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Cacar Air
Cacar air adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi virus varicella zoster yang menimbulkan
bintik kemerahan di kulit yang menggelembung maupun tidak, melepuh, dan terasa gatal. Masa
inkubasi virus penyebab cacar sekitar 2-3 minggu. Biasanya awal kejadian dengan naiknya suhu

 Cacar air dapat menular melalui kontak langsung dengan penderita. Seperti berjabat
tangan, atau bersentuhan langsung dengan gelembung bintik yang pecah.
 Cacar air juga dapat menular melalui udara. Misalnya, saat penderita cacar bernapas,
bersin, atau batuk dan terhirup oleh udara ke arah kita, kita dapat tertular udara cacar.
 Melalui barang pribadi penderita, seperti pakaian

Cara Pencegahan

 Melakukan vaksinasi cacar air

 Menjaga kebersihan diri sendiri, pakaian, dan lingkungan
 Mengkonsumsi makanan bergizi
 Menghindari sumber penularan cacar air

4. Chicken Pox

Chickenpox is a disease caused by a varicella zoster virus infection that causes reddish spots on the
skin that either swell or not, blister, and feel itchy. The incubation period for the virus that causes
smallpox is around 2-3 weeks. Usually the start of the incident with an increase in body temperature.


• Chicken pox can be transmitted through direct contact with sufferers. Such as shaking hands, or
coming in direct contact with popped freckles.
• Chicken pox can also be transmitted through the air. For example, when someone with smallpox
breathes, sneezes, or coughs and inhales the air toward us, we can catch the smallpox air.
• Through the patient's personal items, such as clothing


• Doing chickenpox vaccination

• Keeping yourself, clothes, and the environment clean
• Consuming nutritious food
• Avoid the source of transmission of ch ickenpox


Nurse: Good morning Ms. Ari. My name is Desi and I’ll be looking after you for this morning.
 (Selamat pagi Nona Ari. Nama saya Desi dan saya akan merawat anda pagi ini.)
Patient: Good morning Ms. Desi.
 (Selamat pagi Nona Desi.)
Nurse: How are you feeling today? 
(Bagaimana keadaanmu hari ini?)
Patient: I’m feeling good. My fever has gone, but I’m a bit weak.
 (Aku merasa baik. Demamku sudah hilang, tapi masih terasa lemas.)
Nurse: Have you eaten yet?
 (Apa kau sudah makan?)
Patient: Yes, I’ve eat this morning and take my medicine.
 (Ya, aku sudah makan pagi ini dan sudah minum obat.)
Nurse: That’s great. Do you feel nausea? 
(Itu bagus sekali. Apa kau merasa mual?)
Patient: Yes, I feel nausea when I’m eating but it’s get better after I take the medicine
. (Ya, aku merasa mual ketika makan tapi sekarang baikan setelah minum obat.)
Nurse: Let’s wait for a day and you will get better. I’ll get you blood preasure first okay?
 (Mari kita tunggu sehari dan kau akan lebih baik. Aku akan mengukur tekanan darahmu
dulu, oke?)
Patient: Yes, please and thanks.
 (Ya, silahkan dan terima kasih.

Schedule in nursing

It,s ight until nine o,clock Pre conference between orphans & PP
• Operants (only patients treated by the team)
It’s theerty minute before ten in the noon • Make the bed
• Implementation according to the strategic plan, among others
- Performing personal hygiene
- Monitor vital signs
- Helping patient fulfillment of nutrition
- Giving medicine
- Taking laboratory examinations
It’s nine thirty to ten thirty o’clock - Infusion treatment
- Changing dressings
It’s nine thirty to ten thirty o’clock Bandage training
- Mobilization exercises

It’s one o'clock in the afternoon untill two in the afternoon • Discussion of the results of the
action with the East Java
• Implementation (continued)
• Train elimination patients
• Participate in patient health education

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