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Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan

1 Learning from Stories

Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah melakukan kegiatan secara menyeluruh, peserta didik diharapkan mampu:
1. mengidentifikasi ungkapan-ungkapan untuk membuka, melanjutkan, dan menutup percakapan tentang cerita-
cerita yang menginspirasi secara akurat;
2. mengidentifikasi tujuan, struktur teks, dan fitur kebahasaan dari teks naratif secara akurat;
3. mengidentifikasi penggunaan dan fungsi kata-kata pertanyaan (where, when, why, what, who, how) dan
penggunaan simple past tense pada teks lisan dan tulis dengan akurat;
4. bercakap-cakap tentang cerita-cerita yang menginspirasi menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan untuk membuka,
melanjutkan, dan menutup percakapan dengan benar;
5. membuat kata-kata pertanyaan (where, when, why, what, who, how) dan simple past tense pada teks lisan dan tulis
dengan benar; serta
6. menulis dan mempresentasikan teks naratif bentuk lisan dan tulis tentang topik-topik yang menginspirasi dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan fitur kebahasaan.

Dimensi Profil Pelajar Pancasila

• Bergotong royong
• Kreatif

Illustrator: Dilla Eka L.

2 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas 11B
Diagnostic Assessment
CHAPTER 1 Learning from Stories

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan

1. Jawaban: a
Ungkapan yang digunakan untuk melanjutkan percakapan atau menanyakan lebih lanjut
terkait hal yang sedang dibicarakan adalah pilihan jawaban (a) yang artinya ”Apa yang
terjadi setelahnya?”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah; (b) dan (c) adalah ungkapan untuk
memulai percakapan, sedangkan (d) dan (e) adalah ungkapan untuk mengakhiri
2. Jawaban: d
Urutan yang tepat saat menceritakan sebuah cerita (naratif) adalah pilihan jawaban (d)
karena sesuai dengan struktur teks naratif; orientation, complication, dan resolution.
Kalimat nomor (6) adalah orientation karena mengenalkan tokoh dan latar cerita.
Kalimat-kalimat nomor (4), (1), dan (3) menerangkan alur perjalanan tokoh dalam
memecahkan permasalahan yang ia hadapi dalam tahap complication. Kalimat nomor (5)
dan (2) adalah resolution dan penutup yang menerangkan solusi dari permasalahan yang
dihadapi tokoh dan akibat yang timbul dari penyelesaian tersebut.
3. Jawaban: c
Hal yang membedakan teks naratif dengan teks lain adalah adanya konflik atau masalah
yang dihadapi karakter/tokoh dalam cerita. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (c) benar. Pilihan
jawaban lain salah karena dapat pula ditemukan dalam teks recount.
4. Jawaban: e
Contoh judul teks naratif adalah pilihan jawaban (e) yang artinya ”Perjalanan ke Zaman
Jurasik melalui Mesin Waktu”. Judul tersebut merupakan judul fiksi ilmiah karena mesin
waktu belum menjadi penemuan yang dipublikasikan, masih dalam angan-angan atau
imajinasi kita. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah; (a) adalah judul untuk teks recount karena
berisi perjalanan Indonesia dari dahulu hingga saat ini, (b) adalah contoh teks report
karena berisi deskripsi terkait anatomi burung heron dan crane secara umum, sedangkan (c)
dan (d) adalah contoh teks deskripsi yang menggambarkan binatang dan benda
tertentu (kura-kura raksasa Galapagos terakhir yang masih hidup dan desain gaun
Cinderella dalam film Cinderella).
5. Jawaban: e
Kalimat tersebut artinya ”Sejak saat itu, Sylvia Earle telah membuat proyek seumur hidup
untuk membukukan dan mencatat semua spesies tanaman yang dapat ditemui di Teluk
Meksiko.”. Kalimat tersebut menyatakan kesimpulan atau dampak dari tindakan pemecahan
masalah yang telah Sylvia Earle lakukan. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (e) benar.

Learning from 3

A ctivity 2
1. Greet other people warmly.
2. Engage the context by asking, “Have you heard about this story?”
3. Narrate the story from the start or introduction.
4. Respond by showing interest about the story.
5. Continue the story to the conflict and resolution.
6. Respond to the whole story by adding a personal feeling and opinion.
7. Maintain the conversation to make it longer.
8. Close the conversation and say goodbye.
The sequence is about the flow of a conversation about relating a story.

A ctivity 3
• “Hello, Aini! How’s your day so far?” is used to open a conversation.
• “Could you provide more details on that?” and “Seriously? What came after that?” are used to
maintain a conversation.
• “I’ve had a great time chatting with you, but I need to leave now.” is used to end a conversation.

A ctivity 4
Petunjuk Guru:

1. Guru meminta peserta didik memperhatikan kalimat-kalimat rumpang di buku.

2. Guru memindai kode QR atau mengunjungi laman yang tertulis di buku untuk memperdengarkan
kalimat-kalimat dengan pengeras suara.
3. Peserta didik menyimak kalimat-kalimat sambil melengkapi kalimat rumpang di buku.
Kalimat- kalimat tersebut merupakan ungkapan untuk membuka, melanjutkan, dan
mengakhiri percakapan.

Kalimat-kalimat yang diperdengarkan:

1. Could you tell me more about that?
2. Hi! How’s your day going?
3. I really enjoy the conversation, but I have to go now.
4. I’m afraid I need to head out.
5. What have you been up lately?
6. Really? What happened next?
7. Let’s catch up again soon.

4 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas 11B
1. tell me more 2. your day
3. the conversation 4. head out
5. lately 6. happened
7. catch up

A ctivity 5
Opening a Conversation Maintaining a Conversation Closing a Conversation
• Hi, how’s your day going? • Could you tell me more about that? • I really enjoy the conversation,
• What have you been up lately? • Really? What happened next? but I have to go now.
• I’m afraid I need to.
• Let’s catch up again.

A ctivity 6
The speakers are talking about an animal show including a robotic dolphin show.

A ctivity 7
1. A marine animal show with its controversy and conservation
2. Alex is skeptical and opposes the idea of keeping marine animals in captivity for entertainment.
3. Sarah informs him that the show displays hyper-realistic robotic dolphins instead of real ones,
can be a game-changer for animal welfare in aquariums.
4. The robotic dolphins are designed to mimic dolphins’ natural behaviors, including their movements
and interactions with each other.
5. They can replace living sea animals in aquariums, raise awareness about ocean conservation, and
inspire people to protect the natural habitats of marine life.

5 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 5
A ctivity
Petunjuk Guru:

1. Guru meminta peserta didik memperhatikan percakapan rumpang di buku.

2. Guru memindai kode QR atau mengunjungi laman yang tertulis di buku untuk memperdengarkan
percakapan dengan pengeras suara.
3. Peserta didik menyimak percakapan sambil melengkapi percakapan rumpang di buku.
4. Peserta didik mempraktikkan percakapan tersebut secara bergiliran.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan:

Rangga : Hi, Mila! Who’s the woman you’ve posted on your social media?
Mila : Hi, Rangga! She’s Dr. Sylvia Earle, an excellent marine scientist and conservationist. Her
journey is amazing.
Rangga : Tell me more about
Mila : Sylvia Earle was born in Gibbstown, New Jersey, and grew up near a small farm in
Camden. Her parents encouraged her to love nature. Then, she and her family moved
to Clearwater, Florida where she directly fell in love with marine life.
Rangga : That’s why she got into marine science in college, right?
Mila : Right. Sylvia was an outstanding student and won scholarships to study at Florida
State University. During her college, she learned scuba diving, a game-changer for her
marine studies.
Rangga : What did she specialize in?
Mila : Previously, she already got her masters degree at Duke University. To pursue her
dream, at Florida State University, Sylvia studied marine botany. She believed that
studying the major was a key to understanding ecosystems.
Rangga : Ah, I see. Now, tell me, what’s her legacy?
Mila : She’s known for cataloging every plant species at the Gulf of Mexico, advancing marine
science, and advocating for conservation.
Rangga : How inspiring!
Mila : Agree. She’s truly remarkable!

1. marine scientist 2. small farm
3. marine life 4. outstanding
5. marine studies 6. marine
7. ecosystems botany
8. legacy
9. plant species 10. remarkable

6 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 5

A ctivity 9
Type Expression(s)
Opening a Conversation Hi, Mila! Who’s the woman you’ve posted on your social media?

Maintaining a Conversation Tell me more about her.

Closing a Conversation What an inspiring role model!

A ctivity 10

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan:

1. Where was Sylvia Earle born and raised?
2. What inspired Sylvia Earle’s love for marine life?
3. How did Sylvia Earle pursue her interest in marine science?
4. What did Sylvia Earle specialize in after her master’s degree?
5. What is one of Sylvia Earle’s notable legacies?

1. She was born in Gibbstown, New Jersey, and grew up near a small farm in Camden.
2. The marine life while living in Clearwater, Florida and her parents who encouraged her to love nature
since her early ages.
3. She won scholarships to study at Florida State University and learned scuba diving to study marine
4. She specialized in marine botany, believing it was crucial for understanding ecosystems.
5. She is known for cataloging every plant species at the Gulf of Mexico, advancing marine science,
and advocating for conservation.

A ctivity 12
1. It led him to explore data compression as a solution to make data fit within his internet limitations.
2. He developed a new compression algorithm that proved to be more efficient than the existing ones.
3. The company invited him to their headquarters, where Farrel presented his research to their data
science team and collaborated on data compression projects.
4. Farrel learned about collaboration, teamwork, and the real-world applications of his work. His story

7 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 7
can inspire others to pursue their passions in technology and research.
5. The main message is that with curiosity, hard work, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge, individuals
can achieve remarkable things in the world of technology.

... ...

8 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 8
A ctivity 13
1. Sam Van Aken is an art professor and the person behind the "Tree of 40 Fruits."
2. Sam Van Aken turned his idea into reality by grafting buds from over 250 heritage varieties onto a
single stock tree, creating a tree that could produce multiple types of fruits.
3. Sam Van Aken's story inspired the speaker when they heard about the "Tree of 40 Fruits."
The speaker was amazed and curious about the idea and decided to learn more about it.
4. Sam Van Aken's key to achieving his goal was to use science and grafting techniques to create
a single tree that could produce multiple types of fruits.
5. From Sam Van Aken's story, we can learn that the power of creativity, innovation, and a
combination of art and science can bring a unique idea to life. It also highlights the importance of
perseverance and taking risks in pursuing one's goals.

A ctivity 14
Contoh jawaban:
Alenka : Kenang, have you ever heard of a tree called “Tree of 40 Fruits”?
Kenang : Oh, you mean the tree that can bear multiple fruits at once? I’ve ever heard that tree,
but I don’t know the story behind it. Did you know?
Alenka : I did. So, here’s the story. It all started with Sam Van Aken, an art professor. He wanted to
create something unique for his art exhibition.
Kenang : That’s intriguing. I can’t wait to hear more.
Alenka : Well, he had this crazy idea of creating a tree that could bear different colored flowers and
a variety of fruits. It sounded like a Frankenstein tree, didn’t
it? Kenang : I thought so. Then, how did he make it real?
Alenka : He used science and art to graft buds from over 250 heritage varieties onto a single stock
tree in a 3-acre orchard.
Kenang : That was like a lot of work to do.
Alenka : It was, but a year later, the tree had matured into a beautiful specimen. It bloommed with
a mosaic of red, pink, and white flowers in the
spring. Kenang : That must be a stunning sight.
Alenka : Absolutely! And the tree produced plums, peaches, apricots, nectarines, and almonds over
several months.
Kenang : Wow, incredible! Where can we find these trees?
Alenka : Van Aken has created and installed 16 of these trees across the country.
Kenang : What an inspiring story! It’s amazing what art, science, and dedication can integrate into
an amazing creation.
Alenka : Indeed. It shows that with creativity and determination, you can turn fiction into
reality. Kenang : Absolutely right.

9 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 9
A ctivity 15
Petunjuk Guru:

1. Guru meminta peserta didik memperhatikan monolog rumpang di buku.

2. Guru memindai kode QR atau mengunjungi laman yang tertulis di buku untuk memperdengarkan
monolog dengan pengeras suara.
3. Peserta didik menyimak monolog sambil melengkapi monolog rumpang di buku. Monolog
tersebut merupakan cerita dari seorang yang berjuang meraih cita-citanya.
4. Peserta didik mempraktikkan bermonolog secara bergiliran.

Monolog yang diperdengarkan:

Hi! My name is Arunika. And on this occasion, I’d like to tell you my story chasing my dream.
Thanks to Ardian, my friend’s cousin, who has encouraged me to fight for my dream. Here is
how the story began.
Last year, I failed on my first attempt to get to my dream university. I was so desperate since
studying there was my dream since I was at elementary school. Everyone tried to lit up fire in
me but none of them worked.
Then, my friend sent me a link to watch his cousin’s live streaming. My friend told me that
during the live event, his cousin named Ardian would share how he had received a scholarship
to study in America. So, I did watch the live streaming.
During the live event, Ardian told us how he dreamed to study at the Harvard University. He
knew it was challenging and might be impossible for him, but at least he had tried. He studied
hard and diligently and improved his English skills, both oral and written. He added that he
failed on his first attempt, but he didn’t give up. He considered his failure as a suspended
success. He figured out the reason of his failure and worked hard to solve it. At the end, he
received news that he got accepted! What an inspiring story, isn’t it?
After watching his life streaming, I found the spirit in me. I started to believe that all my
efforts didn’t disappear into thin air, but I needed to push myself to chase my dreams. I
looked at the bright side of my failure and decided to continue my struggling because it
wasn’t over. I believed that I still had time and opportunities.
Then, here I am now. I’ve got a scholarship to my dream university, learned more than I’ve ever
imagined, and enjoyed studying here. I am thankful and grateful to myself for not giving up. I
am also blessed having supportive people who always support me and be there for me.
That’s all for now. Do you have a similar experience? I also hope this story inspires you. See ya!

1. fight 2. attempt 3. lit up 4. scholarship 5. impossible
6. suspended 7. received 8. disappear 9. opportunities 10. dream

1 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 1

A ctivity 1
1. d 2. f 3. b 4. a 5. g
6. c 7. h 8. j 9. i 10. e

A ctivity 2

No. Title of the Story Type of Narrative

1. The Lion and the Mouse Fable

2. Ancient Egypt Unveiled: The Life of Cleopatra Historical narrative

3. Love Beyond Time: A Romance in the Victorian Era Fictional narrative

4. Malin Kundang Myth and legend

5. Cinderella Fairy tale

A ctivity 4
Statement Text 1 Text
The main character of the text is Temple Grandin.  

The text talks about the character’s life journey sequentially. 

The character faced a problem. 

The character found a solution to her problem. 

The text uses past tenses.  

The text is aimed at relating someone’s experience sequentially. 

The text is aimed at entertaining readers with a figure’s inspiring story. 

The text consists of orientation, a sequence of events, and re-orientation. 

The text consists of orientation, complication, resolution, and conclusion/reorientation. 

1 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 1
A ctivity 5
Text 1
1. She is a scientist with autism and an author of best-seller books.
2. Temple Grandin was born in Boston on December 3, 1947.
3. Through intensive speech therapy, teaching, and mentoring, Temple Grandin learned to speak and
eventually felt empowered to pursue a career as a scientist and livestock equipment
4. Temple Grandin earned her bachelor’s degree from Franklin Pierce College in 1970. Then,
she earned her Master of Science degree in Animal Science from Arizona State University in 1975.
She also earned her Ph.D. in Animal Science from the University of Illinois in 1989.
5. She created a design of livestock handling facilities that being used to handle half the cattle in
the United States and Canada.
Text 2
1. As a child with Autistic Disorder and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Temple
Grandin faced challenges before reaching her peak and contributing to the field of science. She
also struggled to find a place in public schools during her teenage years because American
educators were ill-equipped to teach autistic children, and she also faced teasing from her peers.
2. Temple Grandin’s experiences on her aunt’s farm intrigued her and helped her understand that
animals have behaviors and habits that humans aren’t aware of.
3. Temple Grandin’s observation of cows being calm in confined spaces led her to create the “squeeze
machine,” a device that applies pressure and effectively calms her when feeling uneasy.
4. Temple Grandin explains that individuals with autism and cows share similar visual cues to navigate
their worlds, as animals are sensory thinkers who think in pictures, smells, and sounds.
5. The “squeeze machine” is still available for purchase from the Therafin Corporation for $4525, with
dimensions of 60 inches in height, 60 inches in length, and 32 inches in width.

A ctivity 6
Petunjuk Guru:

1. Peserta didik membaca kembali teks-teks pada Activity 4.

2. Peserta didik mengidentifikasi runtutan kejadian yang dialami oleh tokoh dalam teks-teks
3. Peserta didik melengkapi lini masa pada Activity 6 sesuai dengan teks-teks tersebut.
4. Peserta didik membaca jawaban mereka secara bergiliran.
5. Peserta didik lain menyimak dan guru memberi balikan serta nilai.

1 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 1
Text 1

Temple Grandin was born in She earned her bachelor’s She earned her Master’s of
Boston on December 3, 1947. degree from Franklin Pierce Science degree in Animal
College. Science.

1949 1974 1976

1947 1970 1975
At the age of 2, she was non- Grandin began to work as This experience led her to
verbal and showed signs of livestock editor for the create “squeeze machine”.
severe autism. Arizona Farmer Ranchman.

Text 2

She enrolled in a private Grandin began to understand This experience led her to
school, Mountain Country that animals have behaviors create a similar contraption
School. and habits that humans named the "squeez e
aren’t aware of. machine".

In 1990’s In 1990’s In 2000’s

In 1989 In 1990’s In 1990’s
During the summers, Grandin Grandin observed the process The squeeze machine is still
stayed on her aunt's farm in of milking cows and decided available for purchase to
Arizona. to try the same experience help them in need.
as the cow.

ctivity 7

1. was 2. assigned 3. came across 4. developed 5. believed
6. could grow 7. grew 8. promoted 9. run 10. handed over

ctivity 8

1. learning about Wangari Maathai, the environmental activist from Kenya, who was the first African
woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize
2. empowering children as Climate Justice Ambassadors, organizing tree-planting events, and raising
awareness about climate change
3. had already celebrated the planting of 12 billion trees
4. the climate crisis and global justice; presentation skills and how to organize tree planting events
5. take action and participate in tree planting efforts rather than just discussing the idea and take
practical steps to combat climate change

12 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas 11B
A ctivity 9
Petunjuk Guru:

1. Peserta didik membaca kembali teks pada Activity 7.

2. Peserta didik mengamati gambar-gambar pada Activity 9 dan membaca kalimat di bawah tiap
3. Peserta didik mengurutkan gambar-gambar tersebut sesuai dengan teks.
4. Peserta didik menulis ulang kalimat-kalimat di bawah gambar untuk menceritakan kembali
cerita tokoh pada teks tersebut.
5. Peserta didik dapat menambahkan kalimat-kalimat cerita untuk menambah pemahaman dan
detil cerita.
6. Peserta didik membacakan hasilnya secara bergiliran.
7. Peserta didik lain menyimak dan guru memberi balikan serta nilai.


2 1

Felix Finkbeiner was planting trees Felix’s teacher gave him an assignment
with his friends. about the environment.

Illustrator: Eka Ernawati Illustrator: Eka Ernawati

4 3

Felix Finkbeiner received the Merit

The Academies had taken place for his campaign, Plant for the Planet.
across 45 countries worldwide.

1 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 1
Illustrator: Eka Ernawati Illustrator: Eka Ernawati


1 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 1
The story:
When Felix was at school, his teacher gave him assignment about the environment. Inspired by
an environmental activist from Africa, he had an idea to plant trees around his neighborhood.
He invited his friends to join. After his struggle and dedication, Felix Finkbeiner received the Merit
for his campaign Plant for the Planet. His dedication and campaign didn’t stop there. He has kept
promoting the campaign. Now, Plant for the Planet Academies has taken place across 45 countries

A ctivity 11
Element in a Narrative Text Finding from the Text
Characters (Main and Supportive) Main character: Puspita
Supportive character: Anzel

Setting of Place Puspita’s grandmother’s house

The beach near her grandmother’s house
Anzel’s workshop

Setting of Time When Puspita was still a kid, a few years ago
A few years later, on one sunny morning of Puspita’s holiday

Setting of Situation First, exciting when Puspita went to her grandmother’s house and made trash bins
from the metal garbage
Second, sorrowful when Puspita saw her favorite beach full of trash
Third, tiring when Puspita cleaned the beach using a sieve alone.
Fourth, glad when people started to throw away garbage into the available trash
bins, so that the beach is free from any garbage.

Message or Moral Value Puspita’s story has encouraged us to be proactive in preserving out environment, use our knowledg
and creativity to find solutions, collaborate with others, and inspire positive changes in our
communities. It illustrates that no matter what our age is, we can all play a role in preserving and
improving our natural world.

A ctivity 12
1. eyewear 2. colorblind 3. distinguish 4. doctors
5. differentiate 6. disappearing 7. bright 8. broader
9. deficiency 10. fortuitous 11. bolster 12. designed
13. photopigments 14. Greener 15. earning

1 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 1
A ctivity 13
Statement True False Revision
1. Reza wears EnChroma sunglasses because they are  Reza wears EnChroma sunglasses due
fashionable. to his color blindness.

2. EnChroma sunglasses were intentionally invented by Don  EnChroma sunglasses were accidentally
McPherson. invented by Don McPherson.

3. Michael Angell borrowed McPherson’s sunglasses and  –

experienced his color vision improved.

4. Don McPherson specialized in creating eyewear for Don McPherson specialized in creating eyewe
fashion purposes.  for doctors to use as protection during la

5. Rare earth iron in the glasses aided surgeons in  –

identifying blood and tissue during surgery.

6. McPherson realized the glasses’ potential to help color- blind McPherson real i zed t he glasse
individuals after his own experience.  potential to help color-blind individuals aft
Angell’s experience.

7. Schmeder designed a filter for the glasses that optimized  –

the way a user viewed a wide spectrum of hues.

8. The glasses are built on principles of fundamental vision  –


9. EnChroma's glasses was initially made from consumer- friendly EnChroma’s glasses was initially made fro
materials.  rare earth iron that embed in the glasses.

10. McPherson's glasses enabled Reza to colorfully see  –

everything surrounding him.

A ctivity 14
Paragraph 1 Oliver, a curious boy, discovered his passion for the deep ocean after watching a documentary.

Paragraph 2 His fascination with the mysteries of the deep ocean grew, especially for the Mariana Trench.

Paragraph 3 Oliver delved into extensive research about the ocean and decorated his room with posters of deep-sea

Paragraph 4 He aspired to become a trench ecosystem scientist but realized he needed advanced equipment.

Paragraph 5 After years of dedication, Oliver invented a groundbreaking, unmanned diving machine.

Paragraph 6 After countless failures and setbacks, Oliver finally had a breakthrough.

Paragraph 7 His invention attracted global attention, leading to discoveries of unseen species in the trenches.

Paragraph 8 Oliver advocated for deep-sea conservation and raised awareness about these delicate ecosystems.

1 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 1
Paragraph 9 Today, Oliver’s diving machines continue to explore the ocean depths, showcasing the power of dedication
to dreams.


1 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 1
A ctivity 15
Element of a Narrative Text Finding in the story
The theme/topic The exploration of the deep ocean, scientific curiosity, and the importance of
environmental conservation.

The character(s) Oliver, a young and curious boy who became a pioneering scientist in studying
the deep ocean.
The setting The story is set in a quiet coastal town near the ocean, with a significant focus on
the mysterious Mariana Trench.
The conflict Oliver desired to explore the deep ocean and study trench ecosystems, which required
advanced equipment.
The resolution Oliver’s successful invention of a diving machine led to groundbreaking discoveries
and his advocacy for deep-sea conservation.
The message/moral value Curiosity, dedication, and the pursuit of one’s dreams can lead to significant accomplishme
also emphasizes the importance of understanding and protecting Earth’s ecosystems.


A ctivity 1
Petunjuk Guru:

1. Peserta didik membaca kembali teks terkait kisah Don McPherson di bagian Reading and
Viewing, Activity 12.
2. Peserta didik membaca dan memahami kalimat-kalimat di Activity 1.
3. Peserta didik mengurutkan kalimat-kalimat tersebut sesuai kisah Don McPherson sesuai
dengan sudut pandangnya.
4. Peserta didik membacakan jawaban mereka secara bergiliran.
5. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak dan guru memberikan balikan serta nilai.

1 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 1
Pancasila Students’ Project
Petunjuk Guru:

1. Peserta didik membuat kelompok yang terdiri atas tujuh sampai sepuluh orang.
2. Peserta didik mencari cerita inspiratif dari seorang tokoh publik.
3. Peserta didik dan kelompoknya membuat skenario drama satu atau dua babak untuk
menceritakan kisah tokoh publik tersebut.
4. Kemudian, peserta didik mempraktikkan drama tersebut dan merekamnya.
5. Peserta didik dapat memaksimalkan drama tersebut dengan memakai kostum dan properti
yang ada.
6. Peserta didik mengunggah video drama tersebut di akun media sosial mereka.
7. Guru mengulas, memberi nilai serta balikan kepada peserta didik.


Petunjuk Guru:

1. Peserta didik memilih salah seorang tokoh masyarakat yang akan mereka wawancara.
2. Peserta didik menyiapkan pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang hal-hal apa yang telah beliau
lakukan untuk mencapai suatu tujuan atau sukses dalam melaksanakan suatu program.
3. Peserta didik dapat mengkonfirmasi dan membuat janji wawancara dengan melampirkan
pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang telah mereka susun.
4. Peserta didik mewawancara beliau sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah disepakati dan
merekam wawancara tersebut. Peserta didik juga dapat mencatat hal-hal penting saat
wawancara sehingga dapat menjadi rujukan saat membuat biografi.
5. Kemudian, peserta didik membuat naratif biografi terkait hasil wawancara tersebut.
6. Peserta didik mengunggah hasilnya di media sosial mereka.


1. Winona LaDuke is an Ojibwe activist who focuses on improving the lives of Native Americans and
addressing environmental and human rights concerns.
2. After graduating from Harvard, Winona LaDuke relocated to the White Earth Reservation
became the principal of the tribal high school.

1 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 1
3. Winona LaDuke was involved in a lawsuit where the White Earth Nation sued the United States
government to reclaim lands guaranteed to them in an 1867 treaty that had been taken by non-
Native people.
4. The result of the lawsuit proposed by Winona LaDuke came out after four years and it was
or was not allowed to be processed.
5. Winona LaDuke established the White Earth Land Recovery Project in 1989. In 1993, she was
a founding member of Honor the Earth.


2 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 2
Daily Assessment
A. Choose a, b, c, d, or e for the correct untuk menciptakan gaya yang unik dan menawan,
answer. benar.
1. Jawaban: e
Pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah (e)
yang artinya ”Bagaimana akhir
pekanmu?”. Ungkapan tersebut
biasanya digunakan ketika hendak
memulai percakapan.
2. Jawaban: d
Kalimat Nadia, ”It is horrible.” artinya
”Itu mengerikan.”, menyatakan pendapat
Nadia terkait polusi udara yang tengah
terjadi. Ungkapan pada pilihan jawaban
( d ) , y a n g a r t i n y a ” A p a pendapatmu
tentang hal itu?”, benar karena
merupakan u n g k a p a n u n t u k m e m i n t a
pendapat. Ungkapan tersebut juga dapat
digunakan agar percakapan terus
3. Jawaban: a
Kalimat Pradipa, ”Amalia, you know my
cousin Taslim, right?” yang artinya
”Amalia, kamu tahu sepupuku Taslim,
kan?”, dan kalimat Amalia, ”He was
always passionate about traditional music,
right?” yang artinya
”Ia selalu bersemangat tentang musik
tradisional, bukan?”, menunjukkan
bahwa mereka akan membahas tentang
ketertarikan Taslim, sepupu Pradipa,
terhadap musik tradisional. Jadi, pilihan
jawaban (a) benar.
4. Jawaban: b
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat
”Well, he decided to do something unique.
He started blending traditional and modern
instruments in his compositions.” yang
artinya ”Ia memutuskan untuk
melakukan sesuatu yang unik. Ia mulai
memadukan instrumen tradisional dan
modern dalam
komposisinya.”. Hal tersebut menunjukkan
alasan Taslim menggabungkan alat musik
tradisional dan modern dalam musiknya.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban (b), yang artinya

1 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 1
5. Jawaban: b even earn a bit from it?” yang artinya ”Ia
Jawaban disimpulkan dari punya ide cemerlang untuk membuat
kalimat Amalia, gimnya sendiri. Ia berpikir jika ia sangat
”I’m really impressed by his menikmati bermain gim, mengapa tidak
dedication. W e should membuatnya sendiri dan mungkin
d e f i n i t e l y a t t e n d o n e o f his menghasilkan sedikit uang dari gim itu?”.
performances.” yang artinya Jadi, pilihan jawaban (a), yang artinya ia
ingin membuat gimnya sendiri, benar.
”Saya sanga t terkesa n
dengan dedikasinya. Kita
pasti harus menghadiri salah
satu penampilannya.”, dan
kalimat Pradipa,
”I was thinking the same thing!
Let’s support him in his mission
to revitalize traditional music.”
yang artinya ”Saya
memikirkan hal yang sama!
Mari kita dukung misinya
untuk merevitalisasi musik
tradisional.”. Hal tersebut
menunjukkan bahwa Pradipa
dan Amali a akan
mendukun g Taslim dengan
hadir di pertunjukan Taslim.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban (b) benar.
6. Jawaban: d
Kalimat Arga, ”Well, that’s the
thing. Dani realized that he was
spending quite a bit on buying
internet data, game skins, and
in- game items like gems. It got
him thinking.” artinya ”Ya,
itulah masalahnya. Dani
menyadari bahwa ia
menghabiskan cukup banyak
uang untuk membeli data
internet, skin game, dan item
dalam gim seperti permata.
Itu membuatnya berpikir.”.
Hal tersebut menunjukkan
bahwa Dani mulai sadar akan
kebiasaan buruknya dalam
bermain gim. Kemudian, ia
memutuskan untuk mengubah
hal tersebut. Jadi, pilihan
jawaban (d) benar.
7. Jawaban: a
Jawaban disimpulkan dari
kalimat Arga,
”He had this brilliant idea to
create his own game. He
... figured out that if he enjoyed ...
playing games so much, why not
make one himself and maybe

1 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 1
8. Jawaban: b balance of nature.” artinya ”Di
Kalimat Arga, ”He contacted several popular sepanjang jalan, ia
game influencers and asked them to try
out his game and provide reviews. They
liked his game, and their reviews helped
him understand what players wanted.”
yang artinya ”Ia menghubungi beberapa
game influencer populer dan meminta
m e r e k a u n t u k m e n c o b a g i m n y a dan
memberi ulasan. Mereka menyukai
permainanny a dan ulasan mereka
membantunya memahami yang diinginkan
para pemain.”, menunjukkan hal yang
dilakukan Dani setelah ia membuat gim
pertamanya. Dani tentunya ingin
membuat gim yang disukai banyak orang
sehingga ia membutuhkan ulasan dari
pemain gim professional seperti para
game influencer. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (b)
9. Jawaban: c
Jawaban disimpulka n dari kalimat di
paragra f satu, ”Every weekend, he
would embark on adventures to explore
the wilderness and climb the beautiful
peaks that surrounded his hometown.”
yang artinya ”Setiap akhir pekan, ia
memulai petualangan menjelajahi hutan
belantara dan mendaki puncak indah yang
mengelilingi kampung halamannya.”.
Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa Timmy
mendaki gunung. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (c)
10. Jawaban: c
Kalimat di paragra f satu, ”He was
particularly fond of the wildflowers that
painted the mountain slopes with vibrant
colors. To him, these flowers were like little
bursts of magic in the wilderness.” yang
artinya ”Ia sangat menyukai bunga-bunga
liar yang mewarnai lereng gunung dengan
warna-warna cerah. Baginya, bunga-
bunga ini seperti semburan keajaiban di
hutan belantara.”, menunjukkan alasan
Timmy sangat menghargai bunga-bunga
liar yang tumbuh di pegunungan. Jadi,
pilihan jawaban (c) benar.
11. Jawaban: d
Paragraf dua menjelaskan pengalaman
y a n g t i d a k b e r k e n a n di h a t i Timmy.
Kalimat ”Along the path, he encountered
several other hikers who were plucking
wildflowers. They seemed oblivious to the
fact that they were disturbing the fragile

2 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 2
bertemu dengan beberapa pendaki lain yang
sedang memetik bunga liar. Mereka sepertinya tidak
menyadari fakta bahwa m e r e k a m e n g g a n g g u
keseimbanga n alam yang rapuh.”. Hal tersebut
sangat mengganggunya hingga ia memperoleh ide
untuk meningkatkan kesadaran para pendaki
tentang pentingnya menjaga hutan dan gunung.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban (d) benar.
12. Jawaban: e
Kalimat di paragraf empat, ”But Timmy didn’t stop
there. He knew that sometimes, pictures could speak
louder than words. So, he decided to create a comic
book.” yang artinya
”Akan tetapi, Timmy tidak berhenti di situ. Ia tahu
bahwa terkadang gambar bisa berbicara lebih keras
daripada kata-kata. Jadi, ia memutuskan untuk
membuat buku komik.” menunjukkan bahwa
menurut Timmy, gambar atau komik dapat lebih
berimbas daripada sekadar kata-kata. Jadi, alasan
Timmy membuat komik adalah agar pesan yang
ingin ia sampaikan tentang pentingnya menjaga
kelestarian bunga- bunga liar di gunung dapat
tersampaikan kepada banyak orang. Jadi, pilihan
jawaban (e) benar.
13. Jawaban: b
Jawaban disimpulka n dari kalimat di paragraf
dua, ”However, Nayla, the middle child, was a bit
different. She never seemed too interested in listening
to stories.” yang artinya ”Namun Nayla, anak
tengah, sedikit berbeda. Ia sepertinya tidak pernah
terlalu tertarik mendengarkan cerita.”. Hal tersebut
menunjukkan bahwa Nayla tidak tertarik
mendengarkan cerita, ia lebih tertarik kepada
hal-hal visual, seperti buku-buku cerita yang
terdapat pop-up (kalimat paragraf empat, ”Lily
smiled and realized that Nayla was a visual learner.
She didn’t connect with stories through words
alone; she needed to see and touch them.”). Jadi,
apabila Lily tidak ke toko buku bersama adik-
adiknya, kemungkinan Nayla akan tambah tidak
tertarik pada buku. Pilihan jawaban (b) benar.
14. Jawaban:d
Jawaban disimpulka n dari kalimat di paragraf
lima, ”Nayla’s love for stories blossomed, and she
became an avid reader. She appreciated the vivid
storytelling of her

... ...

2 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 2
older sister and often helped her with her 17. Jawaban: a
pop- up book projects.” yang artinya Teks tersebut menceritakan perjalanan
”Kecintaan Nayla pada cerita makin awal mula Sandr a memula i kegiatan
berkembang, dan ia menjadi seorang bercocok tanam hingga dikenal sebagai
yang rajin membaca. Ia menghargai cara
seorang aktivis. Pilihan jawaban (a), yang
bercerita yang jelas dari kakak
artinya menceritakan perjalanan Sandra
perempuannya dan sering
sebagai aktivis lingkungan, benar.
membantunya dalam proyek buku pop-
up.”. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa 18. Jawaban: d
alasan Lily membuat buku-buku pop- Paragraf keempat berisi hal-hal yang
up sendiri adalah karena ketertarikan terjadi saat seseorang berkebun, antara
adiknya, Nayla, terhadap buku-buku lain kotor, terken a matahari , dan
semacam itu. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (d) berinteraksi dengan cacing tanah liat. Hal-
hal tersebut juga dialami oleh Sandra.
15. Jawaban: d Jadi, paragraf empat tersebut tentang
Kalimat di paragraf terakhir, ”Lily, the girl kegiatan yang dilakukan Sandra, yaitu
who had shared bedtime stories with her memberi edukasi tentang berkebun.
siblings, had now become a famous author Pilihan jawaban (d) benar.
of pop-up books for children all over the 19. Jawaban: b
world.” yang artinya ”Lily, gadis yang
Kalimat ”Apparently, the polluted urban
pernah berbagi cerita pengantar tidur
conditions made her want to enjoy
dengan saudara-saudaranya, kini telah
the freshness of nature through the produce
menjadi penulis buku pop-up anak-anak
of his own garden.” artinya ”Rupanya,
terkenal di seluruh dunia.”, menunjukkan
kondisi perkotaa n yang tercemar
bahwa Lily berbagi buku cerita pop-up-
membuatnya ingin menikmati kesegaran
nya kepada orang lain. Jadi, pilihan alam lewat hasil kebunnya sendiri.”. Hal
jawaban (d) benar. tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kondisi
16. Jawaban: c kota tempat tinggal Sandra yang tercemar
Saat membacakan cerita tidur kepada menjadi alasannya mulai berkebun. Jadi,
adik-adiknya, Nayla dan Rangga, Lily pilihan jawaban (b) benar.
menyadari bahwa Nayla tidak tertarik 20. Jawaban: b
mendengarkan cerita tersebut, padahal, Jawaban disimpulka n dari kalimat di
ia s a n g a t s u k a b e r m a i n p e r a n pada paragraf terakhir, ”After three years,
siang hari. Saat pergi ke toko buku, Lily around
menyadari bahwa Nayla adalah anak visual 2019, Sandra felt that her gardening activities
started to show some results. Her name
yang lebih tertarik pada buku-buku pop-
then became known as an environmental
up. Kemudian, untuk membuat Nayla activist and she appeared in a documentary
tetap menyukai cerita, Lily membuatkan called Semes7a which was produced by actor
sendiri buku-buku pop-up untuk Nayla. Nicholas Saputra.” yang artinya ”Tiga
Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa tiap- tahun kemudian, sekitar 2019, Sandra
tiap anak memiliki karakteristi k dan merasa kegiatan berkebunnya mulai
preferensinya masing-masing dan orang membuahkan hasil. Namanya kemudian
yang lebih tua diharapkan mampu untuk dikenal sebagai aktivis lingkungan hidup
dan ia tampil dalam film dokumenter
memahami hal tersebut. Jadi, pilihan
berjudul Semes7a yang diproduseri oleh
jawaban (c), yang artinya nilai aktor Nicholas Saputra.”. Jadi, pilihan
memahami gaya belajar yang berbeda, jawaban (b) benar.

2 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 2
Competence Assessment

1. Jawaban :
o She was inspired by marine experts and conservationists.
o She was devastated by the pollution and bleaching of coral reefs.
Pembahasan : Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat-kalimat Mila, ”But when she visited
a beach during high school, she was devastated. The once-thriving coral reef
there had been devastated by pollution and bleaching.” yang artinya ”Akan
tetapi ketika ia mengunjungi pantai saat SMA, ia sangat terpukul. Terumbu
karang yang dulunya tumbuh subur di sana telah hancur akibat polusi dan
pemutihan.” dan ”Inspired by marine experts and conservationists, she crafted
a comprehensive plan.” yang artinya ”Terinspirasi oleh para ahli kelautan dan
pelestari lingkungan, ia menyusun rencana yang komprehensif.”. Hal
tersebut menunjukkan bahwa hati Mila tergerak karena hal yang ia lihat,
yaitu terumbu karang yang rusak. Kemudian, ia terinspirasi untuk
bertindak membantu pemulihan terumbu karang tersebut dari para ahli
2. Jawaban :
Statement True Fa
The beach that Maya visited during high school was in pristine condition. 
Maya’s comprehensive plan included coral restoration, community involvement, and 
awareness campaigns.
Maya and volunteers from her community collected unhealthy coral fragments. 
The “Reef Guardians” program allowed people to symbolically adopt a coral fragment. 
Maya’s work in coral restoration is still ongoing. 
Pembahasan : Pernyataan pertama artinya ”Pantai yang dikunjungi Maya semasa SMA
ini kondisinya masih asri.”. Pernyataan tersebut salah karena tidak sesuai
dengan kalimat Mila ”. . . .But when she visited a beach during high school, she
was devastated. The once-thriving coral reef there had been devastated by
pollution and bleaching.”. Pernyataan kedua, yang artinya ”Rencana
komprehensif Maya mencakup restorasi karang, keterlibatan masyarakat,
dan kampanye kesadaran.”, benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat Mila ”. . . .
Inspired by marine experts and conservationists, she crafted a comprehensive plan.
This plan included coral restoration, community involvement, and spreading
awareness.”. Pernyataan ketiga artinya ”Maya dan relawan dari
komunitasnya mengumpulkan pecahan karang yang tidak sehat.”.
Pernyataan tersebut salah karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat Mila ”Maya
and volunteers from her community collected healthy coral fragments and
transplanted them onto the damaged reef. . . . .”. Pernyataan keempat, yang
artinya ”Program “Reef Guardians” memungkinkan masyarakat untuk secara
simbolis mengadopsi sebuah fragmen karang.”, benar karena sesuai dengan
kalimat Mila ”. . . . To ensure lasting change, Maya initiated the “Reef Guardians”
program. It allowed individuals to symbolically adopt a coral fragment by
contributing to its upkeep and protection. . . . .”. Pernyataan kelima, yang
artinya ”Pekerjaan Maya dalam restorasi karang masih berlangsung.”, benar.
Hal tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat ”. . . . Maya’s dream of a restored coral reef
became a reality because of her unwavering commitment.” yang menunjukkan
bahwa Maya masih berkomitmen dengan program pemulihan karangnya.

2 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Learning from 2
4. Jawaban :

Paragraph 1 Idea
This paragraph emphasizes Shiva’s concentration on grassroots movements
Paragraph 2 destructive practices like clear-cut logging and dam construction.
This paragraph focuses on Shiva’s anticipation of problems within the WTO’s
TRIPS Agreement.
Paragraph 3
This paragraph discusses Shiva’s growing interest in environmentalism due to
Paragraph 4 experiences, leading her to establish the RFSTE.
This paragraph introduces Vandana Shiva’s upbringing and education.
Paragraph 5
This paragraph explains the establishment of seed banks and the
importance of
preserving distinct seed strains.
Pembahasan : Paragraf satu memperkenalkan latar belakang dan pendidikan Vandana
Shiva. Paragraf dua menjelas membahas meningkatnya minat Shiva terhadap
lingkungan hidup karena pengalaman pribadi, yang mendorongnya untuk
mendirikan RFSTE. Paragraf tiga menekankan konsentrasi Shiva pada gerakan
akar rumput melawan praktik-praktik destruktif seperti penebangan habis
kayu dan pembangunan bendungan. Paragraf empat menjelaskan
pembentukan bank benih dan pentingnya melestarikan strain benih yang
berbeda. Paragraf lima berfokus pada antisipasi Shiva terhadap permasalahan
dalam Perjanjian TRIPS WTO.
5. Jawaban:
a. a childhood forest was cleared and a stream was drained
b. the Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Natural Resource Policy
(RFSTN), later renamed the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology
c. the pollution, seed loss, and the dependence of farmers on expensive
chemicals d. Navdanya
e. corporate seeds after local varieties disappeared

2 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

2 Let’s be Self-Sufficient

Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah melakukan kegiatan secara menyeluruh, peserta didik diharapkan mampu:
1. mengidentifikasi bentuk dan fungsi kalimat imperatif dengan benar;
2. mengidentifikasi bentuk dan fungsi degrees of comparison untuk membandingkan atribut dan karakteristik orang,
benda, atau tindakan dengan benar;
3. mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks prosedur dengan akurat;
4. menentukan topik dan gagasan utama teks prosedur dengan benar;
5. membuat instruksi menggunakan kalimat imperatif dengan benar;
6. menggunakan degrees of comparison untuk membandingkan atribut dan karakteristik orang, benda, atau tindakan
dengan benar; dan
7. menulis dan mempresentasikan teks prosedur sesuai dengan tujuan, unsur kebahasaan, dan struktur teksnya
dengan akurat.

Dimensi Profil Pelajar Pancasila


Illustrator: Dilla Eka Lusiana

Let’s be Self-Sufficient 23
Diagnostic Assessment
CHAPTER 2 Let’s be Self-Sufficient

Kunci Jawaban and Pembahasan:

1. Jawaban: a
Kalimat imperatif berbentuk kata, frasa, atau kalimat yang berfungsi memberi perintah atau
ajakan kepada seseorang. Kalimat ini diawali dengan kata kerja dasar atau to be bila diikuti
kata selain kata kerja. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (a) benar karena bermakna perintah untuk
melakukan sesuatu dan diawali dengan kata kerja dasar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain bukan
merupakan kalimat imperatif; (b) merupakan kalimat tawaran, (c) merupakan kalimat untuk
menyatakan pendapat, (d) merupakan kalimat saran, dan (e) merupakan kalimat meminta
2. Jawaban: b
Kata perbandingan yang benar yaitu pilihan jawaban (b) taller yang artinya lebih tinggi.
Kata tersebut merupakan bentuk comparative dari kata ’tall’ yang digunakan untuk
membandingkan tinggi bangunan bank and rumah sakit. Pilihan jawaban yang lain bukan
bentuk yang benar; (a) digunakan untuk menjelaskan benda dengan tinggi sama, (c)
digunakan untuk menyatakan benda yang paling tinggi, sedangkan (d) dan (e) bukan
bentuk perbandingan.
3. Jawaban: b
Kalimat tersebut artinya ”Pertama-tama, hidupkan telepon pintar dan pilih pengaturan.
Kemudian, pilih pengaturan koneksi.”. Kalimat tersebut umumnya ditemukan dalam
manual. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (b) benar.
4. Jawaban: b
Pilihan jawaban (b), yang artinya cara berbelanja dengan pintar, merupakan judul yang
baik untuk sebuah teks prosedur, khususnya yang berbentuk tips. Judul tersebut memberi
gambaran tentang isi teks, yaitu prosedur/langkah berbelanja dengan pintar. Pilihan
jawaban yang lain salah; (a) merupakan judul teks naratif, (c) merupakan judul teks
eksplanasi, (d) merupakan judul teks eksposisi, dan (e) merupakan judul teks factual recount.
5. Jawaban: a
Kalimat tersebut merupakan bagian dari langkah-langkah suatu teks prosedur, ditandai
dengan bentuk kalimat perintah. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (a) benar.


A ctivity 1
1. The bicycle is broken.
2. The bicycle is fixed. The boy can ride it well.
3. The man has repaired the broken bicycle.
4. Contoh jawaban: I think so because repairing bicycle is a basic life skill. We don’t need to ask for an
expert only for repairing a bicycle.

24 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas 11B
A ctivity 2
Petunjuk Guru:

1. Guru meminta peserta didik memperhatikan kalimat-kalimat rumpang di buku.

2. Guru memindai kode QR atau mengunjungi laman yang tertulis di buku untuk
percakapan dengan pengeras suara.
3. Peserta didik menyimak percakapan sambil melengkapi kalimat rumpang di buku. Kalimat-
kalimat tersebut merupakan langkah-langkah memperbaiki aplikasi pada telepon genggam.
4. Peserta didik menyampaikan jawaban secara bergiliran.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan:

Father : Dear, can you help me with my phone?
Marita : What's the problem, Dad?
Father : My photo app has crashed.
Marita : Let me see your phone, Dad.
Father : Here it is. Can you fix it?
Marita : Well, I don’t think it’s a serious problem. First, restart the phone. Then, open the app.
Father : I see. But, what if it still doesn’t work?
Marita : Clean the cache data. Then, uninstall and reinstall the app.
Father : O.K. It is working now. Thanks, dear.
Marita : Anytime, Dad.

1. Restart
2. Open
3. Clean
4. Uninstall

A ctivity 3
Dialog 1
1. Please show me.
2. Find a secure place to stand your bicycle.
3. Use a bike stand or wall.
4. Ensure it won’t fall when you are trying to fix the chain.
5. Loosen both nuts on the rear wheel, but don’t fully unscrew it ….
6. Tighten the nuts and push the pedal.
7. Check if the chain won’t loosen again.
Dialog 2
1. Check different shopping sites, compare the prices, and read customers’ reviews thoroughly.
2. Make sure you’re getting a good deal.
3. Be wary of sales!

Let’s be Self-Sufficient 25
4. Be sure to check the legitimacy of the website and the offers before you click to buy.
5. Read the policies thoroughly.
6. Make sure you can ask for a refund or change of a product if the product you receive is wrong or
7. Only give necessary information, but don’t provide important information such as passwords, email
addresses, and other credentials.

A ctivity 4
No. Statements True False
1. Zara’s bicycle chain is broken. 

2. Riki claims that he knows how to repair a loose bicycle chain. 

3. Riki suggests Zara secure her bike before fixing the chain. 

4. According to Riki, it’s best to fully unscrew the nuts from the rear wheel. 

5. Pulling the chain back to a bike from the largest gear is the best thing to do. 

6. Okta is curious why Septi looks gloomy. 

7. Septi is contented with the clothes she has bought online. 

8. It is important to consider other customers’ assessments about the products. 

9. Okta reminds Septi to share the necessary information, including her saving account. 

10. Understanding the shipping policies when shopping online is less important than that 
of return policies.

A ctivity 5
Command Instruction Request
1. Close the window before it starts 1. Carefully cut the paper along 1. Please pass me the salt over there.
raining. the dotted line. 2. Lend me your pen for a moment,
2. Take out the trash before it starts 2. Hold the button down for three please.
to smell. seconds to turn on the device. 3. Help me carry these groceries if you
3. Finish your homework before you 3. Insert the key into the ignition and don’t mind.
go out to play. turn it clockwise to start the car. 4. Please fetch my jacket from
4. Wash your hands before you eat. 4. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. the closet, will you?
5. Put your phone on silent mode 5. Follow these steps to reset your 5. Lend me a hand with moving this
during the meeting. password. heavy box, please.

26 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas 11B
A ctivity 6
1. decorate 2. arrange 3. set 4. prepare 5. find
6. plant 7. monitor 8. gather 9. include 10. attach

A ctivity 7
Contoh jawaban:
1. Regular workout is good for our longevity.
2. Many people have been suffering from overheat these recent months.
3. Windmills can be used to generate energy.
4. Using wireless earphones is quite convenient.
5. Oftentimes, mom forgets where she puts her phone.
6. We will stay overnight by the lake house when visiting Toba Lake.
7. Several people are not conscious enough to keep the environment clean.
8. The lengthy explanation of this monument’s history makes me bored.
9. Tortoises are famous for their long lifespan.
10. The train commission needs to make an adjustment to the train schedule due to the recent

A ctivity 8

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan:

Tina : Seto, have you ever thought about how to take care of your phone battery so it lasts
longer? My battery doesn’t last as long as it should be, and I have to replace it shortly
after use.
Seto : Of course, I have. Managing phone batteries can be a bit tricky, but I have several tips to
maintain their longevity. You should know that extreme weather could affect your
phone’s battery life. Therefore, it’s best to avoid using your phone in really hot or cold
conditions, as it can overheat or reduce its performance.
Tina : Oh, I didn’t know that. So, what’s the best temperature for keeping the battery safe?
Seto : Ideally, your phone should be in between 0°C and 35°C. This is the optimum temperature
to keep the battery safe.
Tina : I see. I’ve noticed my phone becomes quite warm when I use it while charging. I should
avoid such a habit, right?
Seto : Yes, you should. Using your phone while charging can generate even more heat,
especially if you’re using a faster charger. It’s better to have your phone charged
without using a faster charge.
Tina : That makes sense. What about wireless charging? It is very convenient, but I’ve heard it is
not good for the battery.
Seto : You’re right. Wireless charging can generate unnecessary heat, which isn’t great for your
battery life. Charge your phone using a regular wired wall charger. It is a better option
since it generates less heat during charging.
Tina : Good to know all of these. But then, I’ve also heard that it is better to keep our battery
level between 20% and 80%.
Seto : Well, fully charging or draining your battery oftentimes can cause it to degrade faster over
time. To help maintain a healthier battery life, keep it between 20% and 80% of the

Let’s be Self-Sufficient 27
Tina : I often leave my phone being charged overnight. It’s a really bad thing to do, isn’t it?
Seto : It is. Lengthy charging cycles during the night put a heavy burden on the battery’s
health. It’s better to have a shorter charging cycle during the day.
Tina : These are all really handful tips. Thanks for sharing them with me, Seto. Starting today,
I’ll be more conscious of how I use and charge my phone.
Seto : You’re welcome! Taking care of your phone’s battery means lengthening its overall
lifespan. Just a few simple adjustments can bring a huge impact.
Tina : That’s right.

1. shortly after use 2. extreme weather 3. quite warm 4. faster charger
5. wireless charging 6. better option 7. fully charging 8. heavy burden
9. more conscious 10. huge impact

A ctivity 9
1. The battery doesn’t last as long as it should be.
2. Tips on maintaining the life of phone batteries
3. It can cause the phone to overheat or reduce its performance.
4. Her phone gets warmer.
5. Between 0 to 35 degrees Celsius
6. It will generate even more heat.
7. It is 20%.
8. Charging at night will put a heavy burden on the battery’s health.
9. During the daylight
10. Because good batteries will lengthen the overall lifespan of the phone.

A ctivity 10
Goal : To learn how to take care of phone batteries
Introduction : Managing phone batteries can be a bit tricky, but I have several tips to maintain their
Steps : 1. Avoid using your phone in very hot or cold conditions.
2. Charge your phone charged without using a faster charger.
3. Charge your phone using a regular wired wall charger instead of a wireless charger.
4. Keep the battery level between 20% and 80%.
5. Avoid charging overnight.
Conclusion : Taking care of phone batteries means lengthening the phone’s overall lifespan. Just
a few simple adjustments can bring a huge impact.

28 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas 11B
A ctivity 11
1. Do you have other tips for grocery shopping that are more efficient?
2. Well, comparing prices and reading reviews can help you find the best value.
3. Always go for the freshest options, like choosing the ripest fruits or vegetables.
4. Is it better to shop at a large supermarket or a smaller store?
5. Supermarkets usually have a wider variety, while smaller stores might offer more personalized
6. Sometimes bulk purchases aren’t always the cheapest.

A ctivity 12
1. grocery shopping
2. a list of items he really needs before grocery shopping
3. the best value of grocery shopping
4. the ripest fruits and vegetables
5. the original and discounted prices
6. sales and discounts
7. bulk purchases
8. a wider variety of products
9. personal preferences
10. impulse buying

A ctivity 13
1. good 2. better
3. most 4. longer
5. more precise 6. safer
7. stronger 8. more secure
9. closest 10. most important

A ctivity 14
Jawaban: 2. identify which door is
Dialog 1 squeaky
1. how to fix a squeaky door 3. a silicone-based lubricant

2 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Let’s be Self- 2
4. remove the door
5. a narrow nozzle Dialog 2
1. a virtual payment application
2. creating a strong password
3. two-factor authentication
4. the PIN
5. enhances the security


3 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Let’s be Self- 3
A ctivity 15

Pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan:

1. Who are the speakers?
2. Why does Ari need Yuni’s help?
3. What should Yuni do before placing dirty clothes in the washing machine?
4. What should Yuni add to the washing machine along with the clothes?
5. What should Yuni do once the laundry is done?

1. They are brother and sister./They are siblings.
2. Ari needs Yuni’s help with house chores because their parents will be away for a month.
3. Yuni should sort the dirty clothes and check all the pockets for coins or other items.
4. Yuni should add detergent, softener, or bleach, if washing white clothes, on their respective slots.
5. Yuni should take out the laundry, dry them, and make sure to unplug the machine’s power when
it’s finished.

A ctivity 16
1. First, sort the dirty clothes and put them in the washing machine.
2. Add detergent, softener, or bleach if you are washing white clothes on their respective slots.
3. Choose the type of cycle that matches your clothes.
4. Press the start button.
5. Take out the laundry when they’re done and hang them to dry.
6. Unplug the power when it’s finished.

Practice 1
Petunjuk Guru:

1. Peserta didik membentuk kelompok yang terdiri atas dua orang.

2. Peserta didik mengamati kedua gambar dalam kegiatan ini, yaitu gambar dua orang yang berlari
dan gambar tiga tanaman kaktus.
3. Peserta didik membuat percakapan terkait gambar dan memasukkan unsur kebahasaan
degrees of comparison ke dalam percakapan yang mereka buat.
4. Setelah selesai, peserta didik mempraktikkan percakapan yang telah mereka buat di depan

3 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Let’s be Self- 3

A ctivity 1
1. comprehend = memahami 2. headings = judul
3. scan = memindai 4. exhausting = melelahkan
5. sub-headings = subjudul 6. review = ulasan, mengulas
7. passage = bacaan 8. fonts = (tipe) huruf
9. mindful = sadar 10. grasp = menggenggam
11. distractions = gangguan 12. versatile = serba bisa

A ctivity 2
1. It is a procedural text, precisely in the form of tip.
2. To tell the readers how to do something orderly
3. It tells us about few tips on how to read effectively.
4. The main ideas are written orderly using numbers.
5. Imperative sentences.

A ctivity 3
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

3 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Let’s be Self- 3

3 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Let’s be Self- 3
A ctivity 4
1. break the tamper seal and allow you to discharge the extinguisher
2. the base of the fire
3. squeeze the handle
4. sweep the nozzle side to side
5. maintain safe distances from the fire
6. keep an eye so the fire doesn’t rekindle
7. Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
8. you feel comfortable handling
9. call the fire emergency services
10. evacuate yourself and others

A ctivity 5
Petunjuk Guru:

1. Peserta didik membaca teks dengan nyaring secara bergantian. Guru membetulkan pelafalan
dan intonasi yang kurang tepat.
2. Peserta didik membaca dan memahami pernyataan-pernyataan terkait teks.
3. Peserta didik memberi tanda centang () pada pernyataan yang sesuai dengan isi teks.
4. Peserta didik mendiskusikan jawabannya.
5. Guru memperhatikan dan memberi nilai, termasuk nilai sikap keaktifan peserta didik.

 The text helps you understand the cause of Wi-Fi connection issues and how to solve it.

Walls and other obstacles slightly disrupt the Wi-Fi signal strength.
 We should wait for a couple of minutes after restarting the Wi-Fi router so that it can fully restart.

The source of Wi-Fi connection issues comes from the router.

 One of the causes why you cannot connect to the Wi-Fi is you type the wrong password.

3 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Let’s be Self- 3
A ctivity 6
Petunjuk Guru:

1. Peserta didik membaca kembali teks prosedur di Activity 6 dengan saksama.

2. Peserta didik mengidentifikasi struktur teks tersebut dengan mengisi tabel berdasarkan
informasi dalam teks.
3. Peserta didik diminta mengamati dan menjelaskan elemen teks prosedur yang tidak ada dalam
teks tersebut beserta alasannya.
4. Peserta didik membacakan jawaban mereka secara bergiliran.
5. Guru memperhatikan dan memberi nilai, termasuk nilai sikap keaktifan peserta didik.


Title/Goal How to Fix Wi-Fi Connection Issues

Introduction Is your Wi-Fi acting up and causing frustration? Don’t worry. You can easily troubleshoot and fix common Wi-
connection issues on your own. Follow these simple steps to get your Wi-Fi up and running smoothly again.

Materials -

Steps 1. Check Wi-Fi signal

Make sure that your device is within an effective range of the Wi-Fi router. Walls and other
obstacles can weaken the signal, so it’s best to move closer to the router.
2. Restart the router
Sometimes, a quick restart can solve your connection problems. Locate your Wi-Fi router and unplug it from the
power source. Wait for a minute, then plug it back in. Give the router a minute or two to fully restart.
3. Restart your device
Sometimes, the trouble lies in your device. Reboot your device to connect to the Wi-Fi. Turn it
off, wait for a few seconds, and then turn it back on. This can help refresh the network settings.

4. Forget network and reconnect

On your device, go to the list of available Wi-Fi networks. Find your network, tap on it, and select “Forget” or
“Forget Network”. Then, reconnect to your Wi-Fi by selecting it from the list and entering the password.
5. Check your password
Double-check that you’re entering the correct Wi-Fi password. It’s easy to make a typo, so make
sure the characters are entered accurately.
6. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP)
If you’ve tried all the steps and your Wi-Fi still isn’t working, there might be a serious issue with your Internet
connection. Contact your ISP and explain the problem. They can provide further assistance.

Conclusion With these simple steps, you can troubleshoot and fix many common Wi-Fi connection problems. Remember th
patience is the key, and it’s always a good idea to try a few solutions before seeking professional help.

The text doesn’t have ingredients, tools, or materials. It is because the procedural text is written in the
form of a manual, not procedures to create or make something.

3 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Let’s be Self- 3
A ctivity 7
Paragraph Main Idea
1 It’s a good idea to learn how to sew hole in your clothes before taking it to a tailor.

2 Thread the needle.

3 Prepare your clothes.

4 Begin stitching.

5 Sew the hole.

6 Secure the finish.

7 Following the steps, you have successfully sewn a hole on your clothes.

A ctivity 8
Title/Goal How to Sew a Hole in Your Clothes

Oh no! Your favorite shirt has a hole in it. But wait! Before you bring it to the tailor and spend your money, y
Introduction should consider fixing it yourself. Learning how to sew a hole could help you in a long way. Here’s how you sew
hole in your clothes.

Materials Needle, thread

1. Thread the needle.

2. Prepare your clothes.
Steps 3. Begin stitching.
4. Sew the hole.
5. Secure the finish.

With these steps, you’ve successfully sewn a hole in your clothes. Remember that practice
improves your stitching skills, so take your time to make the repair neat and last longer.

A ctivity 9
1. Prepare your laptop
2. Connect the cable to your laptop
3. Connect the cable to your projector
4. Setting up the projector
5. Set the display
6. Set the windows projection menu

34 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas 11B
A ctivity 10
1. Ensure the laptop is off.
2. We have to secure the cable connection to the laptop.
3. There are two types of connection: HDMI and VGA. We need to make sure that we have the correct
4. We need to take the lens cap off.
5. We need to adjust the focus knob.
6. The projection will disconnect during the presentation.
7. By pressing the Windows key and the letter ‘P’ key together
8. We can select a projection mode that controls how the laptop’s display interacts with the projector.
9. We can use it to turn the projection on and go to the screen menu.
10. Contoh jawaban: In a situation where we have to present our paper or assignment in the class.

A ctivity 11
Look at the pictures.
Write the correct order of the pictures according to the text in Activity 9.
Soal yang dikerjakan peserta didik dan jawaban:

5 3

Illustrator: Eka Ernawati

Illustrator: Eka Ernawati

Let’s be Self- 3
4 6

Illustrator: Eka Ernawati

Illustrator: Eka Ernawati

1 2

Illustrator: Eka Ernawati Illustrator: Eka Ernawati

A ctivity 13
How to Create an Engaging Power Point Presentation
A well-designed PowerPoint presentation can make your ideas shine and captivate your audience.
Whether for a school project or a class presentation, follow these steps to create an engaging
PowerPoint that leaves a lasting impact.
The first thing you need to sort out is your materials. Gather the necessary contents for
presentation. Look for credible information sources to solidify your content’s validity.
You have compile enough contents. Now it’s time create rough outline of your presentation. It’s
best to focus on one idea per slide in mind. That way, the clarity of your message is easily caught by
the audience. Ensure a good flow of information from the beginning to the end of your slides.
Slide design will be your main focus once the outline laid down. Select a simple, professional
template that complements your topic. Avoid overly flashy designs that distract from your content.
Stick to two or three easy-to-read fonts throughout the presentation. Use larger fonts for headings
and smaller fonts for content.
Your slide is incomplete without some flairs. It means transitions and animations. Transitions and
animations are not just entertaining; they are also keeping the audience engaging. Use smooth slide
transitions that enhance the flow. Avoid flashy animations that can be distracting. Use animations
sparingly to emphasize crucial points or reveal information gradually. Keep the animations
consistent throughout the presentation.
Good slides are meaningless on the hand of unprepared presenters. Keep in mind to rehearse your
presentation multiple times. Practice not only helps you become familiar with the content, it also
builds your confidence. Take as much time as possible to perfect your presentation.
Engaging presentation lays on two factors, a good material and a good presenter. With these
strategies in place, both you and your PowerPoint presentation can become a powerful tool for
conveying information and leaving a lasting impression.

36 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas 11B
A ctivity 14

No. Statement True False Revision

1. Overly flashy animation might keep the audience 
from the points you want to deliver.
2. Using as many different fonts as possible enhances  You should stick to two or three easy-to- read
the presentation. fonts throughout the presentation.
3. It is advised to look for any information sources for  Only look for valid sources of information
the content of your presentation. for your content.
4. Using larger fonts for headings and smaller fonts 
for content is a good practice.
5. Once you’ve done with the outline, you need to add  After finishing the outline, you need to
transitions and animations. decide the slide design.
6. A well-prepared presenter has as many impacts as 
the presentation materials.
7. This text is best suited for a veteran presenter. The text is aimed at students, since
 mentions a class presentation in t
introduction of the text.
8. Enough rehearsal will help you face the audience 
more calmly.
9. Focusing on one idea per slide helps the audience 
with message clarity.
10. Rehearsing the presentation is not necessary for  Rehearsing is advised to get familiar with
a short presentation. the materials and invoke confidence.


Practice 1

Contoh jawaban:
1. Add your items into the cart
Once you’ve found all the items you want to buy, add them to the cart. Click the cart icon in your app.
2. Choose the method of payment
Once all your items are in the cart, completing the payment will be the next step. Select the
of payment before you check out.
3. Choose your shipping provider
Once you’ve finished the payment, you have to choose the shipping provider. Here, you must
the designation address for the items. Be sure to provide clear address.
4. Wait for delivery
After choosing your shipping provider, you will receive information on when your package will
arrive. You can check the progress of the delivery regularly.
5. Receive the package
Finally! Your package has arrived. Be sure to check information in the package to avoid receiving
a wrong package.

Let’s be Self-Sufficient 37
Practice 2
Petunjuk Guru:

1. Peserta didik memperhatikan gambar dalam kegiatan ini.

2. Peserta didik mendiskusikan permasalahan yang ditunjukkan oleh gambar, yaitu keran yang bocor.
3. Peserta didik menulis teks prosedur tentang cara mengatasi permasalahan tersebut.
4. Peserta didik mempresentasikan teks prosedur yang telah ditulis, di depan kelas.
5. Peserta didik mengumpulkan teks tersebut kepada guru sebagai portofolio.

Daily Assessment
A. Choose a, b, c, d, or e for the correct 5. Jawaban: c
answer. Teks tersebut merupakan teks prosedur
1. Jawaban: e tentang cara mengecat tembok
menggunakan cat dua warna. Hal tersebut
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat Naura,
d i t u n j u k k a n o l e h u n s u r - u n s u r tek s
”How about teaching me how to do it? It’d prosedur dalam teks tersebut, seperti
be better if I could change the light bulb by penjelasan tentang alat dan bahan yang
myself.” yang artinya ”Bagaimana kalau diperlukan , serta langkah-langkah
mengajari saya cara melakukannya? Akan kegiatan. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (c) benar.
lebih baik jika saya bisa mengganti bola Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai
lampunya sendiri.”. Jadi, pilihan jawaban dengan isi teks; (a) merupakan tujuan
teks eksplanasi, (b) merupakan tujuan
(e) benar.
teks deskriptif, (d) merupakan tujuan teks
2. Jawaban: b eksposisi hortatori, dan (e) merupakan
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat Naura, tujuan teks narasi.
”No, but I have a ladder. Let me get it now.” 6. Jawaban: b
yang artinya ”Tidak, tetapi aku punya Jawaban disimpulka n dari kalimat di
tangga. Aku ambil tangganya sekarang.”. paragraf tiga, ”Mark where you want
Jadi, pilihan jawaban (b) benar. the two colors to meet on your wall with
3. Jawaban: e a measuring tape and pencil.” yang artinya
”Tandai tempat Anda ingin kedua warna
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat Rian,
bertemu di dinding Anda dengan meteran
”Climb it until you can reach the light bulb
dan pensil.”. Jadi, pensil digunakan
easily.” yang artinya ”Naiki hingga kamu
untuk membagi area dinding yang akan
dapat menjangkau bola lampu dengan
dicat. Pilihan jawaban (b) benar. Pilihan
mudah.”. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (e) benar.
jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan
4. Jawaban: b isi teks; (a) artinya untuk membuat pola
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat Rian, di dinding, (c) artinya untuk menandai
”Hold it by the base and screw it clockwise beberapa titik di dinding, (d) artinya
into the socket.” yang artinya ”Pegang untuk mewarnai setengah bagian
bagian bawahnya dan kencangkan searah dinding, dan (e) artinya untuk menahan
jarum jam ke dalam soket.”. Jadi, pilihan benang dengan erat di
jawaban (b) dindin

3 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Let’s be Self- 3
7. Jawaban: a memastikan saya
Jawaban disimpulka n dari kalimat di melakukannya dengan benar.
paragraf empat, ”After marking all the Ada
lines, paint the lighter color to the first
half of the wall using a paint roller. Paint
slightly over the marking line. Then, wait
for the paint to dry.” yang artinya ”Setelah
menandai semua garis, catlah warna
yang lebih terang pada paruh pertama
dinding menggunakan gulungan cat. Cat
sedikit di atas garis penanda. Kemudian,
tunggu hingga cat mengering.”. Jadi,
setelah mengecat separuh bagian dinding,
kita harus menunggu catnya mengering.
Pilihan jawaban (a) benar. Pilihan jawaban
yang lain tidak sesuai dengan isi teks;
(b) a r t i n y a m e n e m p e l k a n p l e s t e r ke
dinding, (c) artinya mengukur dinding
menggunakan meteran, (d) artinya segera
mengecat menggunakan cat yang lebih
gelap, dan (e) artinya menandai dinding
menggunakan kapur dan benang.
8. Jawaban: d
Jawaban disimpulka n dari kalimat di
paragraf satu, ”Instead of using a single
monotonous color, you can try two-tone
color wall painting to enhance your room.”
yang artinya ”Daripada menggunakan
satu warna yang monoton, Anda bisa
m e n c o b a m e n g e c a t d i n d i n g denga n
c a t d u a w a r n a u n t u k mempercantik
ruangan Anda.”. Jadi, pilihan jawaban
(d), yang artinya untuk menyegarkan
suasana ruangan, benar. Pilihan jawaban
yang lain tidak sesuai dengan isi teks;
(a) artinya menggunakan cat dengan
lebih efisie n, (b) artinya meperbaiki
masalah dengan dinding mereka,
(c) artinya membagi ruangan menjadi
dua bagian, dan (e) artinya meningkatkan
pencahayaan di ruangan.
9. Jawaban: c
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat Wendy,
”Brother, I’m thinking of ordering food
online. But I want to make sure I do it right.
Any tips?” yang artinya ”Kak, saya
sedang berpikir untuk memesan makanan
secara daring. Namun, saya ingin
jawaban (b) dindin

3 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Let’s be Self- 3
tips?”. Jadi, Wendy bertanya tentang tips memesan
makanan secara daring. Pilihan jawaban (c) benar.
10. Jawaban: e
J a w a b a n d i s i m p u l k a n d a r i k a l i m a t Wendy,
”I think I have downloaded the same app as yours. It
has good reviews and ratings.” yang artinya ”Saya
rasa saya telah mengunduh aplikasi yang sama
dengan milikmu. Ini memiliki ulasan dan
peringkat yang bagus.”. Jadi, Wendy meyakinka n
Raj a bahw a ia memiliki aplikasi yang sama
dengan menyebutkan ulasan dan peringkat
aplikasinya. Pilihan jawaban (e) benar. Pilihan
jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan isi dialog;
(a) artinya ia mengingat nama aplikasinya, ( b )
a r t i n y a i a m e n j e l a s k a n f u n g s i aplikasinya, (c)
artinya ia menunjukkan Raja telepon selular
miliknya, dan (d) artinya ia membandingkan
barang-barang kirimannya.
11. Jawaban: d
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat Raja,
”It is important to consider how far the restaurant
is from our address. You don’t want to wait too long for
the food to arrive as certain foods are better served
warm.” yang artinya
” P e n t i n g u n t u k mempertimbangkan seberapa
jauh restoran tersebut dari alamat kita. Kamu tentu
tidak ingin menunggu terlalu lama hingga
makanan tiba karena makanan tertentu lebih
baik disajikan hangat.”. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (d)
12. Jawaban: e
J a w a b a n d i s i m p u l k a n d a r i k a l i m a t Raja,
”Don’t forget to pay attention to the delivery fees.”
yang artinya ”Jangan lupa perhatikan biaya
pengirimannya.”. Jadi, sangat penting untuk
mempertimbangkan biaya pengiriman karena ini
berpengaruh pada jumlah total pembayaran.
Pilihan j a w a b a n ( e ) b e n a r . P i l i h a n jawaban
yang lain tidak sesuai dengan isi dialog; (a) salah
karena penting untuk memiliki aplikasi dengan
ulasan dan peringkat yang baik, (b) salah karena
kostumisasi pesanan tidak dikenakan biaya
tambahan, (c) salah karena peringkat restoran
berpengaruh pada kualitas makanan dan
pelayanan, dan

... ...
jawaban (b) dindin

4 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Let’s be Self- 4
(d) salah karena pelayanan dipengaruhi 18. Jawaban: a
oleh ulasan dan peringkat restoran. HOTS
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat di
13. Jawaban: c paragraf satu, ”It may not be the best
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat langkah soundproofing method, but it’s easy and
pertama, ”Start your motorcycle and run it cost-effective.” yang artinya ”Ini
for around five minutes. This will warm the mungkin bukan metode k e d a p s u a r a
oil and allow it to drain more easily.” yang t e r b a i k , n a m u n metode i n i m u d a h
artinya ”Nyalakan sepeda motor Anda dan d a n h e m a t b i a y a . ” . Jadi, keuntungan
jalankan selama sekitar lima menit. Ini menggunakan kardus telur adalah
akan menghangatkan oli dan membuatnya murah. Pilihan jawaban (a) benar.
lebih mudah mengalir.”. Jadi, pilihan
jawaban (c) benar. 19. Jawaban: d
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat langkah
14. Jawaban: e
pertama, ”Measure the length and width of
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat langkah
the area that will be covered. Then, calculate
ketiga, ”Locate the oil drain plug. You can
the amount of egg cartons to cover the area.”
find it at the lowest part of the engine.” yang
yang artinya ”Ukur panjang dan lebar
artinya ”Temukan sumbat penguras oli.
area yang akan dicakup. Kemudian,
Anda dapat menemukannya di bagian
hitung jumlah kardus telur untuk
paling bawah mesin.”. Jadi, pilihan jawaban
menutupi area tersebut.”. Jadi, alasan
(e) benar.
mengukur dinding yaitu untuk
15. Jawaban: b menghitung banyaknya kardus yang
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat langkah dibutuhkan. Pilihan jawaban (d) benar.
kelima, ”Run the engine for ten minutes. Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai
Be sure to check for leaks.” yang artinya dengan isi teks; (a) artinya untuk
”Jalankan mesin selama sepuluh menit. mendapatkan cukup area yang diredam
Pastikan untuk memeriksa kebocoran.”. suaranya, (b) artinya untuk menghitung
Langkah tersebut merupakan langkah b i a y a y a n g d i b u t u h k a n , (c ) artiny a
yang dilakukan setelah mengganti oli untuk memprediksi waktu pengerjaan
baru. Pilihan jawaban (b) benar. yang dibutuhkan, dan (e) artinya untuk
16. Jawaban: c mengukur keefektifan peredam suara.
Kata ’essential’ memiliki makna yang 20. Jawaban: a
sama dengan ’crucial’, yaitu penting. Jadi, HOTS
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat langkah
pilihan jawaban (c) benar. Pilihan jawaban kelima, ”Press them firmly onto the board
yang lain maknanya berbeda; (a) artinya in rows until the entire board is covered.”
biasa, (b) artinya kritis, (d) artinya yang artinya ”Tekan dengan kuat ke
rahasia, dan (e) artinya konvensional. papan dalam barisan sampai seluruh
17. Jawaban: d papan tertutup.”. Jadi, kardus harus
ditempelkan dengan kuat. Pilihan
Jawaban disimpulka n dari kalimat di
jawaban (a) benar. Pilihan jawaban yang
paragraf satu, ”Discover how to soundproof
lain tidak sesuai dengan isi teks; (b)
your walls with a D.I.Y solution using egg
salah karena kardus harus dipotong
cartons.” yang artinya ”Temukan cara
terlebih dahulu, (c) salah karena Anda
membua t dindin g And a keda p suara
hanya memerlukan salah satu saja, lem
dengan solusi D.I.Y menggunakan kardus atau plester, (d) salah karena kardus
telur.”. Jadi, judul yang tepat untuk teks ditempelkan ke papan kardus terlebih
tersebut yaitu pilihan jawaban (d) yang dahulu, dan (e) salah karena kardus
artinya Cara Meredam Suara Menggunakan telur ditempelkan di atas papan kardus.
Kardus Telur.

4 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Let’s be Self- 4
Competence Assessment

1. Jawaban:
There are four tips, as follows.
• Improve the condition of the items/products.
• Present the products with good photos and detailed descriptions.
• Look for widely known sites to advertise the products.
• Conduct a plenty of research before setting the prices of the products.
2. Jawaban : b dan d
Pembahasan : Penyataan yang sesuai dengan isi percakapan yaitu pilihan jawaban (b) dan
(d). Pernyataan (b) sesuai dengan kalimat Felisha, ”My house needs a
serious decluttering.” yang artinya ”Rumahku perlu penataan (karena penuh)
serius.”, dan (d) sesuai dengan kalimat Deni, ”Look for the average prices of
similar products before setting the price in your sites. Ensure the price is not
absurdly higher or lower than others.” yang artinya ”Carilah harga rata-rata
produk serupa sebelum menetapkan harga di situs kamu. Pastikan
harganya tidak terlalu tinggi atau lebih rendah daripada yang lain.”.
Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan isi dialog; (a) salah karena
Felisha yang akan menjual lemari tuanya, (c) salah karena kita harus
memberi informasi yang detail dan singkat, dan (e) salah karena harga
barang yang dijual harus seimbang dengan harga rata-rata penawaran
barang serupa lainnya.
3. Jawaban:
Statement True False
Recording in portrait orientation provides better video viewing experiences. 

Your recording location affects how much noise you need to manage in the recording process. 

Stability in your recording can be improved by attaching your camera on a tripod. 

Using clean and protected lenses has significant impacts in the video editing quality. 

Direct sunlight helps improve the lighting during the recording process. 

Pembahasan : Pernyataan kedua dan ketiga benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat langkah
”It is important to minimize background noises when recording.” yang artinya
”Penting untuk meminimalkan kebisingan latar belakang saat merekam.”
dan kalimat langkah ketiga, ”There are several ways to obtain stable
recordings. Use both hands, lean your phone on a solid surface, or use a tripod.”
yang artinya
”Ada beberapa cara untuk mendapatkan rekaman yang stabil. Gunakan kedua
tangan, sandarkan telepon pada permukaan padat, atau gunakan tripod.”.
Pernyataan pertama salah karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat langkah kedua,
”Landscape orientation makes the video more enjoyable to watch, ....” yang
”Orientasi lanskap membuat video lebih enak untuk ditonton, ....”.
Pernyataan keempat salah karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat langkah
keenam, ”A little editing can make a huge difference to the quality of your
videos.” yang artinya
”Sedikit penyuntingan dapat membuat perbedaan besar pada kualitas video
Anda.”. Pernyataan kelima salah karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat langkah

4 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Let’s be Self- 4
empat, ”Avoid direct sunlight when it is too bright since it causes overexposure
and unflattering shadows.” yang artinya ”Hindari sinar matahari langsung
ketika terlalu terang karena dapat menyebabkan pencahayaan berlebih dan
bayangan yang tidak menarik.”.

... ...

4 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Let’s be Self- 4
4. Jawaban:

Clean your lenses. You need to pay attention to the

when recording.
Adjust the lighting. Using apps can improve your
Edit your video. You need to regularly clean your
from dust.
Stabilize your recording. You should avoid rough surfaces
placing your camera.
Pembahasan : Langkah Clean your lenses sesuai dengan pernyataan You need to regularly
clean your phone from the dust yang terdapat pada langkah pertama.
Langkah Adjust the lighting sesuai dengan pernyataan You need to pay
attention to the sunlight when recording yang terdapat pada langkah keempat.
Langkah Edit your video sesuai dengan pernyataan Using apps can improve your
video quality yang terdapat pada langkah keenam.
Langkah Stabilize your recording sesuai dengan pernyataan You should avoid
rough surface when putting your camera yang terdapat pada langkah ketiga.
5. Contoh jawaban:
How to Respond to Earthquake
Earthquake is common occurrence in our country. Thus, knowing how to respond to it is
essential for our safety. By following these instructions, you can mitigate the risks of injury
and ensure you’re well-prepared to overcome this natural disaster.
1. Stay calm and find cover
If you’re indoors, stay indoors. Keep yourself calm. Moving around during an
earthquake increases the risk of injury. Take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, like
a table or desk.
2. Drop, cover, and Hold on
Get down on your hands and knees to prevent being knocked over. Cover your head and
neck with your arms and seek shelter against an interior wall away from windows.
Hold on to your shelter until the shaking stops.
3. If outside, stay outside
If you are outside, make sure you are far away from falling debris. Keep your distance
from buildings. Go to an open area, away from trees or telephone poles.
4. Evacuate if necessary
If you notice damage to your building, such as cracks, leaning walls, or visible
instability, leave the building promptly. Use stairs instead of elevators to get down a
level as elevator shafts can be damaged by the earthquake.
5. Stay informed
During events like earthquake, obtaining information on proper safety procedure is
crucial. Knowing what to do, where to gather after the disaster, and other safety
measures can save lives.
During an earthquake, following these instructions can significantly improve your chances
of staying safe and minimizing harm. Keep in mind to stay calm, take cover, and prioritize
your safety until the shaking stops and you’re given the all-clear by local authorities.
Adapted from: (October 5, 2023)

4 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Let’s be Self- 4
Final Test

A. Choose a, b, c, d, or e for the correct For question 2, scan

answer. the QR code or log
Listening Section
For question 1, scan the QR code
or log onto

Question 1 refers to the following
dialog. Girl : Aksa, what’s the best way
to manage
blood sugar?
Boy : It’s about choosing low-sugar,
high-fiber foods.
Girl : Right. What else?
Boy : Regular exercise burns calories
and helps control sugar. Plus,
consulting a healthcare pro is the
safest way to go.
Girl : To sum up, healthy eating,
staying active, and expert advice
are the top ways to manage blood
sugar. Is that right?
Boy : Absolutely, Aura. They are the
most effective strategies, I guess.
1. What is the best way to manage

1. Jawaban: e
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat laki-
laki, ”It’s about choosing low-sugar, but
high-fiber foods.” yang artinya ”Itu
tentang memilih makanan rendah gula
tetapi tinggi serat.”. Hal tersebut
menunjukkan bahwa salah satu cara
untuk mengontrol gula darah adalah
makan makanan yang rendah gula tetapi
tinggi serat. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (e)

4 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas Final 4
Percakapandansoalyangdiperdengarkan: Question
2 refers to the following dialog. Girl : Listen, I
just purchased a new
skincare product from an online
store. I guess, it’s the best skincare product
I’ve used. The texture is silky, and it easily
absorbs into my skin.
Boy : Wow, that’s impressive ! What
distinguishes it from your other skincare
Girl : It appears to be the most natural
alternative I’ve found. My skin has never felt
softer, and I can already see a brilliant
shine. The aroma is by far the most
refreshing, and the packaging is the most
appealing. Furthermore, the components are
all-natural, which is a big plus in my book.
I believe I have discovered my true gem
skincare product.
Boy : I’m delighted you’ve found
something that works for you so nicely. I
think, I may have to give it a shot myself!
Girl : Sure.
2. What will the boy do after hearing
the girl’s review?

2. Jawaban: a
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat laki- laki
tersebut ”I think, I may have to give it a shot
myself!” yang artinya ”Saya pikir, saya mungkin
harus mencobanya sendiri!”. Jadi, laki-laki tersebut
akan membeli dan mencoba memakai produk
perawatan kulit tersebut, lalu membuktikannya
sendiri. Pilihan jawaban (a) benar.

4 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas Final 4
Monolog yang diperdengarkan:
For question 3, scan the QR code
Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following
or log onto monolog.
I’d like to tell you a story of my
traditional music lecturer, Mr. Adam
who has just held his concert in an
Question 3 refers to the following monolo opera house.
E v er since he was a little boy ,
Ensuring that your clothes are always in Mr. Adam’s heart had been captivated by
pristine condition and your closet stays the enchanting melodies of traditional
impeccably organized is the key to music instruments. His grandfather,
looking and feeling your best. The most a skilled musician, would take him to
effective local music shows where the resonating
way to achieve this is by staying committe sounds of traditional gamelan
d to regular decluttering sessions. instruments would fill the air. These
Go through your clothes, seasonally or experiences imprinted a deep love for
even monthly if possible, and carefully the heritage of his culture in young
assess each item. If you haven’t worn Adam’s soul, and he grew up with a
something in a year or more, consider profound appreciation for the rich legacy
donating or selling it. This process helps of traditional music.
you maintain a wardrobe filled with Grown up Adam noted a shift in
pieces you love and actually wear, t h e m u s i c a l t a s t e s of t h e younger
eliminating unnecessary clutter. generation as the years passed. The
Narrator: draw of modern instruments and
3. Where can you apply the contemporary t u n e s had taken
tips? primacy, pushing once-loved
traditional instruments to the
3. Jawaban: c margins. Adam set out on a mission to
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”Go preserve the art that had shaped his
through your clothes, seasonally or even childhood. He realized the need to
monthly if possible, and carefully assess encourage young people to appreciate
each item.” yang artinya ”Periksa traditional music instruments that were
pakaian Anda, musiman atau bahkan on the verge of extinction. He began
bulanan jika memungkinkan , dan delivering music lessons to children
nilai setiap barang dengan cermat.”. with unflinching dedication, kindling
J a d i , t i p t e r s e b u t t e n t a n g memila h their curiosity and passion for the
pakaian yang tidak dipakai sehingga dapat instruments that held the soul of their
diaplikasikan di lemari pakaian. Pilihan cultural heritage.
jawaban (c) benar. Adam grew from a youngster charmed
by tune s to a cultura l ambassador.
For question s 4 and 5, scan He ensured that the soul-stirring
the QR code or log onto rhythms of traditional instruments continued to echo through time. This
demonstrated that the power of
emotion could bridge the divide
between past and present.

4. What inspired Mr. Adam for his deep
appreciation on traditional music
5. What motivated Mr. Adam to give
music lessons to children?

4 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas Final 4
4. Jawaban: b 7. Jawaban: c
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat- Surya mengataka n bahwa olahraga
kalimat dapat membantu mengeluarkan hormon
”Ever since he was a little boy, Mr. Adam’s endorfin yang berguna sebagai mood
heart had been captivated by the enchanting booster (kalimat ”Well, exercise is a fantastic
melodies of traditional music instruments. mood booster. Even a quick jog or dance
His grandfather, a skilled musician, would session in your room can release endorphins
t a k e h i m to local musi c show s where and lift your spirits.”). Jadi, pilihan jawaban
the resonating sounds of traditional gamelan (c) benar.
i n s t r u m e n t s w o u l d fill the air.” yang
8. Jawaban: b
artinya ”Sejak kecil, hati Pak Adam telah
tertawan oleh lantunan instrumen musik HOTS
Kalimat Yuna, ”I’ll work on getting more
tradisional. Kakeknya, seorang pemusik sleep, exercising, spending time with positive
a n d a l , m e n g a j a k n y a ke pertunjukan friends, and practicing gratitude.” yang
musik setempat di mana suara instrumen artinya ”Saya akan berusaha untuk lebih
gamelan tradisional menggema banyak tidur, berolahraga, menghabiskan
memenuhi udara di sekitarnya.”. Jadi, waktu bersama teman-teman yang
rasa suka Pak Adam yang dalam positif, dan melatih rasa syukur.”,
terhadap instrumen musik tradisional menunjukkan h a l - h a l y a n g a k a n ia
disebabkan pengalaman masa kecilnya lakuka n untuk menjaga mood-nya.
menonton pertunjukan musik Jadi, hal yang tepat dilakukan Yuna
tradisional, sesuai dengan pilihan adalah pilihan jawaban (b) yang artinya
jawaban (b). pergi bersepeda tiap akhir pekan, karena
menunjukkan kegiatan berolahraga
5. Jawaban: d rutin. Pilihan jawaban yang
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat- lain salah; (a), yang artinya memasak
makanan sendiri, dan (c), yang artinya
”Adam set out on a mission to preserve the
art that had shaped his childhood. He beristirahat setelah berolahraga, tidak
realized the need to encourage young termasuk saran dari Surya. Sementara itu,
people to appreciate traditional music pilihan jawaban (d), yang artinya
instruments that were on the verge of berteman dengan sebanyak-
extinction.” yang artinya ”Adam b a n y a k n y a orang, salah karena kita
memulai sebuah misi untuk disarankan berteman dengan orang-
melestarikan seni y a n g telah orang yang positif, dan (e), yang artinya
membentuk masa kecilnya. Ia menyadari menyimpan perasaannya untuk diri
perlunya mendorong generasi muda untuk sendiri, salah karena Yuna sebaiknya
mengapresias i alat musik tradisional berbagi perasaan dengan orang yang
yang berada di ambang kepunahan.”. Hal dipercayai.
tersebut menunjukkan alasan Pak Adam
memberi pelajaran musik tradisional 9. Jawaban: c
kepada anak-anak. Jadi, pilihan jawaban Kalimat Surya , ”Also, try to surround
(d) benar. yourself with positive people. Being around
This is the end of the listening section. friends who support and uplift you can make

Reading Section tidur cukup. Jadi, pilihan

jawaban (b) benar.
6. Jawaban: b
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat Surya,
”First, make sure you’re having enough
sleep.” yang artinya ”Pertama, pastikan
kamu memiliki (waktu) tidur yang
cukup.”. Hal tersebut menunjukkan
bahwa saran pertama Surya adalah
4 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas Final 4
a world of difference.” yang artinya ”Selain itu, cobalah
bergaul dengan orang-orang positif. Berada di sekitar
teman-teman yang mendukung dan menyemangatimu
d a p a t m e m b u a t p e r b e d a a n besar.” , menunjukkan
bahwa Yuna perlu berada di antara orang-orang yang
mendukungnya. Jadi, alasan Surya menyebutkan
bahwa Yuna perlu berbicara kepada orang yang

4 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas Final 4
dipercayai adalah agar ia bisa berbagi hal ”Makin banyak kamu belajar dan makin bagus
yang ia rasakan. Pilihan jawaban (c) prestasimu di sekolah, makin banyak peluang yang
benar. kamu miliki.”. Jadi, maksud
10. Jawaban: a
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat Aqila,
”Well, I’d say developing good study habits
is crucial.” yang artinya ”Menurut saya,
mengembangka n kebiasaan belajar
yang baik itu penting.”. Hal tersebut
menunjukka n bahwa mempraktikkan
kebiasaa n belaja r denga n baik dapat
menjadi kunci untuk mempersiapkan
masa depan. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (a)
benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak
dise butkan dal am teks ; (b) artinya
bergabung organisasi siswa, (c) artinya
mematok cita-cita karier yang ambisius,
(d) artinya menabung untuk kuliah sejak
dini, dan (e) artinya mengikuti banyak
kegiatan ekstrakurikuler.
11. Jawaban: c
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat Aqila,
”One of the best things you can do is to stay
organized. Keep track of your goals, deadlines,
and responsibilities. Being organized sets
you up for success better than anything
else.” yang artinya ”Salah satu hal terbaik
yang dapat kamu lakukan adalah tetap
teratur. Pantau tujuan, tenggat waktu, dan
tanggung jawabmu. Menjadi terorganisir
membuatmu siap untuk sukses lebih
baik daripada apa pun.”. Dalam kalimat-
kalimat tersebut, Aqila menjelaskan bahwa
menjadi teratur penting untuk masa
depan karena berkaitan dengan
manajemen waktu dan prioritas yang
harus dilakukan. Jadi, pilihan jawaban
(c), yang artinya m e ne ka nka n
pe nt i ngny a manajemen waktu sejak
dini, benar.
12. Jawaban: d
Kalimat Aqila tersebut , yang artinya
”Itu adalah cara superlatif untuk investasi
masa depanmu.”, setelah ia berkata,
”The more you learn and the better you
perform at school, the more opportunities
you’ll have down the road.” yang artinya

4 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas Final 4
Aqila mengatakan kalimat community.”, menunjukkan bahwa alasan
tersebut adalah karena ia Galang menolak tawaran pekerjaan di luar
percaya bahwa belajar dengan negeri adalah rasa empati dan tanggung
giat akan memberi hasil jawabnya untuk mengubah kehidupan
terbaik di masa depan (masa orang-oran g di lingkungannya , yaitu
depan yang cemerlang). anak-anak di dekat rumahnya, menjadi
Jadi, pilihan jawaban (d)
lebih baik. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (d) benar.
16. Jawaban: a
13. Jawaban: e
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat pertama
Jawaban disimpulkan dari
paragraf tiga, ”Galang began on a mission
kalimat Aqila,
to construct a secondary school that would
”Extracurriculars can teach you
provide free education to these underserved
valuable life skills and look great
students with the money he saved for his trip
on college applications.” yang
artinya ”Ekstrakurikule r
dapat mengajarimu
keterampilan hidup yang
berharga dan berhasil saat
mendaftar kuliah.”. Jadi,
pilihan jawaban (e) benar.
14. Jawaban: e
Jawaban disimpulkan dari
kalimat pertama p a r a g r a f
s a t u , ”Galang’ s pat h began
with an extraordinary
accomplishment: a
scholarship to a prestigious
university that recognized his
academic excellence.” y a n g
artinya ”Perjalanan
Galang dimulai dengan
pencapaian luar biasa:
beasiswa ke universitas
bergengsi yang mengakui
keunggulan akademisnya.”.
Ini menunjukkan bahwa
pencapaian awal Galang
yang disebutkan dalam teks
adalah memperoleh beasiswa
untuk kuliah di universitas
bergengsi. Jadi, pilihan
jawaban (e) benar.
15. Jawaban: d
B e rd a s a r k a n k a l im a t
- k a li m a t d i
paragraf tiga, ”Gal an g
t u r n e d dow n the rich offers
because he felt a strong sense of
responsibility and empathy. He
instead made the life-changing
decision to invest in his
4 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas Final 4
overseas.” yang artinya ”Galang memulai wondered how to have glowing,
m i s i n y a u n t u k m e m b a n g u n sekolah healthy skin?” yang
menengah pertama yang menyediakan
pendidikan gratis kepada para peserta
didik yang kurang beruntung ini dengan
uang yang ia tabung untuk perjalanannya
ke luar negeri.”. Hal tersebut
menunjukkan bahwa Galang
memperoleh dana untuk membangun
sekolah tersebut dari hasil
menabungnya. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (a)
17. Jawaban: c
Teks tersebut berbentuk prosedur yang
berisi instruksi perawatan wajah supaya
sehat. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (c) benar.
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah;
(a) berisi urutan kegiatan dalam suatu
acara, (b) berisi pemberitahuan,
(d) berisi resep masakan atau minuman,
dan (e) berisi cara mengoperasikan suatu
18. Jawaban: a
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat pada
langkah kelima, ”Additionally, on the
drier side of your skin, you can use
lightweight face oil.”. Hal tersebut
menunjukkan bahwa langkah tersebut
sebaiknya dilakukan oleh orang-orang
yang mempunyai jenis kulit wajah
kering. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (a) benar.
19. Jawaban: d
HOTS Rutinitas perawatan kulit tersebut
sebaiknya dilakukan saat malam hari
setelah selesai beraktivitas atau sebelum
tidur malam. Hal ini sesuai dengan
kalimat di paragraf terakhir, ”After a long
day, each step serves a role in cleansing,
nourishing, and revitalizing your skin,
allowing you to wake up with a
rejuvenated and bright complexion.” yang
artinya ”Setelah satu hari panjang,
setiap langkah memiliki peran untuk
membersihkan, menutrisi, dan
menyegarkan kulit Anda, yang
m e m b u a t A n d a b a n g u n p a g i dengan
kulit yang baru dan cerah.”. Jadi, pilihan
jawaban (d) benar.
20. Jawaban: e
Jawaban disimpulka n dari kalimat di
paragraf pertama, ”Have you ever

5 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas Final 5
artinya ”Apakah Anda pernah merasa penasaran
cara memiliki kulit yang sehat dan bercahaya?”. Jadi,
orang yang tertarik membaca teks tersebut adalah
mereka yang ingin memiliki kulit wajah sehat,
sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (e).
21. Jawaban: a
Saat muda, Emma sangat menyukai dunia binatang
karena diajarkan dan dituntun oleh orang tuanya.
Hal tersebut dijelaskan oleh kalimat di paragraf satu,
”Her parents instilled in her a deep love of
animals, encouraging her to care for and comprehend
the creatures who shared their home.”. Jadi, pilihan
jawaban (a) benar.
22. Jawaban: c
Emma menjadi konservator satwa liar setelah ia
menyelesaikan pendidikannya, sesuai dengan
kalimat-kalimat di paragraf tiga, ”After graduating
from college with a degree in animal conservation,
she knew she wanted to be a voice for people who
c o u l d n ’ t s p e a k for t h e m s e l v e s . Emma became a
member of the national animal rangers, a group
dedicated to preserving and prot ect i n g endangere d
wildlife.”. Jadi, hal yang membuat Emma mengejar
kariernya sebagai seorang penjaga satwa nasional
adalah gelar pendidikannya pada konservasi
satwa liar, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (c).
23. Jawaban: e
Dari cerita Emma tersebut , kita bisa
menyimpulkan bahwa saat Emma masih a n a k -
a n a k , ia sanga t menyayangi binatang. Setelah
E m m a d e w a s a , i a menjadi seorang penjaga satwa
nasional sebagai dedikasinya terhadap satwa liar.
Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa Emma ingin
menunjukkan semangat seumur hi dupny a unt u k
m e m bua t perbedaan terutama terhadap
kehidupan satwa liar. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (e) benar.
24. Jawaban: b
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat kedua paragraf
satu, ”The soothing lapping of the waves, the salty
breeze ruffling her hair, and the huge expanse of
sand and ocean

5 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas Final 5
all drew her in.” yang artinya ”Deburan wisata secara langsung, dan (e) salah
ombak yang menenangkan, semilir angin karena dilakukan sebelum memutuskan
asin yang mengacak-acak rambutnya, untuk memesan akomodasi, transportasi,
serta hamparan pasir dan lautan yang dan tempat wisata tertentu yang ingin
luas, semuanya menariknya untuk pergi dikunjungi.
ke sana.”. Jadi, hal yang membuat Anita
28. Jawaban: b
tertarik dengan pantai adalah angin
Jawaban disimpulkan dari langkah ketiga,
pantai dan ombak, sesuai dengan pilihan
yaitu memesan akomodasi dan tiket.
jawaban (b).
Setelah memutuskan tujuan dan hal-hal
25. Jawaban: d yang ingin dilakukan, sebaiknya segera
Saat Anita kembali ke pantai pada suatu memesan akomodasi dan tiket
liburan musim panas, ia melihat banyak transportasi agar rencana liburan berjalan
s a m p a h di s e p a n j a n g p a n t a i y a n g ia lancar. Hal tersebut merupakan tindakan
pernah datangi (kalimat di paragraf tiga, pertama dari rencana yang telah disusun.
”The beach that had brought her so much Jadi, pilihan jawaban (b) benar. Pilihan
delight was now ruined by a depressing jawaban yang lain salah; (a) dan (c)
sight: it was filled with debris, a harsh dilakukan setelah memesan akomodasi
reminder of the consequences of human dan transportasi, sedangkan (d) dan (e)
carelessness.”). Jadi, pilihan jawaban (d) dilakukan saat akan berangkat liburan
benar. atau setelah selesai perencanaan
26. Jawaban: d liburan.
Anita membuat kampanye untuk 29. Jawaban: e
m e m be rsi hka n pa nt a i m e l a l u i media HOTS
Pentingnya mempertimbangkan cuaca
sosial. Saat hari bersih-bersih pantai, dan acara di tempat tujuan wisata
banyak orang dari berbagai tempat datang adalah untuk mengantisipasi hal-hal
dan ikut membersihkan pantai tersebut. yang kurang berkenan, misal saat musim
Hal ini sesuai dengan kalimat di paragraf
hujan, sebaiknya membawa payung saat
lima, ”On the appointed day, people from
berkemas. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (e) benar.
various walks of life arrived with gloves,
Pilihan jawaban yang lain bukan alasan
bags, and a common goal.”. Jadi, hasil dari
yan g tepat ; (a ) artiny a menghindari
inisiatif Anita adalah pantai menjadi lebih
larangan bepergian, (b) artinya
bersih dan nyaman dikunjungi (karena
menghemat uang untuk transportasi, (c)
sampah sudah dibersihkan dari pantai),
artinya memesan akomodasi di awal, dan
sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (d).
(d) artinya memastikan Anda memiliki
27. Jawaban: a barang bawaan yang cukup.
Hal yang sebaiknya dilakukan saat hari
30. Jawaban: c
keberangkata n sudah dekat adalah
mengemas barang-barang penting untuk Jawaban disimpulkan dari langkah ketiga,
dibawa saat berlibur. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yaitu meneliti moda transportasi terbaik
(a) benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak dan membandingkan harga, rute, dan
sesuai konteks; (b) salah karena teks waktu perjalanan yang diperlukan. Hal
tersebut menjelaskan bahwa perjalanan tersebut bisa dilakukan dengan membaca
akan menggunakan kendaraan umum u l a s a n k o n s u m e n s e b e l u m n y a yan g
seperti bus, kereta api, atau pesawat, menggunakan jasa moda transportasi atau
(c) salah karena kegiatan ini dilakukan yang telah mengunjungi tempat wisata
saat merencanaka n akomodas i dan tersebut. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (c) benar.
transportasi, (d) tidak bisa dilakukan
karena kita harus mengunjungi

4 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Remedial Test

Choose a, b, c, d, or e for the correct answer. 4. a. Rub b. Put

1. Alya : Did you experience the flood c. Clap d. Raise

that e. Wash
Setya : I didn’t. The floodinhad
lastly happened 5. a. Touch b. Bring
receded when I there. c. Take d. Clean
a. arrive e. Stick
b. arrives
c. arrived 6. a. Check b. Fit
d. am c. Close d. Open
2. arriving
Indah : We. h a t d o y o u t h i n k a b o u t e. Put
7. Read the sentences.
the pollution of this city, off
(1) Firstly, you should unsecure the
compared to your hometown?
battery. (2) After plugging into the
Randy : Well, I think the pollution of this charger, wait until the lights turn green
city is than that of my
for the sign
that it is full.
a. bad b. worse
(3) Now, you can ride your bike
c. very bad d. the again!
worst e. so bad (4) After you get the battery unsecured,
3. Dena : Do you know Lake Toba? plug it into the charger.
Rama : I do. It is the crater (5) Don’t forget to secure the battery
lake in Indonesia. before riding your bike.
a. small b. larger (6) When the battery has been full, slot
c. smaller d. smallest the battery back in.
e. largest The correct arrangement of the sentences
For questions 4 to 6, choose the correct is .
words to complete the text. a. 1–2–5–4–6–3
Wearing a mask is essential when we are in b. 1–5–2–4–6–3
an area with high air pollution. Here are the c. 1–4–2–6–5–3
steps on how to wear a mask properly. d. 1–5–4–6–2–3
• (4) your hands before e. 1–4–5–2–6–3
touching the mask.
This dialog is for questions 8 to 10.
• (5) only the bands or ties to
put it on. Leo : Hi, Riska. Do you know Melati and
• (6) the mask to cover your Isabel Wijsen?
nose, mouth, and chin. Riska : I think I have heard about them. Are
• Then, make sure you can breathe and talk they young environmental activists
comfortably through your mask. from Bali?
• Touch only the bands or ties to take it off. Leo : You are right. They started their Bye-
Bye Plastic Bags campaign when they
• Wash your reusable masks after each
use. were about our age.
karena kita harus mengunjungi Riska : Yup. They inspire us to save our

4 Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas

Leo : By the way, have you ever thought c. Riska and Leo’s recommendation to
about doing something for our save the planet
environment? d. The story of how Riska knew Melati and
Riska : I’ ve n e v e r t h o u g h t a b o u t do ing Isabel Wijsen
something that major. But I start e. R i s k a a n d L e o ’ s a c t i o n s t o c l e a n
small by riding my bike to school the planet from plastics
instead of motorize d vehicles , 9. Who are Melati and Isabel Wijsen?
and I use the electricity wisely.
a. Famous actresses
How about you?
b. Riska and Leo’s idols
Leo : I take small steps too, like reducing
c. Educational activists
the use of plastics. So, I always bring
d. Environmental activists
my own water bottle.
e. Leo and Riska’s teachers
Riska : That’s great!
Leo : Anyway, I need to get going. See you 10. What does Riska do for saving take for
tomorrow, Riska! the environment?
: Seeis you
the tomorrow!
dialog about? a. Carpool with friends
a. The campaign from Melati and Isabel b. Leave lights on at home
Wijsen c. Travel by public
b. The inspiration from Melati and Isabel d. transportation
Wijsen e. Bring her own water bottle
Ride her bicycle to school

This text is for questions 11 to 14.

Source: (October 4, 2023)

50 Pegangan Guru Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas 11B

11. What is the purpose of the text? mission of freeing the sea from trash. At that
a. To entertain the readers time, she was still in her third year of college,
b. To persuade the readers to plant a and her dream of forming DCA is to make
tree c. To tell the readers about the the sea cleaner and more comfortable.
steps on Armed with the knowledge she gained in college
how to plant a and her love for Indonesia’s pristine sea,
Tenia and her friends began to assess the
d. To tell the readers about the tips on problems and needs of the residents of the
how to grow a tree
small islands in the Thousand Islands
e. To relate an experience when planting regarding waste management. They started
a tree by documenting the source of the trash that
12. Why should we not plan t a tree near ended up in the sea and the needs and
a building foundation? challenges faced by island residents in
a. The plant will not have enough water. managing waste. Tenia found that waste
b. The plant will not receive enough processing facilities in the Thousand Islands
sunlight. were severely lacking. Then, she began
c. The plant can break the to seriously work on finding solutions to
building. d. The branches will be this
broken. issue.
e. The root cannot spread well. However, her efforts didn’t go smoothly,
and she faced many obstacles. Many people
13. Why should we tamp the soil around
the tree gently?
underestimated Tenia’s call to preserve the
a. To remove air pockets sea.
b. To make the soil fertile But Tenia and her friends persevered
c. To make branches grow freely and
d. To allow roots to spread well returned
up to their
the sea initial intention
of Indonesia. Thanksof to
the hearts of the public and gained
determinatio n and dedication , they support.
e. To
14. What get enough
should water
we finally do to plant a tree? won
Eventually, DCA was invited to come to
a. Choose the coastal areas of small islands to provide
location b. Water the training to the local youth.
tree Adapted from:
yang-terusik-sampah/ (October 16, 2023)
c. Dig a hole
d. Tamp the soil 15. What is Tenia’s hobby?
e. Remove the tree from its container a. Diving
This text is for questions 15 to b. Swimming
18. c. Shopping
d. Gardening
Swietenia Puspa Lestari, usually called Tenia,
was fond of diving. Her love for diving has e. Doing sports
started since she was a child. She fell in love 16. What inspired Tenia to start DCA (Divers
with diving and ocean activities when her for Cleaner Oceans)?
father was stationed on Thousand Islands,
Jakarta. She often played in the sea and
developed a love
for diving. a. Her passion for marine archaeology
One day, Tenia dived in the sea as usual. b. Her love for underwater caves
Unfortunately , he r enjoymen t of diving c. Her frustration with marine trash
was disturbed by the trash in the sea. Such d. Herinterestinunderwaterphotography
an environmental problem made her upset.
e. The lack of waste processing facilities
It happened again and again. The lack of
on the Thousand Islands
attention and action to address marine trash

issues, especially on small islands, added to Then, she discussed the problem
her frustration. She thought that if not her, with her friends, Together with
who (Divers Clean
clean Action)
it up? If notwith
when? e. Cleaning up

5 Pegangan Guru Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas Remedial 5

her friends, Nesha Ichida and Adi Septiono, 17. What is the primary mission of DCA?
she began to found a. Organizing marine wildlife
conservation programs
b. Promoting underwater
tourism c. Encouraging marine
d. Freeing the sea from trash

... ...
DCA (Divers Clean Action) with the e. Cleaning up

5 Pegangan Guru Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas Remedial 5

18. What did Tenia and her friends previously a. Ways to overcome air pollution
fa c e duri n g t he i r e ffort s t o c l e a n up b. Ways to avoid health issues due to air pollution
the sea?
a. Strong public support
b. Smooth and easy progress
c. Underestimation and obstacles
d. Government’s funding and support
e. A b u n d a n c e o f w a s t e p r o c e s s i n g
This text is for questions 19 to
Air pollution is worse in big cities. To
anticipate health problems due to air
pollution, there are several ways that people
can do, namely:
1. Check the air quality in each area. You
can check air quality using a website or
application on smartphones. Air quality is
seen from the color and index number.
2. Avoid places with high air pollution such
as busy highways or industrial areas
affected by air pollution.
3. Purify indoor air. Use an indoor air
purifier or air filter to reduce exposure to
indoor pollutants.
4. Increase green plants in areas with high
air pollution and around your house.
One of the uses of plants is as an early
indicator of pollution, and also as a
barrier to dust and other particles.
5. Arrange for good air circulation. Ensure
good indoor air circulation by opening
windows or using an effective ventilation
6. Use public transportation such as buses,
trains, LRT, and MRT to reduce air
7. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Maintain
your immune system by adopting a
healthy lifestyle, including consuming
balanced nutritious food (especially
consuming foods rich in natural
antioxidants, such as vegetables, fruit,
and nuts), exercising regularly, and
avoiding smoking.
8. Use a mask if you are in a location with a
high level of air pollution. The
recommended mask is at least a surgical
mask because it can filter pollutant
particles better than cloth masks.
Adapted from:
kesehatan-dari-polusi-udara (October 16, 2023)
DCA (Divers Clean Action) with the e. Cleaning up
19. What is the text about?

5 Pegangan Guru Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas Remedial 5

c. Steps to reduce pollution return to Aceh and get involved in
exposure at home environmental conservation activities.
d. Risks of high air pollution On he r a rri va l i n Ac e h , sh e be ga n t o be
to human health actively involved with the Forest, Nature, and
e. Steps to reduce the risk of lung diseases Environmental Foundation of Aceh (HAkA),
20. Where can you check the a non-profit organization that focuses on land
air quality? and forest governance in Aceh. Her
commitment to fighting against exploitation
a. In an TV live news reports
and expansion that threaten the Leuser
b. In an social media news posts
ecosystem never stopped. Unfortunately, in
c. In an application on smartphones their efforts to protect the forests, Farwiza and
d. In a high building that offers the city view her colleagues often found themselves at odds
e. In an article that is with corporations and the government.
internationally published
21. Why should we avoid living in
an industrial areas?
a. The air is
highly polluted. b.
The areas are
c. The areas are dry.
d. The trees are cut down.
e. The air quality is good enough.
22. What should people wear if
they are in a location with a
high level of air pollution? a.
A pair of gloves b. A pair
of socks
c. A raincoat
d. A shawl e. A
This text is for
questions 23 to 26.
Farwiza has lived in Banda Aceh
since childhood, close to nature.
When the fruiting season
arrived, she enjoyed climbing trees
behind her house. She also loved to
swim in the Batee Iliek River in
Bireuen when visiting her
grandmother. At that time, the river
had very clear water.
Days passed and Farwiza continued
her studies in Malaysia and
Australia. While living in
Australia, Farwiza briefly interned
at a mining company and was even
offered a permanent contract to
work there. After thinking for a
while, she declined the offer
because she witnessed the
environmental damage caused by
mining companies. She decided to ...
DCA (Divers Clean Action) with the e. Cleaning up

5 Pegangan Guru Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas Remedial 5

One day, the community fought against PT 1. Choose an ideal location. The location
Kalista Alam, a company that was involved should be well-drained, easily accessible,
in land burning in Rawa Tripa, Nagan Raya. and receive a good balance of sunlight and
Initially, Farwiza was pessimistic about shade.
winning against the company, but in the 2. Select the right container. The container
end, they succeeded. PT Kalista Alam was should be sufficiently large to accommodate
found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of your compost but still fit comfortably in
IDR366 billion.
the chosen location.
Farwiza and her friends were happy. Their 3. Drill holes in the bottom and on the sides of
fight was not for themselves, but for Aceh and the container to allow for proper airflow.
future generations. Damaging the forest was
4. Place your composter on top of a large
equivalent to damaging the place they lived.
Adapted from:
garbage bag or a weed cloth to keep your
133100782/farwiza-farhan-menjaga-asa-pada-pembangunan- composting process clean and
yang-adil-dan-lestari?page=all (October 16, 2023) manageable.
23. What did Farwiza usually do when visiting 5. Start filling it with organic waste. You can
her grandmother? add a wide range of materials, including
a. Swam in a kitchen scraps like fruit and vegetable
river b. Climbed peelings, coffee grounds, and eggshells,
trees as well as garden waste such as leaves
c. Cleaned a river and small branches. Avoid adding meat,
dairy, or oily foods, as they can attract
d. Played with her friends
pests and slow down the composting
e. Cleaned her grandma’s house process.
24. Why did Farwiza decline the permanent 6. Regularly turn the compost with a pitchfork
job offer from a mining company in or
Australia? a. She preferred to work shoveltoaerateitandspeedupdecomposition
in Indonesia .
b. The company had a bad reputation 27. Why should we drill holes in the compost
c. She didn’t want to return to Aceh a. To keep out pests
d. She was offered a better job elsewhere b. To allow for proper airflow
e. She witnesse d the environmental c. To provide a decorative pattern
damage caused by mining
d. To add stability to the container
25. What was the result of the community’s e. To increase the compost’s temperature

fight against PT Kalista Alam? This text is for

a. PT Kalista Alam was found questions 27 to 30.
Building a compost bin is not as
b. The community gave up their fight
daunting as it may seem. With a
c. PT Kalista Alam was fined IDR366 few easy steps, you can create an
billion efficient composting system right
d. The community suffered a loss in your backyard. Here’s a detailed
e. The government took over the company guide on how to do it.
26. “… and was even offered a permanent
contract to work there.” (Paragraph 2)
What is the antonym of the
a. Fixed
b. Temporary
c. Everlasting
d. Beneficial
e. Profitable

5 Pegangan Guru Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas Remedial 5

28. What materials should not be added to the
compost bin?
a. Coffee grounds and eggshells
b. Small branches and leaves c. Meat,
dairy, and oily foods d. Kitchen scraps
e. Garden waste
29. What should you do regularly to aid
the composting process?
a. Avoid turning the compost
b. Add more meat and dairy products
c. Keep the compost bin in direct sunlight d. Turn
the compost with a pitchfork or
e. Increase the amount of plastic in the
30. “Choose the ideal location.” (Step 1)
What is the synonym of the word ‘choose’?
a. Select b. Decide
c. Determine d.
e. Use Remove

... ...

5 Pegangan Guru Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas Remedial 5

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan
Remedial Test

1. Jawaban: c 5. Jawaban: a
Alya menanyakan peristiwa yang telah Kalimat soal artinya ”… pita atau tali
terjadi. Kejadian pada masa lampau yang saja untuk mengenakan masker.”. Kata
mengikuti kata when dituliskan dengan p e r i n t a h y a n g s e s u a i u n t u k kalimat
bentuk simple past tense. Jadi, kata kerja
tersebu t adalah ’touch’ yang artinya
yang sesuai adalah verb past, yaitu arrived.
sentuhlah. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (a) benar.
Pilihan jawaban (c) benar. Pilihan jawaban
Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai
yang lain salah karena bukan merupakan
verb past. dengan konteks; (b) artinya bawalah,
(c) artinya ambillah, (d) artinya
2. Jawaban: b
bersihkan, dan (e) artinya lekatkan.
Kalimat Randy menggunakan kata than
yang menunjukkan perbandingan. Jadi, 6. Jawaban: b
kata yang tepat untuk melengkapinya Kalimat soal artinya ”… masker untuk
adalah worse yang artinya lebih buruk. menutu p hidung , mulut , dan dagu.”.
Pilihan jawaban (b) benar. Pilihan jawaban Kata perintah yang sesuai untuk kalimat
y a n g l a i n b u k a n m e r u p a k a n bentuk tersebut adalah ’fit’ yang artinya
perbandingan; (a) artinya buruk, (c) dan sesuaikan. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (b)
(e) artinya sangat buruk, dan (d) artinya benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak
paling buruk.
sesuai dengan konteks; (a) artinya
3. Jawaban: e periksalah, (c) artinya tutuplah, (d) artinya
Kalimat Rama artinya ”Ya. Danau Toba bukalah, dan (e) artinya lepaskan atau
adalah danau kawah … di Indonesia.”. Kata tanggalkan.
yang tepat melengkapi kalimat tersebut
berbentuk superlative, yaitu ’largest’ yang 7. Jawaban: c
artinya paling luas. Jadi, pilihan jawaban Kalimat-kalimat acak tersebut
(e) benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain membentuk teks prosedur tentang cara
salah; (a) merupaka n kata sifat, mengisi ulang day a batera i sepeda
sedangkan (b) dan (c) merupakan bentuk listrik . Susunan kalimat yang benar
comparative. Pilihan jawaban (d) adalah pilihan jawaban (c) 1–4–2–6–5–3.
merupakan bentuk superlative, tetapi
tidak sesuai konteks kalimat. 8. Jawaban: b
Di bagian awal percakapan, Riska dan Leo
4. Jawaban: e
membicarakan Melati dan Isabel Wijsen
Kalimat soal artinya ”… tanganmu
(aktivis lingkungan) yang menggalakkan
sebelum menyentuh masker.”. Kata
kampanye terkait kantong plastik. Kedua
perintah yang sesuai untuk kalimat
tersebut adalah aktivis tersebut menginspiras i Riska
’wash’ yang artinya cucilah. Jadi, pilihan dan Leo untuk berbuat sesuatu untuk
j a w a b a n ( e ) b e n a r . P i l i h a n jawaban menyelamatkan bumi. Jadi, percakapan
yang lain tidak sesuai dengan konteks; tersebut tentang inspirasi dari Melati
(a) artinya gosoklah, (b) artinya letakkan, dan Isabel Wijsen, sesuai dengan pilihan
(c) artinya tepuklah, dan (d) artinya jawaban (b). Pilihan jawaban yang lain
angkatlah. t i d a k s e s u a i d e n g a n i s i percakapan;

5 Pegangan Guru Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas Remedial 5

(a) artinya kampanye dari Melati dan menanam pohon. Pilihan jawaban (c)
Isabel Wijsen, (c) artinya rekomendasi benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak
Riska dan Leo untuk melindungi bumi, sesuai dengan isi teks; (a) artinya meng-
(d) artinya cerita Riska mengenal Melati hibur pembaca, (b) artinya meyakinkan
dan Isabel Wijsen, dan (e) artinya pembaca untuk menanam pohon,
tindakan Riska dan Leo menyelamatkan (d) artinya memberi tahu pembaca tentang
bumi dari plastik. tip-tip menanam pohon, dan (e) artinya
9. Jawaban: d menceritakan pengalaman saat menanam
Ketika Riska bertanya, ”Are they young
environmental activists from Bali?” untuk 12. Jawaban: e
meminta konfirmasi tentang Melati dan Langkah pertama menanam pohon adalah
Isabel Wijsen, Leo mengiyakan . Jadi, memilih lokasi yang memungkinkan akar
Melati dan Isabel Wijsen adalah aktivis dapat menjalar dan dahan pohon tumbuh
lingkungan. Pilihan jawaban (d) benar. denga n bebas . Jadi , kit a seharusnya
Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai tidak menanam pohon di dekat fondasi
dengan isi percakapan; (a) artinya aktris banguna n karena akar tidak dapat
terkenal, (b) artinya idola Riska dan menjalar dengan baik. Pilihan jawaban
Leo, (c) artinya aktivis pendidikan, dan (e) benar . Piliha n jawaba n yan g lain
(e) artinya guru Leo dan Riska. tidak sesuai dengan isi teks; (a) artinya
10. Jawaban: e pohon tidak akan mendapatkan cukup
air, (b) artinya pohon tidak akan
Hal yang dilakukan Riska untuk me-
menerima cukup sinar matahari, (c)
nyelamatkan lingkungan adalah naik
artinya tanaman dapat merusak
sepeda ke sekolah. Itu sesuai dengan
bangunan, dan (d) artinya cabang akan
kalimat Riska, ”I’ve never thought about
doing something that major. But I start
small by riding my bike to school instead of 13. Jawaban: a
motorized vehicles, and I use the electricity Pilihan jawaban (a) benar karena sesuai
wisely.” yang artinya ”Saya belum dengan kalimat di langkah kelima,
pernah berpikir melakukan sesuatu yang ”Gently tamp the soil around the tree to
besar. Namun, saya mulai hal kecil remove air pockets.” yang artinya
dengan naik sepeda ke sekolah daripada ”Padatkan tanah di sekitar pohon
naik kendaraan bermotor, dan saya dengan hati-hati untuk menghilangkan
menggunakan listrik dengan bijaksana.”. kantong udara.”. Pilihan jawaban yang
Pilihan jawaban (e) benar. Pilihan lain tidak sesuai dengan isi teks; (b)
jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan artinya membuat tanah subur, (c)
isi percakapan; (a) artinya naik mobil artinya membuat cabang tumbuh
bersama teman-teman, (b) a r t i n y a dengan bebas, (d) artinya membiarkan
meninggalkan rumah dalam akar menyebar dengan baik, dan (e)
k e a d a a n l a m p u m e n y a l a , (c) artinya artinya mendapat cukup air.
bepergian naik transportasi umum, dan
14. Jawaban: b
(d) artinya membawa botol minumannya
Langka h terakhi r menanam pohon
dijelaskan di langkah keenam, ”Water
11. Jawaban: c the tree well and …. Continue to water regularly
Teks tersebut merupakan teks prosedur the first three years after planting, ….” yang
t e n t a n g c a r a m e n a n a m p o h o n . Jadi, artinya ”Sirami pohon dengan baik dan
teks tersebut bertujuan untuk memberi
tahu pembaca tentang langkah-langkah

5 Pegangan Guru Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas Remedial 5

…. Teruslah menyirami air dengan teratur tiga
tahun pertama setelah menanam pohon, ….”. Jadi,
pilihan jawaban (b) benar.

... ...

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Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai 18. Jawaban: c
de nga n i s i t e ks ; (a ) a rt i ny a memilih Awalnya Tenia dan teman-temannya
lokasi , (c) a r t i n y a m e n g g a l i lubang,
mendapa t cibira n da n halanga n dari
( d ) a r t i n y a m e m a d a t k a n t a n a h , dan
masyarakat . Usaha mereka sering
(e) artinya memindahkan pohon dari
diremehkan. Itu diketahui dari kalimat
di paragraf lima, ”However, her efforts
15. Jawaban: a
didn’t go smoothly, and she faced many
Pilihan jawaban (a) sesuai dengan kalimat
obstacles. Many people underestimated
di paragraf satu, ”Swietenia Puspa Lestari,
Tenia’s call to preserve the sea.” yang
usually called Tenia, was fond of diving.”
artinya ”Namun, usahanya tidak berjalan
yang artinya ”Swietenia Puspa Lestari,
biasa dipanggil Tenia, suka menyelam.”. mulus, dan ia mengalami banyak
Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai halangan. Banyak orang meremehkan
dengan isi teks; (b) artinya berenang, seruan Tenia untuk melestarikan laut.”.
(c) artinya berbelanja , (d) artinya Pilihan jawaban (c) benar. Pilihan jawaban
berkebun, dan (e) artinya berolahraga. yang lain tidak sesuai dengan isi teks;
16. Jawaban: c (a)artinyadukunganmasyarakatyangkuat,
Jawaban disimpulka n dari kalimat di (b) artinya perkembangan yang mudah
paragraf dua, ”The lack of attention and dan mulus, (d) artinya pendanaan dan
action to address marine trash issues, dukungan pemerintah, dan (e) artinya
especially on small islands, added to her fasilitas pemrosesan sampah yang sangat
frustration.” yang artinya ”Kurangnya banyak.
perhatia n dan tindaka n terkai t isu
sampah laut, terutama di pulau-pulau 19. Jawaban: b
kecil, menambah frustrasinya.”. Pilihan Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat awal
j a w a b a n (c) b e n a r . P i l i h a n jawaba n teks, ”To anticipate health problems due
yang lain tidak sesuai dengan isi teks; to air pollution, there are several ways that
(a) artinya semangatnya atas arkeologi laut, people can do, namely:” yang artinya
(b) artinya kecintaannya pada gua bawah ”Untuk m e n g a n t i s i p a s i gangguan
laut, (d) artinya ketertarikannya pada kesehatan akibat polusi udara, ada
fotografi bawah laut, dan (e) artinya
beberapa cara yang bisa dilakukan
kurangnya fasilitas pemrosesan sampah di
masyarakat, yaitu:”. Jadi, pilihan jawaban
Kepulauan Seribu.
(b) benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
17. Jawaban: d tidak sesuai dengan isi teks; (a)
Misi utama DCA adalah membebaskan laut artinya cara menanggulangi polusi
dari sampah. Itu disimpulkan dari kalimat
udara, (c) artinya cara mengurangi
di paragraf tiga, ”… she began to found
paparan polusi di rumah, (d) artinya
DCA (Divers Clean Action) with the primary
risiko polusi udara yang tinggi bagi
mission of freeing the sea from trash.” yang
artinya ”… ia (Tenia) mulai mendirikan DCA kesehatan manusia, dan (e) artinya
(Aksi Kebersihan Penyelam) dengan misi langkah mengurangi risiko penyakit paru-
utama membebaskan laut dari sampah.”. paru.
Pilihan jawaban (d) benar. Pilihan 20. Jawaban: c
jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan
Pilihan jawaban (c) benar karena sesuai
isi teks; (a) artinya menyelenggarakan
program konservasi margasatwa laut, (b) dengan kalimat ”You can check air
artinya mempromosikan wisata quality using a website or application on
b a w a h laut, (c) artinya mendorong smartphones.” yang artinya ”Anda bisa
penelitian laut, dan (e) artinya mengecek kualitas udara menggunakan
membersihkan rongsokan kapal. laman atau aplikasi di telepon pintar.”.
a permanent contract to work there. meningkatkan suhu

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Pilihan jawaban yang lain
tidak sesuai dengan teks.

... ...

a permanent contract to work there. meningkatkan suhu

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21. Jawaban: a at a mining company and was
Kita seharusnya menghindari bertempat even offered
tinggal di area industri karena udara
di daerah tersebut sangat tercemar. Itu
disimpulkan dari kalimat ”Avoid
places with high air pollution such as busy
highways or industrial areas affected by air
pollution.” yang artinya ”Hindari
tempat-tempat dengan polusi udara
yang tinggi seperti jalan raya yang padat
atau area industri yang dipengaruhi
polusi udara.”. Jadi, pilihan jawaban
yang benar adalah (a). Pilihan jawaban
yang lain bukan alasan yang sesuai.
22. Jawaban: e
Benda yang seharusnya digunakan ketika
berada di lokasi dengan level polusi
udara yang tinggi adalah masker. Itu
sesuai dengan kalimat ”Use a mask if
you are in a location with a high level of air
pollution.” yang artinya ”Gunakan masker
jika kamu berada di lokasi dengan level
polusi udara yang tinggi.”. Jadi, pilihan
jawaban (e) benar. Pilihan jawaban
yang lain tidak sesuai dengan teks; (a)
artinya sarung tangan, (b) artinya kaus
kaki, (c) artinya jas hujan, dan (d) artinya
23. Jawaban: a
Jawaban sesuai dengan kalimat di paragraf
satu, ”She also loved to swim in the Batee
Iliek River in Bireuen when visiting her
grandmother.” yang artinya ”Ia juga suka
berenang di Sungai Batee Iliek di Bireuen
ketika mengunjungi neneknya.”. Jadi,
pilihan jawaban (a) benar. Pilihan jawaban
yang lain tidak sesuai dengan isi teks;
(b) artinya memanjat pohon, (c) artinya
membersihkan sungai, (d) artinya
bermain dengan teman-temannya, dan
(e) artinya membersihkan rumah
24. Jawaban: e
Pilihan jawaban (e) benar karena sesuai
dengan kalimat di paragraf dua, ”While
living in Australia, Farwiza briefly interned
a permanent contract to work there. meningkatkan suhu

5 Pegangan Guru Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas Remedial 5

thinking for a while, she declined the offer because she
witnessed the environmental damage caused by
mining companies.” yang artinya ”Ketika tinggal di
Australia, Farwiza magang dalam waktu singkat di
perusahaan pertambangan dan ditawari kontrak
permanen untuk bekerja di sana. Setelah berpikir
beberapa saat, Farwiza menolak tawaran
tersebut karena ia melihat kerusakan
lingkungan akibat perusahaa n pertambangan.” .
Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan isi

25. Jawaban: c
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat akhir paragraf
empat, ”PT Kalista Alam was found guilty and ordered
to pay a fine of IDR366 billion.” yang artinya ”PT
Kalista Alam terbukti bersalah dan disuruh
membayar denda 366 miliar rupiah.”. Jadi, pilihan
jawaban yang benar adalah (c). Pilihan jawaban
yang lain tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.

26. Jawaban: b
Kata ’permanent ’ artinya tetap . Kata tersebut
berlawanan makna dengan kata
’temporary’ yang artinya sementara. Jadi, pilihan
jawaban (b) benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain bukan
lawan kata yang tepat; (a) artinya tetap, (c) artinya
abadi/kekal, (d) artinya bermanfaat, dan (e)
artinya menguntungkan.

27. Jawaban: b
Pilihan jawaban (b) benar karena sesuai dengan
langkah ketiga, ”Drill holes in the bottom and on
the sides of the container to allow for proper airflow.”
yang artinya
”Lubangi sisi bawah dan atas wadah untuk
memberikan aliran udara yang baik.”. Pilihan
jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan teks; (a)
artinya untuk mencegah hama, (c) artinya untuk
menyediakan pola dekoratif, (d) artinya untuk
menambah kestabilan wadah, dan (e) artinya

... ...

a permanent contract to work there. meningkatkan suhu

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28. Jawaban: c a pitchfork or shovel to aerate it and speed
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat up decomposition.” yang artinya ”Balik
”Avoid adding meat, dairy, or oily foods, kompos secara teratur dengan garpu
as they can attract pests and slow down rumput atau sekop untuk menginginkan
the composting process.” yang artinya dan mempercepat dekomposisi.”. Pilihan
”Hindari menambahkan daging, produk jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan isi
olahan susu, atau makanan berminyak,
karena mereka dapat menarik hama dan
memperlambat proses pengomposan.”. 30. Jawaban: a
Jadi, pilihan jawaban (c) benar. Pilihan Kata ’choose’ dan ’select’ memiliki makna
jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan isi yang sama, yaitu pilihlah. Jadi, pilihan
teks. jawaban (a) benar. Pilihan jawaban yang
29. Jawaban: d lain tidak memiliki makna yang sama;
Pilihan jawaban (d) benar karena sesuai (b) artinya putuskan, (c) artinya tentukan,
d e n g a n k a l i m a t di l a n g k a h keena m (d) artinya pindahkan, dan (e) artinya
(terakhir), ”Regularly turn the compost with gunakan.

a permanent contract to work there. meningkatkan suhu

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