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Elliptical atau Elipsis adalah penghilangan kata atau sejumlah kata dari suatu kalimat
yang bertujuan agar kalimat menjadi lebih pendek dan lebih baik susunannya. Susunan
Elipsis sering digunakan banyak orang baik dalam percakapan maupun dalam bentuk
tulisan. Semua ini ditujukan untuk menyingkat kalimat dan memperindah susunan
kalimat namun tidak merubah makna dan arti sama sekali. Bayangkan kalau kita
membaca sebuah buku dan buku itu berisi kalimat-kalimat yang tidak perlu. Tentu kita
akan bosan membacanya. Oleh karena itu, maka Susunan Elipsis ini penting untuk

Apabila dalam sebuah kalimat positif kita mendapati predikat yang sama, maka kita
sebaiknya menggunakan kata "too" atau "so" yang artinya "juga":

Perhatikan cara menggabungkan beberapa kalimat di bawah ini agar menjadi lebih
singkat dan tersusun rapi, namun tidak merubah arti sama sekali.
He is busy. I am busy
(= He is busy and I am too)
(= He is busy and so am I)
Mary is beautiful. You are beautiful
(= Mary is beautiful and you are too)
(= Mary is beautiful and so are you)
My brother can swim well. You can swim well
(= My brother can swim well and you can too)
(= My brother can swim well and so can you)
Alex buys a new car. Henry buys a news car.
(= Alex buys a new car and Henry does too)
(= Alex buys a new car and so does Henry)
Jack went to Bali yesterday. William went to Bali yesterday.
(= Jack went to Bali yesterday and William did too)
(= Jack went to Bali yesterday and so did William)
Apabila dalam sebuah kalimat negatif kita mendapati predikat yang sama, maka kita
sebaiknya menggunakan kata "either" atau "neither" yang artinya "juga tidak":
Ed doesn't like mango. George doesn't like mango.
(= Ed doesn't like mango and George doesn't either)
(= Ed doesn't like mango and neither does George )
My father won't come there. I won't come there.
(= My father won't come there and I won't either)
(= My father won't come there and neither will I)
She never comes here. He never comes here.
(= She never comes here and he doesn't either)
(= She never comes here and neither does he)
Ada beberapa adverbs of frequency yang dianggap negatif seperti: never
  seldom
  rarely
  few
  hardly
  barely
  scarely
  litlle
  dll
Untuk susunan yang berlawanan, kita dapat menggunakan kata "but" yang artinya
Stephanie is clever. Her sister isn't clever
(= Stephanie is clever but her sister isn't)
She does not have a pen. I have a pen.
(= She does not have a pen but I do)


1. Menghilangkan Subjek dan atau Auxiliary/Modal

Mr. Hunt ate a piece of bread for breakfast and (he) drank a cup of coffee. (= kata "he"
sebaiknya dihilangkan karena tidak perlu pengulangan subjek)
My servant has swept the floor, (my servant has) washed the dishes, and (my servant has)
cooked our lunch. (= "my servant has" selalu berulang-ulang. Oleh karena itu, sebaiknya
To save the time, you should clean the house and Mary (should) cook the meal.
2. Menghilangkan Predikat
I work at school and my wife (works) at a bank.
Jack will visit the church, while Ahmad (will visit) the mosque.

3. Menghilangkan Objek Langsung

Why do you open (the door) and (you) close the door?

Ke 20 contoh tag berikut sangat bagus dipakai untuk bahan latihan dan test grammar.

1. I’m going to be late,  aren’t I?

Saya akan terlambat, bukan?

2. You eat meat, don’t you?

Anda makan daging, bukan?
3. I need to tell you my new address if I move, don’t I?
Saya harus memberitahu Anda alamat baru saya jika saya pindah, bukan?

4. Rob’s sister is cooking tonight, isn’t she?

Adiknya Rob memasak malam ini, bukan?

5. Mr and Mrs Rogers have paid for their tickets, haven’t they?
Mr dan Mrs Rogers telah membayar tiket mereka, bukan?

6. I don’t have to finish my homework, do I?

Saya tidak harus menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah saya, bukan?

7. You’re not feeling well, are you?

Anda tidak merasa baik, bukan?

8. The computer’s broken, isn’t it?

komputernya rusak, bukan?

9. Janet Cook has got two brothers, hasn’t she?

Janet Cook telah mendapat dua bersaudara, bukan?

10. Alev has just got back from Russia, hasn’t he?
Alev telah baru saja kembali dari Rusia, bukan?

11. You live in Swan Street, don’t you?

Anda tinggal di Swan Street, bukan?

12. My car really needs a wash, doesn’t it?

Mobil saya benar-benar membutuhkan mencuci, bukan?

13. Tanya’s party is on Saturday night, isn’t it?

Pestanya Tanya dilaksanakan pada Sabtu malam, bukan?

14. Alan Cole doesn’t like going to the cinema, does he?
Alan Cole tidak suka pergi ke bioskop, bukan?

15. I think the play has already started, hasn’t it?

Saya pikir bermain sudah mulai, bukan?

16. Your dad works in a bank, doesn’t he?

Ayahmu bekerja di bank, bukan?

17. We’re meeting them at 9.15 in the hotel lobby, aren’t we?
Kita akan bertemu mereka di 9.15 di lobi hotel, bukan?
18. Salma visits her mother in Aberdeen every other weekend, doesn’t she?
Salma mengunjungi ibunya di Aberdeen setiap akhir pekan, bukan?

19. You haven’t got change for a fiver, have you?

Anda belom mengganti fivernya, kan?

20. You have read the report, haven’t you?

Anda telah membaca laporannya, bukan?

Combine two following sentences in each number by using Elliptical Structure from the words
in the brackets
1. She finishes the work. I finish the work. (so and too)
2. Anna never sings a Mandarin song. Tina never sings a Mandarin song. (neither and
3. We didn’t climb the tree. They didn’t climb the tree. (neither, and either)
4. Danang came on time. Ditto didn’t come on time. (but)
5. Sinta doesn’t join us. Tommy joins us. (but)
6. Maria is going to buy a ring. I am going to buy a ring. (so and too)
7. We will join the contest. They will join the contest. (so and too)
8. She went home at one. He went home at one. (so and too)
9. The man isn’t working hard. The woman isn’t working hard. (neither and either)
10. Mella cleans the room. Jasmine cleans the room. (so and too)
11. I am sleepy. You aren’t sleepy. (but)
12. I read the book two hours ago. She didn’t read the book two hours now. (but)
13. We get a magazine. She gets a magazine. (so and too)
14. I will watch the film. She will watch the film. (so and too)
15. He is not tired. She is not tired. (neither and either)
16. She has a good house. We have a good house.
17. Tony is playing football. Rudy is playing football.
18. He can speak English well. She can speak English well.
19. They work very hard. She works very hard.
20. He passed the final exam. She passed the final exam.
21. He has many books. They have many books.
22. She had bought a dictionary. He bought a dictionary.
23. She has to study regularly. We study regularly.
24. He is going to study French. They are going to study French.
25. He will have an exam tomorrow. She will have an exam tomorrow.
A.      Combine these sentences by using ‘so’ or ‘neither’!
1.        Ali has a pair of shoes. Rina has a pair of shoes.
2.       The soldiers shoot the bird every morning. The policemen shoot the bird every morning.
3.       I am never absent here. He is never absent here.
4.       They read the newspaper this morning. She read the newspaper this morning.
5.       We rarely speak English in class. They rarely speak English in class.
6.       The cat didn’t eat the mouse. The dog didn’t eat the mouse.
7.       Superman doesn’t help the old woman. Batman doesn’t help the old woman.
8.       You must go home. We must go home.
9.       Last year, Rindi seldom visited me. Last year, Rano seldom visited me.
10.    I have told you why she cried. He has told you why she cried.

B. Combine these sentences by using ‘too’ or ‘either’!

1.        Bakabon is always happy. I am always happy.
2.       The old man hardly walks on the street. The old women hardly walk on the street.
3.       The tiger will run after you. The lion will run after you.
4.       I don’t like him. The monkey doesn’t like him.
5.       He often says that he hates me. They often say that he hates me.
6.       Bon Jovi won’t sing in my birthday party. Ariel won’t sing in my birthday party.
7.       They are looking at the view. She is looking at the view.
8.       I put many books in my cupboard. My sister put many books in her cupboard.
9.       I knew where they live. We knew where they live.
10.    I’ll never believe that you are bad. They’ll never believe that you are bad.
C. Fill in the blanks by using so, too, either and neither.
1.        The cat likes staying in my house and ………….. the mice.
2.       We aren’t listening to the music. The children …………
3.       My brother should study hard. I ……………
4.       Swimming needs a good stamina. ……………. running.
5.       The man who always comes to my house gives me money. The fishermen …
6.       Her mother doesn’t work in a company. …………..their mothers.
7.       Wiwin may dance whatever dance that she wants. ………….. I.
8.       The ant never likes salt. The flies ……….
9.       They pretend to be some doctors. We ……….
10.    Ronaldo, Roberto, Ronaldinho and Suranto weren’t farmers. ……… You.
Question Tags
We use tags in spoken English but not in formal written English.
They are not really questions but are a way of asking the other person to make a comment and so
keep the conversation open.
Making a tag is very mechanical. To make a tag, use the first auxiliary. If there is no auxiliary,
use do, does or did. With a positive sentence, make a negative tag and with a negative sentence,
make a positive tag.
         It's beautiful, isn't it?
         He has been, hasn't he?
         You can, can't you?
         It must be, mustn't it?
         You know him, don’t you?
         He finished it, didn't he?
         He will come, won't he?
         It isn't very good, is it?
         It hasn't rained, has it?
         It can't be, can it?
         Jenny doesn't know James, does she?
         They didn't leave, did they?
         He won’t do it, will he?
Notice these:
         There isn't an ATM here, is there?
         Let's have a cup of coffee, shall we?
To reply, use the same auxiliary:
         It's beautiful, isn't it? ~ Yes, it is. I think it's fabulous.
         It isn't very good, is it? ~ No, it isn't. In fact, it's terrible.
Although, the rules are very simple and mechanical, in order to use them easily in conversation,
they have to be automatic. So you need to hear and practice them very often.
Find the correct questions tags to the sentences on the left.
Example : She is in California right now……………?
Answer : She is in California right now, isn’t she ?
1) He's been to Texas,
2) Dogs like meat,
3) There are some apples left,
4) I'm late,
5) Let's go,
6) Don't smoke,
7) He does sing in the bathroom,
8) He'll never know,
9) I think, he's from India,
10) Lovely day

Put in the correct question tags.

Example: Peter works in the shop, _________ ?

Answer: Peter works in the shop, doesn't he?

1) She is collecting stickers, ?
2) We often watch TV in the afternoon, ?
3) You have cleaned your bike, ?
4) John and Max don't like Maths, ?
5) Peter played handball yesterday, ?
6) They are going home from school, ?
7) Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, ?
8) He could have bought a new car, ?
9) Kevin will come tonight, ?
10) I'm clever, ?

Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.

1. Mr McGuinness is from Ireland,

2. The car isn't in the garage,
3. You are John,
4. She went to the library yesterday,
5. He didn't recognize me,?
6. Cars pollute the environment,?
7. Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently,?
8. The trip is very expensive,?
9. He won't tell her,?
10. Hugh had a red car,?

Tag Questions - Present Simple Put in the correct tag question
1) She’s from a small town in China,?.
2) They aren’t on their way already,?.
3) We’re late again,?.
4) I’m not the person with the tickets,?.
5) Julie isn’t an accountant,?.
6) The weather is really bad today?.
7) He’s very handsome,?.
8) They aren’t in Mumbai at the moment,?.
9) You aren’t from Brazil,?.
10) John’s a very good student,?.
11) I like chocolate very much,?.
12) She doesn’t work in a hotel,?.
13) They need some new clothes,?.
14) We live in a tiny flat,?.
15) She studies very hard every night,?.
16) David and Julie don’t take Chinese classes,?.
Select the best choice of yours. Pay attention to Auxiliary

1. You wanted that, .......... ?    a) would you    b) didn't you    c) wouldn't you    d) do you

2. He saw that .......... ?    a) is he    b) won't he    c) didn't he    d) doesn't he

3. You know that's right .......... ?    a) would you    b) wouldn't you    c) don't you    d) didn't

4. He wil be coming .......... ?    a) is he    b) did he    c) doesn't he    d) won't he

5. After all this time you'd think he'd have forgotten .......... ?    a) didn't you    b) wouldn't
you    c) don't you    d) do you
6. The amount he is suffering from hay fever he needs to see a doctor .......... ?    a) doesn't he
b) did he    c) won't he    d) is he

7. You may think you know the answer but you don't .......... ?    a) don't you    b) would you
c) wouldn't you    d) do you

8. After working so hard he didn't deserve to fail the exam .......... ?    a) doesn't he    b) did he
c) won't he    d) is he

9. You wouldn't report me, .......... ?    a) don't you    b) would you    c) wouldn't you    d) do

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