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SK. No.92/DIKTI/Kep/1996
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Teknologi Industri, Ekonomi, Teknik Sipil & Perencanaaan, Psikologi, Sastra Program
Diploma(D3) Manajemen Informatika, Teknik Komputer, Akuntansi, Manajemen Terakreditasi Program Sarjana(S1)
Sistem Informasi, Sistem Komputer, Informatika, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Industri, Akuntansi, Manajemen,
Arsitektur, Teknik Sipil, Psikologi, Sastra Inggris, Terakreditasi Program Magister(S2) Manajemen Sistem Informasi,
Manajemen, Teknik Elektro Program Doktor(S3) Ilmu Ekonomi, Teknologi Informasi/Ilmu Komputer


Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris 2 Tanggal :…
Fakultas : Ekonomi Waktu : 45 menit
Jenjang / Jurusan : S1/Akuntansi Dosen : Aulia H. Firstiyanti
Tingkat / Kelas : I/ 1EB03 Sifat Ujian : Tutup buku
Semester/Tahun : PTA/ATA – 2020/2021 Juml. Soal : 20

Nama : Nabila Alifia Utami

Kelas : 1EB03

NPM : 21220099

1. Ini adalah lembar soal yang merupakan sekaligus lembar jawaban Anda khusus ujian esai. Dengan
kata lain, file ini lah yang harus Anda submit nanti setelah Anda selesai mengerjakan.
2. Isi nama, kelas, dan NPM sesuai dengan KRS.
3. Terdapat 2 kelompok soal.
a. Perintah pada kelompok soal pertama adalah menentukan apakah termasuk active sentence
atau passive sentence. Apabila active sentence, ubah kalimat tersebut menjadi passive. Apabila
passive, ubah menjadi active.
b. Perintah pada kelompok soal kedua adalah melengkapi bentuk question tag.
4. Kerjakan soal sesuai dengan digit terakhir NPM Anda. Apabila digit terakhir NPM Anda adalah ganjil,
maka kerjakan semua soal ganjil, dan kosongkan semua soal genap, begitu juga sebaliknya.
5. Ganti nama file dengan format (nama lengkap)_(kelas)_(ganjil/genap), contoh: Zac Efron_
1EB03_ganjil, lalu submit setelah Anda selesai.
6. Jangan lupa berdoa dan hindari perbuatan curang seperti bekerja sama dengan peserta ujian lain.
7. Percayalah pada diri sendiri!

Dengan menentukan terlebih dahulu active/passive pada kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini, ubah kalimat pasif
menjadi kalimat aktif, kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif!
Passiv We were given a guided tour of the city. Someone gave us a guided tour of the city.

Kerjakan hanya soal bernomor ganjil jika angka terakhir pada NPM Anda adalah angka ganjil, Kerjakan
hanya soal bernomor genap jika angka terakhir pada NPM Anda adalah angka genap.

1. The police will arrest the robbers. The robbers will be arrested by the police.
2. The snake was killed with a stick.
3. A thief stole my purse. My purse was stolen by a thief.
4. Brian Brody directed The Ultimate Space
5. Google was found by Larry and Sergey. Larry and Sergey found Google.
6. The town was destroyed by an
7. Jim’s bike was stolen by someone last night.
Someone stole Jim’s bike last night. Jim’s bike was stolen last night.
8. Mary invited Paul to her birthday party.
9. People throw away tones of rubbish every Tones of rubbish were thrown away by people
day. every day.
10 They will deliver my computer on
. Monday.
11 I was given an invitation.
. Or
My friend sent me an invitation. An invitation was sent to me by my friend.
. The letter was posted by Alice.
. They are presenting an award now. An award are being presented by them now.
. The trees were blown down by the wind.
. You can see the movie on DVD. The movie can be seen on DVD by you.
16 You will be given a ticket by the
. manager.
. Levi Strauss invented the blue jeans. The blue jeans was invented by Levi Strauss.
. They were interviewing the winners.

She loves me, doesn’t she?

Kerjakan hanya soal bernomor ganjil jika angka terakhir pada NPM Anda adalah angka ganjil, Kerjakan
hanya soal bernomor genap jika angka terakhir pada NPM Anda adalah angka genap.

19. She works for a big company, doesn’t she?

20. The students are going to take a test today, ____________________?
21. Your car is working now, isnt’t it?
22. John has some money, ____________________?
23. Tracy and Bill are getting back together, aren’t they?
24. He can't move any heavy furniture, ____________________?
25. We don’t need any more boxes, do we?
26. We can put some things in storage, ____________________?
27. Jack isn’t buying our bookcases, is he?
28. She needs to disconnect the phone, ____________________?
29. The people aren’t packing the books for us, are they?
30. We can’t turn off the electricity yet, ____________________?
31. She's from a small town in China, isn’t she?
32. They aren't on their way already, ____________________?
33. You are not the person with the tickets, are you?
34. The weather is really bad today, ____________________?
35. They aren't in Mumbai at the moment, are they?
36. Claire likes chocolate very much, ____________________?
37. They need some new clothes, don’t they?
38. She studies very hard every night, ____________________?
39. David and Julie don't take Chinese classes, do they?
40. You often come home late, ____________________?

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