudahkan
mengenalpasti kehendak soalan.
9. Tulis strategi penyelesaian masalah yang penting , contohnya,
Perimeter rantau berlorek =AP + PQ + QB +BA
Luas rantau berlorek = luas ∆ ABC + luas sektor BCD
10. Berhati-hati dengan unit, mungkin melibatkan penukaran meter ke cm, RM dan sen, jam ke minit.
11. Pastikan masa yang diperuntukan mencukupi. Jangan terlalu lama menjawab satu-satu soalan. Panduan:
Kertas 1 : 3 – 6 minit untuk setiap soalan.
Kertas 2 : Bahagian A : 7-8 minit untuk setiap soalan
Bahagian B : 15 minit untuk setiap soalan
Bahagian C : 15 minit untuk setiap soalan

Additional Mathematic Paper 1 [3472/1]

Answer all questions

1 A function f relates x to 4x2 - 7x - 1, by using function notation , it is written by f:x → 4x2 - 7x - 1.

a) How the function f is read?
b) Determine f(k)
[2 marks]

2 Daniel threw a ball such that the height, s m, of the ball from the ground at time t seconds is given by the equation
s = 3.9t2 - 15t - 3. Determine whether the ball could reach a height of 20 m from the ground. Justify your answer. [2 marks]

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3 Diagram 1 shows a cultivation of pineapple saplings on a trapezium-shaped plot of land belongs to Mr Zulkarnain.
According to the plan, first line can be planted 10 saplings and the next line increase by 3 saplings.

Diagram 1

Find the number of line that can be planted by him if Mr Zulkarnain has bought 318 pineapple saplings [3 marks]


4 If 64 , p , q , and 216 are four consecutive terms of a geometric progression, find the value of p and q. [3 marks]

5 Diagram 2 shows the graph of a quadratic function
f(x) = x2 - 6x + m + 1, where m is a constant.

Diagram 2

(a) The roots of the quadratic equation x2 - 6x + m + 1 = 0,
(b) the value of m [3 marks]

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6 Mr Ali wants to fence out a rectangular land that has a measurement of (12 - x)m × xm.
Find the range of x if the area of the land is not more than 20m2. [4 marks]


7 7x - 2 . 32x - 1 = B63x, find the value of B. [3 marks]


p p
8 Given that log₂p = q, express logp— 2 in terms of q.
4 - log₂— [3 marks]

9 Diagram 3 shows a can of milk powder with based diameter 12 cm. The height of the can is 16 cm.

Diagram 3

Find the small changes of the volume of the can, in terms of Л, if the small error in diameter is 0.01 cm. [ 3 marks ]


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10 The volume of water, V cm³ , in a container is given by V = —
h⁴ - 8h, where h is the height in cm, of the water in the
container. Water poured into the container at the rate of 6cm³s-¹. Find the rate of change of the height of water,
in cm s-¹ , at the instant when the height is 4 cm. [4 marks]


11 Diagram 4 shows part of the graph of a straight line obtained by plotting y ³√x against x for the positive values of
variable x and y.

Diagram 4

(a) Find y in terms of x.
(b) Given point E(-8, -3) lies on the graph of y ³√x against x, find the value of y corresponding to the point C. [3 marks]

12 Diagram 5 shows a staircase with length 5.2 m leans against a wall with the distance between the ladder and the wall is 3.6 m.

Diagram 5
Solve the equation sin t = cosθ for 0⁰ ≤ t ≤ 360⁰
4 cos t
[4 marks]
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13 Diagram 6 shows a triangle ABC, where vertices A and B lie on the -axis and the -axis respectively. Given the equation of the
x y
straight line AB is - — − — = 1 and the area of triangle ABC is 114 unit².
12 6

Find the value of p. [3 marks]


14 Diagram 7 shows the shaded region bounded by the curve y = —, the x-axis and y-axis, x = 6 and y = 6.

It is given that the area of the shaded region is 20.75 unit² . Find

(a) ∫ �

2 x dx
(b) The value of k when ∫ 6 dy + ∫ �
k+2 6

k y dy = 20.75 unit².
[2 marks]

�- 5 and —
15 Given y = 2x² dy
= h(x), find the value of y = ∫ —
[3 marks]


—▶ —▶
16 The points A, B and C are collinear. It is given that AB = 4a - 2b and, BC = 5a + (1 + m)b where m is a constant.
Find BC = 5a + (1 + m)b

(a) The value of m,
(b) The ratio of AB : BC . [4 marks]


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—▶ —▶
17 Given UV = (8 - h) i + j is a unit vector in the direction of ST, find the value of h. [3 marks]


18 Diagram 8 shows a sector of circle, OBC. The angle BOC is 2x² radians, the radius of the circle is r and O is the centre.

(a) Find expression, in terms of r and x , for the area, A , and the perimeter, P , of the sector.
(b) Given that P = 30, express A in terms of x. [4 marks]


19 In a survey, two sets of data are obtained as follows:

Set A : 0 , 1 , 2 , 2, 3 , 4
Set B : 0 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 4 , 5

Which set of data is more reliable? [3 marks]


20 A set of numbers x₁, x₂, x₃, ... ... ... ..., xn has a mode of 6 and a standard deviation of 3. Find the mode and the
variance for the set of numbers 10x₁ + 2, 10x₂ + 2, ... ... ... ., 10xn + 2 [3 marks]


Diagram 8
Diagram 8 shows five types of car brand Hyundai that are arranged in a row.
(a) Calculate the number of ways the types of car can be arranged without restriction.
(b) If Elantra and Starex are not supposed to be placed side by side, calculate the number of ways that all cars can be
arranged. [4 marks]


22 A bag contains 3 yellow balls , 4 red balls and 7 blue balls. In how many ways can 3 balls be drawn from the bag,
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if at least one yellow ball is to be included in the draw? [3 marks]


23 A die is rolled four times. What is the probability that the sum of the rolls is at least 6? [3 marks]


24 Diagram 9 shows the discrete random variable has a binomial probability with n = 4, where n is the number of trials.

(a) Express m in terms of s.

1 for m > 0.
(b) Find P (X = 2) if s = — [4 marks]


25 The weight of the students of SMK Bukit Tinggi are normally distributed with mean 45 kg and standard deviation 5 kg.
(a) Find the probability of students with weight less than 50 kg.
(b) If the mean weight of students in SMK Jalan Kebun is x kg and the standard deviation is the same as that of
SMK Bukit Tinggi, and 5% of the students in SMK Jalan Kebun have weight less than 60 kg, find the value of x. [4 marks]

Additional Mathematic Paper 2 [3472/2]

Section A [ 40 marks ]
Answer all questions
1 Given ( p , q ) is one of the intersection points of the straight line y + 2x = 1 and the curve 2x² + y² = xy + 6. Find the value of p
and q where p > 0. Give the answer correct to four significant figures.
5 marks

2 In Diagram 1, PQRS is rectangle and OSTR is sector of a circle centred at O, with radius 8 cm.

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Given O is the midpoint of PR and PRQ = 50⁰. Calculate,

(a) SOR, in radian,

(b) perimeter of the shaded region, [8 marks]

(c) area of the shaded region.

3 Water in the cylindrical container leak out through tiny holes. Given that the surface area of the container is 168Л cm² when the
height is 8 cm. Find

(a) the rate of change in the height of the water when the rate of change in the volume is 360Л cm³ s -¹,

(b) the percentage of decreasement in the volume of the water, if the height of the water decreased by 20%. [6 marks]

4 Damia pays RM K every month for her medical card insurance in the year 2013. Table 1 shows the sum and the sum of squares
of K.
∑K 3000

∑ K2 871200
Table 1
(a) Find the standard deviation of her insurance payment.

(b) Damia needs to pay an additional amount of Rm 50 every month starting the year of 2017 for her medical card. Find the
mean and standard deviation of her insurance in the year 2017. [6 marks]

5 A piece of ribbon of length 366 m is cut into 12 parts such that the length of the parts form an arithmetic progression. Given the
length of the shortest part is 3 cm. Find

(a) the length of the longest part ,

(b) the total length of the last 5 longest parts. [8 marks]


Diagram 2 shows a triangle OAB which points A, B and C lie on the straight line AB.

(a) Find the equation that relates a and b.

(b) Show that the equation of locus of point C is 2ax - a² - 2by + b2 = 0 when the distance from point A and B is always equal.

(c) Calculate a when b = 3 and ax - by = 8. [7 marks]

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Section B ( 40 marks )
Answer any four questions from this section.

7 Use the graph paper for this question.

Table 2 shows the values of two variables, x dan y, obtained from an experiment. Variables x dan y are related by the equation
y = kx , where k dan m are constants.

x 1.78 3.02 3.98 5.01 5.62 6.31

y 8.710 19.95 30.20 43.65 51.29 63.10

Table 2

(a) Plot log10y against log10x, using the scale of 2 cm to 0.1 units on the x-axis and 2 cm to 0.2 units on the y-axis. Hence, draw the
line of best fit.

(b) Using the graph in 7(b) , find the value of k and m.
10 marks

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Graph for Question 7

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8 (a) In a university, 60% of the students are female. If 8 students are randomly chosen,

(i) Calculate the mean and the variance of choosing female students,

(ii) find the probability that at least 3 of them are male.

(b) The mass of different types of chocolate produced in a factory is normally distributed with the mean of 350 g and variance 25 g.
(i) the probability that the mass of a pack of chocolate chosen randomly from the factory has a mass less than 345 g.

(ii) the value of p if 68% of the packs of chocolate from the factory have a mass of more than p g. 10 marks

9 (a) Diagram 3 shows the curve y = x3 - 8.

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Diagram 3


(i) value of R,

(ii)the area of the shaded region.

(b) Diagram 4 shows the curve y = 3
, x = 4 and y = p are two straight lines.

Diagram 4
When the shaded region is rotated through 360⁰ about y-axis, the volume generated is 34 2 ∏ unit3. If p < 5, cari nilai bagi p.
10 marks
10 Diagram 5 shows a trapezium PQRS.

→ → → →
Given that PQ = x , PR = y and RT: TQ = 5:3.

(a) Express the following vectors in terms of x and y .

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(i) RQ

(ii) PT

→ → → → →
(b) Given that PT = μ PS and 8RS = ρ PQ. Express QS in terms of

(i) μ, x and y.

(ii) ρ, x and y.

(c) Hence, find the values of μ and ρ. 10 marks


11 (a) Show that cot x - tan x = 2 cot 2x.

(b) (i) Sketch the graph of y = 2 sin 32 x for 0 ≤ x ≤ Π.

3 3x 1
(ii) Solve for sin 2 x = 2Π - 2 for 0 ≤ x ≤ Π.

10 marks

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Section C ( 20 marks )
Answer any two questions from this section.

12 Table 3 shows the price index in the year 2015 based on the year 2013 and the change in price index from the year 2015 to the
year 2018 for three commodities. The pie chart shows weightages for each commodity.

Commodity Price index in the year Change in price index

2015 based on the year from 2015 to 2018
P 180 Increase 10%
Q 145 Unchanged
R 125 Decrease 5%

Table 3
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Diagram 6

(a) the price index of each commodity for the year 2018 based on the year 2013.

(b) the price for item Q in the year 2013 if the price in the year 2015 is RM 250.

(c) the price for item R in the year 2018 if the price in the year 2013 is RM 500.

(d)the price for item P in the year 2018 if the price in the year 2015 is RM 600.

(e) the composite index for the year 2018 based on the year 2013. 10 marks

13 Diagram 6 shows a pyramid with triangle KLM on the horizontal base.

Given KM = LM = 10 cm , KL = 6 cm , KU = UL = 8 cm. U is the vertex of height 5 cm from the base. Calculate

(a) the angle between the plane KLU and the base KLM,

(b) the area of .

10 marks

14 An object moves along a straight line from a fixed point O. Its velocity , v ms-1, is given by v = 24t - 4t2 , where t is the time in
seconds , after leaving the point O. Find

(a) the maximum velocity of the object,

(b)the distance travelled during the third second,

(c) the time when the object reverses its direction of motion and its displacement at that time,

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15 Table 3 shows the time taken to produce two types of quality handbags , type A and type B. Two processes are involved in
producing a finished product. The time given for producing Process S and Process T are 12 hours and 8 hours respectively in a
day. The total number of handbags A produced per day is at most 2 times that of handbags B produced. Let x be the number of
handbag A produced in a day and let y be the number of handbag B produced in a day.

Item Time taken for Process S Time taken for Process T

Handbag A 30 minutes 20 minutes
Handbag B 10 minutes 10 minutes
Table 3

(a) Write down three inequalities that satisfy the conditions given above other than x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0.

(b) Use the scale of 2 cm to 10 handbags for both axes to construct a graph and shade the region with M that satisfies the
inequalities in (a).

(c) Based on the graph drawn in (b) , find
(i) the maximum number of handbag A produced in a day,

(ii) the maximum and minimum number of handbags B produced in a day when 5 of handbags A produced in a day,
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(iii) the maximum cost required if each handbags A and B cost RM 440 and RM 300 respectively.
10 marks


Graph for Question 15

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[4531/2] Physics

✓ Kaitkan apa yang dipelajari dengan kehidupan seharian

✓ Fahamkan konsep sesuatu topik

✓ Cari contoh perkara yang dipelajari di sekeliling kita

✓ Gunakan perseimbangan logik

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✓ Membuat banyak latihan penyelesaian masalah dalam fizik

✓ Lukiskan masalah yang kurang difahami, kemudian selesaikan

✓ Ingat apabila menyelesaikan msalah Fizik: Konsepnya sama, cuma nombor dan angkanya sahaja yang berubah


1. This question paper consists of 50 questions.

2. Answer all questions.

3. The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated.

4. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator.

5. A list of formulae is provided.

The following information may be useful. The symbols have their usual meaning.
1. a= v-u 15. v=fλ
16. Power, P = energy
2. v2 = u2 + 2as time

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Kuasa, P = tenaga
3. s = ut + ½ at2 masa

4. momentum = mv 17. 1 = 1 + 1
momentum = mv f u v

5. F = ma 18. λ = ax
6. Kinetic energy = ½ mv2
Tenaga kinetik = ½ mv2 19. n = sin i
sin r
7. Potential energy = mgh
Tenaga keupayaan = mgh 20. n = real depth
apparent depth
8. Elastic potential energy = 1/2 Fx
Tenaga keupayaan kenyal = 1/2 Fx n = dalam nyata
dalam ketara
9. ρ=m
V 21 Q = It

10. Pressure, P = hρg 22 V = IR

Tekanan, P = hρg
23 Power, P = IV
11. Pressure, P = F Kuasa, P = IV
Tekanan, P = F 24. Ns = Vs
Np Vp
12. Heat, Q = mcӨ
Haba, Q = mcӨ 25. Efficiency = Is Vs x 100%
Ip Vp
13. pV = constant
T Kecekapan = Is Vs x 100%
pV = malar
T Ip Vp

14 E = mc2 26. g = 10 m s-2


Physics Paper 1 [4531/1]

1. Which of this is a scalar quantity? Which of the following acceleration-time graphs describe the
A. Velocity C. Acceleration motions of the object?
B. Distance D. Displacement
A. a (ms -2
2. Diagram 1 shows the reading of micrometer screw gauge
without any object.
t (s)

B. a (ms-2

Diagram 1
t (s)
What is the zero error of the micrometer screw gauge?
A. -0.03mm C. 0.02mm
B. -0.02mm D. 0.03mm
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C. a (ms-2)
3. Which of this has the largest value?
A. 102 cm C. 103 dm
B. 103 mm D. 107 μm t (s)

4. Which speed - time graph applies to an object at rest?

A. C.
D. a (ms-2)
speed speed

t (s)
0 0
0 time 0 time

B. D.
7. Diagram 4 shows two identical trolleys, P and Q with masses of
speed speed
1 kg on a frictionless plane. Trolley P is moving with a velocity
of 10 ms-1 and trolley Q is moving with a velocity of 5 ms-1 in an
opposite direction.
0 0
0 time 0 time

5. Diagram 2 shows a coconut of mass 2 kg falling from a height of

60 m from the ground.
At which position the coconut have the highest gravitational
potential energy?
Diagram 4
Trolley P and trolley Q collide with each other and then move
together with a common velocity, v. What is the magnitude of
A. 2.5 ms-1 C. 7.5 ms-1
B. 5.0 ms-1 D. 15 ms-1

8. Diagram 5 shows a system consists of three identical springs. The

Diagram 2 original length of each spring is 10 cm. With a load of 50g, each
spring is stretched to 14 cm.
A. P C. R
B. Q

6. Diagram 3 shows the velocity-time graph of the motion of an


Diagram 5
What is the total length, X of the springs in Diagram 5?

Diagram 3 A. 21cm C. 26cm
B. 24cm D. 28cm
9. Diagram 6 shows a weightlifter is lifting a load of 60 kg to a 13. Four different thumbtacks are pressed into a piece with a same
height, h. If the energy used to lift the load is 1020 J, what is h? force, F. Which of the following thumbtacks exerts the lowest
pressure on the wood surface?

A. C.

Diagram 6 B. D.
A. 1.7m C. 2.0m
B. 1.8m D. 2.3m

10. Diagram 7 shows a method to determine the resultant force of

the two forces, P and Q. 14. Diagram 10 shows a ping-pong ball that does not fall when the
water flows.

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Diagram 7
Which of the followings represents the magnitude of the Diagram 10
resultant force?
A. PR C. PQ Which of the following principles explains the above situation?
A. Pascal’s principle C. Bernoulli’s principle
11. Diagram 8 shows a book of weight 1.8 N resting on a inclined B. Newton’s principle D. Archimedes’ principle
15. Diagram 11 shows a boy lie on a float.

Diagram 8
Diagram 11
What are the values of F1 and F2? Which relationship between the physical quantities in the above
situation is correct?
F1 F2
A. Weight of water displaced = weight of the boy + weight of the
A. 0.9 1.6 float
B. 1.6 0.0 B. Weight of water displaced > weight of the boy + weight of the
C. 0.9 0.9 float
D. 1.6 1.6 C. Volume of water displaced = volume of the boy + volume of
the float
12. Diagram 9 show the F – x graph of spring, R and S. D. Volume of water displaced > volume of the boy + volume of
Force, F/N
Daya, F/N the float

Spring, R 16. Diagram 12 shows a hydraulic compressing machine.

Spring, S

Extension, x / cm
Pemanjangan, x / cm

Diagram 9
Diagram 12
Choose the correct statement.
A. Spring S has smaller diameter of coil. Which comparison is true about the forces F1 and F2?
B. Spring R has smaller thickness of wire.
C. Spring S is longer than R. A. F1 = F2
D. Spring R and S are made of same material. B. F1 > F2
C. F1 < F2
21. Diagram 16 shows an aluminium block and iron block that have
17. Diagram 13 show an old drum of volume V floating with of the same mass and heated with same amount of heat energy
the volume submerged under water. in 20 minutes. The specific heat capacity, c, of each metal is

Diagram 13
If the density of water is ρ, the buoyant force acting on the oil
drum is Diagram 16
A. 14 Vpg C. Vpg
B. 34 Vpg D. Vp
Which statement is correct at the end of the 20 minutes?
A. The final temperature of the iron block is lower.
B. The final temperature of the aluminium block is lower.
18. Which diagram shows the correct liquid level in the U-tube?
C. The final temperature of aluminium block is equal to the iron
A. C.
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22. There is no rise in temperature when heat is supplied to

change water to steam. Which of the following explains this
A. The heat is used to exert pressure on molecules.
B. The heat is used to increase the vibrations of molecules.
B. D.
C. The heat is used to increase the kinetic energy of molecules.
D. The heat is used to overcome the attractive forces between

23. The air pressure in a car tyre is increased after the car has
travelled a long distance because
19. Diagram 14 shows two metal blocks P and Q that are placed in
A. the average velocity of the air molecules in the tyre has
thermal contact.
B. the temperature of the air in the tyre has increased.
C. the size of the air molecules in the tyre has increased.

24. Diagram 17 shows a phenomenon of light when striking on a

plane surface PQ.

Diagram 14

Which statement is true about the heat transfer between P and
A. No heat is transferred between P and Q
B. No net heat is transferred between P and Q Diagram 17
C. Net heat is transferred from P to Q Which of the following statements is true?
D. Net heat is transferred from Q to P A. Angle X and angle Y are equal.
B. AB is the reflected ray
20. Diagram 15 shows 100 g of water 20°C is poured into a beaker C. Angle X is the angle of refraction.
containing 200 g of water at 80°C.
D. AB, BC, and BN are not in the same plane.

25. An observer is able to see an image of a coin when the glass is

filled with water as shown in Diagram 18

Diagram 15

What is the final temperature of the mixture?

A. 30°C C. 60°C
B. 50°C D. 70°C Diagram 18
Which of the following characteristic of the image is not true?

A. The image is virtual C. The image is upright

B. The image is bigger D. The image is inverted
26. Diagram 19 shows a light ray passing through a glass prism. 30. Diagram 22 shows the interference pattern of water waves from
two coherent sources S1 and S2 in a ripple tank.

Which point has zero amplitude?

Diagram 19

Which angle is known as the critical angle of the prism?

A. α C. γ
B. β D. θ 31 Diagram 23 shows a toy boat behind a barrier in a ripple tank.

27. Which ray diagram shows the correct reflection of light by a

concave mirror?

A. C.

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Diagram 23
The boat moves up and down after the waves pass the barrier.
This is due to ........................... of the water waves.
A. reflection C. diffraction
B. D. B. refraction D. interference

32. Which is not a property of an electromagnetic wave?

A. It is a transverse wave C. It can travel through vacuum
B. It is a longitudinal wave D. It can travel through air

33. Diagram 24 shows the superposition of two water waves.
28. Diagram 20 shows the arrangement of two convex lenses P and
Q of an astronomical telescope at normal adjustment. The power
of lens P is 5 D and lens Q is 25 D.

Diagram 24

At which points do constructive interference occur?
Diagram 20 A. P and Q C. R and S
Calculate the distance between lenses P and Q B. Q and R D. P and S
A. 5 cm C. 24 cm
B. 20 cm D. 30 cm 34. Someone can be heard coming round a corner of a building
before he can be seen.
29. Diagram 21 shows a sound wave is reflected by a barrier. Which Which statement best explains the above situation?
statement is true about the reflected wave? A. Light travels faster than sound
B. Sound travels faster than light
C. Light is refracted less by air compared to sound
D. Sound has a longer wavelength than light

35. Which voltage-current graph shows that resistance increases

when current increases?
Diagram 21 A. C.
The reflected wave has
A. a smaller velocity C. the bigger amplitude
B. the same frequency D. a shorter wavelength

B. D.
36. Diagram 24 shows three different types of wires P, Q and R with 40. Diagram 28 shows a transformer.
the same length and thickness. P is copper, Q is iron and R is

Diagram 28

What is the voltmeter reading?
Diagram 24 A. 1.2 V C. 120 V
B. 12 V D. 1200 V
Which switch(es) should be switched on to get the smallest
reading of ammeter? 41. Diagram 29 shows a solenoid and a permanent magnet.
A. S and X C. S and Z
B. S and Y D. S only

37. Diagram 25 shows a battery of electromotive force, E and

internal resistance 0.8 Ω is connected in series to an external
resistor of 4 Ω. A current o 0.2 A flows out from the battery.
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Which of the following is not true about the circuit? Diagram 29

What will happen when the switch in Diagram 29 is closed?
A. The solenoid and the magnet will mutually attract.
B. The solenoid and the magnet will mutually repel.
C. The magnet will vibrate.
D. Nothing happens to the magnet.

42. Why is electrical energy usually transmitted at high voltage ?

Diagram 25 A. To reduce energy loss in the transmission cables.
B. To increase the current in the transmission cables.
A. I = 0.2 A C. E = 0.96 V C. To reduce the resistance of the transmission cables.
B. V = 0.16 V D. V = E – 0.16
43. The purpose of using laminated iron core in a transformer is to
38. Diagram 26 shows a water heater marked “240 V, 2500 W” that A. reduce resistance.
was used for 30 minutes. B. reduce eddy current.
C. prevent flux leakage.
D. magnetized and demagnetized iron core easily.

44. Diagram 30.1 shows the oscilloscope trace produced by an

input of 2 V at a frequency of 50 Hz.

Diagram 26
Determine the energy used by the water heater.
A. 75000 kWh C. 75 kWh
B. 3750 kWh D. 1.25 kWh Diagram 30.1

39. Diagram 27 shows a student sets up the apparatus shown in Diagram 30.2 shows the trace from a new input on the same
order to make a relay. oscilloscope.

Diagram 27 Diagram 30.2

Which metal should be used to make the core? What is the value of the new input?
A. 1 V at 50 Hz C. 2 V at 100 Hz
A. Aluminum C. Soft iron B. 2 V , 50 Hz D. 4 V at 50 Hz
B. Copper D. Steel
45. If c, b and e have the usual meanings for a transistor, which one 49. The equation shows the nuclear fission of Uranium-235.
of the transistors above is correctly labelled?

A. C.
What are the values of P and Q?


A. 142 36

B. 141 38

B. D. C. 140 38
D. 139 36

50. Diagram 34 shows the path of a radioactive particle, X passing

through two charged plates.

46. Diagram 31 shows a circuit connected to the cathode ray

oscilloscope (CRO).

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Diagram 34

Diagram 31 What is X?
A. α- particle C. X - ray
A. C. B. β- particle D. γ - ray


B. D.

47. Diagram 32 shows a combinations of logic gates and a truth


Diagram 32

What is logic gate P?

48. Diagram 33 shows the decay curve of a radioactive material.

Diagram 33

What is the activity after 1 hour?

A. 400 C. 100
B. 200 D. 50

Physics Paper 2 [4531/2]

Section A
[60 marks]
Answer all question in this section.

1. Diagram 1 shows a ticker tape produced when a trolley move along an inclined runway.

Diagram 1
(a) Complete the sentence below by ticking (√) the correct box.

The type of current used for ticker timer

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alternating current
direct current (1 mark)

(b) On Diagram 1 mark ‘X’ to show one tick. (1 mark)

(c) Based on Diagram 1 determine the velocity of the trolley?

(2 marks)

2. Diagram 2 shows a baseball player wearing a soft thick glove to catch a ball during a baseball match.

Diagram 2

(a) What is meant by impulsive force?

_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(b) The ball of mass 0.15 kg moves with a velocity of 20 m s-1 when it is hit. Calculate the impulsive force acting on the
glove when the time of impact is 8.0 ×10-2 s.

(2 marks)

(c) Compare the impulsive force if the baseball player wears a hard glove to catch the ball. Explain your answer.
_________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
3. Diagram 3 shows a diagram of stroboscopic photographs of a moving toy car.

Diagram 3

(a) Explain the type of motion from A to B and from B to C, shown by the car in Diagram 3.
_________________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(b) What is the acceleration of the toy car from A to B?

Explain your answer.
_________________________________________________________________________ ( 2 marks )
(c) Distance from A to B is 6 meter and the toy car took 20 seconds to reach B. The mass of the toy car is 0.5kg.

(i) Calculate the velocity of the toy car from A to B.

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( 2 marks )

(ii) Calculate the momentum of the toy car.

( 2 marks )

4. Diagram 4.1 shows the structure of a cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO).

Diagram 4.1 Diagram 4.2

(a) State the process involved in producing electrons from electrode X.

______________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(b) Describe the type of motion of the electron moving from

(i) Y to Z
____________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(ii) Z to the screen

___________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(c) A student uses the CRO to study the output voltage from a bicycle dynamo. Diagram 4.2 shows the trace on
the screen and the settings of the CRO.

(i) State the type of current produced by the dynamo.

___________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(ii) Determine the frequency of the output voltage of the dynamo.

( 2 marks )

(iii) Sketch the new trace in Diagram 4.3 if the time-base setting is now set at 0.01 s / div.
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Diagram 4.3
( 1 mark )

5. Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2 show two balloons A and B exerted with the same force.

Balloon A Balloon B

(a) What is meant by preesure?
______________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(b) Based on Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2,

(i) Which balloon will burst easily?

___________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(ii) Compare the pressure exerted to the balloon.

___________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(iii) Compare the surface area of finger and needle which in contact with the balloon.
___________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(iv) Relate the pressure exerted on the balloon with the surface area.
___________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(v) What happens to the pressure on the balloon if force exerted is increased?
___________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(c) State the physics concept involved.

______________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(d) State one application of physics’ concept in 5 (c) in our daily life.
_____________________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
6. Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 show two graphs of nucleon number, A, against proton number, Z for Polonium (Po) and Uranium (U)

Diagram 6.1 Diagram 6.2

(a) Based on Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2, state the decrease in:

(i) The nucleon number.

___________________________________________________________________ (1 mark )

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(ii) The proton number.
___________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(b) (i) Write down the equation for the process in Diagram 6.1.
___________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(ii) Based on (a), name the process involved in Diagram 6.1.

___________________________________________________________________ (1 mark )

(iii) Why does the process in 6(b) (i) occur?

___________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(c) Diagram 6.3 shows a leaking underground ceramic sewage pipe. A radioactive tracer is released into the
sewage system. A detector is then moved on the ground surface, following the sewage pipe.

Diagram 6.3

(i) Name the detector used.

___________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(ii) Compare the reading of the detector at points X and Y.

___________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(iii) State the type of radiation used to detect the leakage of the sewage pipe.
___________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
7. Diagram 7.1 shows the arrangement of the apparatus to determine the specific heat capacity of an aluminum block with mass 1.0 kg. The
thermometer reading is recorded when it reached thermal equilibrium with the aluminum block.

Diagram 7
(a) What is the meaning of specific heat capacity?
______________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(b) Explain how a thermal equilibrium is achieved between the aluminum block and the thermometer.
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______________________________________________________________________ ( 3 marks )

(c) The immersion heater supplied 27 kJ of energy to the aluminum block. The temperature rise is 25°C.
Calculate the specific heat capacity of the aluminum block.

( 2 marks )

(d) The value of specific heat capacity obtained in 7(c) is higher than the actual value. Some modifications need
to be done to the material of the wrapper and the wall of the glass bulb to increase the accuracy of the
temperature reading. State the suitable modification and give one reason for the modification.

(i) Type of the X wrapper material:

___________________________________________________________________ ( 2 marks )

(ii) Thickness of the glass bulb's wall:

___________________________________________________________________ ( 2 marks )

8. Diagram 8 shows one bulb connected to one dry cell.

Diagram 8
(a) What is meant by the label “9V, 20W ” on the bulb?
______________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(b) Based on Diagram 8, calculate

(i) Current flowing through the bulb.

( 2 marks )

(ii) resistance of the filament of the bulb?

( 2 marks )

(c) Table 8.1 shows three different types of filament to be used in bulb in Diagram 8 above.
Filament Power supplied tp the bulb Power produced
P 20Js-1 15Js-1

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Q 30Js-1 28Js-1
R 50Js-1 43Js-1
Table 8.1
(i) State the effect of thickness of wire of the filament to the rate of energy loss in the filament.
___________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(ii) Calculate the efficiency of each filaments P, Q, and R.

( 3 marks )

(iii) Suggest the most suitable filament to be used in the bulb.

Justify your choice.
___________________________________________________________________ ( 2 marks )
Section B
[20 marks]
Answer any one question from this section.

9. Diagram 9.1 shows a hydraulic lift used to raise loads Q and R.

Diagram 9.1

(a) (i) What is meant by pressure? (1 mark )

(ii) A force of 100 N is used to push down piston P and able to raise piston Q and piston R. With reference
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to Diagram 9.1 compare the pressure acted on piston Q and R, the cross sectional area and the force
produced at the piston Q and piston R.

Relate the cross sectional area of the piston with force produced on the pistons. Name a physics principle
relating the cross sectional area and the force exerted on pistons Q and R. ( 5 marks )

(b) Diagram 9.2 shows a cross section of an aeroplane wing. The wing help the aeroplane to be lift up when the
plane speeding along the runaway.

Diagram 9.2

Name the shape in Diagram 9.2 and explain how the aeroplane can be lifted up to the air. ( 4 marks )

(c) Submarine is used to move underwater. Using suitable physics concepts, explain how you can design a
basic structure of a small submarine so that it can be used for an underwater exploration.

(i) The material and thickness of the wall,

(ii) Shape of the submarine,
(iii) Able to submerge,
(iv) The equipments to detect underwater obstacles and depth. ( 10 marks)

10. Diagram 10.1 shows the Foothill and Mountain peak of Mount Kinabalu, Sabah.

Diagram 10.1
(a) What is meant by atmospheric pressure? ( 1 mark )

(b) Using Diagram 10.1, compare the altitude between mountain peak and foothill, the air pressure at mountain
peak and foothill and density of air between the two altitudes.

State the relationship between the altitude and the pressure, Hence, deduce a relationship between the
atmospheric pressure and density of air. ( 5 marks )

(c) Diagram 10.2 shows a drinking straw in a glass of water.

Diagram 10.2

Explain how to drink the water by using the drinking straw. ( 4 marks )

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(d) Malaysia Hiking Club is going to organise a climbing expedition to Mount Everest. As a team advisor, you
are required to set designs of equipments are needed for all team members so that, they can withstand to
extreme cold weather along the expedition, hence help them to reach summit of Everest safely. The summit
temperature averages about -36°C, thin air and land floor covered by ice and glacier.

Using your knowledge of forces, pressure, temperature and properties of matter, state and explain the
suggestions based on the following aspects:

a) The attire of the climber

b) The type of material used for backpack
c) The way to breathe in high altitudes
d) The design of climbing equipment ( 10 marks )
Section C
[20 marks]
Answer any one question from this section.

11. Diagram 11 shows an echo – sounder on a ship produces a pulse of sound. A fishing boat uses the sound echo to
determine the depth of seabed. You are assigned to investigate the suitable characteristics of the waves that could be
used to determine the depth the seabed.
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Diagram 11
(a) State one phenomenon of waves that produces 'echo' ( 1 mark )

(b) Radio waves is used to detect the position of an aeroplane and sonar technique is used to detect the shoal
of fish below the boat.

(i) State the difference between radio waves and sound waves.
(ii) Explain why the speed of sound is greater in water than that in air? ( 4 marks )

(c) Table 11 shows the specification of five waves P, Q, R, S and T that can be used to determine the position
of a shoal of fish.

Table 11
You are required to determine the most suitable waves. Study the waves based on the following aspects:
i) The type of the waves transmitted
ii) The frequency of the waves
iii) The speed of the waves
iv) Penetrating power of waves ( 10 marks )

(d) (i) If the time taken for the return of the wave is 151 s, calculate the depth of the shoal of fish below the
boat if the speed of sound in water is 1500 ms-1.

(ii) State two other uses of an echo sounder. ( 5 marks )


12. (a) Diagram 12.1 shows how a system is used in a factory to ensure the thickness of paper sheets are uniform. The
system uses radioisotope as the radioactive source.

Diagram 12.1

(i) What is the meaning of radioisotope? ( 1 marks )

(ii) Based on Diagram 12.1, explain how the system can be used to ensure the thickness of the paper is
uniform? ( 4 marks )

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(b) Diagram 12.2 shows a nuclear reactor which is used to generate nuclear energy.

Diagram 12.2
You are required to investigate the characteristics of the features in the nuclear reactor as shown in Table 12.

Table 12
Explain the suitability of each characteristic of the features in the nuclear reactor which can generate a controlled
nuclear reaction safely. ( 10 marks )

(c) A nuclear reaction is represented by the following equation:

The mass detect produced in the reaction is 0.19585 u.

( 1 u = 1.66 × 10-27 kg)


(i) Energy released

(ii) Power generated in 5 μs. ( 5 marks )



[4541/2] Chemistry

No Item Paper 1 (4541/1) Paper 2 (4541/2) Paper 3 (4541/3)

1 Type of instrument Objective test Subjective test Written Practical Test
2 Type of item Mutiple choices Section A : Subjetive Item :
Structured Item Structured Item
Section B : Extended Response Item :
Essay restricted response Item (Planning an experiment )
Section C :
Essay extended response Item
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3 Number of question 50 (answer all ) Section A : 6 (answer all) Structured Item:

Section B : 2 (choose one) 1/2 items (answer all)
Section C : 2 (choose one) Extended Response Item : 1 item
4 Duration of time 1 hour 2 hour 30 minutes 1 hour 30 minutes
15 minutes


2.1 Try to get :-
Ü 40 marks above for paper 1
Ü 60 marks above for paper 2
Ü 40 marks above for paper 3 (Total = 180/2 = 90, A+ in SPM)

2.2 Master the topics that contains the basic concepts of chemistry :
1. The structure of the atom
2. Chemical Formula and Equations
3. Periodic Table
4. Chemical Bond

2.3 Master in important concepts which related in all the chapter in chemistry
1. Concept and calculation in mole
2. Chemical equation / ionic equation / half ionic equation
3. Electrochemistry series
4. Concentration of solution

2.4 Familiarize with different types of questions as listed below and complete the previous SPM papers:
1. Objectives questions (MCQ) (Paper 1)
2. Structured questions (Paper 2&3)
3. Essays (Paper 2)
4. Planning an experiment (Paper 3)
5. Draw and label the diagram
6. Writing chemical equation (balanced equation, ionic equation, half equation)

2.5 Do a lot of practice in paper 1 because score in paper 1 Indicates student's level of understanding in chemistry :
i. Less than 20 - very weak
ii. 20 - 25 - weak
iii. 26 - 30 - average
iv. 31 - 39 - good
v. 40 - 45 - very good
vi. 46 - 50 - excellent

Chemistry Paper 1 [4541/1]

1. Which of the diagrams below represents the arrangement of 6. Which statement explains the effective collision?
particles magnesium oxide at room tempreture? A. The collision that causes a reaction
B. The collision which takes place after a reaction
C. The collision which takes place before a reaction
D. The collision produces less energy than the activation energy

7. The equation represents a reaction to prepare a soluble sulphate


H2SO4 + Substance P —▶ sulphate salt + H2O

What is substance P?
A. Copper(II) oxide C. Barium hydroxide
B. Lead(II) oxide D. Calcium hydroxide
2. Diagram 1 shows a carbon compound.
8. Which of the following homologous series are correctly
matched with the functional group?

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Homologous series Functional group

A Alkane -H-

Diagram 1 B Alchohol - OH
C Ester - COOH
How many pairs of electrons are shared by the atoms in this
compound? D Carboxylic acid - COO -
A. 6 C. 12
B. 7 D. 14 9. The element astatine located in the same group as chlorine in the
Periodic Table of Elements.
3. Diagram 2 shows the uses of elements X and Y in our daily life. Which of the following is the property of astatine?
These elements are located in Period 3 of The Periodic Table of A. Forms a basic oxide
Elements. B. Exist as gas at room temperature
C. Reacts with iron to form brown solid
D. Forms a ionic compound when reacts with oxygen gas
Element X Element Y
Barium sulphate is used in carrying out colonoscopy X-ray to
Diagram 2 detect bowel cancer.

In which group do elements X and Y located?

X Y What is the chemical formula of barium sulphate?
A. BaSO4
A. Group 14 Group 18
B. BaSO3
B. Group 16 Group 18 C. BaS2O3
C. Group 14 Group 16 D. Ba(OH)2

D. Group 16 Group 14 11. The picture below shows some oil palm fruits.

4 Which of the ions which is underlined undergoes oxidation

A. 2FeBr2 + Br2 –▶ 2FeBr₃
B. 2KI + C12 –▶ I2 + 2KC1
C. C + 2CuO –▶ 2Cu + CO2
D. Pb(NO3)2 + H2SO4 –▶ PbSO4 + 2HNO3
Diagram 3
5 When sulphur dioxide gas dissolve in water the solution which
react with zinc metal produces colourless gas. Which of the Saponification of oil palm produces
following particles in a solution is responsible for its reaction ? A one glycerol molecule and one soap molecule.
A. SO32- C. H+ B one glycerol molecule and two soap molecules.
B. OH- D. SO42- C one glycerol molecule and three soap molecules.
D soap and water molecules.
12. Which of the following particles present in the ammonia 17. What are the products for incomplete combustion of butane?
solution? A. Carbon and water
A. NH4+ ,H+ and OH- ions B. Carbon dioxide and water
B. NH3 and H2 O molecules C. Carbon monoxide and water
C. NH4+ and OH- ions D. Carbon monoxide, carbon and water
D. NH4+ and H+ ions
18. What is an IUPAC name of the following compound?
13. Diagram 4 shows a cold pack.

Substance X + Water

Diagram 4 A. 1,1,1-trimethylpentane C. 2,2-dimethylhexane

B. 2-methyl-2-butylpropane D. 1,2-dimethylhexane

When the cold pack is squeezed, a plastic tube containing 19. The following equation represents a chemical reaction of an
substance X breaks and mixes with water inside the pack. The organic compound.
pack instantly gets extremely cold. What is substance X?
Acidified potassium dichromate
A Ammonium nitrate C Copper(II) chloride
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(VI) solution
B Magnesium sulphate D Sodium carbonate CH3CH2CH2OH Y+ H2O
14. Diagram 5 shows the apparatus set-up to determine the chemical
properties of sulphuric acid. What is the suitable chemical used to verify substance Y?
A. Tetrachloromethane C. Marble chips
B. Bromine Water D. Lime water
Dilute sulphuric acid
20. Which graph correctly shows the change of mass of reactant
Magnesium against time?
Diagram 5 A. Mass, g
Which of the following are the products of the reaction?
A. Magnesium sulphate and water
B Magnesium sulphate and hydrogen gas
C Magnesium sulphate, water and hydrogen gas
D Magnesium sulphate, water and sulphur dioxide gas

15. Table 1 shows the list of acids for substances P, Q, R and S Time, s
Substance Acid
B. Mass, g
P Hydrochloric acid
Q Sulphuric acid
R Ethanoic acid
S Nitric acid
Table 1

Which of the following are acid shows the reaction of chemical Time, s
HX + NaOH —▶ NaX + H2O? C Mass, g
A. P and Q C. P, R and S
B. Q and R D. P, Q, R and S

16. Which of the following is suitable to electroplate an iron spoon

with copper ?
Anode Cathode Electroyte Time, s

A. Copper Iron spoon Copper nitrate solution D.. Mass, g

B. Copper Iron spoon Molten Copper carbonate

C. Iron spoon Copper Molten Copper carbonate

D. Iron spoon Copper Silver nitrate solution

Time, s
21. Diagram 6 shows the reaction of propene. Which pair of electrodes, P and Q will make the needle of
voltmeter deflect?
II A. Carbon Sulphur
PolyPropene Propanol B. Sulphur Zinc
C. Copper Copper
Diagram 6 D. Copper Zinc
Name the reaction I, II and III. 25. The following equation represents a reaction of a
A. Polymerization Halogenation Hydration
+ H2O —▶ X
B. Hydrogenation Halogenation Oxidation
C. Polymerization Hydrogenation Hydration
What is X?
D. Halogenation Hydrogenation Oxidation A. Butan-2-ol C. 1-methylpropan-1-ol
B. Butan-3-ol D. 1-methylpropan-2-ol

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22. Diagram 7 shows the energy level diagram of a chemical reaction 26. Diagram 10 shows the set-up of apparatus to investigate a
between substance X and water. chemical property of nitric acid.

Nitric acid
X solution

ΔH = +U kJ mol-1 Substance X
X + H2O Limewater

Diagram 7 Diagram 10

What is substance X? Which statement is correct about the property?

A. Ammonium nitrate C. Sodium metal A. Nitric acid reacts with substance X to produce salt and water
B. Potassium hydroxide D. Concentrated hydrochloric acid B. Nitric acid reacts with substance X to produce salt and
hydrogen gas
23. Diagram 8 shows the symbol of element P. C. Nitric acid reacts with substance X to produce salt, water and
hydrogen gas
13 P D. Nitric acid reacts with substance X to produce salt, water and
carbon dioxide
Diagram 8 27. The following information shows the effect of a particular factor
Which of the following is true about ion P? on the rate of reaction.
■ The kinetic energy of particles increase
Proton Nucleon ■ Frequency of collision between particles increases
Electron arrangement ■ Frequency of effective collision increases
number number
A. 13 27 2.8 Which of the following cause the above effect?
13 27 2.8.3 A. Adding a catalyst.
B. Increase the temperature of reactants.
C. 27 13 2.8.3 C. Increasing the concentration of reactants.
D. Using larger total surface area of reactants.
D. 27 14 2.8.4
28. Diagram 11 shows a musical instrument made fun from alloy X.
24. Diagram 9 shows a voltaic cell prepared by a group of students.
They dipping two electrodes in a lemon and connected the
electrodes to the voltmeter.
Diagram 11
What is the main component of element of alloy X?
P A. Copper C. Aluminium
B. Zinc D. Iron

Diagram 9
29. Table 2 shows the heat of neutralisation for the reaction between C.
+ -
hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide solution and ammonia
Heat of neutralisation (kJ
Reactants Na F
Hydrochloric acid and
- 54.0
ammonia solution
Hydrochloric acid and sodium
- 57.0
hydroxide solution D. - +
Table 2
Which statement is the best to explain the data?
A. Ammonia solution ionises partially in water Na F
B. Ammonia is weak alkali and sodium hydroxide is strong alkali
C. Reaction between ammonia solution and hydrochloric acid is
an exothermic reaction
D. Ammonia solution absorbs some of the heat energy released
to complete its ionisation in water
32. Diagram 13 shows the apparatus set-up for electrolysis of 0.001
30. Diagram 12 shows the apparatus set-up to investigate the mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid.
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reactivity of halogen when react with iron.

Combustion tube

Iron wool Carbon G Carbon L

Soda lime
—▶ 0.001 mol dm-3
Halogen gas hydrochloric
Heat Diagram 13
What is formed at carbon G?
A. Chlorine gas C. Hydrogen gas
Diagram 12 B. Oxygen gas D. Hydrogen chloride gas
Table 3 shows the observation of each reaction
Halogen Observation 33. Diagram 14 shows the apparatus set-up to prepare lead(II)
carbonate salt .
X Iron wool glows brightly
Lead(II) carbonate
Y Iron wool burnt brightly
Z Iron wool glows faintly
Lead(II) nitrate
Table 3 Filter
Which of the following is the correct descending order of their carbonate
reactivity? Diagram 14
A. X, Y, Z C. Y, X, Z Which of the following substance can not replace potassium
B. X, Z, Y D. Y, Z, X carbonate to obtain the same salt?
A. Ammonium carbonate C. Aluminium carbonate
31. Which of the following represents the electron arrangement for B. Potassium carbonate D. Sodium carbonate
the compound sodium fluoride, NaF? [Proton number: F=9,
Na=11] 34. The following thermochemical equation shows the
decomposition of calcium carbonate.
CaCO3 —▶ CaO + CO2 ΔH = +178 kJ mol-1
Na F What happens in this reaction?

A. Energy is absorbed more during the formation of bonds

than energy released during the breaking of bonds.
B. Energy is released more during the formation of bonds than
energy absorbed during the breaking of bonds.
B. C. The quantity of heat released to the surrounding during
reaction is 178 kJ.
D. Total energy content of calcium carbonate is lower than total
Na F energy content of calcium oxide and carbon dioxide.

35. Diagram 15 shows the structural formula of carbon compound 39. Diagram 17 shows an experiment to electroplate an iron spoon
Z. with copper.

Diagram 15

Which of the following statements are true?

I. Empirical formula of compound Z is C4H8 Diagram 17
II. Name of the compound Z is but- 1 -ene
III. Oxidation of compound Z produce butan- 1,2-diol Which of the following is the best substance for electrolyte M?
IV. One of the isomers of compound Z is 2-methylpropene A. Iron(II) carbonate C. Copper(II) carbonate
B. Iron(II) sulphate D. Copper(II) sulphate
A. I and III C. II, III and IV
B. II and IV D. I,II,III and IV 40. Table 4 shows the relative molecular masses of two gases.

36. Puan Hasnah holds a wedding ceremony for her daughter. She Carbon dioxide,
Gas Oxygen, O2
used 7 trays made of bronze. She found one of the tray falls but CO2

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not dented. Relative molecular 32 44
Which statement explains the situation above? mass
A. Foreign atom makes strong bonds between the pure copper
Table 4
B. Foreign atom fill in all the empty spaces between pure copper Which of the following are correct?
atom [Molar volume of gas at room temperature = 24 mol dm-3 ;
C. Foreign atom compresses the arrangement of atom in pure Relative atomic mass: C = 12, O = 16]
copper A. 1 mole of oxygen has the same mass as 1 mole of carbon
D. Foreign atom reduced the layer of pure copper atoms from dioxide
sliding B. 1 mole of oxygen has the same volume as 1 mole of carbon
37. Diagram 16 shows a graph of two experiments conducted to C. 3 moles of oxygen has the same number of atom as 3 moles
investigate the rate of reaction between calcium carbonate of carbon dioxide
powder and hydrochloric acid. D. 0.5 mole of oxygen has the same number of molecules as 1
mole of carbon dioxide
Volume of gas (cm3)
41. Diagram 18 shows a series of tests conducted on mixture Q
containing two types of salt solution.

Time (s)
Added with HCI and filtered
Diagram 16
Experiment I was conducted by using 25cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3
of hydrochloric acid. What is the concentration and volume of Precipitate Solution
hydrochloric acid to obtain curve II?
Added with NaOH solution
Concentration of HCI until in excess
Volume of HCI (cm ) 3
(mol dm-3)
A. 0.5 50 White precipitate
1.0 50 dissolves
C. 2.0 25 Diagram 18
D. 0.5 25 Which of the following are possible salts found in mixture Q?
A. Barium nitrate and copper(II) nitrate
38. Ions S+, T2+ and U3+ have the same number of electrons which is B. Barium nitrate and magnesium nitrate
10. C. Lead(II) nitrate and zinc nitrate
Which of the following is correct? D. Lead(II) nitrate and calcium nitrate
A. The strength of the nucleus to attract electrons in increasing
order is U,T,S
B. The atomic size in increasing order in U, T, S
C. The number of proton in an atom in decreasing order is
S, T, U
D. The tendency of atom to release valence electrons in
increasing order is S, T, U
42. The equation represents the reaction between magnesium 47. Atom W has 1 valence electron and 2 shells filled with electrons.
carbonate and sulphuric acid. Which of the following chemical equations represents a reaction
MgCO3 + H2SO4 —▶ MgSO4 + H2O + CO2 between element
W and water?
10.0 g of magnesium carbonate reacts with 100 cm3 of 0.5 mol A. 2W + 2H2O —▶ 2 WOH + H2
dm−3 sulphuric acid. What is the mass of magnesium carbonate B. 2W + H2O —▶ W2O + H2
which is not reacted? C. 2W + 3H2O —▶ W2O3 + 3H2
[Relative atomic mass : H = 1, C = 12, O = 16, Mg = 24, S = 32] D. W + H2O —▶ WO + H2

A. 1.6 g C. 5.8 g 48. Diagram 21 shows two volumetric flasks containing solutions of
B. 4.2 g D. 8.4 g RCOOH acid and HX acid. Which statement is not true about
both of the acids?
43. Diagram 19 shows an energy profile for a reaction.

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C+D 100cm3 HCOOH acid, 100cm3 HXacid,

1 mol dm-3 1 mol dm-3
Diagram 19
What is the heat change in the reaction? Diagram 21
A. e kJ C. (e - g) kJ
B. g kJ D. (f - g) kJ A. The degree of ionisation of HX acid is higher.
B. Both of the acids are monoprotic acid.
44. Diagram 20 shows a simple voltaic cell. C. Acid RCOOH has higher pH value.
D. The concentration of hydrogen ion in acid RCOOH is higher.

49. Table 5 shows the result to identify the cation and anion for salt
N solution.
Reagents Observation
Zinc strip Copper strip
Sodium chloride Add a few drops of sodium White precipitate form
solution hydroxide solution until
Diagram 20
Add dilute nitric acid and White precipitate form
Which half-equations represent the reactions at the positive
add silver nitrate solution
terminal and the negative terminal of the cell?
Add dilute sulphuric acid White precipitate forms and
not dissolve in excess
Positive terminal Negative terminal
sodium hydroxide solution
A. 2H+ + 2e —▶ H2 Cu —▶ Cu2+ + 2e Table 5
Based on the results of the experiment, what is salt N?
B. Cu2+ + 2e —▶ Cu Zn —▶ Zn2+ + 2e A. Aluminium chloride C. Calcium chloride
C. 2H+ + 2e —▶ H2 Zn —▶ Zn2+ + 2e B. Magnesium sulphate D. Zinc sulphate
D. Na+ + e —▶ Na 4OH- —▶ O2 + 2H2O + 4e
50. Diagram 22 shows the structural formula of two compounds.
45. Ant bite contains acid. Which substance is the most suitable to
be applied on ant bite?
A. Toothpaste C. Vinegar
Diagram 22
B. Detergent D. Sugar

46. When copper(II) carbonate is heated, it decomposes to

What are the similarities and differences between these
copper(II) oxide and carbon dioxide gas.
If 240 cm3 of carbon dioxide gas produced, what is the mass of
copper(II) carbonat used? Similarities Differences
[Relative atomic mass: C=12, O=16, Cu=64; 1 mole of a gas A. Molecular formula Chemical properties
occupies 24 dm3 at room conditions]
A. 1.24 g C. 3.72 g B. Functional group Physical properties
B. 2.48 g D. 12.4 g C. Isomers Molecular formula
D. General formula Relative molecular masses



Chemistry Paper 2 [4541/2]

Section A
[60 marks]
Answer all questions

1. The diagram below shows the molecular structural of vanillin (used as food flavouring) and vitamin B6.

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Diagram 1

(i) Write the molecular formula of vanillin.
______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) Determine the relative molecular mass of vanillin

______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) A box of vanilla ice cream contains 3.8 gram of vanillin. Calculate the number of moles of vanillin in the ice-cream.
(RAM H=1, C=12, N=14, O=16, NA = 6 x 1023 mole-1) [2 marks]

(c) Diagram 2 shows the apparatus set-up to determine the empirical formula for an oxide of copper
Oxide of copper

Hydrogen gas


Anhydrous calcium chloride

Diagram 2
Table 1 shows the data obtained from the experiment.

Description Mass (g)

Combustion tube + porcelain boat 23.50

Combustion tube + porcelain boat + oxide of copper 26.00
Combustion tube + porcelain boat + copper 25.52
Table 1
(i) Based on Table 1, calculate the empirical formula for the oxide of copper
[Relative atomic mass: Cu=64, O=16] [3 marks]

(ii) How do you ensure all oxide of copper is reduced to copper?

_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(iii) Can the empirical formula for magnesium oxide be determined by using this method? Explain your answer.
_________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]
2. An experiment is carried out using the apparatus shown below. A piece of metal P is placed into Q nitrate aqueous solution. Any changes
is then recorded. The experiment is then repeated by placing metal P in R nitrate solution and S nitrate solution; followed by placing
metal R in S nitrate solution.

Diagram 3

The results of the experiment are tabulated below:

Test tube A B C D
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Observation Gray metal Gray metal No reaction No reaction

deposited deposited

(a) (i) Name the chemical reaction that takes place in test tube A.
______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) If metals P, Q, R and S form divalent positive ions, write the half ionic equations for the reactions that takes
place in test tube A.
______________________________________________________________________ [2 mark]

(iii) Explain the reaction occurred in test tube A.

______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(iv) Arrange the metals P, Q, R and S in order of increasing electropositivity.

_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(v) Predict whether the reactions will take place if:

(i) Metal S is placed into R nitrate solution.
____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) Metal Q is placed into S nitrate solution.
____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) Diagram 4 shows the set up of the apparatus used to electroplate an iron key with silver metal.

Based on Diagram 4
(i) State the correct position of the iron key either at electrodes P or Q.
______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) Name a suitable solution that can be used as electrolyte R.

______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(iii) Suggest one step that must be taken to get a better electroplated key.
______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

3. A student wanted to find out the concentration of hydrochloric acid and he did a titration to determine the concentration of
hydrochloric acid. Diagram 5 shows an apparatus set-up of titration of sodium hydroxide solution with hydrochloric acid.

Hydrochloric acid

20cm3 of 0.02 mol dm-3

sodium hydroxide solution
+ indicator

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Diagram 5

Table below shows the results of titration.

Burette reading / cm3

Initial burette reading / cm3 0.70

Final burette reading / cm3 15.70

(a) What is the meaning of end point?

______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) State the name of a suitable indicator for this experiment.

______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) State the colour change of indicator at the end point of the reaction.
______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(d) State the name of the reaction between sodium hydroxide solution and hydrocloric acid.
______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(e) Write a balanced chemical equation for reaction between sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid.
______________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(f) State the volume of hydrochloric acid used in this experiment.

______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(g) Calculate the concentration of hydrochloric acid used in this experiment.

[2 marks]

(h) The experiment is repeated by using H2X acid which same volume and concentration hydrochloric acid to
neutralize same conceatration sodium hydroxide solution. Predict the volume H2X acid use to neutralize the
sodium hydroxide solution.
______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
4. Diagram 6 shows the set up of the apparatus of an experiment to investigate the transfer of electrons at a distance. Solution
X is an oxidising agent and turns colour from purple to colourless after a few minutes reacted.

Diagram 6

The overall ionic equation that occurs at electrodes A and B is,

2MnO4- + 16H+ + 10I- —▶ 2Mn2 + 8H2O + 5I2

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(a) Name the solution X.

______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) Calculate the oxidation number of manganese in MnO4- ion.

______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) State the type of reaction that occurs at electrode A.

______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(d) Referring to the reaction that takes place at electrode B.

(i) State the observation
____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) Write the half equation for the reaction

___________________________________________________________________. [2 marks]

(iii) Explain the reaction that occurs in term of transfer of electron.

___________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(e) State the function of the dilute sulphuric acid in this experiment.
______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(f) In other experiment you are given zinc strip, copper strip, copper (II) sulphate solution and all apparatus required.
Draw a labelled diagram to show another set up of apparatus to investigate the transfer of electron at a distance.
In your diagram show the direction of electron flow. [2 marks]

5. The following equation shows a reaction in the preparation of sodium palmitate soap.

(a) (i) Name the reaction.
______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) Sodium chloride is added to the mixture to complete the reaction.

Explain why.
______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(iii) A student wants to prepare a potassium palmitate soap.

Name the alkali that is used.
______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) Additives in detergent increase the effectiveness of detergent as a cleaning agent.

Table 2 shows the function of detergent additives.

Detergent additives Function

Drying agent Maintains the detergent powder in dry form

Biological enzyme ..............................................................................................................................................

Whitening agent ..............................................................................................................................................

Table 2

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Complete Table 2. [2 marks]

(c) Table 3 shows the functions of three examples of medicine.

Example of medicine Function

Aspirin Relieves pain

Streptomycin ..............................................................................................................................................

Tranquilizer ..............................................................................................................................................

Table 3

(i) Complete Table 3 [2 marks]

(ii) State one side effect if aspirin is taken frequently.

______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(iii) A doctor advices a patient to consume all the streptomycin prescribed.Give one reason.
______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

6. Diagram 7 shows the apparatus set-up for an experiment to determine the heat of displacement of copper.

5 g of zinc powder

Plastic cup 50cm3 of 0.2 mol dm-3 copper (II)

sulphate solution

Diagram 7
The following data was obtained.

Initial temperature of copper(II) sulphate solution = 28.0oC

Highest temperature of the mixture of product = 36.0oC
(a) What is meant by heat of displacement ?
_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) Other than increase in the temperature, state another observation in the experiment.
_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) Why is a plastic cup used in this experiment?

_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(d) Write the ionic equation for the reaction.

_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(e) Based on the information given in the experiment, calculate;

(i) the heat given out in the experiment
[Specific heat capacity of solution = 4.2 J g-1 oC-1 , density of solution = 1 g cm-3] [1 mark]

(ii) the heat of displacement of copper [1 mark]

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(f) Draw the energy level diagram for the reaction.

[2 marks]

(g) (i) Predict the value of heat of displcement copper by using magnesium.
______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) Explain your answer based on (g)(i).

______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

Section B

[20 marks]
Answer any one question.

7. Diagram 8 shows parts of the Periodic Table of elements.

1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18

Mg Al Cl
Diagram 8

(a) Write the electron arrangements for aluminium ion and oxide ion. [2 marks]

(b) Describe the formation of the following chemical bonds and draw the electron arrangement of compounds formed.
(i) Ionic bond between magnesium and chlorine . [5 marks]

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(ii) Covalent bond between carbon and chlorine . [5 marks]

(c) Explain the following:

(i) The reactivity of group 17 elements decreases as moving down the group.

(ii) The atomic radius decreases across Period 3 from left to right. [6 marks]

8. (a) Diagram 9 shows two methods of preparing salts in the laboratory.

Method I Method II

The following are three examples of salts that can be prepared using either Method I or Method II

Diagram 9
(i) From the given examples, identify the salts that can be prepared by using the methods I as shown in Diagram 9. [2 marks]

(ii) State the reactants for the preparation of salt in Method II. [2 marks]

(iii) Salt ammonium nitrate crystal can be prepared in the laboratory through titration method to obtain the exact
volume of acid to neutralise the alkali. Describe an experiment to prepare a dry sample of salt ammonium nitrate
crystal in the laboratory. [10 marks]
(b) Diagram 10 shows solid salt ammonium nitrate which can dissolve in distilled water and ionised into NH4+ ions
and NO3- ions.

Diagram 10

Describe the confirmatory tests to determine the presence of NH4+ ions and NO3- ions in the salt [6 marks]
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Section 2

[20 marks]
Answer any one question from this section.

9. Table 4 shows an ester and its flavour.

Ester Flavour
Methyl propanoate Apple

Table 4

5 Gemilang students wants to produce an ester in of apple flavour in a school laboratory.

(a) (i) State the alcohol and the carboxylic acid to be used for preparing the ester.
Write the chemical equation to prepare the ester. [4 marks]

(ii) Calculate the mass of the alcohol will be used to get 1.32 g of the ester
[Relative atomic mass: H = 1, C = 12, O = 16] [3 marks]

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(b) Describe an experiment to produce ester with apple flavor in laboratory,by using reagents named in (a)(i) [5 marks]

(c) Table 5 shows the properties of two organic compounds.

Each compound has four carbon atoms per molecule.

Compound Properties
Insoluble in water
R Decolourised brown colour of bromine water
Soluble in water
S React with calcium carbonate to produce a type of gas that turns lime water
Table 5
(i) State the name and functional group of the compound R and S [4 marks]

(ii) Draw dan give IUPAC name of structural formulae for isomers of compound R. [4 marks]

10. A group of students carried out two sets of experiment to investigate the factor affecting the rate of reaction between
calcium carbonate and ahydrochloric acid.
Table 6 shows the information about the reactants and the time taken to collect 50cm3 of carbon dioxide gas.

Set Reactants
I 5.0g Powdered calcium carbonate + 20 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm - 3 hydrochloric acid

II 5.0g Powdered calcium carbonate + 20 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm - 3 hydrochloric acid

Table 6
(a) Refering to experiment in Set I and II, state:
(i) the meaning of rate of reaction

(ii) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of Set I and Set II

(iii) one factor that affects the rate of reaction.
[5 marks]
(b) Table 7 shows the volume of carbon dioxide gas liberated for the set II using 5.0g of marble powder.

Time (s) 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

Volume of gas 0.00 20.00 29.00 35.00 38.00 40.00 41.50 41.50 41.50

Table 7
(i) Based on the Table 7 , draw the graph of volume of carbon dioxide gas liberated against time on the graph paper.
From the graph, determine:

(i) The rate of reaction at 90s

(ii)The average rate of reaction between 60s and 120s [7 marks]

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(c) Another experiment is carried out to study the factors of catalyst in the reaction of decomposition of hydrogen
peroxide, H2O2.
The results of this experiment is shown in above.

(i) Which set of experiment used catalyst ? State the catalyst used. [2 marks]

(ii) The decomposition reaction of hydrogen peroxide, H₂O₂ release heat.

Based on collision theory, explain why rate of reaction is different in (c)(i) ? [6 marks]



[4551/2] Biology

1. Use acronyms to memories the concept or process in Biology.

Example : To memories major element in the cell

Nak Makan Sup Pedas, Campur Cili

Na Mg S P Ca Cl

2. To memorise the concept of biology, you can use info-diagram method.

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Example: Draw a blood circulatory system of human in the center of A4 paper.
Then, label the structure and write down all the fact about the diagram.

This will help you to memorise and understand the structure of heart and the physiology process as well.

3. During the revision, always take a note of the key words for steps in the Biology process. You should have small note book for that.
You must find important key words and start using the key word for structure or essay question.

4. Always practice to draw diagram. If you able to draw diagram without referring to reference book, it means that you already
understanding the structure or process in Biology.

5. Try to visualize the process in Biology by watching animation video or simplify the process by using flow chart or mind map.

6. To remember a long word in Biology such as Dichlorophenolindophenol, try to write the word repeatedly until you can
pronounce and write the word without refer to the reference or text book.

7. Do exercise on Past Year Question. (Paper 1, paper2 and paper3).Complete all set of question at least for the previous 5 years.

8. You must score Calculation Question in Biology because it is very direct question.
Remember the formula and using the formula during answer the question.

9. You should master the technique to answer the question especially technique to answer paper 2 and paper3.

10. During answer the structure or essay question, you should give attention to the task of question such as state, explain why, explain
how, compare or predict.

11. For Paper 3, you should master the technique to answer all the question which is based on the science process skill.

“GOod luCK”

Biology Paper 1 [4551/1]

1 Diagram 1 shows a plant cell 6 Diagram 4 shows a basic unit of DNA.

Diagram 1
Diagram 4
Which cellular component A, B,C or D is made up by cellulose?
What is R?
A Pentose sugar C Nitrogenous base
2 The following statement refers to organelle Y.
B Phosphate group D Deoxyribose
• Found abundantly in leaf cell
• Enable the cell to produce glucose
7 Diagram 5 shows a structure of a protein.
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What is organelle Y?

A. Chloroplast C. Mitochondrion
B. Ribosome D. Golgi apparatus

Diagram 5
3 Diagram 2 shows two types of cell in human body.

Which of the following protein that does not contain the
structure shown?
A Fibrinogen C Albumin
B Globulin D Haemoglobin
Cell P Cell Q
Diagram 2
Match the cells with its correct system. 8 Diagram 6 shows four types of stains on a boy’s shirt.
Cell P Cell Q
A. Reproductive system Nervous system
Fruit stain
B. Nervous system Circulatory system Egg stain
C. Circulatory system Reproductive system
D. Nervous system Reproductive system Vegetable
Oil stain
4 What is the effect to the cell if there is no rough endoplasmic
reticulum? Diagram 6

A No production of energy Which stain can be removed by using the washing powder that
B No transport of protein contents protease?
C No synthesis of protein A Vegetable stain C Egg stain
D No modification of protein B Fruit stain D Oil stain

5 Diagram 3 shows a slice of mustard green stem that was 9 Which phase of mitosis that involve the formation of cleavage
immersed in solution R. furrow in an animal cell?
A Prophase B Metaphase
C Anaphase D Telophase

Immersed in solution R

Diagram 3

What is solution R?

A 30% sucrose solution

B 5% sucrose solution
C 0.5% sucrose solution
D 0.0% sucrose solution

10 Diagram 7 shows a cell division in stomach of an animal. 14 Diagram 10 shows the formation of gallstone in the gall bladder
and bile duct.

Diagram 7
Which diagram represents the stomach cell after the cell division
is completed? Diagram 10

A. C. What is the effect to the digestion process if the gall bladder and
the bile duct are removed surgically?

A Bile cannot be produced

B Lipid cannot be emulsified
C Lipase cannot be channeled to duodenum
D Assimilation of lipid cannot be carried out
B. D.

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15 Diagram 11 shows a section of a leaf.

11 The diploid chromosomal number of a salt water crocodile is 34.

If one pair of the homologous chromosome does not separate
during meiosis I, how many chromosomes can be found in the
Diagram 11
What is the adaptation of the structure X to optimize
A. 16 C. 33 photosynthesis?
B. 17 D. 34
A Have a lot of chloroplast
B Large air spaces between cell
12 Diagram 8 shows the digestive system of a rodent. C Transparent layer of the surface
D Cylindrical cell arranged in long row

16 A girl's diet is deficient in Vitamin C. What is the condition that
might be suffer if this diet is prolonged?

A Ricket C Anaemia
B Scurvy D Beri-beri

Diagram 8 17 When food sample Q is tested using Biuret test, the food
Which of the following enzyme contain in the structure labelled sample turns purple.
Which statement describe the class of food sample Q and its
A Cellulase C Protease function?
B Amylase D Lipase Class of food Function
A Carbohydrate Synthesis of enzymes, anti-
bodies and hormones
13 Diagram 9 shows the structure of a chloroplast seen under an
electron microscope. B Protein Build new cells for growth
and renew
damaged tissue
C Lipid Important source of energy
Water Medium for chemical
D reaction in the cell

Diagram 9

Name the process that occurs in S.

A Reduction of carbon dioxide

B Synthesis of glucose
C Photolysis of water
D Synthesis of starch
18 Diagram 12 shows the method used to improve the quality and 25 Diagram 13 shows a Nitrogen Cycle.
quantity of food production.

Diagram 12
What is the method used?
Diagram 13
A Aeroponics C Tissue culture Which are organism P, Q and R?
B Hydroponics D Plant breeding

19 What is the main substrate of cellular respiration?

A Sucrose C Fructose
B Glucose D Galactose
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26 Diagram 14 shows a human’s activity

20 How does fish maximise the efficiency of gaseous exchange?

A The closing of mouth and operculum
B The opening of mouth and operculum
C The same direction of water and blood flow through the gills
D The opposite direction of water and blood flow through the

Diagram 14
21 After doing vigorous exercise, high accumulation of lactic acid
occurs. The person will inhale more oxygen to oxidize the lactic
Which of the following is the effect of the activity?
acid. Where does the oxidation of lactic acid occur in the body?

A Muscle cell C Heart A Thinning of ozone layer C Soil erosion

B Lungs D Liver B Eutrophication D Acid rain

22. The following are problem faced by a cigarette smoker. 27 The following information describes the effect of phenomenon
• Laryngitis is one of the effects of smoking
• It makes speaking difficult and painful. • The acidity of aquatic ecosystem is increased
• The building are corroded
What causes this to happen?
A Tar C Nicotine Which of the following pollutants causes phenomenon X?
B Heat D Carbon monoxide

A Carbon dioxide and soot
23 What is the type of interaction where both organisms benefit? B Lead and sulphur dioxide
C Nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide
A Parasitism C Mutualism D Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide
B Commensalism D Saprophytism

28 Which of the following is correctly matched?

24 Table 1 shows the number of plant M present in 10 different
quadrats, each quadrat measuring 1m x 1m.
Unplanned development Impact
A Excessive use of inorganic Eutrophication
Glass building Air pollution
C Excessive mining Green house effect
D Dumping of domestic waste Soil erosion
Calculate the density of plant M.
A 3.1 m-2 C 4.1 m-2
B 5.1 m-2 D 6.1 m-2

29 Which description is true about blood cells? 33 Diagram 17 shows a double closed circulatory system of an
Blood cells Description
A Erythrocyte Change the biconcave shape when pass-
ing through the blood capillary.
B Platelet Without nucleus and involve in the blood Key:
clotting mechanism.
: Oxygenated blood
C Monosit Produced antibodies to destroy pathogen
: Deoxygenated blood
D Neutrophil Without granules and destroy pathogen
by phagocytosis.

30. Diagram 15 shows the legs of a person suffering from Diagram 17

elephantiasis. What is P and Q?

A Lungs Body tissue

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B Body tissues Lungs
C Lungs Brain
D Body tissue Brain
Diagram 15
Which of the following is the cause of the condition?
34 Diagram 18 shows a vertebrae column of human.
A Clogged blood vessels prevent blood from returning
to the blood flow
B Clogged blood vessels prevent interstitial fluid from
returning to the blood
C Clogged lymph vessels prevent blood from returning to the
blood flow
D Clogged lymph vessels prevent interstitial fluid from
returning to blood flow

31 Diagram 16 shows the longitudinal section of human heart.

Diagram 18

Which of the following is vertebrae P?

A. C.

Diagram 16

Which of the labelled parts A, B, C or D, receive blood from

B. D.
32 A boy was infected with chicken pox virus. He was only given
antihistamine to reduce the itchiness. Why he was not given any
medication to cure the disease?

A The virus cannot be killed

B Antihistamine can kill the chicken pox virus
C The immune system will produce antibody to fight the virus
D The boy already has antibody for chicken pox in his blood
35 Which of the following cells provide mechanical strength to
woody plants?

A Parenchyma C Aerenchyma
B Collenchyma D Sclerenchyma
36 Diagram 19 shows two stages in weight lifting event carried by a This neuron connects to P and Q. What are P and Q?
A Interneuron Effector
B Receptor Effector
C Receptor Interneuron
D Interneuron Efferent neuron

Diagram 19 40 The following symptoms are caused by lack of certain hormone

in an adult.
What are the actions of the muscles and elbow joint in moving
during stage 2? • Rate of heartbeat is low
Biceps Triceps Elbow Joint • Low metabolism
• Weight gain
A Contract Relax Move in one plane
B Contract Relax Rotate Which hormone causes the symptoms?
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A Thyroxine C Adrenaline
C Relax Contract Move in one plane
B Insulin D Growth hormone
D Relax Contract Rotate

41 Diagram 23 shows direction of light on coleoptile.

37 Diagram 20 shows a bird and an aeroplane. Both of them able to Light
fly through the air.

Direction of
After 7 days

Diagram 23
Diagram 20
What is the similarity found in both of them that enable them to What conclusion is derived from the experiment based on the
fly ? diagram shown?

A Have a dynamic wings A Light stimulates the elongation of coleoptile

B Have a stabilize wings B The hormone ethylene distributed downwards
C Have an aerofoil shape of wings C Elongation of cells are longer at the side further away
D Have a pair of symmetrical wings from light
D Growth of coleoptile is not influence by distribution
of hormone
38 Diagram 21 shows the diffusion of substance X through a
42 Which cell has diploid number of chromosome?

A Secondary oocyte
B Spermatogonium
X C Spermatid

D Polar body
Diagram 21

Which of the following is substance X?

A Adrenaline C Sodium ion

B Potassium ion D Acetycholine

39 Diagram 22 shows the structure of one type of neurons in nerve


Diagram 22

43 Diagram 24 shows the calendar of January 2019. A normal What is the hormone?
woman start her menstruation on the 5th of January 2019. A Oestrogen
B Progesterone
C Luitenising hormone
D Folicle stimulating hormone

47 Which of the following terms refer to physical characteristic of an

Diagram 24 A Genotype C Heterozygous
B Phenotype D Homozygous
When does the ovulation occur?
48 A male who is a colour blind marries a female who is carrier for
A 6 - 7 January 2019 C 24-26 January 2019
colour blindness. What is probability for their first child to be
B 17-20 January 2019 D 29-31 January 2019
colour blind?

A 25% C 50%
44 Diagram 25 shows the structure of an embryo sac of ovule.
B 75% D 100%

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49 Diagram 28 shows a normal gene sequence of a nucleotide base.
A permanent change in the nucleotide gene sequence can cause
gene mutation.

Diagram 28
Diagram 25

Which structure A, B, C or D will fuse with male gametes to
form triploid nucleus?
Diagram 28
Which of the following involved substitution of nucleotide base?
45 Diagram 26 shows a method of contraception.

Diagram 26
Which of following process will not occur?

A Menstruation C Fertilization C
B Ovulation D Implantation

46 Diagram 27 shows the level of one of hormone in menstrual A


Diagram 27
50 Diagram 29 shows a karyotype of an individual with
chromosomal mutation.

Diagram 29

What is the genetic disease of the individual?

A Hemophilia C Klinefelter syndrome
B Turner’s syndrome D Colour blindness
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Biology Paper 2 [4551/2]

Section A
[60 marks]
Answer all questions in this section

1. Diagram 1 shows the three organelles in the plant cell.


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Diagram 1

(a) Name the organelle P,Q and R.

P : _________________________________________
Q : _________________________________________
R : _________________________________________ [3 marks]

(b) (i) Name the structure in the organelle P which is involved in the light reaction of photosynthesis.
____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) Describe briefly the function of the structure named in b(i) in photosynthesis.
____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(iii)State the substances produce from the reaction in b(ii).

____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) Organelle R involve in synthesise extracellular enzyme. Explain the relationship between photosynthesis
process in organelle P with organelle Q and organelle R in production of the enzyme.
_______________________________________________________________________ [3 marks]

(d) Organelle R is found abundantly in the cells of root cap. Explain what happen to the cell if the organelle is not function.
_______________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]
2. Diagram 2 .1 shows two strips of mustard green stem after 20 minutes immersed in
different solution P and Q.

Diagram 2.1

(a) Based on Diagram 2.1

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(i) State the type of solution Q compare to cell sap of mustard green stem cell.

____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) Explain how the solution Q affects the condition of the cells in the strip that have been immerse.

____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(iii) If strip from the solution Q is transferred into solution P, explain what will happen to the cells in
the strip after 20 minutes.

____________________________________________________________________ [3 marks]

(b) Diagram 2.2 shows red blood cells in different concentration of solutions.

Red blood cells X in 3% sodium Red blood cells Y in 0.1% sodium

chloride solution after 30 minutes chloride solution after 30 minutes
Diagram 2.2

Explain the differences between the process experienced by red blood cell X and Y
after being immersed for half an hour.
[3 marks]

(c) Vinegar is natural preservative that can be used to preserve fruits and vegetable to last longer. Explain how the preservative
is effective in the preservation of mangoes.
[3 marks]

3. Diagram 3.1(a) shows respiratory organ in human and 3.1(b) shows respiratory organ in fish.

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Structure P Structure Q
Diagram 3.1 (a) Diagram 3.1 (b)
(a) (i) State structure P and Q.

Structure P : _____________________________________________________________
Structure Q : _____________________________________________________________
[2 marks]

(ii) Explain one similarities for both fish and human respiratory structure which is adapted to carry out
gasesous exchange process efficiently.
____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(b) Diagram 3.2 shows the transport of respiratory gases in the human body.


Blood capillary

Body cell
Diagram 3.2
Explain how the process of gaseous exchange occurs between structure P and the blood capillaries.
____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]
Cigarette full of harmful chemicals and poisons. Every year, hundreds of thousands people around
the world die from the disease related to smoking. In general, one in every two lifetimes smoker will
die from their habit.

Name the harmful substances found in cigarette.

Explain how does this chemical compound in cigarette affect the body health.
_______________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(d) Diagram 3.3 shows two activities which carried out by students. Their body cells undergoes different
respiration process based on their activity.
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Activity P Activity Q

Diagram 3.3

(i) Based on Diagram 3.3, complete Table 1 that shows the differences between activity P and activity Q.

Aspect Activity P Activity Q

Type of respiration

Quantity of ATP produced

Table 1

(ii) Explain why an athlete needs to warm up before starting activity P.

____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]
4. Diagram 4.1 shows the circulatory system and the lymphatic system in the human body.

Table 4.1

Table 4.2

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Diagram 4.1

(a) (i) What is fluid X?

___________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) State the different composition in fluid X and blood plasma?

____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(b) Explain how the product of lipid digestion is transported by lymphatic system and blood circulatory system.
____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(c) Diagram 4.2 shows the changes in the amount of antibodies of individual X and Y which have been
injected with vaccine and an anti serum respectively.

Diagram 4.2
(i) What type of immunity is obtained by X and Y respectively?
X: __________________________________________________________________
Y: __________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(ii) Why is a second injection required by individual X and Y?

Y:__________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(iii) State two differences between the type of immunity obtained by individual X and Y.
____________________________________________________________________ [3 marks]

(d) Why AIDS patient does not have antibodies to against the disease.
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_______________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

5 Diagram 5.1 and 5.2 shows the formation of cells P.

Diagram 5.2 shows the pollination of cells P on the stigma of a matured pistil.

Diagram 5.1

Diagram 5.2

(a) Describe how cells P are formed from the pollen mother cell.
_______________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(b) Compare the number of nuclei in cell P and in the embryo sac. What makes it different?
_______________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(c) (i) Cell P germinates in response to a sugary fluid secreted by the matured stigma forming a pollen tube. The pollen
tube carries two gametes towards the ovary. Inside the ovary, an embryo sac developed producing haploid
nuclei. Three of the female nuclei are involved in double fertilization. Suggest what will happen to both
nuclei R and nucleus S if the pollen tube fails to develop.
_______________________________________________________________________ [3 marks]

(ii) Double fertilisation in plants ensures the survival of plant species. What is your opinion about this statement?
__________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(d) The ovary is able to develop into a fruit without undergoing fertilisation. It is the phenomenon of fruiting without
the union of male and female gametes and artificially induced by applying hormone X on the stigma.

(i) Name the phenomenon in producing seedless fruit and give one example of
hormone x.
Phenomenon :_____________________________________________________________
Hormone X :_____________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(ii) Suggest one benefit of producing seedless fruit.

______________________________________________________________________ [1 marks]

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Section B
[40 marks]
Answer any two questions from this section.

6. (a) Photosynthesis occurs in two stages which are light reaction and dark reaction.
Describe the differences between light reaction and dark reaction.
[4 marks]

(b) In countries with four season, plants are grown in a green house.

Based on the statement, explain why this method is carried out to ensure the production of crops take
place throughout the year.
[6 marks]

(c) Graph in Diagram 6 shows the changes in the rate of photosynthesis throughout the day in a tropical country.
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Diagram 6

Based on the graph, explain the changes in the rate of photosynthesis in the plant throughout the day. [10 marks]

7. (a) Diagram 7.1 shows a structure of nephron.

Diagram 7.1

Describe how ultrafiltration occur in nephron. [4 marks]


(b) Diagram 7.2 shows a simplified version of a kidney dialysis machine.

Diagram 7.2

Describe how the machine is used to remove waste product such as urea from a person with kidney failure. [6 marks]

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(c) Table 1 shows the composition of human blood and urine.

Chemical substances Percentage in blood, % Percentage in urine, %

Water 97 95
Plasma protein 8 0
Glucose 0.10 0
Urea 0.03 2.0
Table 1

Explain the differences between the percentage of chemical substances in blood and urine. [10 marks]

8. (a) Diagram 8.1 shows pea seeds from different parent trees. Both parents used in the hybrid are pure breed where
round and yellow seeds are dominant traits. Based on dihybrid inheritance concept:
Parent 1 Parent 2

Round and yellow Wrinkled and green

seeds seeds

Diagram 8.1

(i) Explain the formation of the offspring in F2 generation from both parent form F1 generation which
produced from parents in Diagram 8.1 with the help of schematic diagram. [8 marks]

(ii) What is the deduction that can be made based on the hybrid shown in (a)(i)? [2 marks]
(b) Thalasemia is a genetic disease which cause by an abnormal gene. It is caused by a recessive allele
which cause abnormal haemoglobin to be produced.

Diagram 8.2 shows hereditary of thalassemia disease.

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Diagram 8.2

(i) What is the different between thalassemia major and thalassemia minor? How can a person with thalassemia
minor can be detected? [4 marks]

(ii) After 25 years later, his normal son, Q wants to get married but he had two choices.
First choice is R that was identified having thalassemia minor. While his second choice is S with
normal blood. As a genetic counselor, you need to give advice to Q in making his best decision. [6 marks]

9 (a) Diagram 9.1 shows mangrove plants with several adaptations to live in intertidal area

Diagram 9.1

(i) Based on Diagram 9.1, state the problems faced by the mangrove plant and explain the adaptive
characteristics to overcome the problems. [6 marks]

(ii) Explain why the mangrove ecosystem need to be preserved. [4 marks]

(b) The nitrogen cycle is a process by which nitrogen is converted from atmosphere into a form that plants
and animals can use. This transformation can be carried out through biological and chemical processes.
Diagram 9.2 shows a nitrogen cycle.

Diagram 9.2

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(i) Based on Diagram 9.2 , explain how the microorganisms maintain the content of compound X in the soil. [6 marks]

Global warming causes the population of nitrogen fixing bacteria to decrease
and give an effect to the plant growth.

Based on the above statement , predict what will happen to the plant growth. [4 marks]



[3756/2] Prinsip Perakaunan

• Mengingati semua format dan cara menjawab paling penting adalah Akaun Perdagangan dan Untung Rugi ( perlu kuasai bentuk
”T” dan bentuk penyata) Penyata Kedudukan Kewangan.
• Faham dan menguasi topik pelarasan dengan baik
• Sentiasa mengulangkaji dan membuat latih tubi
• Mempunyai pengetahuan dan kefahaman bagi semua topik (penting untuk kertas 1)
• Jangan panik, baca soalan dengan betul dan gariskan perkara-perkara penting supaya anda mudah memahami kehendak soalan.


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• Soalan 1 – 10 markah
- Soalan pendek/struktur/isi tempat kosong/buat jurnal @ lejar
- Tumpuan soalan lebih kepada pengetahuan dan kefahaman
- Semua topik ting 4 dan ting 5
- Masa diperuntukkan : 7 – 10 minit sahaja.

• Soalan 2 – 25 markah
- Menyediakan Penyata Kewangan sama ada Milikan Tunggal @ Perkongsian @ Kelab dan Persatuan @ Rekod Tak
- Mesti ingat format Akaun Perdagangan dan Untung Rugi/ Penyata Kedudukan Kewangan / Akaun Pengasingan
Untung Rugi / Akaun Semasa / Akaun Realisasi
- Faham pelarasan terakru, terdahulu, peruntukan susut nilai, peruntukan hutang ragu, hutang lapuk dan ambilan
- Masa diperuntukan 35 – 40 minit.

• Soalan 3 - 25 markah
- Soalan yang mungkin daripada tajuk Pembubaran Perkongsian / Realisasi, Kelab dan Persatuan / Syarikat Berhad /
Akaun Pengeluaran / Penyata Penyesuaian Bank
- Mesti faham dan ingat cara menyediakan setiap akaun-akaun tersebut
- Masa diperuntukan 35 – 40 minit


• Soalan 4, 5 dan 6 (Semua topik tingkatan 4 dan 5) – 20 markah setiap satu

- Topik-topik daripada Ting 4 dan Ting 5 seperti Dokumen Sumber, Lejar, Buku Tunai Runcit, Persamaan Perakaunan,
Analisis Nisbah dan Tafsiran Kewangan, Analisis Kos Volum Untung dan Syarikat Berhad.
- Masa diperuntukan 25- 30 minit sahaja

Prinsip Perakaunan Kertas 1 [3756/1]

Jawab semua soalan.

1. 5. Syarikat Bestari membekalkan alat tulis kepada Kedai Alat Tulis

Apakah dokumen yang perlu dihantar sebagai pengesahan
bahawa kedai tersebut telah membeli secara secara tunai?

A. Resit
B. Memo
C. Nota serahan
D. Penyata akaun
Apakah prinsip perakaunan yang Encik Danny telah patuhi?
6. Encik Amin ialah pemilik SS Enterprise. Invois yang diterima
A. Wang sebagai ukuran oleh SS Enterprise telah terkurang caj.
B. Prinsip kos Apakah dokumen yang digunakan untuk membetulkan
C. Ketekalan kesilapan tersebut?

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D. Pengiktirafan hasil dan belanja
A. Nota Debit
2. Maklumat berikut berkaitan dengan Kod Etika Akauntan B. Nota Kredit
Profesional. C. Makluman Kredit
D. Makluman Debit

7. Urus niaga manakah yang direkodkan dalam Jurnal Am?

I. Hapuskan akaun belum terima sebagai hutang
II. Mengambil tunai perniagaan untuk kegunaan keluarga.
III. Membayar Akaun Belum Bayar dengan cek.
IV. Mengambil barang niaga untuk tujuan promosi.

Manakah antara berikut yang berkaitan dengan kod etika A. I dan II C. II dan III
tersebut? B. I dan IV D. III dan IV

A. Kompetensi 8. Item manakah yang akan menambahkan kos belian?

B. Objektiviti I. Diskaun diterima
C. Kerahsiaan II. Upah atas belian
D. Integriti III. Pulangan belian
IV. Duti import
3. Apakah komponen yang terdapat dalam akaun perdagangan?
I. Belanja A. I dan II C. II dan IV
II. Jualan Bersih B. I dan III D. III dan IV
III. Kos Jualan
IV. Hasil 9. Pilih pasangan yang betul.
Akaun Nyata Akaun Nominal
A. I dan II C. II dan III
B. I dan IV
D. III dan IV A. Perabot Akaun Belum Terima
B. Gaji Akaun Belum Bayar
4. Maklumat berikut menunjukkan kesan terhadap persamaan C. Kenderaan Komisen
D. Jualan Belian
Aset Liabiliti Ekuiti Pemilik 10. Perniagaan Mawar membeli rak pameran secara tunai daripada
Berkurang Berkurang Bertambah Kedai Perabot Bee untuk kegunaan perniagaan.
Catatan manakah yang betul?
Urus niaga manakah yang menepati kesan seperti yang Akaun Nyata Akaun Nominal
A. Akaun Belian Akaun Tunai
A. Menjelaskan sepenuhnya hutang sebanyak RM2 500 B. Akaun Perabot Akaun Tunai
kepada pembekal dengan cek RM2 200.
C. Akaun Belian Kedai Perabot Bee
B. Pemilik mengambil barang niaga bernilai RM450 untuk
tujuan promosi. D. Akaun Perabot Kedai Perabot Bee
C. Membeli komputer secara kredit RM3 000.
D. Menerima cek daripada Akaun Belum Terima sebanyak
RM3 500 untuk menjelaskan sepenuhnya hutang sebanyak
RM3 800.
11. Urus niaga manakah yang direkodkan dalam Buku Tunai 16. Maklumat berikut diperoleh daripada Safwa Trading.

A. Bayar gaji pekerja

B. Bayar tambang teksi
C. Beli perabot pejabat
D. Beli kenderaan terpakai
Berapakah modal kerja?
12. Data berikut diperoleh daripada buku perniagaan Hani Trading.
A. RM37 520 C. RM48 240
B. RM29 680 D. RM24 240

17. Maklumat berikut berkaitan dengan bayaran gaji dalam buku

pernigaan Syima Enterprise.

Berapakah modal pada 31 Mac 2018?

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A. RM 19 100 Berapakah bayaran gaji bagi tahun tersebut?

B. RM 20 060
C. RM 21 340 A. RM700 C. RM860
D. RM 22 300 B. RM1 800 D. RM1 020

13. Pada 2 April 2018, Puan Janna membeli barang niaga bernilai 18. Pada 1 Mei 2018, Perniagaan Warisan telah membayar
RM1 100 secara kredit dengan syarat 10% 7 hari dan 5% 14 hari. insurans tahunan berjumlah RM6 000. Sekiranya tempoh
Berapakah jumlah hutang yang perlu dibayar pada 7 April 2018? perakaunannya adalah daripada 1 Mac 2018 hingga 28 Februari
2019, hitung jumlah insurans prabayar pada 28 Februari 2019.
A. RM900
B. RM990 A. RM4 000 C. RM1 000
C. RM1 045 B. RM2 000 D. RM5 000
D. RM1 000
19. Maklumat berikut diambil daripada Aida Enterprise pada 31
14. Maklumat berikut berkaitan butiran jualan kredit bagi Mac 2019.
Perniagaan Irfan pada bulan Ogos 2018.
Baki b/b Akaun Belum Terima 15 480
Jualan kredit 35 550
Pulangan Jualan 390
Baki h/b Akaun Belum Terima 17 460 Pada 31 Mc 2019, peruntukan hutang ragu diwujudkan pada
kadar 5% atas akaun belum terima.
Hitung jumlah penerimaan daripada Akaun Belum Terima. Apakah kesan urus niaga di atas?
A. RM32 550 A Untung bersih berkurang RM1 530
B. RM32 940 B Hutang lapuk bertambah RM1480
C. RM33 180 C Pertambahan peruntukan hutang ragu RM360
D. RM35 160 D Nilai akaun belum terima berkurang RM1 200
15. Petikan Imbangan Duga berikut diambil daripada Perniagaan 20.

Apakah jenis kesilapan yang telah berlaku?

Berdasarkan Imbangan Duga tersebut, P dan Q mungkin A Kesilapan komisen
P Q B Kesilapan terbalik
C Kesilapan amaun
A. Kadar bayaran Pemiutang D Kesilapan prinsip
B. Faedah pinjaman Modal
C. Komisen diterima Gaji
D. Gaji Dividen
21. Maklumat berikut diperoleh daripada buku Perniagan Azreen 26. Apakah faktor yang menyebabkan berlakunya kurangan dalam
pada 31 Disember 2018. Akaun Modal Pekongsi?

A. Sumbangan modal pekongsi terlalu tinggi.

B. Ambilan yang dibuat oleh pekongsi terlalu banyak.
C. Untung realisasi yang diperoleh terlalu tinggi.
D. Nilai aset yang diambil alih oleh pekongsi rendah.
Perabot tersebut dijual dengan harga RM4 420 pada 31
Disember 2019. 27. Antara yang berikut, butiran manakah tidak terdapat dalam
Berapakah untung atau rugi pelupusan perabot tersebut? Akaun Semasa Pekongsi?
I. Pinjaman
A. Rugi pelupusan RM260 II. Gaji Pekongsi
B. Rugi pelupusan RM780 III. Faedah atas modal
C. Untung pelupusan RM260 IV. Faedah atas Pinjaman Bank
D. Untung pelupusan RM780
A. I dan II
22. Situasi yang manakah merujuk kepada rekod tak lengkap? B. I dan IV
C. II dan III
A. Peniaga tidak merancang dengan baik. D. III dan IV
B. Rekod perakaunan yang hilang atau musnah.

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C. Jumlah imbangan duga tidak dihitung dengan tepat. 28. Pada 2 Jun 2019, Syarikat ABY Bhd. telah menerbitkan
D. Tiada kawalan tunai dalam perniagaan. 1,500,000 unit Syer Biasa pada harga RM1.00 kepada orang
awam. Semua syer yang diterbitkan telah dilanggan dan dibayar
23. Maklumat berikut diperoleh daripada buku perniagaan Effa penuh.
Enterprise. Berapakah jumlah Modal Diterbitkan dan Berbayar Penuh
Syarikat ABY Bhd.?

A. RM2 000 000

B. RM50 000
C. RM2 500 000
D. RM1 500 000
Berapakah peratus Untung Kasar atas Jualan?
29. Apakah pendapatan modal bagi sebuah kelab dan persatuan?
A. 48.53% C. 50.77%
B. 52.94% D. 54.93% A. Yuran ahli
B. Jualan kantin
24. Apakah maksud Kadar Pusing Ganti Inventori yang tinggi? C. Yuran pertandingan
I. Risiko kerosakan tinggi D. Derma bina parkir kereta
II. Kos penyimpanan yang tinggi
III. Pengurusan inventori yang cekap 30. Maklumat berikut berkaitan dengan aset dan liabiliti Kelab
IV. Inventori cepat ditukar kepada tunai Renang Alam Ria pada 1 Januari 2018.

A. I dan II
B. I dan III
C. II dan IV
D. III dan IV

25. Puan Lisa tidak menyimpan rekod perniagaannya secara lengkap.

Apakah maklumat yang diperoleh daripada analisis ke atas butir-
butir penerimaan tunai dan pembayaran tunai?
I. Kutipan daripada akaun belum terima Hitungkan dana terkumpul pada 1 Januari 2018.
II. Sewa dibayar
III. Hutang lapuk A. RM40 080
IV. Susut nilai asset bukan semasa B. RM40 730
C. RM40 360
A . I dan II D. RM41 380
B. I dan III
C. II dan IV
D. III dan IV
31. Encik Harun mempunyai 20 000 unit 8% syer keutamaan 37. Butir manakah yang bukan kos overhed kilang?
Syarikat Era Berhad yang berharga RM2 sesyer
Apakah jenis keuntungan yang diperoleh daripada pemilikan A Bahan bakar kilang
syer tersebut? B Gaji operator kilang
C Belanja alat-alat kecil
A. Bonus D Penyelenggaraan mesin
B. Untung bersih
C. Faedah 38 Syarikat pengeluaran baju sekolah diarahkan oleh mahkamah
D. Dividen untuk memberhentikan operasinya selama tiga bulan kerana
melanggar Akta Alam Sekitar.
Apakah jenis kos yang perlu ditanggung oleh syarikat itu ?
32. Apakah butiran yang dikreditkan dalam penyata bank tetapi
belum didebitkan dalam Buku Tunai? A. Kos pengeluaran
B. Kos berubah
A. Dividen pelaburan C. Kos prima
B. Deposit belum dikemukakan D. Kos tetap
C. Buku cek
D. Cek belum dikreditkan 39 Maklumat berikut didapati daripada Kilang Kasut Canggih:

33. Antara yang berikut, manakah merupakan belanja langsung?

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A. Paten
B. Alat-alat kecil
C. Kerja dalam proses
D. Buruh langsung

34. Maklumat yang berikut berkaitan dengan produk kasut yang

dikeluarkan oleh Kilang Cayla. Berapakah titik pulang modal bagi pengeluaran kasut tersebut?

A. 6 160 unit
B. 4 640 unit
C. 3 160 unit
D. 2 560 unit
Hitung kos tetap bagi pengeluaran tersebut.
40. Butir manakah adalah dikelaskan sebagai kos overhed kilang?
A. RM50 000
B. RM100 000 A. Bahan langsung
C. RM200 000 B. Gaji operator kilang
D. RM350 000 C. Belanja alat-alat kecil
D. Royalti
35. Item manakah yang diambil kira dalam menghitung Kos Prima?
I. Belanja alat kecil
II. Susut nilai mesin
III. Gaji operator kilang
IV. Angkutan masuk bahan langsung KERTAS SOALAN TAMAT
A. I dan II
B. I dan IV
C. II dan III
D. III dan IV

36. Maklumat berikut diperoleh daripada Perusahaan Kekaboo.

Hitungkan Kos Pengeluaran.

A. RM5 600
B. RM15 400
C. RM4 500
D. RM17 400

Prinsip Perakaunan Kertas 2 [3756/2]


[60 Markah]
Jawab semua soalan

1. (a) Maklumat berikut diambil daripada buku perniagaan Anita Enterprise.

(i) Nyatakan jenis kesilapan tidak ketara yang berlaku. [1 markah]

(ii) Sediakan catatan jurnal bagi membetulkan kesilapan di atas. [1 markah]

(b) Nyatakan dokumen sumber yang sesuai berdasarkan fungsi yang diberi.

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Urus niaga Dokumen Sumber
Beli set sofa daripada Kedai Perabot Adiff untuk kegunaan pejabat
secara kredit.
Pihak bank telah memaklumkan bahawa sejumlah wang telah
dikreditkan ke dalam akaun bank perniagaan.
[2 markah]

(c) Pada 1 Januari 2018, Diena Enterprise telah membeli 8 000 unit 7% saham keutamaan dengan nilai tara RM2.00
sesaham daripada
Syarikat Zess Berhad. Lembaga Pengarah telah memutuskan perkara-perkara berikut:

Membayar dividen interim 3% pada 1 Julai 2018
Mengisytiharkan dividen akhir pada 31 Disember 2018.

Berapakah dividen akhir yang diterima oleh Diena Enterprise? [2 markah]

(d) Maklumat berikut diperoleh daripada Perniagaan Naufal yang tidak menyimpan rekod dengan lengkap.

Jika Perniagaan Naufal mengambil barang niaga untuk kegunaan keluarga berjumlah RM400 sebulan, hitung
untung bersih atau rugi bersih Perniagaan Naufal pada tahun kewangan 2018 [2 markah]

(e) Rocky dan Rina adalah pekongsi dalam Perkongsian RONA. Pada 31 Disember 2018, mereka bersetuju untuk
membubarkan perkongsian tersebut.
Berikan dua sebab yang mungkin terjadi sehingga menyebabkan mereka memutuskan untuk berbuat demikian. [2 markah]
2. Kelab Rekreasi Taman Meru telah ditubuhkan lima tahun yang lalu mula menjalankan perniagaan kiosk minuman di Klang Sentral untuk
menambahkan dana kelab.
Berikut adalah maklumat penerimaan dan pembayaran bagi Kelab Rekreasi Taman Meru bagi tahun berakhir 30 Jun 2019.
Penerimaan RM Pembayaran RM
Yuran Ahli 20 300 Hadiah pertandingan 4 500
Yuran Pertandingan 8 850 Belanja membaiki premis 2 000
Derma 17 00 Upah Pembersihan 1 500
Akaun Belum Terima Kiosk Minuman 8 500 Insurans 1 000
Jualan Kiosk Minuman 12 200 Honorarium 800
Alatan Sukan 3 000
Belian Kiosk Minuman 6 520
Lesen Kiosk Minuman 200
Upah Pembantu Kiosk Minuman 1 200
Kadar bayaran 1 000
Majalah dan suratkhabar 550

Maklumat tambahan:
i. Baki-baki aset dan liabiliti adalah seperti berikut:
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1 Julai 2018 1 Jun 2019

Yuran belum terima 500 750
Yuran belum terperoleh 350 150
Bank 5 850 ?
Inventori Kiosk Minuman 2 110 3 600
Akaun Belum Terima Kiosk Minuman 1 500 2 450
Kadar bayaran belum bayar 187 205
Insurans prabayar 200 250
Alatan sukan 9 400 10 600
Premis kelab 100 500 100 500
ii. Yuran belum terima sebanyak RM250 tidak dapat dikutip dan dihapuskan sebagai hutang lapuk.
iii. Dianggarkan 10% daripada kadar bayaran adalah untuk kiosk minuman.
iv. Derma yang diterima adalah untuk tujuan penambahbaikan surau di premis kelab.

Anda dikehendaki menyediakan

(a) Akaun Yuran [6 markah]
(b) Akaun Kawalan Belum Terima Kiosk Minuman [4 markah]
(c) Akaun Perdagangan Kiosk Minuman bagi tahun berakhir 30 Jun 2019 [4 markah]
(d) Akaun Pendapatan dan Perbelanjaan bagi tahun berakhir 30 Jun 2019 [8 markah]
(e) Penyata Kedudukan Kewangan pada 30 Jun 2019. Tunjukkan bahagian ekuiti pemilik sahaja. [3 markah]
3. Puan Salina adalah pemilik Pasaraya G-Mart yang beroperasi di Alam Impian, Shah Alam. Berikut ialah aset dan liabiliti Pasaraya G-Mart.

1 Januari 2019 1 Disember 2019

Alatan Pejabat 10 400 14 000
Tunai 9 320 ?
Bank 46 500 ?
Akaun belum terima 9 280 10 320
Inventori : Harga jualan 5 000 10 500
Harga kos 5 600 9 500
Komisen belum terima - 420
Akaun belum bayar 8 220 10 600
Gaji belum bayar 750 -
Sewa prabayar - 2 600

Maklumat yang berikut diperoleh pada akhir tahun kewangan 31 Disember 2019.
i. Urus niaga penerimaan adalah seperti berikut:

Tunai RM Bank RM

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Kutipan Akaun belum terima 11 320 Kutipan Akaun belum terima 164 000
Jualan 10 200 Jualan 33 000
Pinjaman 20 000
Komisen 1 000

ii. Urus niaga pembayaran adalah seperti berikut:

Tunai RM Bank RM
Alat tulis 210 Bayaran Akaun belum bayar 75 200
Belanja am 360 Angkutan keluar 1 200
Promosi 550 Gaji 52 000
Belian 7 500 Sewa 12 000
Alatan pejabat 4 400
Insurans 2 000
Ambilan 800
Kadar bayaran 2 200

iii. Pada 1 Julai 2019, Puan Salina membawa masuk Kenderaan peribadi bernilai RM6 800 ke dalam perniagaan. Perkara ini terlupa
direkodkan dalam mana-mana buku.
iv. Insurans yang dibayar adalah untuk setahun mulai 1 April 2019.
v. Faedah atas pinjaman adalah 5% setahun.

Anda dikehendaki menyediakan:

(a) Akaun Tunai [3 markah]
(b) Akaun Bank [4 markah]
(c) Akaun Perdagangan dan Untung Rugi bagi tahun berakhir 31 Disember 2019 [11 markah]
(d) Penyata Kedudukan Kewangan pada berakhir 31 Disember 2019 [8 markah]

[40 markah]
Jawab mana-mana dua soalan daripada bahagian ini.

4. Puan Amalina telah menjalankan perniagaan Kedai Elektrik Lina. Berikut adalah Penyata Kedudukan Kewangan
perniagaannya pada 31 Julai 2018.

Penyata Kedudukan Kewangan pada

Perabot 10 500 Modal 20 500

Akaun belum terima 6 090 Untung bersih 4 900
Inventori 10 700 Gaji belum bayar 1 100
Bank 2 640 Akaun belum bayar 4 980
Tunai 1 550
31 480 31 480

Urus niaga yang berikut berlaku sepanjang bulan Julai 2018.

i. Beli alat elektrik RM100 secara tunai.
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ii. Ambilan inventori untuk tujuan promosi bernilai RM320.

iii. Menjual satu perempat daripada inventori secara kredit dengan harga RM4 400.
iv. Bayar gaji pekerja termasuk gaji belum bayar dengan cek berjumlah RM2 800.
v. Terima RM4 500 daripada pelanggan, RM2 000 daripada wang itu dibayar terus kepada pembekal dan bakinya dibankkan.
vi. Pemilik mengambil sofa pejabat bernilai RM500 untuk kegunaan keluarganya.

Anda dikehendaki:
(a) Merekodkan urus niaga bulan Julai seperti dalam jadual di bawah ini. [16 markah]

Aset = Liabiliti + Ekuiti Pemilik

Urus Akaun Akaun Gaji
niaga Perabot Belum Inventori Tunai Bank Belum Belum Modal Untung
Terima Bayar Bayar Bersih


(b) Menyediakan catatan pembukaan Kedai Buku dan Alat tulis Aman pada 1 Ogos 2018.
[4 markah]


5. Encik Amin dan Encik Zamri adalah pekongsi dalam Perkongsian AZAM. Mereka telah bersetuju membahagikan untung atau rugi
berdasarkan nisbah modal.
Berikut adalah kedudukan kewangan Perkongsian AZAM pada 30 November 2018.

Aset RM Liabiliti RM
Kenderaan 25 000 Akaun Belum Bayar 5 500
Lengkapan 7 300 Pinjaman 8 000
Perabot 7 500 Overdraf Bank 1 500
Alatan pejabat 8 300 Modal : Amin 60 000
Inventori 50 500 Zamri 20 000
Akaun Belum Terima 9 600 Akaun Semasa: Amin 5 000
Zamri 3 000

Pada 1 Disember 2018, Encik Amin dan Encik Zamri membubarkan perniagaan mereka kerana Encik Zamri ingin melanjutkan pelajaran
ke luar Negara. Antara perkara yang telah dipersetujui semasa pembubaran ialah :

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i. Aset berikut dijual dengan harga:
Lengkapan 7 300
Perabot 7 800
Alatan pejabat 4 900
Inventori 45 500

ii. Encik Zamri mengambil alih alatan pejabat pada harga RM6 700.
iii. Kutipan daripada Akaun belum terima RM7 500.
iv. Baki Akaun belum bayar dijelaskan sepenuhnya dengan cek RM5 100.
v. Pinjaman dijelaskan sepenuhnya.
vi. Belanja realisasi RM500.
vii. Baki Akaun Semasa pekongsi dipindahkan ke Akaun Modal pekongsi.
viii. Pekongsi akan membawa masuk tunai bagi menampung segala kekurangan dalam Akaun Modalnya.

Anda dikehendaki menyediakan:

(a) Akaun Realisasi [8 markah]
(b) Akaun Modal Pekongsi (beruangan) [4 markah]
(c) Akaun Bank [4 markah]
(d) Catatan Jurnal Am untuk merekodkan pemindahan baki Akaun Semasa pekongsi ke Akaun Modal pekongsi. (Keterangan tidak
diperlukan) [4 markah]
6. (a) Selepas meneliti rekod kewangan Perniagaan Seri Cahaya, kerani akaun telah mengesan beberapa kesilapan selepas penyediaan
Imbangan Duga.

i. Angkutan masuk RM530 tersilap catat sebagai angkutan keluar.

ii. Jualan barang RM560 kepada seorang pelanggan telah direkodkan sebagai RM650 di dalam Jurnal Jualan dan diposkan ke
iii. Akaun Sewa telah didebitkan RM550 untuk pembayaran sewa rumah kediaman pemilik.
iv. Ambilan inventori untuk kegunaan peribadi bernilai RM1 000 terlupa direkodkan dalam mana-mana buku.
v. Belian alatan pejabat berharga RM2 00 tersilap catat di dalam Akaun Belian.
vi. Jualan termasuk jualan lengkapan lama bernilai RM860.

Anda dikehendaki membetulkan kesilapan-kesilapan di atas melalui Jurnal Am.

[12 markah]

(b) Syarikat Probest merupakan pengeluar barang permainan kanak-kanak. Berikut adalah kos-kos yang telah dijangkakan bagi
pengeluaran 150 000 unit barang permainan tersebut.
Sewa kilang 40 000
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Susut nilai mesin 5 500

Kadar bayaran 10 000
Kos overhed lain 15 000
Jumlah Kos Berubah 300 000

Kos tetap diandaikan malar. Harga jualan yang dicadangkan ialah RM8 seunit.

i. Kos tetap [1 markah]
ii. Kos berubah seunit [1 markah]
iii. Titik pulang modal pengeluaran tersebut [2 markah]
iv. Jumlah unit keluaran yang perlu dikeluarkan untuk mencapai keuntungan RM150 000. [2 markah]
v. Titik pulang modal jika kos berubah seunit bertambah sebanyak RM2.00 tetapi harga jualan tidak berubah. [2 markah]


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