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Jl. Nakula I No. 5-11, Telp. 024-70793733 Semarang 50131



Pengantar Teknologi
Mata Kuliah : Waktu : 09.45-11-15 (90 Menit)
Hari/Tanggal : Sifat : Online
Kelompok : E11102 Dosen : Zaenal Arifin, M.Eng

1. Berikan contoh pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dalam kehidupan sehari – hari!

(Minimal 3) 10%
2. Jelaskan manfaat komputer baik di rumah, kantor, maupun sekelohan! (sertakan contoh
aplikasi yang digunakan) 10%
3. Jelaskan tipe – tipe website serta berikan contoh dari jenis website tersebut! 10%
4. Tentukan pernyataan berikut BENAR / SALAH, jika SALAH koreksilah. 15%
a. A chat room is a location on an Internet server that permits users to chat with
each other.
b. An e-mail address is a combination of a user name and an e-mail program that
identifies a user so that he or she can receive Internet e-mail.
c. FTP uses the Internet (instead of the public switched telephone network) to
connect a calling party to one or more called parties.
d. VoIP enables users to subscribe to other users over the Internet

5. Jelaskan dan berikan contoh bentuk software aplikasi! 15%

6. Tentukan pernyataan berikut ini TRUE or FALSE:
a. All Web application hosts provide free access to their software.
b. Computer-based training is a type of Web-based training that uses Internet
technology and consists of application software on the Web.
c. E-mail and Web browsers are examples of communications software that are
considered application software.
d. Legal software is a simplified accounting program that helps home users and
small office/home office users balance their checkbooks, pay bills, track
investments, and evaluate financial plans.
e. Personal DTP software is a popular type of image editing software that allows
users to edit digital photos.
7. Jelaskan bagian – bagian dari unit computer! 10%
8. Komponen/modul apakah yang umumnya berada di motherboard! 10%
9. Berikan contoh penjelasan spesifikasi unit computer! 10%
10. Jelaskan dan berikan contoh dari tipe – tipe memory pada computer! 10%

Diperiksa oleh : Koordinator Mata Kuliah Disahkan oleh : Kaprodi Teknik Elektro

Nama : Zaenal Arifin, M.Eng Nama : Dr. M Ary Heryanto, M.Eng

Tanggal : 29 Oktober 2021 Tanggal :
Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

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