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Soal UTS 2 Nov.

Bhs Inggeris Geografi

Nama : Hera Irama

NIM : 3192431007

Kelas D Geo 19

M.K : Bahasa Inggris Geografi

Jawaban :

1. Dalam bahasa Indonesia

Mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis tes TOEFL dan karakteristiknya dan Pengenalan

TOEFL ITP, dalam materi ini saya mengetahui bahwa TOEFL yg ada diIndonesia yg
sering di test kan adalah TOEFL ITP Kemudian ada tata cara pengerjaan TOEFL,
dari materi ini saya belajar bagaimana langkah-langkah untuk mengerjakan soal
TOEFl mulai dari cara mengerjakan bagian reading section, listening
section,speaking section sampai writing section.

Ada beberapa trick yang saya tangkap untuk mengerjakan soal TOEFL yaitu:

1. Mengikuti latihan tes secara online gratis yang disediakan beberapa situs internet
yang menyediakan tes Bahasa inggris secara gratis atau TOEFL gratis.

2. Saat mengerjakan soal tentukan bagian mana yang paling sulit dikerjakan.

3. Saat bagian reading berkonsentrasilah sepenuhnya.

4. Kenali topik TOEFL umum sebelumnya karena setiap tes TOEFL akan berbeda

5. Menonton video-video yang berhubungan dengan TOEFL dan tips TOEFL secara

6. Rutin mengerjakan soal-soal berbahasa inggris.

Lalu ada belajar listening bahasa inggris melalui watching movie, alias
menonton film, pada materi ini saya mengetahui bahwa menonton film berbahasa
inggris akan memudahkan kita belajar listening sebab kegiatan ini dapat meningatkan
kempuan kita mendengar kata bahasa inggris dan mengetahui pengucapannya.

Selanjutnya ada belajar listening bahasa inggris melalui listening music, alias
mendengarkan lagu yg tentunya berbahasa inggris. Dengan metode yg satu ini pun
saya kira lebih menyenangkan dari pada metode watching movie, sebab semua orang
pasti suka mendengar musik, dan kemudian pastinya akan mencari lirik lagu tersebut,
mencari tau artinya juga kemudian menghapalnya sambil nyanyi, hal ini tentu
membantu untuk meningkatkan skill selain listening juga skill speaking nya serta
vocab bertambah.

Adapun pengalaman yg saya dapatkan selama belajar bahasa inggris secara

daring ini saya rasa kurang berkesan, sebab saya lebih suka belajar bahasa inggris
secara langsung tatap muka dari pada daring, karna pasti akan lebih menyenangkan
dan memahami serta serius belajarnya.

Pun selama daring ini, ada beberapa bagian materi di RPS yang kegiatannya
seharusnya di barengi dengan menonton film berbahasa inggris bersama-sama tetapi
malah ditiadakan karena terkendala belajar dalam jaringan begini, jadi saya cukup
kecewa sebenarnya apabila belajar bahasa inggris melalui daring begini.

In English

Describe kind of TOEFL and the characteristic of TOEFL and also to know
ITP TOEFL, in this materials i know that in Indonesia the TOEFL test is called ITP

Then how to do the TOEFL test, in this materials i know how to do the TOEFL test
start from do the reading section, listening section, speaking section until do the
writing section.

In taking the TOEFL test there are a few tricka\s that you must do

1. free online practice test provided by internet sites that provide free English TOEFL

2. when working on a problem determinited which part is the most difficult.

3. whenthe reading section requires must high consentration.

4. get to know general TOEFL topics beforehand because each TOEFL topic test will
be different topics.

5. watch TOEFL related videos an TOEFL tips online.

6. Do exercise often.

After that there's learn to listening english from watching a movie, on this
section i learn that watching movie is helping us to learning english because this
activity can aproved our listening skill and also our spech skill.

Next, there's learn to listening english from listening music, of course english
music. In this method i though its more fun then learning from watching movie,
because everyon must be like to listen music, then they'll searching for the lyric and
also the meaning of that music after that sang it. This activity must be helped us to
aproved our skill, not only listening skill and speaking skill but also our vocabulary
increase too.

I though my experience by learning english online like this didnt make me

pleasent, because i'd love to learn english offline and face to face better than the
online lesson. Because it must be more fun, make me understand and more serious.

During the online class, there's some materials that the activity make us should
watching an english movie together, because the situation is online class so this
activity is skiped. I felt disapointed about that and the online class too.

2. 30 daftar kata geografichal terms

1. Geysers = a hot spring in which water intermittently boils, sending a tall column of
water and steam into the = Air mancur panas

2. Surface = the outside part or uppermost layer of something (often used when
describing its texture, form, or extent) = Permukaan

3. Ocean Navigation = a very large expanse of sea, in particular each of the main
areas into which the sea is divided geographically and the process or activity of
accurately ascertaining one's position and planning and following a route. = Navigasi

4. Vaporize =convert or be converted into vapor =Penguapan.

5. Ice-free = free from or not covered by ice= Bebas Es

6. Seaport = a town or city with a harbor for seagoing ships = Pelabuhan laut.

7. Absorbed =(of energy or a liquid or other substance) taken in or soaked up. =


8. Canyons =a deep gorge, typically one with a river flowing through it.= Ngarai.

9. Opaque = not able to be seen through; not transparent= Buram

10. Crags = a steep or rugged cliff or rock face.= Tebing

11. Spongy ground =like a sponge, especially in being porous, compressible, elastic,
or absorbent the solid surface of the earth.= Tanah seperti spons.

12. Terrain = a stretch of land, especially with regard to its physical features.=
13. Curvature = the fact of being curved or the degree to which something is curved

14. Forage = (of a person or animal) search widely for food or provisions= Makanan

15. Treacherous terrain =guilty of or involving betrayal or deception a stretch of land,

especially with regard to its physical features. = Medan Berbahaya.

16. Insulate = protect (something) by interposing material that prevents the loss of
heat or the intrusion of sound.= Menyekat.

17. Undercoat = a layer of paint applied after the primer and before the topcoat=
Lapisan bawah.

18. Saturates = cause (something) to become thoroughly soaked with liquid so that no
more can be absorbed.= Jenuh.

19. Skleton = an internal or external framework of bone, cartilage, or other rigid

material supporting or containing the body of an animal or plant. = Kerangka.

20. Horizon = the line at which the earth's surface and the sky appear to meet =

21. Decay = (of organic matter) rot or decompose through the action of bacteria and
fungi. = Kerusakan.

22. Clay = a stiff, sticky fine-grained earth, typically yellow, red, or bluish-gray in
color and often forming an impermeable layer in the soil. It can be molded when wet,
and is dried and baked to make bricks, pottery, and ceramics. = Tanah liat.

23. Fraction = a small or tiny part, amount, or proportion of something. = Pecahan.

24. Smectite = a type of clay mineral (e.g., montmorillonite) that undergoes reversible
expansion on absorbing water. = Smektit.

25. Vermiculite = a yellow or brown mineral found as an alteration product of mica

and other minerals, used for insulation or as a moisture-retentive medium for growing
plants = Vermikulit.

26. Diversity = the state of being diverse; variety = Perbedaan.

27. Densities = the degree of compactness of a substance = Kepadatan.

28. Amorphous = without a clearly defined shape or form = Tak berbentuk.

29. Silt = fine sand, clay, or other material carried by running water and deposited as
a sediment, especially in a channel or harbor. = Lanau.

30. Subtraction =the process or skill of taking one number or amount away from
another. = Pengurangan.

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