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Lesson Plan Reading

Nama Sekolah

Mata Pelajaran

: Bahasa Inggris


: IX/1

Jenis Teks

: Fungsional Pendek : Procedure dan Report



: Membaca

Alokasi Waku

: 2x40 menit

A. Standar Kompetensi
Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk procedure dan
report untuk berinteraksi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
B. Kompetensi Dasar
Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana
secara akurat lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan
C. Indikator
5.2.1 mengidentifikasi makna yang terdapat dalam teks funsional pendek.
5.2.2 Mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional pendek.
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Siswa dapat memahami makna yang terdapat dalam suatu teks procedure dan report.
2. Siswa dapat menemukan kata kunci dalam setiap jenis teks: procedure dan report

E. Materi Pembelajaran
a. Teks fungsional pendek procedure text
Teks prosedur merupakan jenis teks untuk menunjukkan cara melakukan sesuatu
melalui langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan. Teks prosedur dapat berupa langkahlangkah membuat sesuatu ataupun menggunakan sesuatu (manual book). Langkahlangkah tersebut harus dilakukan dengan runtut sesuai urutan.
Contoh :

Materials :
Some strawberry
9 table spoon sugar
2 glass plain water
Some ice

Steps :
1) First, cut the strawberries into two parts or what ever you want
2) Then make a liquid with water and sugar before
o Prepare a glass of water
o Pour some sugar into the glass and then stir it
o A liquid of sugar and water is ready to use
3) Before make strawberry juice, prepare the blender and make sure its switch is on
4) After that everything is ready, pour the liquid of water and sugar into the blender
5) Then pour same strawberries into the blender(as you like)and the ices
6) Press the on button to switch it on
7) Wait for a minutes
8) Then press the off button to switch it off
9) Open the blenders cup and then pour the strawberry juice into the glass.(before, you
have prepared the glass)
10) To make your juice more beautiful, put some strawberry on the lips of glass and put straw
11) Your nice strawberry juice is ready to drink
Questions :
1. How to make a glass of strawberry juice?
2. What are the materials to make a strawberry juice?
3. ,
4. ,
5. ,
b. Report text
Jenis teks report merupakan jenis teks yang memberikan informasi tentang sesuatu
berdasarkan laporan pengamatan secara sistematis. Jenis teks ini umumnya
mendeskripsikan tentang gejala alam, lingkungan atau hal-hal yang mengarah pada
pengetahuan alam. Yang membedakan teks report dan deskriptif adalah teks report

menjelaskan hanya secara umum sehingga deskripsi sebuah teks report dapat beurpa
simpulan umum.
Contoh :
The dolphin is a toothed whale that is related to the porpoise. The
dolphin has a long, streamlined body; some species have a
prominent beaklike snout. The dolphin travels in schools and can
swim at a speed of up to 25 mph. After a gestation period of one
year, the female gives birth to one young. The young suckles (or
nurses) for up to two years. Dolphins are intelligent, playful
One of their favorite things is to surf the waves created by boats.
They emit a variety of sounds to communicate with other
dolphins. Like other toothed whales, they use echolocation (which is like sonar) to avoid
obstacles and to locate prey. There are 37 species of dolphins. The best-known North
American species are the common dolphin, the bottle-nosed dolphin, and the killer whale.
The common dolphin is found mostly in the Mediterranean and the North Atlantic. It is about
eight feet long including a six-inch snout. The common dolphin is brownish-black above with
dark flippers and snout. Its belly is white in color. There are bands or stripes of tan or yellow
on the sides. The common dolphin travels in schools of up to a thousand or more individuals.
It feeds mainly on fish.
The bottle-nosed dolphin or bottlenose, is found in warm and temperate North American
coastal waters. It is dark gray above with lighter under parts. The bottlenose can reach up to 12
feet long and has a three-inch snout. The bottle-nosed dolphin feeds on fish, squid, and crabs.
They can be trained to perform at zoos and aquariums. They are also used in research on
animal communication and learning.
The killer whale is found in all seas. It is black above and has a white belly. There are white
patches above the eyes and on the flanks. The killer whale is about 30 feet long with a blunt
snout and a long, pointed dorsal fin. The killer whale feeds on fish, seals, marine birds, and
other species of whale. Although killer whales can be aggressive, they have been trained to
perform at zoos and aquariums.
Dolphins belong to the family Delphinidae. The common dolphin is Delphinus delphis; the
bottle-nosed dophin,Tursiops truncatus; and the killer whale,Orcinus orca.

Question :
1. What is the main idea of the text?
2. Where is the habitat of dolphin?
3. How many kind of dolphin? What are they?

4. How is the characteristics of dolphin?

5. Retell the story using your own word!
F. Metode/Teknik Pembelajaran
a. Tanya jawab
b. Diskusi
c. Mengerjakan soal
G. Langkah langkah pembelajaran
1. Kegiatan pendahuluan
a. Tanya jawab mengenai kondisi siswa dan melakukan absensi : 5 menit
b. Build-up the students knowledge, memberikan pertanyaan dan penjelasan seputar
cara membuat juice dan kehidupan dolphin : 15 menit
2. Kegiatan inti
a. Siswa membaca sebuah teks prosedur: 5 menit.
b. Guru memberikan pertanyaan dan membahas bersama murid terkait dengan isi
teks prosedur: 15 menit
c. Siswa membaca sebuah teks report : 5 menit
d. Guru memberikan pertanyaan dan membahas bersama murid terkait dengan isi
teks report : 15 menit
3. Kegiatan akhir
a. Guru menanyakan kesulitan yang dialami oleh siswa : 5 menit
b. Guru dan siswa membuat kesimpulan tentang materi yang telah dibahas : 10
c. Guru memberikan tugas untuk pertemuan selanjutnya : 5 menit

H. Sumber Belajar
1. Contoh teks prosedur dan report
2. Buku teks yang relevan
3. Kamus bahasa Inggris

I. Penilaian
1. Tenik
: Tes tulis
2. Bentuk
: Tes membaca
3. Instrument :
a. Mengidentifikasi gambaran umum dari teks
b. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikasi dari teks
c. Mengidentifikasi makna tersurat yang ada dalam teks
4. Rubrik penilaian



Isi benar, tata bahasa benar

Isi benar, tata bahasa kurang tepat
Isi kurang tepat, tata bahasa
kurang tepat
Isi salah, tata bahasa salah

J. Pedoman Penilaian
Skor maksimal = 10
Skor minimal = 0
NIlai akhir siswa = Skor yang diperoleh

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